Lecture 2.2 Drift Current Formalism
Lecture 2.2 Drift Current Formalism
Lecture 2.2 Drift Current Formalism
• To compute current through a device, we must know how Charge carriers will
undergo collisions with the lattice and the impurity atoms in the presence of electric
and/or magnetic fields.
• Mobility of the charge carriers moving through the lattice will get changed under the
E/ B field.
• These collision and scattering processes depend on temperature, which affects the
thermal motion of the lattice atoms and the velocity of the carriers.
Lattice Scattering:
All lattice atoms vibrate due to
temperature and can scatter carriers due
to collisions.
• Hence, the mobilities due to two or more scattering events add inversely:
𝟏 𝟏 𝟏
= +
𝝁 𝝁𝟏 𝝁𝟐
Effect of Doping
• Mobility also decreases with increasing doping, since the ionized impurities scatter
carriers more!
• If px is the x-component of the total momentum of the group, then the force of
the field on the n electrons/cm3 is
-nq𝐄𝐱 =
𝐝𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝
• In steady state, this acceleration is just balanced by the deceleration due to the
• Thus, while the steady field Ex does produce a net momentum p-x , for steady
state current flow, the net rate of change of momentum must be zero when
collisions are included.
• Note: the collision processes are totally random, thus, there is a constant
probability of collision at any time for each electron.
Dr. Gargi Raina VIT Chennai
• Consider a group of N0 electrons at time t = 0, and define N(t) as the number of
electrons that have not undergone a collision by time t
• The rate of decrease of N(t) at any time t is proportional to the number left
unscattered electrons at t, i.e.
where is the constant of proportionality
and 𝒕 represents the mean time between scattering events, called the mean free time.
• The probability that any electron has a collision in time interval dt is dt/ 𝑡 , thus, the
differential change in momentum due to collisions in time dt is
• For steady state, the sum of acceleration and deceleration effects must be zero,
• The average momentum per electron (averaged over the entire group of electrons)
• Thus, as expected for steady state, the electrons would have on the average
constant net velocity in the -x-direction
This speed is referred to as the drift speed, and, in general, it is usually much smaller
than the random speed due to thermal motion
• This is the familiar Ohm's law with being the conductivity of the sample
(in ), and it describes the ease with which electrons drift in the material.
• The mobility can also be expressed as the average drift velocity per unit electric field,
thus mobility with the negative sign denoting a positive value for mobility since electrons
drift opposite to the direction of the electric field.
• On the other hand, for predominantly n-type or p-type samples, respectively the first
or the second term of the above equation dominates.
Note: both electron and hole drift currents are in the same direction, since holes (with
positive charges) move along the direction of the electric field, and electrons (with
negative charges) drift opposite to the direction of the electric field.
• Motion of electrons in a lattice is not the same as that for a free electron due
to the interaction with the periodic potential of the lattice.
• To still be able to treat these particles as "free", the rest mass ‘m0’of electron
has to be changed to Effective Mass ‘m*’.
• The calculation of effective mass takes into account the shape of the energy
bands in three-dimensional k-space, taking appropriate averages over the
various energy bands.
𝒎∗ = 𝟐
𝒅 𝑬/𝒅𝒌𝟐
Note: In general, the effective mass is a tensor quantity, however, for parabolic
bands, it is a constant.
Dr. Gargi Raina VIT Chennai
• Thus, the effective mass is an inverse function of the
curvature of the E-k diagram:
• Thus Valence band electrons with negative charge and negative mass move in an
electric field in the same direction as holes with positive charge and positive mass.
• Thus, the charge transport in the valence band can be fully accounted for by
considering hole motion alone.
Dr. Gargi Raina VIT Chennai
• Since GaAs has a strong curvature of the E-k diagram at the bottom of the conduction
band, the electron effective mass in GaAs is very small the electron mobility in GaAs
is very high since is inversely proportional to .
• The other parameter in the mobility expression, i.e., 𝒕 (the mean free time between
collisions) is a function of temperature and the impurity concentration in the
• For a uniformly doped semiconductor bar of length L, width w, and thickness t, the
Resistance R of the bar can be given by