Week 3 - Affixation - Handout
Week 3 - Affixation - Handout
Week 3 - Affixation - Handout
Match the following prefixes with their meanings. Give at least two examples for each
Put the given suffixes into the correct groups. Give at least 2 examples for each suffix.
ancy (vacancy)
Affixation Exercises
1. Circle the best available answer for each of the following:
1) This newspaper is a BIWEEKLY.
a) the newspaper is published once a week
b) the newspaper is published three times a week
c) the newspaper is published twice a week
2) This medicine is a nasal DECONGESTANT.
a) the medicine helps to reduce nasal congestion
b) the medicine causes nasal congestion
c) the medicine makes your nose bigger
3) That shopping bag is REUSABLE.
a) throw the shopping bag away, we won’t need it again
b) don’t throw away the shopping bag because we can use it again.
c) if you throw the shopping bag we cannot use it again
4) I’m sorry I MISREAD the notice and therefore MISUNDERSTOOD the message.
a) Did not read the notice correctly and therefore did not understand correctly.
b) Read the notice and understood the message correctly
c) Did not read the notice and therefore did not understand the message.
5) We usually do not publish articles we don’t PREVIEW.
a) we usually read articles before publication
b) we do not read articles after publication
c) we read articles the day we publish them
6) REFORESTATION will help to RESTORE our environment.
a) planting trees again will make our environment better.
b) cutting down trees will further help to worsen the environment.
c) forests should be cut to improve the worsening environmental pollution
7) DEFORESTATION will cause environmental DEPLETION.
a) Means planting trees will help our environment from DEPLETION
b) Means cutting down trees will cause further environmental DEPLETION
c) Means too many forests will cause further environmental DEPLETION
8) Why is it called “OCTOBER” when it is not the eighth month of the year?
a) Because this is an exception with the OCTO prefix.
b) There is no reason why.
c) Because October used to be the eighth month of the Roman Calendar.
2. He’s far from being polite while his wife is too polite.
in re
1. Floppy disks are expensive and useable.
ma l sur
2. If a printer functions, you should check the face cable.
3. The printer was not working because someone had connected it by mistake.
Im im
4. proper installation of the glare shield will make it possible to read what is on the screen.
5. After you use text using the 'cut and paste' feature, you may have to format the text you have
opti multi bi
6. You can mize your chances of finding a job if you are lingual or even lingual.
ir re
7. As the results are regular, the programme will have to be written.
8. You shouldn't eat so much junk food. It's very healthy.
4. Add in/ ir/ il/ im to the words below to make them negative.
6. Put the word in brackets into the correct form. You will have to use prefixes and/or suffixes.