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Science 9 - Q2 - Mod4 - CARBON ATOM A UNIQUE ONE - VerFinal

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Quarter 2- Matter
Module 4: Carbon Atom:
A Unique One

CO_Q2_Science 9_ Module 4
Science – Grade 9
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 2: Matter - Module 4: Carbon Atom: A Unique One
First Edition, 2020

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Reviewers: Aurora T. Alcazar, Anthony D. Angeles, Lonida A. Caiña,
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Quarter 2- Matter
Module 4: Carbon Atom:
A Unique One
Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear learners,
can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions, directions,
exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-
step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each

SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if you
need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of
the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer the post-test to self-check
your learning. Answer keys are provided for each activity and test. We trust that you
will be honest in using these.

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are also
provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how they can
best help you on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part
of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and tests. And
read the instructions carefully before performing each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the
tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.

Thank you.
What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
master Carbon Atom: A Unique One. The scope of this module permits it to be used
in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse
vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard
sequence of the course, but the order in which you read them can be changed to
correspond with the textbook you are now using.

The module focuses on achieving this learning competency:

Explain how the structure of the carbon atom affects the type of bonds
form. (S9MT-IIg-h-17)

After going through this module, you are expected to:

- discuss why carbon is a unique atom;

- differentiate organic from inorganic compounds; and,
- recognize the importance of organic and inorganic compounds in human

1 CO_Q2_Science 9_ Module 4
What I Know

Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following statement best describes organic compound?

A. Organic compounds are composed mainly of carbon and hydrogen.
B. Organic compounds are compounds that contain carbon atoms only.
C. Organic compounds are compounds that are produced by living things.
D. Organic compounds are compounds that contain carbon and oxygen only.

2. How do carbon atoms form many organic compounds?

A. By attracting other elements toward themselves to form bond
B. By sharing their electrons with other metal and non-metal elements
C. By transferring their electrons to the atoms of surrounding elements
D. By forming mainly bonds with other carbon atoms and other elements

3. How many number of bond/s the carbon atom can form?

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

4. CH4 is methane, what type of compound is this?

A. inorganic B. organic C. reactive D. a crystal

5. Which are TRUE about organic compounds?

I. Organic compounds contain calcium.
II. Organic compounds contain carbon.
III. Organic compounds can be produced by living organisms.
IV. Organic compounds can be produced artificially.
A. I, II and III only C. II and III only
B. I and III only D. II, III and IV only

6. Why are carbon atoms able to form many organic compounds?

A. Carbon atoms attract electrons from other atoms.
B. Carbon atoms have strong attraction to other elements.
C. Carbon atoms can form many types of bonds with other carbon.
D. none of the above

7. Which of the following best describe inorganic compounds?

A. It contains carbon and hydrogen atom.
B. It does not contain carbon and hydrogen atom.
C. It can either be A or B.
D. None of the given.

8. Which of the given compound is organic?

A. HBr B. C8H18 C. NO2 D. CuSO4

2 CO_Q2_Science 9_ Module 4
9. Which of the given compound is inorganic?
A. CH3OH B. CaO C. C8H18 D. C18H36O2

10Which of the following components makes the carbon atom a unique one?
A. valence electron C. strength
B. bond D. all of the above

3 CO_Q2_Science 9_ Module 4
Carbon Atom: A Unique
1 One
In the previous module, you have learned about ions and how they are formed.
In this module, you will learn about the nature of carbon atom. You are going to
figure out what is the difference between organic and inorganic compounds.
Here are some key questions for you to ponder after finishing this module:

1. Why carbon is a unique atom?

2. What is the difference between organic and inorganic compounds?
3. What are the types of organic compounds?
4. What are the characteristics of inorganic compounds?

What’s In

Let’s recall your understanding in concepts of Chemical Bond. Supply the

correct letter to determine what is being described in the given statement. Write
your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. This type of bond involves the

transfer of electrons from one I N C B N
atom (usually a metal) to another
(usually a nonmetal)

2. This atom loses electron and A T O

becomes positively charge ion

3. This atom loses electron and

becomes negatively charge ion

4. This type of bond involves

sharing of valence electrons C V L N B N

4 CO_Q2_Science 9_ Module 4
What’s New
Hi student! This is teacher Yhel. We’re both
working from home, but this can’t stop us from
discovering new concepts! Today, we will
discover why carbon is unique among atoms.
Below is a table listing the characteristics that
make the carbon atom unique.

Carbon Atom: A unique one

Carbon atoms’ four valence electrons can be shared by different
particles that have electrons to share, consequently framing
covalent (shared-electron) bonds. They can even be shared by
Valence Electron
other carbon particles, which can also impart electrons to other
carbon molecules, etc., framing long strings of carbon atoms that
cling to one another like links in a chain.

Carbon atom has the ability to form long carbon-to-carbon

chains. It can tie with one another in straight chains, yet in
complex branching, similar to the parts of a tree. These can even
join "head-to-tail" to make rings of carbon particles. There is
Bond Length
basically no restriction to the number or unpredictability of the
branches or the quantity of rings that can be connected to carbon
atom, and hence no restriction to the quantity of various particles
that can be shaped.

The carbon–carbon single bond is a sigma bond and is formed

between one hybridized orbital from each of the carbon atoms.
Sigma bonds are the strongest kind of covalent bond. They are
framed by head-on overlapping between nuclear orbitals. Sigma
bonding is mostly characterized for diatomic atoms utilizing the
language and tools of symmetry groups.

It can impart not just one electron to another atom to form a

single bond, it can likewise share two or three electrons, framing
Multiple Bond a double or triple bond. This makes for countless possible bond
Formation blends at better places, making huge number of various potential
molecules. Furthermore, a particle that varies by even one atom
or one bond position is a molecule of a different compound.

5 CO_Q2_Science 9_ Module 4
What is It

Organic Compound
Organic compounds are group of compounds that contain the element carbon
and hydrogen. It consistently contains carbon with other different elements that are
required for living creatures to work. Carbon is the key component since it has four
electrons in an external electron shell that can hold eight electrons. Subsequently, it
can form numerous kinds of bonds with other carbon molecules and components;
for example, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorous, sulfur, and halogens
(fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and iodine). Hydrocarbons and proteins are genuine
example of organic compounds that can form long chains and complex structures.

The organic compounds comprised of these particles are the bases for
chemical reaction in the cells of plants and creatures – responses that give the vitality
for discovering food for reproduction and for the various processes important for life.

Types of Organic Compounds and Its Characteristics

The four kinds of organic compounds are hydrocarbons, lipids, proteins and
nucleic acids, and they perform various functions in a living cell. While numerous
organic compounds are not polar particles and in this way don't dissolve well in the
water of a cell, they frequently disintegrate in organic compounds. For instance, while
carbohydrates, such as sugar, are marginally polar and dissolve in water, fats don’t.
However, fats break down in other natural solvents, for example, ethers. When in
solution, the four kinds of organic compounds interact and form new compounds as
they come inside a living tissue.

1. Carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are biochemical that is made of one or more

simple sugar molecules. Living things use carbohydrates as an energy source.
2. Lipids. Lipids are biochemical that does not dissolve in water. Fats, oils, and
waxes are examples of lipids. One of the functions of lipids in living things is
to store energy.
3. Proteins. Proteins are huge molecules with complex structures that permit
them to take on significant functions in organic chemical reactions. It is
usually present in animal products, though it also exists in other sources,
such as nuts and legumes. Proteins do most of the work in cells and are
essential for the organization, function, and regulation of the body's tissues
and organs.

4. Nucleic Acids. Nucleic acids are the chief information-carrying molecules of

the cell. The term nucleic acid is the overall name for DNA and RNA. They lead
the development of protein synthesis and control the inherited characteristics
of every living thing.

6 CO_Q2_Science 9_ Module 4
Inorganic Compound
An inorganic compound is a compound that does not contain both carbon
and hydrogen. A great many inorganic compound do contain hydrogen atoms, such
as water (H2O) and the hydrochloric acid (HCl) produced by your stomach. In
contrast, only a handful of inorganic compounds contain carbon atoms. Carbon
dioxide (CO2) is one of the few examples.

Characteristics of Inorganic Compounds

Inorganic compounds contain some kind of metal (alkali, alkaline, transition

and so forth.), they will in general have the capacity to conduct electricity. For
instance, while in the solid stage, inorganic compounds are poor conductor of
electricity. In any case, in the liquid state, inorganic compounds are profoundly
conductive. In this stage, inorganic compounds' electrons can move uninhibitedly,
and this development of electrons is noted as electricity.

Because of ionic bonding commonly found in inorganic compounds, they are

held together tightly and have extremely high melting and boiling points. Another
remarkable quality of inorganic compounds is their color. Transition metal inorganic
compounds, in any event, sitting on a seat top, are generally profoundly colored, and
this is, once more, because of the arrangement of the 'd-block’s' electrons. The
brilliant and delightful hues are sees when firecrackers explode is because of the
inorganic metal (generally an alkali or alkaline one) present in the compound. Since
inorganic compounds show a special color when consumed, this can be utilized as a
'marker' to recognize the metal involved. Likewise, inorganic compounds are
normally highly soluble in water. In other words, they can 'vanish' when put into
water since they will basically dissolve. One more uncovering quality of inorganic
compounds is their capacity to form crystals.

7 CO_Q2_Science 9_ Module 4
What’s More

Activity 1: Complete Me
Complete the diagram below by describing the characteristics of carbon atom
that makes it a unique one. Write your answer on separate sheet of paper.

Activity 2: Getting to Know

A. Choose the element that comprises the given organic compound by checking the
appropriate box. Write your answer on separate sheet of paper.

Organic Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen Nitrogen Phosphorus

Nucleic Acid

B. Determine the type of organic compound being described by set of phrases

below. Write your answer on separate sheet of paper.

Carbohydrates Lipid Protein Nucleic Acid

__________1. Stores genetic code

__________2. Used for building and support bone and muscle tissue
8 CO_Q2_Science 9_ Module 4
__________3. DNA and RNA

__________4. Composed of Nucleotides

__________5. Main foundation of energy of living things

Activity 3: Inorganic Search

Analyze the composition of the given formula below then encircle all the
inorganic compounds. Write your answer on separate sheet of paper.


C8H18 HF SO3


MnCl2 KCl NH3



Activity 4: My Own Identity

Fill out the needed data to differentiate organic from inorganic compounds.
Write your answer on separate sheet of paper.

Characteristics Organic Compounds Inorganic Compounds


Physical State
(room temp)

Melting Point

Is it soluble in water?


9 CO_Q2_Science 9_ Module 4
Activity 5: Where do I Belong?
Classify the given compounds below by putting it each compound in the
appropriate box. Write your answer on separate sheet of paper.

Benzamide Ascorbic Acid

(C7H7NO) (HC6H7O6)

Hypophosphorous acid Calcium chloride

(H3PO2) (CaCl2)

Acetic acid Sodium sulphite

(C2H4O2) (Na2SO3)

Sulfuric Acid Chloral

(H2SO4) (C2HCl3O)

10 CO_Q2_Science 9_ Module 4
What I Have Learned

Determine the word that correctly completes the statement. Write your answer
on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Carbon atom is a unique type of atom. It is being distinguished through is

remarkably different _____________________, _____________________,
_____________________ and it ability to have multiple bond formation.
2. The carbon–carbon single bond is a _____________________ bond and is formed
between one hybridized orbital from each of the carbon atoms.
3. Organic compounds are type of compounds that contain _____________________
and _____________________. It can be hydrocarbon, lipid, protein and nucleic acid.
4. _____________________ are compound that do not contain both carbon and
5. Inorganic compounds have the capacity to _____________________, have extremely
_____________________ and _____________________, remarkable quality of color,
highly soluble in water and are able to form crystals.

11 CO_Q2_Science 9_ Module 4
What I Can Do

Organic Compound Poster Project

Make an informational poster that describes the exceptional properties of the
organic compounds such as proteins, carbohydrates, lipids that contain carbon and
different components, for example, hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, nitrogen, or
sulfur. Include the following components:
✔ Select one of the following organic compounds to explore: proteins,
carbohydrates, or lipids.
✔ Recognize which components are in your chosen compound-carbon.
✔ Provide at any rate 6 examples of your organic molecules.
✔ Give a clarification of why they are essential to mankind.
✔ Think of your own title
✔ Include your name and section in front of your poster.
✔ You may utilize your reading material, class notes, and so forth to
help you in your research. Be bright and inventive.
✔ Materials to be used can be pictures (from magazines) and drawings
where suitable.
✔ Put your poster in a short bond paper

12 CO_Q2_Science 9_ Module 4

Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Which components makes the carbon atom a unique one?

A. valence electron C. strength
B. bond D. all of the above
2. Which statement best describes inorganic compound?
A. Inorganic compounds are compounds do that not contain carbon and
B. Inorganic compounds are compounds that do not contain carbon atoms
C. Inorganic compounds are compounds that produced by living things.
D. Inorganic compounds are compounds that contain carbon and oxygen
3. What type of compound is this C6H12O6 commonly known as table sugar?
A. inorganic B. organic C. reactive D. a crystal
4. Which of the given compound is NOT an inorganic compound?
A. HBr B. C8H18 C. NO2 D. CuSO4
5. Which of the given compound is NOT an organic compound?
A. CH3OH B. CaO C. C8H18 D. C18H36O2
6. Which of the best describes organic compound?

A. It contains carbon and hydrogen atom.

B. It does not contain carbon and hydrogen atom.
C. It can either be A or B.
D. None of the given
7. Which of the following are types of organic compound?

A. lipids C. nucleic acid

B. protein D. all of the above

8. Which of the following are the main compositions of organic compound?

A. carbon and hydrogen

B. carbon and oxygen
C. oxygen and hydrogen
D. carbon, hydrogen and oxygen
9. Which of the following has the highest melting and boiling point?
A. inorganic B. organic C. lipid D. protein

10. Which of the following characteristics best describe inorganic compound?

A. remarkable quality of color C. can able to form crystals

B. highly soluble in water D all of the above
13 CO_Q2_Science 9_ Module 4
Additional Activities

Put a check mark (/) on the appropriate box to tell whether the given
compound is organic or inorganic compound. Write your answer on a separate sheet
of paper.

Organic Inorganic
Compound Compound











14 CO_Q2_Science 9_ Module 4
Answer Key

15 CO_Q2_Science 9_ Module 4
16 CO_Q2_Science 9_ Module 4
17 CO_Q2_Science 9_ Module 4
18 CO_Q2_Science 9_ Module 4

Alvarez, Liza A., Dave G. Angeles, Hernan L. Apurada, Ma. Pillar P. Carmona,
Oliver A., Lahorra, Judith f. Marcaida, Ma. Regaele A. Olarte. Science 9
- Learner's Module. DepEd - Instructional Materials Council Secretariat
(DepEd-IMCS). Pasig city: FEP Printing Corporation, 2014.

Kitchiner, J. 2018. “Elements and Electron Configuration.” Accessed January
16, 2020. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/elements-and-

19 CO_Q2_Science 9_ Module 4
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education - Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR)

Ground Floor, Bonifacio Bldg., DepEd Complex

Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, Philippines 1600

Telefax: (632) 8634-1072; 8634-1054; 8631-4985

Email Address: blr.lrqad@deped.gov.ph *


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