Building and Enhancing Learning
Building and Enhancing Learning
Building and Enhancing Learning
Ed. 109
g and
1|Building and Enhancing Learning
I. Instructions:
1. Read the module, follow all directions and answer the activities provided.
2. For questions, go to your private page, group chat or send a private message to
your instructor.
II. Overview:
This course introduces the concepts of new literacies in the 21st century as evolving social
phenomena and shared cultural practices across learning areas. The 21st century literacies
shall include (a) globalization and multi-cultural literacy, (b) social literacy, (c) media
literacy, (d) financial literacy, (e) cyber literacy /digital literacy, (f) eco-literacy and (g) arts
and creativity literacy. Field based-interdisciplinary explorations (ex. observation in
mathematics, Field Studies) and other teaching strategies shall be used to develop PSTs’
teaching skills to promote learners’ literacy, and critical and creative thinking skills. Pre-
service teachers shall develop skills in using appropriate teaching strategies and resources,
including the positive use of ICT, to address learning goals.
IV. Discussion
Definitions of traditional literacies
Part 1.
A. Traditional Literacy
The ability to access and express information through both reading and writing is vital in the
field of chemistry for many reasons. First, and most importantly for the field of education,
much of the subject matter that students will be expected to learn will be “taught” to them
from a textbook. What this really means is that students will have to take responsibility for
their own learning, both in and beyond high school, by making meaning from text. Second,
students will need to be able to give voice to their own thoughts and demonstrate an
understanding of material through writing. On an immediately practical level, this will be
necessary for students to display their level of comprehension to their teachers. In the larger
picture, being able to communicate clearly with others is necessary in order to succeed in the
sciences because so much of today’s research is conducted in a cooperative manner. Even more
basic, the application of the scientific method itself requires clear communication so that
experiments can be repeated and results reliably conveyed to others. The third reason why
students need to be literate with scientific text is to make informed decisions concerning both
public policy and their personal lives. Throughout their adult lives, our students will be
In order to incorporate traditional literacy into the classroom, teachers must be aware of
several aspects of its instruction. First and foremost, the goal of employing reading and writing
strategies must be to gain content knowledge, and not simply to improve reading and writing.
Students should read only when they are going to use the information that they learn. In other
words, students should be reading to learn as much as they should be learning to read (Jetton,
2004, p. 285). This use of literacy skills adds an authentic quality to the instruction, and in so
doing avoids the potential pitfall of students feeling like they are learning discreet skills that are
independent from subject matter. So long as it is paired with appropriate scaffolding such as
vocabulary instruction, this can be a very effective use of reading assignments. As stated
earlier, it is the understanding that follows from literacy that is the end goal, and so students
must be taught how to think about their own reading process as it is occurring. This skill is
referred to as metacognition. It can be difficult to teach through direct instruction, but teacher
modeling can be very effective: “it shows students metacognition in action, as the teacher
considers out loud which strategy may be employed to solve the current comprehension
challenge” (Jetton, 2004, p. 168).
Perhaps the most important reason why traditional literacy skills should be taught in a
chemistry classroom is that they should be reinforced to our students regularly and often,
throughout their school day and throughout their school year. Traditional literacy is not a
“chemistry skill”, or a “math skill”, or even an “English skill”. Instead, it’s a life skill. Success in
any field demands the ability to communicate effectively, because no amount of knowledge,
ability, or understanding will be enough to compensate for isolation from one’s peers. We are
human, and that means that we make progress by relying on, and contributing to, the work of
others. In order to allow our students to participate in this endeavor, we must equip them with
the basic skills of traditional literacy.
B. Functional Literacy
Functional literacy refers to the practical skill set needed to read, write, and do math for real-
life purposes, so people can function effectively in their community. This definition comes from
the United National Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, or UNESCO, an
international agency that researches education, science, and communication.
n the U.S., functional literacy is assessed by the National Assessment of Adult Literacy,
or NAAL. NAAL is put together every few years by the National Center for Education Statistics, a
research division of the Institute of Education Sciences in the Department of Education. This
research classifies literacy according to four levels:
1) Below Basic Literacy: reading and writing words and numbers in very simple documents.
Examples: locating easily identifiable information on a chart; signing a form; adding a dollar
amount to a deposit slip.
2) Basic Literacy: performing simple skills to understand short texts.
Examples: reading a pamphlet; using a TV guide; comparing ticket prices.
3) Intermediate Literacy: performing challenging skills to understand long texts.
Functional literacy, however, is about much more than getting a job. It’s also about preserving
skills our whole society needs to function. If we don’t have individuals with mathematical
knowledge, reading and writing skills, or analytical abilities, we won’t have functioning
businesses, governments, or communities. In other words, we need functional literacy to have
a functional society.
Consequently, functional illiteracy will mean living in a dysfunctional society, as satirized by the
movie Idiocracy.
Early literacy is what children know about reading and writing before they can actually read and
write. Early literacy skills are the roots of reading success -- and it is never too early to plant the
Children prepare to read long before they enter school. In fact, early literacy skills begin to
develop right from birth. A child's positive early experiences with books and language lay the
foundation for success in learning to read. Using the five early literacy practices listed below,
there is so much you can do to help build reading readiness.
TALKING with you helps children learn! Whether your child is babbling or speaking words, the
more you respond the more they will learn.
PLAYING pretend helps children think symbolically. This helps them understand that spoken
and written words can stand for real objects and experiences.
Read, speak, sing to your baby: How parents can promote literacy from birth - Caring for
Kids, Canadian Pediatric Society
A practical page with tips for what caregivers can do to promote early literacy. It
includes a table - broken down by age from 0-24 months - about how to use books and
their own interactions to support early literacy.
Part 2.
Multicultural Literacy consists of the skills and ability to identify the creators of knowledge
and their interests (Banks, 1996), to uncover the assumptions of knowledge, to view
knowledge from diverse ethnic and cultural perspective, and to use knowledge to guided
action that will create a humane and just world (Boutte, 2008).
Multicultural Literacy then, brings attention to diversity, equity and social justice to foster
cultural awareness by addressing difficult issues like discrimination and oppression towards
other ethnicities (Boutte, 2008). According to Boutte (2008) education for multicultural
literacy should help students to develop the 21st century skills and attitudes that are
needed to become active citizens who will work towards achieving social justice within our
communities. Because of the growing racial, language and ethnic diversity in our country,
Multicultural Literacy needs to be transformed in substantial ways to prepare students to
function effectively in the 21st Century (Boutte, 2008).
Global Literacy aims to address issues of globalization, racism, diversity and social justice
(Guo, 2014). It requires awareness and action, consistent with a broad understanding of
humanity, the planet, and the impact of human decision on both. Global Literacy also
aims to empower students with knowledge and take action to make a positive impact in
the world and their local community (Guo, 2014).
According to the Ontario Ministry of Education (2015) A global citizen should display most or all
of the following characteristics:
Every classroom contains students of different race, religion, and cultural groups. Students
embrace diverse behaviors, cultural values, patterns of practice, and communication. Yet they
all share one commonality: their educational opportunity (Guo, 2014).
Teachers should teach their students that other cultures exist and that these deserve to be
acknowledged and respected. Integrating a variety of cultural context into lessons and
activities, teaches students to view the world from many angles, creates a respect for diversity
and enables students to learn exciting information. As classrooms become increasingly more
diverse, it is important for educators to acknowledge an address diversity issues and to
integrate multiculturalism information into the classroom curriculum (Guo, 2014).
Social literacy is so crucial in a person’s success. The ability to communicate and voice opinions
and thoughts, as well as listening to opinions and thoughts of others, is essential in learning.
Firmly grasping social cues and norms is extremely beneficial. In literally every single setting of
our lives: school, home, work, clubs and activities, interacting with people (whether face to face
or behind technology), we use our social literacy. We play so many roles every day and we
socially need to understand how to play those roles appropriately. For example: I would speak
differently with my friends than I would my mother, or I would chat on Facebook differently
than I would while emailing a professor. Without an understanding of this communication, one
cannot function with success in society.
C. Financial Literacy
Financial literacy is the ability to understand and effectively use various financial skills, including
personal financial management, budgeting, and investing. The lack of these skills is called
financial illiteracy.
Although there are many skills that might fall under the umbrella of financial literacy, popular
examples include household budgeting, learning how to manage and pay off debts, and
evaluating the tradeoffs between different credit and investment products. Oftentimes, these
skills require at least a working knowledge of key financial concepts, such as compound
interest and the time value of money. Given the importance of finance in modern society,
lacking financial literacy can be very damaging for an individuals’ long-term financial success.
The lack of financial literacy can lead to a number of pitfalls. Financially illiterate individuals may
be more likely to accumulate unsustainable debt burdens, for example, either through poor
spending decisions or through a lack of long-term preparation. This in turn can lead to poor
credit, bankruptcy, housing foreclosure, or other negative consequences. Thankfully, there are
now more resources than ever for those wishing to educate themselves about the world of
finance. One such example is the government-sponsored Financial Literacy and Education
Commission, which offers a range of free learning resources.
Important: Financial literacy can also help protect individuals from becoming victims of
financial fraud, which is a type of crime that is, unfortunately, becoming more commonplace.
Special Considerations
How to Improve Your Financial Literacy Skills
Developing financial literacy to improve your personal finances involves learning and practicing
a variety of skills related to budgeting, managing and paying off debts, and understanding credit
and investment products. Here are several practical strategies to consider:
Create a budget—Track how much money you receive each month against how much
you spend in an excel sheet, on paper, or in a budgeting app. Your budget should
include income (e.g., paychecks, investments, alimony), fixed expenses (like
rent/mortgage payments, utilities, loan payments), discretionary spending
(nonessentials such as eating out, shopping, travel), and savings.
Pay yourself first—To build savings, this "reverse budgeting" strategy involves choosing
a savings goal—say, a down payment for a home—deciding how much you want to
contribute toward it each month, and setting that amount aside before you divvy up the
rest of your expenses.
Manage your bill-paying—Stay on top of monthly bills so that payments consistently
arrive on time. Consider taking advantage of automatic debits from a checking account
or bill-pay apps, and sign up for email, phone, or mail payment reminders.
Get your credit report—Once a year, consumers can request a free credit report from
the three major credit bureaus—Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion. Review it and
dispute any errors by informing the credit bureau of inaccuracies.
Check your credit score—Having a good credit score helps you obtain the best interest
rates on loans and credit cards, among other benefits. Monitor your score via a free
credit monitoring service (or, if you can afford to and want to add an extra layer of
protection on your information, one of the best credit monitoring services) and be
aware of the financial decisions that can raise or lower your score, such as credit
inquiries and utilization rates.
Manage debt—Use your budget to stay on top of debt by reducing spending and
increasing repayment. Develop a debt-reduction plan, such as paying down the loan
with highest interest rate first. If your debt is excessive, contact lenders to renegotiate
repayment, consolidate loans, or find a debt-counseling program.
Invest in your future—If your employer offers a 401(k) retirement savings account, be
sure to sign up and contribute the maximum to receive the employer match. Consider
opening an IRA and creating a diversified investment portfolio of stocks, fixed income,
and commodities. If necessary, seek financial advice from professional advisors to help
you determine how much money you will need to retire comfortably and to develop
strategies to reach your goal.
Neatness: 5%
Organization: 250%
VI. References:
10 | B u i l d i n g a n d E n h a n c i n g L e a r n i n g