Late Talkers Capone Singleton 2018
Late Talkers Capone Singleton 2018
Late Talkers Capone Singleton 2018
Late talkers Wait-and-see Early intervention Toddlers Language disorder
Specific language impairment Parent-implemented intervention Late bloomers
A wait-and-see approach delays referral of a child for further developmental evaluation
when s/he fails a language screening in toddlerhood.
The view that most late talkers “catch up” seems to be outdated because they do not
necessarily meet their same-age peers in all aspects of development.
Late talking can also impact early socialization and school readiness, and can place some
late talkers at risk for life-long disability.
Interprofessional education and practice supports early referral for late talkers who are at-
Advances in the science of brain development, language development and disorders, and
epigenetics support early identification and intervention, not a wait-and-see approach for
late talkers.
A wait-and-see approach with late talking toddlers—that is, not referring a late talker
(LT) who fails a language screening for evaluation—can occur for a number of reasons.
For example, a lack of knowledge in bilingual development has led nurses to delay re-
ferrals.1,2 Nurses have reported lack of training in screening procedures as well as in
bilingual development as primary problems in following through on referring LTs for
further evaluation. Box 1 reports related issues and suggestions for serving bilingual
toddlers. From a speech-language pathologist’s perspective, there is a gap between
what is known about LTs and their outcomes when deciding on referral of a child for
There are no commercial or financial conflicts of interests to the work. A portion of this work
was supported by an American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Research
Mentoring-Pair Travel Award granted to the author.
Department of Speech-Language Pathology, School of Health and Medical Sciences, Seton Hall
University, 400 South Orange Avenue, South Orange, NJ 07079, USA
E-mail address:
Box 1
The unique circumstance of screening bilingual children
Box 2
Part C of the Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
Under the IDEA, the program Child Find for Infants and Toddlers seeks out children who would
benefit from early intervention. Child Find is governed by early intervention regulations consis-
tent with Part C of IDEA. Congress encourages states to participate in Part C to provide early
intervention services, but it is voluntary. At this time, the 50 United States participate in pro-
gramming, as do Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia. By and large, once a child is referred
to a state’s early intervention system by a pediatrician or caregiver, for instance, and a parent or
legal guardian consents to the evaluation, an evaluation is completed (1) within a specified
period of time, and (2) at least 2 evaluators must be able to assess 5 areas of development (mo-
tor, cognition, social/emotional, communication, and adaptive functioning). The established
infrastructure of each state’s early intervention system facilitates swift evaluation and, if
eligible, the development of a plan, and interprofessional coordination of service.
Data from Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA), Pub. L. No.
108–446, 118 Stat. 2647 (2004).
LTs are defined by an early language delay despite typical cognition, normal sensory
and motor systems, and the absence of genetic or neurologic disease.7,8 LTs in the
18- to 35-month age range have a prevalence of approximately 15%, but late talking
is not a diagnostic category.9,10 Box 3 defines the language delay of LTs as primarily a
late emergence of vocabulary growth.
A sluggish start to vocabulary acquisition is more likely to be transient if it occurs in
isolation and is identified before 18 months of age.5,13 In contrast, toddlers are more
likely to persist in language delay the older they are when identified.12,14 At 24 months
of age, 50% to 70% of toddlers could “catch up” to peers.15,16 Miniscalco and col-
leagues12 (2005) reported that 82% of toddlers who failed screenings at 30 months
of age were not recovering by age 6. Indeed, screening for language delay has
become the standard between the ages of 24 and 30 months of age.
Not all LTs eventually meet their same-age peers in language performance. Some LTs
persist in their language delay and receive a diagnosis of a Language Disorder in
elementary school. Language disorder is a diagnostic category in the Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition (DSM-V).9 It refers to children
who have difficulty acquiring and using language that is not attributed to sensory, mo-
tor, genetic, cognitive, or other factors. Diagnosing a child with Language Disorder
before the age of 4 years may be difficult according to the DSM-V owing to normal var-
iations in language development.9,17(p43) For example, a boy’s expressive vocabulary
can vary from 79 words to 511 words at 24 months of age11 and be considered within
normal limits. Children with a diagnosis of Language Disorder are also referred to in the
scientific literature as having a Specific Language Impairment8 (SLI).
Late bloomers are LTs who do converge on average language performance, accord-
ing to formal tests of language, as they approach school-age. However, late bloomers
perform significantly below their same-age peers without a history of late talking.18,19
Box 3
Vocabulary delay in late talkers
Late talker
Thresholds of vocabulary size:
Sum of fewer than 50 words at 24 months of age, or
A vocabulary survey that falls under the 10th percentile at any age on the MacArthur-Bates
Communicative Developmental Inventory: Words and Sentences form,11 or
Under the 15th percentile on the Language Development Survey at any age7;
No word combinations by 24 months of age:
Additional screening criteria12:
Poor verbal comprehension,
Parental concern.
Late Talkers 17
The wait-and-see approach has been subject to debate.6,12,20–22 The origins of the
wait-and-see approach include fear of harms in identifying children as possibly
delayed.23 Harms include extra time, increased effort, and anxiety associated with
further testing of the child. However, speech-language pathologists report that care-
giver stress can already be ongoing from anxiety that their child is not talking when
expected, or from parents who differ in opinion on the issue.24 The parent–child rela-
tionship is negatively affected by late talking. Mothers report stress associated with
late talking.17 Diagnostic labeling has also been suggested as a potential detriment
(eg, social stigma, preschool placement). Diagnostic labeling by disability is not
required by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. When children are
assessed in early intervention systems, they are generally not diagnosed. Children
are discussed in terms of eligibility status for intervention. The US Preventive Services
Task Force found no studies and, therefore, had insufficient evidence to make a
recommendation regarding the potential harms (or benefits) of screening, referral, or
intervention for speech-language disorders in young children.(23e.467)
The wait-and-see approach may also hinge on the perception that late talking is
largely “self-correcting”12(p1799) because a majority of LTs are viewed as simply late
blooming. There are at least 3 problems with this thinking. First, although late bloomers
seem to catch up on standardized test performance, late bloomers present a weaker
endowment for language and related abilities. That is, late bloomers do not truly approx-
imate their same-age peers in all aspects of development. Being low average, in and of
itself, on a test may not be problematic. However, a small vocabulary as early as
24 months of age continues to account for a slice of variance in language and
memory performance through adolescence.5,18 The implication is that early language
intervention could potentially bolster the child’s long-term outcome. In turn, early inter-
vention could impact other domains of development that rely on oral language for their
development. The late bloomer’s ability to converge on typical test performance, thus
far reported in the literature, does not account for other functional participation activ-
ities, such as socialization with peers, or behavior regulation and executive readiness
skills needed for school.25 Further, “catching up” has been based on group averages,
which obscures individual late bloomers who fall below average in select domains.26
Second, late talking is a significant risk factor for Language Disorder.27 The number of
children who were LTs and persist with a Language Disorder is not inconsequential nor
does Language Disorder have a trivial impact on everyday functioning.8,27,28 For
instance, Language Disorder is heritable. Adults with a history of Language Disorder,
who were then parents of late talking children, reported about their own childhood that28:
They were not facile with language.
They were often misinterpreted by adults as having lack of motivation.
They were self-conscious.
They could not advocate for themselves.
As adults, their childhood experiences continued to impact their verbal interactions
with other adults as well as within parental contexts.
Children with Language Disorder are more likely than typical children to be victim-
ized and to have lower self-esteem.29,30 The functional impact of Language Disorder is
life long and intergenerational.
Third, unerring predictors remain elusive in differentiating late bloomers from
the child with Language Disorder, particularly from screening alone. However,
some consistent predictors of risk or success (eg, caregiver variables) dovetail well
18 Capone Singleton
with a model of early intervention that targets those factors specifically. A parent-
implemented intervention31 actively coaches caregivers. Further, this model is applied
in the child’s natural environment and contexts for the greatest functional impact.
The remainder of this paper addresses:
The 3 overarching problems of the wait-and-see approach
The IPP movement to abandon the wait-and-see approach
The parent-implemented model for early intervention
By definition, late bloomers perform within age limits—many times within a low
average performance range, on formal tests after having a slow start to vocabulary.5
For many late bloomers, however, a weak endowment for language is observed
throughout childhood. This weaker endowment for language is reflected as a gap in
test performance between late bloomers and typical peers that does not narrow or
close, nor does it sort out individual differences. The gap between these 2 groups
spans a variety of language skills including:
Verb morphology33,34 (verb endings)
Syntax33 (ie, sentence formulation)
Narratives35 (ie, story telling)
Late bloomers show slow maturation of neural processing. This is observed in
event-related potential (ERP) responses to speech as early as 3 years of age through
5 years.36 The late bloomer waveform is different. Although the typical child shows a
higher proportion of ERP signals in the frontal neural region, late bloomers do not. By
age 6 years, group differences in ERP responses disappear, but the gap between the
late bloomers’ and typical peers’ test performance does not close.
Individual Analysis
Apart from the group, individual late bloomers do not reach near-typical performance
on select subtests.19,22,37 For example, Rescorla and colleagues followed late talking
toddlers from 24 months through elementary school, until they were 17 years of age.
Rescorla18 (2009) reports on 26 of the late talking toddlers at age 17 years. At 17 years
of age, the group tested within an average range on tests of grammar, vocabulary,
memory, reading, and writing but poorer than their typical peers without the history
of late talking. Still, individual late bloomers at age 17 performed below the normal
range on individual subtests of the Woodcock-Johnson Psychoeducational Battery
Tests of Achievement—Third Edition,38 the Wechsler Memory Scale—Third Edition,39
and the Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language,40 when their typical peers
did not:
15 of 26 LTs on the Verbal Paired Associates subtest of the Wechsler Memory
Scale—Third Edition
17 of 26 LTs on the Logical Memory subtest of the Wechsler Memory Scale—
Third Edition
4 of 26 LTs on the Writing Fluency subtest of the Woodcock-Johnson Psycho-
educational Battery Tests of Achievement—Third Edition
4 of 26 LTs on the Syntax Construction subtest of the Comprehensive Assess-
ment of Spoken Language
Late Talkers 19
Late talking is a risk factor for persistent Language Disorder into the school-age years
and the risk extends to reading disorder.8,10,21,27,41,42 Reading is particularly vulnerable.
Many LTs are re-enrolled in reading intervention at school-age after being discharged
from prior language therapy.27 At least 1 in 5 LTs will persist with Language Disorder
into elementary school. Leonard’s (2014), seminal book on Specific Language Impair-
ment8 used the term “risky”(p151) when writing about delaying intervention for LTs.
In typical development, the early phase of language growth is first focused on rapid
vocabulary learning. For the LT, there is late emergence of vocabulary growth.27,36
Once growth is initiated, the growth curve follows a typical trajectory for some early
language skills,27 but remains significantly below age expectation throughout child-
hood.27,36 After 4 years of age, the child with Language Disorder transcends a small
vocabulary size to include difficulty with word retrieval, grammar, figurative language,
and larger linguistic units of discourse (eg, for cooperative learning, negotiation43,44).
These are all language abilities needed for social and academic success. Box 4 illus-
trates the association between early vocabulary and language development.
Grammatical impairments have become a clinical marker of Language Disorder27—
specifically, failing to mark verb tense and agreement by elementary school.52 The
child with Language Disorder says “the dog bark,” instead of “the dog barked” or
“the dog barks.” Hadley and Holt (2006)53 potentially found an early indicator of this
marker. Individual growth analysis of LTs with familial history of language impairment
revealed a delay in emergence and slow growth of tense marking before 3 years of age
in comparison with other LT peers.
Sentence formulations remain simple rather than complex in the child with Lan-
guage Disorder.54 From ages 8 to 16 years of age, there is a plateau in grammatical
development that is also reflected in a poor ability to identify grammaticality of senten-
ces. Rice27 (2012) studied probands of LTs into adulthood. LTs who became children
with Language Disorder presented with:
A deceleration in grammatical development
A premature ceiling in grammatical skill
20 Capone Singleton
Box 4
The importance of building a rich vocabulary early in development
Vocabulary to grammar
Relationships between early vocabulary and grammar are neither random nor dissociated.45
Most typical children acquire an early object-dominant vocabulary. More object words in the
early vocabulary correlates with a larger total vocabulary size, and subsequently the child
meets early grammar milestones sooner than toddlers with fewer objects words.45 The more
object words in the early lexicon, the earlier the child will initiate language growth46 (ie,
have the word spurt) that late talkers fail to achieve by 24 months. The word spurt is important
for the subsequent learning of verbs, and decontextualized talk.45 The crux of learning verb
vocabulary is acquiring the verb endings and complex sentence building. Rescorla and col-
leagues32 found similar relationships between late talkers vocabulary and grammar even
though the late talker vocabulary was small for age. The larger the small vocabulary, the
more likely a word spurt was to occur.
Other skills
The endowment of a small vocabulary early in development continues to influence later aca-
demic skills.36 Scheffner Hammer and colleagues (2016) found that being a late talker at
24 months was a strong predictor of 48-month receptive vocabulary size. Subsequently, having
a low receptive vocabulary score at 48 months played a greater role than late talker status on
school readiness for kindergarten. In Rescorla’s cohort18 of 26 late talking toddlers, expressive
vocabulary size at 2 years of age accounted for 17% of the variance in vocabulary/grammar and
verbal memory measures at 17 years of age.
Word Retrieval
The frequency with which a child encounters a word, says a word, and richer knowledge about
a word, the more likely she or he will recall the word, and say that word when she or he needs
to. These relationships are true of toddlers, preschoolers, and school-age children, as well as
children with language disorder.47–51 Proficient reading also requires easy retrieval of words
from memory.41 Language intervention provides both increased frequency and quality of vo-
cabulary exposures needed to ease word retrieval.
LTs also come to literacy with uneven and weak41 spoken language development.
The timing of learning to read, as well as failing to read, both affect activation of the
occipitotemporal lobes, where letter recognition occurs. Early vocabulary growth
and timely speech processing development are linked to optimal language and
reading performance at subsequent age intervals.21,36,41 In work by Chen and associ-
ates (2016),36 children with eventual Language Disorder, like the late bloomers dis-
cussed, were delayed in ERP response patterns from 3 through 5 years of age. By
the age of 6 years, the ERP responses of children with Language Disorder also looked
comparable to typical peers, but their language testing was below average. LTs are
missing a sensitive period in early language development, when maturation of speech
processing is necessary for advances in continuing language and literacy
On functional MRI, Preston and colleagues (2010)21 found that, by elementary
school, children with a history of late talking, when identifying a word to match a pic-
ture, showed reduced engagement of the following neural areas:
Left superior temporal gyrus
Left insula
Late Talkers 21
Efforts in ascertaining risk factors for late talking and persisting Language Disorder
have been ongoing, but no single reliable predictor has been found. Boxes 5 and 6
list example predictors of late talking and Language Disorder, respectively. Family
history and being male most consistently emerge as being associated with late
talking and/or Language Disorder. The presence of a comprehension delay in
conjunction with expressive delay at 24 months also tends to be associated with
persistent Language Disorder. Bishop and coworkers (2012)57 noted that heredity
played a greater role in a LT exhibiting a Language Disorder. However, 2 important
predictors of the LT who then persisted with Language Disorder at 4 years of age
Poor comprehension at 20 months of age
The parent’s inability to repeat nonwords when the child was 20 months old
Why would a parent’s nonword repetition (eg, repeat/teɪvak/which sounds like
“tayvahk”) predict a child’s Language Disorder? All new words are nonwords before
we learn them. Nonword repetition is a known indicator of the child’s ability to learn
new vocabulary.66 First, this innate ability to process nonwords for repetition may
be heritable. Second, parental nonword repetition may be indicative of a parent’s
Box 5
Examples of risk and protective factors of late talker status
Family history of language delay10,58,59
Socioeconomic status59
Low birthweight59
Twin status60
Quality of parenting59
Time in day care59
Child’s approach to learning59
22 Capone Singleton
Box 6
Example risk factors of persistent language disorder in late talkers
own weak vocabulary store. That is, the child’s vocabulary environment may be
The influence of SES on late talking has varied from rearing at lower SES levels placing
children at a disadvantage for timely talking to exerting no effect on the timeliness of talk-
ing.10,58,59,65 Studies that show a large number of late bloomers “catch up” in language
are limited in demographic to middle and upper middle class families as well as 2-parent
households.37 In many cases the SES of early studies is unknown. With a larger sample
and broader demographic, Hammer and colleagues (2017)59 found that children reared
at lower SES levels were more likely to be LTs than children from higher SES levels. How-
ever, other variables mediated the effect of SES and those included:
Quality of parenting and childcare
The child’s own approach to learning (ie, specifically, attention)
These mediating variables—parenting, childcare, and approach to learning—are
potentially amenable to intervention. Collisson and colleagues (2016)58 found similar
risk factors for late talking but also identified protective factors against late talking.
Protective factors were:
Informal play activities
Shared book activities between infant–adult dyads
The protective activities against late talking are also integrated in early intervention
Intervention is studied for efficacy with LTs,67 but not yet systematically as an outcome
variable in recovery from late talking.5 Anecdotally, Girolametto and colleagues
(2001)35 observed an association between participation in parent-implemented inter-
vention and subsequent clinician-directed speech-language therapy, with a better
“catch up” rate for the 21 LT–mother dyads they studied.
If an LT is determined eligible for early intervention, it places the child at an advan-
tage. A parent-implemented intervention revolves around social interaction. In addi-
tion to a small vocabulary, LTs are described as serious, withdrawn, and less
socially competent.68,69 LTs are also more dependent on adults for both initiating
and responding in conversations, even when compared with younger children who
Late Talkers 23
are matched for vocabulary size.68 Desmarais and associates (2010)70 identified def-
icits in social engagement abilities to be a part of the most impaired communication
profiles they identified in LTs. Only the least impaired group of LTs they studied had
intact social skills. In turn, parents adapt their communication style to fit the LT’s social
engagement presentation. Caregivers tend to become more directive instead of
directed by their child’s interests.
A parent-implemented intervention balances the interaction style in the caregiver–
child dyad. Box 7 lists some main components of a well-studied, parent-implemented
intervention—the Hanen Parent Program.71 In general, language intervention with LTs
can be effective,67 but a parent-implemented intervention shows greater effect sizes in
expressive vocabulary growth when compared with other treatments (eg, requiring the
child to imitate words). Parent-implemented intervention maximizes carryover of new
skills including a new interacting style. The parent-implemented intervention model
dovetails well with ASHA’s policy on a family-centered72 practice, addresses environ-
mental risks, and maximizes protective factors against late talking. In a meta-analysis
by Roberts and Kaiser (2011)31 the Hanen Parent Program improved:
Receptive and expressive language skills, generally
Receptive and expressive vocabulary, specifically
Expressive grammar, specifically
Rate of communication
In a separate study, a parent-implemented intervention (Parent-Child Interaction
Therapy73) was applied to school-age children with Language Disorder.74 Improve-
ments were observed in:
Verbal initiations
Sentence length
Child-to-parent utterances
Caregivers who participate in early parent-implemented intervention for their LT can
potentially continue this technique with positive response from their school-age child.
Enriched social interactions with supportive caregivers75 are epigenetic mechanisms
that can be lifelong and have cross-generational effects. Epigenome refers to chem-
ical modifications to genes that result from negative and positive experiences. A rich
learning environment, if applied repeatedly, can leave a chemical “signature”(p2) on
genes—the epigenome.76
Box 7
Components of the Hanen Program for Parents
Occurs in the child’s natural environment
Is child directed and routines based
Follows the child’s lead and interest to promote taking turns
Occurs during social interactions and daily routines with caregivers
Encourages caregivers to ‘wait’ and ‘observe’ the child
Allows the child time to initiate gestural and verbal communication
Encourages caregivers to respond to nonverbal and verbal communication
Encourages caregivers to model language that matches the child’s attention and interest
Encourages caregivers to model an expansion of what the child said
Data from Manolson A. It takes two to talk: a parent’s guide to helping children communicate.
Toronto: The Hanen Center; 1992.
24 Capone Singleton
The position of the American Academy of Pediatrics is that children under 3 years
of age are to be referred from the pediatrician’s office for further developmental
and medical evaluation if a toddler fails developmental screening (available:
Pages/About-the-Initiative.aspx). The American Academy of Pediatrics imple-
mented the Screening in Practices Initiative to foster the healthy care of children
early in life. Under this initiative, children receive screening, referral and
follow-up for developmental milestones (as well as maternal depression and social
determinants of health). Standardized screening of developmental milestones oc-
curs at 9, 18, and 30 months of age, as well as when a concern is expressed by
a caregiver or is evident to the medical professional at well-child appointments.
The Bright Futures Steering Committee modified the screening schedule by advo-
cating for screening at 24 or 30 months owing to practical matters (ie, insurance,
attendance77); autism-specific screening occurs at 18 and 24 months of age.78
The CDC also implemented a campaign with similar goals:
Learn the Signs. Act Early
Medical and medically aligned health researchers advocate abandoning the
wait-and-see approach.6,12,22,79,80 New directions in brain and behavioral sci-
ences,21,36 and the availability of large population samples (eg, Early Childhood
Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort; ECLS-B59), endorse referral for further evaluation,
but not a wait-and-see approach, when it comes to children who are late to talk
(eg, American Academy of Pediatrics, ASHA, CDC). The ASHA advocated early
referral through the Identify the Signs (available: campaign.
ASHA’s position is that access to communication is fundamental to all children from
birth and even those at-risk, and (in accordance with the World Health Organization81)
advocate that interprofessional practice is the best approach to improving outcomes.
Rescorla (2011)5 has said that expressive language delay, like a fever, is common
to many conditions.(p141) This article puts the spotlight on LTs with no concomitant
diagnoses. Under an IPP umbrella, the wait-and-see approach is abandoned, and
the LT is referred for further developmental evaluation. The IPP infrastructure is
well-established under each state’s early intervention program. Harms of referral
were addressed or have no evidence. The crux of this article, however, reexamined
the panoptic view that the majority of LTs “catch up” to their typically developing
peers. New evidence shows that late bloomers demonstrate weaknesses that ef-
fect academic and social functioning. The child with Language Disorder may
also be an outcome of late talking that should not be disregarded early on in the
child’s communication development. Late talking can impact early socialization,
school readiness, and can place some children at risk for lifelong disability.
Screening alone will not differentially diagnose late bloomers from children with
Language Disorder. Referral for evaluation is supported by a number of interpro-
fessional practice bodies and agencies. Parent-implemented intervention ad-
dresses some risks and maximizes protective factors against late talking. When
considering referral for a LT, opt to refer for evaluation and potential intervention
knowing that early intervention may result in long-term, positive outcomes for
the child.
Late Talkers 25
The author would like to acknowledge Maria Emerson for assistance provided on
early intervention policy and procedure.
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