Translation Theory: Course Guide

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Vietnam National University, Hanoi

University of Languages and International Studies

Faculty of English Language Teacher Education
Translation and Interpreting Division



Name: Nguyen Thi Dieu Thuy

Phone: 0916395304


Program: BA in English (Translation and Interpreting)

Course title: Translation Studies (ENG3049)
Number of credits: 3
Type of course: Compulsory  Optional 
Semester: 6/8
Prerequisite: Translation, Interpreting
Department in charge: Translation and Interpreting Division – FELTE


This is an introductory course, aiming to introduce students to fundamental issues in translation studies. During the course, students
are provided with theoretical background presented in required core readings by influential scholars in translation studies. Students
are also encouraged to explore related issues, as well as review translation practice in the light of theories discussed. Knowledge in
Vietnam National University, Hanoi
University of Languages and International Studies
Faculty of English Language Teacher Education
Translation and Interpreting Division

this course is expected to form the bedrock for students when studying advanced courses related to translation in the following
academic years.

By the end of the course, the learners should be able to:

1. Knowledge 1.1 Explain basic concepts in translation theory;

1.2 Apply theoretical knowledge to explain practical translation phenomena (translation texts);
1.3 Compare and contrast translation products;
1.4 Express views and evaluate translation issues in particular cases.

2. Skills 2.1. Develop collaborative skills and evaluate work efficiency through group and individual activities;

2.2. Develop critical thinking skills, and logical-systematic thinking skills when tackling controversial issues in
practical translation contexts.

3. Attitude 3.1. Develop and consolidate a serious, and professional attitude in practical situations related to translation
and interpreting.



Vietnam National University, Hanoi
University of Languages and International Studies
Faculty of English Language Teacher Education
Translation and Interpreting Division

1 Introduction to the Course - Course Introduction Core reading: Unit 1
& - Historical overview of
Unit 1: Introduction to translation and
Translation and translation studies
Translation studies
2 Tutorial on Unit 1 -Group 1 organises class Group 1 designs activities and other groups
activities to review unit 2 review unit 1
3 Unit 2: Text Analysis -The role of text analysis Core reading: Unit 2
-Factors of text analysis

4 Tutorial on Unit 2 -Group 2 organises class Group 2 designs activities and other groups
activities to review unit 2 review unit 2

5 Unit 3: Translation -Introduction of Core reading: Unit 3

methods translation methods
-Classification of
translation methods
-Comments on the

6 Tutorial on unit 3 -Group 3 organises class Group 3 designs activities and other groups
activities to review unit 3 review unit 3

7 Unit 4: Translation -Distinction between Core reading: Unit 4

procedures translation methods and
translation procedures
-Classification of
translation procedures

8 Tutorial on unit 4 -Group 4 organises class Group 4 designs activities and other groups
Vietnam National University, Hanoi
University of Languages and International Studies
Faculty of English Language Teacher Education
Translation and Interpreting Division

activities to review unit 4 review unit 4

9 Unit 5: Equivalence in -Meaning-based Core reading: Unit 5

translation equivalence
-Quantitative equivalence

10 Tutorial on unit 5 -Group 5 organises class Group 5 designs activities and other groups
activities to review unit 5 review unit 5

11 Mid- term test Test on what have Review Unit 1, Unit 2, Unit 3, Unit 4, Unit 5
students learnt so far
12 Unit 6: Translation errors -Theory and norms of Core reading: Unit 6
translation errors
-ATA framework for error
13 Tutorial on unit 6 -Group 6 organises class Group 6 designs activities and other groups
activities to review unit 6 review unit 6

14 Unit 7: Translation testing -When to test a Core reading: Unit 7

-Why testing a translation
-Who tests the translation
-Ways of testing a
15 Tutorial -Group 7 organises class Group 7 designs activities and other groups
activities to review unit 7 review unit 7
Vietnam National University, Hanoi
University of Languages and International Studies
Faculty of English Language Teacher Education
Translation and Interpreting Division

* NOTES: The syllabus is subject to change to suit the needs of teachers and learners.


Form Weightin Due date Task Purpose

1 Individual 15% Students must participate in class activities and answer teacher’s 1.1 > 3.2
assessment questions as well as complete exercises at the end of each lesson.
2 Tutorial 25% After each lecture, students present in small groups (of 4-5 students) 1.1 > 3.2
Group on key issues in each lecture. Groups must send outline to lecturer at
presentation least one week prior to presentation day to ask for recommendations.
Each presentation lasts about 45 minutes. Then the whole class
discusses further issues related to the presentation and lecture. Apart
from illustration of theoretical issues, the presentation may include
games as a kind of warm – up activity and exercises to help students
apply theory to practice.

3 Mid-term 20% W10 1.1 > 3.2

The 45-minute-test tests issues in the first five lectures. The test
test consists of MCQs, True – False questions, and Gap – filling questions.
Vietnam National University, Hanoi
University of Languages and International Studies
Faculty of English Language Teacher Education
Translation and Interpreting Division

4 End-term 40% Faculty’s 1.1>3.1

The test is in 90 minutes, testing issues in the seven lectures of the
test schedule course. The test consists of MCQs, True-False questions, gap-filling
questions, and practical questions.


- Students must show up NO LATER THAN the class hour 15 minutes. If violating, students are still allowed to join the class but will be
marked as “absent” that contact.

- Students are not allowed to miss more than 20% of contacts. If violating, the student will receive mark zero (0) of the assessment of
participation and not be allowed to take the end-term test.

- Students must read the textbook before the lessons and participate actively in class activities.

- Groups must prepare outline and activities for tutorial as instructed by the lecturers. Failure to conform to the instruction will incur
a penalty which can range from a mark zero (0) for the assessed component or a reduction of the assessment as determined by the

- Students must sit the mid-term test in order to be allowed to sit the end-term test.

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