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‫ناهد الجميلي‬.

‫االحصاء الحيوي‬
Statistics is a field of study concerned with collection, organization, summarization
and analysis of data.

Biostatistics is the application of statistics in medical research.

Terms in Biostatistics

• Data: – all the information we collect to answer the research question

 A variable: It is a characteristic that takes on different values in different
persons, places, or things. For example: - heart rate, the heights of adult
‫ما قبل املدرسة‬
males, the weights of preschool children, the ages of patients seen in a dental
• Population: – is the entire group of individuals you want to study
• Sample: – a subset of the population for which data are collected

It is helpful to divide variables into different types; as different statistical methods

‫املعمول بها‬ ‫شكل‬
are applicable to each. The main division is into qualitative (or categorical) or
quantitative (or numerical variables).

Types of variables:
1- Quantitative variables: It can be measured in the usual sense. For example: -
the heights and the weights.

2- Qualitative variables: Many characteristics are not capable of being measured.

Some of them can be ordered (called ordinal) and Some of them can’t be ordered
‫اسمي صوري شكلي باالسم فقط‬ ‫اجتماعية واقتصادية‬
(called nominal). For example: - classification of people into socioeconomic
groups, hair color

Types of quantitative variables:

1-Discrete variables: is characterized by gaps or interruptions in the values that it
‫الدخول اليومي‬
can assume.e.g: The number of daily admissions to a general hospital.
‫ذو صلة‬
2- Continuous variables: can assume any value within a specified relevant
‫فاصل زمني‬
interval of values assumed by the variable. For example: - Height, - weight, - skull
‫بغض النظر‬
circumference. No matter how close together the observed heights of two
people, we can find another person whose height falls somewhere in between.

Types of qualitative variables:

1-Nominal: As the name implies it consist of “naming” or classifies into various

mutually exclusive categories for example: - Male - female - Sick - well - Married –
single – divorced.
2- Ordinal: Whenever qualitative observation Can be ranked or ordered
according to some criteria. For example: - Blood pressure (high-good-low) -
‫درجات‬ ‫ممتاز‬
Grades (Excellent – V.good –good –fail). The spaces or intervals between the
categories are not necessarily equal.

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