2020 - Annual Report SME UNSA Student Chapter
2020 - Annual Report SME UNSA Student Chapter
2020 - Annual Report SME UNSA Student Chapter
President’s Report
Dear Shareholder,
SME UNSA STUDENT CHAPTER well, we could organize different congress
commitment to learning and spread as: CONEXMIN “Primer Congreso de
benefits to our members. We are confident Conexión Minera” and “I Congreso
in the long-term outlook, with more Latinoamericano de Tecnología e
opportunities and take advantage of all Innovación Minera”.
SME events.
Our presence in social networks tripled in
This year, we established Our Charter with last months it passes from 1000 to 3000
our purpose. Our purpose is: to improve people in our page of Facebook which
skills competences of our members and to organize webinars and workshops,
help to improve our community. because of this, the chapter networking
improves greatly, we are confident that this
Our annual plan changed because of
bring best opportunities for the chapter in
COVID-19. We had to focus in virtual
the future.
activities and many of our physical benefits
were reduce, without doubt it mean a Next month we are going to organize a
change in all levels from organized the “Proyectos en Minería” workshop,
pass of new members to manage webinars and presentation for schools.
presentations and workshops. In this
context we found some opportunities as
Eduardo Salcedo
Giancarlo Mayca
Vice President
Jose Alvarez
Roberto Alcorta
My name is Danira Lilian Ccopa Vera, I’m school students, it is neccesary that they
very happy and grateful to be part of the know what the pillar of our country is and
SME family. I’m the representative of the that they, like us, share that information
MEC. with their families or friends, that way we
will know that we did a great job.
I’m charge of spreading the importance of
mineral and mining to high school students As far as I am concerned, I have learned a
and the population. However, in this lot in this chapter, on the one hand, I met
quarantine doing it in person is difficult, many interesting people both from my
that’s why we have made constant use of career and from other professions. Also, it
social platforms. In which we publish has been gratifying to know more about the
curious data about mining so that people mining world, and especially to be able to
are better informed. share it with students who are just
beginning to choose their professions.
In addition, we contributed by looking for
What I'm trying to say is that I am delighted
speakers for different presentations who
to be able to contribute to this chapter.
were undoubtedly of great helpful. On other
hand, we plan to give talks virtually to high
Danira Ccopa
MEC Representative
I am Lisbeth Yesenia Vilca Puma, mining In our chapter, we have been increasing the
engineering student and WAAIME number of women and with this we note the
representative during this 2020 period. involvement of women in the mine.
Lisbeth Vilca
WAAIME Representative
My name is Willian Alejandro Chura Zapana this year and the achievement of goals
and I am a member of this wonderful student achieved and a dynamic and responsible
chapter. First of all, I want to thank the trust work. We are getting new members and
placed in me this year. It was very rewarding spreading this chapter to more industry-
to perform in various activities that we did. related careers, and we are doing it with the
As well as the “CONEXMIN” congress that help of all of us. Among the most important
we carried out virtually in which I was activities was the holding of the
supporting by making a report of the number "CONEXMIN" congress, which was
of viwers to each presentation, as well as successfully achieved and through this
through my vocal support role in the congress we also encouraged the union of
preparation of forms for the registration of other chapters to carry out a truly
any event, registration of new members. I satisfactory activity. This year is being
learned many things, among them successful and we know it will continue to
teamwork, responsibility, honesty and skills be because of the wonderful group of
that help you, complement you for better people that make it up and for having the
teamwork. spirit of always improving.
I am very happy to contribute to this chapter, Being part of this chapter is one of the best
as well as the leadership skills that our things that is happening to me in my student
current president has. It should be noted career, where I am meeting wonderful
that at the beginning we had to synchronize people with whom I am, we spend moments
our ideas to be a team and put aside the of joy and sometimes of concern. Thank you
differences or criticisms that existed to all for the experiences and all the
achieve an almost ideal environment in opportunities, I know this group will continue
teamwork. That was difficult, but we to grow.
achieved it and it was the starting point for
William Chura
Gian Mayca
First Name Name Last Name
Neyver Vela Portocarrero
Jose Antonio Alvarez Chino
Jackelin Mamani Ccapa
Luis Alonso Mamani Vera
Aldair Angel Choque Adrian
Manuel Viza Quispe
Miriam Lucila Diaz Quispe
Shirley Melanie Rodriguez Ccama
Rodrigo Salcedo Hinojosa
Richard Palomino Palomino
Julio Cesar Castillo Choque
Eder Aldair Amudio Bustamante
Angel Raul Arambulo Apaza
Juan Carlos Junior Arapa Mollapaza
Pier Alexis Sumiri Vasquez
Julber Roly Arisaca Soncco
Michael Anderson Arpi Sapacayo
Darwin Tintaya Cuyo
Primo Rossell Bellido Monge
Miguel Alexander Bermudez Anazco
Diego Fernando Berahola Cardenas
Jonathan Triveno Huamani
Leidy Kelly K Calcina Yllasaca
Roberto Aldair R Calderon Luna
Yamiro Vargas Callo
Fernando Jose F Canaza Mamani
Yamileth Velasquez
Danny Mario D Ccama Ccora
Leonel Angel Vilca Chire
Alonso Rivera Casillas
Issac Dario
Omar Rodriguez Chang
Wilder Roque Chero
Marco Antonio Condori Larico
Cesar Marlo Sanchez Vega
Miguel Angel Cueto Borda
Fernando Fay F Cuyo Apaza
Lizeth Faride L Flores Quispe
Alexander Oblitas Taco
Coraima Yamile Ortiz Coa
Oscar Joel Flores Taipe
David Saul Paniura Chilo
Yoe Narcizo Puma Castro
Our parnert Jose Antonio Alvarez Chino were in the conference Smart Mining in Denver
2020 representing to San Agustin University and he could meet a lot of important people.
Congress realized on May 2020 with the main
UNSA’S chapters.
We can reach many people and start virtual
events in Peru
Congress realized on July 2020 with all chapters of SME LATAM (27 Chapters). Chapters of
Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, and Peru got together, this event allow us reach almost eighty
thousand people in LATAM between professional and students.