IEC 61850 Interface in RTU500: Restrictions & Tips

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IEC 61850 Interface in RTU500: Restrictions & Tips IEC6185...

IEC 61850 Interface in RTU500: Restrictions & Tips

Answer ID 4249 | Published 2017-05-04 11:05 AM | Updated 2017-10-12 11:55 AM

What are the limits of IEC 61850 Interface in RTU500 and how to do the engineering efficiently?

1. RTU500 series application in an IEC 61850 System

RTU500 supports functionality of the following IEC 61850 interfaces:

Client (Sub Communication Interface) -

RTU acquires process data from IEC 61850 Servers connected to the configured IEC 61850 bus using vertical
(MMS) communication
Server (Host Communication Interface) -
RTU reports data already acquired in the RTU Database to IEC 61850 Clients using vertical (MMS)
communication. In addition Server supports horizontal (GOOSE) communication with other Servers.
Proxy - combines Client and Server on the same CMU.

2 . Restrictions of IEC 61850 engineering in RTUtil500

1. It is allowed to configure one IEC 61850 Client or Server or Proxy on the same CMU only .
2. Regardless of the number of IEC 61850 interfaces configured in the entire RTU project only one SCD file can be
processed by ' SCD Import…' option. It means that IEC 61850 project stored in . SCD file has to comprise all
interfaces configured in the engineered RTU project.
3. RTUtil500 supports .SCD files with the namespace of IEC 61850 edition 1 only (SCL2003). If .SCD file contains
certain extended attributes or data types of IEC 61850 edition 2, parsing of the .SCD file in RTUtil500 may fail and
the result is unpredictable.
4. IED Names of devices configured in RTU Network Tree have to be exactly the same as configured in devices and
published in a .SCD file. Otherwise they are ignored by RTUtil500.
5. In one RTU project you can configure maximum 3 IEC 61850 Clients.
6. One IEC 61850 Server handles communication with maximum 5 IEC 61850 Clients.
7. RTU520 supports IEC 61850 Server only.
8. IEC 61850 Server can handle maximum 750 data points. System Events are not included in this count.
9. One IEC 61850 Server can handle maximum 12 virtual MAC addresses (own address and 11 other addresses).
10. Client and Server sides of IEC 61850 Proxy are identified as separate IEC61850 IEDs - they have different IED
names and each IED has own Access Point. Configurations with client and server part with the same IED name are
not supported.
11. IP Addresses of the Client and Server side of IEC 61850 Proxy have to be located on different Ethernet interfaces
(Ports E1 and E2). As a result IEC 61850 Proxy cannot be configured on CMU where PRP has been enabled - there
is only one IP address available in this case.
12. Client and Server sides of IEC 61850 Proxy can be connected to the same or to different IEC61850 buses.
13. Client and Server sides of IEC 61850 Proxy can be connected to the same IEC 61850 bus but names of
corresponding RTU communication lines in the Network Tree have to be different.
14. The IEC 61850 C lient IED on RTU cannot receive datasets from the IEC 61850 Server IED located on the same
RTU. Such datasets are ignored during the SCD file import.
15. GOOSE communication works on port E1 only.
16. GOOSE data points can be monitoring data points only. Commands are not possible as GOOSE data points.
17. GOOSE data points received by the RTU are available for PLC processing only. It means data points could not be
processed by any other activities (e.g. it is not possible to send directly GOOSE data points to other host
communication lines).
18. GOOSE data points received by the RTU are configured in IEC 61850 Integration Tool (IET600, PCM600). In
RTUtil500 these data points are created in RTU Excel Import file with the 'SCD Import…' Menu option. It is not
possible to create these data points in the GUI directly.
19. The GOOSE data points sent by the RTU are part of the data model in RTUtil500 and are identified by GOOSE data
set name set at the data point.

3. Recommendations for IEC 61850 IEDs integration

To achieve a reasonable system performance, data throughput per CMU port should be less than 40 messages per second.

Data throughput can be slowed down by:

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IEC 61850 Interface in RTU500: Restrictions & Tips IEC6185...

1. Using spontaneous data update in IED's with integrated threshold supervision for analogue inputs,
2. Avoiding periodic data update in IED's (or Period >=5s)
3. Reporting measurements with unbuffered report control blocks in IED's only.
4. Setting bufTime>=100 msec. (Buffer time for buffered report control blocks in IED's).
5. Setting bufTime>=500 msec. (Buffer time for unbuffered report control blocks in IED's).
6. Removing mapping of IEC 61850 Client located on RTU with Report Control Blocks of an IED if no information from
this report is used in RTU Database.

IET600 contains RCB/GCB configurations recommended by ABB.

- in 'RCB Rules' Editor

Buffer Cycle
Description Name Buffered DChg QChg DUpd Cyclic
Tim Tim

Status Data used to update process

StatUrg X 100 X X
pictures and to generate alarms.

Status Data used for event listing /

StatNrml X 500 X X
printout only.

All IED related status data and

StatIed X 500 X X
diagnostic information.

Security related events. Security X 500 X X

All dead-banded measurands used to

MeasFlt 500 X X
update process graphics.

Cyclic measurands, 1 Sec. cycle 1000

MeasCycl 0 X
time. Used for archiving and trending.

Cyclic measurands, 10 Sec. cycle 10000

MeasCycl10 0 X
time. Used for archiving and trending.

Pulse counter data. Counters X 1000 X X X

Note:: Do not set RCBs triggering option (TrgOpts) with Data Update ( dupd="true"). This can generate high load on the
IEC 61850 bus. Reporting of Pulse counter data is the only exception.

-in 'GCB Rules' Editor


Description Name Tmax(ms) MAC Address
(ms) ID ID Pri

Data required for distributed 4

interlocking. Interlocking 4 10000 3001 000
CD-01-00- 01
Quality included.

Data required for distributed 4

protection functions. Protection 4 10000 3002 000
CD-01-00- 02
Quality included.

Data required for ABB-specific 01-0C- 4

Reservation 4 10000 3003 000
Reservation. CD-01-00- 03

Measurement values, typically 4

not needed in SA MeasVal 4 10000 3010 000
CD-01-00- 10
(special situations, e.g. 800xA).

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