2018 Cbse Marketing Notes (New) - 11
2018 Cbse Marketing Notes (New) - 11
2018 Cbse Marketing Notes (New) - 11
Study Material
UNIT - 1
1. Understand 1. Describe the scope 1. Specify scope Interactive
Scope of of marketing by Lecture: Acquaint
of marketing by
supporting students with the
Marketing examples in each scope and
2. Importance of importance of
1. Evolution of 1.Understand the 1. Identify Interactive Lecture:
different evolution of the basic ideology Discussion of
1. Concept of Marketing 1. Explain 1. Identify Interactive Lecture:
marketing and the
and Selling Discussion on how
selling as different point of marketing and selling
concepts differences in the are different
2.Understanding marketing and Activity:
different selling concepts
1. Visit in a group to
ideologies behind different
2. List out marketing
the concepts organisations in
the components your locality
essential (distributors,
for selling retailers). Make a
and report to find the
marketing activities
of each of them
Also identify
followed in selling
and marketing
Learning Objectives
• Distinguish between marketing and selling
• Learn the journey of marketing through different philosophies
• Explain the meaning of certain keywords
Consider a typical day in one’s life. We start our day with consumption of different sorts of
products from the moment we wake up in the morning to the time we go to bed. Most of the
times we start our day by taking a bath with the soap and the shampoo that we use. The
breakfast we take might be a parantha, bread, butter, milk, tea or juice. The cloth we drape
We may be using public and private transport for commuting to go to schools or workplace.
The use of gadgets throughout the day, the television shows we watch for entertainment, the
books and newspaper or information material we read, the bed mattress we sleep on and the
list of products we use are endless. The entire day we consume different sorts of products.
Have we ever thought of where do these products come from? Who does manufacture them?
How does the product reach us and how have we come to know about the product?
There are three classes involved in the complete process of consumption i.e, the manufacturer
or producer, marketer and the end user. A manufacturer is someone who makes products in
a factory; anything from a needle to a plane. A producer is someone who makes the product
but not in a factory. For example, a farmer is a producer of fruits and vegetables. On the other
hand, marketer is someone who performs various activities to facilitate exchange of goods
and services between the producers or manufacturers and users (consumer) of the product.
End user is a person who ultimately uses or intends to use the product also known as
Activity 1
Pick out products that you consume every day basis. It can be from chewing gum to a
Car. Find out is the manufacturer and marketer the same. Mention at least 10 products
with the (i) same marketer and manufacturer and (ii) different marketer and
The term marketing has been described by different people in different ways. For some it is
a fun activity of ‘shopping’, for some it is shopping along with entertainment. There are
others who question, does marketing mean selling? Some of us believe marketing starts after
selling; they believe ‘selling’ is merely where a salesman is required to sell. However, selling
is a part of marketing, selling includes selling of goods, services and ideas. Marketing is a
broader term and selling is one of the functions of marketing. Some people question does
marketing mean advertising? Marketing undoubtedly includes advertising; the main role of
advertising is to ‘communicate’. But marketing is much bigger than advertising. Does
marketing mean distribution? The answer is same as in the above two cases thus the product
that reaches us is another function of the marketer i.e. distribution function, but marketing is
much bigger than this too. Some even believe that marketing is a post-production activity.
Marketing involves various activities that take place even before the products are produced.
Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and
distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individuals and
organizational objectives.
As per Philip Kotler, the marketing guru, marketing is a social and managerial process by
which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and
exchanging products and value with others. The author has considered marketing as a
social process where interaction of people is an essential component of it. Through this
interaction the persuasion for selling the products or services begins. Thus marketing is
purely purchase decision of the customer but through continuous marketing initiatives at
different stages. Marketing starts before the production of the goods and continues even after
the selling of the products. So we say marketing is a continuous process. Where activities
pertaining to identification of the needs, wants and demands of the customer, then designing
of a suitable product to meet the needs, giving name to the product and converting it to a
brand by communicating it to the customers.
Let’s understand few Marketing Concepts that are a part of the definitions:
Marketing is a continuous process. Our marketers are individuals who enter in the market
and have understanding of the activities of the marketing. For understanding the activities
properly, understanding the needs and wants of customers becomes essential. Thus,
marketing is satisfaction of the needs and wants of the customer. Needs are the state of being
deprived of something.
Needs can be physical like hunger, clothing, and shelter. If unsatisfied it leaves a person
unhappy and uncomfortable. For example, when we are fasting and didn’t have food since
morning the moment a person names our favourite food it is tough for us to resist. Needs can
also be social like love and belongingness, self-esteem like status and self-actualization
needs. These needs are not invented by marketer rather the widely known academic model of
needs was proposed by psychologist Abraham Maslow. Although this model is prominently
used in motivational studies but can also be applied for studying customers’ needs. Customer
needs are the problems that customers plan to solve with the purchase of goods or services.
A marketer can’t create needs. Marketers have the option of identifying, analyzing,
anticipating and fulfilling the needs only.
Wants are the form taken by human needs as they are shaped by culture and individual
personality. These are essentially dependent upon needs. For example, a person in North
India would satisfy his hunger with rajma and chawal while a person from South India would
like to have fish curry and rice.
We may want to dine out in a five star hotel. But the question is do we have money to dine
at Taj? If yes, then it will become demand. Wants backed by willingness and purchasing
power is known as demand. The top marketing companies like HUL, Idea and Airtel etc.
first understand needs and wants of customers and then fulfil the needs, wants and demands
by conducting consumer research and get regular feedback from their salesmen in the market
about unfulfilled customer needs. For example : Big Bazaar a retail store of Future group,
shop floor managers regularly mingle with customers on the shop floor and try to satisfy
every customer.
Objectives of Marketing
A company must be clear with its marketing objectives and it these objectives must fit in with
the overall business objectives for formulation of proper business strategy. The objectives of
marketing the company must take care are:
Needs and wants can be satisfied with products and services offered to the market. A product
is not limited to physical objects or tangible items i.e they can be touched, seen and felt rather
it is anything that satisfies a need is called a product. Product also includes services which
are intangible along with tangible goods. A product can be a person, place, organisation,
activities and even ideas. There are thousands of examples of products like food products,
TV, Laptop, Mobile Phones, and Clothes etc.
Source: fssairegistration.in
Services are deeds, processes and performances coproduced/provided by one person for
another person. Services are intangible products which can’t be touched, seen and felt. As
economy grows, the service sector also starts flourishing. The same can be seen in Indian
scenario here services contribute more than 55% to the GDP. Service sector includes banking,
insurance, teaching, advertising, consultancy etc.
Source: hotelbobbyssolitaireinternational.in
Customer Value
As discussed in the example of buying an iPod, we buy an iPod because it not only gives good
music output (benefit) but also the cool fashion statement associated with it. Imagine one
buying a product? When we buy a product, aren’t we thinking of the benefits the product
brings to you. It’s not only benefit it is rather the bundle of benefits associated with the
product in the form of product quality, after-sales services, warranty, repairs costs, free home
delivery, user friendliness etc. Customers are smart and they evaluate between benefits they
are acquiring and price they are paying for those benefits. Customer value is difference
between the values benefits the customer gains from owning a product and cost of obtaining
the product. The cost of product is not limited to price but also time and energy spent
shopping. Customer value can be shown as an equation as below:
Customer Value = Total Customer Benefits – Total Customer Costs
Thus the marketer’s role is to add more value to product in terms of benefits so that customer
prefers the product in relation to competitor’s product.
Customer Satisfaction
Customer satisfaction is only obtained once the customer has experienced a product or
service. It is always a post purchase phenomenon which is quite emotional in nature.
Exchange Process
Exchange is the act of obtaining a desired object from someone by offering something in
return. Marketing works through exchange. Exchange process is simply when an individual
or an organisation obtain and satisfy a need or want by offering some money in exchange of
products or services. For example we go get a haircut at a salon, we pay for the hair cut. The
money paid in lieu of the service taken is an exchange process.This exchange process extends
into relationship marketing and we enter into exchange relationships all the time. With
relationship marketing the purpose is to build a long-term relationship with the customer. In
the above example if we are satisfied by the haircut service we may intend to take more
services from the same saloon and intend to become a permanent customer with the salon.
By delivering value to customers, a relationship with customers is developed. So marketing
is earning profit by building relationship with customer through satisfying his needs and
The same can be applicable for a product too.
Gone are the days when marketing was confined only to goods and services. Now the scope
of marketing has increased and one can also market people, ideas, experience, events, places,
properties, organisations and information and not just confined to goods or services. In other
words anything that is of value to others can be marketed. The scope of marketing are
explained as under:
Goods: A tangible item which can be an article, commodity, material, merchandise, supply,
wares produced from agricultural, construction, manufacturing or mining activities. Services:
Products that have intangible properties such as banking, consultancy, education, insurance,
accounting, expertise, medical treatment or transportation. Experience: Marketers can create
stage and market experiences to the customers. For example Water Park, and theme parks
provide experience marketing. Another different real life experience is been enjoyed by
customers at modern retail outlets. Now retailing is not an activity involved in just selling
goods to the customers, it has now become an experience. Shopping in a mall where the
delightful experience comprises of not only shopping but also, spending time with family and
friends, eating out, watching movie and enjoying the complete day.
Marketing can help people to market themselves. Politicians are the most suitable and
common example of people marketing. Politicians market themselves to the customers
(voters) by promising them certain bundle of benefits. Cricketers, film stars, authors, painters,
musicians and sportsperson market themselves. Some of the well-known personalities are
Amitabh Bachchan, Sachin Tendulkar, Salmaan Khan etc. These people are not only
successful in marketing themselves but also they lent their names to products like perfumes
(Shilpa Shetty), retail stores by the name of true blue (Sachin Tendulkar), and cloths and
accessories by Salman Khan with the name of ‘Being Human’.
Fig 1.6 Marketing of People, source: sports.ndtv.com, bollywoodmastiofficial.blogspot.com,
Cities, state and nation can be marketed to the consumers. Place marketers include real estate
developers, commercial banks, businesses etc. One can’t forget the incredible India campaign
by Indian government to market India as tourist spot. In India, Bangalore is known as the
silicon valley of India. Kerala is known as God’s own country. Madhya Pradesh is known as
“Heart of incredible India”. A campaign by Amithabh Bachan for Khushoo Gujratki
Fig 1.7 Marketing of Places, source: www.globalgujaratnews.in, www.tourismwatch.in
Organizations market themselves to create and boost their image in customers mind. They
try to create a unique and favourable image in the eyes of customers that can give
organizations an edge over others in the market place. ‘Tata group’comprising of multiple
brands, stands for trust and quality globally. Philips promises its customers products which
are technologically advance and hassle free. So its marketing campaign is based on sense and
simplicity platform.
Fig 1.8 Marketing of Organizations, source: www.thehindubusinessline.com
Properties, whether tangible like real estate or intangibles like stocks can be marketed to the
customers. Properties are bought and sold and this exchange process seeks the role of
marketing. Real estate developers (DLF, Unitech, and Supertech) develop property and seek
buyers for the same. Same is the case with any investment company that wishes to sell its
securities to individuals as well as institutions.
Marketers promote different events from time totime their customers. These events can be
for individuals or organizations. Sports events like Commonwealth games, Cricket world cup
series, Musical Concert, Awards, and Fashion shows, etc are events
kushaldave.wordpress.com, www.t20worldcup2016schedule.org
Information is basically produced and marketed and distributed by universities, schools,
colleges, newspapers, magazines, books etc to the customers at a price. The customers here
might be parents, students and communities. For example
Every marketer offers some idea. Some offer it for money others do it for society in general.
Marketers make profit from society and they shall also give back to the society. Social
marketing comprises of creating awareness on few ideas like Family Planning, AIDS
awareness, discouraging-smoking, child labour, domestic violence, wearing of helmet while
driving, blood and eye donation etc.
Activity II
Collect 5 advertisements from latest newspaper or magazines for marketing of (i) services (ii)
properties (iii) ideas (iv) places and (v) events. Understand the messages conveyed in each case.
How each message is different from another and which is more appealing.
By this time few more questions would be rising in your mind they may include: What is a
market? What all can be marketed? What all activities does a marketer perform? What is
marketing management? For having the answer to these questions lets read the text further:
What is a market?
Market originates from Latin word ‘MARCUTUS’ which means a place where buyer and
sellers meet for business. Earlier in our country buyer and seller gathered at a specific place
called ‘haats’or ‘melas’. But with passage of time buyers and sellers need not to meet face to
face for transaction, they can meet virtually through e-commerce platforms. On the basis of
end use, market can be of different types: Consumer Markets (FMCG-Fast moving consumer
goods, consumer durables, soft goods), industrial markets (finished goods, components and
services), intermediate markets (wholesale and retail markets), geographical location (local,
national, global/international markets, rural and urban market), and Non-profit and
Governmental Markets (companies selling to non-profit organizations with limited
purchasing power need to be price careful).
Currently marketing is a core business discipline since it contributes greatly to the success of
the organization. It’s also essential to appreciate the concept of marketing as the cost of
marketing amounts to forty to sixty percent of the total cost. Production and distribution
depend largely on marketing. Marketing covers advertising, promotion, public relations, and
sales. It is the process of introducing and promoting the quality product or service into the
market. If the company targets more of customer’s needs, they will come back again and
again and even bring along other customers. On the other hand, if the company push more
on the product and ignore customer’s needs and wants, they will in no time lose their
The primary task of marketing is to get the product or service recognized by the market. It is
important that public awareness of product and company information is spread to the buying
public, this is possible if heavy advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, direct
marketing is done for creating awareness. There is no fixed rule for all butobviously the use
of a particular technique depends upon the nature of product, market and the financial
conditions of the company.
Apart from public awareness about a company’s products and services, marketing helps boost
sales and revenue growth. Once the public learns the your product through TV
advertisements, radio commercials, newspaper ads, online ads etc, it will generate sales.
More the people know a productor a service; more interested they would be in buying the
Marketers continuously aim to create an image of the company in general public eyes. They
tend to create brand name recognition. This is done so that consumers can easily associate
the brand name with the images, logo, or caption that they hear and see in the advertisements.
For example, McDonalds is known for its arch design which attracts people and identifies
the image as McDonalds. With an established name in the industry, a business continues to
grow and expand because more and more customers will purchase the products from a
trustworthy and reputed company.
Importance to Customers
1. Marketing creates Utilities: Marketing creates different types of utilities, form
utility – from a plumber to furniture, place utility- product moving from the factory to the
customer, time utility- product available when needed, information utility- ingredients of the
product and even how to use the product, and possession utility- transfer of ownership from
retailer to customer.
2. Large number of choices available: Marketers create needs and wants and try to
satisfy that through offering variety of product choices. If one wantssoap, there are n numbers
of brands available. For example Lux, Pears, Rexona, Dove are range of soaps offered by
3. More platforms available: With the advent of technology, the marketers are offering
customers both offline and online platforms to purchase. Now marketers are serving more
number of customers through different ways, reminders of sales comes through sms, e-mail,
facebook, whatsap, Even customers have become smarter, they search for information from
different online platforms and buy the best deal.
Importance to the Society
1. Source of Employment: Marketing offers a great range of wide and exciting career
opportunities. Marketing offers employment in the field of personal selling, packaging, and
advertising, marketing research, consultancy, distribution and channel sales.
a) Customer
b) Consumer
c) Prospects
d) Marketer
2. Consumer Markets comprises of ________________________
a) Fast moving consumer goods (FMCG)
b) Industrial markets
c) Intermediate markets
d) All the above
3. Market offering can be combination of
4. Market consists of
a) Potential buyers
b) Actual buyers
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above
a) Sales
b) Image
c) Logo
d) None of above
6. The public comes to know about the product of the company through
______________. a) Television
b) Newspaper
c) Radio
d) Online
e) All the above
8. Scope of marketing is not limited to products, services but now one can
market ideas, people, events, places, properties, information, organisations
and _____________. a) Goods
b) Agents
c) Experiences
d) None of above
Ans: 1. A 2. D 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. E 7. D 8. C 9. B
Production Concept
Product Concept
During production concept supply increased over demand. Gradually low cost and
availability couldn’t ensure increase in sale and survival along with growth of the firm. The
companies had to innovate products and started giving more choices to customers which lead
to product concept. This concept is based on the philosophy that consumers will prefer
products that have better quality, performance and features. It emphasises on innovation to
produce better quality products. It believes in the ideology that a “good product will sell
itself” as rightly proven by Apple and Google brands. Both of these companies have strived
hard on their products and deliver customers rich feature, innovative and diverse application
products that people just love these brands. So a good product backed by right price and
proper distribution and promotion will sell in the market and need not to be low priced
(production concept) to sell in market. Thus product improvement became the key to profit
maximisation for firms in product concept.
Selling Concept
With the passage of time marketing environment further underwent changes, competition was
constantly increasing and just the improvement in product and making it available to
customers was not working. There was something more required then just a quality product
for the survival and growth of the companies as large number of sellers started manufacturing
quality product. Something more was required to persuade the customers now. Business
philosophy changed it was believed that customer would not buy or would not buy enough
until or unless they are convinced and influenced to do so. Therefore, Selling is the act of
influencing a customer to buy a product or service. Businesses had to concentrate on ways of
selling their products.
The concept is based on the belief that customers, be individual or organizations will not buy
enough of the organization’s products unless they are persuaded to do so. So organizations
should undertake selling and promotion of their products for success. Thus making good
products was not enough rather focus changed to pushing the sales of products through
aggressive selling. The selling effort is supported by promotional activities and aggressive
advertising. The company does not consider the needs and wants rather thinks that anything
and everything can be sold. This concept can also be applied in the firms having over
capacity in which their goal is to sell what they produce than what the customer really wants.
For example this concept is effectively applicable in the cases of unsought goods like life
insurance, vacuum cleaner, fire fighting equipment’s including fire extinguishers where the
customer doesn’t need them but if persuaded constantly the customer buys them. The
disadvantage with this approach is that it assumes that customer will certainly buy the product
after due persuasion and if dissatisfied will not speak to others, which is not true.
Marketing Concept
By this time customers were fed up of too much influence of the salesman during purchase
of products which led to unnecessary purchase that did meet customer’s needs and wants.
Customers expected that companies should be more responsible enough to understand their
actual needs and wants rather than imposing products on them. The marketing concept
proposes that the success of the firm depends on how well it understands the needs and wants
of the customers and how successfully it converts these needs in to products and services that
will satisfy the customer’s requirements.
Marketing starts before the product; service or solution is ready and continues even after the
sale has been made. In marketing company makes honest efforts towards retaining the
customers and also attracting new ones. Customer satisfaction is the strongest pillar of
marketing where company assures that customers are satisfied after buying a product or
service. This is a customer centric approach rather than product centric one. In marketing
concept customer satisfaction is the focal point and all decision making based on it. Decisions
like the product to be produced, with the features to be included. The price and the place to
be sold all depends on the customers. For example if customer is in need of a pen, pencil and
eraser all in one Linc pens have met that need of customers. If customers want triple door in
refrigerators LG, Godrej, Hitachi companies will produce them to satisfy their needs and
wants. These companies spend a lot on research to understand and meet customers’
Selling is characterized by product focus approach. It has short term goal of achieving market
share. It does not consider a planning for building up the brand in the market place and
doesn’t have a high loyal set of customers. The end means of any sales activity is maximizing
profits through sales maximization. The marketer is of the view that once the production
completes, the task of sales force begins and it’s the duty of the sales force to sell what has
been produced. Aggressive selling is adopted for achieving the sales which gives cash to the
Marketing as a concept is wider than selling and focuses on customers’ needs and wants
rather than the product. Marketing starts before the production and product is produced
according to the needs and wants of the customers. Customer satisfaction is given vital
importance and changes are made if customer is not satisfied. It is a long chain of activity,
which comprises production, packing, promotion, pricing, distribution and then the selling.
Profits are not ignored but they are built up on a long run basis and realized with customer
Every business is for profit even marketing believes in profit maximisation but through
following pillars:
3. Scope The scope of marketing concept is The scope of selling concept
wider. is narrow.
4. Emphasis This concept emphasis on customer This concept emphasis on
needs. products or services.
5. Profit This concept earns profit through This concept earns profit
customer satisfaction through attractive sales and
6. Start This concept starts with actual and This concept starts with
potential customers existing product.
7.Market This concept thinks about market This concept never thinks
segmentation segmentation deeply. about market concept.
8. Marketing mix This concept gives equal importance This concept gives
on marketing mix. importance on only
9. Effectiveness This concept is applicable in pure This concept is useless in
competition market. pure competition market
10. Price Consumers determine price. Cost determines price.
Societal Marketing can be defined as a marketing function in which the organizations identify
the needs and wants of the target market and then align the marketing activities of an
organization in such a manner that their marketing efforts are socially responsible and thereby
help the organization in gaining the trust of the society by having an image of a socially
responsible organization, but still remaining profitable.
Societal marketing is marketing with a noble cause. Now a day’s one can find number of
examples where companies are supporting one or another good cause. Aircel is promoting
‘Save Tiger Campaign’, Idea is concerned about increasing population and deforestation,
ITC’s project of spending each rupee from sales generated through Classmate stationery,
Tata Tea Jago Re campaign are some of the prominent companies who are very active in
societal marketing.
Body Shop, a cosmetic company uses only vegetable based materials for its products. It is
also against Animal testing, supports community trade, activate Self Esteem, Defend Human
Rights, and overall protection of the planet.
Procter and Gamble also practices societal marketing concept wherein it gives certain
percentage of sales of its products for deprived classes of the world specifically the
developing countries.
Relationship Marketing
The approach came into existence in 1990’s. As the name suggest this approach focuses on
customer retention and satisfaction rather than being transactional in nature. The approach
aims to build stronger relationship with customers and its business partners. Although the
idea of building relationships with customers, was given its due importance in the marketing
concept but extending relationships to business partners makes relationship marketing
The approach suggests developing strong relationship with its partners who are suppliers and
distributors. It will lead to better channel arrangements, higher levels of cooperation, less
conflict, and increased efficiency. In relationship marketing everyone is treated as customers.
By relationship-building with all of these organizations and individuals, we can develop
strategies that are in the best interest of everyone in the entire channel of distribution. As a
result, everyone wins.
Basis Marketing
Philosophy Quality Product with Products Satisfied Consider
products at good quality, don’t sell Customers Social
lower price features and themselves. responsibility
performance. Customers while
need to be marketing
convinced to
Marketing: marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups
obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with
Needs: need is basic requirement of human being such as hunger, clothing, shelter and sex.
If unsatisfied it leaves a person unhappy and uncomfortable.
Wants: Human needs shaped by culture and individual personality are wants.
Services: Deeds, processes and performances provided by one person for another person
Customer Satisfaction: Expectations of customers match with the actual performance of the
• Traditionally, market refers to a place where buyers and sellers meet to enter into
transactions involving in exchange of goods and services.
• In modern marketing sense, market is set of actual and potential buyers of products or
• Marketing is not merely a post-production activity. It includes many activities that are
performed before goods are actually produced and continue after goods have been
• Anything can be marketed that is of value to others. It can be a product or a service or
an idea or information or a place or a property or an event and even experience.
• Many people confuse selling for marketing but selling is only a part of process of
marketing. Marketing is customer focused and selling is seller focused.
• Production concept believes in ideology of ‘mass production and mass consumption’
• Product concept believes in ideology of product with good quality, features and
• Selling concept believes that products don’t sell themselves. Customers need to be
convinced to buy.
Q1. What is marketing? Can a marketer be a manufacturer, support with relevant examples?
Long Answer Questions
Q3. Marketing is not merely limited to selling of products and services. Elaborate
Q4. Importance of Marketing is not merely for customers but for society and marketer too.
Q5. Societal marketing is earning profits by working for society, explain and support with
1. Harsh V.Verma, Ekta Duggal, Marketing, 1st pub., Oxford University Press, 2015
2. Michael D. Hutt, Dheeraj Sharma, Thomas W. Speh, B2B marketing: a south - Asian
perspective, 11th ed, Cengage Learning, 2014
3. Alvin Lee, Mark G, Edward, Marketing strategy: a life cycle approach, Cambridge
University Press, 2014.
4. Tapan K.Panda, Marketing management text and cases: Indian Context, 2nd ed, Excel
Books, 2013
5. David L. Kurtz, Principles of contemporary marketing, 15th ed., Cengage Learning,
6. James C. Anderson, Business market management (B2B), 3rd. ed., Pearson education,
7. Bert rosenbloom , Marketing management text and cases: an Indian perspective, 7 th
ed., Cengage Learning, 2011
Online sources:
childlabourandhumanrights.wordpress.com ,
environment factors’ Activity:
(4 Ps) Differentiate the
role of 4 Ps in
different industries
1. Meaningand 1. Describe 1. Rationalize Interactive
steps in
the meaning and the Environmental Lecture:
Environmental steps in Environmental scanning Discussion of
scanning scanning (ETOP) 2. Explain the ETOP profile and
2. Importance of significance of its importance for a
Environmental Environmental firm
scanning scanning for an Activity:
organization Make ETOP
profile of an industry
of your
Demographic factors
Political and
legal factors for an
1. Economic 1.Acknowledge factors of 1. Explicate various Interactive Lecture:
forces macro environment factors of macro Clarification of
2. Natural environment, i. e. or physical
2.Enumerate the impact physical forces, forces,
physical forces
of Economic forces, Technological forces Technological forces
3. Technologic al
Natural or physical and Socio-cultural and Sociocultural
forces, Technological forces forces
4. Socio- forces and Socio-
cultural forces cultural forces Activity:
Enlist various
Technological forces
and Socio-
cultural forces in
an industry
1. Collect
information on
factors of Micro
Environment for
firms and service
(Note: The location would depend upon the topic under discussion, wherein it will be the classroom
for the theoretical interactions and the student will be required to visitield/retail outlet or the
marketing department of an organization to observe and comprehend the conceptsrelated to
Learning Objectives
After reading this unit, the students will be able to:
1. Explain the nature of the business environment
2. Recognize the relationship between the firm and its environment
3. Comprehend Environmental Scanning and its significance
4. Understand the factors determining macro environment in business
5. Analyse the micro economic factors of business environment
6. Explain the effects of demographic change on marketing
7. Discuss the nature of economic factors and sources of competition in business
8. Explain how technological change can transform industries
Marketing is an art of winning hearts of customersand persuading them to buy the firm’s
products and services.It creates value for customers and in return captures value/ profit from
the customers.A company's ability to develop and maintain successful relations with its target
customers, in fact,determines its growth. No business operates in a vacuum. The exchange
process between the firm and its customers depends uponbusiness decisions taken bythe firm,
and these decisions again, are affected by the marketing environment. Marketing
environment consists of numerousfactors and forces close to company which affect its ability
to serve and satisfy its customers for their needs and requirements. The mix of these internal
and external factors affect the way a firm operates. Firms need to understand the marketing
environment so that they can make the most of positive factors and manage the impact of
negative factors. Sincea successful relationship with customers and stakeholders results into
growth of business, now a dayalmost all the firms engaged in production and marketing, tend
to identify, monitor and analyse these forces before taking decisions for the firm.
In production process, right from the productconceptualization tillfinal production, every
single person, group entity, event or factor- internal/ external,makes a specific impact on
firm's choices. Similarly individuals or organizations, in capacity ofcustomers, suppliers,
competitors, even governments are also affected by the firm’s activities. As these directly or
indirectly give some input into marketing decisions taken by the firm.A firm plans
productionkeeping in view the customers' needs,market characteristics, competing rivals,
behaviour of suppliers and distributorsfor its product. It also gives due consideration to the
legislative, social and cultural framework.By producing goods and services for people, the
firm is committed to provide satisfaction to individuals and to increase the welfare of society.
It is, in fact, the economic and social organ of society, so it must achieve its economic goal
According to M. Weimer, “Business environment is the climate or set of conditions -i.e.,
economic, social, legal, technological and political situations in which business activities are
conducted". In the words of Keith Davis, "Business environment is the aggregate of all
conditions, events and influences that surround and affect it.” Philip Kotlerdefines "A
company's marketing environment consists of the actors and forces outside marketing that
affect its management's ability to build and maintain successful relationships with target
The environmental forces, at times, do not show any significant change.The environment of
a business enterprise then is termed as stable or static environment. But modern organizations
now a day are observing frequent changes, both internally as well as externally. The nature
and degree of change is unpredictable. There are new products and designs being introduced
to the market every day, invention of new techniques of production, new competitors,
changes in ministries in the Government, changes in policies related to industry, taxation
or banking that bring irregularity in the environment for the marketers. Such factors
creatinginstability make the business environment volatile and it is called a dynamic
environment.The firm has to deal with the changes taking place 'within' and 'around' it. There
are certain forces that can be controlled to a large extent by the management of a company.
These are calledinternal environment factors, which are generally related to product design,
volume of production, procurement of raw material, employment of labour, doses of financial
investment and expansion plans of the firm. These changes can be introduced as per desire
of the company's management. Besides this, the four P's of marketing i.e., product, price,
place and promotion are also controllable. For example, if the customers expect some
variations in the product offered by the firm, or price is high/ low for the target customers or
the current medium of advertisement is not effective enough, the firm is quite free switch
over to required changes. These factors are a part of controllable environment making an
impact on approach and success of its operations.
Another type of marketing environment, which generally cannot be guarded by the
management of a company, is called uncontrollable environment. This also affects marketing
policies and strategies of the firm to a great extent. The external uncontrollable environment
consists of factors and forces at two levels namely- micro environment, and macro
environment. Micro environment consists of the elements or forces that influence marketing
and business directly. It includes suppliers, customers, intermediaries, competitors and the
general public. Macro environment includes demographics, economic forces, political
andlegal forces, socio-cultural and technological forces, which arebeyond the control of firm
and affect business indirectly. The firm analyzes these environmental forces also,while taking
various decisions in marketing.
Environmental Scanning
The firmsurvives and contrives inan uncertain dynamic environment.An environmental
scanning by the firm for recognizing potential opportunities and threats outside are very
essential. It is, in fact, key to business success. The management has to systematically monitor
the external forces to make strategy for the firm in the future. Through environmental
analysis, the management can develop an Environmental Threat and Opportunity Profile
(ETOP) which gauges the impact of various environmental forces on the firm.Threat may be
like emergence of strong competition in the market by new firms and substitute products, and
opportunity may occur in the form of path breaking new technology that may help to reduce
cost and improve product quality of the firm.Environmental scanning is a process of
scrutinizing and weighing up changes and trends in marketing environment by the firm.
Before production and launching the product in the market the management has to make a
good market research to explore various aspects like-
a) Nature of target customers- Identifyingthe size of family, job profile, purchasing
power and buying motive of the customer etc. For example before introducing Tata
Nano to the automobile market these factors were ensured by the company.
b) The market trends-Observing the position of company's previous products and
services in the market, whether demand is likely to remain static, decrease or increase.
c) Economic, social and political trends- Scanning the economic, social and political
trends affecting productionnamely monetary policy, social changes, anti-pollution or
energy conservation laws e.g., Tata Nano project faced strong opposition in Singur
(West Bengal) both socially and politically.
d) Technology trends- Anticipation oftechnological changes, i.e. whether new
productmay become popular or what type of technology advancements are about to
take place.
e) Competition in the market- Analyzing the upcoming or existing competitors and
what are their strengths and weaknesses.
Importance of Environmental Scanning-
The business environment is multifaceted, complex, and dynamic in nature and has a
farreaching impact on the survival and growth of the business.There is a close and continuous
interaction between the business and its environment. An environmental scanningbecomes
very crucial as it enables a management to identify present and future opportunities which it
can exploit,orthreats and constraints which have tobe tackled. The observations made of the
relevant aspects of the external environment provide the backdrop for internal strategies as
well as forecasting of sales and profit trends.It is important for the management of a company
to be fully aware of its external environment and develop plans and strategies to deal with the
environmental forces. If a company is able to adapt to its environment, it would succeed in
the long-run. But if it fails to become accustomed to its environment, it might fail in the
longrun. For instance, bike producers of UK failed as they could not cope with the changes
in the environment. On the contraryJapanese producers succeeded as they could evolve
strategies and techniques to deal with changes in technological, economic, social and other
environmental factors.In these competitive times marketing managers have to besmart and
should have a proactive approach, i.e. planning for the future. They cannot afford to sit back
waiting for the environment to change, and react to changes as they happen. Rather they have
to identify and foresee changes in the environment, and plan their responses before the
changes happen. Some of the organizations go even beyond and manage the environment in
their own interests, as was the case of Ford, IBM, Sony, McDonalds and Microsoft.
Environmental scanning is very significant for the organizations as it helps in-
1. The exchange process between the firm and its customers depends upon business decisions
taken by the firm, and these decisions again, are affected by the marketing environment.
2. If a company does not adapt to its environment, it would succeed in the long-run.
6. A keen watch on the trends in the environment would help to sensitize the firm's
management to the changing technology, competition, government policies and changing needs
of the customers.
7. Search of alternatives and choice of strategy to deal with the environment are parts of
image building process.
8. Strategists can gather qualitative information regarding business environment and utilize
it in formulating effective plants.
9. If a firm is sensitive to the external environment, it will come out with new products and
services to meet the requirements of the customers.
10. Business environment helps to identify the individual strengths and weaknesses in view
of the technological and global developments.
Answers: 1. True, 2. False, 3. False, 4. True, 5. False, 6. True, 7. False, 8. True 9. True 10.
Marketing system of a business organization is surrounded by many kinds of environments
with which it interacts.The Firm’s marketing activity depends uponits business planning by
looking outside at what its customers require, rather than deciding inwardly at what it would
prefer to produce. The firm has to be aware of what is going on in its marketing environment
and appreciate how environmentalchange can lead to change indemand pattern for its
products. Just as the human body may have problems, if it fails to adjust to environmental
change;a business may also fail if it does not adapt to external changes such as new sources
of competition or changes in consumers’ preferences.
Macroenvironment and micro environment are very crucial for the firm in spite of being much
apart from firm’s internal settings. The macro-environment refers to external forces that are
part of the larger society andso are beyond the control of firm’s management. These forces
do not concern the immediate environment of the firm but make an effect on firm's ability to
market its productseffectively. By studying these factors firmscan only prepare themselves
for the changes taking place in environment.
The macro environmental factors/ forceswhich affect organization's marketing decisions and
activities are as follows:
i. Demographic forces
ii. Politico-legal forces
iii. Economic forces
iv. Natural or physical forces
v. Technological forces
vi. Socio-cultural forces
Federal, State and Local bodies generally set rules or restrictions on the conduct of
businesses. The political environment includes all laws, government agencies and
constitutional provisions affecting or limiting businessorganizations within a society.
It is essential for marketers to be aware ofsuch
provisions, incentives,Government'sinterventionand restrictions in business
as these factors make great influence on business decisions.The viability of a
business depends upon firm's ability to meet the challenges arising out of the
politico-legal environment.
The final aspect of the macro-environment is the socio-cultural forces which consists
of institutions and basic values and beliefs of a group of people.The socio-cultural
environment of a country determines the value system of the society which in turn
affects the marketing of products. Sociological factors such as caste structure,
mobility of labour, customs, cultural heritage, view towards scientific methods etc.
might have a far-reaching impact on business. For instance, the nature of goods and
services in demand depends upon people's attitudes, customs, socio-cultural values,
etc. In India, the attitudes of people have changed with respect to food and clothing.
As a result of industrialisation, employment of women in factories and offices has
increased and it has also increased the level of education. This has resulted in the
growth of food processing and garment manufacturing units.
Socio-cultural environment determines the code of conduct the business should
follow. If a business follows unethical practices, various social groups and
Government will intervene to discipline it. For instance, if an industrial unit is not
paying fair wages to workers, trade unions and Government will intervene. If it is
indulging in adulteration, hoarding or black marketing, there are consumer forums
and several government agencies to take action against it.
Some of the socio-cultural factors which have the potential of influencing marketing
decisions include the following:
• Caste and occupational structure
• Family structure- joint v/s nuclear family
• Increasing number of women in the workforce
• Population shifts from rural to urban areas
• Educational system and literacy rates
• Changing consumption habits of the populationfor enhancement of quality of
• Exposure to western modern culture
This macro environment is also known as PEST, that is, Political Environment,
Economic Environment, Social Environment, Technological Environment,
Environmental forces (Natural) and Legal Environmental study by an organization.
Knowledge Assessment – II
1. Suppliers:
The suppliers comprise all the business firms or individuals who provide raw materials,
components and semi-finished goods to be used in production or even sell finished products
of the organization. A Firmdepends on numerous suppliers either in capacity of a buyer of
inputs or aproducer to whole-sellers and retailers. The buyer-supplier relationship is one of
mutual economic interdependence, as both parties rely on one another for their commercial
well-being. Although both parties are seeking stability and security from their relationship,
factors in the supplier environment are subject to change.For instance,shortage of raw
material or sudden increase in raw material prices forces suppliers to raise the prices, or
anindustrial dispute may affect delivery of materials to the buying company. Any unexpected
development in the supplier environment can have an immediate and potentially serious
effect on the firm's commercial operations and production. It is crucial for a firm to monitor
potential changes in the supplier environment and have contingency plans ready to deal with
adverse developments hampering production activity.
2. Marketing Intermediaries:
Marketing intermediaries are the independent individuals or organisations that directly help
in the free flow of goods and services between marketing organisations and the customers.
Generally these are of two types, namely 'merchant' and 'agent'. Merchant middlemen can be
wholesalers and retailers. Agent middlemen arean important part of the distribution network
and renderimportant services in different capacities.Organizations typically rely on banks,
venture capitalists and other sources to finance their operations; warehouses and
transportation companies to distribute goods; and advertising, market research firms and
public-relations firms to market their products. Each intermediary can potentially increase or
decrease production and customer satisfaction
3. Customers:
4. Competitors:
Competitors are the rival business firms in the effort to satisfy the markets and consumers’
demand. Since these are competing with each-other, the marketing decisions of one firm not
only influence consumer responses in the marketplace but also affect the marketing strategies
of other competitors. So marketers have to continuously monitor the rival firm’s marketing
activities, their products, distribution channels, prices and promotional efforts to design its
marketing strategy. They must also gain strategic advantage by positioning their products and
services strongly against those of their competitors, in the minds of the consumers.
5. Publics:
The company's micro environment also includes various publics, i.e. groups of people. A
'public' means any group that has an actual or potential interest in or impact on the company's
ability to achieve its objectives. A public can contribute to a marketing program through
positive word of mouth or may hinder marketing activities through negative word-of-mouth.
Kotler and Armstrong have described seven types of publics as follows-
1. Financial publics- They groups influence the company's ability to obtain funds. The
examples of major financial publics are- banks, investment houses and shareholders.
2. Media publics- They consist of those mechanisms or devices that carry news, features
and editorial opinion. They include- newspapers, magazines, radio and television
3. Government publics- Management must take government developments into
account. Marketers must often consult the company's lawyers on issues of product
safety, truth-in-advertising and other matters.
4. Citizen-action publics- A company's marketing decisions may be questioned by
consumer organizations, environmental groups, minority groups and others. Its public
relations department can help it stay in touch with consumer and citizen groups.
5. Local publics- Every company has local publics, such as neighbourhood residents
and community organizations.
6. General publics- A company needs to be concerned about the general public's
attitude towards its products and activities. The public's image of the company affects
its buying.
7. Internal publics- A company's internal publics include its workers, managers, and
board of directors. Large companies use newsletters and other means to inform and
motivate their internal publics. When employees feel good about their company, this
positive attitude spills over to external publics.
1. ‘A firm plans production keeping in view the customers' needs, market characteristics,
competing rivals, behaviour of suppliers and distributorsfor its product.’ Do you agree
the statement? Discuss.
2. With the help of an example explain how changes in government's economic policies
make a negative effect on business activity of a firm.
3. What do you mean by publics? Described seven types of publics affecting a business
decision making.
4. A company's marketing environment consists of the actors and forces outside
marketing that affect its management's ability to build and maintain successful
relationships with target customers." Explain the definition.
5. ‘The firm has to deal with the changes taking place 'within' it and 'around' it.’ Discuss
in detail.
6. How do you think that the four P's of marketing namely product, price, place and
promotion are controllable factors for a business?
7. Which are the various aspectsexplored bythe management of a firm through market
research before starting its operations?
8. What is the importance of environmental scanning for the organizations in modern
times? Explain in detail.
9. ‘The socio-cultural environment of a country determines the value system of the
society which in turn affects the marketing of products’; explore the truth in the
statement with the help of an example.
10. ‘Technology adoption helps to gain competitive advantage to the business firm’.
Explain how?
11. What is the significance of ‘Customer’ in marketing micro environment? Explain
various categories of customer markets.
12. What role is played by ‘intermediaries’ in a market? Explain with support of examples.
Location Classroom
Learning Knowledge Performance Teaching & Training
Outcome Evaluation Evaluation Method
Define the Prescribe the Elucidate the Interactive lecture
meaning of meaning of implication ofdiscuss the concept &
segmentation Segmentation the word meaning of
segmentation segmentation
Interactive lecture:
explain the importance
of segmentation
Importance of Describe the Describe the Interactive lecture
Segmentation importance of features of explain the importance
segmentation importance of segmentation
Learning Objectives
After reading the unit, the student will be able to
Understand the meaning and importance of Segmentation;
Identify bases of Segmentation;
Define types of Segmentation;
Understand the meaning of Targeting;
Identify types of targeting;
Define Selection Criteria for targeting;
Targeting Failure of Target Markets;
Understand the meaning of Positioning: The Battle for the Mind;
Define Positioning Process;
Identifying Bases of Positioning
All customers in a broadly defined market don’t have the same needs. But successful
marketers decide about the products to offer and the markets to be serviced. One size doesn’t
fit everyone very well. “One cannot be everything to everyone, but can be everything to a
selected few” and that no two individuals can be the same. These are the foundations for
segmentation. For this purpose market segmentation is core to marketing. Various firms have
achieved leadership positions through effective segmentation and targeting.“Once you
discover the most useful ways of segmenting a market, you have produced the beginnings of
sound marketing strategy”. To create differentiation, marketers use segmentation, targeting,
and positioning, or STP. Consumers buy benefits, and products that BEST address their
SPECIFIC need. Segmentation Analysis can help determine where customer needs products
to address consumer needs. Segmenting the market, Targeting the user, and Positioning the
products are three pillars of modern marketing strategy.
Meaning of Segmentation
Segmentation process consists of three stages: Segmenting, targeting, and positioning.[4] The
three are popularly known as STP in marketing. .
Importance of Segmentation
No market is totally homogeneous and to create meaningful segments, marketers must
understand different purchase combinations that satisfy the need.
In the 1980s, we looked for the customer in each individual, today we look for individual in
each customer. An organisation benefits from the process of segmentation in number of ways.
Even buyer needs segmentation for generating new product ideas and providing some insights
for advertising.
Mercedes produces worldwide the same cars, but it advertises the cars as “quality” cars in
Germany, but as “prestige” cars in India.
Improved Customer Relations: Segmentation will enable the buyer to find the
products most fitting to their physical or/and psychological needs. Customers
finding products more tailored to their needs, would be more loyal to the firm (s).
Since segmentation helps to meet the customer needs, expectations, aspirations
and share of wallet, market segmentation is customer-oriented.
Competitor Analysis: To compete better in the market one must have complete
knowledge of the competitors, the segments being served by them, and their
working practices. It enables to know the segment which our organisation can
serve better. If this kind of information is overlooked we may find ourselves in
head-on collision with large competitors. Especially, the medium-sized firms can
grow rapidly through strong positions in specialised market segments. By
insightful segmenting and targeting, companies set the stage both for serving
customers well and minimising the impact of competition. Thus, segmentation is
a source of competitive advantage and enhances awareness of external market
trends and competition.
Focus Marketing Communication: Segmentation establishes commitment and single-
mindedness with the organisation: one vision, one voice, harmonised messages.
Segmentation allows an organisation to identify media channels competent to reach
the target group. Young women interested in fashion are more likely to read ‘Famina’.
Thus marketer can select this medium instead of going in for mass media.
Knowledge Assessment- I
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:
Location Classroom
Types of Segmentation:
(a) Their country of birth and their location, dividing a country into regions, states.
Location does not mean that all consumers in a location will behave the same way, but
the approach helps identify certain general patterns.
(c) In case of large companies these regions may be further subdivided into sizes –small,
medium, and large.
(d) In case of international marketing or global business different countries might be
taken up as different market segments.
e) Another basis may be geographical density – urban, suburban, and rural. It may
be a good basis as the low-density markets require different price, promotion and
distribution strategies. India’s urban population may be further divided on the basis
of cities - Tier I (8 cities: 8% India’s population), Tier II (26 cities: 4% of India’s
population), Tier III (33 cities: 7% population), and Tier IV (5094 cities: 11%
population). The rest 70% is the rural population residing in India’s 6,38,000 villages
across India.
In case of Indian Railways, they have Northern Railway, Southern Railway, Eastern Railway,
Western Railway, North-Eastern Railway, and Central Railway and so on and so forth.
Customers in different regions may have different cultures and may require marketing
differently. India is a country of diversities. In terms of types of commerce (Tourist, local
worker, residents, businesses), retail establishments (downtown shopping districts, shopping
malls), competition (underdeveloped, saturated), legislation (stringent, lax), and cost of living
/operation (low/moderate/high) are the other bases of geographical demographics).
Demographic segmentation is good to guide the media plan and help the creative agencies to
understand how to bring the segment to life.
Age: Today virtually every age band from life to death is the focus of a marketing campaign.
The requirements are different in different age groups. In case of readymade garments, it may
be for new borne babies, children, teens, youth, middle age people, old people. All of them
have different needs. Young people like to make use of credit cards. Older people use cash.
Children consume more of carbonated drinks. That is why – Youngistan and ‘YehDil Mange
More”. People at 50 and above are referred to ‘grey’ market or ‘third age’ group. The ‘grey’
market is itself categorised further according to lifestyle and other criteria. This market offers
opportunities to personal care (hair dying, anti-ageing creams), pharmacy, telemarketing,
nursing industries. Indian Clothing League Private Ltd. , manufacturing clothes for pre-teen
children aged 6 to 18, is now targeting to tap infants from 0-2 under brand name ‘Baby
League’ to fuel its growth strategy.
Segmentation by age can be done like- School age children and College going children,
Preteens and Teens, Generation X, Generation Y, Baby boomers, and seniors.
Generation Y or the millennial generation, generally defined as people born after 1980, has
an approach towards life that is distinct - much different from what we have witnessed till
now. They are also a generation that is not afraid to embraces change, and that puts them at
an advantage, given the dynamic environment we are working in. This is also a generation
that has grown up with information at its fingertips, and isn't afraid to use - or share - it, to
influence and be influenced on where to direct their spending. According to a recent report
by IBM, the millennial workforce is slated to represent 50 per cent of the global workforce
by 2015, and about 76 per cent by 2020. It is, therefore, imperative to understand this
generation's approach as they redefine businesses and organisational structures. As
individuals, millennials are increasingly relying on technology to engage and serve them
better as they look for solutions that help and broadcast who they are.
In 2013, Star India is planning to launch a new English general entertainment channel, Star
World Premiere, to cater to the 20-35-year-olds.
Gender: In case of clothes, it may be male and female, In case of fashionable clothes the two
segments vary a lot. Women prefer scooties, and boys use motorcycles. By 2015, India will
have 80 million working women in the age group of 18-44 year age band. The roles are
changing because of womenfolk joining working groups. Now males do many jobs earlier
performed by women folk, thus blurring the lines.
There are products where targeting may be at women, but we Indian males, being not
individualists, use soaps, shampoos, talcs, skin creams and moisturisers targeted largely at
women. Thus, Indian males act as surrogate users. At the same time, a section of women are
using male deodorants. Hindustan Unilever Limited has Axe for male and Lux deodorants for
Family Structure: The family life cycle concept charts the progress of family development
from birth to death. People at different stages of different life cycle have needs different from
each other.A family may be in bachelor stage (young and single people), newly married
couple -marriage alters the needs. Married couples need white goods and durable goods to
begin with, Full Nest I (young married couple with dependent children - once a child is born,
they would require baby food, baby clothes, toys, etc.), Full Nest II (older married couples
with dependent children), Empty Nest (older married couples with no children living with
them) and solitary survivor (older single People). Wells and Gubar (1996) have put forward
an internationally recognised classification.
Race: The ethnic background is a good base for segmentation. Hindus celebrate Diwali, and
Chinese celebrate their New Year differently and the two are good segments.
Politics: Different political party members have their liking for different members and
commodities. For example Congress party members in India prefer white caps, Samajwadi
Party goes for red cap, BSP members want a blue cap, whereas BJP members wear a saffron
colour cap.
Family Size – Two segments may be small family and the large family segments. Smaller
the family small size packs would be preferred, and larger the family larger packs would be
The Psychological Life cycle: Here the chronological age may not necessarily be the factor
of greatest importance in determining consumption patterns. Rather it is the transformation
of attitudes and expectations that becomes a more important factor. The emergence of’ ‘kid
adults’, and old younsters represent the psychological lives.
Segacity: It is a refinement of the family life cycle grouping system, showing different
behavioural patterns and aspirations to people as they proceed through life. These stages may
be Dependent, Pre-family, Family, and Late. The family and late may be further classified
into Better off and worse off and these two bases may be further classified on the basis of
occupation as White Collar and Blue Collar.
Type of neighbourhood and dwelling: Geo demography may also be used for segmentation
by focusing on local neighbourhood geography. The proposition is that the neighbourhood
area in which a consumer lives will be reflected in one’s professional status, income, lifestage
and behaviour. People living in different localities or different types of dwellings have
different needs, but in one kind of dwelling situated in one locality they have similarity of
needs. This basis of segmentation uses the house or locality as the basis of segmentation,
rather than the individuals. It is popularly known as ACORN (A Classification of Residential
According to Indicus Analytics, top three neighbourhoods in Delhi include Greater Kailash
Greater Kailash II, and PreetVihar; in Mumbai – Ward D-Grant Road-Walkeshwar, Ward-
HWest Bandra Jetty; and in U.P. – Sector 19, 27 of Noida.
Income: Segmenting by income is very popular, especially for cars, luggage, vacations and
fashion goods. There may be people belonging to lower class, middle class and high net
worth individuals.
Volvo in India targets on the 5% high net worth individuals. The housing boards offer
lowincome houses, middle income houses and high income houses. The base for
segmentation is income. It may be skill as well, like skilled workers, semi-skilled workers,
unskilled workers, and subsistence workers (those living on state pension, casual or lowest
grade workers), rich and poor.
A German statistician, Ernst Engel, has made the following observations about what happens
when household income increases:
1. Smaller percentage of expenditure goes for food.
2. The percentage spent on housing, household operations, and clothing remains
3. The percentage spent on other items (recreation, vacation, education) increases.
Education: College-going students have different demands than the people who after
good higher education join the companies as executives, and those who are illiterates.
Occupation: The requirements for executives and a school teacher would altogether be
different. The executive class would require Armani suit, whereas the other one would require
a suit of any brand which is cheaper.
Social Class: Social class indicates one’s social position, and is objectified through income,
occupation, and location of residence. A policeman might be earning more than a college
professor, off course through accepting under the table challans, but he belongs to a social
class lower than that of a professor. The social class of professor will demand purchases of
items and place of purchases different from that of a policeman.
Usage status: The segmentation may be done on the basis of ‘light’, ‘medium’, and ‘heavy’
users of a product. The other way can be non-users, first-time users and regular users.
Airlines ‘frequent flyer’ schemes are based on this philosophy.
Brand Loyalty Levels: The segments may be made on the basis of ‘Hard Core Loyals’ (same
brand every time), ‘Soft Core Loyals’ (loyalty divided between two or more brands), ‘Shifting
Loyals’ (Brand switchers), and ‘Switchers (no particular preference).
Benefit sought: The kind of benefit one wants to seek. Benefit segmentation depends on
benefit sought is identifiable, using these benefits , marketers must be able to divide the
customers into recognisable segments, and one or more of the resulting segments must be
accessible to the firm. For Example in case of baking soda one may be using for bakery
products, where the other one may be using as deodorant in the fridge. In case of baby wool,
it may be used for baby care, child care and cosmetic use. These are the benefits received
from using. The other benefit seekers purpose might only be possessing the goods. In case of
gold, silver, and precious stones this segment is as important as the actual users or wearers e.
Occasions for Purchase: Some of the products are purchased only on certain occasions.
These occasions may be used as the basis for segmentation. Gifts are normally exchanged on
Diwali, - but colours are purchased only on Holi. Demand for dates increase during the month
of Ramadan. On the occasion of wedding lot of things are purchased including Lehenga and
Choli. The segmentation may be done not only on the basis of culture, but also the subculture
(religion, race, Nationality). Occasion can thus be an event. An event may be routine or
emergency. Muslims do not eat pork and drink alcohol on Friday, but European Catholics do
eat fish on Friday. Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, and Father’s Day are the critical events
used by Greeting Card companies and the chocolate companies.
Frequency of purchasing: People may buy for the whole year, or for one quarter or one
month or one week. In India there are some households who buy rice at the time of harvesting
for the whole year. They buy in 35 or 50 kg. Bags, Those who buy only for a month buy 5kg.
Bags. Thus, frequency of purchasing is a good basis for segmentation.
Willingness to buy: A few people might not know the product, a few know it but never used,
and some people know it and have used it. Each one of these segments requires a different
marketing strategy.
Season: In India, we have three seasons- summer, rainy, and winter seasons. For each season
we have different requirements. Air conditioner is purchased only for summers. But gone are
the days when players in the air conditioner (AC) segment would market their products only
during summers. Now, with erratic weather conditions, AC sales take place throughout the
Tribal: It is segmentation based upon social groups or cultures with which customers
identify. The BBC started a programme for tribes in society 9 such as young, independent
women) or the Indian TV channels starting ‘SasBahu serials keeping in view the social
Telecom Segmentation
Eight Segment Profiles
1. Talk & Texters – I just have a mobile phone because it is practical.
The Conservative Customer
Interested in basic functions
2. Talkative Trendies – ‘Talk around the clock.’
The modern, fun – fashion-oriented socialiser
Interested in all applications and services
3. Aspiring to be accepted – ‘Would like to have it but is not really up to it.’
Wants to be part of the in-crowd, but would never be. Seek to have trendy handset so that
adopted by peer sets they wish to join.
Show special affinity towards photo, video and MP3 applications.
4. Laggards – ‘Torn between conservative values and the modern world.’ Traditional
views with low communication needs and basic technical usage.
Late in the market.
Holds specific aversions to mobile phone but also views them as a practical-only device (e.g.,
for emergency calls only)
5. Gaming Youths – ‘Game oriented mobile world addict.’
Young and very technology-oriented people, belonging to mobile generation, who needs a
mobile phone in order to maintain a fast-living fun life.
Games! And Music!
Search the images and brands that help them keep track of the modern world.
6. Sophisticated careerists – ‘Be successful with mobile technology.’
Career-oriented individualists with lots of contacts. Highly immersed in technology and very
Demanding on value for money. Customer care and respect are very important to these
Need a mobile phone to organise their life and business, but not emotionally attached.
7. Organisation Paid – ‘No choice – the corporation decides.’
Demanding on value for money and customer care.
Network coverage, reliability, and volume discounts are the focus.
Users have little influence in selection, so not particularly fashion or technology-led.
8. International Business Users – ‘Frequent connected business
travellers.’ Easy quad-band roaming and smooth data transfer.
Some similarities with sophisticated careerists but with much greater emphasis on
functionality and flexibility of at-destination services.
Influenced by corporate choice of network and tariff plans.
First five are consumer segments. The last two are business user segments. The sophisticated
careerists are mainly business users who self-select mobile network, handset and tariff option
and behave as consumers.
Source: Dibb, Sally, and Lyndon Simkin (2010), “Target Segment Strategy,” in Michael J. Baker
and Michael Saren (ed), Marketing Theory – A Student Text, Los Angeles: SAGE.
Briggs and Myres have developed four personality dimensions:
There are two problems associated with personality characteristics. One, It is not possible to
measure such traits in general population. And two, there is no medium to access people with
a personality trait. But companies do target people through their ads. L’Oreal ad says
“Because I’m worth it” and Hallmark Greeting Card ad says, “When you care enough to send
the very best.”
Lifestyle: Lifestyle and consumption are closely related, and therefore, marketers adopt it for
segmentation. Lifestyle means approach to life. AIO (Activities, interests, and opinions)
reflect lifestyles of people. People are grouped on the basis of how they spend their time, the
importance of things in their surrounding, beliefs about themselves and broad issues and some
demographic characteristics, such as income and education. The most popular consumer
lifestyle framework is a survey from SRI Consulting Business Intelligence. It classifies
customers into eight groups – Innovators, Thinkers, Achievers, Experiencers, Believers,
Strivers, Makers, and Survivors. A detailed profile of customers is necessary for developing
effective advertising campaigns.
Values: Values reflect the realities of life. Researchers at Survey Research Centre at
University of Michigan have identified nine basic values: Self Respect, security, Excitement,
Fun and enjoyment in life, having warm relationships, Self-fulfilment, Sense of belonging,
Sense of accomplishment, Motives/hobbies, Knowledge and being well respected.
Types of Segmentation
Segmentation variables can be priori and post-hoc. Priori variables can be called identifier
variables (who they are), whereas post-hoc variables may be called response variables (what
they are). Segmentation based upon age, sex, education, etc are identifiers. The response
variables segment market on the basis of how customers behave. For example, segmenting
airline passenger on the basis of price versus punctuality is a case of response variable.
Knowledge Assessment- II
Location Classroom
Meaning and Comprehend the Identify the types Interactive lectures: Types of concept of targeting of
targeting Explain the meaning Targeting and its types and types of targeting
Selection Criteria Identify the Understand the Interactive lectures:
for Targeting selection criteria for selection criteria Explain the selection
targeting for targeting criteria for targeting
Positioning: The Define Positioning Identifying Interactive lecture:
battle for mind features of explain the meaning of
positioning positioning
Positioning Describing the Elucidate the Interactive lecture:
Process positioning Process positioning
explain the positioning process
Bases for Identify bases for Describe the Interactive lecture:
Positioning Positioning bases for explain the bases
for positioning positioning
Meaning of Targeting
Gone are the days of 1960s when mass marketing provided scale economies for many
markets. The ultimate segmentation is mass customisation, as Dell Computers is doing.
Today, no organisation has the resources or capabilities to adequately address all segments
in the market with segment specific sales and marketing mix. Unless the right segments are
targeted an organisation will not enjoy the benefits of adopting market segmentation concept
and the costs incurred in identifying segments will not be repaid. In case of ITC foods,
initially it adopted mass targeting, now it is in a position to target any segment it likes.
The targeting stage of segmentation is concerned with making choices about the segments to
serve. We can’t be everything to every segment. The targeting process is concerned with
balancing the attractiveness of segment opportunities against the available resources and the
capabilities. The segments chosen through targeting are referred to as target markets or target
segments. The search for the best prospects among all consumers is called target marketing.
Types of Targeting
Mass Marketing Strategy: When differences in customer needs are small or demographics
are not distinctive, a business may decide to use a mass market strategy or ‘undifferentiated
marketing’. A firm may produce only one product or product line and promote it to all
customers with a single marketing mix. The firm ignores any segment differences and design
a single product-and-marketing programme that will appeal to the largest number of
consumers. It means to offer a single product/service/idea across different market segments.
It is also known as undifferentiated marketing. Coca Cola, Caterpillar, Sony, Marlboro,
Philips, Toyota, McDonald’s, Volvo and Kodak use global marketing strategy. However,
these companies do modify their products and communication. The primary purpose of this
strategy is to capture sufficient volume to gain economies of scale and a cost advantage.
LG Electronics India, the country’s largest consumer durables maker is shifting its focus back
to mass products
If separate products and programmes are designed for different segments it is called
‘differentiated marketing’.
Large Segment Strategy: When a market is segmented and marketing resources are limited,
the marketer may decide to pursue a large segment strategy. A mass market may be
segmented say into three core segments. One of the segments, which is large enough and
representing 50% or more of the market would be the centre of focus. We may also call it as
the Single-segment marketing. It means to concentrate organisation’s marketing efforts on a
single segment. Unfortunately there are large risks associated with this strategy. Should the
chosen segment cease to be viable the firm would also cease to operate. Putting all the eggs
into one basket can be hazardous. For example one-hour photo has lost to digital photo
camera, fax servicing has lost to e-mail, pager has lost to mobile phones, and STD booths
have lost due to cheaper telecom services. Single market segment strategy can also be called
as ‘concentrated targeting’ strategy or ‘niche’ strategy.
Adjacent Segment Strategy: When a single segment focus has reached the point of full
market penetration and after a single-market segment successful, the marketer opts for
adjacent marketing strategy, a closely related segment is tackled next. Suzuki entered the
Indian market with the Maruti 800 at the low-price end of the market (presently Alto serves
this segment). As Maruti penetrated this segment, it moved to an adjacent segment in terms
of price and quality by adding Maruti Zen. Next was entry into a large car segment with
Maruti Esteem. Over the last 25 years, Suzuki effectively used an adjacent segment strategy
and is a market leader in each segment.
time. This strategy is known as multi-segmentation strategy. All of them would require
separate marketing mixes. Nike produces shoes for golfers, tennis players, basketball players,
for cricketers, and thus serves many segments relating to sports shoes. Chicago-based Hyatt
Hotels and Resorts has targeted the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender market to make its
image more attractive to this market. This strategy is also called as ‘differentiated marketing
Small Segment Strategy: Although a market may provide three segment opportunities, a
business with limited resources and capabilities may decide to compete only in the smallest
segment. Such a small segment is normally ignored by large competitors, using mass market
or large segment strategies. Even businesses with multi-segment strategy may feel ineffective
to focus on such a small segment. In the case of Mercedes, for a very long time it used a small
segment strategy to focus on luxury car market. However, due to competitive pressures and
attractiveness of adjacent segments, it is following a dual-segment strategy.
Niche Segment Strategy: The word niche itself implies that one is targeting a limited number
of consumers or a particular set of customers. Separating a market into 100% homogeneous
segments is really difficult. Many differences will always remain due to demographics or
usage behaviour. Thus, there is always a possibility to carve a niche within a segment to
customise marketing efforts according to group of target customers. Niche segment consists
of sufficient number of customers seeking somewhat specialised benefits from a good or
service. This strategy would avoid direct competition with larger firms who are pursuing
bigger segments. This strategy is also known as ‘Concentrated marketing’. OM Pizzas are
the Starbucks of the Pizza world!! Therefore, plenty of room for them is to play in the big
gap between the fine dine pizzerias (which charge more than Rs. 700 per person) and the
mass market Dominos and Pizza Hut (which charge around Rs.200-300 per person).” With
Chillis Texas Grill & Bar, the company would hit the perfect spot in casual dining and a fun
bar, with an international ambience.
After cornering 45% of the country’s 25-lakh-unit passenger vehicle market, Maruti Suzuki
is now targeting niche segments by adding a third-seating row to WagonR by making it
sevenseater and adding a diesel engine. WagonR is the third most-popular car brand in the
country after Maruti’s own Alto and Dzire models.
The fast-moving consumer goods Emami has made a habit out of developing niche segments
into money-spinning brands. It carved out a virgin segment for its Fair and Handsome. The
early-mover advantage played out well for the firm, despite HUL launching its own variant
followed by international rivals Nivea and Lóreal. Navratna Cool Talc was yet another
innovation and is doing well in the hinterland.
A variety of online food delivery start-ups in Bangalore have come up catering to niche
markets.iTiffin.in takes bulk orders, either for a week or a month; ichef.in focuses on quality
of product; SpiceBox.in clinches corporate deals; Travelkhana and Foodpanda adhere to
timeliness; and FlyByKnight sells essential items right from a sandwich to a burger to even
There is need for targeting. There has to be match between costing and revenues. Factors
affecting needs of targeting are too many. ( 9)
1. Existing market share and market homogeneity
2. Existing product expertise
3. Likelihood of production and marketing scale economies
4. Nature of competitive environment
5. The forces of marketing environment and marketing trends
6. Capability and ease of matching customer needs
7. Segment attractiveness in terms of size, structure, and growth
8. Available corporate resources
9. Anticipated profitability and market share
Some other factors which influence the choice of targeting Strategy are stage of
productmarket maturity, extent of buyer differentiation, market position (market share),
Structure and intensity of competition, and adequate resources. However, Barnes et al [10]
suggest making use of Porter’s Five-Forces Model to determine attractiveness of a market
If targeted segment does not meet the needs of the marketer then he must raise the following
1. Have our targets changed in the last few years? Are we seeking the same targets we
always went after?
2. For each of our core businesses or brands, how do we describe – in detail – the market
3. Have we segmented each market in which we operate to identify and describe the most
profitable market targets to pursue?
4. What was our rationale for selecting these targets? What process did we use to find
5. Can we prove our targets are profitable? Can we show that they have made money for
us in the past, or will make money in the future?
6. Would another target or targets be more profitable?
7. Do all functional areas of the marketing organisation have information about the target
relevant to their activities?
Knowledge Assessment- III
Location Classroom
Session IV : Positioning :The Battle for the Mind
Learning Knowledge Performance
Teaching &
Outcome Evaluation Evaluation
1. Define the 1. Describe the 1. Elucidate the 1.Interactive
meaning of meaning of meaning of the Lecture:
Positioning Positioning word Discuss the
Positioning concept of
meaning of
2. Identify the 2. Describe the 2. Describe the 2.
Positioning Positioning Positioning Interacti
Process Process Process ve Lecture:
Discuss the
3. Describe the 3. Identify the 3. Describe the 3.
bases of bases of bases of Interacti
Positioning Positioning Positioning ve Lecture:
Explain the
bases of
After identifying segments and selecting which one (s) to address, the consumers and the
business customers within the targeted segments must be offered relevant propositions that
have direct relevance to their characteristics, needs, and buying behaviour. The concept of
positioning was articulated by Al Ries and Jack Trout as early as 1972.[12] Positioning is
about identity – what you are in the marketplace vis-a-vis your competitors. The positioning
concept is the same as it was 40 years back but the world is different. Positioning is concerned
about creating a perception in a consumer’s mind about the nature of company and its products
relative to competitors. It refers to developing a Unique Selling Proposition (USP) or
identification of particular appeal that the firm can present to the customers in each target
segment. It is now that marketing mix is designed to implement target market strategy and
marketing communications convey the intended positioning.
Positioning Process
1. Identify relevant set of
competitive products serving a target
Identify positions where
additional new products
might be placed.
Bases of Positioning
Positioning or differentiation can be done through Physical Positioning and Perceptual
Positioning. Physical positioning is done on the basis of physical product characteristics. But
every customer doesn’t understand the features and buys the product on the basis of what it
does rather than what it is. Thus all the products are not influenced by factors other than
physical properties, including the way products are presented, past experiences with them,
and opinion of others. Endorsement by celebrities makes the differences. This all is known
as perceptual positioning. A marketer has to create both physical and perceptual differences.
Positioning concerns arranging for a product or brand to occupy a clear, distinctive, and
desirable place – relative to competitors’ positioning in the minds of targeted consumers or
business customers. Positioning is not what you do to a product. Positioning is what you do
to the mind of the prospect. Positioning involves establishing and controlling the desired
image in the minds of targeted customers. It is necessary to give customers in the target
market one or more good reasons to select your company rather than your rival. Thus,
positioning comprises of both customer need and competitive considerations. The concept
can be applied with same advantage to new products. It is equally applicable to industrial
goods and for services like products. Some of the better known companies have positioned
their products on the following bases:
1. Attributes – e-bay, “Buy it, Sell it. Love it.”
2. Price/quality – Omega watches, “We measure the 100th second that separates winning
from taking part.” Acer’s positioning is of the low cost producer.
3. Competitors – Walmart, “Save money. Live better.”
4. Application – Health insurance companies, “Experience, Wellness. Everywhere.”
5. Product User – Crane’s stationery, “for the writer somewhere in each of us.” Apple
concentrated on the high end of the market.
6. Product class – BMW, the “ultimate driving machine.”
7. Dreams – Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India (HMSI), a subsidiary of world’s largest
two-wheeler manufacturer, Japan’s Honda Motor Corporation, doesn’t sell speed or
style. It dwells on the dreams and aspiration of everyday Indian and says your Honda
two-wheeler will help you reach for your dreams. In that sense your two-wheeler is a
purveyor of dreams, an enabler of sorts rather than a simple daily-commute tool.
“Sachkardengesapne” in short.
8. Completeness – Raymond’s “complete man”.
9. First-mover – Compaq was the first brand to introduce a “portable” PC.
10. Distribution – Dell focussed on selling computers directly to businesses only.
11. Exclusivity - Toshiba focused only on laptop computer.
12. Waku WakuDokiDoki – A Japanese term which means the adrenaline rush and
pleasure that stem from anticipation and thrill. Toyota for its Etios, Innova and
Fortuner uses Waku Doki.
13. Health: Dhara Oil’s - “Earlier our positioning was playing on purity and taste, but now
it is also stressing on health - kiaapkhaiyen, health
kichintadharapechhoddijiye (eat and leave your health concerns to us). Their assurance
is that Dhara would marginalise the guilt of calorie intake and the customers need not
kill taste buds.”
14. ITC Dairy Products and Fruit Juices – They will be positioned on health platform.
15. Vistara Airlines - It will be the first airline to offer premium economy seating and a
value-based frequent flyer programme, where bonus points would be given not on
miles flown but what you pay. It is the only domestic airline offering premium
economy class.
16. Personalisation: Ford India will inaugurate a vehicle personalisation centre at its
factory near Chennai to give their automobiles that individuals look for. It is a
valueadded offering that addresses the quality issues for its customers who earlier had
to depend on third party providers for accessories.
Different products create different kinds of positioning. Jeep’s “There’s Only One” position
a clear leadership message. Honda’s “The Power of Dreams” conveys the notion of
innovation and technical prowess. Renault’s message “CreateurD’ Automobiles” builds on
France’s reputation for style. Tata Salt’s message “Deshka Namak” conveys it is made in
India by India and for India. BMW’s “The Ultimate Driving Machine” positioning is
effectively communicated through advertising and supported by ongoing product
development and customer support. Volvo has for many years positioned on safety features
of its cars. Normally marketers want to avoid cannibalising sales of existing brands, unless
new brands generate sufficient profits.
Asian concept. Price as a strong positioning can’t work in price-sensitive India. Experts point out
that to make pricing as positioning element, first it has to occupy the high-price position. So
playing with price is to play with fire.
Now it is repositioned as a “smart car”. From engineering perspective, it is more refined and has
a better steering wheel – a power steering. It has a better suspension for better ride quality and
there is an anti-roll bar in front. It is coming in new vibrant colours, a modern music system with
Bluetooth connectivity, and keyless entry. An additional layer has been added to the entire
electrical system to prevent fire. Nano Twist’s price takes it into the territory of Maruti Alto.
Knowledge Assessment- IV
State, in brief, with reasoning, whether following statements are correct/incorrect:
(i) One cannot be everything to everyone, but can be everything to a selected few.
(ii) Targeting is the process of grouping of individuals with similar needs.
(iii) A Rolls-Royce is not in competition with Maruti Alto.
(iv) Segmentation is a battle of minds.
(v) Some needs and wants change with age.
(vi) Anyone in America is an American only.
(vii) Religion influences consumption behaviour.
(viii) Since business market segments do not change, hence there is no need to re-segment
(ix) A company should not attempt to compete in all segments with the same product.
(x) Targeting and positioning strategies are interrelated.
(xi) One product or service may be different even when they appear to be identical.
(xii) Segmentation is not important for a business.
{Answer – Correct (i), (iii), (v), (vii), (ix), (x, (xi); Incorrect: (ii), (iv), (vi), (xii)
(iii) Correct, because the two are meant for different segments.
(ix) Incorrect. A company should recognise different segments and should develop
appropriate products and services, and position and brand them accordingly.) (xi)
Correct. It is in the way, marketers position the product or service.
(xii) Incorrect. A few companies can be ‘all things to all people’. Segmentation is
important because it allows the firm to target its effort on the most promising opportunities.}
(ii) Consolidation of various segments into one large segment, may be an objective if
(A) The reduction in costs is greater than the reduction in profits
(B) It is very costly for a company to launch a new product
(C) Consumers show reduced price sensitivity
(D) The demand curves for the segments to be combined are similar
(iv) Which of the following statements about using about usage segmentation is incorrect?
(A) Heavy users normally exhibit more brand loyalty than light users
(B) Heavy users pay the price equal to light users
(C) for almost all consumer product categories, the top 50% users account for 80-
90% of total sales
(D) demographic characteristics are generally poor predictors of heavy usage.
(v) Which of the following characteristics do not match with benefit segmentation?
(A) it is based upon measuring consumer value systems
(B) it relies on descriptive factors
(C) it seeks to identify distinct consumer needs
(D) it relies on casual factors
(vii) Which one of the following statements does not form part of effective positioning
(A) Choosing a price strategy
(B) Determining target customers’ needs
(C) Determining what is value to the target customers
(D) Developing products with numerous product differences compared
with competing brands
(viii) Which of the following is not a useful construct for Positioning Strategy?
(A) Positioning on the basis of product features
(B) Positioning on the basis of benefits
(C) Positioning for an undifferentiated market
(D) Positioning for user category
{Answer: (i) B, (ii) A, (iiii) D, (iv) A, (v) B, (vi) C, (vii) D, (viii) C, (ix) A, (x) B.}
Fear of Tap water
(xi) New Model of Maruti Suzuki SWIFT
(xii) iphone 4
(xiii) Magazine
(xiv) Scorpio car
(i) Orange flavoured infant toothpaste: age – toddlers and young children.
(ii) Herb-based ‘natural toothpaste: Psychographics – environmentally aware,
health-conscious consumers.
(iii) Mint-flavoured dental floss: Age and Psychographics – young adults and
health conscious
(iv) Listerine mouth wash: Age – young adults eating garlic preparations, Old
people taking garlic to control cholesterol.
(v) Income: Upper lower, middle, and High income groups. Use: Entry level,
second car, and subsequent cars. Small cars and big cars.Functional utility
takers and possession lovers.
(vi) Occupation: Students, lower class daily employed, hawkers, traders,
executives, and CEOs.
Income: Pocket money receivers, low income earners, middle income earners
and high income earners.
Use: Only receiving, night talking, long duration talking, use moderately, use
moderately but a status symbol, Status symbol and high talkers and receivers.
(vii) Air Travel: Class- Economy, First and Business. Facilities – No frill and Total
benefits. Use: Non-frequent Flyers and Frequent Flyers.
(viii) Milk: Industry-based market segmentation: Ice cream manufacturers,
Restaurants/Food chains, Coffee shop chains, Tea stalls. Butter, Cheese, and
Ghee: Bakery and Confectioners, Pizza Retailers, Snack Retailers.
Psychographic: Life style, Status seeker, personality, aggressive and Extrovert
Behavioural: Benefits- Quality and prestige}
6. Suggest Positioning for the following products:
(i) Aakash Tablet PC in Price range within Rs. 3,0
(ii) LED TVs
7. Godrej Group in its television commercials that once featured young couples with
children, now have young couples minus the children. What kind of repositioning
company wants to take?
{Answer: To send a message that it’s an ‘even younger’ audience being targeted with
its products.}
Kids: AmulKool, Chocolate Milk; NutramulEnery Drink, AmulKool Milk.
Women: AmulCalci f.
Youth: Utterly Delicious Pizza, Amul Pizza Cheese, Amul Cheese Spread.
Calorie Conscious: Amul lite, Sugar skimmed Milk powder, Amul Lite Slim & Trim
Health Conscious: Nutramul, Amul Shakti Health Food Drink.}
17. When Kurkure was launched in 1999, the tagline was -“Kya Kare in contol nahin
hota”; in 2003 the tagline was – “Masti bole to kurkure”; in 2008 it was - “Tedha Hai
Par Mera Hai”; and in 2012 it is – “Seedhatohsadhahota , isliyeKurkure kehta hai try
What positioning do taglines indicate?
{Answer: 1999: Irresistable taste; 2003 : fun positioning and tried to include the entire
family in the conversation; 2008: young confident Indian consumers are no longer
striving to be perfect in everything but are comfortable about their imperfections and
quirks; and 2012: taking the idea a step further to resonate with a large consumer
Chewing Gum Industry: Those who want to quit smoking, People who get calmed;
People to who like its taste}
23. Determine market segmentation for synthetic detergents from the product and
customer point of view.
24. Make a segmentation of Indian Restaurant business from the perspective of format.
25. Prepare a benefit segmentation for a Railroad company.
26. Asian Paints positioned in 1991 as ‘MeraWala’. In 1992, it was
‘KhushionKeRang’and ‘Jo Shade Apcolite Mein Nahin, WohShayadKahinNahin’.
Asian Paints used a comic route, skewing away from the previous capaign’s emotional
stance and brought to life a Mr Sunil Baby campaign, whose home’s exterior wall pain
lasted longer than his lifetime. In 2012, it showed two brothers trying to teach each
other the right tricks of painting a house. In 2013, the campaign begins with
‘HarGharKuchhKehtaHai’. What do the changing colours say about the positioning.
27. Segment the market for SIM (the acronym for Subscriber Identification Module).
{Answer: Sim can have segments like Standard, Micro and Nano. Preloaded and Post-
loaded. 16 KB, 32 KB, and 64 KB. Applets pre-installed and delivered over the
28. According to a recent report by Technopak Advisors, a strategic advisory firm, the
Indian quick-service restaurant (QSR) market, as this fast food category is known, is
valued at $1.1 billion (R6,890 crore) and is expected to grow by 21% annually to touch
$4.2 billion (Rs. 25,843 crore) in 2020. Why Quick restaurant business is an
established category in India?
29. Nissan Motors India is launching its Datsun brand to take on Maruti Suzuki’s Alto and
Hyundai’s Eon and begun a road show in 100 places spread over 10 weeks that aims
to reach out to a million people.
Will you call its strategy as Mass Marketing or Niche marketing?
30. Name the three segments on the basis of compactness. Also mention the top three
models per segment.
31. If you happen to be a marketing manager of a newly registered pharma company,
suggest the market segment for whom to produce.
32. What is the normal segmentation used in auto category? What will be future basis of
33. Make segments for eating outside:
34. Online babycare market comprises of which segments?
[1] Kumar, Nirmalya (2004), Marketing as Strategy…, London: Penguin Viking, p. 27.
[2] Smith, W. (1956), “Product differentiation and market segmentation as alternative
marketing strategies”, Journal of Marketing, 21, July, 3-8
[3] Wind, Y. (1978), “Issues and advances in segmentation Research”, Journal of
Marketing Research, 15, 317-337.
[4] Dibb, Sally, and Simkin, Lyndon (2008), Market Segmentation Success: Making it
Happen, New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, p. 7
[5] Maheshwari, R.P. (2013), Marketing Management: An Indian Perspective – Text and
Cases, New Delhi: International Book House.
[5] Lancaster, Geoff, and Reynolds, Paul (2004), Marketing, New York: Palgrave
Macmillan, pp.36-40.
[6] Briggs, Kathryn and Myres, Isabel (1992), TheMyres-Briggs Type Indicator. San Jose
Mercury News, 23 September.
[7] Plummer, Joseph T. (1974), “The Concept and Application of LifecStyle
Segmentation,” Journal of Marketing, January, p. 33.
[8] Kurtz, David L. (2012), op. cit.
[9] Dibb and Simkin (2008), op.cit.
[10] Barnes, Elizabeth, McClelland, Bob, Meyer, Richard, Wiesehofer, Hildeguard, and
Worsam, Mike (1997), Marketing – an Active Learning Approach, Oxford: Blackwell
Publishers, p. 220
[11] Clancy, Kevin and Bowen Ami, “State –of-the-Science Market Segmentation”, in
Kaden, Robert J. et al (ed 2012), Los Angeles: SAGE.
[12] Ries, Al, and Trout, Jack (1980s) Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind.
Knowledge Assessment- IV
nature of company and its products relative to competitors.
12. Identify relevant set of competitive products serving a target market comes at----
place in positioning process.
13. Positioning is what you do to the----------of the prospect.
14. Physical positioning is done on the basis of product characteristics.
15. Endorsement by celebrities makes the ------------------and are known as perceptual
16. Companies have positioned their products on----------bases
Class Room
Learning Outcome Knowledge Performance Teaching &
Evaluation Evaluation Training Method
Learning Objectives
Marketing is the process of identifying, anticipating, and satisfying customers' requirements with
the purpose of making profits. This process involves the marketing managers and representatives
take various marketing decisions to make the operations profitable. They are required to identify
suitable combination of marketing policies and procedures so as to adopt and bring about desired
behaviour of trade and consumers at minimum cost. They have to decide how elements of
marketing, advertising, personal selling, pricing, packaging, channels, warehousing etc. be
combined to make marketing operations profitable. More specifically, they have to decide a
marketing mix - a decision making method in relation with the product, price, promotion, and
The term Marketing Mix was introduced by Neil H. Borden in his article - "The Concept of
Marketing Mix". In this study he described the business executive as a "decider," an "artist" - a
"mixer of ingredients," who sometimes follows a recipe prepared by others or prepares his own
recipe or adapts a recipe to the ingredients immediately available, and sometimes experiments with
or invents ingredients no one else has tried.
According to Kotler and Armstrong, “Marketing mix is the set of tactical marketing tools that the
firm blends to produce the response it wants in the target market”.
According to W. J. Stanton, “Marketing mix is the term used to describe the combination of the
four inputs which constitute the core of a company’s marketing system: the product, the price
structure, the promotional activities and the distribution system”
4. Changes taking place within the firm also necessitate changes in marketing mix:
Changes within the firm may take place due to technology or product line or in the size and scale
of operation. All such changes call for corresponding changes in the marketing mix.
7. Concentrates on customers:
A clear focus point of marketing mix is the customer, and the marketing mix is expected to provide
maximum customer satisfaction
1. Interdependent variables
The marketing mix is made up of four unique variables product, price, place and promotion.
These four variables are interdependent and need to be aligned.
2. Help Achieve Marketing Targets
The company aims to achieve its marketing targets such as sales, profits, customer retention and
satisfaction through the use of these variables.
3. Flexible Concept
The marketing mix is a dynamic concept and the focus on any one variable may be either increased
or decreased on the basis of existing marketing conditions and customer requirements.
4. Constant Monitoring
It is necessary to keep continuous watch on the changing trends and requirements, within the
company as well as in the market to ensure that the marketing mix elements stay relevant and
The customer is the focal point of all marketing activity. The value of the product is determined
by customer perception and the goal is to achieve a satisfied and loyal customer.
Intuition and creative thinking are key requirements for a marketing manager. But relying only on
these qualities is incorrect and can lead to inaccurate assumptions that may not provide the desired
results. To ensure that marketing mix is based on research and combines facts with innovation, a
manager should go through the following process:
Step 1
The first step on the marketing manager’s list is to define the unique feature, the product offers,
the customer surveys or focus groups and identify the importance of unique feature to consumers
and whether they can increase the sales of the product.
Step 2
The second step is to understand the consumer that would purchase the product, what they need,
what value they associate. All the other elements of the marketing mix will be designed in
accordance with the customer. This understanding will enable the product offered be relevant and
Step 3
The next step is to understand the competition. The prices and related benefits such as discounts,
warranties and special offers need to be assessed. An understanding of the subjective value of the
product and a comparison with its actual manufacturing distribution cost will help set an ideal
price point.
Step 4
At this point the marketing manager needs to evaluate the options of place to understand where
the customer is most likely to make a purchase and the costs associated with using this channel.
Multiple channels may help target a wider customer base and ensure easy access. A product which
serves a niche market would concentrate distribution to a specific area or channel; hence value of
the product is closely related with availability of the product.
Step 5
Based on the target audience and the price identified the communication strategy can be developed.
The promotional methods need to appeal to the customers and ensure that the key features and
benefits of the product are clearly communicated and understood.
Step 6
A last step needs to be taken at this point to see how all the elements identified and planned relate
to each other. All marketing mix variables are interdependent and rely on each other for a strong
strategy. It has to be seen whether the selling channels strengthen the perceived value of the
product or the promotional material supports the selected distribution channels.
The marketing plan is finalized after ensuring that all four elements are in harmony and there are
no conflicting messages, either direct indirect.
Marketing Approach
It contributes towards the formation of an effective marketing strategy and its practical
implementation. Integrates the essentials of effective marketing, marketing and allows to analyse
and asses the feasibility and role of the product or service that the organization offers. Identifies
appropriate distribution channel for the proper placement of the product, sets a suitable price for
the value that is offered to the consumers and identifies and employs suitable promotional media.
It provides the organization with an all-inclusive and holistic marketing approach and gives
Value Creation
Marketing mix guides in identifying and assessing the diverse aspects of the products or services
in relation to their importance and utility to customers and their preferences. Furthermore, it also
provides direction for the selection of a suitable distribution channel, where the target consumer
is more likely to look around for offered services or products. The platform may range from being
a retail store to an online shop.
Marketing mix also includes directives for the allocation of a suitable price, which confers with
priorities and limitations of the target consumers. It helps to promote and advertise the products
and services effectively, so as to effectively deliver value to consumers.
Activity 1
Identify of 5 products to depict the concept of marketing mix by l isting their products and
Knowledge Assessment 1
4. Marketing mix has to be reviewed constantly in order to meet the changing requirements
8. Multiple channels may help target a wider customer base and ensure eas y access.
9. The marketing plan is finalized after ensuring that all four elem ents of marketing mix are
in harmony.
Answers 1(T), 2. (F), 3. (T), 4. (T), 5. (F), 6. (F), 7. (T), 8. (T), 9. (T), 10. (F).
Session II: Marketing mix components – Service Sector and Consumer Goods
The Marketing Mix is a tool used by marketing professionals. It is often crucial when determining
product or brand's offering, and it is also called as 4P's (Product, Price, Promotion, and Place) of
marketing. However, in case of services the 4 P's have been expanded to 7P's or 8P's.
In recent times by giving more importance to customer a new concept has been introduced, i.e.
Concept of 4C's. The Concept of 4C's is more customer-driven with a replacement of 4P's.
According to Lauterborn's the 4C's are - Consumer, Cost, Communication, and Convenience.
According to Shimizu's the 4C's are -Commodity, Cost, Communication, and Channel
1) Product marketing mix – It comprises of Product, price, place and promotions and is
mainly used in case of tangible goods.
2) Service marketing mix – The service marketing mix has three more variables included
which are people, physical evidence and process.
(a) Durable goods: Durable goods are products which are used for a long period i.e., for months
or years together like mobile handsets, pressure cookers etc
(b) Non-durable goods: Non-durable goods are products that are normally consumed in one go
or last for a few uses.
3. Tangibility:
(a) Tangible goods: They have a physical form and can be touched and seen.
(b) Intangible goods: Intangible goods refer to services provided to the individual consumers
or to the organisational buyers
One must have the right type of product that is in demand for the market. Hence during product
development phase, a marketer must undertake an extensive research on the life cycle of the
product that they are creating.
Every product has a life cycle that includes the growth phase, the maturity phase, and the sales
decline phase. It is important for marketers to constantly reinvent their products to increase
demand once it reaches the sales decline phase.Marketers must therefore, create the right product
Ariel a high quality product popularized as a detergent that has enzymes for the removal of stain
without hampering the clothes. Ariel has been able to meet this demand of the industry by
introducing new and excellent products in the market at regular intervals. The company has also
re launched their own products with various innovations in order to keep pace with the changing
times. With its unique ingredients, Ariel assures its consumers of impeccable cleaning of clothes.
The various products of this brand are:
• Ariel 3 in 1 Pods to work together in three capacities for lifting stains, cleaning and
brightening the garments.
• Ariel Washing Liquid for doing the laundry and pre-treating the stains in one wash.
• Ariel Excel Washing Gel for excellent cleaning at low temperatures.
• Ariel washing powder for whites as well as coloured clothes and for direct cleaning in the
washing machine.
• Ariel Washing Tablets for convenient and easy washing of garments.
• Ariel Super Soaker.
Activity 2
Prepare a list of 5 products in each of the of the categories on the basis of (i) Usage, (ii)
Durability (iii) Tangibility.
Price - The price of the product is basically the amount that a customer pays for consuming it.
Price is a very important component of the marketing mix definition. It is crucial in determining
the organization’s profit and survival. Changes in price affect the demand and sales of the product.
Pricing helps to shape the perception of a product in consumer’s eyes as a low price is associated
with inferior goods. While too high prices might make them value their money over the product.
Hence, examining competitor’s pricing while deciding prices becomes important. A new company
which has not made a name for itself yet, is unlikely to have a target market which is willing to
pay a high price. They might be able to charge higher prices once the product is acceptable in the
When setting the product price, marketers should consider the perceived value that the product
offers. Major pricing strategies followed are:
• Market Penetration Pricing: The objective of penetration price strategy is to gain a foothold
in a highly competitive market. The firm prices its product lower than the others in
competition to achieve an early breakeven point and to maximise profits in a shorter time
span or seek profits from a niche.
• Market Skimming Pricing: Most commonly used strategy and refers to a firm’s desire to
skim the market by selling at a premium price.
• Differential Pricing: It involves in a firm differentiate its price across different market
• Geographic Pricing: It seeks to exploit economies of scale by pricing the product below
the competitor’s in one market and adopting a penetration strategy in another.
• Product Line: These are a set of strategies which a multi-product forms usually adopt.
Sunfeast biscuits from ITC uses varied pricing policies. Some of the products are premium
products while the other products are the regular ones. Hence it has been decided to keep the
pricing policy variable as well as competitive. Discounts and other sales promotion schemes
on high priced items like Sunfeast dark fantasy bring the prices down. Cost plus pricing is
used for products like Sunfeast glucose and various other biscuits.
Promotion - Promotion represents the different methods of communication that are used by
marketer to inform target audience about the product. It is an essential component of marketing as
it can boost brand recognition and sales. Promotion is comprised of various elements like:
• Advertising
• Sales Promotion
• Personal Selling
• Public Relations
• Advertising typically covers communication methods that are paid for like television
advertisements, radio commercials, print media, and internet advertisements. In
contemporary times, there seems to be a shift in focus from offline to the online world.
• Sales Promotion comprises of tools used to promote sales in a given territory and time.
They are short term in nature and aim at stimulating quick sales. Advertising aims at
creating awareness and also provides a rationale to buy a product; sales promotion induces
him/her to buy the products. They include discount coupons, price offs, prizes, lucky
draws, free trials etc.
• Personal Selling is a direct display of the product to the consumers or prospective buyers.
It refers to the use of salespersons to persuade the buyers to act favourably and buy the
• Public relations, on the other hand, are communications that are typically not paid for. This
includes press releases, exhibitions, sponsorship deals, seminars, conferences, and events.
• Word of mouth is an informal communication about the benefits of the product by satisfied
customers and ordinary individuals. Word of mouth can also circulate on the internet.
When effectively used it has the potential to be one of the most valuable assets we have in
boosting the profits online. An extremely good example of this is online social media and
managing a firm’s online social media presence.
In the year 2003, ITC stepped in the manufacturing of biscuits and introduced the ‘Sunfeast’ range
that at first dealt with biscuits and later on with other food items also. In order to make its brand
a household name it has launched exciting and innovative campaigns that denote the various
qualities of its products like the flavour and exclusive taste. To promote its range of food products,
famous actors and sports personalities were signed. Sachin Tendulkar, the cricket icon,
Shahrukh Khan, the superstar, SaniaMirza, the tennis star have all been the brand ambassador’s at
one time or other. Television, magazines, newspapers have proved to be an effective and
influential medium for advertisements as they are able to spread awareness among every age group
of people. The slogan ‘Spread the Smile’ has become the essence of the brand and the catchy and
colourful advertisements have helped the company in acquiring a large share of the market.
Knowledge Assessment 2
Which element of the promotion mix is being referred to in the following statements?
(b) It does not cost money but may involve huge amount of time and effort by the marketeer
(c) It is an informal communication about the benefits of the product by satisfied customers and
ordinary individuals
Answers: (a) Sales Promotion (b) Public Relations (c) Word of Mouth (d) Public Relations (e)
Advertising (f) Advertising (g) Personal Selling
Place - Place or distribution refers to making the product available for customers at convenient
and accessible places. We have to position and distribute the product in a place that is accessible
to potential buyers.This comes with a complete knowledge of the target market. Understanding
them inside out will help discover the most efficient positioning and also increase the market share.
Reaching out to the market can be through planning distribution structure and logistics. The
distribution structure refers to the channel design and structure, and management of channels while
logistics refers to the physical aspect of distribution. The distribution can be carried out through
the channel members and they would comprise of manufacturer, distributor, wholesaler/dealer and
retailer. The increase in length of the distribution channel increases the distance between the
customer and manufacturer.
Organizations can employ distribution alternatives on the basis of their products and they, include:
• Intensive distribution: It involves making the product available at all possible outlets,
example of soft drinks which are available through multiple outlets to ensure easy
availability to the customer.
• Exclusive distribution: The firm decides to distribute through one or two major outlets,
example of designer wear or high priced automobiles.
• Selective distribution: This is the middle path approach to distribution as the firm selects
some outlets to distribute its products thereby enabling the manufacturer gain optimum
market coverage and more control.
Maggi employs intensive distribution. Its channel partners include distributors, retailers and
consumers. Nestle follows a twofold path for distribution. In the first, the product is available to
every local store and the second where the stock is made available in every mall and shopping
In the recent times, the customer has gained importance and the concept of 4C‘shas been seen as
an extension of 4P’s. According Lauterborn, the 4C’s are consumer, cost, communication and
Consumer - In this model the Product is replaced by Consumer. Marketers focus more on the
needs, wants and demands of consumer. The product is designed and produced considering the
requirements of consumer.
Cost - Price is replaced by Cost. The cost refers to the total cost of owning a product. It includes
cost to use the product, cost to change the product, and cost of not choosing the competitor's
Communication - Promotion is replaced by Communication. According to Lauterborn promotion
is manipulative while communication is cooperative. Communication includes
advertising, public relation, personal selling, and any method that can be used to encourage proper,
timely, and accurate communication between marketer and consumer.
Convenience - Place is replaced by Convenience. It focuses on the convenience in getting product
information, convenience in reaching to the store/product, and ease of buying.
Marketing Mix for Service Sector
An expanded marketing mix for services was proposed by Booms and Bitner (1981), consisting
of the 4 traditional elements–product, price, place, and promotion and three additional elements–
physical evidence, participants, and process. These additional elements go beyond the
conventional 4Ps and distinguish ‘customer service’ for service firms from that of manufacturing
The customer service for a service firm cannot be distinctly divided into pre-purchase and
postpurchase elements, because production and consumption of a service takes place at the same
time. The service provided can prove to be effective in terms of satisfying the customer, only if
the gap between which is expected service and offered service is decreased. More the wider gap
more the number of disappointed customers; and disappointed customers may result in lowering
that company’s image. Hence understanding the 7P’s of services mix becomes important.
1. Product
Most of the services are not visible because they are performances rather than objects, specific
manufacturing procession concerning uniform quality can rarely be set. Because of this
intangibility, the firm may find it difficult to understand how consumers perceive their services.
To develop a good customer service, the service marketer should focus on tangible cues and also
create a strong organisational image. This can be done by communicating clearly to the customers
the features of the service being provided.
ICICI Bank provides a variety of banking products for all its customers. The major
product of ICICI bank is its excellent customer service. The bank is known for its 12
hours operation and for its out of the box customer service initiatives. It has equal focus
on retail customers as well as customers belonging to the corporate world. Their banking
products include:
• Consumer Banking – It includes a number of deposits like Saving account,
Recurring account, Fixed deposit account, special accounts for senior citizens
and also teenagers.
• Cards – These cards include Credit card, Travel card and Debit cards.
• Investment banking – Various options like Tax Saving Bonds, Mutual Funds,
Foreign Exchange Services and Pure Gold Investments are provided.
• Loans – This include Personal Loans, Medical Equipment loans, Farm
Equipment Loans, Vehicle Loans and Loans against Securities.
• Finance – Channel Finance is one of the strong products which ICICI bank has
in its kitty. Plus, there are numerous forms of Finance provided by the bank.
• Corporate Banking
• Insurance – ICICI bank is known for its large portfolio of Insurance options.
• Wealth Management
• Private Banking
2. Price
Due to the intangible nature of the service–price becomes an important quality indicator in
conditions where other information is unavailable. It is essential that the service firm provide
competitive pricing, thereby get an edge over competitors. In the case of services, like medical or
legal services, price is the deciding factor because the customer makes a final choice among several
competing service organizations on the basis of price at which the service is offered.
The pricing objective at Big Bazaar is to get “Maximum Market Share”. Pricing at Big Bazaar is
based on the following techniques:
• Value Pricing (EDLP – Every Day Low Pricing): Big Bazaar promises
consumers the lowest available price without coupon clipping, waiting for
discount promotions, or comparison shopping.
• Promotional Pricing: The concept of psychological discounting (Rs.99, Rs.49,
etc.) is used to attract customers. Big Bazaar also caters on Special Event
Pricing (Close to Diwali, GudiPadva and DurgaPooja).
• Differentiated pricing i.e. difference in rate based on peak and non-peak hours
or days of shopping is also a pricing technique used in Indian retail, which is
aggressively used by Big Bazaar. Eg. Wednesday Bazaar.
• Bundling: it refers to selling combo-packs and offering discount to customers.
The combo-packs add value to customer and lead to increased sales. Big Bazaar
lays a lot of importance on bundling. E.g. 3 Good Day family pack at Rs.60
(Price of 1 pack = Rs.22) 5kg oil + 5kg rice + kg sugar for Rs.599
3. Place
Services are performances which cannot be stored; hence businesses offering services find
it difficult to balance between the supply and demand. A service firm must make
simultaneous adjustments in demand and capacity to achieve a closer match between the
two. The firm could choose to use multisite locations to make the service more reachable
to the users as a service regardless of the numerous advantages might not be selected if it
is focused in far off places.
Domino’s pizza has always maintained a direct channel with its customer base. The
customers either call or send a message by telephone for the pizza delivery. Consumers
can also place their order online through the official website of Dominos. In both the cases,
the packaged food product is delivered and subsequently received by the buyer at the
mentioned address. If the order does not reach the buyer in allotted thirty minutes, then
the buyer does not have to pay for it. The order is delivered free of charge.
Dominos also has many dine out outlets in very good locations.
4. Promotion
The service marketer should constantly work towards developing word-of-mouth
communications apart from using the regular advertising. In case the company’s image in
existing markets does not match with reality, traditional marketing techniques may be used
to communicate affectively the real image. Communication involves informing the
customers in a language they can best understand, especially in the case of services,
postpurchase communication is very important, because retaining existing customers is as
important, or even more important than attracting new customers.
Vodafone one of the world’s greatest telecommunication brands frequently uses local
recognition to reach and maintain trust of its local customers. To help promote its global
appeal and to communicate its brand value, the telecommunication giant often uses popular
sports stars like Mary Kom, David Beckham, Michael Schumacher and others.It also
advertises its brand value and offers through billboards, TV commercials and other social
media outlets in order to reach a large number of people. The most famous move by
Vodafone worldwide was the use of Vodafone zoo zoos in India during the Indian premier
league(IPL). Vodafone zoo zoos are the most famous brand ambassadors for them and are
recognized by one and all over the world. In addition, the company sends frequent press
releases to keep their customers informed of new products and offers.
5. Physical Evidence
Physical evidence, like the environmental surroundings greatly affect the customer’s
expectations of the service. As services cannot be readily displayed, a conducive
environment should be created so as to help the customers develop a positive opinion of
the service. People would not like to wait if the surroundings of the place they are made to
wait are unpleasant. Customers can be turned off by small changes in the design of the
service facility or even the absence of clear signboards.
The leading coffee chain across the world, Café coffee day has several products which
appeal to the Indian audience, the organization uses various elements of evidence: Logo,
images, brand: Café Coffee Day uses bright red in its logo. RED stands for leadership,
vitality, passion for coffee. The current logo has a dialogue box and concentrates on coffee
and conversations. Their current tag line “A lot can happen over coffee” supporting the
Architecture and Décor: Largely wood and granite based interior with young colours of
today, like limegreen, yellow, orange, and purple predominate.
Literature: The literature provided by Café Coffee Day is indicative of its youthful image.
Themenus, posters, pamphlets are all designed to attract young and young at heart.
6. People
Most of the services are labour intensive; the behaviour of the staff providing the service
and the customers involved in production (due to the inseparable nature of services), have
an effect on providing efficient customer service. In order to focus on customer-oriented
approach, the organization needs to hire the right people and train them to enhance their
skills and reward them with adequate pay. There is a mutual dependence between the
customers and employees. Dissatisfied customers affect employees and similarly untrained
staff reduce customer satisfaction. This mutual dependence influences the customer’s
perception of the service.
The people in Madhya Pradesh tourism consists of Tour operators, Tourist transport
operators, Hotel staff, Tourist guides as well as the main operations staff. Madhya Pradesh
tourism board also has amazing ways of rewarding employees through awards such as
Tourism friendly forester (Whoever maintains forests)
Tourism friendly archeologist (Taking care of heritage)
Most frequent tourist visiting MP (Encouraging government to take part) Thus
employing its people flawlessly.
7. Process
The quality, or the ‘how’ of service delivery is more important in the case of service
industries, as it is difficult to separate the technical quality, or the ‘what’ of service delivery.
The past experience with a service also affects the expectations of the customer as in case
a customer has a bad experience with the service on any previous occasion, it will influence
his or her future perception of the service. Therefore, it is essential to train the front line
employees, whose actions and behaviour influence the customer’s opinions of the
organisation and the actual service provided.
The process at Apollo Hospitals, one of the premium hospital chains in India involves very
established procedures and documentation. It has been a major player in scripting the
medical landscape of the nation. This is primarily because the group has continuously been
at the helm of several game changing innovations in Indian healthcare.
Apollo hospitals in NABH, NABL accrediated and also has ISO 9002 award.
The service which a customer actually gets and how he sees it may not always match, hence
the customers evaluation of a service is an important factor on the delivery of the service.
Controlling the service marketing mix variables will enable the marketers shape the
perceptions of customer. Hence, organizations concentrating on employees and customers
might increase both employee motivation and customer satisfaction.
1 The marketing mix consists of; -
(a) Product, physical evidence, place, process
(b) Process, price, place, packaging
(c) People, process, place, promotion (d) Product, place, promotion, place
2 Increasing the features and quality you offer is a decision made by which marketing mix?
(a) Product
(b) Price
(c) Promotion (d) Place
10 The way in which the product is delivered to meet the customer’s need refers to: -
(a) New product concepts
(b) Selling
(c) Advertising
(d) Place or distribution decisions
Answers (1)(d) (2)(a), (3)(a), (4)(d), (5)(c), (6)(a), (7)(c), (8)(d), (9)(d), (10)(d),
(Note: The location would depend upon the topic under discussion, wherein it will be the
classroom for the theoretical interactions and the student will be required to visit field/retail
outlet or the marketing department of an organization to observe and comprehend the
concepts related to marketing.)
Different roles played Identify and Understanding of the Interactive Lecture: Discus
by consumer understand the various eight roles played by Explain the roles with cultura
buying roles played people in the suitable examples. social
by consumer in consumer decision Activity: Undertake a psych
different kinds of process role play of the influe
purchase situations. different roles in the consum
buying process.
Understand the Comprehend the various Recognize the five Interactive Lecture:
stages in the aspects to be considered stages involved in Explain the stages of
consumer while making making a decision consumer decision
decision making purchasing decisions. of purchase. making process with
process suitable examples.
Activity: Prepare a
flowchart after of
the stages involved
in purchasing a
high involvement
and a low
Learning Objectives
Consumer Behaviour
The marketing mix strategies of a marketer spin around various queries regarding
consumer behavior, like what type of product consumer purchases in general; what
factors persuade him to buy a good; why does he buy a specific brand from a
particular shop; why does he shift his preferences from one brand to another or
from one store to another; what is his reaction to a new product introduced in the
market and through which stages he passes before making a decision to purchase
a product. The knowledge of the consumers’ demographic profile and buying
habits is very essential for the marketers to make their marketing plans for
achieving sales targets. From the behavior which consumers displays in searching
for, purchasing, using, evaluating, and disposing of products and services,
marketers get idea to satisfy their needs.
There may be
a) Individual consumer is the person who buys goods and services etc. for
personal or household use.
b) Organizational/Business/Industrial Consumer is the person who buys
goods and services etc. for processing them for the ultimate users including
personal/individual consumers. For example, if the purpose is to use
furniture for self and family, one acts as an individual consumer. But if
furniture is purchased by the office, it is organizational purchase.
The term "buyer" refers to one who buys product. But buyer might not be the user
of product. For example, Manish buys a blazer for her father. Manish is the buyer
but the ultimate user is his father.
To satisfy their needs, consumers tend to buy goods and services and come to a
decision to make the best use of their resources (time, money, effort). Consumer
behaviour is the study of What to buy, Why to buy, When to buy, Where to buy,
How often to buy and Use it. In this buying process, many factors influence the
decision-making. Most of these factors are inter-dependent and inter-related, and
can be divided into four main categories
1. Cultural Factors:
2.Social Factors:
Social factors like family and reference groups also play significant role in
determining consumer behavior in the following manner.
(a) Family
Consumer buying decisions are influenced by many social factors like the
economic condition of the family, its role and status in society, and the reference
group of people. People with high incomes have a high purchasing power and are
status-conscious. They generally purchase branded products from malls and
expensive markets. On the contrary, the ordinary people, belonging to middle or
lower income groups purchase products from local markets. Similarly, the urban
population's buying behaviour will be different from the rural-population's buying
behaviour, as they have greater exposure and choices.
(b)Reference Groups
A reference group comprises of two or more persons realizing common goals,
group values, attitudes and behaviour. Friends or other people with whom one
identifies himself constitute a reference group. While making purchases, such
reference groups play a vital role as recommendations are made by the
groupmembers, who may also become a source of information. Marketers,
sometimes, use the ‘reference group-influence’ by suggesting in advertisements
that a specific reference group buys this particular brand of products and is highly
satisfied. For example: Amway products, Patanjali products are promoted by
organic product users. The group member who provides information about a
specific sphere that interests members of a group is called an opinion-leader. The
opinion-leader can exert maximum influence when consumers have high-product
involvement but low product knowledge.
An individual has many roles to play in their lives; at their workplace, they have
different duties as compared to the duties they are expected to fulfill at home. Roles
and status help marketers to prepare their products and market them not only as
per the customer's requirements, but keeping in view the status those individuals
enjoy, so that the customers are targeted at the right place. For example, fully
automatic washing machines are beneficial for a working woman, and are
advertised accordingly.
(g) Lifestyle
Lifestyles are identified by observing activities, interests, opinions, and
demographics. The activities of individuals like work, hobbies, vacations, social
activities and community service, shopping, sports etc. indicate a lot. People's
interests can be observed from their preferences of food, fashion, recreation, media
choice etc.
3. Psychological Factors
(b) Perception
What a person thinks about a particular product or service is his/her perception
towards it. For someone a Dell Laptop might be the best laptop while for others it
could be just one of the best brands available. Thus, we understand that individuals
with the same needs might not purchase similar products due to difference in
perception. Individuals, even, perceive similar situation differently due to
difference in the way they interpret information.
Learning comes only through experience. An individual comes to know about a
product and service only after he/she uses the same. An individual who is satisfied
with a particular product/service will show a strong inclination towards buying the
same product again.
Beliefs and attitude play an essential role in influencing the buying decision of
consumers. Individuals create a certain image of every product or service available
in the market. Every brand has an image attached to it, also called its brand image.
Consumers purchase products/services based on their opinions which they form
towards a particular product or service. A product might be really good but if the
consumer feels it is useless, he would never buy it.
Personality is the collection of inner psychological attributes that characterize the
outer behavior an individual in terms of individual differences. Personality traits
like dominance, self-confidence, sociability or adaptability of a person influence
his decision making up to great extent whereas an individual’s personality may
change gradually but plays a vital role in his buying and consumption behaviour.
Initiator: The initiator is a person who first gets the thought or gives the
suggestion/idea of buying the particular product. A child might play the role of an
initiator in the purchase process of a chocolate.
Decider: The decider is a person who finally determines part or the whole of the
buying decision, ie. all quantity like whether to buy, what to buy, how to buy, when
to buy or where to buy are considered. In the event of buying baby products, the
mother plays the role of the decider.
Buyer: The buyer is the person who actually purchases and pays for the purchase.
In a typical family decision making process, father plays the role of the buyer who
is involved in the economic transaction process.
User: The user is the person who actually uses or consumes the services or
products. In most of the grocery product purchase, the entire family uses the
product. In a typical purchase of washing machine, the housewife plays the role
of user.
Preparer: The preparer is the person who changes the product to usable form for
consumption. For example, in a typical family consumption of food items, mother
plays the role of preparer.
Maintainer: Members who service or repair the product so that it will provide
continued satisfaction is a maintainer.
Disposer: The disposer is the person who finally disposes the package of the
product. For example mother plays the role of a disposer after the product is
consumed by the family.
The task of the marketers is to understand the buying process and the role of the
participants in the buying process. He should initiate all of them to make a
purchase of his product at different stages and through different strategies. The
study of consumer behavior will be incomplete if one discusses only about single
role of the consumer. In certain purchase decisions might involves at least one
person acting one role, on other occasions a single individual can play several roles
at the same time. The important ones that are played by the consumer are.
1. ------------of consumers play diverse roles in different kinds of purchase
2. The ---------is a person who first gets the thought or gives the suggestion/idea
of buying the particular product.
3. The ---------play the role of influencers in the purchase process of a chocolate.
4. ---------is a person who directly or indirectly has some influence on the final
buying decision of others
5. Parents play the role of a in the selection of movies for children.
6. Decider is a person who finally determines ---------of the buying decision.
7. Father plays the role of the-------- who is involved in the economic
transaction process.
8. -----------is the person who actually uses or consumes.
9. The------------ is the person who changes the product to usable form for
10. The --------is the person who finally disposes the package of the product.
ACTIVITY: Prepare a list of ten products where the child plays an important role
in the buying process
Purchases where high levels of social or economic issues are said to be associated
are the high-involvement purchase decisions. Routine purchases that have little
risk to the consumer are low-involvement decisions. Consumers generally spend
more time and effort to make purchase decisions for highinvolvement products
than to those for low-involvement products.
People might not invest huge effort in choosing between two brands of chocolates.
They will also go through the steps of the consumer decision process but on a
smaller scale. Purchase decisions can be thought-based (cognitive) or feeling
based (emotive). It is observed that both cognition and emotion affect every
purchase decision with either one of them dominating the decision at a given point
of time. For example we can analyze different consumer purchase decision as
Thought-based Feeling-based
Example: Example: Jewellery
Buying a home
Example: Example:
Buying a car Snacks
Information Search
Evaluation of Alternatives
Post-Purchase Evaluation
4. Purchase Decision and Action The search and alternative evaluation stages
of the decision process result in the final purchase decision and the act of
making the purchase. At this stage, the consumer has evaluated each
alternative in the evoked set based on his/her personal set of evaluative
criteria and lowered the alternatives down to one. Marketers can smooth
the purchase decision and action by helping consumers through providing
finance, delivery, and installation and so on.
Satisfaction – The buyer feels satisfied at the reduction of the gap between
the actual and the ideal states or might experience dissatisfaction with the
purchase. Consumers are generally satisfied if purchases meet with their
Dissatisfaction – Sometimes, however, consumers experience some post
purchase anxieties, called cognitive dissonance. It is a thought that one has
not made the right decision. The consumer attempts to reduce this anxiety
by searching for additional information that supports his/her choice. The
marketer can help by providing supportive information to the buyer and also
by positive marketing communications.
The consumer buying process enables the consumers take informed decisions.
Higher the extent of satisfaction, higher the possibility of repurchase. Marketers
usually look to reduce dissatisfaction as a dissatisfied consumer not only shies
away from a purchase but also affects others.
1.Purchases where high levels of social or economic issues are said to be
associated are the ----------purchase decisions
2. -------------purchases that have little risk to the consumer are low-involvement
3. Consumers generally spend ------------to make purchase decisions for
highinvolvement products than to those for low-involvement products.
4. Purchase decisions can be-----------------.
5. In the stage of ----------the consumer becomes aware of the difference between
the actual state and the ideal state.
6. An ---------search collects information from outside sources.
7. The number of brands that a consumer actually considers in making a purchase
decision is known as the-------.
8. The search and alternative evaluation stages of the decision process result in the-
9. Consumers experience some post purchase anxieties, called ------------- 10.
Consumers are generally satisfied if purchases meet with their-------------.
ANSWERS: 1. High-involvement 2. Routine 3. More time and effort 4. Cognitive
or emotive 5. Problem recognition 6. External 7. Evoked set 8. Final purchase
decision 9. Cognitive dissonance 10. Expectations
Exercise Questions:
1. Discuss the activities of both final and intermediate users in the study
consumer behaviour .
2. How does consumer behaviour help in determining the marketing mix by the
3. What do you understand by ‘value for money’ in consumer behavior?
4. Why is the study of Consumer Behavior important for a firm?
5. What do you mean by a ‘reference group’? Explain ‘reference
groupinfluence’ used by marketers to promote a product.
6. ‘Cultural factors and sub- cultural factors are very helpful in studying
consumer behavior.’ Do you agree with the statement? Discuss.
7. How does economic condition and life style indicate consumers' purchasing
8. Explain various social factors which influence consumer behavior in a
9. Why do marketers need to study psychological factors related to consumer
10. How does motivation drive consumers to develop a purchasing attitude
towards a product? Explain.
11. Discuss the role played by personality to determine consumer behavior in a
12. Describe the various roles played by a person in the buying process
13. Give examples of the roles played by a child and mother in the process of
14. Describe the various stages of the consumer decision making process
15. Differentiate between the decision making process of high involvement and
low involvement products.
16. How do the personal variables affect the process of decision making?
17. Why is it important to study the post purchase behaiour
18. What factors are likely to increase the pre-purchase search for information.