United Arab Emirates Society: General Information
United Arab Emirates Society: General Information
United Arab Emirates Society: General Information
General Information:
1- Ancient Name: Trucial Coast of Oman.
2- 1507: Occupied by Portages.
3- 1820: Britain occupied the area.
4- 1971: Get Independence from Britain.
5- UAE: Consisting of Seven Emirates.
6- Capital: Abu Dhabi.
7- Area: 83,600 Km2.
8- Population:10,000,000.
9- National People: 11.5%.
10- Expatriates: 88.5%.
The Originality of UAE Society and its Main Characteristics
1- Introduction:
Every individual has his own distinct character which can never
be repeated completely.
The same can be said about each group of people who has their
own distinct characteristics and behavior.
1-Migrant Bedouins:(Nomadic)
They keep moving from one place to another all year. They
occupy massive areas and they graze animals such as the tribes
of AL -Awamer and AL -Manaseer.
B- Sea Environment:
Since people began to sail and since they began to know secrets
of the sea, they used it for trade and as a more reliable means of
transport than the ordinary caravans.
The sea influence has become more effective than the land to the
point where navigation spread to the deep seas and open oceans.
Ships also grew larger in size and faster in speed and relied on
sails no more.
We, therefore, can safely say that the trade activities which have
practiced by the people of this area were a major cause for the
growth of the civilized centers.
Since the old times, the inhabitants of the Emirates had links
with Eastern Africa and South Asia.
That is why the sons inherited love of trade and the love of
acting as mediators from their forefathers as part of their daily
business transactions, assisted by their strategic situation of their
country between the East and the West.
They used to buy what they might need for the voyages and
provide their homes with enough supplies to sustain their
families during their absence.
Many economic actives were associated with the sea. They took
on trades such as Building ships, Fishing,Diving for pearls and
1- Ship Construction:
Building Ships boomed before the discovery of the oil and after
because the economic activities were linked to the sea such as
Diving, Fishing and Trading with Africa and Asia.
2- Fishing:
As a result of scarcity of food, people turned to the sea.
The neighboring markets where in the dire need for food, for
fish as animals feed or as fertilizers.
The people of Emirates fish near the sea shore using Hydras,
Shads, Mider and deferent types of nets such as Labikh,Sur,
Taroof, Saliyya, Kuffa and Karkur.
B- Working Category:
1- Captains (Nokhathas) :
Who know the secrets of the trade, particularly the pearl areas?
In most cases he owns the ship and sometimes he hires her.
They pull ropes and they lift divers from the sea bed. Just like
the Raseef, they are less-ranking.
Different types of ships were used for diving, but the most
common were the Simbuk, Batell, Bakkara or AL Shiuoa.
Any sailor who came upon a large pearl when opening a shell
used to be financially rewarded.
C- Industrial Environment:
The poor desert land affected greatly the Emirates Society. This
pushed them towards seafaring which was not very much better.
Allah (God) had ordained to give them wealth.
Cultural Factors:
From the previous information and study we realize how the
individual moves from one group to dealing with other
individuals and acquiring the characteristic of socialization.
The non-material side or culture, which includes Religion,
Language,Customs,VariousSocial Values and Regulations.
He also said:
Nations are not judged by their material wealth alone, but rather
by the authenticity of heritage.
Furthermore, He says:
A nation without a past has no present or future.
He (Sheikh Zayed) the Establisher and the Leader
Our thinking about the past and the lessons extracted from it
besides thinking about the present, our future aspiration, and the
glamorous hopes for the future; all should lead us continuously
to the building of our nation and its progress.
The Bedouin, further, had to create the situation that would help
to survive.
This is a battle field for the society, facing the originality of the
past with all its respect, appreciation and pride for the
forefathers and their historic role and their creative participation
in the making of the various aspects of civilization’s behavior
and the subsequent effects of mimicking the in-coming cultures,
as well as the direct pressures of social change and its effects
and the change in values, all these led to the emergence of
dichotomies of values, have emerged.
2-Religious Unity:
Islamic religion endowed the spiritual unity on the culture of the
Undoubtedly, their unification through Islam would mean
unification in customs and traditions and life style.
3-Human Homogeneity:
All ensue from our common belief in common aims and one
nation besides having a sense of belonging to one heritage and
one culture.
This was the result for the formation of the union later on.
Undoubtedly, the people of Emirates were keen to assert
their national unity, a manifestation of their belief in the
common fate.
We need to point out at this juncture that the area of the UAE
forms a whole unit.
They present the social basis for the customs, the traditions and
the values of the society.
All through history the Gulf area has been occupying a standing
civilization center.
In the year 4000 BC, and before 6000 years, man’s connection
with the sea maritime started during the Slave’s Civilization in
Mesopotamian Valley.
This would assert the fact that the inhabitants in the area worked
in Trade.
1-Projects and Experimentation from 1952-1960
Subsequent to events on the political arena in the Gulf during
that period, some attempts and initiatives to unify the Emirates
of the Coast of Oman were taken.
The Two Rulers of Dubai & Abu Dhabi called the other Rulers
of the Trucial Emirates as well as the Tow Rulers of Qatar &
Bahrain, for the first meeting which took place in Dubai in
February 5, 7 and 20, 1968.
The other form from sprang from the rulers desire to gather
together sustaining a unified stance and plan.
Whatever the form of the union might be, it reflects the concept
of unity which existed throughout history.
The roots have been there deeply rooted in history, but the
imperialist dominance hindered its realization.
The emergence of the UAE rectified the state of partition which
the imperialists were keen to keep for the sake of ensuring their
supremacy the longest time possible.
In doing so, Britain lost the main focal positions supporting its
imperialist dominance which lasted for one and a half century.
It is a dream that has come true to see the Emirates of the Coast
of Oman unified.
The sincere desire of the wise leadership helped in overcoming
the obstacles and achieving the people’s aspirations.
Let alone the role played by the Arab countries, specifically the
Gulf countries, in facilitating reaching a general agreement as
to the necessarily of unification to maintain the Arab identity.
The ultimate success was in placing the UAE on the world map
as an independent sovereign country.
1-Iran seized the three Gulf Islands on the first day the Union
was declared.
2-The borders problems with the neighboring countries.
3-The migration influx which created population imbalance.