On - Off: Terry Eyssens Goes From Alienation To Allegiance To Alienation
On - Off: Terry Eyssens Goes From Alienation To Allegiance To Alienation
On - Off: Terry Eyssens Goes From Alienation To Allegiance To Alienation
1 feeling it
I think it started when I was at school. A sense of not “I don’t know”.
having anything to do with what I was supposed to He’d ask, “Do you wanna end up working in
be doing. It wasn’t painful. It wasn’t a hard school. a factory?”
I simply was not the slightest bit interested in the I answered “No” but actually didn’t know. I
basic activity of being at school, being a high-school knew I wasn’t meant to want to work in a factory
student. I concede that I enjoyed – slightly – a couple but couldn’t see why that was worse than any
of subjects in Year 11. But maybe it was more the other job.
energy and fairness of the teachers that engaged me. Every job had the same effect. Factory or building
Apart from that, kicking the footy during breaks site or servo. I despised it. I took many, many sick-
and after school was the most interesting thing I did ies. Quite often, one sickie would turn into a week
back then. I couldn’t wait for it to end. off. But I rarely got the sack because I worked hard
It’s when you leave school and enter the world as enough while I was there, mainly because I didn’t
a worker that you can really feel it. While I was still want anyone else to have to work harder because of
at school, someone older told me that he wished he me. I knew that drudgery had to be shared. Gener-
was back there. He warned me not to wish for it to ally, work made me nauseous. At that time, though,
end too soon. Once I began work, I knew what he I didn’t really know why. It was strange being sur-
meant but I didn’t want to go back to school. Work rounded by people who showed up every day for
was worse but it was just more of the same thing. decades. I couldn’t understand how they did it. As
As for work – working – there was nothing that a young man who thought little of himself, with
I wanted to do, to be. No vocational counselling or no confidence in his ability at anything, let alone
badgering could change that. So I took the easiest the ability to make sense of the world, I could only
option. I began work as a carpenter, apprenticed conclude that something was wrong with me.
to my father. I wasn’t interested in carpentry, but On one of my weeks off I decided to catch the
a few of my friends were going into trades and I train up to Sydney, simply because I’d never been
thought I might get to know my dad. I lasted little there. I read a second-hand copy of Lawson stories
more than a year. on the way. I had no real political understanding of
Over the next ten years I worked in dozens of what it is to labour and I got nothing out of Lawson
jobs. I writhed my way through and inflicted on along those lines. But in him I found, for the first
others the angst and ennui of my twenties. Up until time, a portrayal of bosses and work which coin-
I was about twenty-two my father would sit me cided with my experience, and that the boss to be
down and ask me what I was doing, what I wanted most wary of is the one who expects loyalty. Prob-
to do and, more importantly, he asked me what I ably more importantly, Lawson’s stories encouraged
was going to do. I answered over and over again, me to keep wandering. They consolidated an urge to