Irjet-Automatic Irrigation System Using Arduino: Related Papers

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A Review Paper on Design and Development of Aut omat ic Drip Irrigat ion Syst em
IRJET Journal


IRJET Journal
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 10 | Oct 2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072


C. Ashwini1, Diparna Adhikary2, Amisha Mishra3, Shruti Duggal4
1,2,3,4Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, India

Abstract- Nowadays, the increase in population has led also stalled since; passable amount of water is not given
to water scarcity in most parts of the world. Large amount to the crop. So, an automatic plant Irrigation system will
of water is wasted in agriculture. Water wastage here is aid to save a lot of water and will safeguard vigorous
mainly due to water logging during irrigation. So, there is growth of the crop. This will also eliminate the necessity
a need to switch to alternative methods for irrigation. This of workers on the field and also saves a lot of time.
paper proposes an automatic plant irrigation system that
uses Arduino board and a microcontroller. It 3. System Overview
automatically senses the moisture content of the soil and
decides whether irrigation is needed or not. After The paper is based on an automated system which is
analyzing the values, it provides adequate amount of used for watering plants. The system supplies water to
water to the crop. The pump automatically switches on the plant automatically when it’s required. The sensors
and provides water when the soil is dry. Similarly, when sense the moisture content of the soil by sending current
the soil is wet, the pump switches off and no water is given through the soil and measuring its output (resistance).
to the crop. This not only conserves water that is otherwise Water conducts electricity, so less resistance means that
wasted but also ensures better crop growth as only the there is water present in the soil. Whenever there’s more
required amount of water is given to the crop. The system resistance, it means there is less water in the soil.
that is proposed in this paper also uses a wireless module
to control the system from faraway places. Hardware details –The project includes an Arduino Uno
board which is used to control all the things happening
Keyword: Arduino Uno, IoT, microcontroller, in the system. The paper uses a miniature model and can
moisture sensor, sensors, wireless module be further extended by increasing the number of sensors.
The sensors used are FC-28. It can be used both in analog
1. Introduction- and digital format. The Wireless module used is ESP8266
Wi-Fi Module which is compatible with Arduino Uno.
Irrigation is a mock form used for watering the crops. It The pump used is a 12v DC motor pump and can easily
is used in areas where there is minimal amount of supply the water to the plant without much delay.
rainfall. It helps the crops to grow and stay vigorous. To
avoid food scarcity, it is very important to endorse the Software details-The IDE used is Arduino IDE. It is much
agriculture sector. Physical irrigation can be done using easy and simple to program the Arduino board using this
sprinkler systems, water buckets and cans. One of the IDE. It provides us with a number of libraries which
major downside of manual irrigation system is that the makes it easier for us to connect different components to
amount of water needed by the crop is incalculable. This the Arduino board. It also makes it easier to operate
results in a lot of water wastage. Due to this the crops those components. The default value for the soil
growth is hindered to a lot of extent. Hence there is a moisture sensor FC-28, is set as 0-1023. 0 means no need
need to bring about some changes in the existing for water and 1023 means there is no water and requires
technology. This paper establishes a system which helps immediate supply of water. A threshold value is set and
to lessen the water wastage as well as eradicate the need according to which the motor supplies water to the soil.
of manpower. This system works by sensing the The system is supposed to work automatically.
moisture content in the soil using the probes and then
decides whether to pump the water or not and thereby 4. System Architecture
saves a lot of time.

2. Necessity of the Project-

Population is increasing day by day and hence our

natural resources are exhausting swiftly. It is our
accountability as an individual to help and save our
natural resources. Water scarcity is the main muddle in
today’s era. Agriculture sector is budding r rapidly and
hence a lot of water is needed for irrigation. A large
amount of water is unnecessarily wasted while irrigating
the fields due to water logging. The growth of the crop is Fig- System Architecture

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1177
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 10 | Oct 2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072


It comprises to two conducting metal probes which are It is used to exhibit whether the system is working
used to sense the moisture content in the soil. accurately or not. It is positioned near the Arduino board
and displays the values of the moisture content which
are perceived by the metal probes.


This system does not require the presence of farmers at

the field as it can be operated from anywhere. Also, the
application that it uses displays the moisture content and
amount of water being given to the crop. This suppresses
the need of manpower and also saves a lot of time. The
Fig- FC-28 proposed system also has another advantage that it only
provides passable amount of water to the crop thereby
4.2. RELAY saving water that is otherwise wasted due to water
logging. The crops also benefit from this and better crop
It is used to switch the pump on and off. yield is achieved.


Two different soils are used to test the model of

automatic plant irrigation system. The moisture content
of both the soils are sensed and matched with the
reference values. In the first soil, the moisture content as
sensed by the probes is less, so the pump automatically
provides water to the crop till it reaches the limit.
Coming to the second soil, the soil is already wet, i.e.
moisture content is high. In this case, no water is
Fig- Relay provided to the crop. Thus, the system functions
according to the values sensed from the soil till it reaches
4.3. WATER PUMP the limit.

A 12v dc motor is used with the pump. The pump is 7. CONCLUSION

turned on and off automatically with the help of the
relay. The values of the moisture content are read by the An automatic plant irrigation system using Arduino is
Arduino board and are compared with the reference designed in this project. The prototype of the model
value and thereby motor driver circuit is activated. worked properly when tested on different soils. The
components that we use in the system are readily
4.4. WIRELESS MEDIUM available and easy to operate. Thus, this system acts as
an effectual method of irrigation. It is far better than the
It is used to operate the entire system by using a mobile manual irrigation process which requires a lot of
application. It displays the moisture content of the soil manpower and time. By using the app, the farmer can
and it is used to switch on and off the system from operate the system from distant places. The farmer can
distant places. utilize this time in other significant activities. Also, the
major issue of water scarcity is dealt with. No amount of
water is wasted in the process of irrigation. Thus, this
system can be very useful in areas where water is in
short supply. As the required amount of water is
provided to the crop, the crop growth is better. Farmers
can thus benefit from the enhanced crop yields. The
project is tested for different types of soils and it works
properly. The future work of the system can include the
addition of temperature sensors and a more powerful
motor to pump water to the fields. Thus, the large-scale
implementation of the project can also be done.
Fig – Wireless Medium

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1178
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 10 | Oct 2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072


A lot of hard work and dedication was put into the 1) C.M. Devika, Karthika Bose,
project. So, we would like to extend our gratitude to all S. Vijayalekshmy,“Automatic plant irrigation
the individuals without whose suggestions this paper system using Arduino”, Dec. 2017
would not have been completed successfully.
2) Rafael Munoz Carpena Michael D. Dukes
The Computer Science department of our institution "Automatic Irrigation Based on Soil Moisture for
provided us with such good opportunity and supportive Vegetable Crops" IFAS extension 2005
3) L. Bhaskar, B. Koli, P. Kumar, V. Gaur, "Automatic
Secondly, we would like to express our gratitude to our crop irrigation system", 2015 4th International
guide Mrs. C. Ashwini who guided us throughout and Conference on Reliability Infocom Technologies
offered us with all the support we needed. and Optimization (ICRITO) (Trends and Future
Directions), pp. 1-4, 2015.
Finally, the recommendations of our classmates helped
us throughout and we are thankful to all of them. 4) Abdurrahman Mehamed, Ahmed Gebremedhn,
Mehari Gebru, Tsigabu Teame Bezabih, "Sensor
Based Automatic Irrigation Management
System", International Journal of Computer and
Information Technology, pp. 2279-0764.

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1179

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