Hostel Management Report

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Project Report



We take this occasion to thank God, almighty for blessing us with his grace and

taking our endeavour to a successful culmination. We extend our sincere and heart felt

thanks to our esteemed guide, Mr. XYZ for providing us with the right guidance and

advice at the crucial junctures and for showing us the right way. We extend our sincere

thanks to our respected head of the division Mr.XYZ, for allowing us to use the facilities

available. We would like to thank the other faculty members also, at this occasion. Last

but not the least, we would like to thank friends for the support and encouragement they

have given us during the course of our work.


As the name specifies “HOSTEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” is a software

developed for managing various activities in the hostel. For the past few years the number

of educational institutions are increasing rapidly. Thereby the number of hostels are also

increasing for the accom-modation of the students studying in this institution. And hence

there is a lot of strain on the person who are running the hostel and software’s are not

usually used in this context. This particular project deals with the problems on managing a

hostel and avoids the problems which occur when carried manually.

Identification of the drawbacks of the existing system leads to the designing of

computerized system that will be compatible to the existing system with the system Which is

more user friendly and more GUI oriented. We can improve the efficiency of the system,

thus overcome the drawbacks of the existing system.

· Less human error

· Strength and strain of manual labour can be reduced

· High security

· Data redundancy can be avoided to some extent

· Data consistency

· Easy to handle

· Easy data updating

· Easy record keeping

· Backup data can be easily generated


1.1 Problem definition

We have got nine hostels in our university, which consist of four boy’s hostel and five

girl’s hostel. All these hostels at present are managed manually by the hostel office. The

Registration form verification to the different data processing are done manually.

Thus there are a lot of repetitions which can be easily avoided. And hence there is a

lot of strain on the person who are running the hostel and software’s are not usually used in

this context.This particu-lar project deals with the problems on managing a hostel and avoids

the problems which occur when carried manually

Identification of the drawbacks of the existing system leads to the designing of

computerized system that will be compatible to the existing system with the system which

is more user friendly and more GUI oriented. We can improve the efficiency of the

system, thus overcome the drawbacks of the existing system.

1.Admin Panel
1.Admin Login

Admin can login through login form.

2. Admin Profile
Admin can manage his own profile. Admin can also change his password
Admin can create add course, edit courses and also delete the course

Admin can create rooms and allots seater to particular rooms and assign the fees.

5. Registration
Admin can create student profile and allot the rooms

6. Manage the Registration

Admin can manage the all the student Profile. Take a print out of all profiles and also delete
the profile.

7. Forgot Password

Admin can also retrieve the password if admin forgot the password.

User Panel
1. User Registration---- User can register through user registration form
2. User Login-- User can login through login form
3. Forgot Password—user can retrieve password through forgot password link
4. User Dashboard
5. User Profile—User can manage own profile
6. Book Hostel – User can book hostel
7. Room Details- Booked Room Details
8. Change Password- User Can change own password
9. User access log- User can watch last login details
Hostel Mangement System


2.1 Hardware Configuration

1. Pentium IV Processor

2. 512 MB RAM

3. 40GB HDD

4. 1024 * 768 Resolution Color Monitor

Note: This is not the “System Requirements”.

2.2 Software Configuration

1. OS : Windows XP

2.PHP Triad (PHP5.6, MySQL, Apache, and PHPMyAdmin)

2.3 Software Features


PHPTriad installs a complete working PHP/MySQL server environment on Windows

platforms (9x/ NT). Installs PHP, MySQL, Apache, and PHPMyAdmin. PHP

PHP is a scripting language originally designed for producing dynamic web pages. It has evolved to

include a command line interface capability and can be used in standalone graphical applications. While PHP

was originally created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1995, the main implementation of PHP is now produced by The

PHP Group and serves as the de facto standard for PHP as there is no formal specification. PHP is free

software released under the PHP License, however it is incompatible with the GNU General Public License
Hostel Mangement System

(GPL), due to restrictions on the usage of the term PHP. It is a widely-used general-purpose

scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML.

It generally runs on a web server, taking PHP code as its input and creating web pages as output. It

can be deployed on most web servers and on almost every operating system and platform free of

charge. PHP is installed on more than 20 million websites and 1 million web servers.

PHP originally stood for Personal Home Page. It began in 1994 as a set of Common Gateway Interface

binaries written in the C programming language by the Danish/Greenlandic programmer Rasmus Lerdorf. Lerdorf

initially created these Personal Home Page Tools to replace a small set of Perl scripts he had been using to maintain

his personal homepage. The tools were used to perform tasks such as displaying his résumé and recording how

much traffic his page was receiving. He combined these binaries with his Form Interpreter to create PHP/FI, which

had more functionality. PHP/FI included a larger implementation for the C programming language and could

communicate with databases, enabling the building of simple, dynamic web applications.

Lerdorf released PHP publicly on June 8, 1995 to accelerate bug location and improve the code. This

release was named PHP version 2 and already had the basic functionality that PHP has today. This included

Perl-like variables, form handling, and the ability to embed HTML. The syntax was similar to Perl but was

more limited, simpler, and less consistent. Zeev Suraski and Andi Gutmans, two Israeli developers at the

Technion IIT, rewrote the parser in 1997 and formed the base of PHP 3, changing the language’s name to the

recursive initialism PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor. The development team officially released PHP/FI 2 in

November 1997 after months of beta testing. Afterwards, public testing of PHP 3 began, and the official

launch came in June 1998. Suraski and Gutmans then started a new rewrite of PHP’s core, producing the Zend

Engine in 1999. They also founded Zend Technologies in Ramat Gan, Israel.

On May 22, 2000, PHP 4, powered by the Zend Engine 1.0, was released. On July 13, 2004, PHP 5

was released, powered by the new Zend Engine II. PHP 5 included new features such as improved

support for object-oriented programming, the PHP Data Objects extension (which defines a lightweight

and consistent interface for accessing databases), and numerous performance enhancements. The most

recent update released by The PHP Group is for the older PHP version 4 code branch.
Hostel Mangement System

In 2008, PHP 5 became the only stable version under development. Late static binding has

been missing from PHP and will be added in version 5.3. PHP 6 is under development alongside

PHP 5. Major changes include the removal of register_globals, magic quotes, and safe mode. The

reason for the removals was because register_globals had given way to security holes, and magic

quotes had an unpredictable nature, and was best avoided. Instead, to escape characters, Magic

quotes may be substituted with the addslashes() function, or more appropriately an escape

mechanism specific to the database vendor itself like mysql_real_escape_string() for MySQL.

PHP does not have complete native support for Unicode or multibyte strings; Unicode support will be

included in PHP 6. Many high profile open source projects ceased to support PHP 4 in new code as of

February 5, 2008, due to the GoPHP5 initiative, provided by a consortium of PHP developers promoting the

transition from PHP 4 to PHP 5. It runs in both 32-bit and 64-bit environments, but on Windows the only

official distribution is 32-bit, requiring Windows 32-bit compatibility mode to be enabled while using IIS in a

64-bit Windows environment. There is a third-party distribution available for 64-bit Windows.


PHP is a general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development.

PHP generally runs on a web server, taking PHP code as its input and creating web pages as output.

It can also be used for command-line scripting and client-side GUI applications. PHP can be

deployed on most web servers, many operating systems and platforms, and can be used with many

relational database management systems. It is available free of charge, and the PHP Group provides

the complete source code for users to build, customize and extend for their own use.

PHP primarily acts as a filter, taking input from a file or stream containing text and/or PHP instructions and

outputs another stream of data; most commonly the output will be HTML. It can automatically detect the language

of the user. From PHP 4, the PHP parser compiles input to produce bytecode for processing by the Zend Engine,

giving improved performance over its interpreter predecessor. Originally designed to create dynamic web pages,

PHP’s principal focus is server-side scripting,and it is similar to other server-side scripting

Hostel Mangement System

languages that provide dynamic content from a web server to a client, such as Microsoft’s Active

Server Pages, Sun Microsystems’ JavaServer Pages, and mod_perl. PHP has also attracted the

development of many frameworks that provide building blocks and a design structure to promote

rapid application develo-pment (RAD). Some of these include CakePHP, Symfony, CodeIgniter,

and Zend Framework, offering features similar to other web application frameworks.

The LAMP architecture has become popular in the web industry as a way of deploying web

applic-ations. PHP is commonly used as the P in this bundle alongside Linux, Apache and MySQL,

although the P may also refer to Python or Perl.

As of April 2007, over 20 million Internet domains were hosted on servers with PHP installed, and PHP

was recorded as the most popular Apache module. Significant websites are written in PHP including the user-

facing portion of Facebook, Wikipedia (MediaWiki), Yahoo!, MyYearbook, , Digg, Wordpress and Tagged. In

addition to server-side scripting, PHP can be used to create stand-alone, compiled applications and libraries, it

can be used for shell scripting, and the PHP binaries can be called from the command line. Speed optimization

As with many scripting languages, PHP scripts are normally kept as human-readable source code,

even on production web servers. In this case, PHP scripts will be compiled at runtime by the PHP engine,

which increases their execution time. PHP scripts are able to be compiled before runtime using PHP

compilers as with other programming languages such as C (the language PHP and its extensions are

written in). Code optimizers aim to reduce the computational complexity of the compiled code by

reducing its size and making other changes that can reduce the execution time with the overall goal of

improving performance. The nature of the PHP compiler is such that there are often opportunities for

code optimization, and an example of a code optimizer is the Zend Optimizer PHP extension.

Another approach for reducing overhead for high load PHP servers is using PHP accelerators.

These can offer significant performance gains by caching the compiled form of a PHP script in

shared memory to avoid the overhead of parsing and compiling the code every time the script runs.
Hostel Mangement System Security

The National Vulnerability Database stores all vulnerabities found in computer software. The

overall proportion of PHP-related vulnerabilities on the database amounted to: 12% in 2003, 20% in

2004, 28% in 2005, 43% in 2006, 36% in 2007, and 35% in 2008. Most of these PHP-related

vulnerabilities can be exploited remotely: they allow hackers to steal or destroy data from data

sources linked to the webserver (such as an SQL database), send spam or contribute to DOS attacks

using malware, which itself can be installed on the vulnerable servers.

These vulnerabilities are caused mostly by not following best practice programming rules:

technical security flaws of the language itself or of its core libraries are not frequent. Recognizing that

programmers cannot be trusted, some languages include taint checking to detect automatically the lack of

input validation which induces many issues. However, such a feature is being developed for PHP

Hosting PHP applications on a server requires a careful and constant attention to deal with

these security risks. There are advanced protection patches such as Suhosin and Hardening-Patch,

especially designed for web hosting environments. Installing PHP as a CGI binary rather than as an

Apache module is the preferred method for added security. With respect to securing the code itself,

PHP code can be obfuscated to make it difficult to read while remaining functional. Syntax


<title>PHP Test </title>



<?php echo “<p> Hello World </p>”; ?>


Note : - Code in bold letters shows the PHP code embedded within HTML
Hostel Mangement System

PHP only parses code within its delimiters. Anything outside its delimiters is sent directly to the

output and is not parsed by PHP. The most common delimiters are <?php and ?>, which are open and close

delimiters respectively. <script language=”php”> and </script> delimiters are also available. Short tags can be

used to start PHP code, <? or <?= (which is used to echo back a string or variable) and the tag to end PHP

code, ?>. These tags are commonly used, but like ASP-style tags (<% or <%= and %>), they are less portable

as they can be disabled in the PHP configuration. For this reason, the use of short tags and ASP-style tags is

discouraged. The purpose of these delimiters is to separate PHP code from non-PHP code, including HTML.

Variables are prefixed with a dollar symbol and a type does not need to be specified in advance. Unlike

function and class names, variable names are case sensitive. Both double-quoted (“”) and heredoc strings allow the

ability to embed a variable’s value into the string. PHP treats newlines as whitespace in the manner of a free-form

language (except when inside string quotes), and statements are terminated by a semicolon. PHP has three types of

comment syntax: /* */ serves as block comments, and // as well as # are used for inline comments. The echo

statement is one of several facilities PHP provides to output text (e.g. to a web browser).

In terms of keywords and language syntax, PHP is similar to most high level languages that

follow the C style syntax. If conditions, for and while loops, and function returns are similar in

syntax to languages such as C, C++, Java and Perl. Data types

PHP stores whole numbers in a platform-dependent range. This range is typically that of 32-bit

signed integers. Unsigned integers are converted to signed values in certain situations; this behavior

is different from other programming languages. Integer variables can be assigned using decimal

(positive and negative), octal, and hexadecimal notations. Floating point numbers are also stored in a

platform-specific range. They can be specified using floating point notation, or two forms of

scientific notation. PHP has a native Boolean type that is similar to the native Boolean types in Java

and C++. Using the Boolean type conversion rules, non-zero values are interpreted as true and zero

as false, as in Perl and C++. The null data type represents a variable that has no value.
Hostel Mangement System

The only value in the null data type is NULL. Variables of the “resource” type represent references

to resources from external sources. These are typically created by functions from a particular extension,

and can only be processed by functions from the same extension; examples include file, image, and

database resources. Arrays can contain elements of any type that PHP can handle, including resources,

objects, and even other arrays. Order is preserved in lists of values and in hashes with both keys and

values, and the two can be intermingled. PHP also supports strings, which can be used with single

quotes, double quotes, or heredoc syntax. The Standard PHP Library (SPL) attempts to solve standard

problems and implements efficient data access interfaces and classes. Functions

PHP has hundreds of base functions and thousands more from extensions. These functions are

well documented on the PHP site, but unfortunately, the built-in library has a wide variety of naming

conventions and inconsistencies. PHP currently has no functions for thread programming.

Version 5.2 and earlier

Functions are not first-class functions and can only be referenced by their name—directly or

dynamically by a variable containing the name of the function. User-defined functions can be created at any

time without being prototyped. Functions can be defined inside code blocks, permitting a run-time decision as

to whether or not a function should be defined. Function calls must use parentheses, with the exception of

zero argument class constructor functions called with the PHP new operator, where parentheses are optional.

PHP supports quasi-anonymous functions through the create_function() function, although they are not true

anonymous functions because anonymous functions are nameless, but functions can only be referenced by

name, or indirectly through a variable $function_name();, in PHP.

Version 5.3 and newer

PHP gained support for first-class functions and closures. True anonymous functions are supported

function getAdder($x) using the following syntax :

Hostel Mangement System

function getAdder($x)
return function ($y) use ($x)
{ return $x + $y;
$adder = getAdder(8);
echo $adder(2); // prints “10”

Here, getAdder() function creates a closure using parameter $x (keyword “use” forces getting variable

from context), which takes additional argument $y and returns it to the caller. Such a function can be stored, given

as the parameter to another functions, etc. For more details see Lambda functions and closures RFC. Objects

Basic object-oriented programming functionality was added in PHP 3. Object handling was

completely rewritten for PHP 5, expanding the feature set and enhancing performance. In previous

versions of PHP, objects were handled like primitive types. The drawback of this method was that the

whole object was copied when a variable was assigned or passed as a parameter to a method. In the new

approach, objects are referenced by handle, and not by value. PHP 5 introduced private and protected

member variables and methods, along with abstract classes and final classes as well as abstract methods

and final methods. It also introduced a standard way of declaring constructors and destructors, similar to

that of other object-oriented languages such as C++, and a standard exception handling model.

Furthermore, PHP 5 added interfaces and allowed for multiple interfaces to be implemented.

There are special interfaces that allow objects to interact with the runtime system. Objects

implementing ArrayAccess can be used with array syntax and objects implementing Iterator or

IteratorAggregate can be used with the foreach language construct. There is no virtual table feature

in the engine, so static variables are bound with a name instead of a reference at compile time.
Hostel Mangement System

If the developer creates a copy of an object using the reserved word clone, the Zend engine

will check if a __clone() method has been defined or not. If not, it will call a default __clone()

which will copy the object’s properties. If a __clone() method is defined, then it will be responsible

for setting the necessary properties in the created object. For convenience, the engine will supply a

function that imports the properties of the source object, so that the programmer can start with a by-

value replica of the source object and only override properties that need to be changed. Resources

PHP includes free and open source libraries with the core build. PHP is a fundamentally Internet-aware

system with modules built in for accessing FTP servers, many database servers, embedded SQL libraries such as

embedded PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite, LDAP servers, and others. Many functions familiar to C

programmers such as those in the stdio family are available in the standard PHP build. PHP has traditionally used

features such as “magic_quotes_gpc” and “magic_quotes_runtime” which attempt to escape apostrophes

(‘) and quotes (“) in strings in the assumption that they will be used in databases, to prevent SQL

injection attacks. This leads to confusion over which data is escaped and which is not, and to problems

when data is not in fact used as input to a database and when the escaping used is not completely correct.

To make code portable between servers which do and do not use magic quotes, developers can preface

their code with a script to reverse the effect of magic quotes when it is applied.

PHP allows developers to write extensions in C to add functionality to the PHP language. These can

then be compiled into PHP or loaded dynamically at runtime. Extensions have been written to add support for

the Windows API, process management on Unix-like operating systems, multibyte strings (Unicode), cURL,

and several popular compression formats. Some more unusual features include integration with Internet Relay

Chat, dynamic generation of images and Adobe Flash content, and even speech synthesis. The PHP Extension

Community Library (PECL) project is a repository for extensions to the PHP language. Zend provides a

certification exam for programmers to become certified PHP developers.

Hostel Mangement System MY SQL

What is a database? Quite simply, it’s an organized collection of data. A database

management system (DBMS) such as Access, FileMaker Pro, Oracle or SQL Server provides you

with the software tools you need to organize that data in a flexible manner. It includes facilities to

add, modify or delete data from the database, ask questions (or queries) about the data stored in the

database and produce reports summarizing selected contents.

MySQL is a multithreaded,multi-user SQL database management system(DBMS). The basic

program runs as a server providing multi-user access to a number of databases.Originally financed in

a similar fashion to the JBoss model, MySQL was owned and sponsored by a single for-profit firm,

the Swedish company MySQLAB now a subsidiary of Sun Microsystem , which holds the copyright

to most of the codebase. The project’s source code is available under terms of the GNU General

Public Licence, as well as under a variety of proprietory agreements.

MySQL is a database.The data in MySQL is stored in database objects called tables.A table is

a collections of related data entries and it consists of columns and rows.Databases are useful when

storing information categorically. A company may have a database with the following tables:

“Employees”, “Products”, “Customers” and “Orders”. Database Tables

A database most often contains one or more tables. Each table is identified by a name (e.g.

“Customers” or “Orders”). Tables contain records (rows) with data. Queries

A query is a question or a request.With MySQL, we can query a database for specific

information and have a recordset returned.

Hostel Mangement System Create a connection to a database

Before you can access data in a database, you must create a connection to the database.In PHP,

this is done with the mysqli_connect() function.



In the following example we store the connection in a variable ($con) for later use in the script.

The “die” part will be executed if the connection fails: Closing a Connection

The connection will be closed automatically when the script ends. To close the connection
before, use the mysql_close() function:
Hostel Mangement System Create a Database

The CREATE DATABASE statement is used to create a database in MySQL.


CREATE DATABASE database_name

To get PHP to execute the statement above we must use the mysql_query() function. This function is

used to send a query or command to a MySQL connection. Create a Table

The CREATE TABLE statement is used to create a table in MySQL


CREATE TABLE table_name

column_name1 data_type,
column_name2 data_type,
column_name3 data_type,

Hostel Mangement
System MySQL



rows —





rows in






ser —



in user
of the









name of



r set















mysql_errno —

Returns the

numerical value of

the error message

from previous

MySQL operation

mysql_error —

Returns the text of

the error message

from previous
MySQL operation


— Escapes a string

for use in a



_array —

Fetch a

result row

as an


array, a


array, or



_assoc —

Fetch a

result row

as an















n as










h of



t in a









as an


Hostel Mangement System

wsmysql_num_rows — Get number of rows in result mysql_pconnect

— Open a persistent connection to a MySQL server

mysql_ping — Ping a server connection or reconnect if there is no

connection mysql_query — Send a MySQL query

mysql_result — Get result data mysql_select_db

— Select a MySQL database mysql_set_charset

— Sets the client character set mysql_stat —

Get current system status mysql_tablename —

Get table name of field mysql_thread_id —

Return the current thread ID

mysql_unbuffered_query — Send an SQL query to MySQL, without fetching and buffering

the result (See Appendix 2 for more My_SQL Functions.) Macromedia Dreamweaver 8

Is a professional HTML editor for designing, coding, and developing websites, web pages, and web

applications. Whether you enjoy the control of hand-coding HTML or prefer to work in a visual editing

environment, Dreamweaver provides you with helpful tools to enhance your web creation experience.

The visual editing features in Dreamweaver let you quickly create pages without writing a

line of code. You can view all your site elements or assets and drag them from an easy-to-use panel

directly into a document. You can streamline your development workflow by creating and editing

images in Macromedia Fireworks or another graphics application, then importing them directly into

Dreamweaver, or by adding Macromedia Flash objects.

Hostel Mangement System

Dreamweaver also provides a full-featured coding environment that includes code-editing tools (such

as code coloring and tag completion) and language reference material on Cascading Style Sheets (CSS),

JavaScript, and ColdFusion Markup Language (CFML), among others. Macromedia Roundtrip HTML

technology imports your hand-coded HTML documents without reformatting the code; you can then reformat

code with your preferred formatting style. Dreamweaver also enables you to build dynamic database-backed

web applications using server technologies such as CFML, ASP.NET, ASP, JSP, and PHP. Dreamweaver and accessibility

Accessibility refers to making websites and web products usable for people with visual,

auditory, motor, and other disabilities. Examples of accessibility features for software products and

websites include screen reader support, text equivalents for graphics, keyboard shortcuts, change of

display colors to high contrast, and so on. Dreamweaver provides tools that make the product

accessible and tools that help you author accessible content:

Using Dreamweaver accessibility features For Dreamweaver web designers who need to use

accessibility features, Dreamweaver offers screen reader support, keyboard navigation, and operating

system accessibility support.For more information, see Using Dreamweaver accessibility features.

Authoring for accessibility For Dreamweaver web designers who need to create accessible

content, Dreamweaver assists you in creating accessible pages that contain useful content for screen

readers and comply with government guidelines.

Dreamweaver provides dialog boxes that prompt you to enter accessibility attributes when you

insert page elements (see Optimizing the workspace for accessible page design).For example, the

accessibility dialog box for images reminds you to add text equivalents for graphics. Then, when the

image appears on a page for a user with visual disabilities, the screen reader reads the description.
Hostel Mangement System Laying Out Pages with CSS

In Macromedia Dreamweaver 8, you can use CSS styles to lay out your page. You can either insert div

tags manually and apply CSS positioning styles to them, or you can use Dreamweaver layers to create your

layout. A layer in Dreamweaver is an HTML page element—specifically, a div tag, or any other tag—that has

an absolute position assigned to it. Whether you use CSS, tables, or frames to lay out your pages,

Dreamweaver has rulers and grids for visual guidance in your layout. Dreamweaver also has a tracing image

feature, which you can use to re-create a page design that was created in a graphics application.

Client-side role of forms

Forms support the client side of the client-server relationship. When a visitor enters

information into a form displayed in a web browser (the client) and clicks the submit button, the

information is sent to the server where a server-side script or application processes it. Common

server-side technologies used for processing form data include Macromedia ColdFusion, Microsoft

Active Server Pages (ASP), and PHP. The server responds by sending requested information back to

the user (or client), or performing some action based on the form’s contents.

( Note : - See Appendix 1 for more about Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 and phpMyAdmin) phpMAdmin

phpMyAdmin is an open source tool written in PHP intended to handle the administration of MySQL

over the World Wide Web. phpMyAdmin supports a wide range of operations with MySQL.Currently it can

create and drop databases, create/drop/alter tables, delete/edit/add fields, execute any SQL statement, manage

users and permissions, and manage keys on fields. while you still have the ability to directly execute any SQL

statement. phpMyAdmin can manage a whole MySQL server (needs a super-user) as well as a single

database. To accomplish the latter you’ll need a properly set up MySQL user who can read/write only the

desired database. It’s up to you to look up the appropriate part in the MySQL manual.
Hostel Mangement System

phpMyAdmin can:

· browse and drop databases, tables, views, fields and indexes

· create, copy, drop, rename and alter databases, tables, fields and indexes

· maintenance server, databases and tables, with proposals on server configuration

· execute, edit and bookmark any SQL-statement, even batch-queries

· load text files into tables

· create and read dumps of tables

· export data to various formats: CSV, XML, PDF, ISO/IEC 26300 - OpenDocument Text and

Spreadsheet, Word, Excel and LATEX formats

· administer multiple servers

· manage MySQL users and privileges

· check referential integrity in MyISAM tables

· using Query-by-example (QBE), create complex queries automatically connecting required tables

· create PDF graphics of your Database layout

· search globally in a database or a subset of it

· transform stored data into any format using a set of predefined functions, like displaying

BLOB-data as image or download-link

· support InnoDB tables and foreign keys

· support mysqli, the improved MySQL extension

Hostel Mangement System

A word about users:

Many people have difficulty understanding the concept of user management with regards

to phpMyAdmin. When a user logs in to phpMyAdmin, that username and password are passed

directly to MySQL. phpMyAdmin does no account management on its own (other than allowing

one to manipulate the MySQL user account information); all users must be valid MySQL users.

1) phpMyAdmin can compress (Zip, GZip -RFC 1952- or Bzip2 formats) dumps and CSV exports

if you use PHP with Zlib support (—with-zlib) and/or Bzip2 support (—with-bz2). Proper

support may also need changes in php.ini.a phpMyAdmin screen appears as shown below. 1 Requirements


o You need PHP 5.2.0 or newer, with session support and the Standard PHP Library

(SPL) extension.

o To support uploading of ZIP files, you need the PHP zip extension.

o For proper support of multibyte strings (eg. UTF-8, which is currently default),

you should install mbstring and ctype extensions.

o You need GD2 support in PHP to display inline thumbnails of JPEGs

(“image/jpeg: inline”) with their original aspect ratio

o When using the “cookie” authentication method, the mcrypt extension is strongly

suggested for most users and is required for 64–bit machines. Not using mcrypt

will cause phpMyAdmin to load pages significantly slower.

Hostel Mangement System Apache Web server

Often referred to as simply Apache, a public-domain open source Web server developed by a

loosely-knit group of programmers. The first version of Apache, based on the NCSA httpd Web

server, was developed in 1995.

Core development of the Apache Web server is performed by a group of about 20 volunteer

programmers, called the Apache Group. However, because the source code is freely available,

anyone can adapt the server for specific needs, and there is a large public library of Apache add-ons.

In many respects, development of Apache is similar to development of the Linux operating system.

The original version of Apache was written for UNIX, but there are now versions that run

under OS/ 2, Windows and other platforms. The name is a tribute to the Native American Apache

Indian tribe, a tribe well known for its endurance and skill in warfare. A common misunderstanding

is that it was called Apache because it was developed from existing NCSA code plus various patches,

hence the name a patchy server, or Apache server.

Apache consistently rates as the world’s most popular Web server according to analyst

surveys. Apache has attracted so much interest because it is full-featured, reliable, and free.

Originally developed for UNIX™ operating systems, Apache has been updated to run on Windows,

OS/2, and other platforms. One aspect of Apache that some site administrators find confusing —

especially those unfamiliar with UNIX-style software — is its configuration scheme. Instead of using

a point-and-click graphic user interface (GUI) or Windows Registry keys as most other
Hostel Mangement System

Configuration Files

Apache uses a system of three text files for managing its configuration data. All three of these files

(almost always) appear in Apache’s ./conf directory and are designed to be edited by system administrators:

1. httpd.conf for general settings

2. srm.conf for resource settings

3. access.conf for security settings

When Apache first starts, these files are processed in the order shown above. Originally, the

initial installation of Apache included default entries within each of the three files. In the most recent

versions of Apache, however, the default installation has changed. Now httpd.conf is treated as the

“master” configuration file and it contains all of the settings. Both srm.conf and access.conf still

exist in the installation, but they contain no settings and are empty except for some comments.

Inside Httpd.conf

Traditionaly httpd.conf contained general settings such as the ServerName and Port

number.These entries appear as follows in the file: ServerName Port 80

The term “httpd” stands for HTTP Daemon. Recall that in a UNIX environment, the term daemon

refers to a type of process designed to launch at system boot and continue running for very long

periods of time. This file contains a number of other entries (technically called directives), but for

most of these,modifications are optional. Probably the most useful of these entries is ServerAdmin.

Access and Security Settings

It is recommended practice now for Apache administrators to manage their resource and

security settings from httpd.conf. Administrators of older versions of Apache can simply cut their

entries from srm.conf and access.conf and paste them into the master file. If an administrator wants

to go one step further and delete the two empty files, they should also place the following entries in

httpd.conf to prevent Apache from attempting to access them.

Hostel Mangement System

3.1 Input Design
The system design is divided in to two portions. The Administrator section and the User(student’s)


3.1.1 Administrator

1. The Administrator can allot different students to the different hostels.

2.He can vacate the students for the hostels.

3.He can control the status of the fee payement.

4.He can edit the details of the students.He can change their rooms, edit and delete the student records.

A process of converting user originated inputs to a computer-based format. Input design is an

important part of development process since inaccurate input data are the most common cause of errors in

data processing. Erroneous entries can be controlled by input design. It consists of developing specifications

and procedures for entering data into a system and must be in simple format. The goal of input data design is

to make data entry as easy, logical and free from errors as possible. In input data design, we design the source

document that capture the data and then select the media used to enter them into the computer.

There are two major approaches for entering data in to the computer. They are

· Menus.

· Dialog Boxes.


A menu is a selection list that simplifies computer data access or entry. Instead of
remembering what to enter, the user chooses from a list of options. A menu limits a user choice of
response but reduce the chances for error in data entry.
Hostel Mangement System

Dialog Box

Dialog boxes are windows and these windows are mainly popup, which appear in response to

certain conditions that occur when a program is run. It allows the display of bitmaps and pictures. It

can have various controls like buttons, text boxes, list boxes and combo boxes. Using these controls

we can make a ‘dialog’ with the program.

The proposed system has three major inputs. They are Machine Registration, Machine Scheduling

and Request Form.

3.2 Process Design

Process design plays an important role in project development. In order to understand the

working procedure, process design is necessary. Data Flow Diagram and System Flow chart are the

tools used for process design.

System Flow Chart is a graphical representation of the system showing the overall flow of control

in processing at the job level; specifies what activities must be done to convert from a physical to logical


Data Flow Diagram is the logical representation of the data flow of the project. The DFD is

drawn using various symbols. It has a source and a destination. The process is represented using circles

and source and destination are represented using squares. The data flow is represented using arrows.

One reader can easily get the idea about the project through Data Flow Diagram.
Use case Diagram

Data Flow Diagram

A Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of the "flow" of data

through an System. A data flow
diagram can also be used for the visualization of Data Processing. It is common
practice for a designer to draw a context-level DFD first which shows the interaction
between the system and outside entities. This context-level DFD is then "exploded" to
show more detail of the system being modeled.

A DFD represents flow of data through a system. Data flow diagrams are
commonly used during problem analysis. It views a system as a function that
transforms the input into desired output. A DFD shows movement of data through the
different transformations or processes in the system.

Dataflow diagrams can be used to provide the end user with a physical idea of
where the data they input ultimately has an effect upon the structure of the whole
system from order to dispatch to restock how any system is developed can be
determined through a dataflow diagram. The appropriate register saved in database
and maintained by appropriate authorities.
Data Flow Diagram Notation




ER Diagram

An Entity Relation(ER) Diagram is a specialized graphics that illustrates the

interrelationship between entities in a database. ER diagrams often use symbols to
represent 3 different types of information. Boxes are commonly used to represent
entities. Diamonds are normally used to represent relationships and ovals are used to
represent attributes.

An Entity Relationship Model (ERM), in software engineering is an abstract and

conceptual representation of data. Entity Relationship modeling is a relational schema
database modeling method, used to produce a type of conceptual schema or
semantic data model of a system, often a relation database, and its requirements in a
top-down fashion
Entity is the thing which we want to store information. It is an elementary basic
building block of storing information about business process. An entity represents an
object defined within the information system about which you want to store
information. Entities are distinct things in the enterprise.


A relationship is a named collection or association between entities or

used to relate two or more entities with some common attributes or meaningful
interaction between the objects.


Attributes are the properties of the entities and relationship, Descriptor of the
entity. Attributes are elementary pieces of information attached to an entity.
Use Case Diagram

3.3 Database Design

The data in the system has to be stored and retrieved from database. Designing the database is part

of system design. Data elements and data structures to be stored have been identified at analysis stage.

They are structured and put together to design the data storage and retrieval system.

A database is a collection of interrelated data stored with minimum redundancy to serve many

users quickly and efficiently. The general objective is to make database access easy, quick,

inexpensive and flexible for the user. Relationships are established between the data items and

unnecessary data items are removed. Normalization is done to get an internal consistency of data

and to have minimum redundancy and maximum stability. This ensures minimizing data storage

required, minimizing chances of data inconsistencies and optimizing for updates. The MS Access

database has been chosen for developing the relevant databases.

Database Table Relationship

Admin Table Structure

Courses Table Structure

Registration Table Structure

Rooms Table Structure

State Table Structure

3.4 Output Design
Designing computer output should proceed in an organized, well throughout manner; the

right output element is designed so that people will find the system whether or executed. When we

design an output we must identify the specific output that is needed to meet the system. The

usefulness of the new system is evaluated on the basis of their output.

Once the output requirements are determined, the system designer can decide what to include in the

system and how to structure it so that the require output can be produced. For the proposed software, it is necessary

that the output reports be compatible in format with the existing reports. The output must be concerned to the

overall performance and the system’s working, as it should. It consists of developing specifications and procedures

for data preparation, those steps necessary to put the inputs and the desired output, ie maximum user friendly.

Proper messages and appropriate directions can control errors committed by users.

The output design is the key to the success of any system. Output is the key between the user

and the sensor. The output must be concerned to the system’s working, as it should.

Output design consists of displaying specifications and procedures as data presentation. User never

left with the confusion as to what is happening without appropriate error and acknowledges message being

received. Even an unknown person can operate the system without knowing anything about the system.

4.1 Existing System

For the past few years the number of educational institutions are increasing rapidly. Thereby

the number of hostels are also increasing for the accommodation of the students studying in this

institution. And hence there is a lot of strain on the person who are running the hostel and software’s
are not usually used in this context. This particular project deals with the problems on managing a

hostel and avoids the problems which occur when carried manually

Identification of the drawbacks of the existing system leads to the designing of

computerized system that will be compatible to the existing system with the system which is more

user friendly and more GUI oriented. We can improve the efficiency of the system, thus overcome

the following drawbacks of the existing system.

· more human error.

· more strength and strain of manual labour needed

· Repetition of the same procedures.

· low security

· Data redundancy

· difficult to handle

· difficult to update data

· record keeping is difficult

· Backup data can be easily generated

Hostel Mangement System

System testing is the stage of implementation, which is aimed at ensuring that the system works

accurately and efficiently before live operation commences. Testing is the process of executing the program

with the intent of finding errors and missing operations and also a complete verification to determine whether

the objectives are met and the user requirements are satisfied. The ultimate aim is quality assurance.

Tests are carried out and the results are compared with the expected document. In the case of

erroneous results, debugging is done. Using detailed testing strategies a test plan is carried out on

each module. The various tests performed in “Network Backup System” are unit testing,

integration testing and user acceptance testing.

5.1 Unit Testing

The software units in a system are modules and routines that are assembled and integrated to

perform a specific function. Unit testing focuses first on modules, independently of one another, to

locate errors. This enables, to detect errors in coding and logic that are contained within each

module. This testing includes entering data and ascertaining if the value matches to the type and size

supported by java. The various controls are tested to ensure that each performs its action as required.

5.2 Integration Testing

Data can be lost across any interface, one module can have an adverse effect on another, sub

functions when combined, may not produce the desired major functions. Integration testing is a

systematic testing to discover errors associated within the interface. The objective is to take unit

tested modules and build a program structure. All the modules are combined and tested as a whole.

Here the Server module and Client module options are integrated and tested. This testing provides

the assurance that the application is well integrated functional unit with smooth transition of data.

5.3 User Acceptance Testing

User acceptance of a system is the key factor for the success of any system. The system
under consideration is tested for user acceptance by constantly keeping in touch with the system
users at time of developing and making changes whenever required.
Hostel Mangement System

Implementation is the stage in the project where the theoretical design is turned into a working system

and is giving confidence on the new system for the users that it will work efficiently and effectively. It

involves careful planning, investigation of the current system and its constraints on implementation, design of

methods to achieve the change over, an evaluation of change over methods. Apart from planning major task of

preparing the implementation are education and training of users. The implementation process begins with

preparing a plan for the implementation of the system. According to this plan, the activities are to be carried

out, discussions made regarding the equipment and resources and the additional equipment has to be acquired

to implement the new system. In network backup system no additional resources are needed.

Implementation is the final and the most important phase. The most critical stage in achieving a

successful new system is giving the users confidence that the new system will work and be effective. The

system can be implemented only after thorough testing is done and if it is found to be working according

to the specification. This method also offers the greatest security since the old system can take over if the

errors are found or inability to handle certain type of transactions while using the new system.

7.1 User Training

After the system is implemented successfully, training of the user is one of the most

important subtasks of the developer. For this purpose user manuals are prepared and handled over to

the user to operate the developed system. Thus the users are trained to operate the developed system.

Both the hardware and software securities are made to run the developed systems successfully in

future. In order to put new application system into use, the following activities were taken care of:

· Preparation of user and system documentation

. Conducting user training with demo and hands on

· Test run for some period to ensure smooth switching over the system
Hostel Mangement System

The users are trained to use the newly developed functions. User manuals describing the

procedures for using the functions listed on menu are circulated to all the users. It is confirmed that

the system is implemented up to users need and expectations.

7.2 Security and Maintenance

Maintenance involves the software industry captive, typing up system resources .It means

restoring something to its original condition. Maintenance follows conversion to the extend that

changes are necessary to maintain satisfactory operations relative to changes in the user’s

environment. Maintenance often includes minor enhancements or corrections to problems that

surface in the system’s operation. Maintenance is also done based on fixing the problems reported,

changing the interface with other software or hardware enhancing the software.

Any system developed should be secured and protected against possible hazards. Security measures

are provided to prevent unauthorized access of the database at various levels. An uninterrupted power supply

should be so that the power failure or voltage fluctuations will not erase the data in the files.

Password protection and simple procedures to prevent the unauthorized access are provided to

the users .The system allows the user to enter the system only through proper user name and password.
Hostel Mangement System


To conclude the description about the project : The project, developed using PHP and

MySQL is based on the requirement specification of the user and the analysis of the existing

system, with flexibility for future enhancement.

The expanded functionality of today’s software requires an appropriate approach towards software

development. This hostel management software is designed for people who want to manage various activi-

ties in the hostel. For the past few years the number of educational institutions are increasing rapidly.

Thereby the number of hostels are also increasing for the accommodation of the students studying

in this institution. And hence there is a lot of strain on the person who are running the hostel and

software’s are not usually used in this context. This particular project deals with the problems on

managing a hostel and avoids the problems which occur when carried manually.

Identification of the drawbacks of the existing system leads to the designing of

computerized system that will be compatible to the existing system with the system which is more

user friendly and more GUI oriented.

Hostel Mangement








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