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ARIS Server Administrator Command-Line Tool

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This document applies to ARIS Version 10.0 and to all subsequent releases.
Specifications contained herein are subject to change and these changes will be reported in
subsequent release notes or new editions.
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1 ARIS Server Administrator ...........................................................................................................1
1.1 Execute the backupsystemdb command..................................................................... 11
1.2 Execute the restoresystemdb command .................................................................... 12
1.3 Execute the updatesystemdb command .................................................................... 12
1.4 Execute the userwipeout command ............................................................................ 13

2 Legal information....................................................................................................................... 15
2.1 Documentation scope ................................................................................................... 15
2.2 Support........................................................................................................................... 15


1 ARIS Server Administrator

The command line tool ARIS Server Administrator is available if you have installed ARIS
Server or the ARIS Administrator Tools (see ARIS Client Installation Guide).
If you have installed ARIS Server, navigate to ARIS installation
path>\server\bin\work\work_abs_<s, m, or l>\tools\arisadm and run the batch file.
On Linux operating systems ARIS Server Administrator (arisadm.sh) is available if the
aris10adm-<number>-1.x86_64 file was installed (see ARIS Server Installation - Linux).
You can start ARIS Server Administrator from any client computer and access the databases
on the server:
1. Click Start > Programs > ARIS > Administration > ARIS Server Administrator 10.0 if
you accepted the program group suggested by the installation program. Under a Linux
operating system, execute the arisadm.sh shell script instead. To do so, enter: su -c
arisadm.sh aris10. The command prompt opens and ARIS Server Administrator is
launched in interactive mode.
2. Establish a connection to the server and tenant:
Syntax: server <server name>:<port number> <tenant> <user name> <password>
Example: server arissrv:1080 default system manager
ARIS Server Administrator is connected to the server.
Enter help or help <command> to get information about the usage of the commands.
Use the console application ARIS Server Administrator to back up or restore a tenant
configuration or to manage the ARIS databases of a tenant, for example. The individual
commands are transferred as command line parameters. The program provides information
on the success and effect of each command executed.
You can start ARIS Server Administrator from any computer on which the ARIS Client is
installed either in interactive mode or command-line mode. In command-line mode you can
perform actions automatically as there are no prompts in this mode. If you log in as a system
user that has at least the Database administrator function privilege in ARIS Administration
for each tenant, you can manage all databases of this tenant.
You start interactive mode by clicking Start > Programs > ARIS > Administration > ARIS
Server Administrator 10.0.
You start command-line mode by opening the command prompt from the directory <ARIS
installation directory>\tools\ArisAdm.
You can use the following commands and options for the syntax of command-line mode:
<_arisadm><version> [<option>] <command> [<command argument 1>]
or for the syntax of interactive mode:
<command> [<command argument 1>]


▪ If you use values with special characters (example: & in the password), you must enclose
the value in quotes. For additional information, please refer to the help and support
center for your operating system.
▪ On the server, system messages in ARIS Server Administrator are always output in the
ARIS installation language.
▪ For example, if you use scripts for daily backups, we strongly recommend that you
protect these scripts at the operating system level, or enter passwords encrypted.

Option Description
-s <server[:<port>]> Server on which the command should be carried out.

-u <user> <password> User name and password of a system user with the
required privileges.

-l <file name> Enables the logging of all program operations in the

specified log file. The file indicates which operation was
performed at what time and with what result.

-cf <command file> Starts a command file containing executable commands.

-sc <schema context> Context the schema uses. ARIS is set as the default.

-t <tenant> Tenant for which the command should be carried out. The
default is no tenant.

-ssl The SSL connection used.

Replace the text surrounded by <pointed brackets> by your individual values. The parts of the
command that are surrounded by [brackets] are optional. You can use them if necessary.
Default commands are listed below. Advanced commands are described in related documents
if required.

Command Description and syntax

backup Saves a database <dbname> as an adb file in a directory
If the backup is started using the -c option, saving the database
to the backup file starts only after all ongoing operations, such
as a merge procedure or an XML import, are complete.
backup <dbname>|-c |all <archivedir> [-p <password for
encryption>] [<alternatename>]


Command Description and syntax

backupasn Extracts the state that corresponds to the specified change list
number <asn> from a versioned database <dbname> to an ADB
file in the directory <archivedir>. You can select either a change
list number <asn> or 'head' as a state. 'head' represents the last
versioned state
backupasn <dbname>|all <archivedir> <asn>|head [-p
<password for encryption>] [<alternatename>]
backupsystemdb Saves the central system database that contains data such as
filters, model templates, and scripts in an ADB file in a directory
backupsystemdb <archivedir> [<alternatename>]
backupunversioned Saves a versioned database <dbname> as a non-versioned ADB
file in a directory <archivedir>.
backupunversioned <dbname> <archivedir>
clearchartdata Removes statistics data that is used, for example, to generate
charts displayed in ARIS Administration > Charts > Modeling.
You can remove statistics data for one or all databases entirely
or ahead of a certain date. The date must be given as
clearchartdata <dbname> [date]
<dbname>: If you enter the name of a database, only statistic
data of this specific database is deleted.
all: Deletes statistic data of all databases on this tenant.
date: Deletes statistic data from a certain date [dd/mm/yyy].

copy Copies a database from <fromdbname> to <todbname>.

copy <fromdbname> <todbname>
createdb Creates a new ARIS database with the name <dbname>.
createdb <dbname> [versioned]


Command Description and syntax

delete Deletes the database <dbname>. When using the force option,
the database will be deleted even if users are logged in.
delete <dbname>|all [force]
dropversions Deletes all versions of a database <dbname> up to the version
<new min version>.
dropversions <dbname> <new min version>
encrypt Encrypts passwords <password> for use in batch files.
encrypt <password>
exit Exits the interactive mode.

exportscript Exports a script of type

with the identifier <scriptid> to an export directory
<scriptid> <exportdirectory>
help help provides an overview of all commands including syntax
description and possible parameters. help <command> provides
help for the command you specified.
help [<command>]
importfilter Imports a method filter <importfile>.
importfilter <importfile>

importscript Imports a script <importfile> of type

the specified category <categoryname>.
<importfile> <categoryname>


Command Description and syntax

indexstate Displays the status of the internal cloud search data index.
indexstate <database name>

interactive Starts the program in the interactive mode.

kill Closes the connection <sessionid> of the current tenant.

kill <sessionid>|all
killtask Terminates the given server activity <taskid> on instance
<instanceid>, for example, a report that is unable to complete.
killtask <instance id> <task id> [force]
To obtain the <instanceid> and <taskid> identifiers, use the
monitor command.

list Lists all of the tenant's registered databases. By default, only

the databases of the current schema context will be listed.
When using the all option, all databases will be listed (including
BO databases, for example).
list [all]
lockdb Locks the database with the name <dbname>, or all databases.
Users can no longer log in.
lockdb <dbname>|all
maintain Starts the regeneration of search indexes (Cloud Search) for the
specified ARIS database or all ARIS databases. Given the fact
that running this command may be very time-consuming, it is
recommended that you run it only if an error occurs and that
you schedule a corresponding maintenance window.
maintain <dbname>|all


Command Description and syntax

maintainancemode Indicates the current maintenance mode. maintenancemode
on prevents ARIS Server from automatically updating
databases. This can help you reduce the downtime after an ARIS
Server update because time-consuming maintenance jobs are
automatically stopped for all databases. If you use this option,
make sure to run the maintain command manually for related
databases if required. If you select maintenancemode off, all
database maintenance jobs are run again.
Starts the regeneration of search indexes (Cloud Search) for the
specified ARIS database or all ARIS databases. Given the fact
that running this command may be very time-consuming, it is
recommended that you run it only if an error occurs and that
you schedule a corresponding maintenance window.
maintain <dbname>|all
maintainacemode on|off
no parameter: Reports the current mode.
on: Turns the maintenance mode on and prevents ARIS Server
from maintaining databases.
off: Turns the maintenance mode off and allows ARIS Server
maintaining databases automatically.

migrate Migrates an ARIS 7.1 or 7.2 database <dbname> from an ADB file
<archive>, or migrates all ADB files from a directory
<archivedir>. You need the password of the system user
system to migrate an individual database. To migrate multiple
databases the passwords must be supplied to every single
database in command-line mode. Use the -fv option (forward
versioning) to store database versions only for ARIS versions
prior to 10.0.14.
migrate [<archive>|<archivedir>]|<systempassword> [-fv]

monitor Displays all tenant activities in progress, such as backup, XML

export etc.


Command Description and syntax

rename Renames the database from <olddbname> to <newdbname>.
When using the force option, the database will be renamed even
if users are still logged in.
rename <olddbname> <newdbname> [force]
reorg Semantically reorganizes the database <dbname> or all
databases by deleting all objects and connection definitions that
do not have occurrences in any model.
Options available:
Connection definitions for which no occurrence exists are
not deleted when used in models of type Matrix model.
User-defined symbols that are not allowed by ARIS Method
on the current server are replaced by the method-based
default symbol.
User-defined models that are not allowed by ARIS Method
on the current server are deleted.
User-defined attributes that are not allowed by ARIS
Method on the current server are deleted.
If you do not set an option, object definitions for which no
occurrence exists are deleted by default.
<dbname>|all [options]
restore Restores a database <dbname> from an ADB file <archive>, or
restores all ADB/BDB files from a directory. Use the -fv option
(forward versioning) to store database versions only for ARIS
versions prior to 10.0.14.
restore <archive>|<archivedir> [<dbname>] [-p
<password for decryption>] [-b <bucket ID>] [-fv]


Command Description and syntax

restoresystemdb Restores the central system database that contains data such
as filters, model templates, and scripts from a system database
backup file (ADB) <archive>. You can also update the system
database using the updatesystemdb command
After performing an update setup, update the system
configuration of each operational tenant (filters, templates, and
scripts) based on the supplied system database (ARIS_DVD
3/Content/SystemDB/*.adb). Any content you have created is
updatesystemdb <archive>
You can execute the command for several tenants at the same
restoresystemdb <archive>
restoreunversioned Generates a non-versioned database <dbname> from an ADB
file <archive> of a versioned database. Also restores databases
based on multiple ADB/BDB files of a directory.
restoreunversioned <archive>|<archivedir>
[<dbname>] [-p <password for decryption>]
restoreversioned Generates a versioned database <dbname> from an ADB file
<archive> of a non-versioned database. Also restores databases
based on multiple ADB/BDB files of a directory. In case the
option -no_baseline is specified, no initial version in archive is
created. Use the -fv option (forward versioning) to store
database versions only for ARIS versions prior to 10.0.14.
restoreversioned <archive>|<archivedir> [<dbname>]
[-p <password for decryption>] [-no_baseline] [-fv]
schemacontext Changes the schema context of the current tenant. Thus, it is
possible to save ARIS Optimizer databases. Possible values are
aris and bo.
schemacontext <new schema context>


Command Description and syntax

server Changes the current ARIS Server.
server <server[:<port>]> <tenant> <user> [<password>]
sessions Displays all database connections of the current tenant.
sessions [byuser|bydatabase]
set Displays or changes tenant settings. If no parameters are
specified, all settings are displayed. If only <key> is entered, all
settings are deleted. If <key> is entered together with <value>,
the settings are changed accordingly.
set [<key>] [<value>]
setindexbucket Specifies the bucket ID for a database.
setindexbucket <dbname> <bucket ID>

setindexrank Sets the initial index rank for a database <dbname>. The higher
the rank <rank>, the earlier the index is started during cloud
search startup. The rank is a number, for example, 5.
setindexrank <dbname> <rank>
statistic Returns the number of all database objects.
statistic <dbname>|all
threaddump Triggers a thread dump on instance <instanceID>. An instance
ID can refer to a runnable, such as abs <s, m, or l> or report <s,
m, or l>, or to a runnable type, such as abs or report.
The thread dump is written to the threaddump.log file.
threaddump <instanceID>
unlockdb Unlocks the database with the name <dbname>, or all
unlockdb <dbname>|all


Command Description and syntax

updatesystemdb After performing an update setup, update the system
configuration of each operational tenant (filters, templates, and
scripts) based on the supplied system database (ARIS_DVD
3/Content/SystemDB/*.adb). Any content you have created is
updatesystemdb <archive>
You can execute the command for several tenants at the
same time.
userwipeout Clears the user identification of one or multiple deleted users
from one or all databases. The attributes Last modifier,
Creator, and the user name in change list descriptions is set to
userwipeout <dbname>|all [<user>][,<user>]
version Displays the versions of the programs and libraries in use.

In the following example, a database is reorganized, whereby all of the objects and
connections in the database that do not have an occurrence are deleted.

If you are using an object library, you should reorganize databases only when each object
definition occurs in at least one overview model. If elements have already been created for
later use but do not yet occur in models, these elements are deleted during the consolidation.
Reorganization in interactive mode
1. Click Start > Programs > ARIS > Administration > ARIS Server Administrator 10.0. The
MS DOS input window opens and ARIS Server Administrator is launched in interactive
2. Use the server command to connect to the relevant ARIS Server:
server <server name>[:<port number>] <tenant> <user name>
The parts of the command that are surrounded by brackets are optional, that is, you can
use them if necessary.
server arissrv.eur.ag:80 default system
The password is requested.
3. Enter the user's password. In this example, manager. The connection is established.
4. Enter the command for the reorganization of the United Motor Group database:


reorg "United Motor Group"

The database is reorganized. The deleted items are listed.
Reorganization in command-line mode
1. Open the command prompt from the directory <ARIS installation
2. Enter the command line parameters:
arisadm<version> -s <server name> -t <tenant> -u <user name> <password>
reorg <database name>
arisadm.bat -s arissrv.eur.ag -t default -u system manager reorg "United
Motor Group"
The database is reorganized. The deleted items are listed.
To obtain information on the ARIS Server administrator commands, enter help or help

1.1 Execute the backupsystemdb command

You can save the central system database as ADB file in a directory <archivedir> manually. It
contains data such as filters, model templates, scripts, and ARIS method extensions, such as
user-defined attributes, models or objects.
If you use ARIS 9.8 service release 2 or newer versions, the system database will be backed up
automatically during a tenant backup.

▪ ARIS Server Administrator is installed.
▪ You know the credentials of the superuser, or you have the Server administrator function

1. Click Start > Programs > ARIS > Administration > ARIS Server Administrator 10.0 if
you accepted the program group suggested by the installation program. Under a Linux
operating system, execute the arisadm.sh shell script instead. To do so, enter: su -c
arisadm.sh aris10. The command prompt opens and ARIS Server Administrator is
launched in interactive mode.
2. Establish a connection to the server and tenant:
Syntax: server <server name>:<port number> <tenant> <user name> <password>
Example: server arissrv:1080 default system manager
3. Enter backupsystemdb <archivedir>[<alternatename>].


The system configuration, managing, for example, ARIS method extensions, report scripts,
scheduled reports, macros, semantic checks, filters and templates, of this tenant will be

1.2 Execute the restoresystemdb command

Restores the central system database that contains data such as ARIS method extensions,
filters, model templates, and scripts from a previously saved system database (page 11) (ADB
file) <archive>. You can also update the system database using the updatesystemdb (page
12) command.

▪ ARIS Server Administrator is installed.
▪ You know the credentials of the superuser, or you have the Server administrator function
▪ You have access to the backup file (<archive>)

1. Click Start > Programs > ARIS > Administration > ARIS Server Administrator 10.0 if
you accepted the program group suggested by the installation program. Under a Linux
operating system, execute the arisadm.sh shell script instead. To do so, enter: su -c
arisadm.sh aris10. The command prompt opens and ARIS Server Administrator is
launched in interactive mode.
2. Establish a connection to the server and tenant:
Syntax: server <server name>:<port number> <tenant> <user name> <password>
Example: server arissrv:1080 default system manager
3. Enter restoresystemdb <archive>.
The system configuration, managing, for example, report scripts, macros, semantic checks,
filters and templates, of this tenant will be restored.

1.3 Execute the updatesystemdb command

When you update the ARIS Server using the update setup, the default tenant's system
database is updated automatically. For all additional tenants you must update the system
databases with the provided database manually. If you do not update system databases, all
updates, for example, ARIS method extensions, concerning scripts, filters and templates will
not be available.

▪ ARIS Server Administrator is installed.


▪ You know the credentials of the superuser, or you have the Server administrator function
▪ You have access to the most recent system database (<installation DVD
3>/Content/SystemDB/<ADB file>)
▪ You have backed up all data that will be overwritten during the update.

1. Click Start > Programs > ARIS > Administration > ARIS Server Administrator 10.0 if
you accepted the program group suggested by the installation program. Under a Linux
operating system, execute the arisadm.sh shell script instead. To do so, enter: su -c
arisadm.sh aris10. The command prompt opens and ARIS Server Administrator is
launched in interactive mode.
2. Establish a connection to the server and tenant:
Syntax: server <server name>:<port number> <tenant> <user name> <password>
Example: server arissrv:1080 default system manager
3. Enter updatesystemdb <name of ADB file on DVD>.
The system configuration of this tenant, managing, for example, ARIS method extensions,
report scripts, scheduled reports, macros, semantic checks, filters, and templates, will be
updated. User-defined changes made in the configuration will remain.

1.4 Execute the userwipeout command

Even if a user is deleted in the User Management of the ARIS Administration, in ARIS
databases the user name stays visible in the Creator and the Last modifier model and object
attributes, and in change list descriptions. This also applies to archived models and objects.
You can anonymize user data according to GDPR.

Make sure to only anonymize deleted users. If you anonymize existing users, the user names
are anonymized in all attributes, such as Creator, Last modifier, and the user names in
change list descriptions.

▪ ARIS Server Administrator is installed.
▪ You know the credentials of the superuser, or you have the Server administrator function
▪ The database must be locked for other users.


1. Click Start > Programs > ARIS > Administration > ARIS Server Administrator 10.0 if
you accepted the program group suggested by the installation program. Under a Linux
operating system, execute the arisadm.sh shell script instead. To do so, enter: su -c
arisadm.sh aris10. The command prompt opens and ARIS Server Administrator is
launched in interactive mode.
2. Establish a connection to the server and tenant:
Syntax: server <server name>:<port number> <tenant> <user name> <password>
Example: server arissrv:1080 default system manager
3. Enter: userwipeout <dbname>|all <user>,<user>
User identifications of one or multiple users are deleted from one or all databases. The
attributes Last modifier, Creator, and the user name in change list descriptions is set to


2 Legal information

2.1 Documentation scope

The information provided describes the settings and features as they were at the time of
publishing. Since documentation and software are subject to different production cycles, the
description of settings and features may differ from actual settings and features. Information
about discrepancies is provided in the Release Notes that accompany the product. Please
read the Release Notes and take the information into account when installing, setting up, and
using the product.
If you want to install technical and/or business system functions without using the
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to be installed, its intended purpose, the target systems, and their various dependencies. Due
to the number of platforms and interdependent hardware and software configurations, we
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When you combine various technologies, please observe the manufacturers' instructio ns,
particularly announcements concerning releases on their Internet pages. We cannot
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support them. Always follow the instructions provided in the installation manuals of the
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If you need help installing third-party systems, contact your local Software AG sales
organization. Please note that this type of manufacturer-specific or customer-specific
customization is not covered by the standard Software AG software maintenance agreement
and can be performed only on special request and agreement.

2.2 Support
If you have any questions on specific installations that you cannot perform yourself, contact
your local Software AG sales organization
(https://www.softwareag.com/corporate/company/global/offices/default.html). To get
detailed information and support, use our websites.
If you have a valid support contract, you can contact Global Support ARIS at: +800
ARISHELP. If this number is not supported by your telephone provider, please refer to our
Global Support Contact Directory.


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▪ You can find product information on the Software AG Empower Product Support website.
▪ To get information about fixes and to read early warnings, technical papers, and
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▪ Once you have an account, you can open Support Incidents online via the eService
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