Perturbed Markov Chains and Information Networks
Perturbed Markov Chains and Information Networks
Perturbed Markov Chains and Information Networks
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University of Dar es Salaam
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1. Introduction
networks, queuing and reliability models, bio-stochastic systems, and many
other stochastic models.
We refer here to some recent books and papers devoted to perturbation
problems for Markov type processes, [4, 5, 10, 12, 20, 24, 29, 30, 31, 34, 35,
36, 37, 46, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 58, 59]. In particular, we would like
to mention works [4, 24, 49, 50], where the extended bibliographies of works
in the area and the corresponding methodological and historical remarks can
be found.
We are especially interested in models of Markov chains commonly used
for description of information networks. In such models an information net-
work is represented by the Markov chain associated with the corresponding
node links graph. Stationary distributions and other related characteris-
tics of information Markov chains usually serve as basic tools for ranking of
nodes in information networks. The ranking problem may be complicated by
singularity of the corresponding information Markov chain, where its phase
space is split into several weakly or completely non communicating groups
of states. In such models, the matrix of transition probabilities P0 of in-
formation Markov chain is usually regularised and approximated by matrix
Pε = (1 − ε)P0 + εD, where D is a so-called damping stochastic matrix
with identical rows and all positive elements, while ε ∈ [0, 1] is a damping
(perturbation) parameter.
The power method is often used to approximate the corresponding sta-
tionary distribution π̄ε by rows of matrix Pnε . The damping parameter
0 < ε ≤ 1 should be chosen neither too small nor too large. In the first
case, where ε takes too small values, the damping effect will not work against
absorbing and pseudo-absorbing effects, since the second eigenvalue for such
matrices (determining the rate of convergence in the above mentioned ergodic
approximation) take values approaching 1. In the second case, the ranking
information (accumulated by matrix P0 via the corresponding stationary dis-
tribution) may be partly lost, due to the deviation of matrix Pε from matrix
P0 . This actualises the problem of construction asymptotic expansions for
perturbed stationary distribution π̄ε with respect to damping parameter ε,
as well as studies of asymptotic behaviour of matrices Pnε in triangular array
mode, where ε → 0 and n → ∞, simultaneously.
In this paper, we perform the detailed perturbation analysis of Markov
chains with damping component, using the procedure of artificial regenera-
tion for the approximating Markov chains and the coupling method in ergodic
theorems for perturbed regenerative processes. We get effective explicit se-
ries representations for the corresponding stationary distributions π̄ε , upper
bounds for the deviation π̄ε − π̄0 , and asymptotic expansions for π̄ε with re-
spect to the perturbation parameter ε, as well as get ergodic theorems and
effective explicit upper bounds for the rate of convergence in the correspond-
ing ergodic relations for Pnε , as ε → 0 and n → ∞. The results of numerical
experiments illustrating the above results are also presented.
Real world system consists of interacting units or components. These
components constitute what is termed as information networks. With recent
advancement in technology, filtering information has become a challenge in
such systems. Moreover, their significance is visible as they find their ap-
plications in Internet search engines, biological, financial, transport, queuing
networks and many others, [3], [4], [7], [11], [14] – [18], [21], [32], and [57].
PageRank is the link-based criteria that captures the importance of Web
pages and provide rankings of the pages in the search engine Google [4], [7],
[11], [14] – [18], and [32]. The transition matrix (also called Google matrix
G) of a Markov chain in PageRank problem is defined in [3], [26], and [32],
as G = cP + (1 − c)E, where P is an n × n row-stochastic matrix (also called
hyperlink matrix), E (the damping matrix) is the n × n rank-one stochastic
matrix and c ∈ (0, 1) is the damping parameter.
The fundamental concept of PageRank is to use the stationary distribu-
tion of the Markov chain on the network to rank Web pages. However, other
algorithms similar to PageRank exist in literature, for instance, EigenTrust
algorithm [28] and DeptRank algorithm [6]. In addition, variants of PageR-
ank in relation to some specific networks has been studied, e.g. in [8] and [9];
and also updating PageRank due to changes in some network is in literature,
for instance, in [1] and [2].
The parameter c is very important in the PageRank definition, because
it regulates the level of the uniform noise introduced to the system [4, 32]. If
c = 1 there are several absorbing states for the random walk defined by P.
However, if 0 < c < 1, the Markov chain induced by matrix G is ergodic [4].
The authors of [32] argued that the parameter c controls the asymptotic rate
of convergence of power method algorithm. Similar arguments were given in
[3], where it is pointed out that the choice of c is a delicate matter. It may
result into convergence and stability problems, if not carefully chosen.
The damping factor c may be denoted and interpreted differently depend-
ing on a model being studied. For instance, a model of Markov chain with
restart is considered in [5], where parameter p is the probability to restart
the move and 1 − p is the probability to follow the link according to the
corresponding transition probability of the above Markov chain. Hence, one
can argue that the parameter p has the same interpretation as the damping
factor in Google’s PageRank problem.
Our representation of perturbed Markov chains is traditional for per-
turbed stochastic processes. In fact, PageRank is the stationary distribu-
tion of the singularly perturbed Markov chain with perturbation parameter
ε = 1 − c. Hence, we wish to point out here that, representation of informa-
tion network model by a Markov chain with matrix of transition probabilities
Pε = (1 − ε)P0 + εD should not create any confusion to the reader. We per-
form asymptotic analysis of such Markov chains, in particular, under the
assumption that ε → 0.
The paper includes 9 sections. In Section 2, we describe the algorithm
for stochastic modelling of Markov chains with damping component and the
procedure of embedding such Markov chains in the model of discrete time
regenerative processes with special damping regenerative times. In Section
3, we present individual ergodic theorems for Markov chains with damping
component and give explicit formulas for the corresponding stationary dis-
tributions. In Section 4, we describe continuity properties of transition prob-
abilities and stationary distributions with respect to dumping parameter. In
Section 5, explicit upper bounds for rates of convergence in approximations
of the stationary distributions for Markov chain with damping component
are given. In Section 6, we present asymptotic expansions for stationary dis-
tribution of Markov chains with damping component with respect to pertur-
bation (damping) parameter. In Section 7, we describe coupling algorithms
for Markov chains with damping component and get explicit estimates for
the rate of convergence in the above mentioned ergodic theorems. In Section
8, we present ergodic theorems for Markov chains with damping component
in a triangular array mode, where time tends to infinity and perturbation
parameter tends to zero, simultaneously. In Section 9, results of numerical
experiments, which show how results presented in Sections 2–8 can be in-
terpreted and useful in studies of information networks, are presented, and
some concluding remarks and comments are given.
of discrete time regenerative processes with special damping regenerative
times and present the corresponding renewal type equations for transition
2.1 Stochastic modelling of Markov chains with damping com-
ponent. Let (a) X = {1, 2, . . . , m} be a finite space, (b) p̄ = hp1 , . . . , pm i,
d¯ = hd1 , . . . , dm i, and q̄ = hq0 , q1 i be three discrete probability distribu-
tions, (c) P0 = kp0,ij k be a m × m stochastic matrix and D = kdij k be a
m×m damping stochastic matrix with elements dij = dj > 0, i, j = 1, . . . , m,
and Pε = kpε,ij k = (1 − ε)P0 + εD is a stochastic matrix with elements
pε,ij = (1 − ε)p0,ij + εdj , i, j = 1, . . . , m, where ε ∈ [0, 1].
Let us first describe an algorithm for stochastic modelling of a discrete
time, homogeneous Markov chain Xε,n , n = 0, 1, . . ., with the phase space X,
the initial distribution p̄, and the matrix of transition probabilities Pε .
Let (a) U be a random variable taking values in space X and such that
P{U = j} = pj , j ∈ X; (b) Ui,n , i ∈ X, n = 1, 2, . . . be a family of independent
random variables taking values in space X and such that P{Ui,n = j} =
p0,ij , i, j ∈ X, n = 1, 2, . . .; (c) Vn , n = 0, 1, . . . be a sequence of independent
random variables taking values in space X and such that P{Vn = j} = dj , j ∈
X, n = 1, 2, . . . (d) W is a binary random variable taking values 0 and 1 with
probabilities, respectively q0 and q1 ; (e) Wε,n , n = 1, 2, . . . be, for every ε ∈
[0, 1], a sequence of independent binary random variables taking values 0 and
1 with probabilities, respectively, 1−ε and ε, for n = 1, 2, . . .; (d) the random
variables U, W , the family of random variables Ui,n , i ∈ X, n = 1, 2, . . ., and
the random sequences Vε,n , n = 1, 2, . . . and Wε,n , n = 1, , 2, . . . are mutually
independent, for every ε ∈ [0, 1].
Let us now define, for every ε ∈ [0, 1], the random sequence Xε,n , n =
0, 1, . . ., by the following recurrent relation,
Xε,n = UXε,n−1 ,n I(Wε,n = 0) + Vn I(Wε,n = 1), n = 1, 2, . . . , Xε,0 = U. (1)
It is readily seen that the random sequence Xε,n , n = 0, 1, . . . is, for every
ε ∈ [0, 1], a homogeneous Markov chain with phase space X, the initial
distribution p̄ and the matrix of transition probabilities Pε .
2.2 Regenerative properties of Markov chains with damping
component. Let us consider the extended random sequence,
Yε,n = (Xε,n , Wε,n ), n = 1, 2, . . . , Xε,0 = U, Wε,0 = W. (2)
This random sequence also is, for every ε ∈ [0, 1], a homogeneous Markov
chain, with phase space Y = X × {0, 1}, the initial distribution pq = hpi qr ,
(i, r) ∈ Yi and transition probabilities,
Here and henceforth, symbols Pp̄ and Ep̄ are used for probabilities and
expectations related to a Markov chain with an initial distribution p̄. In
the case, where the initial distribution is concentrated in a state i the above
symbols take the forms Pi and Ei .
Obviously, pε,ij (0) = I(i = j), i, j ∈ X and pε,ij (1) = pε,ij , i, j ∈ X. Also,
pε,p̄,j (0) = pj , j ∈ X.
Let us also denote by PQm the class of all initial distributions pq =
hpi qr , (i, r) ∈ Yi.
Analogously, let us introduce n-step transition probabilities for the Markov
chain Yε,n , for (i, r), (j, k) ∈ Y, n = 0, 1, . . .,
Obviously, pε,ir,jk (0) = I((i, r) = (j, k)), (i, r), (j, k) ∈ Y and pε,ir,jk (1) =
pε,ir,jk , (i, r), (j, k) ∈ Y. Also, pε,pq,(j,k) (0) = pj qk , (j, k) ∈ Y.
Independence of the transition probabilities pε,ir,jk = pε,i,jk , (i, r), (j, k) ∈
Y on r ∈ X and on i ∈ X if k = 1, implies that n-step transition probabilities
pε,ir,jk (n) = pε,i,jk (n), (i, r), (j, k) ∈ Y, n = 0, 1, . . . also are independent on
r ∈ X and on i ∈ X if k = 1.
This also implies that n-step probabilities pε,pq,jk (n) = pε,p,jk (n), pq ∈
PQm , (j, k) ∈ Y, n = 1, 2, . . . are independent on the initial distribution q̄.
Let us assume that the initial distribution pq = dq 1 . As was mentioned
above, Yε,n is, in this case, the standard regenerative process with regenera-
tion times Tε,n , n = 0, 1, . . ..
This fact and relations (3) and (5) imply that probabilities pε,pq1 ,jk (n), n =
0, 1, . . . are, for every j ∈ X, k = 0, 1, the unique bounded solution for the
following discrete time renewal equation,
pε,dq1 ,jk (n) = qε,dq1 ,ik (n) + pε,dq1 ,jk (n − l)ε(1 − ε)l−1 , n ≥ 0, (10)
where, for j ∈ X, k = 0, 1, n ≥ 0,
¯ (n)(1 − ε) I(n > 0) if k = 0,
= (11)
dj I(n = 0) if k = 1.
Let us now consider the general case, with some initial distribution pq =
hpi qr , (i, r) ∈ Yi ∈ PQm . As was mentioned above, Yε,n , is, in this case,
the regenerative process with regeneration times Tε,n , n = 0, 1, . . . and the
transition period [0, Tε,1 ).
In this case, probabilities pε,pq,jk (n) and pε,dq1 ,jk (n) are, for j ∈ X, k = 0, 1,
connected by the following renewal type relation,
pε,pq,jk (n) = qε,pq,jk (n) + pε,dq1 ,jk (n − l)ε(1 − ε)l−1 , n ≥ 0, (12)
where, for j ∈ X, k = 0, 1, n ≥ 0,
3.1 Stationary distributions of the Markov chains Xε,n and Yε,n .
Let us describe ergodic properties of Markov chains Xε,n and Yε,n , for the
case, where ε ∈ (0, 1].
Lemma 1. Let ε ∈ (0, 1]. Then the following ergodic relation takes place
for any initial distribution pq ∈ PQm and (j, k) ∈ Y,
pε,pq,jk (n) → πε,jk = ε qε,dq1 ,jk (l) as n → ∞. (16)
It is useful to note that, for every ε ∈ (0, 1], the phase space X is one
communicative, aperiodic class of states for the Markov chain Xε,n , and its
stationary distribution π̄ε = hπε,j , j ∈ Xi is the unique positive solution for
the system of linear equations,
πε,i pε,ij = πε,j , j ∈ X, πε,j = 1. (20)
i∈X j∈X
Also, the stationary probabilities πε,j can be represented in the form πε,j =
e−1 ∈ X, via the expected return times eε,j , with the use of regeneration
ε,j , , j
property of the Markov chain Xε,n at moments of return in state j.
The series representation (16) for the stationary distribution of Markov
chain Xε,n is based on the use of alternative damping regeneration times.
This representation is, by our opinion, a more effective tool for performing
asymptotic perturbation analysis for Markov chains with damping compo-
3.2 The stationary distribution of the Markov chain X0,n . Let us
describe ergodic properties of Markov chains X0,n . Its ergodic properties are
determined by communicative properties its phase space X and the matrix of
transition probabilities P0 . The simplest case is where the following condition
A more complex is the case, where the following condition holds, for some
h > 1:
If the initial distribution of the Markov chain X0,n is concentrated at
the set X(j) , for some j = 1, . . . , h, then X0,n = X0,n , n = 0, 1, . . . can be
considered as a Markov chain with the reduced phase space X(j) and the
matrix of transition probabilities P0,j = kp0,rk kk,r∈X(j) .
According to condition B1 , there exists, for any r, k ∈ X(j) , j = 1, . . . , h,
p0,rk (n) → π0,k as n → ∞, (23)
(j) (j)
where π̄0 = hπ0,k , k ∈ X(j) i is, for j = 1, . . . , h, the stationary distribution
of the Markov chain X0,n .
The stationary distribution π̄0 is, for every j = 1, . . . , h, the unique
positive solution for the system of linear equations,
X (j) X (j)
π0,k = π0,r p0,rk , k ∈ X(j) , π0,k = 1. (24)
r∈X(j) k∈X(j)
Remark 1. Ergodic relation (26) shows that in the singular case, where
condition B1 holds, the stationary probabilities π0,p̄,k defined by the asymp-
totic relation (26) may depend on the initial distribution. The stationary
distributions π̄0,p̄ = hπ0,p̄,k , k ∈ Xi and π̄0,d¯ = hπ0,d,k
¯ , k ∈ Xi coincide, if
(g) (g)
probabilities fp̄ = fd¯ , g = 1, . . . , h. These relations obviously hold for any
initial distribution p̄ ∈ Pm in the regular case, where condition A1 holds.
In this section, we show in which way Markov chains with damping com-
ponent can be interpreted as a stochastic perturbed model. We also present
results concerned with continuity of stationary distributions π̄ε with respect
to damping (perturbation) parameter ε → 0.
4.1 Continuity property transition probabilities. In what follows,
relation ε → 0 is a reduced version of relation 0 < ε → 0.
The Markov chain Xε,n has the matrix of transition probabilities Pε =
(1 − ε)P0 + εD. Obviously, for i, j ∈ X,
This relation let one consider the Markov chain Xε,n , for ε ∈ (0, 1], as
a perturbed version of the Markov chain X0,n and to interpret the damping
parameter ε as a perturbation parameter.
It was mentioned above, that the phase space X of the perturbed Markov
chain Xε,n is one communicative, aperiodic class of states, for every ε ∈ (0, 1].
As far as the unperturbed Markov chain X0,n is concerned, there are two
different cases.
The first one is, where condition A1 holds, i.e., the phase space X is also
one communicative class of states for the Markov chain X0,n . In this case,
one can refer to the corresponding perturbation model as regular.
The second one is, where condition B1 holds, i.e., the phase space X is
not one communicative class of states for the Markov chain X0,n . In this
case, one can refer to the corresponding perturbation model as singular.
4.2 Continuity property of stationary distributions for regularly
perturbed Markov chains with damping component. The following
proposition takes place.
Lemma 4. Let condition A1 holds. Then, the following asymptotic rela-
tion holds, for j ∈ X,
πε,j → π0,j as ε → 0. (29)
Proof. Let νε be a random variable geometrically distributed with pa-
rameter ε, i.e., P{νε = n} = ε(1 − ε)n−1 , n = 1, 2, . . .. Obviously,
νε − 1 −→ ∞ as ε → 0. (30)
In the case, where condition A1 holds, we get using relations (21) and
(30) that the following asymptotic relation holds, for j ∈ X,
¯ (νε − 1) −→ π0,j as ε → 0.
p0,d,j (31)
It is readily seen that the following representation takes place for the
stationary probabilities πε,j , i ∈ X,
πε,j = ε ¯ (l)(1 − ε) = Ep0,d,j
p0,d,j ¯ (νε − 1). (32)
¯ (νε − 1) → π0,j as ε → 0.
πε,j = Ep0,d,j (33)
Analogously to the relation (33), we get, using relatins (31) and (35), the
following asymptotic relation, for k ∈ X,
¯ (νε − 1) → π0,d,k
πε,k = Ep0,d,k ¯ as ε → 0. (36)
property for stationary distributions π̄ε (as ε → 0) takes place under the
(g) (g)
additional assumption under that fp̄ = fd¯ , g = 1, . . . , h.
A2 : There exist a constants C = C(P0 ) ∈ [0, ∞), λ = λ(P0 ) ∈ [0, 1), and a
distribution π̄0 = hπ0,j , j ∈ Xi with all positive components such that
relation (37) holds.
Indeed, condition A2 implies that probabilities p0,ij (n) > 0, i, j ∈ X for all
large enough n. This implies that X is one aperiodic class of communicative
states. Also, condition A2 implies that p0,ij (n) → π0,j as n → ∞, for i, j ∈ X,
and, thus, π̄0 is the stationary distribution for the Markov chain X0,n .
According to the Perron-Frobenius theorem, the role of λ can play the
absolute value of the second (by absolute value), eigenvalue for matrix P0 .
As far as constant C is concerned, we refer to the book [19], where one can
find the algorithms which let one compute this constant.
An alternative and more simple variant of inequalities appearing in con-
dition A2 may be obtained with the use of coupling method. We give them
in Section 8.
The following theorem present explicit upper bounds for deviation of
stationary distributions for Markov chains Xε,n and X0,n .
Theorem 1. Let condition A2 holds. Then the following relation holds,
for j ∈ X,
|πε,j − π0,j | ≤ ε(|dj − π0,j | + ). (38)
Proof. The inequalities appearing in condition A2 imply that the fol-
lowing relation holds, for n ≥ 1, j ∈ X,
¯ (n) − π0,j | = | (di p0,ij (n) − di π0,j )|
≤ di |p0,ij (n) − π0,j )| ≤ Cλn . (39)
Using relations (16) and (39), we get the following estimate, for j ∈ X,
|πε,j − π0,j | ≤ |ε ¯ (l)(1 − ε) − π0,j |
X∞ ∞
= |ε ¯ (l)(1 − ε) − ε
p0,d,j π0,j (1 − ε)l |
l=0 l=0
≤ ε|dj − π0,j | + ε Cλl (1 − ε)l
Cλ(1 − ε)
≤ ε(|dj − π0,j | + )
1 − λ(1 − ε)
≤ ε(|dj − π0,j | + ). (40)
The proof is complete.
Remark 3. The quantities |dj − π0,j | appearing in inequality (38) is, in
some sense, determined by a prior information about the stationary proba-
bilities π0,j . They take smaller values if one can choose initial distribution
p̄ with smaller deviation from the stationary distribution π̄0 . Inequalities
|dj − π0,j | ≤ dj ∨ (1 − dj ) ≤ 1 let one replace the term |dj − π0,j | in inequality
(38) by quantities independent on the corresponding stationary probabilities
π0,j .
Remark 4. Theorem 1 remains valid even we weaken condition A2 by
omitting in it the assumption of positivity for the distribution π̄0 = hπ0,i , i ∈
Xi. In this case, condition A2 implies that the phase space X = X1 ∪ X0 ,
where X1 = {i ∈ X : π0,i > 0} is the non-empty closed, aperiodic class of
communicative states, while X0 = {i ∈ X : π0,i = 0} is the class (possibly
empty) of transient states, for the Markov chain X0,n . Note that π̄0 still is
the stationary distribution for the Markov chain X0,n .
We would like also to refer to paper [34], where one can find alterna-
tive upper bounds for the rate of convergence of stationary distributions for
perturbed Markov chains and further related references.
5.2 Rate of convergence for stationary distributions of singularly
perturbed Markov chains with damping component. Let now assume
that condition B1 holds.
Let us consider matrices, for j = 1, . . . , h and n = 0, 1, . . .,
Pn0,j = kp0,rk (n)kr,k∈X(j) . (41)
Note that, for j = 1, . . . , h, probabilities p0,rk (n) = p0,rk (n), r, k ∈ X(j) , n ≥
0, since X(j) , j = 1, . . . , h are closed classes of states.
The reduced Markov chain X0,n with the phase space X(j) and the matrix
of transition probabilities P0,j is, for every j = 1, . . . , h, exponentially ergodic
and the following estimates take place, for k ∈ X(j) , j = 1, . . . , h and n =
0, 1, . . .,
(j) (j)
max |p0,rk (n) − π0,k | ≤ Cj λnj , (42)
B2 : The phase space X = ∪hj=1 X(j) , where: (a) X (j) , j = 0, . . . , h are non-
intersecting subsets of X, (b) X (j) , j = 1, . . . , h are non-empty, closed
classes of states for the Markov chain X0,n such that inequalities (42)
Indeed, condition B2 implies that probabilities p0,rk (n) > 0, r, k ∈ X(j) , j =
1, . . . , h for all large enough n. This implies that X(j) , j = 1, . . . , h are
closed, aperiodic classes of communicative states. Also, inequalities (42)
(j) (j)
imply that p0,rk (n) → π0,k as n → ∞, for r, k ∈ X(j) , j = 1, . . . , h, and, thus,
(j) (j)
π̄0 = hπ0,k , k ∈ X(j) i is the stationary distribution for the Markov chain
X0,n , for every j = 1, . . . , h.
Theorem 2. Let condition B2 holds. Then the following relation holds,
for k ∈ X,
|πε,k − π0,d,k ¯ | ≤ ε(|dk − π0,d,k
¯ |+ ). (44)
The proof of Theorem 2 is analogous to the proof of Theorem 1.
p0,ij (n) = π0,j + ρn2 π0,ij [2] + · · · + ρnm π0,ij [m], (45)
where: (a) π̄0 = hπ0,j , j ∈ Xi is distribution with all positive component, (b)
π0,ij [l], i, j ∈ X, l = 2, . . . , m are some real or complex valued coefficients, (c)
π0,ij [k] = π0,ij [l], i, j ∈ X, if ρk = ρl , for some 2 ≤ k, l ≤ m.
In is useful to note that the eigenvalues decomposition representation
can be rewritten in the alternative form based on distinct eigenvalues for
matrix P0 . Let ρ̄k , k = 1, . . . , m̄ be the above mentioned distinct eigenvalues,
Xk = {1 ≤ l ≤ m : ρl = ρ̄k }, and vk be the index of multiplicity of the
eigenvalue ρ̄k (the number of items in set Xk ), for k = 1, . . . , m̄. Also, let us
assume that ρ̄1 = 1 > |ρ̄2 | ≥ · · · ≥ |ρ̄m̄ |, and denote π̄0,ij [k] = vk π0,ij [lk ], i, j ∈
X, lk ∈ Xk , k = 2, . . . , m̄ (these coefficients do not depend on the choice of
lk ∈ Xk , k = 1, . . . , m̄).
Then, the eigenvalues decomposition representation (45) can be rewritten
in the following form, for i, j ∈ X and n ≥ 1,
p0,ij (n) = π0,j + ρ̄n2 π̄0,ij [2] + · · · + ρ̄nm̄ π̄0,ij [m̄]. (46)
where, for j ∈ X, l = 2, . . . , m,
¯ [l] = di π0,ij [l]. (48)
Below, symbol O(εn ) is used for quantitiies such that O(εn )/εn is bounded
as function of ε ∈ (0, 1].
The following theorem takes place.
Theorem 3. Let condition A3 holds. Then, the following asymptotic
expansions take place for every j ∈ X and n ≥ 1,
n n+1
¯ [1]ε + · · · + π̃0,d,j
πε,j = π0,j + π̃0,d,j ¯ [n]ε + O(ε ). (50)
Proof. Relations (16) and (47) imply that the following relation holds,
for j ∈ X,
πε,j = ε ¯ (n)(1 − ε)
X m
= εdj + ε (π0,j + ρnl π0,d,j
¯ [l])(1 − ε)
n=1 l=2
X ∞
= π0,j + ε(dj − π0,j ) + π0,d,j
¯ [l]ε ρnl (1 − ε)n
l=2 n=1
X ρl ε(1 − ε)
= π0,j + ε(dj − π0,j ) + π0,d,j
¯ [l]
1 − ρl (1 − ε)
= π0,j + ε(dj − π0,j ) + ¯ [l]ρl ε(1 − ε)(1 − ρl + ρl ε) .
π0,d,j (51)
bε(1 − ε)(a + bε)−1 = a−1 bε − a−1 b(1 + a−1 b)ε2 + a−2 b2 (1 + a−1 b)ε3
+ · · · + (−1)n−1 a−(n−1) bn−1 (1 + a−1 b)εn + O(εn+1 ). (53)
Relations (51) – (53) let us write down the following Taylor asymptotic
expansions for stationary probabilities πε,j , j ∈ X, for every n ≥ 1 and ε → 0,
πε,j = π0,j + ε(dj − π0,j ) + ¯ [l]ρl ε(1 − ε)(1 − ρl + ρl ε)
n n+1
¯ [1]ε + · · · + π̃0,d,j
= π0,j + π̃0,d,j ¯ [n]ε + O(ε ). (54)
The proof is complete.
It worth noting that some of eigenvalues ρl and coefficients π0,ij [r] can
be complex numbers. Despite of this, coefficients π̃0,d,j ¯ [n], n ≥ 1 in the
expansions given in relation (50) are real numbers.
Indeed, πε,j is a positive number, for every ε ∈ [0, 1]. Relation (54) implies
that (πε,j − π0,j )ε−1 → π̃0,d,j
¯ [1] as ε → 0. Thus, π̃0,d,j ¯ [1] is a real number. In
this way, the above proposition can be proved for all coefficients in expansions
(50). This implies that the remainders of these expansions O(εn+1 ) also are
real-valued functions of ε.
Moreover, since π̄ε = hπε,j , j ∈ Xi, ε ∈ (0, 1] and π̄0 = hπ0,j , j ∈ Xi are
probability distributions, theP following equalities connect coefficients in the
asymptotic expansions (50), j∈X π̃0,d,j ¯ [n] = 0, for n ≥ 1.
(j) (j)
where: (a) π̄0 = hπ0,k , k ∈ X(j) i is a distribution with all positive com-
ponent, for j = 1, . . . , h, (b) π0,rk [l], r, k ∈ X(j) , l = 2, . . . , mj , j = 1, . . . , h
are some real or complex valued coefficients satisfying equalities π0,rk [s] =
π0,rk [t], r, k ∈ X(j) , if ρj,s = ρj,t , for some 2 ≤ s, t ≤ mj , j = 1, . . . , h.
Obviously, relation (46) implies that probabilities prk (n) → π0,j as n →
∞, for r, k ∈ X(j) , j = 1, . . . , h. Thus, π̄0 is the stationary distribution of
the Markov chain X0,n , for j = 1, . . . , h.
In fact, condition B3 is equivalent to condition B1 .
Indeed, as was mentioned above, relation (46) implies that probabilities
(j) (j)
p0,rk (n) → π0,k as n → ∞, for r, k ∈ X(j) , j = 1, . . . , h. Thus, probabilities
p0,rk (n) > 0, r, k ∈ X, j = 1, . . . , h, for all large enough n. This implies
that X(j) is, for every j = 1, . . . , h a closed aperiodic class of communicative
states for the Markov chain X0,n . Thus, condition B3 implies that condition
B1 holds.
We again refer to book [19], where one can find the description of effective
(j) (j)
algorithm for finding matrices Πl = kπ0,rk [l]k, l = 2, . . . , mj , j = 1, . . . , h.
Relation (46) implies, in this case, the following relation holds, for any
k ∈ X(j) , j = 1, . . . , h and n ≥ 1,
n (j) n (j)
p0,d,k ¯ + ρj,2 π ¯ [2] + · · · + ρj,mj π ¯ [mj ],
¯ (n) = π0,d,k (56)
0,d,k 0,d,k
The proof is similar with the proof of Theorem 3.
In this section, we present coupling algorithms and get the effective upper
bound for the rate of convergence in ergodic theorems for regularly perturbed
Markov chains with damping component.
7.1 Maximal coupling for discrete distributions. Let p̄0 = hp0i , i ∈
Xi and p̄00 = hp001 , i ∈ Xi be two discrete probability distributions. Let us
denote by L[p̄0 , p̄00 ] the class of two-dimensional distribution
P P̄ = hPij ,0 (i, j) ∈
X × Xi which satisfy the following conditions (a) P i = j∈X Pij = pi , i ∈ X;
00 00
(b) Pj = i∈X Pij = pj , j ∈ X.
Let us also denote, X
QP̄ = Pii (60)
Q(p̄0 , p̄00 ) = sup QP̄ . (61)
P̄ ∈L[p̄0 ,p̄00 ]
The following lemma presents the well known “coupling” result, which
variants can be found in [22, 27, 33, 38] and [41, 42, 43, 44, 48].
Lemma 6. There exists the two-dimensional distribution P̄ ∗ = hPij∗ , i, j ∈
Xi ∈ L[p̄0 , p̄00 ] such that:
QP̄ ∗ = Q∗ = min(p0i , p00i ) = Q(p̄0 , p̄00 ). (62)
(iii) Q∗ = 0 if and only if p0k p00k = 0, k ∈ X and, in this case,
Pij∗ = p0i p00j , i, j ∈ X. (65)
Let now use the “one-step” coupling algorithm for construction a “cou-
0 00
pling” Markov chain Zε,n = (Xε,n , Xε,n ), n = 0, 1, . . ., with:
(i) the phase space Z = X × X;
(ii) the initial distribution P̄ε = hPε,ij , (i, j) ∈ Zi constructing according
to relation (63), (64), or (65) for distributions p̄0 = p̄ = hpi , i ∈ Xi and
p̄00 = π̄ε = hπε,i , i ∈ Xi;
(iii) the transition probabilities Pε,ij,rk defined by the following relations,
for (i, j), (r, k) ∈ Z:
(a) If Qε,ij ∈ (0, 1), then,
0 00 0 00
Pε,ij,rk = P{Xε,1 = k, Xε,1 = r/Xε,0 = i, Xε,0 = j}
= min(pε,ir , pε,jk )I(r = k)
+ (pε,ir − min(pε,ir , pε,jr ))(pε,jk − min(pε,ik , pε,jk )). (67)
1 − Qε,ij
(b) If Qε,ij = 1, then pε,ir = pε,jr , r ∈ X and,
Pε,ij,rk = min(pε,ir , pε,jk )I(r = k). (68)
(c) If Qε,ij = 0, then pε,ir pε,jr = 0, r ∈ X and,
The above construction of coupling Markov chain and the following lemma
originate from works [22] and [38] and plays an important role in what fol-
0 00
Lemma 7. Let Zε,n = (Xε,n , Xε,n ), n = 0, 1, . . . be a homogeneous Markov
chain with the phase space Z = X × X, the initial distribution P̄ε and transi-
tion probabilities given by relations (67) – (69). Then:
(i) The first component, Xε,n , n = 0, 1, . . ., is a homogeneous Markov
chain with the phase space X, the initial distribution p̄ and the matrix of
transition probabilities Pε .
(ii) The second component Xε,n , n = 0, 1, . . . is a homogeneous Markov
chain with the phase space X, the initial distribution π̄ε and the matrix of
transition probabilities Pε .
(iii) The set Z0 = {(i, i), i ∈ X} is an absorbing set for the Markov chain
Zε,n , i.e., probabilities Pε,ii,rk = 0, for i, r, k ∈ X, r 6= k.
Proof. Variants of the proof can be found in the above mentioned works.
In order, to improve self-readability of the present paper, we just give a short
sketch of the proof. Let us consider the case, where transition probabilities
Pε,ij,rk are given by relation (67). According to Lemma 6, the following
relation takes place, for i, j, r ∈ X,
Pε,ij,rk = min(pε,ir , pε,jk )I(r = k)
k∈X k∈X
1 X
+ (pε,ir − min(pε,ir , pε,jr )) (pε,jk − min(pε,ik , pε,jk ))
1 − Qε,ij k∈X
= min(pε,ir , pε,jr ) + pε,ir − min(pε,ir , pε,jr ) = pε,ir . (70)
The proof of relation (70) in the cases where transition probabilities Pε,ij,rk
are given by relation (68) or (69) is trivial.
Using the assumption that Zε,n is a Markov chain and relation (70), we
get the following relation, for any chain of states i0 , . . . , in ∈ X, n ≥ 0,
0 0 00
P{Xε,l = il , l = 0, . . . , n} = P{Xε,l = il , Xε,l = jl , l = 0, . . . , n}
j0 ,...,jn ∈X
= pi0 πε,j0 Pε,i0 j0 ,i1 j1 · · · Pε,in−1 jn−1 ,in jn
j0 ∈X j1 ∈X jn ∈X
= pi0 πε,j0 Pε,i0 j0 ,i1 j1 · · · Pε,in−2 jn−2 ,in−1 jn−1 · pε,in−1 ,in
j0 ∈X j1 ∈X jn−1 ∈X
= ··· = pi0 πε,j0 pε,i0 ,i1 · · · pε,in−1 ,in
j0 ∈X
The given below Theorems 5 and 6 present effective upper bounds for the
rate of convergence in the individual ergodic theorem for perturbed Markov
chain with damping component based on corresponding general coupling re-
sults for Markov chains given in [22, 33, 38]. Theorems 5 and 6 specify and
detail coupling upper bounds for the rate of convergence for Markov chains
with damping component.
Note that condition A1 is not required in Theorem 5 formulated below.
Also, we count (1 − Q(P0 ))0 = 1, if 1 − Q(P0 ) = 0.
Theorem 5. The following relation takes place, for every ε ∈ (0, 1] and
p̄ ∈ Pm , j ∈ X, n ≥ 0,
|pε,p̄,j (n) − πε,j | ≤ (1 − Qε,p̄ )(1 − Q(P0 ))n (1 − ε)n , (75)
Proof. Obviously, for p̄ ∈ Pm , j ∈ X, n ≥ 0,
P{Xε,n = j} = pε,p̄,j (n). (76)
Since, the initial distribution of Markov chain Xε,n coincides with its
stationary distribution, this Markov chain is a stationary random sequence
and, thus, for j ∈ X, n ≥ 0,
P{Xε,n = j} = πε,j . (77)
Let now define the hitting (coupling) time,
0 00
Tε = min(n ≥ 0 : Xε,n = Xε,n ) = min(n ≥ 0 : Zε,n ∈ Z0 ). (78)
Since Z0 is an absorbing set for the Markov chain Zε,n , the following
relation holds,
P{Zε,n ∈ Z0 , n ≥ Tε } = 1. (79)
Using the above remarks, we get the following relation, for j ∈ X, n ≥ 0,
0 00
|pε,p̄,j (n) − πε,j | = |P{Xε,n = j} − P{Xε,n = j}|
0 00 0 00
= |P{Xε,n = j, Xε,n 6= j} − P{Xε,n 6= j, Xε,n = j}|
0 00 0 00
≤ P{Xε,n = j, Xε,n 6= j} + P{Xε,n 6= j, Xε,n = j}
≤ P{Tε > n}. (80)
Using Lemma 6, we get, p̄ ∈ Pm , j ∈ X,
0 00 0 00
|pε,p̄,j (0) − πε,j | ≤ P{Xε,0 = j, Xε,0 6= j} + P{Xε,0 6= j, Xε,0 = j}
≤ P{Tε > 0} = 1 − Qε,p̄ . (81)
Also, by continuing the inequalities (80) we get, for p̄ ∈ Pm , j ∈ X, n ≥ 1,
|pε,p̄,j (n) − πε,j | ≤ P{Tε > n}
0 00
= P{Tε > n − 1, Xε,n−1 = i, Xε,n−1 = j}
0 0 0 0
× P{Xε,n 6= Xε,n /Xε,n−1 = i, Xε,n−1 = j}
0 00
= P{Tε > n − 1, Xε,n−1 = i, Xε,n−1 = j}(1 − Qε,ij )
1 X
= max |p0,ik − p0,jk |. (83)
2 i,j∈X k∈X
This Markov chain is ergodic with an exponential rate of convergence in
the corresponding ergodic theorem, if the following condition holds:
C(1) : ∆1 (P0 ) ∈ [0, 1).
Condition C(1) is sufficient for holding the weaken variant of condition
A1 mentioned in Remark 4.
Indeed, probabilities pε,p̄,j (n) → p0,p̄,j (n) as ε → 0, for any j ∈ X, n ≥ 0.
Since stationary probabilities πε,j ∈ [0, 1], j ∈ X, any sequence 0 < εn → 0 as
n → ∞ contain a subsequence 0 < εnl → 0 as l → ∞ such that πεnl ,j → π0,j
as l → ∞, for j ∈ X. By passing ε → 0 in the inequality (75), we get the
following relation holding for p̄ ∈ Pm , j ∈ X, n ≥ 0,
distribution p̄, the phase space X, and the matrix of transition probabilities
PNε = kpε,ij (N )k.
Let us define the quantities, for i, j ∈ X and N > 1,
(N )
Qε,ij = min(pε,ir (N ), pε,jr (N )). (85)
Let now use the “multi-step” coupling algorithm for construction a “cou-
(N ) 0(N ) 00(N )
pling” Markov chain Zε,n = (Xε,n , Xε,n ), n = 0, 1, . . ., with:
(i) the phase space Z = X × X;
(ii) the initial distribution P̄ε = hpε,ij , (i, j) ∈ Zi constructing according
to relation (63), (64), or (65) for distributions p̄0 = p̄ = hpi , i ∈ Xi and
p̄00 = π̄ε = hπε,i , i ∈ Xi;
(N )
(iii) transition probabilities Pε,ij,rk defined by the following relations, for
(i, j), (r, k) ∈ Z:
(N )
(a) If Qε,ij ∈ (0, 1), then,
(N ) 0(N ) 00(N ) 0(N ) 00(N )
Pε,ij,rk = P{Xε,1 = k, Xε,1 = r/Xε,0 = i, Xε,0 = j}
= min(pε,ir (N ), pε,jk (N ))I(r = k)
+ (N )
(pε,ir (N ) − min(pε,ir (N ), pε,jr (N )))
1 − Qε,ij
× (pε,jk (N ) − min(pε,ik (N ), pε,jk (N ))), (86)
(N )
(b) If Qε,ij = 1, then pε,ir (N ) = pε,jr (N ), r ∈ X and,
(N )
Pε,ij,rk = min(pε,ir (N ), pε,jk (N ))I(r = k), r, k ∈ X. (87)
(N )
(c) If Qε,ij = 0, then pε,ir (N )pε,jr (N ) = 0, r ∈ X and,
(N )
Pε,ij,rk = pε,ir (N )pε,jk (N ), r, k ∈ X. (88)
The following lemma is the direct corollary of Lemma 7.
(N ) 0(N ) 00(N )
Lemma 8. Zε,n = (Xε,n , Xε,n ), n = 0, 1, . . ., be a homogeneous Markov
chain with the phase space Z = X × X, the initial distribution P̄ε and transi-
tion probabilities given by relations (86) – (88). Then:
0(N )
(i) The first component, Xε,n , n = 0, 1, . . ., is a homogeneous Markov
chain with the phase space X, the initial distribution p̄ and the matrix of
transition probabilities PN
ε .
00(N )
(ii) The second component Xε,n , n = 0, 1, . . . is a homogeneous Markov
chain with the phase space X, the initial distribution π̄ε and the matrix of
transition probabilities PN ε .
(iii) The set Z0 = {(i, i), i ∈ X} is an absorbing set for the Markov chain
(N ) (N )
Zε,n , i.e., probabilities Pε,ii,rk = 0, for i, r, k ∈ X, r 6= k.
Relation, AB = B, holds for any m × m stochastic matrix A = kaij k and
m × m stochastic damping type matrix B = kbij k, with elements bij = bj ≥
Pi,mj = 1, . . . , m. Also, matrix C = BA, which has elements, cij = cj =
k=1 bk akj ≥ 0, i, j = 1, . . . , m, is a stochastic damping type matrix, i.e., it
has all rows the same.
Using these remarks, we get the following formula,
ε = ((1 − ε)P0 + εD)
= PεN −1 (1 − ε)P0 + PN
= PεN −1 (1 − ε)P0 + εD
= PεN −2 (1 − ε)2 P20 + PN
ε(1 − ε)DP0 + εD
N −1 −1
= · · · = (1 − ε)N PN
0 + ε(1 − ε) DPN
0 + · · · + εD. (89)
Using relation (89) and the above remarks we get the following relation,
= Q(PN
ε )
N −1 −1
≥ (1 − ε)N Q(PN
0 ) + ε(1 − ε) Q(DPN
0 ) + · · · + εQ(D)
N −1
= (1 − ε)N Q(PN
0 ) + ε(1 − ε) + ··· + ε
= (1 − ε)N Q(PN N
0 ) + 1 − (1 − ε) . (90)
Let us introduce, for N ≥ 1, the coefficient of ergodicity,
∆N (P0 ) = (1 − Q(PN
0 ))
. (91)
Note that condition A1 is not required in this theorem.
Below, we count ∆N (P0 )0 = 1, if ∆N (P0 ) = 0.
Theorem 6. The following relation takes place for every ε ∈ (0, 1] and
p̄ ∈ Pm , j ∈ X, n ≥ 0,
|pε,p̄,j (n) − πε,j | ≤ (1 − Qε,p̄ )∆N (P0 )[n/N ]N (1 − ε)[n/N ]N . (92)
Proof. Obviously, for p̄ ∈ Pm , j ∈ X, n ≥ 0,
0(N )
P{Xε,n = j} = pε,p̄,j (N n). (93)
00(N )
Since, the initial distribution of Markov chain Xε,n coincides with its
stationary distribution, this Markov chain is a stationary random sequence
and, thus, for j ∈ X, n ≥ 0,
00(N )
P{Xε,n = j} = πε,j . (94)
Let now define a hitting (coupling) time
0(N ) 00(N )
Tε(N ) = min(n ≥ 0 : Xε,n = Xε,n (N )
) = min(n ≥ 0 : Zε,n ∈ Z0 ). (95)
Since Z0 is an absorbing set for the Markov chain Zε,n , the following
relation holds,
(N )
P{Zε,n ∈ Z0 , n ≥ Tε(N ) } = 1. (96)
Using the above remarks, we get the following relation, for j ∈ X, n ≥ 0,
0(N ) 00(N )
|pε,p̄,j (N n) − πε,j | = |P{Xε,n = j} − P{Xε,n = j}|
0(N ) 00(N ) 0(N ) 00(N )
= |P{Xε,n = j, Xε,n 6= j} − P{Xε,n 6= j, Xε,n = j}|
0(N ) 00(2) 0(N ) 00(N )
≤ P{Xε,n = j, Xε,n 6= j} + P{Xε,n 6= j, Xε,n = j}
≤ P{Tε(N ) > n}. (97)
Using Lemma 6, we get, p̄ ∈ Pm , j ∈ X,
0(N ) 00(N )
|pε,p̄,j (0) − πε,j | ≤ P{Xε,0 = j, Xε,0 6= j}
0(N ) 00(N )
+ P{Xε,0 6= j, Xε,0 = j}
≤ P{Tε(N ) > 0} = 1 − Qε,p̄ . (98)
Also, by continuing the inequalities (80) we get, for p̄ ∈ Pm , j ∈ X, n ≥ 1,
|pε,p̄,j (N n) − πε,j | ≤ P{Tε(N ) > n}
0(N ) 00(N )
= P{Tε(N ) > n − 1, Xε,n−1 = i, Xε,n−1 = j}
0(N ) 0(N ) 0(N ) 0(N )
× P{Xε,n 6= Xε,n /Xε,n−1 = i, Xε,n−1 = j}
0(N ) 00(N )
X (N )
= P{Tε(N ) > n − 1, Xε,n−1 = i, Xε,n−1 = j}(1 − Qε,ij )
Also, for p̄ ∈ Pm , j ∈ X, n ≥ 0 and l = 0, . . . , N − 1,
|pε,p̄,j (N n + l) − πε,j | = | pε,p̄,k (nN )pε,kj (l) − πε,k pε,kj (l)|
k∈X k∈X
≤ |pε,p̄,k (N n) − πε,k |pε,kj (l)
≤ max |pε,p̄,k (N n) − πε,k |
Inequalities (98) and (100) imply inequalities given in relation (92). The
proof is complete.
The following formula, analogous to (83), takes place,
1 X
∆N (P0 ) = (1 − Q(PN
0 ))1/N
= ( max |p0,ik (N ) − p0,jk (N )|)1/N . (101)
2 i,j∈X k∈X
→ |ρ2 | as N → ∞. (103)
Relations (102) and (103) show that, in the case where condition A1 holds,
the “coupling” upper bounds for rate of convergence in individual ergodic re-
lations given in Theorem 6 are asymptotically equivalent with analogous up-
per bounds, which can be obtained with the use of eigenvalue decomposition
representation for transition probabilities. At the same time, computing of
coefficients of ergodicity ∆N (P0 ) does not require solving of the polynomial
equation, det(ρI − P0 ) = 0, that is required for finding eigenvalues.
7.4 Coupling for singularly perturbed Markov chains with damp-
ing component. In this subsection, we present coupling algorithms and get
the effective upper bound for the rate of convergence in ergodic theorems
for singularly perturbed Markov chains with damping component. Thus, we
assume that following weaken variant of condition B1 holds:
B4 : The phase space X = ∪hj=1 X(j) , where: (a) X (j) , j = 1, . . . , h are non-
intersecting subsets of X, (b) X (j) , j = 1, . . . , h are non-empty, closed
classes of states for the Markov chain X0,n .
Let us introduce the discrete distributions f¯p̄ = hfp̄ , j = 1, . . . , hi, where
(j) (j) (j) (j)
= hpk = pk /fp̄ , k ∈ X(j) i, for
fp̄ = k∈X(j) pk , , j = 1, . . . , h and p̄
j ∈ Hp̄ = {j : 1 ≤ j ≤ h, fp̄ > 0}.
We also use the above notations for the case, where distribution p̄ co-
incides with distributions d¯ = hdk , k ∈ Xi, π̄ε = hπε,k , k ∈ Xi, and π̄0,p̄ =
hπ0,p̄,k , k ∈ Xi.
Let ε ∈ (0, 1], and π̄ε = hπε,k , k ∈ Xi be the stationary distribution for
the Markov chain Xε,n .
The following representation takes place, for k ∈ X(j) , j = 1, . . . , h,
l (j) (j)
πε,k = ε ¯ (l)(1 − ε) = f ¯ πε,k ,
p0,d,k (104)
(j) (j)
It is readily seen that π̄ε = hπε,k , k ∈ Xi is, for every j = 1, . . . , h,
the stationary distribution for the Markov chain Xε,n , with the phase space
X(j) and the matrix of transition probabilities Pε,j = (1 − ε)P0,j + εDj ,
where P0,j = kp0,rk kr,k∈X(j) is, according to condition B4 , a stochastic matrix,
while Dj = kdrk kr,k∈X(j) is the stochastic damping matrix with elements
(j) (j) (j)
drk = dk = dk /fd¯ , k, r ∈ X(j) .
Note that relation (104) implies that, for j = 1, . . . , h,
X X (j) (j) (j)
fπ̄ε = πε,k = fd¯ πε,k = fd¯ . (106)
k∈X(j) k∈X(j)
(j) (j)
∆N (P0 ) = (1 − QN (P0 ))1/N . (108)
(j) (j)
It is useful to note that ∆N (P0 ) → 0 as N → ∞, and, thus, ∆N (P0 ) < 1,
for all N large enough, if condition A1 holds for the Markov chain X0,n .
Also the weaken variant of condition A1 , pointed out in Remark 4, holds
(j) (j)
for the Markov chain X0,n , if ∆N (P0 ) < 1, for some N ≥ 1.
(j) (j)
In this case, the Markov chain X0,n has the stationary distribution π̄0 =
hπ0,k , k ∈ X(j) i.
Let us now assume that the following condition holds, for some N ≥ 1:
D(N ) : (a) Condition B4 holds, (b) ∆N (P0 ) < 1, for j = 1, . . . , h.
According to Remark 4, the Markov chain X0,n has the stationary dis-
tribution π̄0,p̄ = hπ0,p̄,k , k ∈ X(j) i, for which the following relation holds, for
k ∈ X(j) , j = 1, . . . , h,
(j) (j)
π0,p̄,k = fp̄ π0,k . (109)
It is useful to note that transition probabilities p0,p̄,k (n) = 0, n ≥ 0 and
stationary probabilities π0,p̄,k = 0, for k ∈ X(j) , j ∈
/ Hp̄ .
Moreover, if k ∈ X , for some j = 1, . . . , h, then,
(j) (j)
p0,p̄,k (n) = fp̄ Pp̄(j) {X0,n = k}. (110)
(j) (j)
Below, we count ∆N (P0 )0 = 1, if ∆N (P0 ) = 0.
Theorem 7. Let condition D(N ) holds. Then, if p̄ ∈ Pm , and k ∈ X(j) ,
for some j = 1, . . . , h, the following propositions take place, for every ε ∈
(0, 1] and n ≥ 0:
(j) (j)
|pε,p̄,k (n) − πε,k | ≤ (fd¯ (1 − Q(π̄ε(j) , π̄0 ))
(j) (j) (j)
+ fp̄ (1 − Q(p̄(j) , π̄0 )))∆N (P0 )[n/N ]N
(j) (j) (j)
+ |fp̄ − fd¯ |π0,k (1 − ε)n . (111)
Proof. By using the renewal equation (14) and the renewal type type
relation (15) and taking into account stationarity of the Markov chain Xε,n ,
with the initial distribution π̄ε , condition B4 , and relations (104), (109) and
(110), we get the following relation, for k ∈ X(j) and n ≥ 0,
n → ∞, with the exponential rate. More precisely, relations (102), (109),
and (110) imply that the following relation holds, for k ∈ X(j) , n ≥ 0,
(j) (j) (j) (j)
|p0,p̄,k (n) − π0,p̄,k | = |fp̄ Pp̄(j) {X0,n = k} − fp̄ π0,k |
(j) (j) (j)
≤ fp̄ (1 − Q(p̄(j) , π̄0 ))∆N (P0 )[n/N ]N . (114)
In this section, we present ergodic theorems for Markov chains with damp-
ing component in the triangular array mode, where time n tends to infinity
and damping parameter ε tends to zero simultaneously. In this mode, the
asymptotic behaviour of transition probabilities
8.1 Asymptotic behaviour of transition probabilities in the tri-
angular array mode. In this mode, the asymptotic behaviour of transition
probabilities pε,p̄,k (n) is studied when time n → ∞ and the damping param-
eter ε → 0, simultaneously. One can assume that time n = nε depends on ε
in such way that nε → ∞ as ε → 0.
Asymptotic behaviour of transition probabilities pε,p̄,k (nε ) as ε → 0 should
be compared with repeated limits for pε,p̄,k (n) as n → ∞ and, then, ε → 0
and, vice versa, as ε → 0 and, then n → ∞.
Let as first consider the case, where condition A1 holds.
In this case, according to Lemma 2, transition probabilities pε,p̄,k (n) →
πε,k as n → ∞, for every ε ∈ (0, 1]. Also, according to Lemma 4, stationary
probabilities πε,k → π0,k as ε → 0, where π0,k are stationary probabilities for
the Markov chain X0,n .
As follows from relation (28), in this case, transition probabilities pε,p̄,k (n)
→ p0,p̄,k (n) as ε → 0, for any n ≥ 0. Also, according to relation (21),
transition probabilities p0,p̄,k (n) → π0,k as n → 0.
The coincidence, of the repeated limits for transition probabilities pε,p̄,k (n)
let one expect that, in this case, transition probabilities pε,p̄,k (nε ) should
converge to stationary probabilities π0,k as ε → 0, for an arbitrary nε → ∞
as ε → 0.
The situation is different, in the case, where condition B1 holds.
Again, Lemma 2 implies that transition probabilities pε,p̄,k (n) → πε,k
as n → ∞, for every ε ∈ (0, 1]. Also, according to Lemma 4, stationary
probabilities πε,k → π0,d,k ¯ as ε → 0, where π0,d,k
¯ are stationary probabilities
of the Markov chain X0,n , with the initial distribution d. ¯
Again, according to relation (28), transition probabilities pε,p̄,k (n) →
p0,p̄,k (n) as ε → 0, for any n ≥ 0. However, as Lemma 3 implies that, in
this case, transition probabilities p0,p̄,k (n) → π0,p̄,k as n → ∞.
Thus, the repeated limits for transition probabilities pε,p̄,k (n) coincides,
under additional assumption that the initial distribution p̄ = d. ¯ But, they
may not coincide if p̄ 6= d. ¯
The transition probabilities pε,p̄,k (n) satisfy the renewal type relation (15).
This relation shows that the initial state Xε,0 influences the behaviour of the
Markov chain Xε,n only up to the first damping regeneration time Tε,1 .
The random variables Tε,1 has the geometric distribution with parameter
ε. Its rate of growth is ε−1 as ε → 0. Moreover, random variables εTε.1 −→
ν(1) as ε → 0, where ν(1) is a random variable, which has exponential
distribution with parameter 1.
This hints one that it would be natural to study the asymptotic behaviour
of transition probabilities pε,p̄,k (nε ) for nε → ∞ as ε → 0 such that εnε →
t ∈ [0, ∞] as ε → 0.
Moreover, it can be expected that in two extremal cases, where t = ∞
or t = 0, the transition probabilities pε,p̄,k (nε ) converge as ε → 0 to the
corresponding repeated limits, respectively, π0,d,k ¯ or π0,p̄,k .
The question arises about the asymptotic behaviour of transition proba-
bilities pε,p̄,k (nε ) in the intermediate case, where the above limit t ∈ (0, ∞).
In conclusion of this informal discussion, we would like to mention works
[12, 13, 23, 24, 37, 39, 40, 45, 46], which contain results related to ergodic the-
orems in triangular array mode and to so-called quasi-stationary ergodic the-
orems for perturbed regenerative processes, Markov chains and semi-Markov
8.2 Ergodic theorems for regularly perturbed Markov chains
with damping component in the triangular array mode. The follow-
ing theorem takes place.
Theorem 8. Let condition C(N ) holds for some N ≥ 1. Then, for any
nε → ∞ as ε → 0 and p̄ ∈ Pm , k ∈ X,
Proof. Using the renewal type relation (15) and inequality (102), we get
the following relation holding for any nε → ∞ as ε → 0 and k ∈ X,
Proof. The renewal type relation (15) written for n = nε takes the following
form, for p̄ ∈ Pm , k ∈ X(j) , k = 1, . . . , h,
nε l−1
pε,p̄,k (nε ) = p0,p̄,k (nε )(1 − ε) + ¯ (nε − l)ε(1 − ε)
p0,d,k . (120)
≤ |π0,p̄,k − π0,d,k
¯ |Rε (t)
(j) (j) (j)
= |fp̄ − fd¯ |π0,k Rε (t). (123)
Relations (121) and (123) obviously imply that the following relation
holds, for k ∈ X(j) , k = 1, . . . , h, if nε → ∞ and εnε → t ∈ [0, ∞] as ε → 0,
This relation proves the theorem.
Remark 7. Inequality (124) gives, in fact, explicit upper bounds for the
rate of convergence in ergodic relation given in Theorem 9. Of course, it
is possible to get some simple explicit upper bounds for Rε (t) in terms of
quantities εnε and t.
3 5
−a1 −b1 c1 c1 c1
f1 −g1 −g1 −g1
a2 b2 −c2 −c2 −c2
e2 −f2 g2 g2 g2
Π̄3 =
−a3 −b3 c3 c3 c3
, Π̄4 =
−f3 g3 g3 g3
, (128)
−a3 −b3 c3 c3 c3
−e3 −f3 g3 g3 g3
−a3 −b3 c3 c3 c3
−e3 −f3 g3 g3 g3
√ √ √
46 34
a1 = 561√
− 132 , a2 = − 335 34
− 5
, a3 = − 2056134 + 5
√ √
29 34 4 95 34 37 34
b1 = − 1122 + 33 , b2 = 1122
+ 25
, b3 = 1122
+ 33 ,
√ √ √
7 34 5 5 34 5 34 7
c1 = 374
− 44 , c2 = 1496
+ 44 , c3 = − 1122 + 132 ,
46 34 61
67 34 1
20 34 5
e1 = 561√
+ 132 , e2 = 4488
− 132 , e3 = 561√
+ 132 ,
f1 = − 29112234 − 33 4
, f2 = 95 34
− 25
, f3 = − 37112234 + 33 4
√ √ √
7 34 5 5 34 5 34 7
g1 = 374
+ 44 , g2 = 1496
− 44 , g3 = 1122
+ 132 .
Respectively, the matrix eigenvalues representation based on relation (46)
takes the following form, for n ≥ 1,
1 1 1√ n
Pn0 = Π + (− )n Π̄2 + (− − 34) Π̄3
3 15 30
1 1√ n
+ (− + 34) Π̄4 . (130)
15 30
Taking into account the specific forms of the damping matrix D and
matrices Π̄2 = 2Π2 , we get that, in this case, coefficients π0,d,j ¯ [2] = 0, j =
1, . . . , m, and, thus, the coefficients of the eigenvalues representation given
in relation (47) take the following forms, for n ≥ 1,
√ √ n
5 223 34 41 1 34
+ − 22440
+ 660
− 15
− 30
√ √ n
223 34 41 1 34
+ − 22440
− 660
− 15
+ 30
, for j = 1,
√ √ n
− 13561034 − 330 7 1
− 15 − 3034
√ √ n
13 34
+ 5610 + 330 − 15 + 3034 ,
7 1
for j = 2,
5 + 211√34 − 37 √
1 34
22 36720 1080
− 15
− 30
¯ (n) = (131)
√ √ n
19 34 3 1 34
+ 7480 + 220 − 15 + 30
, for j = 3,
√ √ n
+ 211 34 37
− 1080 1
− 15 − 3034
√ √ n
19 34
+ 7480 + 220 − 15 + 3034 ,
3 1
for j = 4,
√ √ n
+ 211 34 37
− 1080 1
− 15 − 3034
22 36720
√ √ n
+ 19 34 + 3
− 1
+ 34
, for j = 5.
7480 220 15 30
Finally, the coefficients in the asymptotic expansion (50) given by relation
(49) take the following form, for all j ∈ X and n ≥ 1,
, for n = 1,
√ 1
√ n−1
307 853 34
¯ [n] = 4356
− 74052
34 33
+ 33 (132)
√ n−1
+ 4356 + 74052 34 33 − 3334
307 853 1
, for n > 1.
− 1089 , for n = 1,
√ 1
√ n−1
25 107 34
¯ [n] =
− 1089
+ 37026
34 33
+ 33 (133)
√ n−1
− 25 + 107 34 1 − 34
, for n > 1.
1089 37026 33 33
¯ [n] = π̃0,d,4
¯ [n] = π̃0,d,5
¯ [n]
− 726 , for n = 1,
√ 1
√ n−1
− 1452 71
+ 24684 34 33 + 3334 (134)
√ 1
√ n−1
− 1452 71
+ 24684 34 33 − 3334 , for n > 1.
For example, the second order expansions (50), for stationary probabili-
ties πε,j , j = 1, . . . , 5, take the forms given below in relation (135). The terms
of the expansions, except the stationary probabilities (first terms) which are
exact values, are computed correct to 5 decimal digits.
+ 0.14096ε − 0.01946ε2 + O(ε3 ) for j = 1,
− 0.04591ε + 0.00456ε2 + O(ε3 ) for j = 2,
πε,j ≈ 22
− 0.03168ε + 0.00497ε2 + O(ε3 ) for j = 3, (135)
− 0.03168ε + 0.00497ε2 + O(ε3 ) for j = 4,
− 0.03168ε + 0.00497ε2 + O(ε3 ) for j = 5.
even for moderate value of ε = 0.2. For example, the first term 0.14096ε
in the above asymptotic expansion for the stationary probability π0,d,1 ¯ =
≈ 0.07576 takes value 0.02820 that is about 37.22% of the correspond-
ing stationary probability. While, the second term 0.01946ε2 in the above
asymptotic expansion takes value 0.00078 that is only about 2.76% of the
first term and about 1.03% of the corresponding
P stationary probability.
Let us also mention that the equalities j∈X π̃0,d,j ¯ [n] = 0, n ≥ 1 hold for
coefficients given in relations (132)-(134) as well as, approximately up to the
corresponding rounding corrections, for coefficients given in relation (135).
Relation (46) imply that inequality (37) holds with the quantities,
X ρ̄l
λ = |ρ2 | and C = max |π̄0,rk [l]| | |.
The inequality (40) takes the following form, for ε ∈ (0, 1] and j =
1, . . . , 5,
67 √
1 49
|πε,j − π0,j | ≤ ε | − π0,j | + 34 + , (136)
5 4488 132
5 8 5
where the stationary probabilities, π0,1 = 66 , π0,2 = 33 , π0,r = 22 , r = 3, 4, 5.
Table 1 give values πε,j , π0,j , and |πε,j − π0,j | computed with the use of
rounded solutions of the system of linear equations (20) and (22) and the
upper bounds given by inequality (136), for the moderate value ε = 0.15,
0.48 N
(P 0 )
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
3 4
1 1 1 1
0 1 0 0
4 4 4 4
1 1 1 1
0 13 13
3 4 4 4 4
P0 =
, D =
. (137)
0 1 0 1
1 1 1 1
2 2
4 4 4 4
0 1 1 0
1 1 1 1
2 2
4 4 4 4
− 64 , for n = 1,
√ √ n
1+2n 33+ 33 3+ √33
¯ [n] =
(−1) 176 15+ 33 (140)
√ √ n
+ −33+ 33
−3+ √33
, for n > 1.
176 −15+ 33
¯ [n] = π̃0,d,4
¯ [n]
− 32 , for n = 1,
√ √ n
(−1)n −3− √ 33
= 11(3+ 33) 15+ 33 (141)
√ √ n
+ 33√ n −3+√ 33
(−1) , for n > 1.
11(−3+ 33) 15− 33
1 7 1 2
+ O(ε3 ),
+ 64
ε − 512
ε for j = 1,
3 3 27 2
+ O(ε3 ),
− 64
ε − 512
ε for j = 2,
πε,j = 1 1 7 2 (142)
− 32
ε + 256
ε + O(ε3 ), for j = 3,
1 1 7 2
− ε + ε + O(ε3 ), for j = 4.
4 32 256
+ 0.10937ε − 0.00195ε2 + O(ε3 ),
for j = 1,
− 0.04687ε − 0.05273ε2 + O(ε3 ),
for j = 2,
≈ 1 2 3
− 0.03125ε + 0.02734ε + O(ε ),
for j = 3,
− 0.03125ε + 0.02734ε2 + O(ε3 ), for j = 4.
Let us mention again that equalities j∈X π̃0,d,j ¯ [n] = 0, n ≥ 1 hold for
coefficients given in relations (139)-(141) and (142) as well as, approximately
up to the corresponding rounding corrections, for coefficients given in relation
We see that in the third (j = 3) and fourth (j = 4) expansions in rela-
tion (143) for ε = 0.2, the term 321 ε is about 2.5% of the limiting stationary
7 2
probability 0.25, while the term 256 ε is about 0.4% of 0.25, i.e. it improves
the accuracy of approximation for the stationary probability for about 16%.
9.3 Singularly perturbed Markov chains with damping compo-
nent in the triangular array mode. In this example we consider an er-
godic singularly perturbed Markov chains with damping component as stated
in Theorem 9. We use a two-disjoint information networks given in Figure
4, whose matrices P0 and D are given by (144).
1 5
2 6
3 4 7 8
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
1 1 1
3 0 3 3 0 0 0 0
1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
1 1
0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0
P0 =
, D =
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2
1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
3 3 3
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
1 1 1
0 0 0 0 3 3 3 0
We are going to get the second order asymptotic expansion for stationary
probabilities πε,k , k ∈ X given by relation (59). In fact, we can use Theorem 4
and to give the corresponding expansions for stationary probabilities πε,k , k ∈
X(1) and πε,k , k ∈ X(2) . Then, these expansions can be transformed in the
(g) (g)
corresponding expansions for πε,k , k ∈ X, using relations πε,k = fd¯ πε,k , k ∈
(g) (g)
P , g = 1, 2 and
taking into account that, in this case, probabilities fd¯ =
k∈X(g) dk = 2 , g = 1, 2.
One can easily notice that matrix P0,1 coincides with matrix P0 given in
relation (137). Thus, the second order asymptotic expansions for stationary
probabilities πε,k , k ∈ X(1) take forms given in relation (143), and, thus,
the corresponding asymptotic expansions for stationary probabilities πε,k =
1 (1)
π , k ∈ X(1) take the following forms,
2 ε,k
1 7 1
+ 128 ε − 1024 ε2 + O(ε3 ), for k = 1,
3 − 3 ε − 27 ε2 + O(ε3 ),
for k = 2,
πε,k = 16 1
7 2
− 64
ε + 512
ε + O(ε ), for k = 3,
1 − 1 ε + 7 ε2 + O(ε3 ),
for k = 4.
8 64 512
Similarly, the asymptotic expansion πε,k for phase space X(2) can be com-
puted. The eigenvalues corresponding to P0,2 are,
√ √
1 2 1 2 1
ρ2,1 = 1, ρ2,2 = − − i, ρ2,3 = − + i, ρ2,4 = − ,
3 3 3 3 3
where i = −1. Hence, from relation (56), we obtain eigenvalues decomposi-
tion of P0,2 , for k ∈ X(2) , n ≥ 1, as
√ √ n
+ 16(1+ 2i) − 3 − 32 i
√ 1
√ √ n
(−1+2 2i)
+ 24(−2+ 2i) − 3 + 32 i , for k = 5,
√ n
1− √1 − 3 − 32 i
8+ 128i
¯ (n) = √ √ n (146)
−4− √ 2i 1 2
− − + i , for k = 6,
24(−2+ 2i) 3 3
√ √ n
1 2i 1 2
− − −
4 32 3 3
√ √ n
+ 2i − 1 + 2 i ,
for k = 7, 8.
32 3 3
(2) (2)
¯ [n], k ∈ X
Next, the coefficients π̃0,d,k (computed from relation (58)), for
n ≥ 1, take the form,
, for n = 1,
√ √
+ 62i
5 1
π̃0,d,5 [n] = 144
+ 144 3 (147)
√ √
+ 5 − 2i 1
− 62i
144 144 3
, for n > 1.
− 36 , for n = 1,
√ √
+ 51442i 1
+ 62i
π̃0,d,6 [n] = − 72 3 (148)
√ √ n−1
− 1 + 5 2i 1 2i
72 144 3
− 6
, for n > 1.
(2) (2)
π̃0,d,7 ¯ [n]
¯ [n] = π̃0,d,8
− 48 , for n = 1,
√ √ n−1
= − 96 − 482i 1
+ 62i (149)
√ √ n−1
+ − 1 + 2i 1
− 62i
96 48 3
, for n > 1.
expansions for stationary probabilities πε,k , k ∈ X = X(1) ∪ X(2) ,
1 7 1
+ 128 ε − 1024 ε2 + O(ε3 ), for k = 1,
3 3 27 2 3
16 − 128 ε − 1024 ε + O(ε ), for k = 2,
1 1 7
− 64 ε + 512 ε2 + O(ε3 ),
for k = 3,
1 1 7
8 − 64 ε + 512 ε2 + O(ε3 ),
for k = 4.
πε,k = 1 5 1 2 (151)
+ 144 ε + 108 ε + O(ε3 ), for k = 5,
1 1 7 2
ε + O(ε3 ),
− 72 ε − 432 for k = 6,
1 1 1 2
− 96 ε + 288 ε + O(ε3 ), for k = 7,
1 − 1 ε + 1 ε2 + O(ε3 ),
8 96 288
for k = 8.
Let us mention ones more time that equalities k∈X π̃0,d,k ¯ [n] = 0, n ≥ 1
hold for coefficients given in relations (147)-(149) and (151).
Expansions (151) let us illustrate the results presented in Theorem 9. The
most interesting in this theorem is the asymptotic relation (118).
In order to illustrate this relation, we choose the initial distribution p̄ =
h1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0i, which is concentrated in one ergodic class X(1) . In this
(1) (2) (1) (2)
case, probabilities fp̄ = 1, fp̄ = 0. Note that probabilities fd¯ = fd¯ = 12
for the initial distribution p̄ = d. ¯ Probabilities π0,p̄,k and π0,d,k
¯ are computed
using relation (26). The asymptotic relation (118) takes, for k = 1, the form,
pε,p̄,1 (nε ) → π0,p̄,1 (t) for nε → ∞, εnε → t and ε → 0. Further, we choose
ε = 0.1. According to the asymptotic relation (118), the values pε,p̄,1 (nε ),
for nε such that εnε ≈ t can be expected to take values close to π0,p̄,1 (t), for
1 ≤ t ≤ 3. This, indeed, can be seen in Figure 5.
In addition to that result shows that the relative absolute errors, |π0,p̄,1 (t)−
¯ | decreases dramatically from about 37% to 4% as εnε increases from 1
to 3 respectively.
Stationary probability
0.11 d
pp (n )
1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3
not ergodic.
Rates of convergence of stationary probabilities πε,j to π0,j as ε → 0 and
probabilities pε,p̄,j (n) to stationary probabilities π0,p̄,j as n → ∞ play the key
role in the above method.
We give explicit upper bounds for rates of convergence of stationary prob-
abilities πε,j to π0,j and asymptotic expansions for πε,j , with respect to damp-
ing parameter ε, in Theorems 1 – 4. We also give explicit upper bounds for
rates of convergence of probabilities pε,p̄,j (n) to stationary probabilities πε,p̄,j ,
in Theorems 5 – 7.
These results let one construct the two-stage effective algorithms for ap-
proximating the stationary distribution π̄0 in the case, where the phase space
X is one class of communicative states for the Markov chain X0,n , and, thus,
this Markov chain is ergodic.
At the first stage, one approximates the stationary probabilities πε,j
by probabilities pε,p̄,j (n). The rate of this approximation has the order
O(∆N (P0 )n (1 − ε)n ). The effectiveness of this approximation declines for
small values of damping parameter ε and values of ergodicity coefficient
∆N (P0 ) closed to 1 that is typical for models with the phase space X nearly
decomposed in several closed classes of states.
At the second stage, one approximate stationary probabilities π0,j by sta-
tionary probabilities πε,j . The rate of approximation has the order O(ε),
which also, can be improved by using the corresponding asymptotic expan-
Here, some dual effect takes place. At the second stage it would be better
to use small values of regularisation parameter ε, while at the first stage using
small values of ε are not desirable.
Theorem 8 let one also to use the one-step variant of the algorithm de-
scribed above and approximate the stationary probabilities π0,j by probabil-
ities pε,p̄,j (nε ), with an arbitrary positive integers nε → ∞ as ε → 0. More-
over, the explicit upper bounds for |pε,p̄,j (nε ) − π0,j | pointed out in Remark
6 let one balance the choice of ε and nε .
The case, where the phase space X splits in several closed classes of com-
municative states for the Markov chain X0,n , and, thus, this Markov chain is
not ergodic, is more complex.
As a matter of fact, in this case, (c) stationary probabilities π0,p̄,k for
the Markov chain X0,n depend on the initial distribution p̄, (d) the station-
ary probabilities πε,k for the Markov chain Xε,n converge to the stationary
probabilities π0,d,k ¯ as ε → 0.
If the initial distribution p̄ = d¯ then the two-stage algorithm as well as
its one-stage variant described above can be applied.
However, if p̄ 6= d, ¯ one should be more careful, since in this case it may
be that the stationary probability π0,d,k ¯ 6= π0,p̄,k and, thus, the two-stage
algorithm described above does not work.
In this case, Theorem 9 answers the question about applicability quanti-
ties pε,p̄,j (nε ) as approximations for stationary probabilities for the Markov
chain X0,n . In fact, these probabilities converge to some mixture of station-
−t −t
ary probabilities π0,p̄,k and π0,d,k ¯ (1 − e ),
¯ , namely, π0,p̄,k (t) = π0,p̄,k e + π0,d,k
as nε → ∞ in such way that εnε → t ∈ [0, ∞] as ε → 0. Moreover, the
explicit upper bounds for |pε,p̄,k (nε ) − π0,p̄,k (t)| pointed out in Remark 7 let
one balance the choice of ε and nε and, in some sense, predict the value of
limit π0,p̄,k (t) depending on the value of quantity εnε .
The computational examples presented in Section 9 illustrate in which
way results given in Theorems 1 - 9 can be used in experimental studies of
Markov chains with damping components associated with information net-
works, in particular, in studies of PageRank algorithms.
In conclusion, we would like to note that Theorems 1 – 9 present results
of perturbation analysis for Markov chains with damping component for the
basic cases, where the phase space of the unperturbed Markov chain X0,n
either is one aperiodic class of communicative states or split in several closed
aperiodic classes of communicative states. Despite some technical complica-
tions, analogous results can be also obtained for the cases, where the phase
space of the unperturbed Markov chain X0,n either is one periodic class of
communicative states or split in several closed periodic classes of communica-
tive states plus possibly a class of transient states. We are going to present
such results in future publications as well as results of the corresponding ex-
perimental studies.
for research education and research.
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