GS Recipe Library: 60% Spreadable Butter Blend

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60% spreadable butter blend

GS recipe library

Application Recipe

60% spreadable butter blend is used as a spread on Fat phase in %

Anhydrous milk fat (AMF) 37.3
(Or real butter) (44.8)
RBD palm oil 7.5
Liquid oil 14.5
Emulsifier (mono-and di-glyceride) 0.4
Lecithin 0.3
Normally colour is added

Aqueous phase in %
Water 37.9
(If real butter is used, water:) (30.4)
Characteristics Salt 1.0
The product is homogenous and it is spreadable at Skim milk powder 1.0
refrigerator temperature. It has an excellent buttery K-sorbate 0.1
taste compared to margarine products, a pleasant mouth
pH adjusted to 4-5 by means of citric acid.
feel and a good melt-down in the mouth.
Normally flavour is added not only to the fat phase
but also to the aqueous phase.
Low fat products, such as 60% spreadable butter blend,
should exhibit similar characteristics as full fat products. Solid fat content in %
However, usually low fat spreads are more unstable due
10°C 34.0
to the lower content of fat. Starches and hydrocolloids 20°C 13.0
can be used as fat replacement but is not required. 30°C 3.0
The consumption of reduced and low fat products has 40°C 0.0
increased and intensive research is made in processing
and ingredients in order to achieve better low fat Melting point
products. Approximately 28-30°C

• The ingredients for the aqueous phase are mixed and heated according to the specification of the stabilizer
• The ingredients for the fat phase is melted under agitation, typically the highest melting fats are added first
and liquid oil last. The fat phase is then tempered to approximately 5-8°C higher than the melting point of the
fat phase.
• Emulsifiers, which are mixed into liquid oil in the proportion 1:5, are heated and melted at a temperature
approx. 5-8°C higher than the melting point of the emulsifiers, and added to the fat phase.
• Flavour and colours are added according to solubility.
• The aqueous phase is added under agitation to the fat phase.
• The complete emulsion is pasteurised which typically involve heating to 75-80°C for 15-20 sec and cooling to
45-50°C or 5-8°C higher than the melting point of the fat phase.
• The emulsion is crystalIised according to the flow diagram below.
• The 60% spreadable butter blend is stored at refrigerator temperature.

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60% spreadable butter blend
GS recipe library
5 PT
PI 500 501 300

M1 M1 NH 3 NH3 NH 3 NH3
Liquid suction Liquid suction
M1 gas gas


400 400


M1 M1



Typical quality deficiencies

We recommend the following changes in processing if the below mentioned quality deficiencies occur during or
after processing:

Too hard at the wrapping machine Lumpy (lumps of different sizes)

• Cool more intensively in the first cooling section • Increase the rotation speed in the pin rotor
and/or less intensively in the last cooling section machine
of the SSHE • Ensure proper crystallisation in the first cooling
• Increase the rotation speed in the pin rotor section of the SSHE
machine • Ensure proper water circulation in the jacket of the
• Ensure proper water circulation in the jacket of the pin rotor machine
pin rotor machine

Greasy or too soft at filling or wrapping machine

Brittle • Decrease the rotation speed in the pin rotor
• As described above machine and/or decrease the residence time in
• Increase the total volume of kneading units, i.e. the kneading unit(s).
pin rotor machine • Cool less intensively in the first cooling section
of the SSHE and/or more intensively in the second
cooling section of the SSHE
Grainy (small rice-like grains)
• Increase the remelt temperature of the return
product Oily appearance or too shiny surface

• Ensure proper pasteurisation profile • Decrease the rotation speed in the pin rotor
machine and/or decrease the residence time in
• Cool less intensively in the first cooling section of
the kneading unit(s).
the SSHE

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