Feedforward Control of Multistage Assembly Processes Using Programmable Tooling
Feedforward Control of Multistage Assembly Processes Using Programmable Tooling
Feedforward Control of Multistage Assembly Processes Using Programmable Tooling
where, C†k is the pseudoinverse of matrix Ck , This general formulation includes the
−1 existence of constraints on the position of the
and it is calculated as C = (C R k Ck ) C R k .
k KPCs and the control actions. The first
Here matrix R k ∈ ℜm× m is a weighting coefficient constraint ensures that the final product KPCs
matrix, which accounts for differences in the are going to be within the Upper and Lower
importance and characteristics of the measured Specification Limits (USL and LSL). The second
points (KPC or non-KPC points, sensor noise constraint restricts the control actions to be
level, measurement point importance, etc.), and within the upper and lower PT actuation limits
it is a positive definite diagonal matrix. If matrix ( smin and smax ) that can be applied on each
R k contains on its diagonal the inverses of the part/subassembly. The control action limits
sensors noise variances, then, according to consider PTs workspace limitations and
Franklin et al. (1998), xˆ k is the best linear interferences with other stage components.
Finally, the third constraint is an or-type one,
unbiased estimator of x Bk . where there are two possibilities for sk: it is
either bigger than or equal to a threshold Δ s
( Δ s > 0 ), or it is zero. This type of threshold is
3.2 Control Action Determination
used to avoid obtaining control actions that
At stage k, it is possible to write down the cannot be performed by the PTs. The value of
effects that the different variation sources and the threshold can be obtained according to the
the control actions have on the final product accuracy of the PTs.
deviations y N as presented in Eq. (9).
Varying Δ s in Eq. (11) can be understood as
~ using different types of PTs. Therefore, such
y N = Ψk x Bk + Γ k ( s k + e k ) + v N . (9) study can lead to identify the appropriate PTs to
be used based on an effectiveness analysis.
The PTs error vector ek is assumed to be a
random variable with mean of zero and
covariance Σe , where the value of the
covariance depends on the precision
(repeatability) of the PTs utilized.
y N / k = Ψk xˆ k + ΓCk sk . (10)
attached to the A-pillar, then the B-pillar is M7 0.22 0.25 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.12
added in the second stage, and in the third M8 0.22 0.07 0.08 0.04 0.12 0.05
stage the rear quarter is attached. Afterwards,
Δs mm QI % Exceed 2 mm (6σ) ?
0 44.5 No
0.05 44.0 No
0.075 42.6 No
0.7 40.2 No
0.15 33.7 No
0.2 23.8 No
0.25 14.8 No
0.3 9.3 No
0.35 4.8 No