Prism Fact Sheet Premium Efficiency Motors
Prism Fact Sheet Premium Efficiency Motors
Prism Fact Sheet Premium Efficiency Motors
Fact Sheet
Premium-Efficiency Motors
Description The energy consumption of a motor is determined by three
factors. The relationship is as follows:
Electric motor systems
consume large amounts of Energy Consumption = (Operating Hours x Load) ÷ Motor Efficiency
electrical energy and can
provide an opportunity for As demonstrated in the equation above, a higher level of
significant energy savings. efficiency results in an overall reduced level of consumption.
Energy represents more Motor efficiency varies with load. The efficiency of motors
than 97 percent of total Figure 1 –
typically peaks at close to 75 percent of full load and is
motor operating costs over Premium-Efficiency Motor relatively flat down to a 50 percent load point (see Graph 1).
the motor’s lifetime. However,
Graph 1 – Motor Load Efficiencies
the purchase of a new motor often tends to be driven by
the price, not the electricity it will consume. Even a small 100 75 – 100 hp
Full-Load Efficiency (percent)
Standard 87.0 88.2 89.6 90.0 90.6 90.7 91.6 92.2 92.3 92.6 93.3 94.2
1800 RPM Energy Efficient 87.5 89.5 89.5 91.0 91.0 92.4 92.4 93.0 93.0 94.1 94.5 94.5 95.0 95.0
(4 Pole)**
Premium Efficiency 89.5 91.7 91.7 92.4 93.0 93.6 93.6 94.1 94.5 95.4 95.4 95.4 95.8 96.2
* Open drip-proof (ODP) and totally enclosed fan-cooled (TEFC) motors use different methods to remove heat from the windings.
ODP motors have an internally mounted fan that allows air to blow directly through the motor and has a cover that prevents drops of liquid from entering (suitable for
protected environments).
TEFC motors use an externally mounted fan that draws air over the case to provide cooling and are designed to prevent outside air from flowing into the frame (motors
can function outdoors and in dusty or contaminated environments).
** Motors are available at rated synchronous speeds that are determined by the number of poles for which the motor is wound and the frequency of the power supply.
The synchronous speed is calculated from this formula: Revolutions per minute (RPM) = (120 x Frequency) ÷ Number of Motor Winding Poles. For 60-hertz frequency, the
synchronous speeds are as follow: 2 poles = 3600 RPM, 4 poles = 1800 RPM, 6 poles = 1200 RPM.
*** The values are average full-load efficiency for standard motors and may be used as an estimate when the manufacturer cannot provide actual motor efficiency values.
(Source: U.S. Department of Energy)
Graph 2 – Motor Power Factors The Canadian Standards Association (CSA) developed
200 – 250 hp
a Canadian standard in 1993 and updated it in 1998.
150 hp CAN/CSA-C390 set the requirement for minimum
Power Factor (percent)
80 100 – 125 hp
40 – 75 hp efficiency for new motors made or sold in Canada at the
60 15 – 30 hp same value as the NEMA “energy-efficient” level.
5 – 10 hp
Nominal efficiency levels for both “energy-efficient” and
20 “premium-efficiency” motors for some selected types and
0 sizes are presented in Table 1. (The entire table is available
35 45 55 65 75 85 95 through NEMA).
Full-Load Amperage (percent)
Energy Information
While motor full- and part-load PF characteristics are To calculate the annual energy consumption and cost savings
important, they are not as significant as efficiency. When from replacing a motor with a higher-efficiency one, the
selecting a motor, current practice is to purchase for formula in Box 1 should be used.
efficiency and correct for PF.
The motor horsepower can be obtained from the nameplate,
When a motor is oversized and lightly loaded, the PF will be and the efficiencies for the existing and replacement motors
lower compared with a motor that is sized properly. A facility can be obtained from manufacturers or suppliers.
with many induction motors and a low PF may address this
The load factor in the equation must be determined by
issue by replacing motors with premium-efficiency motors
using an electrical measurement instrument when the motor
that are properly sized.
is running in its normal operating mode. The equation
In the motor marketplace, three terms are used to label shown in Box 2 is used for three-phase motors to determine
motors: “high-efficiency,” “energy-efficient” and “premium- the load factor.
efficiency.” Only the last two terms have definitions estab-
Most electrical measurement instruments can determine
lished by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association
power directly. If they cannot, by measuring the voltage,
(NEMA1). In 1989, NEMA first developed and adopted
current and PF, the equation in Box 3 may be used for
energy-efficient performance values in its MG-1 standard
three-phase motors to determine power. To determine the
(Motors & Generators-1), which was incorporated in Canada's
input power at full-rated load, the equation in Box 4 is used.
Energy Efficiency Regulations in 1997 for minimum efficiency
levels on certain 1-200 hp motors. In 2001, NEMA launched
the NEMA Premium™ Efficiency Electric Motors Program,
which covered many more motor types and sizes.
1 NEMA is a trade association that establishes standards to help in the selection and application of electric motors and other electrical equipment.
Table 2 – Comparison of Various-Sized Motors
Efficiency Type Data Horsepower
5 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 50
Efficiency at 75% Load 84.0 86.0 88.4 89.3 90.8 90.9 91.6 91.8
Efficiency Annual Consumption (kWh) 24 978 36 595 47 469 70 486 92 428 115 408 137 432 228 554
Annual Cost ($) 1,499 2,196 2,848 4,229 5,546 6,925 8,246 13,713
Efficiency at 75% Load 90.7 91.9 92.4 92.6 93.1 93.6 94.4 94.9
Premium-Efficiency Annual Consumption (kWh) 23 133 34 246 45 414 67 974 90 145 112 079 133 355 221 088
Annual Cost ($) 1,388 2,055 2,725 4,078 5,409 6,725 8,001 13,265
Annual Savings (kWh) 1 845 2 349 2 055 2 512 2 283 3 329 4 077 7 466
Annual Savings ($) 111 141 123 151 137 200 245 448
List Price ($) 533 724 814 996 1,294 1,700 1,771 2,751
Purchase Price ($) 426 579 651 797 1,035 1,360 1,417 2,201
Payback (years) 3.9 4.1 5.3 5.3 7.6 6.8 5.8 4.9
PF = (0.70 + 0.72 + 0.71) ÷ 3 = 0.71
Operating Hours
PI = (463 x 11.3 x 0.71 x 1.732) ÷ 1000 = 6.43 kW
PIR = (10 x 0.746) ÷ 0.87 = 8.57 kW