Ilaj Bil Tadbir
Ilaj Bil Tadbir
Ilaj Bil Tadbir
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1 author:
Aliya Hamid
Kashmir Tibbia CollegeShilvat, Kashmir
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Unani system of medicine is the medicine of centuries. Four modes of treatment in Unani system are Ilaj-bil-Giza (Dietotherapy),
Ilaj-bil-Dawa (Pharmacotherapy), Ilaj-bil-Yad (Surgery) and Ilaj-bil-Tadbeer (Regimental therapy), these are important modalities
of Tibb for treating disease and maintenance of health. Among above said four modes Ilaj-bil-Tadbeer is very important, most of
regimes are used independently or in combination with medicines. Regimental therapies are physical mode of treatment,
improvement in body constitution is achieved by removing morbid material from body. Regimental therapy improves the quality
of health by improving the defense mechanism of the body. Asbab-e-satta zarooria (six essentials of life are very important for
maintaining healthy life, regarding this maintaining health and treating the disorders of body are achieved through modulating
Asbab-e-satta zarooria. Old nomenclature of Ilaj-bil-Tadbeer is Molijat-e-khususi. Therapies in Ilaj-bil-tadbeer are meant for
Istifraagh-e-akhlaat-e-radiya (expulsion or elimination of morbid material), as accumulation of morbid material are responsible for
causation of diseases. By application of regimental therapies normal health can be restored. Venesection, cupping, leeching,
massage and purgation are essential part of regimental therapies and are used for therapeutic and preventive purpose since
centuries by ancient Unani physicians.
International Journal of Medicine Research
various disorders like Waja-ul-mafasil (Rheumatoid arthritis), 5.2 Other types of exercise are:
Waja-e-Qalab (Angina pectoris), Niqras (gout), Zaat-ur- A. Riyazat-i-Zatiya (Khalisa)
Riya(pneumonia), Irqun Nisa (sciatica), sarsaam (meningitis), B. Riyazat-i-A’arziya (Gair Iridi).
Daval (varicocele), Warm-e-khasiya (orchitis), Ilthaab-i- a. Riyazat-I-A’arziya: It is a passive exercise, means
kuliya (Nephritis), Amraaz-e-kabid (Hepatic disease), Azm-e- exercise process is unintentionally duringoccupational
tahaal (splenomegaly). Fasad should be performed in aseptic activities like Iron smith.
conditions and should be avoided in two extremes of age i.e. b. Riyazat-i-Zatiya (Khalisa): It is an active exercise to
after 70 and before 14 years of age. Fasad is not advisable in gain its benefits which is further divided according to
febrile conditions, extremely cold and hot climate, after meals, strength, duration and mode of exercise.
during pregnancy, anemia, obesity, during diarrhea and any
acute abdominal conditions [1, 2, 11]. 5.3 Classification of Riyazat-i-Zatiya
1. According to strength three types:
4. Hijama (Cupping) a. Riyazat-i-Qaviya shaded (strenuous exercise).
Cupping has 5000 year old history and is widely practiced b. Riyazat-i-Motadil (Moderate exercise).
across the globe, aim is to treat the chronic and intractable c. Riyazat-i-Zaeefa (Mild exercise).
ailments. In this method specially designed cups are applied 2. According to duration:
and suction is created with or without bloodletting. Some a. Riyazat-i-Kaseera (prolonged exercise).
changes occur at the site of cupping like increase in blood b. Riyazat-i-Motadil (moderate duration exercise).
circulation and vascular dilation so to get rid of impure blood. c. Riyazat-i-Qaleela (short duration exercise).
Site of cupping is related to indication and condition of the 3. According to strength and Sura’at :
patient and best time for cupping is morning hours, but Al- a. Riyazat-i-Hasheeha (fast and strenuous exercise).
Mashie stated that afternoon is better time for cupping. Both b. Riyazat-i-Motadil (Moderate and strenuous exercise).
types of cupping is not advisable in begging and end of every c. Riyazat-i-Mutarakhiya (slow and strenuous exercise).
lunar month [2, 13].
5.4 Effect of Riyazat
4.1 Types of Hijama (Cupping) are (a) Riyazat has important role in maintaining health and
a. Dry cupping (cupping without scarification) or (Hijama- minimize the chance of ailment. (b) It inhibits the
bila-shurt) or (Hijamat Jaffa). accumulation of morbid material in body and help in tahleel of
b. (B) Wet Cupping (cupping with scarification) or (Hijama- toxins. (c) Riyazat protects the body from gair maadi and
bil-shurt) or (Hijamat rataba) or (Hijamat damiya). maadi disease. (e) Removal of waste products from body
through natural routes. (f) Stimulation of hararate gharizia. (g)
In dry Cupping cups are applied at cupping point and negative Strengthening of Quwate Dafia (power of evacuation) and
pressure is created without bloodletting, negative pressure in Quwate Hazima (power of digestion) [2, 3, 4, 9].
cup cause skin and superficial layer drawn lightly into the cup
[16, 13]
. 5.5 Hidayate Riyazat
In wet Cupping under all aseptic precaution superficial and According to age, occupation, temperament, timing and body
deep incision are given on surface of body proposed for conditions riyazat is advised which are as follows:
cupping, cups are applied and blood is sucked from capillaries (a) Urinary bladder and intestines should be empty before
and drawn into the cups. Around 20 ounces of bloodletting riyazat. (b) In summer and winter seasons, there should be
can be done at a site of cupping. Both types of cupping light diet (lateef ghiza) and heavy diet (thouse ghiza) during
Hijama-bil-shurt and Hijama-bila-shurt are indicated in riyazat respectively. (c) In case of excess burudat, yubusat and
following condition like: headache, sciatica, gout, pain in hararat exercise is not advisable. (e) Morning hours are best
knees, back pain, ankylosing spondylitis, migraine, time for exercise. (f) Riyazat should be avoided in two states
hemorrhoids, trigeminal neuralgia, etc [1, 2, 15]. that is, during empty and full stomach. (g) Riyazat should be
stopped gradually not at once. (h) Person should continue his
5. Riyazat (Exercise) or her Riyazat till body movements are performed easily and
Exercise has great significance for maintaining of good health shinny skin is apparent (i) If skin color goes dull or pale,
and for treating some diseases. Ibni sina states that person felling of fatigue or swelling of organs then riyazat should be
doing regular exercise will be safe from causation of humoral stopped immediately [1, 2, 5].
and temperamental disturbances which occur in body. There
are different ways and modes of exercise, depending on the 6. Leeching (Irsale Alaq) /(Hirudotherapy)
conditions, person can adopt different modes of Riyazat like It is a method in which leech are used for withdrawal of blood
wrestling, boxing, running, brisk walking, riding, jumping, from body. Leech were used in ancient Egypt times
fencing, swimming, jumping, pulling of chain etc [1, 2]. (3500years ago) for blood-letting purpose. Leech are
Carnivorous an annelid worm and are found all over world.
5.1 Types of exercise Leech used for therapeutic purpose are thin with small head
A. Riyazat-i-Juziya / Incomplete exercise. and round like rats tale and are found in moist places where
B. Riyazat-i-Haqeeqi / Kulli /Complete exercise. Frogs are present. Black, grey and large headed leeches are
International Journal of Medicine Research
poisonous. Ibni sina mentioned one day prior to procedure 8. Nutool (Irrigation)
leeches should be collected [1, 2]. Natool is ancient Unani therapy, refers to continuous pouring
or dripping of medicated oil or decoction of herbs over
6.1 Mechanism of action different parts of body surface for a particular period of time.
Leech therapy work on Tanqiya mawaad means evacuation of Soothening warmth of oil allows the body, mind and nervous
morbid material and Imala mawaad means diversion of system to experience a state of rest. This procedure is carried
morbid material from body tissues. Saliva of leech has out fortnight or daily basis for particular period to achieve
musakin (sedative) and Muhalil (anti-inflammatory) action. results. Ibni sina states that natool is best treatment for
About 100 pharmacological active substances have been resolution of inflammation or altered body temperament.
found in saliva of leech, it includes anticoagulants, histamine, Natool is applied commonly for treatment of compromised
analgesic compounds. nervous system and can help to relieve symptoms of anxiety,
pain, depression, hypertension and nervousness [1, 3]. Term
6.2 Indication of leeching Sukoob is used synonymously with nutool, difference between
Chronic skin disease, Gynecological disorders, musculoskeletal sukoob and nutool is the distance from where medicated oil or
diseases, eye diseases like, Jarabul Ajfaain (blephiritis), water is poured, if dripped from close distance it is called
Dawali (varicose veins), warm (inflammation), Darde pindali sukoob and if distance is more it is termed as nutool,
(calf muscle pain), Daaul feel ( Elephantiasis), Qooba (ring procedure is done in supine position and proposed area should
worm), Baras (vitiligo), Waja-ul-mafaasil (rheumatoid arthritis), kept uncovered. At particular temperature warm medicated
Bawaseer (piles), Warm halaq (pharyngitis), Malankhoolia liquid is poured manually or with apparatus for about 20-45
(Mania), Tajaweful Anaf(sinusitis) etc [1,2, 10, 7]. minutes at variable height. If natool is done over forehead,
eyes should be covered by sterile gauze to prevent the spilling
6.3 Contraindications for leeching: of eyes from liquid. For body strengthening purpose nutool is
Blood disorders like hemophilia, pregnancy, severe anemia, initially done with warm drugs followed by cold nutool and in
hypotension, fatigue, immunocomprised patients, fear full case of inflammation nutool is done by cold drugs followed by
patients, pregnancy. warm drug nutool.
International Journal of Medicine Research
all baths cold, Turkish and sun bath are opted globally. In like mouth, nose or anus then pass the cauterization
normal and healthy person cold bath (Gusal-e barid) is instrument through catheter to Kai the specific site of organ.
preferable and hot bath is usually applied for cure of disease. Ibni-sina states in Al-canon that catheter (qalib) should be
This therapy (Turkish bath) involves series of water based applied with abrak and gaeru dipped in vinegar, followed by
treatment for body cleaning [1, 4]. To achieve good result wrapping with cloth and chilled with gulab khoora, then apply
patient is allowed to sweating in steam bath for 20 minutes to the area of cauterization. In modern surgeries Amal-e-kai is
followed by shifting of patient to massage room for massage used to stop hemorrhage or to seal blood vessels and is
therapy for specific duration, then patient enter in hamam frequently used to remove warts, moles, cancerous growth and
room where patient is supposed to sit in tub filled with fallopian tubes are served with electro-cautrey to achieve
medicated water of herbs for particular duration, if person female sterility. Razi in Al-hawi states that Kai is not
feels restlessness then procedure is stopped. Finally patient is advisable in extreme hot and cold weather, Jalinoos states that
moved to normal room for relax and is kept under observation gold is best for cautery as it heals rapidly and there is not
for 15-20 minute for recording vitals parameters [1, 3, 10]. blister formation [1, 3, 4].
International Journal of Medicine Research
International Journal of Medicine Research
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