HTP - Supporting The Patient On Dialysis

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MSU-Iligan Institute of Technology

Level II AACUP Accredited

Topic: Supporting the patient on dialysis

Description/ Overview: Spite of significant medical advances in the treatment of renal disease, kidney failure
has a profound emotional impact on patients and their families since many areas of everyday living
must be changed. Dialysis has an impact on the life of not just patients, but also their caregivers.
Instructional Materials/ Equipment: Lecture-discussion, Pamphlet
General Objective: The client and their significant other will be able to recognize and explain the need of
effective coping while on dialysis.

Time Evaluation
Teaching Allotment and
Objectives Learning Content
Strategy (in Assessment
minutes) Tool

After 10 minutes of Introduction

health teaching, the
It can be difficult to care for
client and caregiver
someone who is on dialysis,
will be able to:
especially if first time.
These ideas can help you acquire
crucial management practices for
caring for the patient while also
taking care of yourself. Feedback,
question and
1. Define dialysis Content Discussion 1 minute
in his/her own
Dialysis is a renal failure
treatment that filters blood to
remove undesirable toxins, waste
products, and excess fluids.
Dialysis can help patient live
longer by replacing some kidney
function and, in combination with
medication and adequate care, it
Discussion 1 Minute question and
can help you live longer.
2. Understand that Before beginning therapy,
it's normal to be practically all patients and their
nervous about families have anxieties. It's
starting normal and expected to be
treatment concerned about how you'll feel,
whether the treatment will pain,
what the staff and other patients Feedback,
will think of you, and how long discussion,
Discussion 2 minutes
you'll be able to live with the question and
disease. Pamphlet answer
3. Identify steps
that can be
helpful in
dealing with
anxiety and fear Ask the doctor for a referral to the
dialysis unit where treatment will
take place. Visiting the facility
before you begin treatment can
help make the dialysis machine
and the treatment less frightening.
If you are interested in a
transplant, ask your doctor for a
referral to a transplant center. Set
up an appointment to visit with
the staff.
Make a list of questions to ask.
Speak to other patients and
families who have been through
the same experience.
Discuss all your concerns with
the health care team at the Feedback,
facility. discussion,
Discussion 2 mintues
question and
4. State how to Call your local affiliate for Pamphlet answer
cope with information and a list of the
changes in programs and services available.
medications and
Taking all your medications and
following the recommended diet
and fluid restrictions are very
important to your success on
dialysis. For dialysis patients,
failure to cooperate can lead to
serious complications such as
bone disease, heart attack, stroke
and even death. Remembering to
take new medications can be
hard. Medication reminders and
pill boxes can help you to
remember to take all your

Eating less salt, watching foods

high in potassium and phosphorus
and limiting fluids can be
frustrating. A dietitian who is Feedback,
specially trained to work with discussion,
Discussion 4 minutes
patients who have kidney disease question and
can be very helpful. The dietitian Pamphlet answer
will teach you how you can still
5. State how to
eat small amounts of restricted
deal with the
foods you like and how to flavor
stress of chronic
foods with spices instead of salt.
kidney disease

Eventually, family life may return

to near-normal, with treatment
included as more or less routine.

The following steps can help to

lessen the stress:

Talk to the staff at the dialysis

unit or transplant clinic.

Write down questions ahead of

time and inform family members
about changes in treatment.

Find out as much as possible

about the illness through the
National Kidney Foundation,
local or national support groups,
written materials and educational
Keep involved in the pleasures,
activities and responsibilities of
daily living.

Find time to exercise at a level to

suit your individual limits.

Share your feelings with family

or close friends.

Share your feelings with other


Seek help from the social worker

at the dialysis unit or transplant
clinic or from an outside
counselor, if family or personal
problems need further attention.

Find time to enjoy the outdoors.

Try to keep your previous goals

and arrange your treatment
around your goals.

Be patient and set realistic goals

in adjusting to all lifestyle


National Kidney Foundation. (2021). A Guide for Patients in Dialysis and their Families. Receiving Treatment
for Kidney Failure. Retrieved December 16, 2021, from
MSU-Iligan Institute of Technology
Level II AACUP Accredited

Description/ Overview:

Instructional Materials/ Equipment:

General Objective:

Time Evaluation
Teaching Allotment and
Objectives Learning Content
Strategy (in Assessment
minutes) Tool

National Kidney Foundation. (2021). A Guide for Patients in Dialysis and their Families. Receiving Treatment
for Kidney Failure. Retrieved December 16, 2021, from

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