3GPP LTE Design Library: August 2007

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3GPP LTE Design Library

August 2007
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1 3GPP LTE Wireless Design Library
3GPP LTE System.............................................................................................. 1-1
Component Libraries .......................................................................................... 1-6
Design Examples ............................................................................................... 1-9
2 3GPP LTE Channel Coding Components
3 3GPP LTE Channel Model Components
4 3GPP LTE Measurement Components
5 3GPP LTE Receiver Components
6 3GPP LTE Signal Source Components
7 3GPP LTE Design Examples
3GPP LTE Downlink FDD Transmitter Design Examples ......................................... 7-1
Download BS FDD Waveform to ESG Instrument.............................................. 7-1
Downlink FDD Transmitter EVM Measurement .................................................. 7-3
Downlink FDD Transmitter EVM Versus Subcarrier Measurement .................... 7-8
Downlink FDD Transmitter Spectrum Measurement .......................................... 7-10
3GPP LTE Downlink Receiver Design Examples ..................................................... 7-14
Downlink Raw BER Measurement Under AWGN............................................... 7-15
3GPP LTE Downlink TDD Design Examples............................................................ 7-17
Downlink TDD Transmitter EVM Measurement .................................................. 7-18
Downlink TDD Transmitter EVM Versus Subcarrier Measurement .................... 7-23
Downlink TDD Raw BER Measurement Under AWGN ...................................... 7-25
3GPP LTE Uplink Transmitter Design Examples ...................................................... 7-28
Download UE Waveform to ESG Instrument...................................................... 7-28
Uplink 1 User Equipment Transmitter Measurement .......................................... 7-30
Uplink 2 User Equipment Transmitter Measurement .......................................... 7-34
Uplink Transmitter EVM Measurement ............................................................... 7-38
Uplink Transmitter EVM Versus Subcarrier Measurement ................................. 7-40
3GPP LTE Uplink Receiver Design Examples.......................................................... 7-42
Uplink Raw BER Measurement Under AWGN ................................................... 7-43
Uplink BER Measurement under AWGN ............................................................ 7-45
Uplink BER Measurement under Fading Channel.............................................. 7-48
3GPP LTE Uplink TDD Design Examples ................................................................ 7-52
Uplink TDD Transmitter EVM Measurement....................................................... 7-52
Uplink TDD Transmitter EVM Versus Subcarrier Measurement ......................... 7-54
Uplink TDD Raw BER Measurement Under AWGN........................................... 7-56

Chapter 1: 3GPP LTE Wireless Design
The Agilent EEsof EDA 3GPP LTE Wireless Design Library is provided for the 3GPP
long term evolution (LTE) market. This design library follows the 3GPP TS 36.211
V1.2.1 (July 2007), 3GPP TS 36.212 v1.2.3 (July 2007) and some additional proposals. The
3GPP LTE Design Library is intended to be a baseline system for designers to
develop an idea of what nominal or ideal system performance would be. Evaluations
can be made regarding degraded system performance due to system impairments
that may include non-ideal component performance.

3GPP LTE System

3GPP work on the Evolution of the 3G Mobile System started with the RAN
Evolution Work Shop, 2 - 3 November 2004 in Toronto, Canada. The Work Shop was
open to all interested organizations, including both members and non-members of
3GPP. Operators, manufacturers and research institutes presented more than 40
contributions with views and proposals on the evolution of the Universal Terrestrial
Radio Access Network (UTRAN).
A set of high level requirements was identified in the Work Shop:
• Reduced cost per bit
• Increased service provisioning - more services at lower cost with better user
• Flexibility of use of existing and new frequency bands
• Simplified architecture, open interfaces
• Allow for reasonable terminal power consumption
Frame structure type 1 is applicable to both FDD and TDD. Each radio frame is
T f = 307200 × T s = 10ms long and consists of 20 slots of length T slot = 15360 × T s = 0.5ms ,
numbered from 0 to 19, see Figures 1-1. A subframe is defined as two consecutive slots where
subframe i consists of slots 2i and 2i+1.
For FDD, 10 subframes are available for downlink transmission and 10 subframes are available for
uplink transmissions in each 10ms interval. Uplink and downlink transmission are separated in the
frequency domain.

3GPP LTE Wireless Design Library

For TDD, a subframe is either allocated to downlink or uplink transmission.

Subframe 0 and subframe 5 are always allocated for downlink transmission.

Figure 1-1. Frame structure type 1

The downlink transmission scheme (OFDMA) is based on conventional OFDM using
a cyclic prefix, with a sub-carrier spacing ∆f = 15 kHz and a cyclic-prefix (CP)
duration T CP ≈ 4.7 ⁄ 16.7 µs (short/long CP). Assuming that a 10 ms radio frame is
divided into 20 equally sized slots (of which, in case of TDD operation, a subset is
allocated for downlink transmission), this parameter set implies a slot duration Tslot
= 0.5 ms. The basic transmission parameters are then specified in more detail in
Table 1-1 below.

Table 1-1. Parameters for Downlink Transmission Scheme

Transmission BW 1.4/1.6 MHz 3.0/3.2 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHz 15 MHz 20 MHz

Sub-frame duration 0.5 ms

Sub-carrier spacing 15 kHz

Sampling frequency 1.92 MHz 3.84 MHz 7.68 MHz 15.36 MHz 23.04 MHz 30.72 MHz
(1/2 x 3.84 MHz) (2 x 3.84 MHz) (4 x 3.84 MHz) (6 x 3.84 MHz) (8 x 3.84 MHz)

FFT size 128 256 512 1024 1536 2048

6/7 15/16 24, 25 48, 50 72, 75 96, 100

Number of Resource Blocks†
73/85 181/193 289, 301 577, 601 865, 901 1153, 1201
Number of occupied sub-carriers††
Number of OFDM symbols per 7/6
sub-frame (Normal/Extended CP)

† See 3GPP TR 36.804 v0.5.0 (2007-05). Except 25,50,75 and 100 RBs, 24,48,72,96 number of RBs are also supported
for 5, 10, 15 and 20 MHz bandwidth, respectively.
†† Inlcudes DC sub-carrier which contains no data
††† In one slot, the first OFDM symbol has long CP length and other 6 OFDM symbols have short CP length when
Normal CP.

Table 1-1. Parameters for Downlink Transmission Scheme
CP length (4.69/9) x 6, (4.69/18) x 6, (4.69/36) x 6, (4.69/72) x 6, (4.69/108) x 6, (4.69/144) x 6,
Normal †††
(µs/samples) (5.21/10) x 1 (5.21/20) x 1 (5.21/40) x 1 (5.21/80) x 1 (5.21/120) x 1 (5.21/160) x 1

Extended (16.67/32) (16.67/64) (16.67/128) (16.67/256) (16.67/384) (16.67/512)

† See 3GPP TR 36.804 v0.5.0 (2007-05). Except 25,50,75 and 100 RBs, 24,48,72,96 number of RBs are also supported
for 5, 10, 15 and 20 MHz bandwidth, respectively.
†† Inlcudes DC sub-carrier which contains no data
††† In one slot, the first OFDM symbol has long CP length and other 6 OFDM symbols have short CP length when
Normal CP.

The downlink reference signal (RS) are always transmitted in the first OFDM symbol
and the last third symbol in one slot. The primary synchronization channel (P-SCH)
and secondary synchronization channel (S-SCH) are transmitted in the last and
second last OFDM symbols in slot 0 (subframe 0) and slot 10 (subframe 5). Both
P-SCH and S-SCH occupy centeral 6 resource blcoks (RB, 72 subcarriers). For
Normal CP and Extended CP, the first three OFDM symbols are reserved for PDCCH
in subframe 0 and 5. Other subframes do not transmit PDCCH in current ADS 3GPP
LTE wireless library. P-BCH is always transmitted in subframe 0. P-BCH occupies
centeral 6 RBs (same as P-SCH and S-SCH) in spectrum. Sub-carriers from up to four
OFDM symbols are allocated to P-BCH. In the frame structure with the normal
(short) CP, the allocations appear in slot #0, symbols #3, #4 and slot #1, symbol #0,
#1. In the frame structure with the extended (long) CP, the allocations appear in slot
#0, symbols #3 and slot #1, symbol #0, #1, #2.
The relation between physical resource blocks and resource elements is show in Figure 1-2.

3GPP LTE Wireless Design Library

Figure 1-2. Illustration of the relation between resource blocks and resource elements
For TDD operation with frame structure type 1, the last N GP downlink OFDM
symbol(s) in a subframe immediately preceding a downlink-to-uplink switch point
can be reserved for guard time and consequently not transmitted. The supported
guard periods are listed in Table 1-2.
Table 1-2. Guard periods for TDD operation with frame structure type 1

Supported guard periods in OFDM Support: ed guard periods in OFDM

Configuration symbols: Subframe 0 symbols: All other subframes

Normal cyclic prefix 0,1,2,3,4,5 0,1,2,3,4,5,12

Extended cyclic prefix 0,1,2,3 0,1,2,3,4,10

The basic uplink transmission scheme is single-carrier transmission (SC-FDMA)

with cyclic prefix to achieve uplink inter-user orthogonality and to enable efficient
frequency-domain equalization at the receiver side. Frequency-domain generation of
the signal, sometimes known as DFT-spread OFDM, is assumed and illustrated in
Figure 1-3.

Figure 1-3. Transmitter Structure for SC-FDMA
This allows for a relatively high degree of commonality with the downlink OFDM
scheme and the same parameters. For example, clock frequency can be reused.
One uplink slot (0.5ms) for generic frame structure consists of five or six SC-FDMA
data symbols and one reference symbol (RS). The transmitted signal in each slot is
described by the contents of N symbUL SC-FDMA symbols, numbered from 0 to
N symb – 1 . Each SC-FDMA symbol carries multiple complex-valued modulation
symbols a u, 1 representing the contents of resource element (u,l) where u is the time
index within SC-FDMA symbol l. For the generic frame structure, all SC-FDMA
symbols are of the same size. Figure 1-4 below shows the slot structure.

Figure 1-4. Uplink Slot Format (Generic Frame Structure)

The number of SC-FDMA symbols in a slot depends on the cyclic prefix length
configured by higher layers and is given in Table 1-3.
Table 1-3. Number of SC-FDMA Symbols Per Slot

3GPP LTE Wireless Design Library

For the generic frame structure, the demodulation reference signal is mapped to
SC-FDMA symbol l=3. The reference signal symbol is always the 4th SC-FDMA
symbol for the Normal cyclic prefix and Extended cyclic prefix.
Table 1-4 lists the values of NCP,1 and Nd that are used for the generic frame
structure. Note that different blocks within a slot may have different cyclic prefix
Table 1-4. SC-FDMA Parameters for the Generic Frame Structure

Component Libraries
This 3GPP LTE Wireless Design Library is organized by the types of behavioral
models and subnetworks.

Channel Coding Components

The receiver models are for both downlink and uplink channel coding. The current
release only supports uplink channel coding/decoding.
• LTE_CRCDecoder: CRC decoder
• LTE_CRCEncoder: CRC encoder
• LTE_CodeBlkDeseg: Code block de-segmentation
• LTE_CodeBlkSeg: Code block segmentation

• LTE_TurboCoder: Turbo encoder
• LTE_TurboDecoder: Turbo decoder
• LTE_UL_ChannelCoder: Uplink channel encoder
• LTE_UL_ChannelDecoder: Uplink channel decoder
• LTE_UL_RateDematch: Uplink rate dematching of PUSCH
• LTE_UL_RateMatch: Uplink rate matching of PUSCH

Channel Model Components

The ITU physical channel model is provided.
• LTE_Channel_ITU: ITU Downlink EVM Channel Model.

Measurement Components
The measurement models provide basic measurements for both downlink and uplink,
such as EVM and CCDF.
• LTE_DL_EVM: Downlink EVM Measurement with RF De-modulator
• LTE_DL_EVM_Sink: Downlink EVM Measurement Sink
• LTE_RF_CCDF: CCDF Measurement
• LTE_RF_CM: Cubic Metric (CM) Measurement
• LTE_UL_EVM: Uplink EVM (RCE) Measurement
• LTE_UL_EVM_Sink: Uplink EVM Measurement Sink

Receiver Components
The receiver models are for both downlink and uplink receivers.
• LTE_DL_ChEstimator: Downlink Channel Estimator and Interpolator
• LTE_DL_DemuxFrame: Downlink Radio Frame De-multiplexer with
Frequency Offset Compensator
• LTE_DL_DemuxOFDMSym: Downlink OFDM Symbol De-multiplexer in one
Radio Frame
• LTE_DL_DemuxSlot: Downlink Slot De-multiplexer

3GPP LTE Wireless Design Library

• LTE_DL_OFDM_Demodulator: Downlink OFDM De-modulator

• LTE_DL_Receiver: Downlink Baseband Receiver
• LTE_DL_Receiver_RF: Downlink Receiver with RF De-modulator
• LTE_DL_TimeFreqSync: Downlink Time and Frequency Synchronizer
• LTE_Demapper: De-mapper
• LTE_SCFDMA_Demapper: Uplink Subcarrier De-mapper for SC-FDMA
• LTE_SCFDMA_Demodulator: Uplink SC-FDMA De-modulator
• LTE_UL_ChEstimator: Uplink Channel Estimator and Interpolator
• LTE_UL_DemuxFrame: Uplink Radio Frame De-multiplexer with Frequency
Offset Compensator
• LTE_UL_DemuxSCFDMASym: Uplink SC-FDMA Symbol De-multiplexer in one
Radio Frame
• LTE_UL_DemuxSlot: Uplink Slot De-multiplexer
• LTE_UL_Receiver: Uplink Baseband Receiver
• LTE_UL_Receiver_RF: Uplink Receiver with RF De-modulator
• LTE_UL_TimeFreqSync: Uplink Time and Frequency Synchronizer

Signal Source Components

These models are provided to generate LTE downlink OFDMA source and uplink
SC-FDMA source.
• LTE_DL_MuxFrame: Downlink Radio Frame Multiplexer
• LTE_DL_MuxOFDMSym: Downlink OFDM Symbol Multiplexer in one Radio
• LTE_DL_MuxSlot: Downlink Slot Multiplexer
• LTE_DL_OFDM_Modulator: Downlink OFDM Modulator
• LTE_DL_Pilot: Downlink Pilot Generator
• LTE_DL_Src: Downlink Baseband Signal Source
• LTE_DL_Src_RF: Downlink Signal Source with RF Modulator
• LTE_FFT: Complex Fast Fourier Transform

• LTE_Mapper: Mapper
• LTE_PSCH: P-SCH Generator
• LTE_RACH: Uplink Non-synchronized Random Access Channel Generator
• LTE_RACH_PrmGen: RACH Preamble Generator
• LTE_SCFDMA_Mapper: Uplink Sub-carrier Mapper for SC-FDMA
• LTE_SCFDMA_Modulator: Uplink SC-FDMA Modulator
• LTE_SpectrumShaping: Spectrum Shaping FIR Filter
• LTE_SSCH: Secondary Synchronization Channel Generator.
• LTE_SymWindow: Symbol Transition Windowing
• LTE_UL_CAZAC: Uplink CAZAC Sequence Generator
• LTE_UL_DFT: Complex Discrete Fourier Transform for Uplink
• LTE_UL_HalfCarrier_Shift: Uplink 1/2 Sub-carrier Shifting
• LTE_UL_MuxFrame: Uplink Radio Frame Multiplexer
• LTE_UL_MuxSlot: Uplink Slot Multiplexer
• LTE_UL_RS_Modulator: Uplink SC-FDMA Modulator for Reference Symbol
• LTE_UL_Src: Uplink Baseband Signal Source
• LTE_UL_Src_RF: Uplink Signal Source with RF Modulator

Design Examples
This 3GPP LTE Wireless Design Library includes several design examples for LTE
downlink transmitter measurement, downlink raw BER, uplink transmitter
measurement, and uplink coded BER. Four projects (LTE_DL_Tx_prj,
LTE_DL_Rx_prj, LTE_UL_Tx_prj, LTE_UL_Rx_prj, LTE_DL_TDD_prj and
LTE_UL_TDD_prj) are provided in this 3GPP LTE design library.

This project provides transmitter design examples for the 3GPP LTE downlink FDD
system. The transmitter measurements include EVM, constellation, spectrum, and
CCDF, as well as other measurements.
• LTE_DL_to_ESG.dsn: Demo how to download BS waveform to ESG Instrument

3GPP LTE Wireless Design Library

• LTE_DL_TxEVM.dsn: BS EVM vs. physical channel and resource block

• LTE_DL_TxEVM_vs_SC.dsn: BS EVM vs. subcarrier measurement
• LTE_DL_TxSpectrum.dsn: BS Tx spectrum, waveform, CCDF and power

This project provides transceiver test benches of 3GPP LTE downlink TDD system.
The measurements are EVM, constellation, spectrum and CCDF and raw BER and
• LTE_DL_TDD_RawBER.dsn: Downlink TDD Raw BER and PER Measurement
on AWGN Channel.
• LTE_DL_TDD_TxEVM.dsn: Downlink TDD transmitter EVM measurements.
• LTE_DL_TDD_TxEVM_vs_SC.dsn: Dwonlink TDD EVM vs subcarrier

This project provides receiver design examples for the 3GPP LTE downlink FDD
system. Currently, the raw BER (un-decoded BER) of the downlink system is
• LTE_DL_RawBER.dsn: Downlink Raw BER and PER Measurement on AWGN

This project provides transmitter design examples for the 3GPP LTE uplink FDD
system. The transmitter measurements include constellation, spectrum, and CCDF
as well as other measurements.
• LTE_UL_1UE_to_ESG.dsn: Demo how to download UE waveform to ESG
• LTE_UL_1UE_Tx.dsn: 1 UE Tx spectrum, constellation and CCDF
• LTE_UL_2UE_Tx.dsn: 2 UEs Tx spectrum, constellation and power

This library provides transceiver test benches of 3GPP LTE TDD uplink system. The
measurements are constellation, spectrum and CCDF and raw BER and etc.
• LTE_UL_TDD_RawBER.dsn: Uplink TDD Raw BER and PER Measurement on
AWGN Channel.
• LTE_UL_TDD_TxEVM.dsn: Uplink TDD transmitter EVM measurement.
• LTE_UL_TDD_TxEVM_vs_SC.dsn: Uplink TDD transmitter EVM vs
subcarrier measurement.

This project provides receiver design examples for the 3GPP LTE uplink FDD
system. Currently, the BER (coded BER and un-decoded BER) of the uplink system is
• LTE_UL_RawBER.dsn: Uplink Raw BER and PER Measurement on AWGN
• LTE_UL_AWGN_BER.dsn: Uplink FDD coded BER and PER Measurement on
AWGN Channel
• LTE_UL_Fading_BER.dsn: Uplink FDD coded BER and PER Measurement on
fading Channel

Glossary of Terms

CCDF complementary cumulative distribution function

CM cubic metric
CP cyclic prefix
DL downlink
DL downlink
EVM Error vector magnitude
IFFT inverse fast fourier transform
LTE Long Term Evolution
OFDM orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
PBCH physical broadcast channel

3GPP LTE Wireless Design Library

PDCCH physical downlink control channel

PHY physical layer
P-SCH primary synchanization channel
QPSK quadrature phase shift keying
RF radio frequency
RX receive or receiver
RB resource block
S-SCH secondary synchanization channel
TX transmit or transmitter
UL uplink

[1] TR 25.814 “Physical layer aspects for evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(UTRA),”, V7.0.0, June 2006.
[2] 3GPP TS 36.211 v1.2.1, “Physical Channels and Modulation”, July 2007.
[3] 3GPP TS 36.212 v1.2.3, “Multiplexing and Channel Coding”, July 2007.
[4] 3GPP TR36.804 v0.5.0 (2007-05), “Base Station (BS) radio transmission and
reception”, May 2007.
[5] R1-072860, LGE, “P-SCH design”, June 2007.
[6] R1-072727, QUALCOMM, “Detail on SSC sequence design”, June 2007.

Chapter 2: 3GPP LTE Channel Coding
The receiver models are for both downlink and uplink channel coding. The current
release only supports uplink channel coding/decoding.
• LTE_CodeBlkDeseg: Code block de-segmentation
• LTE_CodeBlkSeg: Code block segmentation
• LTE_CRCDecoder: CRC decoder
• LTE_CRCEncoder: CRC encoder
• LTE_TurboCoder: Turbo encoder
• LTE_TurboDecoder: Turbo decoder
• LTE_UL_ChannelCoder: Uplink channel encoder
• LTE_UL_ChannelDecoder: Uplink channel decoder
• LTE_UL_RateDematch: Uplink rate dematching of PUSCH
• LTE_UL_RateMatch: Uplink rate matching of PUSCH

3GPP LTE Channel Coding Components

LTE_CodeBlkDeseg (LTE Code block de-segmentation)

Description Code block de-segmentation

Library LTE, Channel Coding
Class SDFLTE_CodeBlkDeseg

Name Description Default Type

TransBlockSize Transport block size 6016 int

CRC_Length Number of parity bits: CRC_24 enum

CRC_24, CRC_16

Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 DataIn data in int

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type
2 DataOut data out int

1. This model is used to remove the fillter bits from the input bit sequence.
Each firing, TransBlockSize + CRC_Length + Y tokens are consumed at DataIn,
and TransBlockSize + CRC_Length tokens are generated at DataOut, wherein
N is the number of filler bits. That is, the first Y bits is removed from the input
bit sequence.
2. The input bit sequence is denoted by b0, b1, b2,...,bB-1. Segmentation of the bit
sequence from transport block concatenation is performed if B > Z, where Z =
6144. The number of code blocks is denoted by C. If B > 0 and the number of

filler bits Y calculated below is not 0, filler bits are added to the beginning of the
first block. If B < 40, filler bits are added to the beginning of the code block. The
filler bits are always set to NULL at the input of the encoder. In this model, the
value of filler bits is set to -1.
The bits output from code block segmentation are denoted by or0, or1, or2, or3,...,
or(kr-1), where r is the code block number, and Kr is the number of bits for code
block r. Total number of code blocks: C = B ⁄ Z
Number of bits in each code blocks:
First segmentation size Ka = minimum K in the table such that C ⋅ K ≥ B
if C =1
the number of code blocks with length Ka is Ca = 1, Kb = 0, Cb = 0
else if C > 1
Second segmentation size Kb = maximum K in the table such that K < K+D =
Ka - Kb

C⋅K –B
Number of segments of size Kb: C b = -------------------------

Number of segments of Ka: Ca = C - Cb

end if
Number of filler bits Y = CaKa-CbKb-B
[1] TR 25.814 “Physical layer aspects for evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(UTRA),”, V7.0.0, June 2006.
[2] 3GPP TS 36.212 v1.2.3, “Multiplexing and Channel Coding”, July 2007

3GPP LTE Channel Coding Components

LTE_CodeBlkSeg (LTE Code block segmentation)

Description Code block segmentation

Library LTE, Channel Coding
Class SDFLTE_CodeBlkSeg

Name Description Default Type

TransBlockSize Transport block size 6016 int

CRC_Length Number of parity bits: CRC_24 enum

CRC_24, CRC_16

Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 DataIn data in int

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type
2 DataOut data out int

1. This model is used to perform transport block segmentation.
Each firing, TransBlockSize + CRC_Length tokens are consumed at DataIn,
and TransBlockSize + CRC_Length + Y tokens are generated at DataOut,
wherein Y is the number of filler bits.
2. The input bit sequence is denoted by b0, b1, b2,...,bB-1. Segmentation of the bit
sequence from transport block concatenation is performed if B > Z, where Z =
6144. The number of code blocks is denoted by C. If B > 0 and the number of
filler bits Y calculated below is not 0, filler bits are added to the beginning of the

first block. If B < 40, filler bits are added to the beginning of the code block. The
filler bits are always set to NULL at the input of the encoder. In this model, the
value of filler bits is set to -1.
The bits output from code block segmentation are denoted by or0, or1, or2, or3,...,
or(kr-1), where r is the code block number, and Kr is the number of bits for code
block r.
Total number of code blocks: C = B ⁄ Z
Number of bits in each code blocks:
First segmentation size Ka = minimum K in the table such that C ⋅ K ≥ B
if C =1
the number of code blocks with length Ka is Ca = 1, Kb = 0, Cb = 0
else if C > 1
Second segmentation size Kb = maximum K in the table such that K < K+D =
Ka - Kb

C⋅K –B
Number of segments of size Kb: C b = -------------------------

Number of segments of Ka: Ca = C - Cb

end if
Number of filler bits Y = CaKa-CbKb-B

[1] TR 25.814 “Physical layer aspects for evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(UTRA),”, V7.0.0, June 2006.
[2] 3GPP TS 36.212 v1.2.3, “Multiplexing and Channel Coding”, July 2007

3GPP LTE Channel Coding Components

LTE_CRCDecoder (LTE CRC Decoder)

Description CRC decoder

Library LTE, Channel Coding
Class SDFLTE_CRCDecoder

Name Description Default Type

TransBlockSize Transport block size 6016 int

CRC_Length Number of parity bits: CRC_24 enum

CRC_24, CRC_16

Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 DataIn data in int

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type
2 CRCOut data out int

3 DataOut data out int

1. This model is used to perform CRC decoding on coded LTE transport block.
Each firing, TransBlockSize + CRC_lengtrh tokens are consumed at DataIn,
and TransBlockSize tokens are generated at DataOut and one token is
generated at CRCOut.
2. The TransBlockSize parameter detemines the transport block size of input
sequence. CRC_Length specifies the number of parity bits.

3. If CRC_Length is set to CRC_24, the number of parity bits is 24 and the cyclic
generator polynomial is: gCRC24 ( D ) = D24 + D23 + D6 + D5 + D + 1 . If CRC_Length is set to
CRC_16, the number of parity bits is 16 and the cyclic generator polynomial is:
gCRC16 ( D ) = D + D + D + 1 .
16 12 5

4. This model performs CRC encoding on the first TransBlockSize tokens and gets
CRC_Length tokens, which will be compared with the last CRC_Length tokens
of input sequence. If the result is the same, 0 is output at CRCOut, otherwise 1
is output at CRCOut.
[1] TR 25.814 “Physical layer aspects for evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(UTRA),”, V7.0.0, June 2006.
[2] 3GPP TS 36.212 v1.2.3, “Multiplexing and Channel Coding”, July 2007.

3GPP LTE Channel Coding Components

LTE_CRCEncoder (LTE CRC Encoder)

Description Add CRC to each Transport Block

Library LTE, Channel Coding
Class SDFLTE_CRCEncoder

Name Description Default Type

TransBlockSize Transport block size 6016 int

CRC_Length Number of parity bits: CRC_24 enum

CRC_24, CRC_16

Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 DataIn data in int

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type
2 DataOut data out int

1. This model is used to perform CRC attachment on LTE transport block.
Each firing, TransBlockSize tokens are consumed at DataIn, and
TransBlockSize + CRC_lengtrh tokens are generated at DataOut.
2. The TransBlockSize parameter detemines the transport block size of input
sequence. CRC_Length specifies the number of parity bits
3. If CRC_Length is set to CRC_24, the number of parity bits is 24 and the cyclic
generator polynomial is: gCRC24 ( D ) = D24 + D23 + D6 + D5 + D + 1 . If CRC_Length is set to

CRC_16, the number of parity bits is 16 and the cyclic generator polynomial is:
gCRC16 ( D ) = D + D + D + 1 .
16 12 5

[1] TR 25.814 “Physical layer aspects for evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(UTRA),”, V7.0.0, June 2006.
[2] 3GPP TS 36.212 v1.2.3, “Multiplexing and Channel Coding”, July 2007

3GPP LTE Channel Coding Components

LTE_TurboCoder (LTE Turbo Encoder)

Description LTE turbo encoder

Library LTE, Channel Coding
Class SDFLTE_TurboCoder

Name Description Default Type Range

TransBlockSize Transport block size 6016 int [1, max

transport block

CRC_Length Number of parity bits: CRC_24 enum

CRC_24, CRC_16

Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 DataIn data in int

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

2 DataOut data out int

1. This model is used to implement Turbo encoding for LTE system.
2. The scheme of Turbo coder is a Parallel Concatenated Convolutional Code
(PCCC) with two 8-state constituent encoders and one turbo code internal
interleaver. The coding rate of turbo coder is 1/3. The structure of turbo coder
is illustrated in Figure 2-1.


Figure 2-1. Structure of rate 1/3 Turbo coder

3. The transfer function of the 8-state constituent code for PCCC is:


The initial value of the shift registers of the 8-state constituent encoders shall
be all zeros when starting to encode the input bits.
4. Trellis termination is performed by taking the tail bits from the shift register
feedback after all information bits are encoded. Tail bits are padded after the
encoding of information bits. The first three tail bits shall be used to terminate
the first constituent encoder (upper switch of Figure 2-1 in lower position) while
the second constituent encoder is disabled. The last three tail bits shall be used
to terminate the second constituent encoder (lower switch of Figure 2-1 in lower
position) while the first constituent encoder is disabled.

3GPP LTE Channel Coding Components

5. The bits input to the turbo code internal interleaver are denoted by
, where K is the number of input bits. The bits output of the turbo
code internal interleaver are denoted by .

The relationship between the input and output bits is as follows:

where the relationship between the output index i and the input index
satisfies the following quadratic form:

The parameters f1 and f2 depend on the block size K and are summarized in
Table 2-1:

Table 2-1. Turbo code internal interleaver parameters

[1] TR 25.814 “Physical layer aspects for evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(UTRA),”, V7.0.0, June 2006.
[2] 3GPP TS 36.212 v1.2.3, “Multiplexing and Channel Coding”, July 2007.

3GPP LTE Channel Coding Components

LTE_TurboDecoder (LTE Turbo Decoder)

Description LTE turbo decoder

Library LTE, Channel Coding
Class SDFLTE_TurboDecoder

Name Description Default Type Range

TransBlockSize Transport block size 6016 int [1, max

transport block

TC_Iteration Turbo decoder iteration 4 int [1, 20]


CRC_Length Number of parity bits: CRC_24 enum

CRC_24, CRC_16

Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 DataIn data in real

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

2 DataOut data out int

1. This model is used to implement Turbo decoding for LTE system.
2. An iterative decoding scheme based on the modified BAHL et al. algorithm
[3][4] is used in this model. The iterative number can be set from 1 through to
20 through parameter setting. In theory, as the number of these iterations
approaches infinity, the estimate at the output of decoder will approach the
maximum a posteriori (MAP) solution.

3. Figures 2-2 shows the Turbo decoder structure

Figure 2-2. Structure of Turbo decoder

The decoder 1 computes Logarithm of Likelihood Ration(LLR) associated with
each decoded bit from the systematic information (Xk), redundant information
of encoder 1 (y1k) and extrinsic information (Zk).
Decoder 2 takes as input the interleaved version of LLR, the redundant
information of second encoder (y2k). The extrinsic information from decoder 2 is
interleaved to produce Zk, which is fed back to decoder 1.
[1] TR 25.814 “Physical layer aspects for evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(UTRA),”, V7.0.0, June 2006.
[2] 3GPP TS 36.212 v1.2.3, “Multiplexing and Channel Coding”, July 2007.
[3] L.R. Bahl, J. Cocke, F. Jeinek and J. Raviv. "Optimal decoding of linear codes for
minimizing symbol error rate." IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. IT-20.
pp.248-287, March 1974.
[4] C. Berrou and A. Glavieus. "Near optimum error correcting coding and
decoding: turbo-codes", IEEE Trans. Comm., pp. 1261-1271, Oct. 1996.

3GPP LTE Channel Coding Components

LTE_UL_ChannelCoder (LTE UL Channel Encoder)

Description Uplink channel coder

Library LTE, Channel Coding
Class SDFLTE_UL_ChannelCoder

Name Description Default Type Range

TransBlockSize Transport block size 6016 int

CRC_Length Number of parity bits: CRC_24 enum

CRC_24, CRC_16

CodewordLength Code Word Length 18000 int [1, +∞]

RV_Idx Redundancy Version Index 0 int [0, 3]

CBRM Rate Matching Algorithm: CBRM2 enum


Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 DataIn data in int

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

2 DataOut data out int

1. This subnetwork performs LTE uplink channel coding.
The schematic for this subnetwork is shown in Figure 2-3.

Figure 2-3. LTE_UL_ChannelCoder Schematic
2. This subnetwork includes LTE_CRCEncoder, LTE_CodeBlkSeg,
LTE_TurboCoder and LTE_RateMatch, which perform CRC encoding, code
block segmentation, turbo encoding and rate match respectively.
[1] TR 25.814 “Physical layer aspects for evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(UTRA),”, V7.0.0, June 2006.
[2] 3GPP TS 36.212 v1.2.3, “Multiplexing and Channel Coding”, July 2007

3GPP LTE Channel Coding Components

LTE_UL_ChannelDecoder (LTE UL Channel Decoder)

Description Uplink channel decoder

Library LTE, Channel Coding
Class SDFLTE_UL_ChannelDecoder

Name Description Default Type Range

TransBlockSize Transport block size 6016 int

CRC_Length Number of parity bits: CRC_24 enum

CRC_24, CRC_16

CodewordLength Code Word Length 18000 int [1, +∞]

RV_Idx Redundancy Version Index 0 int [0, 3]

CBRM Rate Matching Algorithm: CBRM2 enum


Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 DataIn data in real

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

2 CRCOut CRC out int

3 DataOut data out int

1. This subnetwork performs LTE uplink channel decoding.

The schematic for this subnetwork is shown in Figure 2-4.

Figure 2-4. LTE_UL_ChannelCoder Schematic

2. This subnetwork includes LTE_RateDematch, LTE_TurboDecoder,
LTE_CodeBlkDeseg and LTE_CRCDecoder, which perform rate dematch , turbo
decoding, code block de-segmentation and CRC decoding respectively.
[1] TR 25.814 “Physical layer aspects for evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(UTRA),”, V7.0.0, June 2006.
[2] R1-063165, LGE, “P-SCH sequence design for E-UTRA”.
[3] R1-062990, Nokia, Ericsson, Siemens, TI, NTT DoCoMo, Motorola, Freescale,
Institute for Infocomm Research, Panasonic, Mitsubishi Electronic, Toshiba,
CATT, NEC, Nortel, Interdigital, “Outcome of cell search drafting session”
[4] 3GPP TS 36.211 v0.2.1, November 2006.
[5] R1-062209, ZTE Corporation, “Design of the occupied sub-carrier number for
E-UTRA”, August 2006.
[6] R1-062724, NTT DoCoMo, Fujitsu, KDDI, Mitsubishi Electric, NEC, Panasonic,
Sharp, Toshiba Corporation, “Reference Signal Structure in E-UTRA
Downlink”, September 2006.
[7] R1-060742, Nokia, “Analysis of 1.25 MHz E-UTRA BS spectrum shaping
requirements”, August 2006.
[8] R1-060743, Nokia, “Analysis of 2.5 MHz E-UTRA BS spectrum shaping
requirements”, August 2006.
[9] R4-061227, Siemens, “EVM Measure for LTE”, November, 2006.

3GPP LTE Channel Coding Components

LTE_UL_RateDematch (LTE Uplink Rate Dematcher)

Description Uplink PUSCH Rate Dematching

Library LTE, Channel Coding
Class SDFLTE_UL_RateDematch

Name Description Default Type Range

TransBlockSize Transport block size 6016 int [1, max

transport block

CRC_Length Number of parity bits: CRC_24 enum

CRC_24, CRC_16

CodewordLength Code Word Length 18000 int [1, +∞]

RV_Idx Redundancy Version Index 0 int [0, 3]

CBRM Rate Matching Algorithm: CBRM2 enum


Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 DataIn Data In real

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

2 DataOut Data Out real

1. This model is used to implement rate dematch for LTE physical uplink shared

Each firing, ((TransBlockSize + number of padding bits) * 3 + code block
number * 12) Output tokens are generated while Ndata Input tokens
consumed. Ndata is specified by user.
2. This model implement the inverse operation of LTE_UL_RateMatch. For more
information, please refer to manual of LTE_UL_RateMatch.
The rate matching for PUSCH is defined per coded block and consists of
separating and interleaving the three information bit streams, si, p1i, and p2i,
followed by the collection of bits and the generation of a circular buffer as
depicted in Figure 2-5. The output bits are transmitted sequentially from
sequence zi as described in Turbo coder with the starting point defined
according to the redundancy version.

Figure 2-5. Rate Matching for PUSCH

• Bit Separation
The bits input to the rate matching are denoted by c0, c1, c2,…, cE-1, where E
is the number of bits input to the rate matching block. Note that E is a
multiple of 3. The bits after separation are denoted by s0, s1, s2,…, sK’-1; p10,
p11, p12,…, p1K’-1 and p20, p21, p22,…, p2K’-1, where K’ is the number of bits
in each separated bit sequence. The relation between the input sequence and
the output sequences is given below.
sk=ck , k=0,1,2,...,K’-1 K’=E/3
p1k=ck , k=0,1,2,...,K’-1 K’=E/3
p2k=ck , k=0,1,2,...,K’-1 K’=E/3
• Sub-block interleaver

3GPP LTE Channel Coding Components

The sub-block interleaving is a block interleaver and consists of bits input to

a matrix with padding, the inter-column permutation for the matrix and bits
output from the matrix. The bits input to the block interleaver are denoted by
u0, u1, u2,…,uK’-1, where K’ is the number of bits. The output bit sequence
from the block interleaver is derived as follows:
3. Assign C = 32 to be the number of columns of the matrix. The columns of the
matrix are numbered 0, 1, 2, …, C - 1 from left to right.
4. Determine the number of rows of the matrix, R, by finding minimum integer R
such that:

K′ ≤ R × C

The rows of rectangular matrix are numbered 0, 1, 2,…, R - 1 from top to


5. If R × C > K′ , then N D = R × C – K ′ dummy bits are padded such that yk =

<NULL> for k = 0, 1,…,ND - 1. Then, write the input bit sequence, i.e., yND+k
=uk, k = 0, 1,…, K’-1, into the R × C matrix row by row starting with bit y0 in
column 0 of row 0:

For si and p1i:

6. Perform the inter-column permutation for the matrix based on the pattern
〈 P ( j )〉 j ∈ { 0, 1, …, C – 1 that is shown in Tables 2-2, where P(j) is the original column
position of the j-th permuted column. After permutation of the columns, the
inter-colum permuted R × C matrix is equal to

7. The output of the block interleaver is the bit sequence read out column by
column from the inter-column permuted R × C matrix. The bits after sub-block
interleaving are denoted by v0, v1, v2,…, vK’-1, where v0 corresponds to yP(0), v1

to yP(0)+C,… and K’’ = R × C .

For p2i:
8. (6) The output of the sub-block interleaver is denoted by v0, v1, v2,…, vK’’-1,
where vi= yP(i) and where

π ( i ) = mod   P  ---i-  + C × mod ( i, R ) + 1 , K″


The permutation function P is defined in Tables 2-2

Table 2-2. Inter-column permutation pattern for sub-block interleaver

• Bit collection
The circular buffer of length Kz = 3K’’ for the r-th coded block is generated as
zi = s'i for i = 0,…, K’’–1
zK’’+2i = p1'i for i = 0,…, K’’ –1
zK’’+2i+1 = p2'ifor i = 0,…, K’’ –1
Denoting by the rate matching output sequence length for this coded block,
and rvidx the redundancy version number for this transmission, the rate
matching output bit sequence is z’i , i = 0,1,..., Krm-1.

3GPP LTE Channel Coding Components

[1] TR 25.814 “Physical layer aspects for evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(UTRA),”, V7.0.0, June 2006.
[2] 3GPP TS 36.212 v1.2.3, “Multiplexing and Channel Coding”, July 2007

LTE_UL_RateMatch (LTE Uplink Rate Matcher)

Description Uplink PUSCH Rate Matching

Library LTE, Channel Coding
Class SDFLTE_UL_RateMatch

Name Description Default Type Range

TransBlockSize Transport block size 6016 int [1, max

transport block

CRC_Length Number of parity bits: CRC_24 enum

CRC_24, CRC_16

CodewordLength Code Word Length 18000 int [1, +∞]

RV_Idx Redundancy Version Index 0 int [0, 3]

CBRM Rate Matching Algorithm: CBRM2 enum


Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type
1 DataIn Data In int

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

2 DataOut Data Out int

1. This model is used to implement rate match defined in 5.1.4 in [2] for LTE
physical uplink shared channel(PUSCH).

3GPP LTE Channel Coding Components

Each firing, Ndata Output tokens are generated while ((TransBlockSize +

number of padding bits) * 3 + code block number * 12) Input tokens consumed.
Ndata is specified by user.
2. The process of bit separation, sub-block interleaving, circular buffer rate match
with specific RV value and bit collection.
The rate matching for PUSCH is defined per coded block and consists of
separating and interleaving the three information bit streams, si, p1i, and p2i,
followed by the collection of bits and the generation of a circular buffer as
depicted in Figure 2-6. The output bits are transmitted sequentially from
sequence zi as described in Turbo coder with the starting point defined
according to the redundancy version.

Figure 2-6. Rate Matching for PUSCH

• Bit Separation
The bits input to the rate matching are denoted by c0, c1, c2,…, cE-1, where E
is the number of bits input to the rate matching block. Note that E is a
multiple of 3. The bits after separation are denoted by s0, s1, s2,…, sK’-1; p10,
p11, p12,…, p1K’-1 and p20, p21, p22,…, p2K’-1, where K’ is the number of bits
in each separated bit sequence. The relation between the input sequence and
the output sequences is given below.
sk=ck , k=0,1,2,...,K’-1 K’=E/3
p1k=ck , k=0,1,2,...,K’-1 K’=E/3
p2k=ck , k=0,1,2,...,K’-1 K’=E/3
• Sub-block interleaver

The sub-block interleaving is a block interleaver and consists of bits input to
a matrix with padding, the inter-column permutation for the matrix and bits
output from the matrix. The bits input to the block interleaver are denoted by
u0, u1, u2,…,uK’-1, where K’ is the number of bits. The output bit sequence
from the block interleaver is derived as follows:
3. Assign C = 32 to be the number of columns of the matrix. The columns of the
matrix are numbered 0, 1, 2, …, C - 1 from left to right.
4. Determine the number of rows of the matrix, R, by finding minimum integer R
such that:

K′ ≤ R × C

The rows of rectangular matrix are numbered 0, 1, 2,…, R - 1 from top to


5. If R × C > K′ , then N D = R × C – K ′ dummy bits are padded such that yk =

<NULL> for k = 0, 1,…,ND - 1. Then, write the input bit sequence, i.e., yND+k
=uk, k = 0, 1,…, K’-1, into the R × C matrix row by row starting with bit y0 in
column 0 of row 0:

For si and p1i:

6. Perform the inter-column permutation for the matrix based on the pattern
〈 P ( j )〉 j ∈ { 0, 1, …, C – 1 that is shown in Table 2-3, where P(j) is the original column
position of the j-th permuted column. After permutation of the columns, the
inter-colum permuted R × C matrix is equal to

3GPP LTE Channel Coding Components

7. The output of the block interleaver is the bit sequence read out column by
column from the inter-column permuted R × C matrix. The bits after sub-block
interleaving are denoted by v0, v1, v2,…, vK’-1, where v0 corresponds to yP(0), v1

to yP(0)+C,… and K’’ = R × C .

For p2i:
8. The output of the sub-block interleaver is denoted by v0, v1, v2,…, vK’’-1, where
vi= yP(i) and where

π ( i ) = mod   P  ---i-  + C × mod ( i, R ) + 1 , K″


The permutation function P is defined in Tables 2-3

Table 2-3. Inter-column permutation pattern for sub-block interleaver

• Bit collection
The circular buffer of length Kz = 3K’’ for the r-th coded block is generated as follows:
zi = s'i for i = 0,…, K’’–1
zK’’+2i = p1'i for i = 0,…, K’’ –1
zK’’+2i+1 = p2'ifor i = 0,…, K’’ –1
Denoting by the rate matching output sequence length for this coded block,
and rvidx the redundancy version number for this transmission, the rate
matching output bit sequence is z’i , i = 0,1,..., Krm-1.

[1] TR 25.814 “Physical layer aspects for evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(UTRA),”, V7.0.0, June 2006.
[2] 3GPP TS 36.212 v1.2.3, “Multiplexing and Channel Coding”, July 2007

3GPP LTE Channel Coding Components

Chapter 3: 3GPP LTE Channel Model
The 3GPP LTE wireless design library includes one channel model component.
• LTE_Channel_ITU: ITU Downlink EVM Channel Model

3GPP LTE Channel Model Components

LTE_Channel_ITU (ITU Downlink EVM Channel Model)

Description ITU channel model

Library LTE, Channel Model
Class TSDFLTE_Channel_ITU

Name Description Default Unit Type Range

RIn Input resistance 50 Ohm Ohm int (0, ∞)

ROut Output resistance 50 Ohm Ohm int (0, ∞)

ModelType the ITU-R M.1225 Channel Vehicular_A enum

number or User defined
Channel: Pedestrian_A,
Pedestrian_B, Vehicular_A,
Vehicular_B, UserDefined

Delay the delay of each tap in {0.0 , 0.31 , 0.71 , sec real array [0, 1000.0]
usec, effective only when 1.09 , 1.73 , 2.51 }
ModelType is set as

Power the power in each tap in {0.0 dB, -1.0 dB, real array (-∞, 0]
dB, effective only when -9.0 dB, -10.0 dB,
ModelType is set as -15.0 dB, -20.0
UserDefined dB}

Ricean_factor the Ricean K-factor in {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, real array [0.0, 1000.0]
linear scale of each tap, 0.0, 0.0}
effective only when
ModelType is set as

Velocity the velocity of mobile 120 real [0.001, 200]


PathLoss option for inclusion of NO enum

large-scale pathloss: NO,

PropDistance the distance of BS and UE 1000 m real [200, 5000]

in meter, effective only
when PassLoss is set as

PwrNormal option for normalization of NO enum

the output power: NO, YES

PwrMeasPeriod The period of power 1 msec sec real (0, ∞)

measurement in order to
normalize the output power

Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 input channel input signal timed

3GPP LTE Channel Model Components

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

2 output channel output signal timed

1. This model is used to generate channel models for mobile wireless applications.
2. This model is implemented following Rec.ITU-R M.1225.
A set of 4 modified International Telecommunication Union (ITU) channel
models are constructed to simulate the multipath fading of the channel. The
multipath fading is modeled as a tapped-delay line with 6 taps with
non-uniform delays. The gain associated with each tap is characterized by a
distribution (Ricean with a K-factor>0, or Rayleigh with K-factor=0) and the
maximum Doppler frequency. For each tap, the method of filtered noise is used
to generate channel coefficients with the specified distribution and spectral
power density.
The definition of the 4 specific ITU channels is shown in the following tables:

Table 3-1. Outdoor to Indoor and Pedestrian Test Environment Tapped-Delay-Line

Channel A Channel B

Relative Average Relative Average Doppler

Tap Delay (ns) Power (dB) Delay (ns) Power (dB) Spectrum

1 0 0 0 0 Classic

2 110 -9.7 200 -0.9 Classic

3 190 -19.2 800 -4.9 Classic

4 410 -22.8 1200 -8.0 Classic

5 °™°™ °™°™ 2300 -7.8 Classic

6 °™°™ °™°™ 3700 -23.9 Classic

Table 3-2. Vehicular Test Environment Tapped-Delay-Line Parameters
Channel A Channel B

Relative Average Relative Average Doppler

Tap Delay (ns) Power (dB) Delay (ns) Power (dB) Spectrum

1 0 0.0 0 -2.5 Classic

2 310 -1.0 300 0 Classic

3 710 -9.0 8900 -12.8 Classic

4 1090 -10.0 12900 -10.0 Classic

5 1730 -15.0 17100 -25.2 Classic

6 2510 -20.0 20000 -16.0 Classic

The total channel gain is normalized by adding the specified Normalization

Factor to each tap.
The specified Doppler is the maximum Doppler frequency parameter (fm) of the
rounded spectrum which has the power spectral density (PSD) function as

 --------------------
1 -
 f0 ≤ 1
S ( f ) =  π 1 – f 20
 f0 > 1
 0

f- and f = v
where f 0 = ----- --- f , v is the mobile’s velocity relative to base station.
m c

The set of ITU channel models specify statistical parameters of microscopic

effects. To simulate the real channel, these statistics have to be combined with
macroscopic channel effects, i.e. the path loss (including shadowing) which will
be introduced in the later section.
The COST 207 model with a correction term is used to simulate the path loss
for both pedestrian and vehicular environments if the PathLoss is ON and other
parameters are set according to the specific environment.
3. Parameter Details
• ModelType specifies the type of ITU channel.
The relationship of the channel type and the terrain type is shown in the

3GPP LTE Channel Model Components

ModelType A and B are outdoor to indoor and pedestrian environment, while

Type C and D are vehicular environment. Type User-Defined is used to
construct user defined channel model.
• Velocity specifies the mobile’s velocity relative to base station.
• PropDistance specifies the distance between base station and mobile station.
• PathLoss identifies whether the large-scale pathloss is included.
If PathLoss = NO, then the path loss is not included in this model and the
parameters describing the environment are unused.
If PathLoss = YES, then the path loss for both urban and suburban
environments is modeled by the COST 207 model with a correction term.
There are three terms which make up the model:
The Path Loss model for outdoor to indoor and pedestrian test environment
L = 40 log R + 30 log f + 49

where R is the propagation distance and f is the frequency.

The Path Loss model for vehicular test environment is,
L = [ 40 ( 1 – 4 × 10 ∆h b ) ] log R – 18 log ∆h b + 21 log f + 80

where R is the propagation distance and f is the frequency, ∆h b is the height

between base station antenna and mobile.
• Delay, Power and Ricean_factor specify the delay, power and ricean factor for
each path when ModelType selected as UserDefined.
4. Output delay
A delay of 64 tokens is introduced in this model.
[1] Rec.ITU-R M.1225, Guidelines For Evaluation Of Radio Transmission
Technologies For IMT-2000, 1997.

Chapter 4: 3GPP LTE Measurement
The 3GPP LTE measurement models provide basic measurements such as EVM and
• LTE_DL_EVM: Downlink EVM Measurement with RF De-modulator
• LTE_DL_EVM_Sink: Downlink EVM Measurement Sink
• LTE_RF_CCDF: CCDF Measurement
• LTE_RF_CM: Cubic Metric (CM) Measurement
• LTE_UL_EVM: Uplink EVM (RCE) Measurement
• LTE_UL_EVM_Sink: Uplink EVM Measurement Sink

3GPP LTE Measurement Components

LTE_DL_EVM (Downlink EVM Measurement with RF De-modulator)

Description Downlink EVM measurement with RF de-modulator

Library LTE, Measurements

Name Description Default Unit Type Range

RIn source resistance 50 Ohm Ohm int (0, ∞)

RTemp temperature - 273.15 Celsius real [- 273.15, ∞]

RefFreq internal reference 2500 MHz Hz real (0, ∞)


Sensitivity voltage output sensitivity, 1 real (-∞, ∞)


Phase reference phase in degrees 0.0 deg real (-∞, ∞)

GainImbalance gain imbalance in dB Q 0.0 real (-∞, ∞)

channel relative to I

PhaseImbalance phase imbalance in dB Q 0.0 real (-∞, ∞)

channel relative to I

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD enum

Subframe_Bitmap subframe bitmap { 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, int array [0, 1]

1, 0, 1}

GuardPeriod number of guard symbols 0 int [0, 12]

for TDD

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4/1.6 BW 5 MHz enum

MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW
5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW
15 MHz, BW 20 MHz

NumOfRBs number of resource blocks 25 int [6, 110]

OversamplingOption oversampling ratio option: Ratio 2 enum

Ratio 1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4,
Ratio 8

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal enum

Normal, Extended

UE1_PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps for UE 1 { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, int array [0, 1]

1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1}

UE2_PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps for UE 2 { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, int array [0, 1]

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0}

UE3_PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps for UE 3 { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, int array [0, 1]

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0}

3GPP LTE Measurement Components

Name Description Default Unit Type Range

UE4_PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps for UE 4 { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, int array [0, 1]
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0}

UE5_PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps for UE 5 { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, int array [0, 1]

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0}

UE6_PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps for UE 6 { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, int array [0, 1]

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0}

PowerBoosting power boosting of each UE {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, real array [-∞, ∞]
data in dB 0.0, 0.0}

IdleInterval idle interval between two 0.0 sec real [0, 1.0ms]
consecutive radio frames

FramesToAverage number of frames that will 10 int [1, ∞)

be averaged if
AverageType is RMS

MappingType modulation type { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } int array [0, 1]

DisplayOption display option: Percentage, Percentage enum

dB, Percentage_dB

MeasurementOption measurement option: Per_PhysicalCh enum

Per_PhysicalCh, Per_RB,

PreDownsampling pre-downsampling to 1X NO enum

symbol rate ? NO, YES

PilotSeqNum pilot Sequence Number 0 int [0, 2]

RS1_Offset offset subcarriers of the 0 int [0, 5]

first reference symbol

RS2_Enable second reference symbol is YES enum

enable ? NO, YES

RS2_Offset offset subcarriers of the 3 int [0, 5]

second reference symbol

PDCCH_Factor scale factor of PDCCH 1.0 real (0.0, ∞)

PSCH_Factor scale factor of P-SCH 1.0 real (0.0, ∞)

SSCH_Factor scale factor of S-SCH 1.0 real (0.0, ∞)

BCH_Factor scale factor of BCH 1.0 real (0.0, ∞)

RS_Factor scale factor of reference 1.0 real (0.0, ∞)


CellID_Group the index of cell identity 0 int (0, 1, 2)


Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 RF_Signal input of RF signal timed

1. This subnetwork performs an EVM measurement on the LTE downlink signal. If
FrameMode is set to FDD, Subframe_Bitmap and GuardPeriod are useless; otherwise, if
FrameMode is set to TDD, the elements of Subframe_Bitmap is used to indicate the
assignment of each subframe: 1 means the subframe is for downlink, and 0 means the
subframe is for uplink, and GuardPeriod indicate the number of guard symbols preceding
DL to UL switch point.The schematic for this subnetwork is shown in Figure 4-1.

Figure 4-1. LTE_DL_EVM Schematic

2. The models in the upper part of the schematic extract the reference signal from
the input signal. The LTE_DL_TimeFreqSync component performs timing and
frequency synchronization by using a P-SCH time domain signal and outputs
the synchronization index and estimated frequency offset. Both synchronization
index and estimated frequency offset are fed to LTE_DL_DemuxFrame.

3GPP LTE Measurement Components

LTE_DL_DemuxFrame compensates frequency offset by using the estimated

frequency offset. LTE_DL_DemuxFrame then outputs the real radio frame by
using the synchronization index after removing the IdleInterval. This model
causes one frame radio delay.
One radio frame (10ms) includes 20 slots. LTE_DL_DemuxSlot is used to
demultiplex one slot into seven or six OFDM symbols by removing the cyclic
prefix. There are seven OFDM symbols for the Normal Cyclic Prefix and six
OFDM symbols for the Extended Cyclic Prefix.
LTE_OFDM_Demodulator transfers the input time domain signals into a
frequency domain signal using an FFT procedure. The demodulated signals are
then generated by removing NULL subcarriers and exchanging plus frequency
subcarriers and minus frequency subcarriers.
The demodulated signals are input into the LTE_DL_ChEstimator to get the
channel impulse response (CIR) for each active subcarrier.
LTE_DL_ChEstimator works slot by slot. First, LTE_DL_ChEstimator uses the
first reference symbols and the second reference symbols if available to get the
real CIRs for positions of reference symbols. Then, the CIRs of other positions
(except positions of reference symbols) are obtained by interpolating the CIRs of
positions of the reference symbols. After obtaining the CIR of each active
subcarrier in each of the OFDM symbols, the frequency domain equalizer (one
tap) or channel compensator can be used. The demodulated OFDM symbol can
be achieved by using this frequency domain equalizer.
LTE_DL_DemuxOFDMSym demultiplexes the demodulated OFDM symbols (in
one radio frame) into P-SCH, S-SCH, BCH, DPCCH and six UEs mapping
signals, and then outputs all of these signals as reference symbols.
The six LTE_DL_EVM_Sinks in the lower part of the schematic performs an
EVM calculation using the reference symbols and input symbols.
3. The EVM is defined as the RMS value of the error vector difference between the
ideal reference signal and the measured signal. Its generic form can be written
as follows:
 Ave ( s i – r i 2 )

=  ------------------------------------------

 Ave ( ∑ r i ) 

si is the measured signal

ri is the ideal reference signal
4. The available results from this measurement are dependent on the two
parameters, DisplayOption and MeasurementOption.
• When DisplayOption = Percentage, the EVM measurement results are
provided in percentage.
• When DisplayOption = dB, the EVM measurement results are provided in
• When DisplayOption = Percentage_dB, the EVM measurement results in
percentage and dB are both provided.
• When MeasurementOption = Per_PhysicalCh, the EVM measurements for
different physical channels, such as P-SCH, S-SCH, BCH, DPCCH and UEs
are performed frame by frame, and the averaged EVM measurement results
over FramesToAverage frames for these physical channels is also provided.
• When MeasurementOption = Per_RB, the EVM measurements for different
resource blocks which are occupied by UEs are performed frame by frame,
and the averaged EVM measurement results over FramesToAverage frames
for these resource blocks is also provided.
• When MeasurementOption = Per_PhysicalCh_RB, both EVM measurements
for different physical channels and for different resource blocks are
performed frame by frame, and the averaged EVM measurement results over
FramesToAverage frames for these physical channels and resource blocks are
both provided.
The available measurement results in the data set are as follows:
Only available when DisplayOption = Percentage or Percentage_dB and when
MeasurementOption = Per_PhysicalCh or Per_PhysicalCh_RB:
• PSCH_EVM_Percent: EVM measurement result for P-SCH of each frame in
percentage, from 0 to FramesToAverage-1.
• PSCH_Avg_EVM_Percent: Averaged EVM measurement result over
FramesToAverage frames for P-SCH in percentage.
• SSCH_EVM_Percent: EVM measurement result for S-SCH of each frame in
percentage, from 0 to FramesToAverage-1.
• SSCH_Avg_EVM_Percent: Averaged EVM measurement result over
FramesToAverage frames for S-SCH in percentage.

3GPP LTE Measurement Components

• BCH_EVM_Percent: EVM measurement result for BCH of each frame in

percentage, from 0 to FramesToAverage-1.
• BCH_Avg_EVM_Percent: Averaged EVM measurement result over
FramesToAverage frames for BCH in percentage.
• DPCCH_EVM_Percent: EVM measurement result for DPCCH of each frame
in percentage, from 0 to FramesToAverage-1.
• DPCCH_Avg_EVM_Percent: Averaged EVM measurement result over
FramesToAverage frames for DPCCH in percentage.
• UEi.Data_EVM_Percent: EVM measurement result for UEi (i = 1,...,6 if the
elements of UEi_PRB_Bitmap are not all zeros) of each frame in percentage,
from 0 to FramesToAverage-1.
• UEi.Data_Avg_EVM_Percent: Averaged EVM measurement result over
FramesToAverage frames for UEi (i = 1,...,6 if the elements of
UEi_PRB_Bitmap are not all zeros) in percentage.
Only available when DisplayOption = dB or Percentage_dB and when
MeasurementOption = Per_PhysicalCh or Per_PhysicalCh_RB:
• PSCH_EVM_dB: EVM measurement result for P-SCH of each frame in dB,
from 0 to FramesToAverage-1.
• PSCH_Avg_EVM_dB: Averaged EVM measurement result over
FramesToAverage frames for P-SCH in dB.
• SSCH_EVM_dB: EVM measurement result for S-SCH of each frame in dB,
from 0 to FramesToAverage-1.
• SSCH_Avg_EVM_dB: Averaged EVM measurement result over
FramesToAverage frames for S-SCH in dB.
• BCH_EVM_dB: EVM measurement result for BCH of each frame in dB, from
0 to FramesToAverage-1.
• BCH_Avg_EVM_dB: Averaged EVM measurement result over
FramesToAverage frames for BCH in dB.
• DPCCH_EVM_dB: EVM measurement result for DPCCH of each frame in
dB, from 0 to FramesToAverage-1.
• DPCCH_Avg_EVM_dB: Averaged EVM measurement result over
FramesToAverage frames for DPCCH in dB.

• UEi.Data_EVM_dB: EVM measurement result for UEi (i = 1,...,6 if the
elements of UEi_PRB_Bitmap are not all zeros) of each frame in dB, from 0
to FramesToAverage-1.
• UEi.Data_Avg_EVM_dB: Averaged EVM measurement result over
FramesToAverage frames for UEi (i = 1,...,6 if the elements of
UEi_PRB_Bitmap are not all zeros) in dB.
Only available when DisplayOption = Percentage or Percentage_dB and when
MeasurementOption = Per_RB or Per_PhysicalCh_RB:
• UEi.EVM_RB_Percent: EVM measurement result for UEi (i = 1,...,6 if the
elements of UEi_PRB_Bitmap are not all zeros) of each resource block
occupied by UEi in percentage.
• UEi.EVM_RB_Percent[j]: Averaged EVM measurement result over
FramesToAverage frames for UEi (i = 1,...,6 if the elements of
UEi_PRB_Bitmap are not all zeros) in percentage.
Only available when DisplayOption = dB or Percentage_dB and when
MeasurementOption = Per_RB or Per_PhysicalCh_RB:
• UEi.Data_EVM_dB: EVM measurement result for UEi (i = 1,...,6 if the
elements of UEi_PRB_Bitmap are not all zeros) of each frame in dB, from 0
to FramesToAverage-1.
• UEi.Data_Avg_EVM_dB: Averaged EVM measurement result over
FramesToAverage frames for UEi (i = 1,...,6 if the elements of
UEi_PRB_Bitmap are not all zeros) in dB.
5. The six LTE_DL_EVM_Sinks also provide the constellations of input symbols
for UEi (i = 1,...,6 if the elements of UEi_PRB_Bitmap are not all zeros).
[1] TR 25.814 “Physical layer aspects for evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(UTRA),”, V7.0.0, June 2006.
[2] 3GPP TS 36.211 v1.2.1, “Physical Channels and Modulation”, July 2007.
[3] 3GPP TR36.804 v0.5.0 (2007-05), “Base Station (BS) radio transmission and
reception”, May 2007.
[4] R1-072860, LGE, “P-SCH design”, June 2007.
[5] R1-072727, QUALCOMM, “Detail on SSC sequence design”, June 2007.

3GPP LTE Measurement Components

LTE_DL_EVM_Sink (Downlink EVM Measurement Sink)

Description Downlink EVM measurement sink

Library LTE, Measurements

Name Description Default Type Range

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD enum

Subframe_Bitmap subframe bitmap { 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, int array [0, 1]

0, 0, 0}

GuardPeriod number of guard symbols 0 int [0, 12]

for TDD

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.25 MHz, BW 5 MHz enum

BW 2.5 MHz, BW 5 MHz,
BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz,
BW 20 MHz

NumOfRBs number of resource blocks 25 int [6, 110]

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal enum

Normal, Extended

PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps for one UE in { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, int array [0, 1]

downlink 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }

RS2_Enable second reference symbol is YES enum

enable ? NO, YES
FramesToAverage number of frames that will 10 int [1, ∞)
be averaged if
AverageType is RMS

MappingType modulation type: QPSK, QPSK enum

QAM16, QAM64

DisplayOption display option: Percentage, Percentage enum

dB, Percentage_dB

MeasurementOption measurement option: Per_PhysicalCh enum

Per_PhysicalCh, Per_RB,

CellID_Group the index of cell identity 0 int (0, 1, 2)


Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type
1 Data input data signal from UE complex

2 PSCH input P-SCH mapping signal complex

3 SSCH input S-SCH mapping signal complex

4 BCH input BCH mapping signal complex

5 PDCCH input PDCCH mapping signal complex

3GPP LTE Measurement Components

1. This model performs EVM measurement on LTE downlink signal. If FrameMode is set to
FDD, Subframe_Bitmap and GuardPeriod are useless; otherwise, if FrameMode is set to
TDD, the elements of Subframe_Bitmap is used to indicate the assignment of each
subframe: 1 means the subframe is for downlink, and 0 means the subframe is for uplink,
and GuardPeriod indicate the number of guard symbols preceding DL to UL switch point.
2. The EVM is defined as the RMS value of the error vector difference between the
ideal reference signal and the measured signal. Its generic form can be written
as follow:
 Ave ( s i – r i 2 )

=  ------------------------------------------
 
 Ave ( ∑ r i ) 

si: measured signal

ri: ideal reference signal
3. The available results from this measurement are dependent on the two
parameters: DisplayOption and MeasurementOption.
When DisplayOption = Percentage, the EVM measurement results are provided
in percentage.
When DisplayOption = dB, the EVM measurement results are provided in dB.
When DisplayOption = Percentage_dB, the EVM measurement results in
percentage and dB are both provided.
When MeasurementOption = Per_PhysicalCh, the EVM measurements for
different physical channels, such as P-SCH, S-SCH, BCH, DPCCH and UE
Data are performed frame by frame, and the averaged EVM measurement
results over FramesToAverage frames for these physical channels also provided.
When MeasurementOption = Per_RB, the EVM measurements for different
resource blocks which are occupied by UE Data are performed frame by frame,
and the averaged EVM measurement results over FramesToAverage frames for
these resource blocks also provided.
When MeasurementOption = Per_PhysicalCh_RB, both EVM measurements for
different physical channels and for different resource blocks are performed
frame by frame, and the averaged EVM measurement results over

FramesToAverage frames for these physical channels and resource blocks both
The available measurement results in the data set are as follows:
Only available when DisplayOption = Percentage or Percentage_dB and when
MeasurementOption = Per_PhysicalCh or Per_PhysicalCh_RB:
• PSCH_EVM_Percent: EVM measurement result for P-SCH of each frame in
percentage, from 0 to FramesToAverage-1.
• PSCH_Avg_EVM_Percent: averaged EVM measurement result over
FramesToAverage frames for P-SCH in percentage.
• SSCH_EVM_Percent: EVM measurement result for S-SCH of each frame in
percentage, from 0 to FramesToAverage-1.
• SSCH_Avg_EVM_Percent: averaged EVM measurement result over
FramesToAverage frames for S-SCH in percentage.
• BCH_EVM_Percent: EVM measurement result for BCH of each frame in
percentage, from 0 to FramesToAverage-1.
• BCH_Avg_EVM_Percent: averaged EVM measurement result over
FramesToAverage frames for BCH in percentage.
• DPCCH_EVM_Percent: EVM measurement result for DPCCH of each frame
in percentage, from 0 to FramesToAverage-1.
• DPCCH_Avg_EVM_Percent: averaged EVM measurement result over
FramesToAverage frames for DPCCH in percentage.
• Data_EVM_Percent: EVM measurement result for UE Data (if the elements
of PRB_Bitmap are not all 0s) of each frame in percentage, from 0 to
• Data_Avg_EVM_Percent: averaged EVM measurement result over
FramesToAverage frames for UE Data (if the elements of PRB_Bitmap are
not all 0s) in percentage.
Only available when DisplayOption = dB or Percentage_dB and when
MeasurementOption = Per_PhysicalCh or Per_PhysicalCh_RB:
• PSCH_EVM_dB EVM measurement result for P-SCH of each frame in dB,
from 0 to FramesToAverage-1.

3GPP LTE Measurement Components

• PSCH_Avg_EVM_dB: averaged EVM measurement result over

FramesToAverage frames for P-SCH in dB.
• SSCH_EVM_dB: EVM measurement result for S-SCH of each frame in dB,
from 0 to FramesToAverage-1.
• SSCH_Avg_EVM_dB: averaged EVM measurement result over
FramesToAverage frames for S-SCH in dB.
• BCH_EVM_dB: EVM measurement result for BCH of each frame in dB, from
0 to FramesToAverage-1.
• BCH_Avg_EVM_dB: averaged EVM measurement result over
FramesToAverage frames for BCH in dB.
• DPCCH_EVM_dB: EVM measurement result for DPCCH of each frame in
dB, from 0 to FramesToAverage-1.
• DPCCH_Avg_EVM_dB: averaged EVM measurement result over
FramesToAverage frames for DPCCH in dB.
• Data_EVM_dB: EVM measurement result for UE Data (if the elements of
PRB_Bitmap are not all 0s) of each frame in dB, from 0 to
• Data_Avg_EVM_dB: averaged EVM measurement result over
FramesToAverage frames for UE Data (if the elements of PRB_Bitmap are
not all 0s) in dB.
Only available when DisplayOption = Percentage or Percentage_dB and when
MeasurementOption = Per_RB or Per_PhysicalCh_RB:
• EVM_RB_Percent: EVM measurement result for UE Data (if the elements of
PRB_Bitmap are not all 0s) of each resource block occupied by UE Data in
• Avg_EVM_RB_Percent: averaged EVM measurement result over
FramesToAverage frames for UE Data (if the elements of PRB_Bitmap are
not all 0s) in percentage.
Only available when DisplayOption = dB or Percentage_dB and when
MeasurementOption = Per_RB or Per_PhysicalCh_RB:
• EVM_RB_dB: EVM measurement result for UE Data (if the elements of
PRB_Bitmap are not all 0s) of each frame in dB, from 0 to

• Avg_EVM_RB_dB: averaged EVM measurement result over
FramesToAverage frames for UE Data (if the elements of PRB_Bitmap are
not all 0s) in dB.
The constellations of input symbols for UE Data (if the elements of PRB_Bitmap are
not all 0s) are provided.
[1] TR 25.814 “Physical layer aspects for evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(UTRA),”, V7.0.0, June 2006.
[2] 3GPP TS 36.211 v1.2.1, “Physical Channels and Modulation”, July 2007.
[3] 3GPP TR36.804 v0.5.0 (2007-05), “Base Station (BS) radio transmission and
reception”, May 2007.
[4] R1-072860, LGE, “P-SCH design”, June 2007.
[5] R1-072727, QUALCOMM, “Detail on SSC sequence design”, June 2007.

3GPP LTE Measurement Components

LTE_RF_CCDF (CCDF Measurement)

Description CCDF measurement

Library LTE, Measurements
Derived From baseAnalysis

Name Description Default Unit Type Range

Plot If simulation is setup to None enum

open data display after
simulation and if Plot is not
set to ’None’, then plot the
data for this sink: None,

RLoad Load resistance. DefaultRLoad Ohm real (0, ∞)

DefaultRLoad will inherit
from the DF controller.

RTemp Resistor physical DefaultRTemp Celsius real [-273.15, ∞)

temperature, in degrees C.
DefaultRTemp will inherit
from the DF controller.

Start Start time for data DefaultTimeStart sec real [0, ∞)

DefaultTimeStart will
inherit from the DF

Stop Stop time for data DefaultTimeStop sec real [Start, ∞)

DefaultTimeStop will inherit
from the DF Controller.

NumBins Number of points in the 100 int

CCDF curve

OutputPeakMean Output signal peak and NO enum

mean values: NO, YES

Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 input timed sink input signal timed

1. This subnetwork measures the complementary cumulative distribution
function (CCDF) of the RF signal, PeakPower and AvgPower.
2. SamplesFrame (explained in item 4 below) tokens are consumed at pin input and
SymLen x SymNum tokens are used for measurement. The distribution range is
divided into segments and the corresponding distribution probability is
calculated based on these segments. Peak power of 99.9% probability and

3GPP LTE Measurement Components

average power of input signals are calculated. These results are collected by the
PeakPower and AvgPower NumericSinks.
3. Note that the units of PeakPower and AvgPower are dBm; SignalRange is the
transient absolute signal power minus AvgPower, so the unit of SignalRange is
4. SamplesFrame is the total sample of one downlink frame including zero padding
and calculated as follows:
SamplesFrame = Samples idle + FrameDuration × F s × 2

where Samplesidle is the samples of IdleInterval and calculated as follows:

Samplesidle = IdleInterval × 2 × Fs

Fs is the sampling frequency decided by Bandwidth; these are listed in

Table 4-1.

Table 4-1. Sampling Factor Requirement

Bandwidth BW Sampling Frequency Fs

1.25MHz 1.92MHz

2.5MHz 3.84MHz

5MHz 7.68MHz

10MHz 15.36MHz

15MHz 23.04MHz

20MHz 30.72MHz

[1] TR 25.814 “Physical layer aspects for evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(UTRA),”, V7.0.0, June 2006.
[2] 3GPP TS 36.211 v1.2.1, “Physical Channels and Modulation”, July 2007.
[3] 3GPP TR36.804 v0.5.0 (2007-05), “Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception”,
May 2007.
[4] R1-072860, LGE, “P-SCH design”, June 2007.
[5] R1-072727, QUALCOMM, “Detail on SSC sequence design”, June 2007.

LTE_RF_CM (Cubic Metric (CM) Measurement)

Description Cubic Metric (CM) measurement

Library LTE, Measurements
Derived From baseAnalysis

3GPP LTE Measurement Components

Name Description Default Unit Type Range

Plot If simulation is setup to None enum

open data display after
simulation and if Plot is not
set to ’None’, then plot the
data for this sink: None,

RLoad Load resistance. DefaultRLoad Ohm real (0, ∞)

DefaultRLoad will inherit
from the DF controller.

RTemp Resistor physical DefaultRTemp Celsius real [-273.15, ∞)

temperature, in degrees C.
DefaultRTemp will inherit
from the DF controller.

Start Start time for data DefaultTimeStart sec real [0, ∞)

DefaultTimeStart will
inherit from the DF

Stop Stop time for data DefaultTimeStop sec real [Start, ∞)

DefaultTimeStop will inherit
from the DF Controller.

Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 input timed sink input signal timed

1. This subnetwork measures the cubic metric (CM) of the RF signal.
2. SamplesFrame (explained in item 5 below) tokens are consumed at pin input and
SymLen x SymNum tokens are used for measurement.
3. Note that the units of CM is dB.
4. Data has been collected on several devices for a variety of signals that will show
how well the de-rating of LTE signals is predicted by CM. The CM can be
computed as,

3 3
20 log { rms [ v norm ( t ) ] } – 20 log { rms [ vre norm ( t ) ] }
M = ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Where 20 log { rms [ v norm3 ( t ) ] } is the called raw cubic metric (in dB) of a signal
20 log { rms [ vre norm ( t ) ] } = 1.52dB is the raw cubic metric of the W-CDMA voice
reference signal
to clarify rms ( x ) = x---------x- , and v v(t)
norm ( t ) = ---------------------------
N rms [ v ( t ) ]

And K is empirically determined to be 1.85.

5. SamplesFrame is the total sample of one downlink frame including zero padding
and calculated as follows:
SamplesFrame = Samples idle + FrameDuration × F s × 2

where Samplesidle is the samples of IdleInterval and calculated as follows:

Samplesidle = IdleInterval × 2 × Fs

Fs is the sampling frequency decided by Bandwidth; these are listed in

Table 4-2.

Table 4-2. Sampling Factor Requirement

Bandwidth BW Sampling Frequency Fs

1.25MHz 1.92MHz

2.5MHz 3.84MHz

5MHz 7.68MHz

10MHz 15.36MHz

15MHz 23.04MHz

20MHz 30.72MHz

[1] TR 25.814 “Physical layer aspects for evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(UTRA),”, V7.0.0, June 2006.
[2] 3GPP TS 36.211 v1.2.1, “Physical Channels and Modulation”, July 2007.

3GPP LTE Measurement Components

[3] 3GPP TR36.804 v0.5.0 (2007-05), “Base Station (BS) radio transmission and
reception”, May 2007.
[4] R1-072860, LGE, “P-SCH design”, June 2007.
[5] R1-072727, QUALCOMM, “Detail on SSC sequence design”, June 2007.

LTE_UL_EVM (Uplink EVM (RCE) Measurement)

Description Uplink EVM measurement with RF de-modulator

Library LTE, Measurements

3GPP LTE Measurement Components

Name Description Default Unit Type Range

RIn source resistance 50 Ohm Ohm int (0, ∞)

RTemp temperature - 273.15 Celsius real [- 273.15, ∞]

RefFreq internal reference 2500 MHz Hz real (0, ∞)


Sensitivity voltage output sensitivity, 1 real (-∞, ∞)


Phase Reference phase in 0.0 deg real (-∞, ∞)


GainImbalance gain imbalance in dB Q 0.0 real (-∞, ∞)

channel relative to I

PhaseImbalance phase imbalance in dB Q 0.0 real (-∞, ∞)

channel relative to I

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4/1.6 BW 5 MHz enum

MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW
5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW
15 MHz, BW 20 MHz

OversamplingOption oversampling ratio option: Ratio 2 enum

Ratio 1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4,
Ratio 8

NumOfRBs number of resource blocks 25 int [6, 110]

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal enum

Normal, Extended

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD enum

Subframe_Bitmap subframe bitmaps for DL { 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, int array [0, 1]

and UL 1, 1, 1}

PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps for UE { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, int array [0, 1]

1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1}

HalfCarrierShift_Enable whether or not to enable YES enum

1/2 subcarrier shifting: NO,

RACH_Enable whether or not to enable NO enum


IdleInterval idle interval between two 0.0 sec real [0, 1.0ms]
consecutive radio frames

PreDownsampling pre-downsampling to 1X NO enum

symbol rate ? NO, YES

ZCSequence ZC signatures index 1 int [1, ∞]

Name Description Default Unit Type Range
EstMethod type of Channel Estimation PerSlot enum
Method: PerSlot,

IQ_Offset_Correct whether or not to correct IQ NO enum

offset: NO, YES

RS_Factor scale factor of reference 1.0 real (0.0, ∞)


MappingType Modulation type: QPSK, QPSK enum

QAM16, QAM64

FramesToAverage number of frames that will 10 int [1, ∞)

be averaged if
AverageType is RMS

DisplayOption Display option: Percentage enum

Percentage, dB,

Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 RF_Signal input of RF signal timed

1. TThis subnetwork performs EVM measurement on LTE uplink signal for both FDD and
TDD modes. The schematic of this subnetwork is shown in Figure 4-2.

Figure 4-2. Schematic of LTE_UL_EVM

2. The QAM_Demod, TimedIQToCx, and LTE_UL_Receiver function as the LTE
downlink RF receiver, and LTE_UL_EVM_Sink performs the EVM
measurement on the output signal from the LTE_UL_Receiver, which is the
LTE downlink baseband receiver.

3GPP LTE Measurement Components

3. The EVM is defined as the RMS value of the error vector difference between the
ideal reference signal and the measured signal. Its generic form can be written
as follow:
 Ave ( s i – r i 2 )

=  ------------------------------------------

 Ave ( ∑ r i ) 

si: measured signal

ri: ideal reference signal
4. This subnetwork performs EVM measurement on the basis of subframe; that is,
EVMRMS is output subframe by subframe except the subframe occupied by
RACH if RACH_Enable = YES. The formula described above is converted to
N 0.5
 
 ∑ s i – r i 2
 
EVM RMS =  -----------------------------
i=1 -
N 
 2 
 ∑ ri 
 i=1 

where N is the number of data symbols within one subframe.

5. The accumulated average EVM is also provided, which is defined as follows:
M 0.5
 
 ∑ EVM RMS 2
 
EVM AVE =  i-------------------------------------
=1 -
M 
 
 
 

where M is the number of frames over which the average is performed; that is,
6. If DisplayOption = Percentage, the EVM measurement results will be provided
in percentage; if DisplayOption = dB, the EVM measurement results will be
provided in dB; and if DisplayOption = Percentage_dB, the EVM measurement
results in percentage and dB are both provided.
7. The constellation of the data symbols of the first frame is provided.

[1] TR 25.814 “Physical layer aspects for evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(UTRA),”, V7.0.0, June 2006.
[2] 3GPP TS 36.211 v1.2.1, “Physical Channels and Modulation”, July 2007.
[3] 3GPP TR36.804 v0.5.0 (2007-05), “Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception”,
May 2007.
[4] R1-072860, LGE, “P-SCH design”, June 2007.
[5] R1-072727, QUALCOMM, “Detail on SSC sequence design”, June 2007.

3GPP LTE Measurement Components

LTE_UL_EVM_Sink (Uplink EVM Measurement Sink)

Description Uplink EVM measurement sink

Library LTE, Measurements

Name Description Default Type Range

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.25 MHz, BW 5 MHz enum

BW 2.5 MHz, BW 5 MHz,
BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz,
BW 20 MHz

NumOfRBs number of resource blocks 25 int [6, 110]

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal enum

Normal, Extended

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD enum

Subframe_Bitmap subframe bitmaps for DL { 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, int array [0, 1]

and UL 1, 1, 1}

PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps for one UE in { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, int array [0, 1]

downlink 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }

RACH_Enable whether or not to enable NO enum


MappingType modulation type: QPSK, QPSK enum

QAM16, QAM64

FramesToAverage number of frames that will 10 int [1, ∞)

be averaged if
AverageType is RMS

DisplayOption display option: Percentage, Percentage enum

dB, Percentage_dB

Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 Data input PUSCH signal from UE complex

1. This model performs an EVM measurement on the LTE uplink signal for both FDD and
TDD modes. Each firing, m_DataSCPerF tokens are consumed, where m_DataSCPerF is
the number of data symbols contained within one frame, and
• m_DataSCPerF = 2 * m_SymPerSlot * m_OccupiedRB * 12 * m_DataSFPerF.

3GPP LTE Measurement Components

• m_SymPerSlot is the number of SC-FDMA symbols except the reference

symbol within one slot, and if CyclicPrefix = Normal, m_SymPerSlot = 6;
otherwise if CyclicPrefix = Extended, m_SymPerSlot = 5.
• m_OccupiedRB is the number of occupied resource blocks, which is the
number of 1s within PRB_Bitmap.
• m_DataSFPerF is the number of subframes within one frame, and if
RACH_Enable = YES, m_DataSFPerF = 9; otherwise if RACH_Enable = NO,
m_DataSFPerF = 10.
2. The EVM is defined as the RMS value of the error vector difference between the
ideal reference signal and the measured signal. Its generic form can be written
as follows:
 Ave ( s i – r i 2 )

=  ------------------------------------------

 Ave ( ∑ r i ) 

si: measured signal

ri: ideal reference signal
3. This model performs EVM measurement on the basis of subframe; that is,
EVMRMS is output subframe by subframe except the subframe occupied by
RACH if RACH_Enable = YES. The formula described above is converted to,
N 0.5
 
 ∑ s i – r i 2
 
EVM RMS =  -----------------------------

 2 
 ∑ ri 
 i=1 

where N is the number of data symbols within one subframe.

4. The accumulated average EVM is also provided, which is defined as follows:
M 0.5
 
 ∑ EVMRMS 2
 
EVMAVE =  i-------------------------------------
=1 -
 M 
 
 
 

where M is the number of frames over which the average is performed; that is,
5. If DisplayOption = Percentage, the EVM measurement results will be provided
in percentage; if DisplayOption = dB, the EVM measurement results will be
provided in dB; and if DisplayOption = Percentage_dB, the EVM measurement
results in percentage and dB are both provided.
6. The constellation of the data symbols of the first frame is provided.
[1] TR 25.814 “Physical layer aspects for evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(UTRA),”, V7.0.0, June 2006.
[2] 3GPP TS 36.211 v1.2.0, “Physical Channels and Modulation”, June 2007.
[3] 3GPP TR36.804 v0.5.0 (2007-05), “Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception”,
May 2007.
[4] R1-072265, Nokia Siemens Networks, Nokia, “On the structure of the primary broadcast
channel”, May 2007.
[5] R1-072860, LGE, “P-SCH design”, June 2007.
[6] R1-072727, QUALCOMM, “Detail on SSC sequence design”, June 2007.

3GPP LTE Measurement Components

Chapter 5: 3GPP LTE Receiver Components
There are several models available for the LTE downlink receiver:
• LTE_DL_ChEstimator: Downlink Channel Estimator and Interpolator
• LTE_DL_DemuxFrame: Downlink Radio Frame De-multiplexer with
Frequency Offset Compensator
• LTE_DL_DemuxOFDMSym: Downlink OFDM Symbol De-multiplexer in one
Radio Frame
• LTE_DL_DemuxSlot: Downlink Slot De-multiplexer
• LTE_DL_OFDM_Demodulator: Downlink OFDM De-modulator
• LTE_DL_Receiver: Downlink Baseband Receiver
• LTE_DL_Receiver_RF: Downlink Receiver with RF De-modulator
• LTE_DL_TimeFreqSync: Downlink Time and Frequency Synchronizer
• LTE_Demapper: De-mapper
• LTE_SCFDMA_Demapper: Uplink Subcarrier De-mapper for SC-FDMA
• LTE_SCFDMA_Demodulator: Uplink SC-FDMA De-modulator
• LTE_UL_ChEstimator: Uplink Channel Estimator and Interpolator
• LTE_UL_DemuxFrame: Uplink Radio Frame De-multiplexer with Frequency
Offset Compensator
• LTE_UL_DemuxSCFDMASym: Uplink SC-FDMA Symbol De-multiplexer in
one Radio Frame
• LTE_UL_DemuxSlot: Uplink Slot De-multiplexer
• LTE_UL_Receiver: Uplink Baseband Receiver
• LTE_UL_Receiver_RF: Uplink Receiver with RF De-modulator
• LTE_UL_TimeFreqSync: Uplink Time and Frequency Synchronizer

3GPP LTE Receiver Components

LTE_DL_ChEstimator (Downlink Channel Estimator and Interpolator)

Description Downlink channel estimator and interpolator

Library LTE, Receivers
Class SDFLTE_DL_ChEstimator

Name Description Default Type Range

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4/1.6 BW 5 MHz enum

MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW
5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW
15 MHz, BW 20 MHz

NumOfRBs number of resource blocks 25 int [6, 110]

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal enum

Normal, Extended

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD enum

Subframe_Bitmap subframe bitmaps for DL { 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, int array [0, 1]

and UL 0, 0, 0}

GuardPeriod number of guard symbols 0 int [0, 12]

for TDD

RS1_Offset offset subcarriers of the 0 int [0, 5]

first reference symbol

RS2_Enable second reference symbol is YES enum

enable ? NO, YES

RS2_Offset offset subcarriers of the 3 int [0, 5]

second reference symbol

Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 input output signals from FFT complex

2 Pilots reference signals complex

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

3 Coef channel coefficient in active subcarriers complex

1. This model is used to estimate 3GPP LTE downlink channel response (CR) with
the pilot symbols assisted fot both FDD and TDD schemes. The downlink reference
signals (pilots) are based on [2]. The positions of reference symbols are in
Figure 5-1.

3GPP LTE Receiver Components

Frequency domain

D R1 D D D D D R1 D D D D D R1 D D D D D
0.5 ms
D D D D R2 D D D D D R2 D D D D D R2 D D

R1 : First reference symbol R2 : Second reference symbol D : Data

Figure 5-1. Basic Downlink Reference-signal Structure

In EEsof LTE implementation, the RS offset is not fixed as Figures 5-1.
Parameters RS1_Offset and RS2_Offset are for the start position of First
reference symbol and Second reference symbol, respectively.
2. The least-squares CR estimate at a pilot location (i) can be obtained as:
H i = ------i

where Yi is the received Pilot symbol and Xi is the transmitted Pilot symbol on
the ith subcarrier. After getting the CRs at pilot locations, an interpolation algorithm is
used to obtain all CR estimations. The interpolation algorithms designed in this model is
linear interpolation in frequency and symbol domain.
[1] TR 25.814 “Physical layer aspects for evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(UTRA),”, V7.1.0, September 2006.
[2] 3GPP TS 36.211 v1.2.1, “Physical Channels and Modulation”, July 2007.
[3] 3GPP TR36.804 v0.5.0 (2007-05), “Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception”,
May 2007.

LTE_DL_DemuxFrame (Downlink Radio Frame De-multiplexer with
Frequency Offset Compensator)

Description Downlink radio frame de-multiplexer with frequency offset

Library LTE, Receivers
Class SDFLTE_DL_DemuxFrame

3GPP LTE Receiver Components

Name Description Default Type Range

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4/1.6 BW 5 MHz enum

MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW
5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW
15 MHz, BW 20 MHz

OversamplingOption oversampling ratio option: Ratio 1 enum

Ratio 1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4,
Ratio 8

IdleInterval idle interval between two 0.0 real [0, 1.0ms]

consecutive frames

PreDownsampling pre-downsampling to 1X NO enum

symbol rate ? NO, YES

Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 DataIn data in complex

2 index propagation delay in samples int

3 DeltaF frequency offset real

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

4 DataOut data out complex

1. This model is used to demultiplex LTE downlink frame, which includes
removing idle interval, pre-downsampling, and compensating time and carrier
frequency offsets. Each firing, 1 token is consumed at index and DeltaF
respectively, and SamplingFreq * 2OversamplingOption * (0.01 + IdleInterval)
tokens are consumed at DataIn, which is the number of samples 20 slots and
idle interval contain. 0.01 is the time duration of the 20 time slots which
constitute one radio frame, and IdleInterval is the time duration of the idle
interval. SamplingFreq is sampling frequency, which is denoted as Fs and
determined by Bandwidth as follows:

 1.92 MHz BW = 1.4 or 1.6 MHz
 3.84 MHz BW = 3.0 or 3.2 MHz

 7.68 MHz BW = 5 MHz
Fs = 
 15.36 MHz BW = 10 MHz
 23.04 MHz BW = 15 MHz

 30.72 MHz BW = 20 MHz
And each firing, SamplingFreq * 0.01 tokens are exported if PreDownsampling
is set to YES, otherwise SamplingFreq * 2OversamplingOption * 0.01 tokens are
exported if PreDownsampling is set to NO.
2. Because of the transmission delay, a detected frame usually falls into 2
consecutive received blocks, so the buffer length for DataIn is
SamplingFreq * 2OversamplingOption * (0.01 + IdleInterval) * 2. The start
point of the detected frame is determined by the token consumed at index. Only
after receiving the second input block, this model can output one actual frame.
So this model causes one frame delay.
3. The DeltaF inputs the estimated frequency offset ( ∆f i ) of each received frame.
The i-th estimated frequency offset ( ∆f i ) compensates for the phase in the
current frame only. Assume x 0, x 1, …, x N sequences are the input signals from
DataIn, y 0, y 1, …, y N are the sequences, whose phase caused by frequency offset
are removed, where N is the number of samples within one radio frame.Then:
– j2π∆f i kT Step
yk = x k × e

where ∆f i is frequency offset of the i-th received frame which is the input at
1 - is the sample time interval in the system.
T Step = --------------------------------------------------------------
Fs × 2

[1] TR 25.814 “Physical layer aspects for evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(UTRA),”, V7.1.0, September 2006.
[2] 3GPP TS 36.211 v1.2.1, “Physical Channels and Modulation”, July 2007.
[3] 3GPP TR36.804 v0.5.0 (2007-05), “Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception”,
May 2007.

3GPP LTE Receiver Components

LTE_DL_DemuxOFDMSym (Downlink OFDM Symbol De-multiplexer in

One Radio Frame)

Description Downlink OFDM symbol demultiplexer in one radio frame

Library LTE, Signal Sources

Name Description Default Type Range

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD enum

Subframe_Bitmap subframe bitmap { 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, int array [0, 1]

0, 0, 0 }

GuardPeriod number of guard symbols 0 int [0, 12]

for TDD

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.25 MHz, BW 5 MHz enum

BW 2.5 MHz, BW 5 MHz,
BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz,
BW 20 MHz

NumOfRBs number of resource blocks 25 int [6, 110]

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal enum

Normal, Extended

UE1_PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps for UE 1 { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, int array [0, 1]

1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0 }

UE2_PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps for UE 2 { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, int array [0, 1]

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,
0, 0, 0, 0}

UE3_PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps for UE 3 { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, int array [0, 1]

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1, 0, 0, 0}

UE4_PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps for UE 4 { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, int array [0, 1]

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0}

UE5_PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps for UE 5 { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, int array [0, 1]

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0}

UE6_PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps for UE 6 { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, int array [0, 1]

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1}

RS1_Offset offset subcarriers of the 0 int [0, 5]

first reference symbol

RS2_Enable second reference symbol is YES enum

enable ? NO, YES

RS2_Offset offset subcarriers of the 3 int [0, 5]

second reference symbol

PDCCH_Factor scale factor of PDCCH 1.0 real (0.0, +∞)

PSCH_Factor scale factor of P-SCH 1.0 real (0.0, +∞)

3GPP LTE Receiver Components

Name Description Default Type Range

SSCH_Factor scale factor of S-SCH 1.0 real (0.0, +∞)

BCH_Factor scale factor of BCH 1.0 real (0.0, +∞)

RS_Factor scale factor of reference 1.0 real (0.0, +∞)


UEs_Data_Factor scale factor of data of UE { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, real array (0.0, +∞)
1.0, 1.0}

Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 DataIn data in complex

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

2 Data_UE1 output signal data from UE complex

3 Data_UE2 output signal data from UE complex

4 Data_UE3 output signal data from UE complex

5 Data_UE4 output signal data from UE complex

6 Data_UE5 output signal data from UE complex

7 Data_UE6 output signal data from UE complex

8 PSCH input P-SCH mapping signal complex

9 SSCH input S-SCH mapping signal complex

10 BCH input CCPCH mapping signal complex

11 PDCCH input mapping signal of PDCCH complex

12 DataOut data out complex

1. This model is used to constitute 3GPP LTE downlink OFDM Symbol. If FrameMode is set
to FDD, Subframe_Bitmap and GuardPeriod are useless; otherwise, if FrameMode is set to
TDD, the elements of Subframe_Bitmap is used to indicate the assignment of each
subframe: 1 means the subframe is for downlink, and 0 means the subframe is for uplink,
and GuardPeriod indicate the number of guard symbols preceding DL to UL switch point.
2. The transmitted UEs signal in each subframe is described by a resource grid of
N BW subcarriers and N symb OFDM symbols. The resource grid and structure is

illustrated in Figure 5-2. Each element in the resource grid is called a resource
atom and each resource atom corresponds to one complex-valued modulation
symbol. Resource atoms not used for transmission of a physical channel or a
physical signal in a subframe shall be set to zero.

One downlink subframe, Tsf

subcarriers (excluding DC subcarrier)

Resource atom ak,l

One resource block,
NRB subcarriers

Nsymb OFDM symbols

Figure 5-2. Downlink Resource Grid

The value of N DL DL
BW depends on the transmission bandwidth. Note that N BW does not
include the DC subcarrier.
3. This model multiplex control channels PDCCH, P-SCH, S-SCH, BCH, and data
channels UE1 to UE6 into one OFDM frame. If CyclicPrefix is set to Normal,
the first slot contains 3 PDCCH symbols and 2 BCH symbols; and the second
slot contains 2 BCH symbols. Otherwise, if CyclicPrefix is set to Extended, the
first slot contains 3 PDCCH symbols and 1 BCH symbol, and the second slot
contains 3 BCH symbols.

3GPP LTE Receiver Components

4. The downlink P-SCH, S-SCH and BCH are transmitted only in the central part of the overall
transmission band of the cell. P-SCH, S-SCH and BCH structure are based on the constant
bandwidth of 1.25 MHz (72 subcarriers).The downlink transmission scheme (OFDMA) is
based on conventional OFDM using a cyclic prefix, with a sub-carrier spacing ∆f = 15 kHz
and a cyclic-prefix (CP) duration T CP ≈ 4.7 ⁄ 16.7 µs (short/long CP). Assuming that a
10 ms radio frame is divided into 20 equally sized slots (of which, in case of TDD operation,
a subset is allocated for downlink transmission), this parameter set implies a slot duration
Tslot = 0.5 ms. The basic transmission parameters are then specified in more detail in
Table 5-1 below.

Table 5-1. Parameters for Downlink Transmission Scheme

Transmission BW 1.25 MHz 2.5 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHz 15 MHz 20 MHz
Sub-frame duration 0.5 ms
Sub-carrier spacing 15 kHz
Sampling frequency 1.92 MHz 3.84 MHz 7.68 MHz 15.36 MHz 23.04 MHz 30.72 MHz
(1/2 × 3.84 (2 × 3.84 MHz) (4 × 3.84 MHz) (6 × 3.84 MHz) (8 × 3.84 MHz)

FFT size 128 256 512 1024 1536 2048

Number of occupied 73 145 313 625 937 1249
sub-carriers†, ††
Number of 7/6
OFDM symbols
per slot
(Nor mal /Ext ended CP)
CP length Normal (4.69/9) × 6, (4.69/18) × 6, (4.69/36) × 6, (4.69/72) × 6, (4.69/108) × 6, (4.69/144) × 6,
(5.21/10) × (5.21/20) × 1 (5.21/40) × 1 (5.21/80) × 1 (5.21/120) × 1 (5.21/160) ×1
Extended (16.67/32) (16.67/64) (16.67/128) (16.67/256) (16.67/384) (16.67/512)

†Includes DC sub-carrier which contains no data

†† This is the assumption for the EEsof LTE wireless library. 3GPP RAN4 will determine the number of occupied subcarriers of each
*: {(x1/y1) × n1, (x2/y2) × n2} means (x1/y1) for n1 OFDM symbols and (x2/y2) for n2 OFDM symbols

[1] TR 25.814 “Physical layer aspects for evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(UTRA),”, V7.1.0, September 2006.
[2] 3GPP TS 36.211 v1.2.1, “Physical Channels and Modulation”, July 2007.
[3] 3GPP TR36.804 v0.5.0 (2007-05), “Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception”,
May 2007.

LTE_DL_DemuxSlot (Downlink Slot De-multiplexer)

Description Downlink slot de-multiplexer

Library LTE, Receivers
Class SDFLTE_DL_DemuxSlot

Name Description Default Type

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4/1.6 BW 5 MHz enum

MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW
5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW
15 MHz, BW 20 MHz

OversamplingOption oversampling ratio option: Ratio 2 enum

Ratio 1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4,
Ratio 8

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal enum

Normal, Extended

Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 FrameData input downlink frame symbol complex

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

2 OFDMSig OFDM signal complex

1. This model is used to demultiplex 3GPP LTE downlink slot.
2. Each 10 ms radio frame consists of 20 slots of length, numbered from 0 to 19.
Each 0.5 ms slot consists of 7 or 6 OFDM symbols. Each slot includes one or two

3GPP LTE Receiver Components

reference symbols. Reference symbols (a.k.a. "First reference symbols") are

located in the first OFDM symbol of every sub-frame. Additional reference
symbols (a.k.a. "Second reference symbols") are located in the third last OFDM
symbol of every slot.
[1] TR 25.814 “Physical layer aspects for evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(UTRA),”, V7.1.0, September 2006.
[2] 3GPP TS 36.211 v1.2.1, “Physical Channels and Modulation”, July 2007.

LTE_DL_OFDM_Demodulator (Downlink OFDM De-modulator)

Description Downlink OFDM de-modulator

Library LTE, Receivers
Class SDFLTE_DL_OFDM_Demodulator

Name Description Default Type Range

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4/1.6 BW 5 MHz enum

MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW
5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW
15 MHz, BW 20 MHz

NumOfRBs number of resource blocks 25 int [6, 110]

OversamplingOption oversampling ratio option: Ratio 2 enum

Ratio 1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4,
Ratio 8

Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 TimeSig time domain signal before FFT complex

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

2 MappingData demodulated mapping signal after FFT complex

1. This model is used to complete 3GPP LTE downlink OFDM demodulator.
2. This is a sub-network model and the schematic is shown in Figure 5-3.

3GPP LTE Receiver Components

Figure 5-3. LTE_DL_OFDM_Demodulator Schematic

After removing cyclic prefix, the time domain OFDM signals are input into FFT
(LTE_FFT). After LTE_FFT, the frequency domain mapping signals are output
after removing NULL subcarriers and reordering. The FFT procedure is
completed in LTE_FFT. The FFT size is N FFT . One downlink OFDM symbol
consists of N BW DL . Resource Block’s (RB) mapping signals (the index is from 0 to
12 × N BW – 1 ) and one DC-NULL signal. In the ADS implementation, the input

of LTE_DL_OFDM_Modulator is N = 12 × N BW DL (it does not include DC NULL

subcarrier). These N mapping signals in one OFDM symbol are output as

 N
 x i + N FFT – ---- i = 0, 1, …, N
---- – 1
 2 2
d[i ] = 
 x i–N ---- + 1
i = ----, …, N – 1
 2 2

where input signals of LTE_DL_OFDM_Demodulator are x [ 0 ], …, x [ N FFT – 1 ] .

The output signals of LTE_DL_OFDM_Demodulator are d [ 0 ], …, d [ N – 1 ] . The
FFT size N FFT is determined by Bandwidth and OversamplingOption. If
Bandwidth is selected, the basic FFT size ( N basic – FFT ) is also determined (see
Table 5-2).

Table 5-2. Basic FFT for various Bandwidth

Bandwidth (MHz) FFT Size ( N basic – FFT )

1.4/1.6 128
3.0/3.2 256

Table 5-2. Basic FFT for various Bandwidth

Bandwidth (MHz) FFT Size ( N basic – FFT )

5 512
10 1024
15 1536
20 2048

The FFT size ( N FFT ) of LTE_FFT is as follows:

N FFT = N basic – FFT × 2

Please note the length of cyclic prefix per each OFDM in one slot is not the
same. The CP is always set to zeros and the cyclic prefix inserting is completed
in LTE_DL_MuxSlot.
[1] TR 25.814 “Physical layer aspects for evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(UTRA),”, V7.0.0, June 2006.
[2] 3GPP TS 36.211 v1.2.1, “Physical Channels and Modulation”, July 2007.
[3] 3GPP TR36.804 v0.5.0 (2007-05), “Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception”,
May 2007.

3GPP LTE Receiver Components

LTE_DL_Receiver (Downlink Baseband Receiver)

Description Downlink baseband receiver

Library LTE, Receivers
Class SDFLTE_DL_Receiver

Name Description Default Unit Type Range

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD enum

Subframe_Bitmap subframe bitmap { 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, int array [0, 1]

0, 0, 0}

GuardPeriod number of guard symbols 0 int [0, 12]

for TDD

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4/1.6 BW 5 MHz enum

MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW
5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW
15 MHz, BW 20 MHz

NumOfRBs number of resource blocks 25 int [6, 110]

OversamplingOption oversampling ratio option: Ratio 2 enum

Ratio 1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4,
Ratio 8

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal enum

Normal, Extended

UE1_PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps for UE 1 { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, int array [0, 1]

1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1}

UE2_PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps for UE 2 { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, int array [0, 1]

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0}

UE3_PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps for UE 3 { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, int array [0, 1]

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0}

UE4_PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps for UE 4 { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, int array [0, 1]

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0}

UE5_PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps for UE 5 { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, int array [0, 1]

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0}

UE6_PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps for UE 6 { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, int array [0, 1]

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0}

IdleInterval idle interval between two 0.0 sec real [0, 1.0ms]
consecutive radio frames

PreDownsampling pre-downsampling to 1X NO enum

symbol rate ? NO, YES

PilotSeqNum pilot Sequence Number 0 int [0, 2]

3GPP LTE Receiver Components

Name Description Default Unit Type Range

RS1_Offset offset subcarriers of the 0 int [0, 5]

first reference symbol

RS2_Enable second reference symbol is YES enum

enable ? NO, YES

RS2_Offset offset subcarriers of the 3 int [0, 5]

second reference symbol
PDCCH_Factor scale factor of PDCCH 1.0 real (0.0, ∞)

PSCH_Factor scale factor of P-SCH 1.0 real (0.0, ∞)

SSCH_Factor scale factor of S-SCH 1.0 real (0.0, ∞)

BCH_Factor scale factor of BCH 1.0 real (0.0, ∞)

RS_Factor scale factor of reference 1.0 real (0.0, ∞)

UEs_Data_Factor scale factor of data of UE { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, real array (0.0, ∞)
1.0, 1.0}

CellID_Group the index of cell identity 0 int (0, 1, 2)


Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 input input downlink signal complex

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

2 UE1_Data output of data for UE1 complex

3 UE2_Data output of data for UE2 complex

4 UE3_Data output of data for UE3 complex

5 UE4_Data output of data for UE4 complex

6 UE5_Data output of data for UE5 complex

7 UE6_Data output of data for UE6 complex

8 DataOut output with factor removing complex

1. This subnetwork completes 3GPP LTE downlink FDD baseband receiver.
The schematic for this subnetwork is shown in Figure 5-4.

Figure 5-4. LTE_DL_Receiver Schematic
2. LTE_DL_TimeFreqSync component is for timing and frequency synchronization
by using P-SCH time domain signal and outputs synchronization index and
estimated frequency offset. Both synchronization index and estimated
frequency offset are input to LTE_DL_DemuxFrame.
First, LTE_DL_DemuxFrame compensates frequency offset by using the
estimated frequency offset. Then, it outputs the real radio frame by using
synchronization index after removing the IdleInterval. This model causes one
frame radio delay.
One radio frame (10 ms) includes 20 slots. LTE_DL_DemuxSlot is used to
demultiplex one slot into seven or six OFDM symbols by removing cyclic prefix.
There are 7 OFDM symbols for Normal Cyclic Prefix and 6 OFDM symbols for
Extended Cyclic Prefix.
First, LTE_OFDM_Demodulator transfers input time domain signals into
frequency domain signal by FFT procedure. Then, the demodulated signals are
generated by removing NULL subcarriers and exchanging plus frequency
subcarriers and minus frequency subcarriers.
The demodulated signals are input to LTE_DL_ChEstimator to get channel
impulse response (CIR) for each active subcarriers. LTE_DL_ChEstimator
works slot by slot. First, LTE_DL_ChEstimator uses the first reference symbols
and the second reference symbols if available to get the real CIRs for positions
of reference symbols. Then, the CIRs of other positions (except positions of
reference symbols) are obtained by interpolating the CIRs of positions of the
reference symbols. After obtaining the CIR of each active subcarrier in each
OFDM symbols, the frequency domain equalizer (one tap) or channel

3GPP LTE Receiver Components

compensator can be used. The demodulated OFDM symbol can be achieved by

this frequency domain equalizer.
LTE_DL_DemuxOFDMSym demultiplexes the demodulated OFDM symbols (in
one radio frame) into P-SCH, S-SCH, BCH, PDCCH and six UEs mapping
signals and output all these signals.
3. Parameter Details.
• FrameMode: frame mode, it can determine FDD or TDD signal source to be
• Subframe_Bitmap: subframe bitmap of TDD mode. This parameter defines
which subframe is used for downlink or uplink. “1” represents for downlink
transmission and “0’ is for uplink transmission. For example the setting
Subframe_Bitmap={1,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,0}, it means subframes 0,1,2,5 and 6 are
to transmit downlink and subframe 3,4,7,8 and 9 are to transmit uplink.
• GuardPeriod: number of guard period symbols for TDD mode.
• Bandwidth: Bandwidth of LTE, the type is enum and it can be selected as BW
1.4/1.6 MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW 5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz and BW
20 MHz.
• NumOfRBs: number of resource blocks in the full transmit bandwidth. The
type is integer. It is determined by bandwidth parameter. It can be set to 6/7,
15/16, 24/25, 48/50, 72/75, 96/100 for BW 1.4/1.6 MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW
5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz and BW 20 MHz, respectively. Please note,
24, 48, 72 and 96 for BW 5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz and BW 20 MHz
are not defined in TR36.804. ADS LTE WL supports these number of
resource blocks except those number of resource blocks defined in the LTE
• OversamplingOption: Over-sampling ratio option. Oversampling ratio 1,
ratio 2, ratio 4 and ratio 8 are supported in this downlink source.
• CyclicPrefix: Type of cyclic prefix. It can be set to Normal and Extended.
Please note the first six OFDM symbols have the same shorter cyclic prefix
and the last OFDM symbol has the longer cyclic prefix in the Normal Cyclic
Prefix mode.
• UE1_PRB_Bitmap: PRB bitmaps allocation of user 1. The type of this
parameter is integer array and its sizeis determined by the NumOfRBs
parameters. For example the size is 25 or 24 if Bandwidth is 5 MHz. The

value range of each element is {0,1}. If the element is 1, this corresponding
PRB is allocated to UE 1; otherwise, this PRB is not allocated to UE 1.
• UE2_PRB_Bitmap: PRB bitmaps allocation of user 2.
• UE3_PRB_Bitmap: PRB bitmaps allocation of user 3.
• UE4_PRB_Bitmap: PRB bitmaps allocation of user 4.
• UE5_PRB_Bitmap: PRB bitmaps allocation of user 5.
• UE6_PRB_Bitmap: PRB bitmaps allocation of user 6.
• PowerBoosting: Power boosting of each UE data in dB. This parameter is the
floating array type. Each value is defined in units of dB. For example,
PowerBoosting ={0, 1, -3, 0, 2, -2} and Power=dbmtow(10), the transmit
powers of six UEs are 10, 11, -7, 10, 12 and 8 dBm.
• IdleInterval: Idle interval between two consecutive radio frame.
• ChInterpType: Type of interpolation algorithm in channel estimator. At
present, two types (Linear, Lagrange) of interpolation algorithm are
• PreDownsampling: Is the pre-downsampling to 1X symbol rate or not? If
PreDownsampling=YES, LTE_DL_DemuxFrame outputs the radio frame
with oversampling ratio 1 and the FFT size in LTE_DL_OFDM_Demodulator
is just the basic size defined in the specification. This setting can save some
resources and speed up the simulation. If PreDownsampling=NO,
LTE_DL_DemuxFrame outputs the radio frame with oversampling ratio and
the FFT size in LTE_DL_OFDM_Demodulator is the basic size (defined in
the specification) multiply oversampling ratio (defined in the top level
• PilotSeqNum: Pilot sequence number. It controls the pilots (RS) format and
supports MIMO implementation.
• RS1_Offset: Subcarriers offset of the first reference symbol.
• RS2_Enable: Second reference symbol is enable or not. If Yes, the second
reference symbol is available in one slot; otherwise, there is no the second
reference symbol in one slot.
• RS2_Offset: Offset subcarriers of the second reference symbol. RS2_Position
and RS2_Offset are active just when RS2_Enable=Yes.

3GPP LTE Receiver Components

• PDCCH_Factor: Scale factor of PDCCH. This parameter can control the level
of PDCCH compared to the data subcarriers.
• PSCH_Factor: Scale factor of P-SCH. This parameter can control the level of
P-SCH compared to the data subcarriers.
• SSCH_Factor: Scale factor of S-SCH. This parameter can control the level of
S-SCH compared to the data subcarriers.
• BCH_Factor: Scale factor of BCH. This parameter can control the level of
BCH compared to the data subcarriers.
• RS_Factor: Scale factor of pilot of the reference symbol. This parameter can
control the level of pilot compared to the data subcarriers.
• CellID_Group: index of cell identity group. It defines the P-SCH sequence. The root
indices of P-SCH are M=25, M=29, M=34. CellID_Group=0 is M=25, 1 is 29 and 2 is
[1] TR 25.814 “Physical layer aspects for evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(UTRA),”, V7.0.0, June 2006.
[2] 3GPP TS 36.211 v1.2.1, “Physical Channels and Modulation”, July 2007.
[3] 3GPP TR36.804 v0.5.0 (2007-05), “Base Station (BS) radio transmission and
reception”, May 2007.
[4] R1-072860, LGE, “P-SCH design”, June 2007.
[5] R1-072727, QUALCOMM, “Detail on SSC sequence design”, June 2007

LTE_DL_Receiver_RF (Downlink Receiver with RF De-modulator)

Description Downlink receiver with RF de-modulator

Library LTE, Receivers
Class TSDFLTE_DL_Receiver_RF

3GPP LTE Receiver Components

Name Description Default Unit Type Range

RIn source resistance 50 Ohm Ohm int (0, ∞)

RTemp temperature - 273.15 Celsius real [- 273.15, ∞]

RefFreq internal reference 2500 MHz Hz real (0, ∞)


Sensitivity voltage output sensitivity, 1 real (-∞, ∞)


Phase Reference phase in 0.0 deg real (-∞, ∞)


GainImbalance gain imbalance in dB Q 0.0 real (-∞, ∞)

channel relative to I

PhaseImbalance phase imbalance in dB Q 0.0 real (-∞, ∞)

channel relative to I

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD enum

Subframe_Bitmap subframe bitmap { 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, int array [0, 1]

0, 0, 0}

GuardPeriod number of guard symbols 0 int [0, 12]

for TDD
Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4/1.6 BW 5 MHz enum
MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW
5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW
15 MHz, BW 20 MHz

NumOfRBs number of resource blocks 25 int [6, 110]

OversamplingOption oversampling ratio option: Ratio 2 enum

Ratio 1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4,
Ratio 8

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal enum

Normal, Extended

UE1_PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps for UE 1 { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, int array [0, 1]

1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1}

UE2_PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps for UE 2 { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, int array [0, 1]

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0}

UE3_PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps for UE 3 { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, int array [0, 1]

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0}

Name Description Default Unit Type Range
UE4_PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps for UE 4 { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, int array [0, 1]
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0}

UE5_PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps for UE 5 { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, int array [0, 1]

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0}

UE6_PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps for UE 6 { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, int array [0, 1]

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0}

PowerBoosting power boosting of each UE {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, real array (-∞, ∞)
data in dB 0.0, 0.0}

IdleInterval idle interval between two 0.0 sec real [0, 1.0ms]
consecutive radio frames

PreDownsampling pre-downsampling to 1X NO enum

symbol rate ? NO, YES

PilotSeqNum pilot Sequence Number 0 int [0, 2]

RS1_Offset offset subcarriers of the 0 int [0, 5]

first reference symbol

RS2_Enable second reference symbol is YES enum

enable ? NO, YES

RS2_Offset offset subcarriers of the 3 int [0, 5]

second reference symbol

PDCCH_Factor scale factor of PDCCH 1.0 real (0.0, ∞)

PSCH_Factor scale factor of P-SCH 1.0 real (0.0, ∞)

SSCH_Factor scale factor of S-SCH 1.0 real (0.0, ∞)

BCH_Factor scale factor of BCH 1.0 real (0.0, ∞)

RS_Factor scale factor of reference 1.0 real (0.0, ∞)


CellID_Group the index of cell identity 0 int (0, 1, 2)


3GPP LTE Receiver Components

Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 RF_Signal input of RF signal timed

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

2 UE1_Data output of data for UE1 complex

3 UE2_Data output of data for UE2 complex

4 UE3_Data output of data for UE3 complex

5 UE4_Data output of data for UE4 complex

6 UE5_Data output of data for UE5 complex

7 UE6_Data output of data for UE6 complex

8 DataOut output with factor removing complex

1. This subnetwork completes the 3GPP LTE downlink FDD/TDD RF receiver (up to six
users). The subnetwork includes LTE_DL_Receiver, which is the baseband 3GPP LTE
uncoded downlink receiver, and the QAM_Demod. The schematic for this subnetwork is
shown in Figure 5-5.

Figure 5-5. LTE_DL_Receiver_RF Schematic

2. The baseband uncoded downlink receiver schematic is shown in Figure 5-6. The
LTE_DL_TimeFreqSync component is used for timing and frequency synchronization. It
uses the P-SCH time domain signal to output the synchronization index and estimated
frequency offset. Both synchronization index and estimated frequency offset are input into
LTE_DL_DemuxFrame first compensates frequency offset by using the
estimated frequency offset. LTE_DL_DemuxFrame then outputs the real radio
frame by using the synchronization index after removing the IdleInterval. This
model causes one frame radio delay.
One radio frame (10 ms) includes 20 slots. LTE_DL_DemuxSlot is used to
demultiplex one slot into seven or six OFDM symbols by removing cyclic prefix.
There are seven OFDM symbols for Normal Cyclic Prefix and six OFDM
symbols for Extended Cyclic Prefix.
The LTE_OFDM_Demodulator first transfers input time domain signals into
frequency domain signals using an FFT procedure. The demodulated signals
are then generated by removing NULL subcarriers and exchanging plus
frequency subcarriers and minus frequency subcarriers.
The demodulated signals are input into the LTE_DL_ChEstimator to obtain a
channel impulse response (CIR) for each active subcarriers.
LTE_DL_ChEstimator works slot by slot. The LTE_DL_ChEstimator uses the
first reference symbols and the second reference symbols if available to obtain
the real CIRs for positions of reference symbols. Then, the CIRs of other
positions (except positions of reference symbols) are obtained by interpolating
the CIRs of positions of the reference symbols. After acquiring the CIR of each
active subcarrier in each of the OFDM symbols, the frequency domain equalizer
(one tap) or channel compensator can be used. The demodulated OFDM symbol
can be acquired from this frequency domain equalizer.
LTE_DL_DemuxOFDMSym demultiplexes the demodulated OFDM symbols (in one radio
frame) into P-SCH, S-SCH, P-BCH, PDCCH and six UEs mapping signals and outputs all
of these signals.

3GPP LTE Receiver Components

Figure 5-6. LTE_DL_Receiver Schematic

3. Parameter Details:
• Rin is the RF input source resistance.
• RTemp is the RF output source resistance temperature in Celsius and sets
the noise density in the RF output signal to (k(RTemp+273.15)) Watts/Hz,
where k is Boltzmann's constant.
• RefFreq is the internal reference frequency.
• Sensitivity is the voltage output sensitivity, Vout/Vin.
• Phase is the reference phase in degrees.
• GainImbalance is the gain imbalance in dB Q channel relative to I channel.
• PhaseImbalance is the phase imbalance in dB Q channel relative to I
• The parameters Sensitivity, Phase, GainImbalance and PhaseImbalance
setting can be referred into QAM_Demod component.
• FrameMode: frame mode, it can determine FDD or TDD signal source to be
• Subframe_Bitmap: subframe bitmap of TDD mode. This parameter defines
which subframe is used for downlink or uplink. “1” represents for downlink
transmission and “0’ is for uplink transmission. For example the setting
Subframe_Bitmap={1,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,0}, it means subframes 0,1,2,5 and 6 are
to transmit downlink and subframe 3,4,7,8 and 9 are to transmit uplink.
• GuardPeriod: number of guard period symbols for TDD mode.

• Bandwidth: Bandwidth of LTE, the type is enum and it can be selected as BW
1.4/1.6 MHz, BW 3.2/3.2 MHz, BW 5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz and BW
20 MHz.
• NumOfRBs: number of resource blocks in the full transmit bandwidth. The
type is integer. It is determined by bandwidth parameter. It can be set to 6/7,
15/16, 24/25, 48/50, 72/75, 96/100 for BW 1.4/1.6 MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW
5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz and BW 20 MHz, respectively. Please note,
24, 48, 72 and 96 for BW 5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz and BW 20 MHz
are not defined in TR36.804. ADS LTE WL supports these number of
resource blocks except those number of resource blocks defined in the LTE
• OversamplingOption: Over-sampling ratio option. Oversampling ratio 1,
ratio 2, ratio 4 and ratio 8 are supported in this downlink source.
• CyclicPrefix: Type of cyclic prefix. This can be set to Normal or Extended.
Please note the first six OFDM symbols have the same shorter cyclic prefix
and the last OFDM symbol has the longer cyclic prefix in the Normal Cyclic
Prefix mode.
• UE1_PRB_Bitmap: PRB bitmaps allocation of user 1.The type of this
parameter is integer array and its size is determined by the NumOfRBs
parameters. For example the size is 25 or 24 if Bandwidth is 5 MHz. The
value range of each element is {0,1}. If the element is 1, this corresponding
PRB is allocated to UE 1; otherwise, this PRB is not allocated to UE 1.
• UE2_PRB_Bitmap: PRB bitmaps allocation of user 2.
• UE3_PRB_Bitmap: PRB bitmaps allocation of user 3.
• UE4_PRB_Bitmap: PRB bitmaps allocation of user 4.
• UE5_PRB_Bitmap: PRB bitmaps allocation of user 5.
• UE6_PRB_Bitmap: PRB bitmaps allocation of user 6.
• PowerBoosting: Power boosting of each UE data in dB. This parameter is the
floating array type. Each value is defined in units of dB. For example,
PowerBoosting ={0, 1, -3, 0, 2, -2} and Power=dbmtow(10), the transmit
powers of six UEs are 10, 11, -7, 10, 12 and 8 dBm.
• IdleInterval: Idle interval between two consecutive radio frames.

3GPP LTE Receiver Components

• ChInterpType: Type of interpolation algorithm in channel estimator. At

present, two types (Linear and Lagrange) of interpolation algorithms are
• PreDownsampling: Is the pre-downsampling to 1X symbol rate or not? If
PreDownsampling=YES, LTE_DL_DemuxFrame outputs the radio frame
with oversampling ratio 1 and the FFT size in LTE_DL_OFDM_Demodulator
is just the basic size defined in the specification. This setting can save some
resources and speed up the simulation. If PreDownsampling=NO,
LTE_DL_DemuxFrame outputs the radio frame with oversampling ratio and
the FFT size in LTE_DL_OFDM_Demodulator is the basic size (defined in
the specification) multiplied oversampling ratio (defined in the top level
• PilotSeqNum: Pilot sequence number. This controls the pilots (RS) format
and supports MIMO implementation.
• RS1_Offset: Subcarriers offset of the first reference symbol.
• RS2_Enable: Second reference symbol is enable or not. If Yes, the second
reference symbol is available in one slot; otherwise, there is no the second
reference symbol in one slot.
• RS2_Offset: Offset subcarriers of the second reference symbol. RS2_Position
and RS2_Offset are active just when RS2_Enable=Yes.
• PDCCH_Factor: Scale factor of PDCCH. This parameter can control the level
of PDCCH compared to the data subcarriers.
• PSCH_Factor: Scale factor of P-SCH. This parameter can control the level of
P-SCH compared to the data subcarriers.
• SSCH_Factor: Scale factor of S-SCH. This parameter can control the level of
S-SCH compared to the data subcarriers.
• BCH_Factor: Scale factor of BCH. This parameter can control the level of
BCH compared to the data subcarriers.
• RS_Factor: Scale factor of pilot of the reference symbol. This parameter can
control the level of pilot compared to the data subcarriers.
• CellID_Group: index of cell identity group. It defines the P-SCH sequence. The root
indices of P-SCH are M=25, M=29, M=34. CellID_Group=0 is M=25, 1 is 29 and 2 is

[1] TR 25.814 “Physical layer aspects for evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(UTRA),”, V7.0.0, June 2006.
[2] 3GPP TS 36.211 v1.2.1, “Physical Channels and Modulation”, July 2007.
[3] 3GPP TR36.804 v0.5.0 (2007-05), “Base Station (BS) radio transmission and
reception”, May 2007.
[4] R1-072860, LGE, “P-SCH design”, June 2007.
[5] R1-072727, QUALCOMM, “Detail on SSC sequence design”, June 2007.

3GPP LTE Receiver Components

LTE_DL_TimeFreqSync (Downlink Time and Frequency Synchronizer)

Description Downlink time and frequency synchronizer

Library LTE, Receivers
Class SDFLTE_DL_TimeFreqSync

Name Description Default Type Range

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4/1.6 BW 5 MHz enum

MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW
5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW
15 MHz, BW 20 MHz

OversamplingOption oversampling ratio option: Ratio 2 enum

Ratio 1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4,
Ratio 8

CellID_Group the index of cell identity 0 int (0, 1, 2)


IdleInterval idle interval between two 0.0 real [0, 1.0ms]

consecutive radio frames

Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 input complex

2 SCH input SCH mapping signal complex

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

3 TimeDete time offset detection int

4 FODete frequency offset detection real

1. This model is used to achieve downlink radio frame synchronization and
estimate frequency offset.
2. LTE cell search scheme flow is as follows [3]:
1) 5 ms timing is identified using the P-SCH,
2) Radio timing and cell group ID is found from the S-SCH,
3) Full cell ID is found from the downlink reference symbols.
3. In our library, LTE downlink frame synchronization and frequency offset
estimation is achieved by P-SCH symbol.

3GPP LTE Receiver Components

Each 10 ms radio frame consists of 20 slots of length 0.5 ms, numbered from 0
to 19. P-SCH is placed in the last OFDM symbol of the first and 10th slot (see
Figure 5-7) [3]. In frequency domain, P-SCH occupies 1.08 MHz (72
subcarriers), and is transmitted only in the central part of the overall
transmission band[1][2].

Figure 5-7. P-SCH is Placed in the Last and S-SCH in the Second Last OFDM
Symbol of the First and 10th Slot
4. Assuming the maximum cell radius = 30Km, then the maximum time
uncertainty is 100 µs. So the inherent searching window is set to 100 µs in this
model. When using LTE_DL_TimeFreqSync to synchronize arbitrary LTE
signal, make sure the beginning of LTE radio frame lies in the first 100 µs part.
5. Actually, using the P-SCH can only identify the 5 ms timing because there are 2
P-SCH symbols in one radio frame. The radio frame timing should be found by
the S-SCH in cell search step 2. However, in the ADS LTE library, the
maximum time uncertainty is 100 µs is assumed, so the 5 ms timing is identical
to radio frame timing.
[1] TR 25.814 “Physical layer aspects for evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(UTRA),”, V7.0.0, June 2006.
[2] 3GPP TS 36.211 v1.2.1, “Physical Channels and Modulation”, July 2007.
[3] 3GPP TR36.804 v0.5.0 (2007-05), “Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception”,
May 2007

LTE_Demapper (De-mapper)

Description De-mapper
Library LTE, Receivers
Class SDFLTE_Demapper

Name Description Default Type

MappingType modulation type: QPSK, QPSK enum

QAM16, QAM64

DemapperType demodulator type: Hard, Hard enum


Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 input signals to be demapped complex

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

2 output decision bits real

1. This model de-maps uniform QPSK, 16-QAM and 64-QAM to bits used for
channel decoding. When MappingType equals to 0, QPSK demapper is used.
When MappingType equals to 1, 16QAM demapper is used. When MappingType
equals to 2, 64QAM demapper is used.
2. Each firing
• The input pin consumes 1 token each firing;

3GPP LTE Receiver Components

• 2 tokens for QPSK, 4 tokens for 16QAM, or 6 tokens for 64QAM are
generated at pin output each firing.
3. Decision equations:
• If MappingType is 2 input is multiplied by sqrt(42) and I is the real part of
product and Q is the imaginary part, the decision equations for 64QAM are:
b0 = 2.0-|b1|; b1 = 4 - |Q|; b2 = -Q; b3 = 2.0-|b4|; b4 = 4 - |I|; b5 = -I.
• If MappingType is 1 input is multiplied by sqrt(10) and I is the real part of
product and Q is the imaginary part, the decision equations for 16QAM are:
b0 = 2.0-|b1|; b1 = -Q; b2 = 2.0-|b3|; b3 = -I.
• If MappingType is 0 input is multiplied by sqrt(2) and I is the real part of
product and Q is the imaginary part, the decision equations for QPSK are:
b0 = -Q; b1 = -I.
4. Based on the above calculations, let any one of decision bits equal b:
• when DecoderType is set to Hard, if b < 0, -1.0 is output, otherwise 1.0 is
• when DecoderType is set to Soft, if b < -1.0, -1.0 is output; if b > 1.0, 1.0 is
output, otherwise, b is output directly.
1. 3GPP TS 36.211 v1.2.1, “Physical Channels and Modulation”, July 2007.

LTE_SCFDMA_Demapper (Uplink Sub-carrier De-mapper for SC-FDMA)

Description Uplink sub-carrier de-mapper for SC-FDMA

Library LTE, Receivers
Class SDFLTE_SCFDMA_Demapper

Name Description Default Type Range

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4/1.6 BW 5 MHz enum

MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW
5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW
15 MHz, BW 20 MHz

NumOfRBs number of resource blocks 25 int [6, 110]

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal enum

Normal, Extended

PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, int array [0, 1]

1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1}

Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 ZeroSig modulation sigal with zeros padded complex

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

2 DFTSig modulation signal complex

1. This model performs sub-carrier demapping for LTE uplink SC-FDMA signal.

3GPP LTE Receiver Components

2. The sub-carrier demapping determines which part of the spectrum that is used
for this UE transmission and discards the rest part.
3. Parameter Details:
• Bandwidth: Bandwidth of LTE, the type is enum and it can be selected as BW
1.4/1.6 MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW 5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz and BW
20 MHz.
• NumOfRBs: number of resource blocks in the full transmit bandwidth. The
type is integer. It is determined by bandwidth parameter. It can be set to 6/7,
15/16, 24/25, 48/50, 72/75, 96/100 for BW 1.4/1.6 MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW
5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz and BW 20 MHz, respectively. Please note,
24, 48, 72 and 96 for BW 5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz and BW 20 MHz
are not defined in TR36.804. ADS LTE WL supports these number of
resource blocks except those number of resource blocks defined in the LTE
• PRB_Bitmap: PRB bitmaps. PRB bitmaps. The type of this parameter is integer
array and its size is the number of PRB in the selected Bandwidth, which is determined
by NumOfRBs parameter. For example the size is 25 or 24 if Bandwidth is 5 MHz. The
value range of each element is {0,1}. If the element is 1, this corresponding PRB is
allocated; otherwise, this PRB is not allocated.
[1] TR 25.814 “Physical layer aspects for evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(UTRA),”, V7.0.0, June 2006.
[2] 3GPP TS 36.211 v1.2.1, “Physical Channels and Modulation”, July 2007.
[3] 3GPP TR36.804 v0.5.0 (2007-05), “Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception”,
May 2007.

LTE_SCFDMA_Demodulator (Uplink SC-FDMA De-modulator)

Description Uplink SC-FDMA de-modulator

Library LTE, Receivers
Class SDFLTE_SCFDMA_Demodulator

3GPP LTE Receiver Components

Name Description Default Type Range

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4/1.6 BW 5 MHz enum

MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW
5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW
15 MHz, BW 20 MHz

NumOfRBs number of resource blocks 25 int [6, 110]

OversamplingOption oversampling ratio option: Ratio 2 enum

Ratio 1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4,
Ratio 8

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal enum

Normal, Extended

PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, int array [0, 1]

1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1}

CP cyclic prefix 0.0 real [0, 1]

Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 SCFDMASig SC-FDMA signal complex

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

2 MappingData mapping signal complex

1. This subnetwork performs LTE uplink SC-FDMA demodulation. The
subnetwork includes LTE_FFT and LTE_SCFDMA_Demapper. The LTE_FFT
converts the time domain signal back to frequency domain by an FFT operation
using a fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm.The LTE_SCFDMA_Demapper
performs sub-carrier demapping. The schematic for this subnetwork is shown in
Figure 5-8.

Figure 5-8. LTE_SCFDMA_Demodulator Schematic
2. The models between LTE_FFT and LTE_SCFDMA_Demapper are used to
remove zeros in the middle of spectrum for downsampling purpose and shift the
DC sub-carrier to center of the spectrum.
3. Parameter Details.
• Bandwidth: Bandwidth of LTE, the type is enum and it can be selected as BW
1.4/1.6 MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW 5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz and BW
20 MHz.
• NumOfRBs: number of resource blocks in the full transmit bandwidth. The
type is integer. It is determined by bandwidth parameter. It can be set to 6/7,
15/16, 24/25, 48/50, 72/75, 96/100 for BW 1.4/1.6 MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW
5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz and BW 20 MHz, respectively. Please note,
24, 48, 72 and 96 for BW 5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz and BW 20 MHz
are not defined in TR36.804. ADS LTE WL supports these number of
resource blocks except those number of resource blocks defined in the LTE
• OversamplingOption: Over-sampling ratio option. Agilent EEsof EDA
provides ratio 1, ratio 2, ratio 4 and ratio 8 in this uplink source.
• PRB_Bitmap: PRB bitmaps. The type of this parameter is integer array and
its size is the number of PRB in the selected Bandwidth, which is determined
by NumOfRBs parameter. For example the size is 25 or 24 if Bandwidth is
5 MHz. The value range of each element is {0,1}. If the element is 1, this
corresponding PRB is allocated; otherwise, this PRB is not allocated.
[1] TR 25.814 “Physical layer aspects for evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(UTRA),”, V7.0.0, June 2006.
[2] 3GPP TS 36.211 v1.2.1, “Physical Channels and Modulation”, July 2007.

3GPP LTE Receiver Components

[3] 3GPP TR36.804 v0.5.0 (2007-05), “Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception”,
May 2007.

LTE_UL_ChEstimator (Uplink Channel Estimator and Interpolator)

Description Uplink channel estimator and interpolator

Library LTE, Receivers
Class SDFLTE_UL_ChEstimator

3GPP LTE Receiver Components

Name Description Default Type Range

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4/1.6 BW 5 MHz enum

MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW
5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW
15 MHz, BW 20 MHz

NumOfRBs number of resource blocks 25 int [6, 110]

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal enum

Normal, Extended

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD enum

Subframe_Bitmap subframe bitmaps for DL { 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, int array [0, 1]

and UL 1, 1, 1}

PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, int array [0, 1]


EstMethod type of Channel Estimation PerSlot enum

Method: PerSlot,

RACH_Enable whether or not to enable NO enum


Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 input output signals from FFT complex

2 Pilots Reference signals complex

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

3 Coef channel coefficient in active subcarriers complex

1. This model is used to estimate 3GPP LTE uplink channel response (CR) with the pilot
symbols assisted for both FDD and TDD schemes. The uplink reference signals (pilots) are
based on [2]. For the generic frame structure, the demodulation reference signal
is mapped to SC-FDMA symbol l = 3.
2. The least-squares CR estimate at a pilot location (i) can be obtained as:

H i = ------i

where Yi is the received Pilot symbol and Xi is the transmitted Pilot symbol on
the ith subcarrier. After getting the CRs at pilot locations, Agilent EEsof EDA
uses linear interpolation per slot, subFrame to get all CR estimations.
[1] TR 25.814 “Physical layer aspects for evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(UTRA),”, V7.1.0, September 2006.
[2] 3GPP TS 36.211 v1.2.1, “Physical Channels and Modulation”, July 2007.

3GPP LTE Receiver Components

LTE_UL_DemuxFrame (Uplink Radio Frame De-multiplexer with

Frequency Offset Compensator)

Description Uplink radio frame de-multiplexer with frequency offset compensator

Library LTE, Receivers
Class SDFLTE_UL_DemuxFrame

Name Description Default Type Range

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4/1.6 BW 5 MHz enum

MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW
5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW
15 MHz, BW 20 MHz

OversamplingOption oversampling ratio option: Ratio 2 enum

Ratio 1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4,
Ratio 8

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD enum

Subframe_Bitmap subframe bitmaps for DL { 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, int array [0, 1]

and UL 1, 1, 1}

IdleInterval idle interval between two 0.0 real [0, 1.0ms]

consecutive frames

PreDownsampling pre-downsampling to 1X NO enum

symbol rate ? NO, YES

RACH_Enable whether or not to enable NO enum


Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 DataIn data in complex

2 index propagation delay in samples int

3 DeltaF frequency offset real

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

4 DataOut data out complex

1. Thismodel is used to demultiplex one FDD uplink radio frame (10 ms) or TDD uplink
subframes into slots signals, RACH signal and idle.
2. For FDD mode, one uplink radio frame (10 ms) consists of 10 subframes (20 slots). The
uplink radio frame also includes RACH. The RACH occupies first one subframe in radio
frame structure if RACH is available.

3GPP LTE Receiver Components

3. For TDD mode, the uplink signals are transmitted in available subframes which desribed by
parameter Subframe_Bitmap. And, there’s no RACH in TDD mode.
4. Bandwidth (BW) and OversamplingOption determines the number of samples in one radio
frame. The IdleInterval parameter allow to insert an idle (the samples of Idle is controled by
Bandwidth, Oversampling and IdleInterval) before each radio frame. RACH_Enable is to
control whether the radio frame includes RACH or not.
Fs (sampling frequency) is controlled by Bandwidth (BW).

 1.92 MHz BW = 1.25 MHz

 3.84 MHz BW = 2.5 MHz

 7.68 MHz BW = 5 MHz
Fs = 
 15.36 MHz BW = 10 MHz
 23.04 MHz BW = 15 MHz

 30.72 MHz BW = 20 MHz

The number of samples (N) per one radio frame in ADS 3GPP LTE wireless
library is as follows:
N = Fs × 2 × ( 10 ms + IdleInterval )

[1] TR 25.814 “Physical layer aspects for evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(UTRA),”, V7.0.0, June 2006.
[2] 33GPP TS 36.211 v1.2.1, “Physical Channels and Modulation”, July 2007.
[3] 3GPP TR36.804 v0.5.0 (2007-05), “Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception”,
May 2007.

LTE_UL_DemuxSCFDMASym (Uplink SC-FDMA Symbol De-multiplexer
in one Radio Frame)

Description Uplink SC-FDMA RS PUCCH and PUSCH symbol de-multiplexer

Library LTE, Receivers

3GPP LTE Receiver Components

Name Description Default Type Range

Bandwidth Bandwidth: BW 1.25 MHz, BW 5 MHz enum

BW 2.5 MHz, BW 5 MHz,
BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz,
BW 20 MHz

NumOfRBs number of resource blocks 25 int [6, 110]

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal enum

Normal, Extended

PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, int array [0, 1]


Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 SlotData slot signal complex

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

2 PUSCHSym SC-FDMA data symbol complex

3 PUCCHSym Uplink Control Channel Symbol complex

This model is used to demultiplex uplink SC-FDMA Symbols to RS symbols and
PUSCCH symbols.
The uplink slot structure is illustrated in Figure 5-9. The number of SC-FDMA
symbols NULsymb in a slot depends on the cyclic prefix length configured by higher layers

is given in Table 5-3.

Table 5-3. Number of SC-FDMA Symbols

The transmitted signal in each slot is described by the contents of Nsymb SC-FDMA
symbols, numbered from 0 to Nsymb – 1 .

Figure 5-9. Uplink Slot Format (Generic Frame Structure)

5. For EESof LTE implementation, the demodulation reference signal is mapped
to SC-FDMA symbol il = 3 . and other symbols are PUSCCH symbols and
PUCCH symbols. The structure of PUSCH and PUCCH is as following figure

Figure 5-10. Physical Uplink Control Channel

3GPP LTE Receiver Components

[1] TR 25.814 “Physical layer aspects for evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(UTRA),”, V7.0.0, June 2006.
[2] 3GPP TS 36.211 v1.2.1, “Physical Channels and Modulation”, July 2007.

LTE_UL_DemuxSlot (Uplink Slot De-multiplexer)

Description Uplink slot de-multiplexer

Library LTE, Receivers
Class SDFLTE_UL_DemuxSlot

Name Description Default Type

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4/1.6 BW 5 MHz enum

MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW
5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW
15 MHz, BW 20 MHz

OversamplingOption oversampling ratio option: Ratio 2 enum

Ratio 1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4,
Ratio 8

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal enum

Normal, Extended

Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 SlotData slot signal complex

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

2 DemuxSlotData SC-FDMA data symbol complex

1. This model is used to remove cyclic prefix from reference signal (RS symbol) and
data SC-FDMA symbols.

3GPP LTE Receiver Components

2. One uplink slot (0.5 ms) for generic frame structure consists of six or five
SC-FDMA data symbols and one reference symbol (RS) SC-FDMA symbol. The
transmitted signal in each slot is described by the contents of N symbUL
SC-FDMA symbols, numbered from 0 to N symbUL – 1 . Each SC-FDMA symbol
carries multiple complex-valued modulation symbols a u, l representing the
contents of resource element (u,l) where u is the time index within SC-FDMA
symbol l. For the generic frame structure, all SC-FDMA symbols are of the
same size. Figure 5-11 is the slot structure.

Figure 5-11. Uplink Slot Format (Generic Frame Structure)

The number of SC-FDMA symbols in a slot depends on the cyclic prefix length
configured by higher layers and is given in Table 5-4.
Table 5-4. Number of SC-FDMA Symbols Per Slot

For the generic frame structure, the demodulation reference signal is mapped
to SC-FDMA symbol l=3. The reference signal symbol is always in 4th
SC-FDMA symbol for the Normal cyclic prefix and Extended cyclic prefix.
Table 5-5 lists the values of N CP, l and N d that shall be used for the generic
frame structure. Note that different blocks within a slot may have different
cyclic prefix lengths.

Table 5-5. SC-FDMA Parameters for the Generic Frame Structure

3. Bandwidth (BW) and OversamplingOption determines the number of samples

per one slot. Five or six data SC-FDMA symbol signals are input from DataSig
and one reference signal SC-FDMA symbol are input from RSSig. By inserting
cyclic prefix according to Table 5-5, one slot is generated and output at pin
Fs (sampling frequency) is controlled by Bandwidth (BW).

 1.92 MHz BW = 1.4 or 1.6 MHz

 3.84 MHz BW = 3.0 or 3.2 MHz

 7.68 MHz BW = 5 MHz
Fs = 
 15.36 MHz BW = 10 MHz
 23.04 MHz BW = 15 MHz

 30.72 MHz BW = 20 MHz
The number of samples (N) per one slot in the ADS 3GPP LTE wireless library
is as follows:
OversamplingOption –3
N = Fs × 2 × 0.5 × 10

[1] TR 25.814 “Physical layer aspects for evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(UTRA),”, V7.0.0, June 2006.
[2] 3GPP TS 36.211 v1.2.1, “Physical Channels and Modulation”, July 2007.
[3] 3GPP TR36.804 v0.5.0 (2007-05), “Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception”,
May 2007.

3GPP LTE Receiver Components

LTE_UL_Receiver (Uplink Baseband Receiver)

Description Uplink baseband receiver

Library LTE, Receivers
Class SDFLTE_UL_Receiver

Name Description Default Unit Type Range

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD enum

Subframe_Bitmap subframe bitmaps for DL { 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, int array [0, 1]

and UL 1, 1, 1}

GuardPeriod number of guard symbols 0 int [0, 12]

for TDD

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4/1.6 BW 5 MHz enum

MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW
5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW
15 MHz, BW 20 MHz

NumOfRBs number of resource blocks 25 int [6, 110]

OversamplingOption oversampling ratio option: Ratio 2 enum

Ratio 1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4,
Ratio 8

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal enum

Normal, Extended

PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps for UE { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, int array [0, 1]

1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1}

HalfCarrierShift_Enable whether or not to enable YES enum

1/2 subcarrier shifting: NO,

RACH_Enable whether or not to enable NO enum


IdleInterval idle interval between two 0.0 sec real [0, 1.0ms]
consecutive radio frames

PreDownsampling pre-downsampling to 1X NO enum

symbol rate ? NO, YES

ZCSequence ZC signatures index 1 int [1, ∞]

EstMethod type of Channel Estimation PerSlot enum

Method: PerSlot,

IQ_Offset_Correct whether or not to correct IQ YES enum

offset: NO, YES

RS_Factor scale factor of reference 1.0 real (0.0, ∞)


Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 Frame input uplink signal complex

3GPP LTE Receiver Components

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

2 PUSCH output of data for UE complex

3 Slot output of reference symbol complex

1. This subnetwork completes 3GPP LTE uplink baseband receiver for both FDD and TDD
modes. The schematic for this subnetwork is shown in Figure 5-12.

Figure 5-12. LTE_UL_Receiver Schematic

2. LTE_UL_TimeFreqSync component is for timing and frequency
synchronization by using RACH time domain signal or Reference Signal
SC-FDMA symbol and outputs synchronization index and estimated frequency
offset. Both synchronization index and estimated frequency offset are input to
First, LTE_UL_DemuxFrame compensates frequency offset by using the
estimated frequency offset. Then, it outputs the real radio frame by using
synchronization index after removing the IdleInterval. This model causes one
frame radio delay.
One radio frame (10 ms) includes 20 slots. LTE_UL_DemuxSlot is used to
demultiplex one slot into seven or six SC-FDMA symbols by removing cyclic
prefix. There are 7 SC-FDMA symbols for Normal Cyclic Prefix and 6
SC-FDMA symbols for Extended Cyclic Prefix.
First, LTE_SCFDMA_Demodulator transfers input time domain signals into
frequency domain signal by FFT procedure (LTE_FFT). Then, the demodulated

signals are generated by removing NULL subcarriers and exchanging plus
frequency subcarriers and minus frequency subcarriers. After
LTE_SCFDMA_Demapper, the demodulated signals in the active resource
blocks (determined by PRB_Bitmaps parameter) are output.
The demodulated signals are input to LTE_UL_ChEstimator to get channel
impulse response (CIR) for each active subcarriers corresponding to resource
blocks. LTE_UL_ChEstimator works slot by slot. First, LTE_UL_ChEstimator
uses the reference signal to get the real CIRs for these active resource blocks.
After getting CIR of each active subcarrier in each SC-FDMA symbols, the
frequency domain equalizer (one tap) or channel compensator can be used. The
demodulated SC-FDMA symbol can be achieved by this frequency domain
LTE_UL_DemuxOFDMSym demultiplexes the demodulated SC-FDMA
symbols (in one radio frame) into RS and UEs mapping signals and output all
these signals. At last, the demodulated frequency domain signals are converted
into time domain after IDFT by LTE_UL_DFT.
3. Parameter Details:
• FrameMode: Frame mode of LTE, the type is enum and it can be selected as
• Subframe_Bitmap: Subframe bitmaps to identify DL or UL, the type is
integer array and its size is the number of subframes number per frame
which is 10 for generic frame strucutre. The value range of each element is
{0,1}. If the emlement is 1, this corresponding subframe is allocated to UL;
otherwise, it is allocated to DL.
• Bandwidth: Bandwidth of LTE, the type is enum and it can be selected as BW
1.4/1.6 MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW 5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz, BW 20
• NumOfRBs: number of resource blocks in the full transmit bandwidth. The
type is integer. It is determined by bandwidth parameter. It can be set to 6/7,
15/16, 24/25, 48/50, 72/75, 96/100 for BW 1.4/1.6 MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW
5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz and BW 20 MHz, respectively. Please note,
24, 48, 72 and 96 for BW 5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz and BW 20 MHz
are not defined in TR36.804. ADS LTE WL supports these number of
resource blocks except those number of resource blocks defined in the LTE

3GPP LTE Receiver Components

• OversamplingOption: Over-sampling ratio option. Oversampling ratio 1,

ratio 2, ratio 4 and ratio 8 are supported in this downlink source.
• CyclicPrefix: Type of cyclic prefix. It can be set to Normal and Extended.
Please note the first six OFDM symbols have the same shorter cyclic prefix
and the last OFDM symbol has the longer cyclic prefix in the Normal Cyclic
Prefix mode.
• PRB_Bitmap: PRB bitmaps allocation of UE. The type of this parameter is
integer array and its size is determined by NumOfRBs parameters. For
example the size is 25 or 24 if Bandwidth is 5 MHz. The value range of each
element is {0,1}. If the element is 1, this corresponding PRB is allocated to
the UE; otherwise, this PRB is not allocated to the UE.
• HalfCarrierShift_Enable: Half subcarrier shift is enable or not? If YES, the
transmitter has half subcarrier shift and the receiver should remove this half
subcarrier shift in baseband. If NO, the receiver does not need to remove this
half subcarrier shift.
• RACH_Enable: RACH is enable or not? If YES, RACH is used to do timing
and frequency synchronization. If NO, the SC-FDMA symbol of reference
signal (RS) in the slot is used to do timing and frequency synchronization.
• IdleInterval: Idle interval between two consecutive radio frame.
• PreDownsampling: Is the pre-downsampling to 1X symbol rate or not? If
PreDownsampling=YES, LTE_UL_DemuxFrame outputs the radio frame
with oversampling ratio 1 and the FFT size in LTE_SCFDMA_Demodulator
is just the basic size defined in the specification. This setting can save some
resource and speed the simulation. If PreDownsampling=NO,
LTE_UL_DemuxFrame outputs the radio frame with oversampling ratio and
the FFT size in LTE_SCFDMA_Demodulator is t the basic size (defined in
the specification) multiply oversampling ratio (defined in the top level
• ZCSequence: This parameter type is int. The setting range is [1:inf). It
indicates the ZC sequence index.
• EstMethod: Type of channel estimation method, the type is enum and it can
be selected as PerSlot or PerSubframe.
• IQ_Offset_Correct: This parameter type is query. It indicates whether or not
to correct IQ offset.

• RS_Factor: Scale factor of pilot of the reference signal. This parameter can control the
level of pilot compared to the data subcarriers.
[1] TR 25.814 “Physical layer aspects for evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(UTRA),”, V7.0.0, June 2006.
[2] 3GPP TS 36.211 v1.2.1, “Physical Channels and Modulation”, July 2007.
[3] R1-062274, Ericsson, “E-UTRA Scalability of Random Access Preamble with
cyclic prefix”, August 2006.
[4] D.C. Chu, “Polyphase Codes With Good Periodic Correlation Properties”, IEEE
Transaction on Information Theory, pp. 531-532, July 1972.

3GPP LTE Receiver Components

LTE_UL_Receiver_RF (Uplink Receiver with RF De-modulator)

Description Uplink receiver with RF de-modulator

Library LTE, Receivers
Class TSDFLTE_UL_Receiver_RF

Name Description Default Unit Type Range

RIn source resistance 50 Ohm Ohm int (0, ∞)

RTemp temperature - 273.15 Celsius real [- 273.15, ∞]

RefFreq internal reference 2500 MHz Hz real (0, ∞)


Sensitivity voltage output sensitivity, 1 real (-∞, ∞)


Phase Reference phase in 0.0 deg real (-∞, ∞)


GainImbalance gain imbalance in dB Q 0.0 real (-∞, ∞)

channel relative to I

PhaseImbalance phase imbalance in dB Q 0.0 real (-∞, ∞)

channel relative to I

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD enum

Subframe_Bitmap subframe bitmaps for DL { 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, int array [0, 1]

and UL 1, 1, 1}

GuardPeriod number of guard symbols 0 int [0, 12]

for TDD
Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4/1.6 BW 5 MHz enum
MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW
5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW
15 MHz, BW 20 MHz

NumOfRBs number of resource blocks 25 int [6, 110]

OversamplingOption oversampling ratio option: Ratio 2 enum

Ratio 1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4,
Ratio 8

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal enum

Normal, Extended

PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps for UE { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, int array [0, 1]

1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1}

HalfCarrierShift_Enable whether or not to enable YES enum

1/2 subcarrier shifting: NO,

RACH_Enable whether or not to enable NO enum


IdleInterval idle interval between two 0.0 sec real [0, 1.0ms]
consecutive radio frames

PreDownsampling pre-downsampling to 1X NO enum

symbol rate ? NO, YES

3GPP LTE Receiver Components

Name Description Default Unit Type Range

ZCSequence ZC signatures index 1 int [1, ∞]

EstMethod type of Channel Estimation PerSlot enum

Method: PerSlot,

IQ_Offset_Correct whether or not to correct IQ NO enum

offset: NO, YES
RS_Factor scale factor of reference 1.0 real (0.0, ∞)

Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 RF_Signal input of RF signal timed

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

2 UE_Data output of data for UE complex

3 UE_Slot output of reference symbol complex

1. This subnetwork completes 3GPP LTE uplink RF receiver for both FDD and TDD modes.
The subnetwork includes LTE_UL_Receiver, which is the baseband 3GPP LTE uncoded
uplink receiver, and the QAM_Demod. The schematic for this subnetwork is shown in
Figure 5-13.

Figure 5-13. LTE_UL_Receiver_RF Schematic

2. The baseband uncoded uplink receiver schematic is shown in Figure 5-14.
LTE_UL_TimeFreqSync component is for timing and frequency
synchronization by using RACH time domain signal or Reference Signal

SC-FDMA symbol and outputs synchronization index and estimated frequency
offset. Both synchronization index and estimated frequency offset are input to
First, LTE_UL_DemuxFrame compensates frequency offset by using the
estimated frequency offset. Then, it outputs the real radio frame by using
synchronization index after removing the IdleInterval. This model causes one
frame radio delay.
One radio frame (10 ms) includes 20 slots. LTE_UL_DemuxSlot is used to
demultiplex one slot into seven or six SC-FDMA symbols by removing cyclic
prefix. There are 7 SC-FDMA symbols for Normal Cyclic Prefix and 6
SC-FDMA symbols for Extended Cyclic Prefix.
First, LTE_SCFDMA_Demodulator transfers input time domain signals into
frequency domain signal by FFT procedure (LTE_FFT). Then, the demodulated
signals are generated by removing NULL subcarriers and exchanging plus
frequency subcarriers and minus frequency subcarriers. After
LTE_SCFDMA_Demapper, the demodulated signals in the active resource
blocks (determined by PRB_Bitmaps parameter) are output.
The demodulated signals are input to LTE_UL_ChEstimator to get channel
impulse response (CIR) for each active subcarriers corresponding to resource
blocks. LTE_UL_ChEstimator works slot by slot. First, LTE_UL_ChEstimator
uses the reference signal to get the real CIRs for these active resource blocks.
After getting CIR of each active subcarrier in each SC-FDMA symbols, the
frequency domain equalizer (one tap) or channel compensator can be used. The
demodulated SC-FDMA symbol can be achieved by this frequency domain
LTE_UL_DemuxOFDMSym demultiplexes the demodulated SC-FDMA
symbols (in one radio frame) into RS and UEs mapping signals and output all
these signals. At last, the demodulated frequency domain signals are converted
into time domain after IDFT by LTE_UL_DFT.

3GPP LTE Receiver Components

Figure 5-14. LTE_UL_Receiver Schematic

3. Parameter Details:
• Rin is the RF input source resistance
• RTemp is the RF output source resistance temperature in Celsius and sets
the noise density in the RF output signal to (k(RTemp+273.15)) Watts/Hz,
where k is Boltzmann's constant.
• RefFreq is the internal reference frequency.
• Sensitivity is the voltage output sensitivity, Vout/Vin.
• Phase is the reference phase in degrees.
• GainImbalance is the gain imbalance in dB Q channel relative to I channel.
• PhaseImbalance is the phase imbalance in dB Q channel relative to I
• The parameters Sensitivity, Phase, GainImbalance and PhaseImbalance
setting can be referred into QAM_Demod component.
• FrameMode: Frame mode of LTE, the type is enum and it can be selected as
• Subframe_Bitmap: Subframe bitmaps to identify DL or UL, the type is
integer array and its size is the number of subframes number per frame
which is 10 for generic frame strucutre. The value range of each element is
{0,1}. If the emlement is 1, this corresponding subframe is allocated to UL;
otherwise, it is allocated to DL.

• Bandwidth: Bandwidth of LTE, the type is enum and it can be selected as BW
1.4/1.6 MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW 5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz, BW 20
• NumOfRBs: number of resource blocks in the full transmit bandwidth. The
type is integer. It is determined by bandwidth parameter. It can be set to 6/7,
15/16, 24/25, 48/50, 72/75, 96/100 for BW 1.4/1.6 MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW
5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz and BW 20 MHz, respectively. Please note,
24, 48, 72 and 96 for BW 5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz and BW 20 MHz
are not defined in TR36.804. ADS LTE WL supports these number of
resource blocks except those number of resource blocks defined in the LTE
• OversamplingOption: Over-sampling ratio option. Oversampling ratio 1,
ratio 2, ratio 4 and ratio 8 are supported in this downlink source.
• CyclicPrefix: Type of cyclic prefix. It can be set to Normal and Extended.
Please note the first six OFDM symbols have the same shorter cyclic prefix
and the last OFDM symbol has the longer cyclic prefix in the Normal Cyclic
Prefix mode.
• PRB_Bitmap: PRB bitmaps allocation of UE. The type of this parameter is
integer array and its size is the number of PRB in the selected Bandwidth,
which is determined by NumOfRBs parameter. For example the size is 24 or
25 if Bandwidth is 5 MHz. The value range of each element is {0,1}. If the
element is 1, this corresponding PRB is allocated to the UE; otherwise, this
PRB is not allocated to the UE.
• HalfCarrierShift_Enable: Half subcarrier shift is enable or not? If YES, the
transmitter has half subcarrier shift and the receiver should remove this half
subcarrier shift in baseband. If NO, the receiver does not need to remove this
half subcarrier shift.
• RACH_Enable: RACH is enable or not? If YES, RACH is used to do timing
and frequency synchronization. If NO, the SC-FDMA symbol of reference
signal (RS) in the slot is used to do timing and frequency synchronization.
• IdleInterval: Idle interval between two consecutive radio frame.
• PreDownsampling: Is the pre-downsampling to 1X symbol rate or not? If
PreDownsampling=YES, LTE_UL_DemuxFrame outputs the radio frame
with oversampling ratio 1 and the FFT size in LTE_SCFDMA_Demodulator
is just the basic size defined in the specification. This setting can save some
resource and speed the simulation. If PreDownsampling=NO,

3GPP LTE Receiver Components

LTE_UL_DemuxFrame outputs the radio frame with oversampling ratio and

the FFT size in LTE_SCFDMA_Demodulator is t the basic size (defined in
the specification) multiply oversampling ratio (defined in the top level
• ZCSequence: This parameter type is int. The setting range is [1:inf). It
indicates the ZC sequence index.
• EstMethod: Type of channel estimation method, the type is enum and it can
be selected as PerSlot or PerSubframe.
• IQ_Offset_Correct: This parameter type is query. It indicates whether or not
to correct IQ offset.
• RS_Factor: Scale factor of pilot of the reference signal. This parameter can control the
level of pilot compared to the data subcarriers.
[1] TR 25.814 “Physical layer aspects for evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(UTRA),”, V7.0.0, June 2006.
[2] 3GPP TS 36.211 v1.2.1, “Physical Channels and Modulation”, July 2007.
[3] R1-062274, Ericsson, “E-UTRA Scalability of Random Access Preamble with
cyclic prefix”, August 2006.
[4] D.C. Chu, “Polyphase Codes With Good Periodic Correlation Properties”, IEEE
Transaction on Information Theory, pp. 531-532, July 1972.

LTE_UL_TimeFreqSync (Uplink Time and Frequency Synchronizer)

Description Uplink time and frequency synchronizer

Library LTE, Receivers
Class SDFLTE_UL_TimeFreqSync

3GPP LTE Receiver Components

Name Description Default Type Range

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD enum

Subframe_Bitmap subframe bitmaps for DL { 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, int array [0, 1]

and UL 1, 1, 1}

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4/1.6 BW 5 MHz enum

MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW
5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW
15 MHz, BW 20 MHz

OversamplingOption oversampling ratio option: Ratio 2 enum

Ratio 1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4,
Ratio 8

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal enum

Normal, Extended

IdleInterval idle interval between two 0.0 real [0, 1.0ms]

consecutive radio frames

RACH_Enable whether or not to enable NO enum


Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 input complex

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

2 TimeDete time offset detection int

3 FODete frequency offset detection real

1. This model is used to achieve uplink symbol timing synchronization and
estimate frequency offset.
2. If RACH is enabled, synchronization is done by using RACH time domain
signal. If RACH is disabled, synchronization is done by the demodulation
reference signal.

LTE uplink transmissions are organized into radio frames. Each 10 ms radio
frame consists of 20 slots of length 0.5 ms, numbered from 0 to 19. A sub-frame
is defined as two consecutive slots (see Figure 5-15) [2].

Figure 5-15. Generic Frame Structure

In ADS LTE library, if RACH is enable, it is placed in the sub-frame 0 and
sub-frame 5. The synchronization is based on the two times repetition structure
of the time domain RACH signal.
For the generic frame structure, the demodulation reference signal is mapped
to SC-FDMA symbol 3. If RACH is disabled, synchronization is based on the
repetition structure between the two consecutive demodulation reference
[1] TR 25.814 “Physical layer aspects for evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(UTRA),”, V7.0.0, June 2006.
[2] 3GPP TS 36.211 v1.2.1, “Physical Channels and Modulation”, July 2007.
[3] 3GPP TR36.804 v0.5.0 (2007-05), “Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception”,
May 2007.

3GPP LTE Receiver Components

Chapter 6: 3GPP LTE Signal Source
These models are provided to generate LTE downlink OFDMA source and uplink
SC-FDMA source.
• LTE_DL_MuxFrame: Downlink Radio Frame Multiplexer
• LTE_DL_MuxOFDMSym: Downlink OFDM Symbol Multiplexer in one Radio
• LTE_DL_MuxSlot: Downlink Slot Multiplexer
• LTE_DL_OFDM_Modulator: Downlink OFDM Modulator
• LTE_DL_Pilot: Downlink Pilot Generator
• LTE_DL_Src: Downlink Baseband Signal Source
• LTE_DL_Src_RF: Downlink Signal Source with RF Modulator
• LTE_FFT: Complex Fast Fourier Transform
• LTE_Mapper: Mapper
• LTE_PSCH: P-SCH Generator
• LTE_RACH: Uplink Non-synchronized Random Access Channel Generator
• LTE_RACH_PrmGen: RACH Preamble Generator
• LTE_SCFDMA_Mapper: Uplink Sub-carrier Mapper for SC-FDMA
• LTE_SCFDMA_Modulator: Uplink SC-FDMA Modulator
• LTE_SpectrumShaping: Spectrum Shaping FIR Filter
• LTE_SSCH: S-SCH Generator
• LTE_SymWindow: Symbol Transition Windowing
• LTE_UL_CAZAC: Uplink CAZAC Sequence Generator
• LTE_UL_DFT: Complex Discrete Fourier Transform for Uplink
• LTE_UL_HalfCarrier_Shift: Uplink 1/2 Sub-carrier Shifting
• LTE_UL_MuxFrame: Uplink Radio Frame Multiplexer
• LTE_UL_MuxSlot: Uplink Slot Multiplexer

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

• LTE_UL_RS_Modulator: Uplink SC-FDMA Modulator for Reference Symbol

• LTE_UL_Src: Uplink Baseband Signal Source
• LTE_UL_Src_RF: Uplink Signal Source with RF Modulator

LTE_DL_MuxFrame (Downlink Radio Frame Multiplexer)

Description Downlink radio frame multiplexer

Library LTE, Signal Sources
Class SDFLTE_DL_MuxFrame

Name Description Default Type Range

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4/1.6 BW 5 MHz enum

MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW
5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW
15 MHz, BW 20 MHz

OversamplingOption oversampling ratio option: Ratio 2 enum

Ratio 1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4,
Ratio 8

IdleInterval idle interval between two 0.0 real [0, 1.0ms]

consecutive frames

Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 DataIn data in complex

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

2 DataOut data out complex

1. This model is used to multiplex 20 slots into one radio frame (10 ms) and insert
idle interval (time duration is IdleInterval) between two consecutive radio
frames. Each firing, SamplingFreq x 2OversamplingOption x 0.01 tokens are

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

consumed, which is the number of samples 20 slots contain. SamplingFreq is

sampling frequency, which is denoted as Fs and determined by Bandwidth as

 1.92 MHz BW = 1.4 or 1.6 MHz

 3.84 MHz BW = 3.0 or 3.2 MHz

 7.68 MHz BW = 5 MHz
Fs = 
 15.36 MHz BW = 10 MHz
 23.04 MHz BW = 15 MHz

 30.72 MHz BW = 20 MHz

And each firing, SamplingFreq x 2OversamplingOption x (0.01 + IdleInterval)

tokens are exported, which is the number of samples 20 slots and idle interval
contain. The 0.01 is the time duration of the 20 time slots which constitute one
radio frame, and IdleInterval is the time duration of the idle.
[1] TR 25.814 “Physical layer aspects for evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(UTRA),”, V7.1.0, September 2006.
[2] 3GPP TS 36.211 v1.2.1, July 2007.

LTE_DL_MuxOFDMSym (Downlink OFDM Symbol Multiplexer in One
Radio Frame)

Description Downlink OFDM symbol multiplexer in one radio frame

Library LTE, Signal Sources

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

Name Description Default Type Range

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD enum

Subframe_Bitmap subframe bitmap { 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, int array [0, 1]

0, 0, 0 }

GuardPeriod number of guard symbols 0 int [0, 12]

for TDD

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.25 MHz, BW 5 MHz enum

BW 2.5 MHz, BW 5 MHz,
BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz,
BW 20 MHz

NumOfRBs number of resource blocks 25 int [6, 110]

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal enum

Normal, Extended

UE1_PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps for UE 1 { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, int array [0, 1]

1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0 }

UE2_PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps for UE 2 { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, int array [0, 1]

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,
0, 0, 0, 0}

UE3_PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps for UE 3 { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, int array [0, 1]

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1, 0, 0, 0}

UE4_PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps for UE 4 { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, int array [0, 1]

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0}

UE5_PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps for UE 5 { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, int array [0, 1]

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0}

UE6_PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps for UE 6 { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, int array [0, 1]

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1}

RS1_Offset offset subcarriers of the 0 int [0, 5]

first reference symbol

RS2_Enable second reference symbol is YES enum

enable ? NO, YES

RS2_Offset offset subcarriers of the 3 int [0, 5]

second reference symbol

PDCCH_Factor scale factor of PDCCH 1.0 real (0.0, +∞)

PSCH_Factor scale factor of P-SCH 1.0 real (0.0, +∞)

Name Description Default Type Range
SSCH_Factor scale factor of S-SCH 1.0 real (0.0, +∞)

BCH_Factor scale factor of BCH 1.0 real (0.0, +∞)

RS_Factor scale factor of reference 1.0 real (0.0, +∞)


UEs_Data_Factor scale factor of data of UE { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, real array (0.0, +∞)
1.0, 1.0}

Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 Data_UE1 input signal data from UE complex

2 Data_UE2 input signal data from UE complex

3 Data_UE3 input signal data from UE complex

4 Data_UE4 input signal data from UE complex

5 Data_UE5 input signal data from UE complex

6 Data_UE6 input signal data from UE complex

7 PSCH input P-SCH mapping signal complex

8 SSCH input S-SCH mapping signal complex

9 BCH input CCPCH mapping signal complex

10 PDCCH input mapping signal of PDCCH complex

11 Pilots input pilots complex

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

12 Output downlink OFDM symbols in one frame complex

13 Out downlink OFDM symbols without scale factor in one complex


1. This model is used to constitute 3GPP LTE downlink OFDM Symbol. If FrameMode is set
to FDD, Subframe_Bitmap and GuardPeriod are useless; otherwise, if FrameMode is set to
TDD, the elements of Subframe_Bitmap is used to indicate the assignment of each
subframe: 1 means the subframe is for downlink, and 0 means the subframe is for uplink,
and GuardPeriod indicate the number of guard symbols preceding DL to UL switch point.

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

2. The transmitted UEs signal in each subframe is described by a resource grid of

N BW subcarriers and N symb OFDM symbols. The resource grid and structure is
illustrated in Figure 6-1. Each element in the resource grid is called a resource
atom and each resource atom corresponds to one complex-valued modulation
symbol. Resource atoms not used for transmission of a physical channel or a
physical signal in a subframe shall be set to zero.

One downlink subframe, Tsf

subcarriers (excluding DC subcarrier)

Resource atom ak,l

One resource block,
NRB subcarriers

Nsymb OFDM symbols

Figure 6-1. Downlink Resource Grid

The value of N DL DL
BW depends on the transmission bandwidth. Note that N BW does not
include the DC subcarrier.
3. This model multiplex control channels PDCCH, P-SCH, S-SCH, BCH, and data channels
UE1 to UE6 into one OFDM frame. If CyclicPrefix is set to Normal, the first slot contains 3
PDCCH symbols and 2 BCH symbols; and the second slot contains 2 BCH symbols.
Otherwise, if CyclicPrefix is set to Extended, the first slot contains 3 PDCCH symbols and 1
BCH symbol, and the second slot contains 3 BCH symbols.

4. The downlink P-SCH, S-SCH and BCH are transmitted only in the central part of the overall
transmission band of the cell. P-SCH, S-SCH and BCH structure are based on the constant
bandwidth of 1.25 MHz (72 subcarriers).
5. The downlink transmission scheme (OFDMA) is based on conventional OFDM using a
cyclic prefix, with a sub-carrier spacing ∆f = 15 kHz and a cyclic-prefix (CP) duration
T CP ≈ 4.7 ⁄ 16.7 µs (short/long CP). Assuming that a 10 ms radio frame is divided into 20
equally sized slots (of which, in case of TDD operation, a subset is allocated for downlink
transmission), this parameter set implies a slot duration Tslot = 0.5 ms. The basic
transmission parameters are then specified in more detail in Table 6-1.

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

Table 6-1. Parameters for Downlink Transmission Scheme

Transmission BW 1.4/1.6 MHz 3.0/3.2 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHz 15 MHz 20 MHz

Sub-frame duration 0.5 ms

Sub-carrier spacing 15 kHz

Sampling frequency 1.92 MHz 3.84 MHz 7.68 MHz 15.36 MHz 23.04 MHz 30.72 MHz
(1/2 x 3.84 MHz) (2 x 3.84 MHz) (4 x 3.84 MHz) (6 x 3.84 MHz) (8 x 3.84 MHz)

FFT size 128 256 512 1024 1536 2048

6/7 15/16 24, 25 48, 50 72, 75 96, 100

Number of Resource Blocks†
73/85 181/193 289, 301 577, 601 865, 901 1153, 1201
Number of occupied sub-carriers††

Number of OFDM symbols per 7/6

sub-frame (Normal/Extended CP)

CP length (4.69/9) x 6, (4.69/18) x 6, (4.69/36) x 6, (4.69/72) x 6, (4.69/108) x 6, (4.69/144) x 6,

Normal †††
(µs/samples) (5.21/10) x 1 (5.21/20) x 1 (5.21/40) x 1 (5.21/80) x 1 (5.21/120) x 1 (5.21/160) x 1

Extended (16.67/32) (16.67/64) (16.67/128) (16.67/256) (16.67/384) (16.67/512)

† See 3GPP TR 36.804 v0.5.0 (2007-05). Except 25,50,75 and 100 RBs, 24,48,72,96 number of RBs are also supported
for 5, 10, 15 and 20 MHz bandwidth, respectively.
†† Inlcudes DC sub-carrier which contains no data
††† In one slot, the first OFDM symbol has long CP length and other 6 OFDM symbols have short CP length when
Normal CP.

[1] TR 25.814 “Physical layer aspects for evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(UTRA),”, V7.1.0, September 2006.
[2] 3GPP TS 36.211 v1.2.1, July 2007.

LTE_DL_MuxSlot (Downlink Slot Multiplexer)

Description Downlink slot multiplexer

Library LTE, Signal Sources
Class SDFLTE_DL_MuxSlot

Name Description Default Type

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4/1.6 BW 5 MHz enum

MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW
5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW
15 MHz, BW 20 MHz

OversamplingOption oversampling ratio option: Ratio 2 enum

Ratio 1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4,
Ratio 8

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal enum

Normal, Extended

Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 OFDMSig input OFDM symbol complex

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

2 FrameData downlink frame signal complex

1. This model is used to multiplex 3GPP LTE downlink slot.
2. Each 10 ms radio frame consists of 20 slots of length, numbered from 0 to 19.
Each 0.5 ms slot consists of 7 or 6 OFDM symbols. Each slot includes one or two

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

reference symbols. Reference symbols (a.k.a. "First reference symbols") are

located in the first OFDM symbol of every sub-frame. Additional reference
symbols (a.k.a. "Second reference symbols") are located in the third last OFDM
symbol of every slot.
[1] TR 25.814 “Physical layer aspects for evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(UTRA),”, V7.1.0, September 2006.
[2] 3GPP TS 36.211 v1.2.1, July 2007.

LTE_DL_OFDM_Modulator (Downlink OFDM Modulator)

Description Downlink OFDM modulator

Library LTE, Signal Sources
Class SDFLTE_DL_OFDM_Modulator

Name Description Default Type Range

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4/1.6 BW 5 MHz enum

MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW
5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW
15 MHz, BW 20 MHz

NumOfRBs number of resource blocks 25 int [6, 110]

OversamplingOption oversampling ratio option: Ratio 2 enum

Ratio 1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4,
Ratio 8

CP cyclic prefix 0.25 real [0, 1]

Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 MappingData mapping signal complex

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

2 OFDMSig output of one OFDM signal complex

1. This model is used to complete 3GPP LTE downlink OFDM modulator.
2. This is a sub-network model and the schematic is shown in Figure 6-2.

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

Figure 6-2. LTE_DL_OFDM_Modulator Schematic

The inverse FFT procedure is completed in LTE_FFT. The inverse IFFT size is
N FFT . One downlink OFDM symbol consists of N BW . Resource Block (RB)’s
mapping signals (the index is from 0 to 12 × N BWDL – 1 ) and one DC-NULL signal.
In the ADS implementation, the input of LTE_DL_OFDM_Modulator is
N = 12 × N BW(it does not include DC NULL subcarrier). These 12 × N BW DL
mapping signals are mapped into inverse FFT buffer as follows:

 0 i = 0, N
---- + 1, …, N FFT – N ---- – 1
 2 2

 d N i = 1, 2, 3, …, ----
x[i] =  ---- + i – 1
2 2

 N
 d i – N FFT + N ---- i = N FFT – ---- ,… ,( N FFT – 1 )
 2 2

where input signals of LTE_DL_OFDM_Modulator are d [ 0 ], …, d [ N – 1 ] . The input signals

of LTE_FFT are x [ 0 ], …, x [ N FFT – 1 ] . After LTE_FFT (inverse IFFT), the time domain
signal (the length is N FFT ) is generated. After adding cyclic prefix (By AddGuard), one
time domain OFDM symbol is generated.
The FFT size N FFT is determined by Bandwidth and OversamplingOption. If Bandwidth is
selected, the basic FFT size ( N basic – FFT ) is also determined (see Table 6-2).

Table 6-2. Basic FFT for various Bandwidth

Bandwidth (MHz) FFT Size ( N basic – FFT )

1.4/1.6 128
3.0/3.2 256

Table 6-2. Basic FFT for various Bandwidth

Bandwidth (MHz) FFT Size ( N basic – FFT )

5 512
10 1024
15 1536
20 2048

The FFT size ( N FFT ) of LTE_FFT is as follows:

N FFT = N basic – FFT × 2

Please note the length of cyclic prefix per each OFDM in one slot is not the same. The CP is
always set to zeros and the cyclic prefix inserting is completed in LTE_DL_MuxSlot.
[1] TR 25.814 “Physical layer aspects for evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(UTRA),”, V7.0.0, June 2006.
[2] 3GPP TS 36.211 v1.2.1, “Physical Channels and Modulation”, July 2007.
[3] 3GPP TR36.804 v0.5.0 (2007-05), “Base Station (BS) radio transmission and
reception”, May 2007.

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

LTE_DL_Pilot (Downlink Pilot Generator)

Description Downlink pilot generator

Library LTE, Signal Sources
Class SDFLTE_DL_Pilot

Name Description Default Type Range

PilotSeqNum pilot Sequence Number 0 int [0, 2]

RS2_Enable second reference symbol is YES enum

enable ? NO, YES

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.25 MHz, BW 5 MHz enum

BW 2.5 MHz, BW 5 MHz,
BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz,
BW 20 MHz

NumOfRBs number of resource blocks 25 int [6, 110]

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal enum

Normal, Extended

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 Pilots downlink pilot symbol complex

1. This model is used to generate 3GPP LTE downlink Reference Signals (RS). The
downlink reference signals (pilots) are based on [2] and used for downlink
demodulation. The positions of reference symbols are in Figure 6-3.

Frequency domain

D R1 D D D D D R1 D D D D D R1 D D D D D
0.5 ms
D D D D R2 D D D D D R2 D D D D D R2 D D

R1 : First reference symbol R2 : Second reference symbol D : Data

Figure 6-3. Basic Downlink Reference-Signal Structure

In the EEsof LTE implementation, the RS offset is not fixed as in Figure 6-3.
Parameters RS1_Offset and RS2_Offset are for the start position of First
reference symbol and Second reference symbol, respectively. RS2 is an optional
reference signals, which can be switched via Parameter RS2_Enable.
2. The two-dimensional reference signal sequence r m, ni ( i ) , where i is the slot
number, is generated as the symbol-by-symbol product
r m, ni ( i ) = r m, n ( i ) × r m, n ( i ) of a two-dimensional orthogonal sequence r m, n ( i ) and

a two-dimensional pseudo-random sequence r PRS

m, n ( i ) .

There are N os = 3 different two-dimensional orthogonal sequences and

N PRS = 170 different two-dimensional pseudo-random sequences. There is a
one-to-one mapping between the three identities within the physical layer cell
identity group and the three two-dimensional orthogonal sequences.
3. The two-dimensional orthogonal sequence shall be generated according to,
r m, n ( i ) = s m, n , n = 0, 1 and m = 0, 1, … 339 .

The quantity s m, n is the entry at the mth row and the nth column of the matrix
S i , defined as

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components


for orthogonal sequence 0, 1, and 2, respectively. The orthogonal sequence to

use is configured by higher layers.
4. Pseudo-random sequence generation
A truncated 256 PN sequence is used for 170 PRS generation. The PN sequence
generation equation is,
–7 –3
g( z) = z +z

[1] TR 25.814 “Physical layer aspects for evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(UTRA),”, V7.1.0, September 2006.
[2] 3GPP TS 36.211 v1.2.1, “Physical Channels and Modulation”, July 2007.
[3] R1-062724, NTT DoCoMo, Fujitsu, KDDI, Mitsubishi Electric, NEC, Panasonic, Sharp,
Toshiba Corporation, “Reference Signal Structure in E-UTRA Downlink”, September 2006.

LTE_DL_Src (Downlink Baseband Signal Source)

Description Downlink baseband signal source

Library LTE, Signal Sources

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

Name Description Default Unit Type Range

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD enum

Subframe_Bitmap subframe bitmap { 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, int array [0, 1]

0, 0, 0}

GuardPeriod number of guard symbols 0 int [0, 12]

for TDD

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4/1.6 BW 5 MHz enum

MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW
5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW
15 MHz, BW 20 MHz

NumOfRBs number of resource blocks 25 int [6, 110]

OversamplingOption oversampling ratio option: Ratio 2 enum

Ratio 1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4,
Ratio 8

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal enum

Normal, Extended

UE1_PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps for UE 1 { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, int array [0, 1]

1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1}

UE2_PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps for UE 2 { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, int array [0, 1]

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0}

UE3_PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps for UE 3 { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, int array [0, 1]

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0}

UE4_PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps for UE 4 { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, int array [0, 1]

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0}

UE5_PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps for UE 5 { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, int array [0, 1]

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0}

UE6_PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps for UE 6 { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, int array [0, 1]

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0}

IdleInterval idle interval between two 0.0 sec real [0, 1.0ms]
consecutive radio frames

SpectrumShapingType spectrum-shaping type: FIRFilter enum

TimeWindowing, FIRFilter

Name Description Default Unit Type Range
FilterType spectrum-shaping FIR filter Square-Root enum
type: Square-Root Raised Raised Cosine
Cosine, Ideal Lowpass

Taps number of FIR filter taps 19 int [1, 1000]

FIRwithInterp spectrum-shaping FIR filter NO enum

with interpolation
operation? NO, YES

Alpha roll-off factor for root 0.22 real [0, 1.0]

raised-cosine filter

WindowType type of time transition Tukey enum

windowing between two
consecutive symbols:
Tukey, Raised cosine

CyclicInterval the overlapped cyclic 6 int [0, 96]

interval between two
adjacent SC-FDMA
symbols in unit of chips
(without oversampleing)

PilotSeqNum pilot sequence number 0 int [0, 2]

RS1_Offset offset subcarriers of the 0 int [0, 5]

first reference symbol

RS2_Enable second reference symbol is YES enum

enable ? NO, YES

RS2_Offset offset subcarriers of the 3 int [0, 5]

second reference symbol

PDCCH_Factor scale factor of PDCCH 1.0 real (0.0, ∞)

PSCH_Factor scale factor of P-SCH 1.0 real (0.0, ∞)

SSCH_Factor scale factor of S-SCH 1.0 real (0.0, ∞)

BCH_Factor scale factor of BCH 1.0 real (0.0, ∞)

RS_Factor scale factor of reference 1.0 real (0.0, ∞)


UEs_Data_Factor scale factor of data of UE { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, real array (0.0, ∞)
1.0, 1.0}

CellID_Group the index of cell identity 0 int (0, 1, 2)


3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 UE_Data1 UE 1 mapping signal complex

2 UE_Data2 UE 2 mapping signal complex

3 UE_Data3 UE 3 mapping signal complex

4 UE_Data4 UE 4 mapping signal complex

5 UE_Data5 UE 5 mapping signal complex

6 UE_Data6 UE 6 mapping signal complex

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

7 frm_TD output of one frame signal in time domain complex

8 frm_FD output of one frame in frequency domain complex

1. This subnetwork generates 3GPP LTE uncoded downlink FDD/TDD baseband signal (up to
six users). The subnetwork includes LTE_DL_Src, which generates baseband 3GPP LTE
uncoded downlink source. The schematic for this subnetwork is shown in Figure 6-4.

Figure 6-4. LTE_DL_Src Schematic
LTE_DL_MuxOFDMSym component is used to multiplex UEs data mapping, P-SCH,
S-SCH, P-BCH, PDCCH and pilots into OFDM symbols following the downlink frame
structure in frequency domain. LTE_DL_OFDM_Modulator component implements
OFDM modulation following 3GPP LTE downlink OFDM parameters. LTE_DL_MuxSlot
is used to multiplex seven/six OFDM symbols by inserting cyclic prefix into one slot.
LTE_DL_MuxFrame multiplexes 20 slots into one radio frame (10 ms) and inserts idle
(time duration is IdleInterval) between two consecutive radio frames.
LTE_DL_SymWindow and LTE_DL_SpectrumShaping are to provide two kind of methods
for spectrum shaping function for downlink source. LTE_DL_SymWindow is used to do
time windowing function between two consecutive OFDM symbols.
LTE_DL_SpectrumShaping is to provide the spectrum shaping of downlink source by using
FIR filter.
2. Source functions are implemented as follows:
Frame structure type 1 is applicable to both FDD and TDD. Each radio frame is
T f = 307200 × T s = 10 ms long and consists of 20 slots of length

T slot = 15360 × T s = 0.5 ms , numbered from 0 to 19, see Figure 6-5. A subframe is
defined as two consecutive slots where subframe i consists of slots 2i and 2i+1.

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

For FDD, 10 subframes are available for downlink transmission and 10

subframes are available for uplink transmissions in each 10ms interval. Uplink
and downlink transmission are separated in the frequency domain.
For TDD, a subframe is either allocated to downlink or uplink transmission.
Subframe 0 and subframe 5 are always allocated for downlink transmission.

Figure 6-5. Frame structure type 1

The downlink reference signal (RS) are always transmitted in the first OFDM symbol and
the last third symbol in one slot. The primary synchronization channel (P-SCH) and
secondary synchronization channel (S-SCH) are transmitted in the last and second last
OFDM symbols in slot 0 (subframe 0) and slot 10 (subframe 5). Both P-SCH and S-SCH
occupy centeral 6 resource blcoks (RB, 72 subcarriers). The PDCCH always transmitted in
first three OFDM symbols in subframe 0 and 5. Other subframes do not transmit PDCCH in
current ADS LTE wireless library. P-BCH is always transmitted in subframe 0. P-BCH
occupies centeral 6 RBs (same as P-SCH and S-SCH) in spectrum. Sub-carriers from up to
four OFDM symbols are allocated to P-BCH. In the frame structure with the normal (short)
CP, the allocations appear in slot #0, symbols #3, #4 and slot #1, symbol #0, #1. In the frame
structure with the extended (long) CP, the allocations appear in slot #0, symbols #3 and slot
#1, symbol #0, #1, #2.

The transmitted UEs signal in each subframe is described by a resource grid of N DL BW

subcarriers and N symb OFDM symbols. The resource grid and structure is illustrated in
Figure 6-6. Each element in the resource grid is called a resource atom and each resource
atom corresponds to one complex-valued modulation symbol. Resource atoms not used for
transmission of a physical channel or a physical signal in a subframe shall be set to zero.

One downlink subframe, Tsf

subcarriers (excluding DC subcarrier)

Resource atom ak,l

One resource block,
NRB subcarriers

Nsymb OFDM symbols

Figure 6-6. Downlink Resource Grid

The value of N DL DL
BW depends on the transmission bandwidth. Note that N BW does
not include the DC subcarrier.
The relation between physical resource blocks and resource elements is show in
Figure 6-7. Partial resource block mode is supported when the total number of
resource block is odd. There are two 1/2 partial NULL RBs located in the edge of
central 6 resource block in subframe 0 as Figure 6-7. Please note, reference
signals are also active in both 1/2 partial RBs.

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

Figure 6-7. Illustration of the relation between resource blocks and resource elements
The downlink P-SCH, S-SCH and BCH are transmitted only in the central 6
resource blocks (72 subcarriers).
For TDD operation with frame structure type 1, the last N GP downlink OFDM
symbol(s) in a subframe immediately preceding a downlink-to-uplink switch
point can be reserved for guard time and consequently not transmitted. The
supported guard periods are listed in Table 6-3.
Table 6-3. Guard periods for TDD operation with frame structure type 1

Configuration Supported guard periods in OFDM symbols

Normal cyclic prefix 0,1,2,3,4,5,12

Extended cyclic prefix 0,1,2,3,4,10

The downlink transmission scheme (OFDMA) is based on conventional OFDM

using a cyclic prefix, with a sub-carrier spacing ∆f = 15 kHz and a cyclic-prefix
(CP) duration T CP ≈ 4.7 ⁄ 16.7 µs (short/long CP). Assuming that a 10 ms radio

frame is divided into 20 equally sized slots (of which, in case of TDD operation,
a subset is allocated for downlink transmission), this parameter set implies a
slot duration Tslot = 0.5 ms. The basic transmission parameters are then
specified in more detail in Table 6-4 below.

Table 6-4. Parameters for Downlink Transmission Scheme

Transmission BW 1.4/1.6 MHz 3.0/3.2 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHz 15 MHz 20 MHz

Sub-frame duration 0.5 ms

Sub-carrier spacing 15 kHz

Sampling frequency 1.92 MHz 3.84 MHz 7.68 MHz 15.36 MHz 23.04 MHz 30.72 MHz
(1/2 x 3.84 MHz) (2 x 3.84 MHz) (4 x 3.84 MHz) (6 x 3.84 MHz) (8 x 3.84 MHz)

FFT size 128 256 512 1024 1536 2048

6/7 15/16 24, 25 48, 50 72, 75 96, 100

Number of Resource Blocks†
73/85 181/193 289, 301 577, 601 865, 901 1153, 1201
Number of occupied sub-carriers††

Number of OFDM symbols per 7/6

sub-frame (Normal/Extended CP)

CP length (4.69/9) x 6, (4.69/18) x 6, (4.69/36) x 6, (4.69/72) x 6, (4.69/108) x 6, (4.69/144) x 6,

Normal †††
(µs/samples) (5.21/10) x 1 (5.21/20) x 1 (5.21/40) x 1 (5.21/80) x 1 (5.21/120) x 1 (5.21/160) x 1

Extended (16.67/32) (16.67/64) (16.67/128) (16.67/256) (16.67/384) (16.67/512)

† See 3GPP TR 36.804 v0.5.0 (2007-05). Except 25,50,75 and 100 RBs, 24,48,72,96 number of RBs are also supported for 5, 10, 15 and 20 MHz bandwidth,
†† Inlcudes DC sub-carrier which contains no data
††† In one slot, the first OFDM symbol has long CP length and other 6 OFDM symbols have short CP length when Normal CP.

The downlink reference symbols (pilots) are based on 36.211 v1.1.2. The
positions of reference symbols are in Figure 6-8.

Frequency domain

D R1 D D D D D R1 D D D D D R1 D D D D D
0.5 ms
D D D D R2 D D D D D R2 D D D D D R2 D D

R1 : First reference symbol R2 : Second reference symbol D : Data

Figure 6-8. Basic Downlink Reference-Signal Structure

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

In the EEsof LTE implementation, the RS offset is not fixed as in Figure 6-8.
Parameters RS1_Offset and RS2_Offset are for the start position of First
reference symbol and Second reference symbol, respectively.
P-SCH is generated by using ZC sequence. ZC sequence length is 63 and P-SCH
sequence length is 63 (including DC). Leave the remaining 9 subcarriers
reserved. The root indices are M=29, M=34, M=25. See R1-72860 Case 1.
S-SCH is based on M-sequence. Generate a set of 31 sequences obtained as
cyclic shifts of a single length 31 M-sequence generated from the primitive
polynomial x^5+x^2+1 over GF(2). Two short SSC codes selected from above
set. Interleaved multiplexing of two short SSC sequences. Mapping onto
subcarriers: 31 length sequence + DC + 31 length sequence. Leave the
remaining 9 subcarriers reserved. BPSK mapping of binary sequence. See
R1-072727 Option A.
P-BCH is only transmitted in subframe 0. Sub-carriers from up to three OFDM
symbols are allocated to P-BCH. In the frame structure with the normal (short)
CP, the allocations appear in slot #0, symbols #3, #4 and slot #1, symbol #0. In
the frame structure with the extended (long) CP, the allocations appear in slot
#0, symbols #2, 3 and slot #1, symbol #0. Sub-carriers reserved for transmission
of any possible reference symbol (RS) from any number of transmit antenna are
not included in the P-BCH transmission. P-BCH occupies central 6 RBs. See
R1-072265. The mapping type of P-BCH is QPSK.
PDCCH signal is also QPSK mapping.
3. Parameter Details:
• FrameMode: frame mode, it can determine FDD or TDD signal source to be
• Subframe_Bitmap: subframe bitmap of TDD mode. This parameter defines
which subframe is used for downlink or uplink. “1” represents for downlink
transmission and “0’ is for uplink transmission. For example the setting
Subframe_Bitmap={1,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,0}, it means subframes 0,1,2,5 and 6 are
to transmit downlink and subframe 3,4,7,8 and 9 are to transmit uplink.
• GuardPeriod: number of guard period symbols for TDD mode. Table 6-3
defines its supported symbols.
• Bandwidth: Bandwidth of LTE, the type is enum and it can be selected as BW
1.4/1.6 MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW 5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz and BW
20 MHz.

• NumOfRBs: number of resource blocks in the full transmit bandwidth. The
type is integer. It is determined by bandwidth parameter. It can be set to 6/7,
15/16, 24/25, 48/50, 72/75, 96/100 for BW 1.4/1.6 MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW
5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz and BW 20 MHz, respectively. Please note,
24, 48, 72 and 96 for BW 5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz and BW 20 MHz
are not defined in TR36.804. ADS LTE WL supports these number of
resource blocks except those number of resource blocks defined in the LTE
• OversamplingOption: Over-sampling ratio option. Oversampling ratio 1, ratio 2, ratio 4
and ratio 8 are supported in this downlink source.
• CyclicPrefix: Type of cyclic prefix. It can be set to Normal and Extended.
Please note the first six OFDM symbols have the same shorter cyclic prefix
and the last OFDM symbol has the longer cyclic prefix in the Normal Cyclic
Prefix mode.
• UE1_PRB_Bitmap: PRB bitmaps allocation of user 1. The type of this
parameter is integer array and its size is the number of PRB in the selected
Bandwidth, which is determined by NumOfRBs parameters. For example the
size is 25 or 24 if Bandwidth is 5 MHz. The value range of each element is
{0,1}. If the element is 1, this corresponding PRB is allocated to UE 1;
otherwise, this PRB is not allocated to UE 1.
• UE2_PRB_Bitmap: PRB bitmaps allocation of user 2.
• UE3_PRB_Bitmap: PRB bitmaps allocation of user 3.
• UE4_PRB_Bitmap: PRB bitmaps allocation of user 4.
• UE5_PRB_Bitmap: PRB bitmaps allocation of user 5.
• UE6_PRB_Bitmap: PRB bitmaps allocation of user 6.
• PowerBoosting: Power boosting of each UE data in dB. This parameter is the
floating array type. Each value is defined in units of dB. For example,
PowerBoosting ={0, 1, -3, 0, 2, -2} and Power=dbmtow(10), the transmit
powers of six UEs are 10, 11, -7, 10, 12 and 8 dBm.
• IdleInterval: Idle interval between two consecutive radio frame.
• SpectrumShapingType: SpectrumShapingType determines
spectrum-shaping type. Two kind of methods are provided for spectrum
shaping: FIRFilter and TimeWindowing. If FIRFilter is selected, a FIR filter
is used for spectrum shaping. If TimeWindowing is selected, time transition

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

windowing function is used between two consecutive OFDM symbols for

spectrum shaping.
• FilterType: Spectrum-shaping filter type. It is active only when
SpectrumShapingType =FIRFilter. Two kind of FIR filters (Ideal Lowpass
and Square-Root Raised Cosine) are provided.
• Taps: Number of FIR filter taps. It is active only when SpectrumShapingType
• FIRwithInterp: Spectrum-shaping FIR filter is with interpolation operation
or not? If YES, FIR filter completes interpolation function as well as filter
function. If NO, FIR filter just completes filter function.
• Alpha: Alpha is roll-off factor for root raised-cosine filter.
• WindowType: Window type of time transition windowing between two
consecutive OFDM symbols. It can be selected as Tukey and Raised cosine. It
is active only when SpectrumShapingType =TimeWindowing.
• CyclicInterval: The overlapped cyclic interval between two adjacent OFDM
symbols in unit of chips (without oversampling). It is active only when
SpectrumShapingType =TimeWindowing.
• PilotSeqNum: Pilot sequence number. It controls the pilots (RS) format and
supports MIMO implementation.
• RS1_Offset: Subcarriers offset of the first reference symbol.
• RS2_Enable: Second reference symbol is enable or not. If Yes, the second
reference symbol is available in one slot; otherwise, there is no the second
reference symbol in one slot.
• RS2_Offset: Offset subcarriers of the second reference symbol. RS2_Position
and RS2_Offset are active just when RS2_Enable=Yes.
• PDCCH_Factor: Scale factor of PDCCH. This parameter can control the level
of PDCCH compared to the data subcarriers.
• PSCH_Factor: Scale factor of P-SCH. This parameter can control the level of
P-SCH compared to the data subcarriers.
• SSCH_Factor: Scale factor of S-SCH. This parameter can control the level of
S-SCH compared to the data subcarriers.
• BCH_Factor: Scale factor of BCH. This parameter can control the level of
BCH compared to the data subcarriers.

• RS_Factor: Scale factor of pilot of the reference symbol. This parameter can
control the level of pilot compared to the data subcarriers.
• CellID_Group: index of cell identity group. It defines the P-SCH sequence.
The root indices of P-SCH are M=29, M=34, M=25. CellID_Group=0 is M=29,
1 is 34 and 2 is 25.
[1] TR 25.814 “Physical layer aspects for evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(UTRA),”, V7.0.0, June 2006.
[2] 3GPP TS 36.211 v1.2.1, “Physical Channels and Modulation”, July 2007.
[3] 3GPP TR36.804 v0.5.0 (2007-05), “Base Station (BS) radio transmission and
reception”, May 2007.
[4] R1-072860, LGE, “P-SCH design”, June 2007.
[5] R1-072727, QUALCOMM, “Detail on SSC sequence design”, June 2007

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

LTE_DL_Src_RF (Downlink Signal Source with RF Modulator)

Description Downlink signal source with RF modulator

Library LTE, Signal Sources

Name Description Default Unit Type Range

ROut source resistance 50 Ohm Ohm int (0, ∞)

RTemp temperature - 273.15 Celsius real [- 273.15, ∞]

FCarrier carrier frequency 2500 MHz Hz real (0, ∞)

Power power 0.01 W W real (0, ∞)

MirrorSpectrum indication of mirror NO enum

spectrum about carrier:

GainImbalance gain imbalance in dB Q 0.0 real (-∞, ∞)

channel relative to I

PhaseImbalance phase imbalance in dB Q 0.0 real (-∞, ∞)

channel relative to I

I_OriginOffset I origin offset in percent 0.0 real (-∞, ∞)

with repect to output rms

Q_OriginOffset q origin offset in percent 0.0 real (-∞, ∞)

with repect to output rms

IQ_Rotation IQ rotation in degrees 0.0 real (-∞, ∞)

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD enum

Subframe_Bitmap subframe bitmap { 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, int array [0, 1]

0, 0, 0}

GuardPeriod number of guard symbols 0 int [0, 12]

for TDD

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4/1.6 BW 5 MHz enum

MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW
5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW
15 MHz, BW 20 MHz

NumOfRBs number of resource blocks 25 int [6, 110]

OversamplingOption oversampling ratio option: Ratio 2 enum

Ratio 1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4,
Ratio 8

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal enum

Normal, Extended
UE1_PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps for UE 1 { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, int array [0, 1]
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1}

UE2_PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps for UE 2 { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, int array [0, 1]

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0}

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

Name Description Default Unit Type Range

UE3_PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps for UE 3 { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, int array [0, 1]
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0}

UE4_PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps for UE 4 { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, int array [0, 1]

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0}

UE5_PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps for UE 5 { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, int array [0, 1]

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0}

UE6_PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps for UE 6 { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, int array [0, 1]

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0}

PowerBoosting power boosting of each UE {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, real array (-∞, ∞)
data in dB 0.0, 0.0}

IdleInterval idle interval between two 0.0 sec real [0, 1.0ms]
consecutive radio frames

SpectrumShapingType spectrum-shaping type: FIRFilter enum

TimeWindowing, FIRFilter

FilterType spectrum-shaping FIR filter Square-Root enum

type: Square-Root Raised Raised Cosine
Cosine, Ideal Lowpass

Taps number of FIR filter taps 19 int [1, 1000]

FIRwithInterp spectrum-shaping FIR filter NO enum

with interpolation
operation? NO, YES

Alpha roll-off factor for root 0.22 real [0, 1.0]

raised-cosine filter

WindowType type of time transition Tukey enum

windowing between two
consecutive symbols:
Tukey, Raised cosine

CyclicInterval the overlapped cyclic 6 int [0, 96]

interval between two
adjacent SC-FDMA
symbols in unit of chips
(without oversampleing)

PilotSeqNum pilot sequence number 0 int [0, 2]

RS1_Offset offset subcarriers of the 0 int [0, 5]

first reference symbol
RS2_Enable second reference symbol is YES enum
enable ? NO, YES

RS2_Offset offset subcarriers of the 3 int [0, 5]

second reference symbol

PDCCH_Factor scale factor of PDCCH 1.0 real (0.0, ∞)

Name Description Default Unit Type Range
PSCH_Factor scale factor of P-SCH 1.0 real (0.0, ∞)

SSCH_Factor scale factor of S-SCH 1.0 real (0.0, ∞)

BCH_Factor scale factor of BCH 1.0 real (0.0, ∞)

RS_Factor scale factor of reference 1.0 real (0.0, ∞)


CellID_Group the index of cell identity 0 int (0, 1, 2)


Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 UE_Data1 UE 1 mapping signal complex

2 UE_Data2 UE 2 mapping signal complex

3 UE_Data3 UE 3 mapping signal complex

4 UE_Data4 UE 4 mapping signal complex

5 UE_Data5 UE 5 mapping signal complex

6 UE_Data6 UE 6 mapping signal complex

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

7 RF_Signal output of RF signal timed

8 Frame_TD output of frame signal in time domain complex

9 Frame_FD output of frame signal in frequency domain complex

1. This subnetwork generates 3GPP LTE uncoded downlink FDD/TDD RF signal (up to six
users). The subnetwork includes LTE_DL_Src, which generates baseband 3GPP LTE
uncoded downlink source, and the RF_Modulator. The schematic for this subnetwork is
shown in Figure 6-9.

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

Figure 6-9. LTE_DL_Src_RF Schematic

2. The baseband uncoded downlink source schematic is shown in Figure 6-10. The
LTE_DL_MuxOFDMSym component is used to multiplex UEs data mapping, P-SCH,
S-SCH, P-BCH, PDCCH and pilots into OFDM symbols following the downlink frame
structure in frequency domain. The LTE_DL_OFDM_Modulator component implements
OFDM modulation following the 3GPP LTE downlink OFDM parameters.
LTE_DL_MuxSlot is used to multiplex seven/six OFDM symbols by inserting cyclic prefix
into one slot. LTE_DL_MuxFrame multiplexes 20 slots into one radio frame (10 ms) and
inserts idle (time duration is IdleInterval) between two consecutive radio frames.
LTE_DL_SpectrumShaping provides a method for spectrum shaping function for downlink
source. LTE_SymWindow is used to do time windowing function between two consecutive
OFDM symbols. LTE_DL_SpectrumShaping is to provide the spectrum shaping of
downlink source by using FIR filter.

Figure 6-10. LTE_DL_Src Schematic
3. Source functions are implemented as follows:
Frame structure type 1 is applicable to both FDD and TDD. Each radio frame is
T f = 307200 × T s = 10 ms long and consists of 20 slots of length

T slot = 15360 × T s = 0.5 ms , numbered from 0 to 19, see Figure 6-11. A subframe is
defined as two consecutive slots where subframe i consists of slots 2i and 2i+1.
For FDD, 10 subframes are available for downlink transmission and 10
subframes are available for uplink transmissions in each 10ms interval. Uplink
and downlink transmission are separated in the frequency domain.
For TDD, a subframe is either allocated to downlink or uplink transmission.
Subframe 0 and subframe 5 are always allocated for downlink transmission.

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

Figure 6-11. Frame structure type 1

The downlink reference signal (RS) are always transmitted in the first OFDM symbol and
the last third symbol in one slot. The primary synchronization channel (P-SCH) and
secondary synchronization channel (S-SCH) are transmitted in the last and second last
OFDM symbols in slot 0 (subframe 0) and slot 10 (subframe 5). Both P-SCH and S-SCH
occupy centeral 6 resource blcoks (RB, 72 subcarriers). For Normal CP and Extended CP,
the first three OFDM symbols are reserved for PDCCH in subframe 0 and 5. Other
subframes except 0 and 5 do not transmit PDCCH in current ADS 3GPP LTE wireless
library. P-BCH is always transmitted in subframe 0. P-BCH occupies centeral 6 RBs (same
as P-SCH and S-SCH) in spectrum. Sub-carriers from up to four OFDM symbols are
allocated to P-BCH. In the frame structure with the normal (short) CP, the allocations appear
in slot #0, symbols #3, #4 and slot #1, symbol #0, #1. In the frame structure with the
extended (long) CP, the allocations appear in slot #0, symbols #3 and slot #1, symbol #0, #1,

The transmitted UEs signal in each subframe is described by a resource grid of N DL BW

subcarriers and N symb OFDM symbols. The resource grid and structure is illustrated in
Figure 6-12. Each element in the resource grid is called a resource atom and each resource
atom corresponds to one complex-valued modulation symbol. Resource atoms not used for
transmission of a physical channel or a physical signal in a subframe shall be set to zero.

One downlink subframe, Tsf

subcarriers (excluding DC subcarrier)

Resource atom ak,l

One resource block,
NRB subcarriers

Nsymb OFDM symbols

Figure 6-12. Downlink Resource Grid

The value of N DL DL
BW depends on the transmission bandwidth. Note that N BW does
not include the DC subcarrier.
The relation between physical resource blocks and resource elements is show in
Figure 6-13. Partial resource block mode is supported when the total number of
resource block is odd. There are two 1/2 partial NULL RBs located in the edge of
central 6 resource block in subframe 0 as Figure 6-13. Please note, reference
signals are also active in both 1/2 partial RBs

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

Figure 6-13. Illustration of the relation between resource blocks and resource
The downlink P-SCH, S-SCH and BCH are transmitted only in the central 6
resource blcoks (72 subcarriers).
For TDD operation with frame structure type 1, the last N GP downlink OFDM
symbol(s) in a subframe immediately preceding a downlink-to-uplink switch
point can be reserved for guard time and consequently not transmitted. The
supported guard periods are listed in Table 6-5.
Table 6-5. Guard periods for TDD operation with frame structure type 1

Configuration Supported guard periods in OFDM symbols

Normal cyclic prefix 0,1,2,3,4,5,12

Extended cyclic prefix 0,1,2,3,4,10

The downlink transmission scheme (OFDMA) is based on conventional OFDM

using a cyclic prefix, with a sub-carrier spacing ∆f = 15 kHz and a cyclic-prefix

(CP) duration T CP ≈ 4.7 ⁄ 16.7 µs (short/long CP). Assuming that a 10 ms radio
frame is divided into 20 equally sized slots (of which, in case of TDD operation,
a subset is allocated for downlink transmission), this parameter set implies a
slot duration Tslot = 0.5 ms. The basic transmission parameters are then
specified in more detail in Table 6-6 below.

Table 6-6. Parameters for Downlink Transmission Scheme

Transmission BW 1.4/1.6 MHz 3.0/3.2 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHz 15 MHz 20 MHz

Sub-frame duration 0.5 ms

Sub-carrier spacing 15 kHz

Sampling frequency 1.92 MHz 3.84 MHz 7.68 MHz 15.36 MHz 23.04 MHz 30.72 MHz
(1/2 x 3.84 MHz) (2 x 3.84 MHz) (4 x 3.84 MHz) (6 x 3.84 MHz) (8 x 3.84 MHz)

FFT size 128 256 512 1024 1536 2048

6/7 15/16 24, 25 48, 50 72, 75 96, 100

Number of Resource Blocks†

73/85 181/193 289, 301 577, 601 865, 901 1153, 1201
Number of occupied sub-carriers††

Number of OFDM symbols per 7/6

sub-frame (Normal/Extended CP)

CP length (4.69/9) x 6, (4.69/18) x 6, (4.69/36) x 6, (4.69/72) x 6, (4.69/108) x 6, (4.69/144) x 6,

Normal †††
(µs/samples) (5.21/10) x 1 (5.21/20) x 1 (5.21/40) x 1 (5.21/80) x 1 (5.21/120) x 1 (5.21/160) x 1

Extended (16.67/32) (16.67/64) (16.67/128) (16.67/256) (16.67/384) (16.67/512)

† See 3GPP TR 36.804 v0.5.0 (2007-05). Except 25,50,75 and 100 RBs, 24,48,72,96 number of RBs are also supported for 5, 10, 15 and 20 MHz bandwidth,
†† Inlcudes DC sub-carrier which contains no data
††† In one slot, the first OFDM symbol has long CP length and other 6 OFDM symbols have short CP length when Normal CP.

The downlink reference symbols (pilots) are based on 36.211 v1.1.2. The
positions of reference symbols are in Figure 6-14.

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

Frequency domain

D R1 D D D D D R1 D D D D D R1 D D D D D
0.5 ms
D D D D R2 D D D D D R2 D D D D D R2 D D

R1 : First reference symbol R2 : Second reference symbol D : Data

Figure 6-14. Basic Downlink Reference-Signal Structure

In the EEsof LTE implementation, the RS offset is not fixed as in Figure 6-14.
Parameters RS1_Offset and RS2_Offset are for the start position of First
reference symbol and Second reference symbol, respectively.
P-SCH is generated by using ZC sequence. ZC sequence length is 63 and P-SCH sequence
length is 63 (including DC). Leave the remaining 9 subcarriers reserved. The root indices
are M=25, M=29, M=34.
S-SCH is based on M-sequence. Generate a set of 31 sequences obtained as
cyclic shifts of a single length 31 M-sequence generated from the primitive
polynomial x^5+x^2+1 over GF(2). Two short SSC codes selected from above
set. Interleaved multiplexing of two short SSC sequences. Mapping onto
subcarriers: 31 length sequence + DC + 31 length sequence. Leave the
remaining 9 subcarriers reserved. BPSK mapping of binary sequence. See
R1-072727 Option A.
P-BCH is only transmitted in subframe 0. Sub-carriers from up to three OFDM symbols are
allocated to P-BCH. In the frame structure with the normal (short) CP, the allocations appear
in slot #0, symbols #3, #4 and slot #1, symbol #0, #1. In the frame structure with the
extended (long) CP, the allocations appear in slot #0, symbols #3 and slot #1, symbol #0, #1,
#2. Sub-carriers reserved for transmission of any possible reference symbol (RS) from any
number of transmit antenna are not included in the P-BCH transmission. P-BCH occupies
central 6 RBs. The mapping type of P-BCH is QPSK.
PDCCH signal is also QPSK mapping.
4. Parameter Details:

• ROut is the RF output source resistance.
• RTemp is the RF output source resistance temperature in Celsius and sets
the noise density in the RF output signal to (k(RTemp+273.15)) Watts/Hz,
where k is Boltzmann's constant.
• FCarrier is the RF output signal frequency.
• Power is used to set the modulator output RF power. This is true for an ideal
transmitted signal (no impairments added) or when small impairments are
added. If large impairments are added to the signal (using GainImbalance,
I_OriginOffset, and Q_OriginOffset parameters) the output RF power may be
different from the value of the Power parameter.
• MirrorSpectrum is used to mirror the RF_out signal spectrum about the
carrier. This is equivalent to conjugating the complex RF envelope voltage.
Depending on the configuration and number of mixers in an RF transmitter,
the RF output signal from hardware RF generators can be inverted. If such
an RF signal is desired, set this parameter to YES.
• GainImbalance, PhaseImbalance, I_OriginOffset, Q_OriginOffset, and
IQ_Rotation are used to add certain impairments to the ideal output RF
signal. Impairments are added in the order described here.
The unimpaired RF I and Q envelope voltages have gain and phase
imbalance applied. The RF is given by:

Φπ- 
RF ( t ) = A  V I ( t ) cos ( ωc t ) – gV Q ( t ) sin  ω c t + --------
180 

where A is a scaling factor based on the Power and ROut parameters

specified by the user, VI(t) is the in-phase RF envelope, VQ(t) is the
quadrature phase RF envelope, g is the gain imbalance:
g = 10

and, φ (in degrees) is the phase imbalance.

Next, the signal VRF(t) is rotated by IQ_Rotation degrees. The I_OriginOffset
and Q_OriginOffset are then applied to the rotated signal. Note that the
amounts specified are percentages with respect to the output rms voltage.
The output rms voltage is given by sqrt(2×ROut×Power).

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

• FrameMode: frame mode, it can determine FDD or TDD signal source to be

• Subframe_Bitmap: subframe bitmap of TDD mode. This parameter defines
which subframe is used for downlink or uplink. “1” represents for downlink
transmission and “0” is for uplink transmission. For example the setting
Subframe_Bitmap={1,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,0}, it means subframes 0,1,2,5 and 6 are
to transmit downlink and subframe 3,4,7,8 and 9 are to transmit uplink.
• GuardPeriod: number of guard period symbols for TDD mode. Table 6-5
defines its supported symbols.
• Bandwidth: Bandwidth of LTE, the type is enum and it can be selected as BW
1.4/1.6 MHz, BW 3.2/3.2 MHz, BW 5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz and BW
20 MHz.
• NumOfRBs: number of resource blocks in the full transmit bandwidth. The
type is integer. It is determined by bandwidth parameter. It can be set to 6/7,
15/16, 24/25, 48/50, 72/75, 96/100 for BW 1.4/1.6 MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW
5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz and BW 20 MHz, respectively. Please note,
24, 48, 72 and 96 for BW 5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz and BW 20 MHz
are not defined in TR36.804. ADS LTE WL supports these number of
resource blocks except those number of resource blocks defined in the LTE
• OversamplingOption: Over-sampling ratio option. Oversampling ratio 1, ratio 2, ratio 4
and ratio 8 are supported in this downlink source.
• CyclicPrefix: Type of cyclic prefix. It can be set to Normal or Extended. Please
note the first six OFDM symbols have the same shorter cyclic prefix and the
last OFDM symbol has the longer cyclic prefix in the Normal Cyclic Prefix
• UE1_PRB_Bitmap: PRB bitmaps allocation of user 1. The type of this
parameter is integer array and its size is the number of PRB in the selected
Bandwidth, which is determined by NumOfRBs parameter. For example the
size is 25 or 24 if Bandwidth is 5 MHz. The value range of each element is
{0,1}. If the element is 1, this corresponding PRB is allocated to UE 1;
otherwise, this PRB is not allocated to UE 1.
• UE2_PRB_Bitmap: PRB bitmaps allocation of user 2.
• UE3_PRB_Bitmap: PRB bitmaps allocation of user 3.
• UE4_PRB_Bitmap: PRB bitmaps allocation of user 4.

• UE5_PRB_Bitmap: PRB bitmaps allocation of user 5.
• UE6_PRB_Bitmap: PRB bitmaps allocation of user 6.
• PowerBoosting: Power boosting of each UE data in dB. This parameter is the
floating array type. Each value is defined in units of dB. For example,
PowerBoosting ={0, 1, -3, 0, 2, -2} and Power=dbmtow(10), the transmit
powers of six UEs are 10, 11, -7, 10, 12 and 8 dBm.
• IdleInterval: Idle interval between two consecutive radio frame.
• SpectrumShapingType: SpectrumShapingType determines
spectrum-shaping type. Two kind of methods are provided for spectrum
shaping: FIRFilter and TimeWindowing. If FIRFilter is selected, a FIR filter
is used for spectrum shaping. If TimeWindowing is selected, time transition
windowing function is used between two consecutive OFDM symbols for
spectrum shaping.
• FilterType: Spectrum-shaping filter type. It is active only when
SpectrumShapingType =FIRFilter. Two types of FIR filters (Ideal Lowpass
and Square-Root Raised Cosine) are provided.
• Taps: Number of FIR filter taps. It is active only when SpectrumShapingType
• FIRwithInterp: Spectrum-shaping FIR filter is with interpolation operation
or not? If YES, FIR filter completes interpolation function as well as filter
function. If NO, FIR filter just completes filter function.
• Alpha: Alpha is roll-off factor for root raised-cosine filter.
• WindowType: Window type of time transition windowing between two
consecutive OFDM symbols. It can be selected as Tukey and Raised cosine. It
is active only when SpectrumShapingType =TimeWindowing.
• CyclicInterval: The overlapped cyclic interval between two adjacent OFDM
symbols in unit of chips (without oversampling). It is active only when
SpectrumShapingType =TimeWindowing.
• PilotSeqNum: Pilot sequence number. It controls the pilots (RS) format and
supports MIMO implementation.
• RS1_Offset: Subcarriers offset of the first reference symbol.

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

• RS2_Enable: Second reference symbol is enable or not. If Yes, the second

reference symbol is available in one slot; otherwise, there is no the second
reference symbol in one slot.
• RS2_Offset: Offset subcarriers of the second reference symbol. RS2_Position
and RS2_Offset are active just when RS2_Enable=Yes.
• PDCCH_Factor: Scale factor of PDCCH. This parameter can control the level
of PDCCH compared to the data subcarriers.
• PSCH_Factor: Scale factor of P-SCH. This parameter can control the level of
P-SCH compared to the data subcarriers.
• SSCH_Factor: Scale factor of S-SCH. This parameter can control the level of
S-SCH compared to the data subcarriers.
• BCH_Factor: Scale factor of BCH. This parameter can control the level of
BCH compared to the data subcarriers.
• RS_Factor: Scale factor of pilot of the reference symbol. This parameter can
control the level of pilot compared to the data subcarriers.
• CellID_Group: index of cell identity group. It defines the P-SCH sequence. The root
indices of P-SCH are M=25, M=29, M=34. CellID_Group=0 is M=25, 1 is 29 and 2 is
[1] TR 25.814 “Physical layer aspects for evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(UTRA),”, V7.0.0, June 2006.
[2] GPP TS 36.211 v1.2.1, “Physical Channels and Modulation”, July 2007.
[3] 3GPP TR36.804 v0.5.0 (2007-05), “Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception”,
May 2007.
[4] R1-072860, LGE, “P-SCH design”, June 2007.
[5] R1-072727, QUALCOMM, “Detail on SSC sequence design”, June 2007.

LTE_FFT (Complex Fast Fourier Transform)

Description Complex fast Fourier transform

Library LTE, Signal Sources

Name Description Default Type Range

InputSize number of input samples to 256 int [1, ∞)


FFTSize number of the transform 256 int [InputSize, ∞)


Direction direction of transform: Forward enum

Inverse, Forward

Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 input complex

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

2 output complex

1. FFT algorithms are based on the fundamental principle of decomposing the
computation of the discrete Fourier transform of a sequence of length N into
successively smaller DFT. Many different algorithms are generated based on
the decomposing principle, all with comparable improvements in computational

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

2. LTE_FFT calculates the DFT or IDFT of a complex input using the fast Fourier
transform (FFT) algorithm. LTE_FFT reads InputSize (default 256) complex
samples, zero pads the data if necessary, then takes an FFT of length FFTSize
(default 256) where nputSize ≤ FFTSize .
Direction specifies a forward or inverse FFT. A single firing of LTE_FFT
consumes InputSize inputs and produces FFTSize outputs.
[1] A. V. Oppenheim and R. W. Schafer, Discrete-Time Signal Processing,
Prentice-Hall: Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1989.

LTE_Mapper (Mapper)

Description Mapper
Library LTE, Signal Sources
Class SDFLTE_Mapper

Name Description Default Type

MappingType modulation type: QPSK, QPSK enum

QAM16, QAM64

Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 input input data bits int

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

2 output signal after constellation mapping complex

1. This model takes binary digits, 0 or 1, as input and produces complex-valued
modulation symbols, x=I+jQ, as output. When MappingType equals to 0, QPSK
mapping is used. When MappingType equals to 1, 16QAM mapping is used.
When MappingType equals to 2, 64QAM mapping is used.
2. Each firing,
• 2 tokens for QPSK, 4 tokens for 16QAM, or 6 tokens for 64QAM are
consumed at pin input each firing;

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

• The output pin generates 1 token each firing.

3. QPSK mapping.
In case of QPSK modulation, pairs of bits, b(n)b(n+1), are mapped to
complex-valued modulation symbols x=I+jQ according to Table 6-7.
Table 6-7. QPSK Modulation Mapping

4. 16QAM mapping.
In case of 16QAM modulation, pairs of bits, b(n)b(n+1)b(n+2)b(n+3), are
mapped to complex-valued modulation symbols x=I+jQ according to Table 6-8.
Table 6-8. 16QAM Modulation Mapping

5. 64QAM mapping.
In case of QPSK modulation, pairs of bits, b(n)b(n+1)b(n+2)b(n+3)b(n+4)b(n+5),
are mapped to complex-valued modulation symbols x=I+jQ according to
Table 6-9.

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

Table 6-9. 64QAM Modulation Mapping

[1] 3GPP TS 36.211 v1.2.1, July 2007.

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

LTE_PSCH (P-SCH Generator)

Description P-SCH generator

Library LTE, Signal Sources

Name Description Default Type Range

CellID_Group the index of cell identity 0 int (0, 1, 2)


Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 PSCH P-SCH sequence complex

1. This model is used to generate 3GPP LTE P-SCH signal in frequency domain.
2. Each 10 ms radio frame consists of 20 slots of length 0.5 ms, numbered from 0
to 19. P-SCH is placed in the last OFDM symbol of the first and 10th slot (see
Figure 6-15) [2]. In frequency domain, P-SCH occupies 1.08 MHz (72
subcarriers), and is transmitted only in the central part of the overall
transmission band[1].

Figure 6-15. P-SCH is Placed in the Last and S-SCH in the Second Last OFDM
Symbol of the First and 10th Slot
3. P-SCH sequence is generated by using length 63 ZC sequence by default. The
mapping of a P-SCH sequence du(n) to available subcarriers is illustrated in
Figure 6-16 .

Figure 6-16. Mapping of a P-SCH sequence to subcarriers

The sequence du(n) of length 62 is defined as:

4. The CellID_Group 0 corresponds to d29(n), CellID_Group 1 corresponds to

d34(n), CellID_Group 2 corresponds to d25(n).
[1] 3GPP TS 36.211 v1.2.1, “Physical Channels and Modulation”,July 2007.

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

[2] R1-062990, Nokia, Ericsson, Siemens, TI, NTT DoCoMo, Motorola, Freescale, Institute for
Infocomm Research, Panasonic, Mitsubishi Electronic, Toshiba, CATT, NEC, Nortel,
Interdigital, “Outcome of cell search drafting session”, October 2006.

LTE_RACH (Uplink Non-Synchronized Random Access Channel

Description Uplink non-synchronized Random Access CHannel generator

Library LTE, Signal Sources

Name Description Default Type Range

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4/1.6 BW 5 MHz enum

MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW
5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW
15 MHz, BW 20 MHz

PreambleSequence sequence index of RACH 1 int [1, 448]


OversamplingOption oversampling ratio option: Ratio 2 enum

Ratio 1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4,
Ratio 8

RACH_PowGain RACH power gain related 1.0 real (0, ∞)

to the data

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 RACH output of non-synchronized RACH signal complex

1. This subnetwork generates LTE RACH signal. The schematic for this
subnetwork is shown in Figure 6-17.

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

Figure 6-17. LTE_RACH Schematic

2. The main purpose of the random access procedure is to obtain uplink time
synchronization and to obtain access to the network. The physical layer random
access burst, illustrated in Figure 6-18, consists of a cyclic prefix of length T CP , a
preamble of length TPRE , and a guard time TGT during which nothing is
transmitted. The parameter values are listed in Tables 6-10 and depend on the
frame structure and the random access configuration. Higher layers control the
preamble format.

Figure 6-18. Random Access Preamble Format (Generic Frame Structure)

Table 6-10. Random Access Burst Parameters

As a first step of access, the UE transmits a preamble in the random-access slots [1][2],
where one short segment is repeated several times. A Zadoff-Chu sequence [3] is proposed
in time-domain for the construction of the random-access preamble. The uth root
Zadoff-Chu sequence is defined by

where N ZC is the length of the Zadoff-Chu sequence. NZC is not defined in [1] yet.
NZC = 449 is assumed, and the preamble is repeated 2 times in the random access

slots. At the current stage, the cyclic shifts of the random-access preamble are
not supported.
3. The time-continuous random access signal s(t) is defined by

for . The location in the frequency domain is controlled by the

parameter K 0 , configured by higher layers. In the EEsof 3GPP LTE library, K0 is
set to be 0 at the current stage. The factor accounts for the difference
in subcarrier spacing between the random access preamble and uplink data
transmission, and the variable ϕ is a fixed offset determining the
frequency-domain location of the random access preamble within a resource
block. In the EEsof 3GPP LTE library, ϕ is set to be 0 at the current stage.
[1] 3GPP TS 36.211 v1.2.1, “Physical Channels and Modulation”, July 2007.
[2] R1-062274, Ericsson, “E-UTRA Scalability of Random Access Preamble with
cyclic prefix”, August 2006.
[3] D.C. Chu, “Polyphase Codes With Good Periodic Correlation Properties”, IEEE
Transaction on Information Theory, pp. 531-532, July 1972.

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

LTE_RACH_PrmGen (RACH Preamble Sequence Generator)

Description RACH preamble sequence generator

Library LTE, Signal Sources

Name Description Default Type Range

Nzc length of ZC sequence 301 int [1, ∞)

u index of ZC sequence 1 int [1, Nzc-1]

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 ZC ZC sequence complex

1. This model is used to generate preamble sequence for uplink RACH channel.
2. As As a first step of access, the UE transmits a preamble in the random-access slots [1][2],
where one short segment is repeated several times. A Zadoff-Chu sequence [3] is proposed
in time-domain for the construction of the random-access preamble. The uth root
Zadoff-Chu sequence is defined by,

where NZC is the length of the Zadoff-Chu sequence. NZC is not defined in [1] yet. It is
assumed that NZC = 449 , and the preamble is repeated 2 times in the random access slots. At
current stage, the cyclic shifts of the random-access preamble are not supported.

[1] 3GPP TS 36.211 v1.2.1, “Physical Channels and Modulation”, July 2007.
[2] R1-062274, Ericsson, “E-UTRA Scalability of Random Access Preamble with cyclic prefix”,
August 2006.
[3] D.C. Chu, “Polyphase Codes With Good Periodic Correlation Properties”, IEEE
Transaction on Information Theory, pp. 531-532, July 1972.

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

LTE_SCFDMA_Mapper (Uplink Sub-carrier Mapper for SC-FDMA)

Description Uplink sub-carrier mapper for SC-FDMA

Library LTE, Signal Sources

Name Description Default Type Range

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4/1.6 BW 5 MHz enum

MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW
5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW
15 MHz, BW 20 MHz

NumOfRBs number of resource blocks 25 int [6, 110]

RSMapper indication for RS mapping? NO enum


PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, int array [0, 1]

1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1}

Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 DFTSig modulation signal complex

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

2 ZeroSig modulation sigal after zeros padded complex

1. This model performs sub-carrier mapping for LTE uplink SC-FDMA signal.

2. The basic uplink transmission scheme is single-carrier frequency division multiple access
(SC-FDMA) with cyclic prefix to achieve uplink inter-user orthogonality and to enable
efficient frequency-domain equalization at the receiver side [1]. Frequency-domain
generation of the signal, sometimes known as DFT-spread OFDM, is assumed
and illustrated in Figure 6-19. This allows for a relatively high degree of
commonality with the downlink OFDM scheme and the same parameters; that
is, clock frequency can be reused.

Figure 6-19. Transmitter Structure for SC-FDMA

3. The sub-carrier mapping determines which part of the spectrum that is used for
transmission by inserting a suitable number of zeros at the upper and/or lower
end in Figure 6-20.

Figure 6-20. Sub-Carrier Mapping

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

4. Parameter Details:
• Bandwidth: Bandwidth of LTE, the type is enum and it can be selected as BW
1.4/1.6 MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW 5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz and BW
20 MHz.
• NumOfRBs: number of resource blocks in the full transmit bandwidth. The
type is integer. It is determined by bandwidth parameter. It can be set to 6/7,
15/16, 24/25, 48/50, 72/75, 96/100 for BW 1.4/1.6 MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW
5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz and BW 20 MHz, respectively. Please note,
24, 48, 72 and 96 for BW 5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz and BW 20 MHz
are not defined in TR36.804. ADS LTE WL supports these number of
resource blocks except those number of resource blocks defined in the LTE
• RSMapper: indication for RS mapping.
• PRB_Bitmap: PRB bitmaps. The type of this parameter is integer array and
its size is the number of PRB in the selected Bandwidth, which is determined
by NumOfRBs parameter. For example, the size is 25 or 24 if Bandwidth is
5 MHz. The value range of each element is {0,1}. If the element is 1, this
corresponding PRB is allocated; otherwise, this PRB is not allocated.
[1] TR 25.814 “Physical layer aspects for evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(UTRA),”, V7.0.0, June 2006.
[2] 3GPP TS 36.211 v1.2.1, “Physical Channels and Modulation”, July 2007.

LTE_SCFDMA_Modulator (Uplink SC-FDMA Modulator)

Description Uplink SC-FDMA modulator

Library LTE, Signal Sources
Class SDFLTE_SCFDMA_Modulator

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

Name Description Default Type Range

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4/1.6 BW 5 MHz enum

MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW
5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW
15 MHz, BW 20 MHz

NumOfRBs number of resource blocks 25 int [6, 110]

OversamplingOption oversampling ratio option: Ratio 2 enum

Ratio 1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4,
Ratio 8

PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, int array [0, 1]

1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1}

CP cyclic prefix 0.0 real [0, 1]

Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 MappingData mapping signal complex

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

2 SCFDMASig output of SC-FDMA signal complex

1. This subnetwork performs LTE uplink SC-FDMA modulation. The subnetwork
includes LTE_UL_DFT, LTE_SCFDMA_Mapper and LTE_FFT. The
LTE_UL_DFT converts the time domain signal to frequency domain by IDFT
operation using fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm. The
LTE_SCFDMA_Mapper performs sub-carrier mapping. The LTE_FFT converts
the frequency domain signal back to time domain by IFFT operation using fast
Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm. The schematic for this subnetwork is shown
in Figure 6-21.

Figure 6-21. LTE_SCFDMA_Modulator Schematic
2. The basic uplink transmission scheme is single-carrier frequency division
multiple access (SC-FDMA) with cyclic prefix to achieve uplink inter-user
orthogonality and to enable efficient frequency-domain equalization at the
receiver side [1]. Frequency-domain generation of the signal, sometimes known
as DFT-spread OFDM, is assumed and illustrated in Figure 6-22. This allows
for a relatively high degree of commonality with the downlink OFDM scheme
and the same parameters; for example, clock frequency can be reused.

Figure 6-22. Transmitter Structure for SC-FDMA

3. The models between LTE_SCFDMA_Mapper and LTE_FFT are used to shift
the DC sub-carrier to the first point of the spectrum and append zeros in the
middle of spectrum for oversampling purpose.
4. Parameter Details:
• Bandwidth: Bandwidth of LTE, the type is enum and it can be selected as BW
1.4/1.6 MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW 5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz and BW
20 MHz.
• NumOfRBs: number of resource blocks in the full transmit bandwidth. The
type is integer. It is determined by bandwidth parameter. It can be set to 6/7,

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

15/16, 24/25, 48/50, 72/75, 96/100 for BW 1.4/1.6 MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW
5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz and BW 20 MHz, respectively. Please note,
24, 48, 72 and 96 for BW 5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz and BW 20 MHz
are not defined in TR36.804. ADS LTE WL supports these number of
resource blocks except those number of resource blocks defined in the LTE
• OversamplingOption: Over-sampling ratio option. Agilent EEsof EDA
provides ratio 1, ratio 2, ratio 4 and ratio 8 in this uplink source.
• PRB_Bitmap: PRB bitmaps. The type of this parameter is integer array and
its size is the number of PRB in the selected Bandwidth, which is determined
by NumOfRBs parameter. For example, the size is 25 or 24 if Bandwidth is
5 MHz. The value range of each element is {0,1}. If the element is 1, this
corresponding PRB is allocated; otherwise, this PRB is not allocated.
[1] TR 25.814 “Physical layer aspects for evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(UTRA),”, V7.0.0, June 2006.
[2] 3GPP TS 36.211 v1.2.1, “Physical Channels and Modulation”, July 2007.

LTE_SpectrumShaping (Spectrum Shaping FIR Filter)

Description Spectrum shaping FIR filter

Library LTE, Signal Sources
Class SDFLTE_SpectrumShaping

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

Name Description Default Unit Type Range

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4/1.6 BW 5 MHz enum

MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW
5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW
15 MHz, BW 20 MHz

NumOfRBs number of resource blocks 25 int [6, 110]

OversamplingOption overSampling ratio option: Ratio 2 enum

Ratio 1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4,
Ratio 8

FilterType spectrum-shaping filter Square-Root enum

type: Square-Root Raised Raised Cosine
Cosine, Ideal Lowpass

Taps number of 19 int [1, 1000]

spectrum-shaping filter

FIRwithInterp spectrum-shaping FIR filter NO enum

with interpolation
operation? NO, YES

Alpha roll-off factor for root 0.22 real [0, 1.0]

raised-cosine filter

IdleInterval idle interval between two 0.0 sec real [0, 1.0ms]
consecutive radio frames

Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 input complex

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

2 output complex

1. This model is a spectrum shaping FIR filter.
2. This model can be used to meet out of band emission requirements for the LTE
system. There is no agreement in RAN4 yet how to define OOB emission limits.

Agilent EEsof EDA develops general spectrum shaping FIR filters: square-root
raised cosine filter and ideal low-pass filter.
3. Parameter Details:
• Bandwidth: Bandwidth of LTE, the type is enum and it can be selected as BW
1.4/1.6 MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW 5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz and BW
20 MHz.
• NumOfRBs: number of resource blocks in the full transmit bandwidth. The
type is integer. It is determined by bandwidth parameter. It can be set to 6/7,
15/16, 24/25, 48/50, 72/75, 96/100 for BW 1.4/1.6 MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW
5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz and BW 20 MHz, respectively. Please note,
24, 48, 72 and 96 for BW 5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz and BW 20 MHz
are not defined in TR36.804. ADS LTE WL supports these number of
resource blocks except those number of resource blocks defined in the LTE
• OversamplingOption: Over-sampling ratio option. Agilent EEsof EDA
provides ratio 1, ratio 2, ratio 4 and ratio 8 in this uplink source.
• FilterType: Spectrum-shaping filter type. Two kind of FIR filters (Ideal
Lowpass and Square-Root Raised Cosine) are provided.
• Taps: Number of FIR filter taps.
• FIRwithInterp: Spectrum-shaping FIR filter is with interpolation operation
or not? If YES, FIR filter completes interpolation function as well as filter
function. If NO, FIR filter just completes filter function.
• Alpha: Alpha is roll-off factor for Square-Root Raised Cosine filter.
[1] TR 25.814 “Physical layer aspects for evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(UTRA),”, V7.0.0, June 2006.
[2] 3GPP TS 36.211 v1.2.1, “Physical Channels and Modulation”, July 2007.

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

LTE_SSCH (S-SCH Generator)

Description LTE downlink SSCH(M) Sequence generator

Library LTE, Signal Sources

Name Description Default Type Range

Index Code index {0,1} int array [0, 31]

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 Out Output real

1. This model is used to generate 3GPP LTE S-SCH signal in frequency domain.
2. Each 10 ms radio frame consists of 20 slots of length 0.5 ms, numbered from 0
to 19. S-SCH is placed in the second last OFDM symbol of the first and 10th slot
(see Figure 6-23). In frequency domain, S-SCH occupies 1.08 MHz (72
subcarriers), and is transmitted only in the central part of the overall
transmission band.

Figure 6-23. S-SCH in the Second Last OFDM Symbol of the First and 10th Slot
3. S-SCH sequence is generated by using two concatenated length 31 M sequence.
The mapping of a S-SCH sequence du(n) to available subcarriers is illustrated
in Figure 6-24 .

Figure 6-24. Mapping of a S-SCH sequence to subcarriers

The M sequence S(0, n) is generated from a primitive polynoial x^5+x^2+1 over
GF(2), ie:
Define S(k,n)=S(0,(n+k)mod N) where
S(k,n) is a cyclic shift(k shifts) of S(0,n)
Thus we have total N sequences including S(0,n)
4. The SSC is based on the concatenation of S(m,n) and S(v,n) where

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

5. Different BPSK modulation can be added on top of two SSCs in 10ms radio
frame [SSC1 SSC2]=[SSC,-SSC]
6. SSCH output is normalized to 1.077632 or -1.077632 which is normalization of
62 subcarriers output power to 72 subcarriers
[1] 3GPP TS 36.211 v1.2.1, “Physical Channels and Modulation”, July 2007.
[2] R1-072727, Qualcomm Europe, “Details on SSC sequence design”, June 2007.

LTE_SymWindow (Symbol Transition Windowing)

Description Symbol transition windowing

Library LTE, Signal Sources
Class SDFLTE_SymWindow

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

Name Description Default Type Range

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4/1.6 BW 5 MHz enum

MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW
5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW
15 MHz, BW 20 MHz

OversamplingOption oversampling ratio option: Ratio 2 enum

Ratio 1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4,
Ratio 8

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal enum

Normal, Extended

IdleInterval idle interval between two 0.0 real [0, 1.0ms]

consecutive frames

WindowType window type of time Tukey enum

transition windowing
between two consecutive
OFDM symbols: Tukey,
Raised cosine

CyclicInterval the overlapped cyclic 6 int [0, 96]

interval between two
adjacent OFDM symbols in
unit of chips (without

Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 DataIn input data complex

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

2 DataOut output data complex

1. This model is used to perform symbol windowing on the LTE frame.
2. The symbol windowing is employed in order to smooth the transitions between
the consecutive OFDM symbols. As a result, the inter-channel interference can
be reduced. Figure 6-25 depicts the principle of the windowing function,
whereby an extended cyclic prefix is employed to cover an overlap of the

windowing functions for adjacent OFDM symbols. The length of the extended
cyclic prefix corresponds to the length of the transition period of the windowing
function, which itself is usually identical to the overlap (CyclicInterval) between
one OFDM symbol and the consecutive one.

Figure 6-25. Principle of Windowing OFDM Symbols in the Time Domain

3. The raised cosine time windowing function is given by [2], where N/2 corresponds to the
parameter CyclicInterval.
4. The Tukey time windowing function is given by [2],

where (N+1) is the window length, α ----
corresponds to the parameter
5. Parameter Details:

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

• Bandwidth: Bandwidth of LTE, the type is enum and it can be selected as BW

1.4/1.6 MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW 5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz and BW
20 MHz.
• OversamplingOption: Over-sampling ratio option. Agilent EEsof EDA provides ratio 1,
ratio 2, ratio 4 and ratio 8 in this uplink source.
• CyclicPrefix: Type of cyclic prefix. It can be set to Normal or Extended.
• IdleInterval: This is the idle interval between two consecutive radio frames.
• WindowType: Window type of time transition windowing between two
consecutive OFDM symbols. It can be selected as Tukey or Raised cosine.
• CyclicInterval: The overlapped cyclic interval between two adjacent OFDM
symbols in unit of chips (without oversampling).
[1] 3GPP TS 36.211 v1.2.1, “Physical Channels and Modulation”, July 2007.
[2] Harris, F. J. "On the Use of Windows for Harmonic Analysis with the Discrete Fourier
Transform" Proceedings of the IEEE. Vol. 66 (January 1978). pp. 66-67.

LTE_UL_CAZAC (Uplink CAZAC Sequence Generator)

Description Uplink CAZAC sequence generator

Library LTE, Signal Sources

Name Description Default Type Range

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4/1.6 BW 5 MHz enum

MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW
5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW
15 MHz, BW 20 MHz

NumOfRBs number of resource blocks 25 int [6, 110]

PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, int array [0, 1]

1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1}
u class of the GCL sequence 1 int [1, Ng]

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 TRGCL truncated or repeated GCL sequence complex

2 GCL GCL sequence complex

1. This model is used to generate Zadoff-Chu sequence for uplink reference signal.
Each firing, m_OccupiedRBPerSym * 12 tokens are generated by TRGCL, and
Nzc tokens are generated by GCL; wherein, m_OccupiedRBPerSym is the
number of resource blocks per SC-FDMA symbol occupied by UE, which equals
to the number of 1s within PRB_Bitmap. 12 is the number of subcarriers within

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

one resource block. Nzc is the prime which is nearest m_OccupiedRBPerSym *

2. The uth root Zadoff-Chu sequence is defined as follows:
πun ( n + 1 )
– j -----------------------------
xu ( n ) = e ,0 ≤ n ≤ N ZC – 1

where NZC is the length of the Zadoff-Chu sequence. The NZC used to generate
the Zadoff-Chu sequence is determined as follows: Nzc is the prime which is
nearest m_OccupiedRBPerSym * 12.
3. The Zadoff-Chu sequence with length Nzc is exported from output pin GCL.
Another sequence with length OccupiedRBPerSym * 12 is also generated from
the Zadoff-Chu sequence with length Nzc as follows: if m_OccupiedRBPerSym *
12 <= Nzc, the last Nzc-m_OccupiedRBPerSym * 12 tokens of Zadoff-Chu
sequence are punctured; else if m_OccupiedRBPerSym * 12 >Nzc, the last
m_OccupiedRBPerSym * 12-Nzc tokens of Zadoff-Chu sequence are repeated.
This sequence is exported from output pin TRGCL.

LTE_UL_DFT (Complex Discrete Fourier Transform for Uplink)

Description Complex discrete Fourier transform for uplink

Library LTE, Signal Sources

Name Description Default Type Range

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4/1.6 BW 5 MHz enum

MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW
5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW
15 MHz, BW 20 MHz

NumOfRBs number of resource blocks 25 int [6, 110]

PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, int array [0, 1]

1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1}
Direction direction of transform: Forward enum
Inverse, Forward

Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 input complex

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

2 output complex

1. This model performs DFT or IDFT of LTE uplink signal using the fast Fourier
transform (FFT) algorithm. Each firing, m_OccupiedRBPerSym * 12 tokens are

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

consumed by input and m_OccupiedRBPerSym * 12 are exported by output;

wherein, m_OccupiedRBPerSym is the number of resource blocks per
SC-FDMA symbol occupied by UE, which equals to the number of 1s within
PRB_Bitmap. 12 is the number of subcarriers within one resource block.
2. m_OccupiedRBPerSym * 12 is the number of subcarriers occupied by UE, which
also determines the length of FFT. FFT algorithms are based on the
fundamental principle of decomposing the computation of the discrete Fourier
transform of a sequence of length N into successively smaller DFT. Many
different algorithms are generated based on the decomposing principle, all with
comparable improvements in computational speed.
[1] A. V. Oppenheim and R. W. Schafer, Discrete-Time Signal Processing,
Prentice-Hall: Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1989.

LTE_UL_HalfCarrier_Shift (Uplink 1/2 Sub-carrier Shifting)

Description Uplink 1/2 sub-carrier shifting

Library LTE, Signal Sources
Class SDFLTE_UL_HalfCarrier_Shift

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

Name Description Default Type Range

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4/1.6 BW 5 MHz enum

MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW
5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW
15 MHz, BW 20 MHz

OversamplingOption oversampling ratio option: Ratio 2 enum

Ratio 1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4,
Ratio 8

IdleInterval idle interval between two 0.0 real [0, 1.0ms]

consecutive frames

HalfCarrierShift_Enable whether or not to enable YES enum

1/2 subcarrier shifting: NO,

Direct add 1/2 subcarrier Forward enum

frequency offset or not:
Forward, Inverse

IQ_Offset_Correct whether or not to correct IQ YES enum

offset: NO, YES

Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 DataIn signal input complex

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

2 DataOut sigal output complex

1. This model performs LTE uplink half sub-carrier shift.
2. It is generally known that direct conversion (zero IF) transmitters and receivers
can introduce significant distortion on the baseband signal components near
zero Hz. Half sub-carrier shifting intends to diminish DC distortion.
3. Parameter Details:

• Bandwidth: Bandwidth of LTE, the type is enum and it can be selected as BW
1.4/1.6 MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW 5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz and BW
20 MHz.
• OversamplingOption: Over-sampling ratio option. Agilent EEsof EDA
provides ratio 1, ratio 2, ratio 4 and ratio 8.
• IdleInterval: This is the idle interval between two consecutive radio frames.
• HalfCarrierShift_Enable: Specifies whether or not to enable 1/2 subcarrier
• Direct: Add 1/2 subcarrier frequency offset or remove 1/2 subcarrier
frequency offset.
[1] TR 25.814 “Physical layer aspects for evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(UTRA),”, V7.0.0, June 2006.
[2] 3GPP TS 36.211 v1.2.1, “Physical Channels and Modulation”, July 2007.

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

LTE_UL_MuxFrame (Uplink Frame Multiplexer)

Description Uplink frame multiplexer

Library LTE, Signal Sources
Class SDFLTE_UL_MuxFrame

Name Description Default Type Range

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4/1.6 BW 5 MHz enum

MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW
5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW
15 MHz, BW 20 MHz

OversamplingOption oversampling ratio option: Ratio 2 enum

Ratio 1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4,
Ratio 8

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD enum

Subframe_Bitmap subframe bitmaps for DL { 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, int array [0, 1]

and UL 1, 1, 1}

IdleInterval idle interval between two 0.0 real [0, 1.0ms]

consecutive frames

RACH_Enable whether or not to enable NO enum


Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 DataIn data in complex

2 RACHIn RACH in complex

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

3 DataOut data out complex

1. This model is used to multiplex slots signals, RACH signal and idle into one
uplink radio frame (10 ms) for both FDD and TDD mode.
2. For FDD mode, one uplink radio frame (10 ms) consists of 10 subframes (20
slots). The uplink radio frame also includes RACH. The RACH occupies first
one subframe in radio frame structure if RACH is available.
3. For TDD mode, the uplink signals are transmitted in available subframes
which desribed by parameter Subframe_Bitmap. And, there’s no RACH in TDD

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

4. Bandwidth (BW) and OversamplingOption determines the number of samples

in one radio frame. The IdleInterval parameter allow to insert an idle (the
samples of Idle is controlled by Bandwidth, Oversampling and IdleInterval)
before each radio frame. RACH_Enable is to control whether the radio frame
includes RACH or not.
Fs (sampling frequency) is controlled by Bandwidth (BW).

 1.92 MHz BW = 1.4 or 1.6 MHz

 3.84 MHz BW = 3.0 or 3.2 MHz

 7.68 MHz BW = 5 MHz
Fs = 
 15.36 MHz BW = 10 MHz
 23.04 MHz BW = 15 MHz

 30.72 MHz BW = 20 MHz

The number of samples (N) per one radio frame in ADS 3GPP LTE wireless
library is as follows:
N = Fs × 2 × ( 10 ms + IdleInterval )

[1] TR 25.814 “Physical layer aspects for evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(UTRA),”, V7.0.0, June 2006.
[2] 3GPP TS 36.211 v1.2.1, “Physical Channels and Modulation”, July 2007.

LTE_UL_MuxSlot (Uplink Slot Multiplexer)

Description Uplink slot multiplexer

Library LTE, Signal Sources
Class SDFLTE_UL_MuxSlot

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

Name Description Default Type Range

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4/1.6 BW 5 MHz enum

MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW
5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW
15 MHz, BW 20 MHz

NumOfRBs number of resource blocks 25 int [6, 110]

OversamplingOption oversampling ratio option: Ratio 2 enum

Ratio 1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4,
Ratio 8

CyclicPrefix Type of cyclic prefix: Normal enum

Normal, Extended

Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 DataSig input data SC-FDMA symbol complex

2 RSSig input reference symbol of SC-FDMA symbol complex

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

3 FrameData uplink slot signal complex

1. This model is used to multiplex reference signal (RS symbol) and data
SC-FDMA symbols into one uplink slot by inserting cyclic prefix.
2. One uplink slot (0.5 ms) for generic frame structure consists of six or five
SC-FDMA data symbols and one reference symbol (RS) SC-FDMA symbol. The
transmitted signal in each slot is described by the contents of N symbUL
SC-FDMA symbols, numbered from 0 to N symbUL – 1 . Each SC-FDMA symbol
carries multiple complex-valued modulation symbols a u, l representing the
contents of resource element (u,l) where u is the time index within SC-FDMA
symbol l. For the generic frame structure, all SC-FDMA symbols are of the
same size.Figure 6-26 is the slot structure.

Figure 6-26. Uplink Slot Format (Generic Frame Structure)
The number of SC-FDMA symbols in a slot depends on the cyclic prefix length
configured by higher layers and is given in Table 6-11.
Table 6-11. Number of SC-FDMA Symbols Per Slot

For the generic frame structure, the demodulation reference signal is mapped
to SC-FDMA symbol l=3. The reference signal symbol is always in 4th
SC-FDMA symbol for the Normal cyclic prefix and Extended cyclic prefix.
Table 6-12 lists the values of N CP, l and N d that are used for the generic frame
structure. Note that different blocks within a slot may have different cyclic
prefix lengths.

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

Table 6-12. SC-FDMA Parameters for the Generic Frame Structure

3. Bandwidth (BW) and OversamplingOption determines the number of samples

per one slot. Six or five data SC-FDMA symbol signals are input from DataSig
and one reference signal SC-FDMA symbol are input from RSSig. By inserting
cyclic prefix according to Table 6-12, one slot is generated and output at pin
Fs (sampling frequency) is controlled by Bandwidth (BW).

 1.92 MHz BW = 1.4 or 1.6 MHz

 3.84 MHz BW = 3.0 or 3.2 MHz

 7.68 MHz BW = 5 MHz
Fs = 
 15.36 MHz BW = 10 MHz
 23.04 MHz BW = 15 MHz

 30.72 MHz BW = 20 MHz

The number of samples (N) per oneslot in the ADS 3GPP LTE wireless library is
as follows:
OversamplingOption –3
N = Fs × 2 × 0.5 × 10

[1] TR 25.814 “Physical layer aspects for evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(UTRA),”, V7.0.0, June 2006.
[2] 3GPP TS 36.211 v1.2.1, “Physical Channels and Modulation”, July 2007.

LTE_UL_RS_Modulator (Uplink SC-FDMA Modulator for Reference

Description Uplink SC-FDMA modulator for reference symbol

Library LTE, Signal Sources
Class SDFLTE_UL_RS_Modulator

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

Name Description Default Type Range

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4/1.6 BW 5 MHz enum

MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW
5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW
15 MHz, BW 20 MHz

NumOfRBs number of resource blocks 25 int [6, 110]

OversamplingOption oversampling ratio option: Ratio 2 enum

Ratio 1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4,
Ratio 8

PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, int array [0, 1]

1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1}

CP cyclic prefix 0.0 real [0, 1]

Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 CAZAC CAZAC sequence complex

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

2 RS reference signal complex

1. This subnetwork performs LTE uplink reference signal modulation. The
subnetwork includes LTE_SCFDMA_Mapper and LTE_FFT. The
LTE_SCFDMA_Mapper performs sub-carrier mapping for uplink reference
signal. The LTE_FFT converts the frequency domain reference signal to time
domain by an IFFT operation using a fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm.
The schematic for this subnetwork is shown in Figure 6-27.

Figure 6-27. LTE_UL_RS_Modulator Schematic
2. [2] defines two types of uplink reference signals, demodulation reference signal
and sounding reference signal. At the current stage, Agilent EEsof EDA only
supports the demodulation reference signal.
3. The uplink reference-signal is based on Zadoff-Chu sequence, which is
presented by David Chu in 1972 [3] as:
 k(k + 1) 
u(k) = exp  – j2πu --------------------- , k = 0…N G – 1, and
2N G 
u = 1…N G – 1

where u denotes the sequence-index. The sequence-length NG is chosen as an

odd prime number in our library. The LTE_UL_CAZAC can be used for this
The Zadoff-Chu sequence has good properties, such as constant amplitude, flat
frequency domain response; ideal cyclic autocorrelation; optimal cyclic cross
correlation, =sqrt(1/ NG ).
4. Each uplink reference signal is transmitted across a distinct set of sub-carriers
which is the same as the data part. This solution achieves reference signal
orthogonality in the frequency domain. The parameter PRB_Bitmap
determines which part of the spectrum is used for uplink reference signal.
5. Parameter Details:
• Bandwidth: Bandwidth of LTE, the type is enum and it can be selected as BW
1.4/1.6 MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW 5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz and BW
20 MHz.
• NumOfRBs: number of resource blocks in the full transmit bandwidth. The
type is integer. It is determined by bandwidth parameter. It can be set to 6/7,
15/16, 24/25, 48/50, 72/75, 96/100 for BW 1.4/1.6 MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz and BW 20 MHz, respectively. Please note,

24, 48, 72 and 96 for BW 5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz and BW 20 MHz
are not defined in TR36.804. ADS LTE WL supports these number of
resource blocks except those number of resource blocks defined in the LTE
• OversamplingOption: Over-sampling ratio option. Agilent EEsof EDA
provides ratio 1, ratio 2, ratio 4 and ratio 8 in this uplink source.
• PRB_Bitmap: PRB bitmaps. The type of this parameter is integer array and
its size is the number of PRB in the selected Bandwidth, which is determined
by NumOfRBs parameter. For example, the size is 25 or 24 if Bandwidth is
5 MHz. The value range of each element is {0,1}. If the element is 1, this
corresponding PRB is allocated; otherwise, this PRB is not allocated.
• CP: cyclic prefix.
[1] TR 25.814 “Physical layer aspects for evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(UTRA),”, V7.0.0, June 2006.
[2] 3GPP TS 36.211 v1.2.1, “Physical Channels and Modulation”, July 2007.
[3] D.C. Chu, “Polyphase Codes With Good Periodic Correlation Properties”, IEEE
Transaction on Information Theory, pp. 531-532, July 1972.

LTE_UL_Src (Uplink Baseband Signal Source)

Description Uplink baseband signal source

Library LTE, Signal Sources

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

Name Description Default Unit Type Range

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD enum

Subframe_Bitmap subframe bitmaps for DL { 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, int array [0, 1]

and UL 1, 1, 1}

GuardPeriod number of guard symbols 0 int [0, 12]

for TDD

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4/1.6 BW 5 MHz enum

MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW
5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW
15 MHz, BW 20 MHz

NumOfRBs number of resource blocks 25 int [6, 110]

OversamplingOption oversampling ratio option: Ratio 2 enum

Ratio 1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4,
Ratio 8

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal enum

Normal, Extended

PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, int array [0, 1]

1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1}

IdleInterval idle interval between two 0.0 sec real [0, 1.0ms]
consecutive radio frames

HalfCarrierShift_Enable whether or not to enable YES enum

1/2 subcarrier shifting: NO,

SpectrumShapingType spectrum-shaping type: FIRFilter enum

TimeWindowing, FIRFilter

FilterType spectrum-shaping FIR filter Square-Root enum

type: Square-Root Raised Raised Cosine
Cosine, Ideal Lowpass

Taps number of FIR filter taps 19 int [1, 1000]

FIRwithInterp spectrum-shaping FIR filter NO enum

with interpolation
operation? NO, YES

Alpha roll-off factor for root 0.22 real [0, 1.0]

raised-cosine filter

WindowType type of time transition Tukey enum

windowing between two
consecutive symbols:
Tukey, Raised cosine

CyclicInterval the overlapped cyclic 6 int [0, 96]

interval between two
adjacent SC-FDMA
symbols in unit of chips
(without oversampleing)

Name Description Default Unit Type Range
RACH_Enable whether or not to enable NO enum

ZCSequence ZC signatures index 1 int [1, ∞]

PreambleSequence RACH signatures index 1 int [1, 448]

RACH_Factor RACH scale factor 1.0 real (0.0, ∞)

RS_Factor reference signal scale 1.0 real (0.0, ∞)


Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 Data input of Data signal complex

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

2 Frame output of sub-frame signal complex

3 PUSCH_Sym output of PUSCH signal complex

1. This subnetwork generates an LTE uncoded uplink FDD baseband signal. The
signal is DFT-S-OFDM type.The schematic for this subnetwork is shown in
Figure 6-28.

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

Figure 6-28. LTE_UL_Src Schematic

The subnetwork includes LTE_RACH, LTE_UL_CAZAC,
LTE_UL_RS_Modulator, LTE_UL_SCFDMA_Modulator, LTE_UL_MuxSlot,
LTE_UL_MuxFrame, LTE_UL_HalfCarrierShift, LTE_SymWindow, and
LTE_SpectrumShaping. The LTE_RACH component is used to generate
non-synchronized RACH channel. The LTE_SCFDMA_Modulator component
implements uplink SC-FDMA modulation for PUSCH generation following
3GPP LTE uplink system parameters. LTE_UL_MuxSlot is used to multiplex
PUSCH and RS into one slot, LTE_UL_MuxSlot is also used to insert cyclic
prefix before every block within one slot. LTE_UL_MuxFrame is used to
multiplex RACH and PUSCH into one frame. LTE_UL_HalfCarrierShift is used
to make the baseband signal a half sampling frequency shift. LTE_SymWindow
and LTE_SpectrumShaping are to provide two methods for the spectrum
shaping function for the uplink source. LTE_SymWindow is used to perform a
time windowing function between two consecutive symbols.
LTE_SpectrumShaping is to provide the spectrum shaping of the uplink source
by using FIR filter.
2. The basic uplink transmission scheme is a single-carrier frequency division
multiple access (SC-FDMA) with cyclic prefix to achieve uplink inter-user
orthogonality and to enable efficient frequency-domain equalization at the
receiver side. Frequency-domain generation of the signal, sometimes known as
DFT-spread OFDM, is assumed and illustrated in Figure 6-29. This allows for a

relatively high degree of commonality with the downlink OFDM scheme and
the same parameters; for example, clock frequency can be reused.

Figure 6-29. Transmitter Structure for SC-FDMA

3. For uplink transmission scheme, the sub-carrier spacing is ∆f = 15 kHz.
Assuming that a 10 ms radio frame is divided into 20 equally sized slots (of
which, in case of TDD operation, a subset is allocated for downlink
transmission), this parameter set implies a slot duration Tslot = 0.5 ms. The
basic transmission parameters are then specified in more detail in Table 6-13.

Table 6-13. Parameters for Uplink Transmission Scheme

Spectrum Slot µs/# of occupied
Allocation duration
(MHz) (ms) RBs/samples†
20 0.5 66.67/100 or 96/2048

15 0.5 66.67/75 or 72/1536

10 0.5 66.67/48 or 50/1024

5 0.5 66.67/24 or 25/512

3.2 0.5 66.67/16/256

3 0.5 66.67/15/256

1.6 0.5 66.67/7/128

1.4 0.5 66.67/6/128

† FFT size = samples

The uplink slot structure is illustrated in Figure 6-30. The number of

SC-FDMA symbols NUL symb in a slot depends on the cyclic prefix length configured

by higher layers is given in Table 6-14..

Table 6-14. Number of SC-FDMA Symbols

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

The transmitted signal in each slot is described by the contents of Nsymb
SC-FDMA symbols, numbered from 0 to N symb – 1 .

Figure 6-30. Uplink Slot Format (Generic Frame Structure)

4. The SC-FDMA symbols in a slot shall be transmitted in increasing order of l.
The time-continuous signal Sl ( t ) in SC-FDMA symbol l in an uplink slot is
defined by,

for 0 ≤ t ≤ ( N CP, l + Nd ) × T s .

The frequency hopping pattern used for uplink transmission is determined by

the function f ( k0 ) , where k0 is given by the scheduling decision. Spectrum
shaping is controlled by g k .
Table 6-15 lists the values of NCP, l and Nd that are used for the generic frame
structure. Note that different blocks within a slot may have different cyclic
prefix lengths.
Table 6-15. SC-FDMA Parameters for the Generic Frame Structure

5. Uplink reference-signal structure:
The uplink reference-signal is based on CAZAC sequence. CAZAC stands for
Constant Amplitude Zero Auto-Correlation. The earliest CAZAC is presented
by David Chu in 1972 [3] as:
 k(k + 1) 
s u ( k ) = exp  – jπu --------------------- , k = 0…N G – 1, and u = 1…NG – 1
 NG 

where u denotes the sequence-index. The sequence-length NG should be chosen

as a prime number. It has good properties, such as constant amplitude, flat
frequency domain response; ideal cyclic auto-correlation; optimal cyclic cross
correlation, =sqrt(1/ NG ).
Each uplink reference signal is transmitted across a distinct set of sub-carriers.
This solution achieves signal orthogonality in the frequency domain.
6. RACH channel.
The physical layer random access burst, illustrated in Figure 6-31, consists of a
cyclic prefix of length T CP , a preamble of length T PRE , and a guard time T GT
during which nothing is transmitted. The parameter values are listed in
Table 6-16 and depend on the frame structure and the random access
configuration. Higher layers control the preamble format.

Figure 6-31. Random-Access Preamble Format (Generic Frame Structure)

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

Table 6-16. .Random-Access Parameters

For the alternative frame structure, the start of the random access burst
depends on the burst length configured. For the normal burst length, the burst
will start TRA before the end of the UpPTS at the UE. For the extended burst
length, the start of the random access burst will be aligned with the start of
uplink subframe 1.
The random access preambles are generated from Zadoff-Chu sequences with
zero correlation zone, ZC-ZCZ, generated from one or several root Zadoff-Chu
sequences. The network configures the set of preamble sequences that the UE is
allowed to use.
The u root Zadoff-Chu sequence is defined by,
 n( n + 1 ) 
x u ( n ) = exp  – jπu --------------------- , n = 0…N ZC – 1
 N ZC 

where the length NZC of the Zadoff-Chu sequence is given in Table 6-17. From
the uth root Zadoff-Chu sequence, random access preambles with zero
correlation zone are defined by cyclic shifts of multiples of according to
x u, v ( n ) = x u ( ( n + vNCS )modN ZC )

where N CS is given in Table 6-17.

Table 6-17. Random Access Preamble Sequence Parameters

7. Parameter Details.

• FrameMode: frame mode, it can determine FDD or TDD signal source to be
• Subframe_Bitmap: subframe bitmap of TDD mode. This parameter defines
which subframe is used for downlink or uplink. “0” represents for downlink
transmission and “1” is for uplink transmission. For example the setting
Subframe_Bitmap={0,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,1}, it means subframes 0,1,2,5 and 6 are
to transmit downlink and subframe 3,4,7,8 and 9 are to transmit uplink.
• GuardPeriod: number of guard period symbols for TDD mode. Table 6-5
defines its supported symbols.
• Bandwidth: Bandwidth of LTE, the type is enum and it can be selected as BW
1.4/1.6 MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW 5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz and BW
20 MHz.
• NumOfRBs: number of resource blocks in the full transmit bandwidth. The
type is integer. It is determined by bandwidth parameter. It can be set to 6/7,
15/16, 24/25, 48/50, 72/75, 96/100 for BW 1.4/1.6 MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW
5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz and BW 20 MHz, respectively. Please note,
24, 48, 72 and 96 for BW 5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz and BW 20 MHz
are not defined in TR36.804. ADS LTE WL supports these number of
resource blocks except those number of resource blocks defined in the LTE
• OversamplingOption: Over-sampling ratio option. Agilent EEsof EDA
provides ratio 1, ratio 2, ratio 4 and ratio 8 in this uplink source.
• CyclicPrefix: Type of cyclic prefix. It can be set to Normal or Extended.
• PRB_Bitmap: PRB bitmaps. The type of this parameter is integer array and
its size is the number of PRB in the selected Bandwidth, which is determined
by NumOfRBs parameter. For example, the size is 25 or 24 if Bandwidth is
5 MHz. The value range of each element is {0,1}. If the element is 1, this
corresponding PRB is allocated; otherwise, this PRB is not allocated.
• IdleInterval: This is the idle interval between two consecutive radio frames.
• HalfCarrierShift_Enable: This parameter type is query(bool). It indicates
whether or not to enable Half Carrier Shift.
• SpectrumShapingType: SpectrumShapingType determines
spectrum-shaping type. Two types of methods are provided for spectrum
shaping: FIRFilter and TimeWindowing. If FIRFilter is selected, a FIR filter
is used for spectrum shaping. If TimeWindowing is selected, a time transition

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

windowing function is used between two consecutive OFDM symbols for

spectrum shaping.
• FilterType: Spectrum-shaping filter type. It is active only when
SpectrumShapingType =FIRFilter. Two kinds of FIR filters (Ideal Lowpass
and Square-Root Raised Cosine) are provided.
• Taps: Number of FIR filter taps. It is active only when SpectrumShapingType
• FIRwithInterp: Spectrum-shaping FIR filter is with interpolation operation
or not? If YES, FIR filter completes interpolation function as well as filter
function. If NO, FIR filter just completes filter function.
• Alpha: Alpha is roll-off factor for root raised-cosine filter.
• WindowType: Window type of time transition windowing between two
consecutive OFDM symbols. It can be selected as Tukey and Raised cosine. It
is active only when SpectrumShapingType =TimeWindowing.
• CyclicInterval: The overlapped cyclic interval between two adjacent OFDM
symbols in unit of chips (without oversampling). It is active only when
SpectrumShapingType =TimeWindowing.
• RACH_Enable: This parameter type is query(bool). It indicates whether or
not to enable RACH.
• RACH_Factor: This parameter type is int. The setting range is [0:inf). It
indicates the scale factor of RACH.
• RS_Factor: This parameter type is int. The setting range is [0:inf). It
indicates the scale factor of Reference Signal.
[1] 3GPP TR 25.814, "Physical layer aspects for evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio
Access (UTRA)," V7.1.0, September 2006.
[2] R1-062274, Ericsson, “E-UTRA Scalability of Random Access Preamble with
cyclic prefix”, August 2006.
[3] D.C. Chu, “Polyphase Codes With Good Periodic Correlation Properties”, IEEE
Transaction on Information Theory, pp. 531-532, July 1972.
[4] 3GPP TS 36.211 v1.2.1, July 2007.

LTE_UL_Src_RF (Uplink Signal Source with RF Modulator)

Description Uplink signal source with RF modulator

Library LTE, Signal Sources

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

Name Description Default Unit Type Range

ROut source resistance 50 Ohm Ohm int (0, ∞)

RTemp temperature - 273.15 Celsius real [- 273.15, ∞]

FCarrier carrier frequency 2500 MHz Hz real (0, ∞)

Power power 0.01 W W real (0, ∞)

MirrorSpectrum indication of mirror NO enum

spectrum about carrier:

GainImbalance gain imbalance in dB Q 0.0 real (-∞, ∞)

channel relative to I

PhaseImbalance phase imbalance in dB Q 0.0 real (-∞, ∞)

channel relative to I

I_OriginOffset I origin offset in percent 0.0 real (-∞, ∞)

with repect to output rms

Q_OriginOffset Q origin offset in percent 0.0 real (-∞, ∞)

with repect to output rms

IQ_Rotation IQ rotation in degrees 0.0 real (-∞, ∞)

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD enum

Subframe_Bitmap subframe bitmaps for DL { 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, int array [0, 1]

and UL 1, 1, 1}

GuardPeriod number of guard symbols 0 int [0, 12]

for TDD

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4/1.6 BW 5 MHz enum

MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW
5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW
15 MHz, BW 20 MHz

NumOfRBs number of resource blocks 25 int [6, 110]

OversamplingOption oversampling ratio option: Ratio 2 enum

Ratio 1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4,
Ratio 8

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal enum

Normal, Extended
PRB_Bitmap PRB bitmaps { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, int array [0, 1]
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1}

IdleInterval idle interval between two 0.0 sec real [0, 1.0ms]
consecutive radio frames

Name Description Default Unit Type Range
HalfCarrierShift_Enable whether or not to enable YES enum
1/2 subcarrier shifting: NO,

SpectrumShapingType spectrum-shaping type: FIRFilter enum

TimeWindowing, FIRFilter

FilterType spectrum-shaping FIR filter Square-Root enum

type: Square-Root Raised Raised Cosine
Cosine, Ideal Lowpass

Taps number of FIR filter taps 19 int [1, 1000]

FIRwithInterp spectrum-shaping FIR filter NO enum

with interpolation
operation? NO, YES

Alpha roll-off factor for root 0.22 real [0, 1.0]

raised-cosine filter

WindowType type of time transition Tukey enum

windowing between two
consecutive symbols:
Tukey, Raised cosine

CyclicInterval the overlapped cyclic 6 int [0, 96]

interval between two
adjacent SC-FDMA
symbols in unit of chips
(without oversampleing)

RACH_Enable whether or not to enable NO enum


ZCSequence ZC signatures index 1 int [1, ∞]

PreambleSequence RACH signatures index 1 int [1, 448]

RACH_Factor RACH scale factor 1.0 real (0, ∞)

RS_Factor reference signal scale 1.0 real (0, ∞)


3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

Pin Inputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

1 Data input of Data signal complex

Pin Outputs
Pin Name Description Signal Type

2 RF_Signal output of RF signal timed

3 Frame_TD output of frame signal in time domain complex

4 PUSCH_Sym output of data signal complex

1. This subnetwork generates an LTE uplink RF signal. The signal is
DFT-S-OFDM type. The subnetwork includes LTE_UL_Src, which generates
the baseband 3GPP LTE uncoded uplink source, and the RF_Modulator. The
schematic for this subnetwork is shown in Figure 6-32.

Figure 6-32. LTE_UL_Src_RF Schematic

The baseband uncoded uplink source schematic is shown in Figure 6-33. The
subnetwork includes the LTE_RACH, LTE_UL_CAZAC,
LTE_UL_RS_Modulator, LTE_UL_SCFDMA_Modulator, LTE_UL_MuxSlot,
LTE_UL_MuxFrame, LTE_UL_HalfCarrierShift, LTE_SymWindow, and
LTE_SpectrumShaping. The LTE_RACH component is used to generate
non-synchronized RACH channel. The LTE_SCFDMA_Modulator component
implements uplink SC-FDMA modulation for PUSCH generation following
3GPP LTE uplink system parameters. LTE_UL_MuxSlot is used to multiplex
PUSCH and RS into one slot, LTE_UL_MuxSlot is also used to insert cyclic
prefix before every block within one slot. LTE_UL_MuxFrame is used to
multiplex RACH and PUSCH into one frame. LTE_UL_HalfCarrierShift is used
to make the baseband signal a half sampling frequency shift. LTE_SymWindow
and LTE_SpectrumShaping are to provide two methods for the spectrum
shaping function for the uplink source. LTE_SymWindow is used to perform a
time windowing function between two consecutive symbols.
LTE_SpectrumShaping is to provide the spectrum shaping of the uplink source
by using FIR filter.

Figure 6-33. LTE_UL_Src Schematic

2. The basic uplink transmission scheme is single-carrier frequency division
multiple access (SC-FDMA) with cyclic prefix to achieve uplink inter-user
orthogonality and to enable efficient frequency-domain equalization at the
receiver side. Frequency-domain generation of the signal, sometimes known as

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

DFT-spread OFDM, is assumed and illustrated in Figure 6-34. This allows for a
relatively high degree of commonality with the downlink OFDM scheme and
the same parameters; for example, clock frequency can be reused.

Figure 6-34. Transmitter Structure for SC-FDMA

3. For the uplink transmission scheme, the sub-carrier spacing is ∆f = 15 kHz.
Assuming that a 10 ms radio frame is divided into 20 equally sized slots (of
which, in case of TDD operation, a subset is allocated for downlink
transmission), this parameter set implies a slot duration Tslot = 0.5 ms. The
basic transmission parameters are then specified in more detail in Table 6-18.

Table 6-18. Parameters for Uplink Transmission Scheme

Spectrum Slot µs/# of occupied
Allocation duration
(MHz) (ms) RBs/samples†

20 0.5 66.67/100 or 96/2048

15 0.5 66.67/75 or 72/1536

10 0.5 66.67/48 or 50/1024

5 0.5 66.67/24 or 25/512

3.2 0.5 66.67/16/256

3 0.5 66.67/15/256

1.6 0.5 66.67/7/128

1.4 0.5 66.67/6/128

† FFT size = samples

4. The uplink slot structure is illustrated in Figure 6-35. The number of

SC-FDMA symbols N in a slot depends on the cyclic prefix length configured
by higher layers is given in Table 6-19.

Table 6-19. Number of SC-FDMA Symbols

The transmitted signal in each slot is described by the contents of N SC-FDMA
symbols, numbered from 0 to N –1,

Figure 6-35. Sub-frame Format with Two Short Blocks

5. The SC-FDMA symbols in a slot shall be transmitted in increasing order of l.
The time-continuous signal Sl ( t ) in SC-FDMA symbol l in an uplink slot is
defined by:

for 0 ≤ t ≤ ( N CP, l + N d ) × T s .

The frequency hopping pattern used for uplink transmission is determined by

the function f ( k0 ) , where k0 is given by the scheduling decision. Spectrum
shaping is controlled by g k .
Table 6-20 lists the values of NCP, l and Nd that are used for the generic frame
structure. Note that different blocks within a slot may have different cyclic
prefix lengths.

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

Table 6-20. .SC-FDMA Parameters for the Generic Frame Structure

6. Uplink reference-signal structure:

The uplink reference-signal is based on CAZAC sequence. CAZAC means
constant amplitude zero auto-correlation. The earliest CAZAC is presented by
David Chu in 1972 [3] as:
 k(k + 1) 
s u ( k ) = exp  – j2πu --------------------- , k = 0…N G – 1, and u = 1…N G – 1
 2N G 

where u denotes the sequence-index. The sequence-length NG should be chosen

as a prime number. It has good properties, such as constant amplitude, flat
frequency domain response; ideal cyclic auto-correlation; optimal cyclic cross
correlation, =sqrt(1/ NG ).
Each uplink reference signal is transmitted across a distinct set of sub-carriers.
This solution achieves signal orthogonality in the frequency domain.
7. RACH channel.
The physical layer random access burst, illustrated in Figure 6-36, consists of a
cyclic prefix of length T CP , a preamble of length T PRE , and a guard time T GT
during which nothing is transmitted. The parameter values are listed in
Table 6-21 and depend on the frame structure and the random access
configuration. Higher layers control the preamble format.

Figure 6-36. Random-Access Preamble Format (Generic Frame Structure)

Table 6-21. Random-Access Parameters

For the alternative frame structure, the start of the random access burst
depends on the burst length configured. For the normal burst length, the burst
shall start TRA before the end of the UpPTS at the UE. For the extended burst
length, the start of the random access burst shall be aligned with the start of
uplink subframe 1.
The random access preambles are generated from Zadoff-Chu sequences with
zero correlation zone, ZC-ZCZ, generated from one or several root Zadoff-Chu
sequences. The network configures the set of preamble sequences the UE is
allowed to use.
The u root Zadoff-Chu sequence is defined by
 n(n + 1) 
x u ( n ) = exp  – jπu --------------------- , n = 0…N ZC – 1
 N ZC 

where the length NZC of the Zadoff-Chu sequence is given in Table 6-22. From
the uth root Zadoff-Chu sequence, random access preambles with zero
correlation zone are defined by cyclic shifts of multiples of according to
x u, v ( n ) = x u ( ( n + vN CS )modN ZC )

where N CS is given in Table 6-22.

Table 6-22. Random Access Preamble Sequence Parameters

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

8. Parameter Details:
• ROut is the RF output source resistance.
• RTemp is the RF output source resistance temperature in Celsius and sets
the noise density in the RF output signal to (k(RTemp+273.15)) Watts/Hz,
where k is Boltzmann's constant.
• FCarrier is the RF output signal frequency.
• Power is used to set the modulator output RF power. This is true for an ideal
transmitted signal (no impairments added) or when small impairments are
added. If large impairments are added to the signal (using GainImbalance,
I_OriginOffset, and Q_OriginOffset parameters) the output RF power may be
different from the value of the Power parameter.
• MirrorSpectrum is used to mirror the RF_out signal spectrum about the
carrier. This is equivalent to conjugating the complex RF envelope voltage.
Depending on the configuration and number of mixers in an RF transmitter,
the RF output signal from hardware RF generators can be inverted. If such
an RF signal is desired, set this parameter to YES.
• GainImbalance, PhaseImbalance, I_OriginOffset, Q_OriginOffset, and
IQ_Rotation are used to add certain impairments to the ideal output RF
signal. Impairments are added in the order described here.
The unimpaired RF I and Q envelope voltages have gain and phase
imbalance applied. The RF is given by:

Φπ- 
V RF ( t ) = A  V I ( t ) cos ( ω c t ) – gV Q ( t ) sin  ω c t + --------
  180 

where A is a scaling factor based on the Power and ROut parameters

specified by the user, VI(t) is the in-phase RF envelope, VQ(t) is the
quadrature phase RF envelope, g is the gain imbalance

g = 10

and, φ (in degrees) is the phase imbalance.

Next, the signal VRF(t) is rotated by IQ_Rotation degrees. The I_OriginOffset
and Q_OriginOffset are then applied to the rotated signal. Note that the
amounts specified are percentages with respect to the output rms voltage.
The output rms voltage is given by sqrt(2×ROut×Power).
• Bandwidth: Bandwidth of LTE, the type is enum and it can be selected as BW
1.25 MHz, BW 2.5 MHz, BW 5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz and BW
20 MHz.
• NumOfRBs: number of resource blocks in the full transmit bandwidth. The
type is integer. It is determined by bandwidth parameter. It can be set to 6/7,
15/16, 24/25, 48/50, 72/75, 96/100 for BW 1.4/1.6 MHz, BW 3.0/3.2 MHz, BW
5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz and BW 20 MHz, respectively. Please note,
24, 48, 72 and 96 for BW 5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz and BW 20 MHz
are not defined in TR36.804. ADS LTE WL supports these number of
resource blocks except those number of resource blocks defined in the LTE
• OversamplingOption: Over-sampling ratio option. Agilent EEsof EDA
provides ratio 1, ratio 2, ratio 4 and ratio 8 in this uplink source.
• CyclicPrefix: Type of cyclic prefix. It can be set to Normal or Extended.
• PRB_Bitmap: PRB bitmaps. The type of this parameter is integer array and
its size is the number of PRB in the selected Bandwidth, which is determined
by NumOfRBs parameter. For example the size is 25 or 24 if Bandwidth is
5 MHz. The value range of each element is {0,1}. If the element is 1, this
corresponding PRB is allocated; otherwise, this PRB is not allocated.
• IdleInterval: idle interval between two consecutive radio frame.
• HalfCarrierShift_Enable: This parameter type is query(bool). It indicates
whether or not to enable Half Carrier Shift.
• SpectrumShapingType: SpectrumShapingType determines
spectrum-shaping type. Two types of methods are provided for spectrum
shaping: FIRFilter and TimeWindowing. If FIRFilter is selected, a FIR filter
is used for spectrum shaping. If TimeWindowing is selected, time transition

3GPP LTE Signal Source Components

windowing function is used between two consecutive OFDM symbols for

spectrum shaping.
• FilterType: Spectrum-shaping filter type. It is active only when
SpectrumShapingType =FIRFilter. Two kinds of FIR filters (Ideal Lowpass
and Square-Root Raised Cosine) are provided.
• Taps: Number of FIR filter taps. It is active only when SpectrumShapingType
• FIRwithInterp: Spectrum-shaping FIR filter is with interpolation operation
or not? If YES, FIR filter completes interpolation function as well as filter
function. If NO, FIR filter just completes filter function.
• Alpha: Alpha is roll-off factor for root raised-cosine filter.
• WindowType: Window type of time transition windowing between two
consecutive OFDM symbols. It can be selected as Tukey and Raised cosine. It
is active only when SpectrumShapingType =TimeWindowing.
• CyclicInterval: The overlapped cyclic interval between two adjacent OFDM
symbols in unit of chips (without oversampling). It is active only when
SpectrumShapingType =TimeWindowing.
• RACH_Enable: This parameter type is query(bool). It indicates whether or
not to enable RACH.
• RACH_Factor: This parameter type is int. The setting range is [0:inf). It
indicates the scale factor of RACH.
• RS_Factor: This parameter type is int. The setting range is [0:inf). It
indicates the scale factor of Reference Signal.
[1] 3GPP TR 25.814, "Physical layer aspects for evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio
Access (UTRA)," V7.1.0, September 2006.
[2] R1-062274, Ericsson, “E-UTRA Scalability of Random Access Preamble with
cyclic prefix”, August 2006.
[3] D.C. Chu, “Polyphase Codes With Good Periodic Correlation Properties”, IEEE
Transaction on Information Theory, pp. 531-532, July 1972.
[4] 3GPP TS 36.211 v1.2.1, July 2007.

Chapter 7: 3GPP LTE Design Examples
This 3GPP LTE Wireless Design Library includes several design examples for LTE
downlink transmitter measurement, downlink raw BER and UL transmitters. Six
projects (LTE_DL_Tx_prj, LTE_DL_Rx_prj, LTE_DL_TDD_prj, LTE_UL_Tx_prj,
LTE_UL_Rx_prj and LTE_UL_TDD_prj) are provided in the 3GPP LTE Wireless
Design Library.

3GPP LTE Downlink FDD Transmitter Design

The LTE_DL_Tx_prj project provides transmitter design examples for the 3GPP LTE
downlink FDD system. The transmitter measurements include EVM, constellation,
spectrum, and CCDF, as well as other measurements.
• LTE_DL_to_ESG.dsn: Demo how to download BS waveform to ESG Instrument
• LTE_DL_TxEVM.dsn: BS EVM vs physical channel and resource block
• LTE_DL_TxEVM_vs_SC.dsn: BS EVM vs subcarrier measurement
• LTE_DL_TxSpectrum.dsn: BS Tx spectrum, waveform, CCDF and power

Download BS FDD Waveform to ESG Instrument

LTE_DL_to_ESG.dsn Design
• Demo how to download BS waveform to ESG instrument.
LTE_DL_to_ESG.dsn downloads BS FDD waveform to ESG instrument. The
schematic is shown in Figure 7-1.

3GPP LTE Downlink FDD Transmitter Design Examples 7-1

3GPP LTE Design Examples

Figure 7-1. LTE_DL_to_ESG.dsn Schematic

Users can change Bandwidth setting (see Table 7-1) and get results for different
system bandwidth configuration.

Table 7-1. Bandwidth Settings

Bandwidth Value

1.4/1.6MHz 0

3.0/3.2MHz 1

5MHz 2

10MHz 3

15MHz 4

20MHz 5

7-2 3GPP LTE Downlink FDD Transmitter Design Examples

Simulation Results
• Hardware Platform: Centrino 2.0GHz, 2048M memory
• Software Platform: Window XP, ADS 2006U2

Downlink FDD Transmitter EVM Measurement

• LTE downlink transmitter EVM and constellation measurement
• The signal to be measured passes through ITU fading channel
LTE_DL_TxEVM.dsn measures the EVM of LTE downlink FDD signal which passes
through ITU fading channel, and constellation of the signal is also provided.
The schematic for this design is shown in Figure 7-2.

3GPP LTE Downlink FDD Transmitter Design Examples 7-3

3GPP LTE Design Examples

Figure 7-2. LTE_DL_TxEVM.dsn Schematic

LTE_DL_Src_RF is LTE RF downlink signal source, and the signal generated by the
source passes through ITU fading channel LTE_Channel_ITU. Then, the EVM of the
signal is measured by EVM measurement model LTE_DL_EVM, and the
constellation of the signal is also provided by this measurement model.
Simulation Results
The measurement results are shown as follows:
Figure 7-3 shows the EVM measurement results of PDCCH, BCH, P-SCH and S-SCH
respectively, which include the EVM of each frame and the averaged EVM over
FramesToAverage frames for each channel.

7-4 3GPP LTE Downlink FDD Transmitter Design Examples

Figure 7-3. EVM versus Physical Channel

3GPP LTE Downlink FDD Transmitter Design Examples 7-5

3GPP LTE Design Examples

Figure 7-4 and Figure 7-5 show the EVM measurement results of UE1 to UE6, which
include the EVM of each frame and the averaged EVM over FramesToAverage frames
for each UE.

Figure 7-4. EVM versus Physical Channel

7-6 3GPP LTE Downlink FDD Transmitter Design Examples

Figure 7-5. EVM versus Physical Channel
Figure 7-6 shows the EVM measurement results obtained on different resource
blocks, which are occupied by different UEs.

3GPP LTE Downlink FDD Transmitter Design Examples 7-7

3GPP LTE Design Examples

Figure 7-6. EVM versus Resource Block

Figure 7-7 shows the constellation of the signal to be measured of each UE.

Figure 7-7. Constellation

• Hardware Platform: Centrino Duo 2.0GHz, 2 GB memory
• Software Platform: Windows XP, ADS 2006U2
• Simulation Time: approximately 9 minutes

Downlink FDD Transmitter EVM Versus Subcarrier Measurement

• LTE downlink transmitter EVM versus subcarrier measurement

7-8 3GPP LTE Downlink FDD Transmitter Design Examples

LTE_DL_TxEVM_vs_SC.dsn measures the EVM versus subcarrier of LTE downlink
FDD signal.
The schematic for this design is shown in Figure 7-8.

Figure 7-8. LTE_DL_TxEVM_vs_SC.dsn Schematic

LTE_DL_Src_RF is LTE RF downlink signal source, which can support 6 UEs at
maximum. The TxConstellation used to save the UE data to be modulated as the
reference signal and RxConstellation is used to save the demodulated UE data as the
signal to be measured. The EVM versus Subcarrier is defined as the error vector
between the UE data to be modulated and the demodulated UE data versus

3GPP LTE Downlink FDD Transmitter Design Examples 7-9

3GPP LTE Design Examples

Simulation Results
Figure 7-9 shows EVM versus subcarrier.

Figure 7-9. EVM versus Subcarrier

• Hardware Platform: Centrino Duo 2.0GHz, 2 GB memory
• Software Platform: Windows XP, ADS 2006U2
• Simulation Time: approximately 4.5 seconds

Downlink FDD Transmitter Spectrum Measurement

LTE_DL_TxSpectrum.dsn Design
• Transmitter CCDF
• Preamble Power, Mean Power and Peak Power
• Transmitter Waveform
• Transmitter Spectrum Measurement

7-10 3GPP LTE Downlink FDD Transmitter Design Examples

LTE_DL_TxSpectrum.dsn measures the transmitter spectrum of downlink FDD
signal. The schematic is shown in Figure 7-10.

Figure 7-10. LTE_DL_TxSpectrum.dsn Schematic

In LTE_DL_SignalSrc_RF Power is set to Average Power.
Simulation Results
The signal power density spectrum is obtained using the spectrum analyzer.
Table 7-2 shows the simulation conditions and Figure 7-12 shows the spectrum.

Table 7-2. Parameter Settings

Parameter Value

FCarrier 2500 MHz

Bandwidth 10 MHz

NumOfRBs 50

Oversampling Option Ratio 2

3GPP LTE Downlink FDD Transmitter Design Examples 7-11

3GPP LTE Design Examples

Table 7-2. Parameter Settings

Parameter Value

Cyclic Prefix 1/14

Mapping_Type QPSK

Figure 7-11. DL Transmitter CCDF

7-12 3GPP LTE Downlink FDD Transmitter Design Examples

Figure 7-12. DL Transmitter Spectrum

3GPP LTE Downlink FDD Transmitter Design Examples 7-13

3GPP LTE Design Examples

Figure 7-13. DL Transmitter Waveform

Figure 7-14. DL Transmitter Power

• Hardware Platform: Centrino Duo 2.0GHz, 2 GB memory
• Software Platform: Windows XP, ADS 2006U2
• Simulation Time: 3 seconds

3GPP LTE Downlink Receiver Design Examples

The LTE_DL_Rx_prj project provides receiver design examples for the 3GPP LTE
downlink FDD system. Currently, the raw BER (un-decoded BER) of the downlink
FDD system is provided.

7-14 3GPP LTE Downlink Receiver Design Examples

• LTE_DL_RawBER.dsn: Downlink FDD Raw BER and PER Measurement on
AWGN Channel

Downlink Raw BER Measurement Under AWGN

LTE_DL_RawBER.dsn Design
• BER measurement under AWGN
• Multiple Eb/N0 measurement points
LTE_DL_RawBER.dsn performs downlink FDD BER measurements under AWGN.
The schematic is shown in Figure 7-15.

Figure 7-15. LTE_DL_RawBER.dsn Schematic

3GPP LTE Downlink Receiver Design Examples 7-15

3GPP LTE Design Examples

In DL receiver. an advanced linear interpolator based channel estimator are employed.

Users can change MappingType from 0 to 2 in Signal_Generation_VARs and get BER
results for different modulations. In EbNo_Computation, the Eb/N0 and corresponding
SNR is calculated. In Measurement_Vars, the number of frames for simulating BER is defined which may
be varied for different Eb/N0.
Simulation Results
In this example, The performances of downlink PDSCH under AWGN without
channel coding are given. Table 7-3 shows the simulation conditions.

Table 7-3. Parameter Settings

Parameter Value

FCarrier 2500 MHz

Bandwidth 5 MHz

Oversampling Option Ratio 2

Cyclic Prefix 1/14

The curves have been generated averaging over 500 frames under AWGN.
Figure 7-16 shows the simulation results.

7-16 3GPP LTE Downlink Receiver Design Examples

Figure 7-16. Downlink Raw BER Simulation Curve
• Hardware Platform: Centrino Duo 2.0GHz, 2 GB memory
• Software Platform: Windows XP, ADS 2006U
• Simulation Time: about 10 minutes for QPSK

3GPP LTE Downlink TDD Design Examples

The LTE_DL_TDD_prj project provides transceiver design examples for the 3GPP
LTE downlink TDD system. The measurements include EVM, constellation and BER
as well as other measurements.

3GPP LTE Downlink TDD Design Examples 7-17

3GPP LTE Design Examples

• LTE_DL_TDD_TxEVM.dsn: Downlink TDD transmitter EVM vs physical

channel and resource block measurements
• LTE_DL_TDD_TxEVM_vs_SC.dsn: Downlink TDD transmitter EVM vs
subcarrier measurement
• LTE_DL_TDD_RawBER.dsn: Downlink TDD Raw BER and PER Measurement
on AWGN Channel

Downlink TDD Transmitter EVM Measurement

• LTE downlink TDD transmitter EVM and constellation measurement
• The signal to be measured passes through ITU fading channel
1. Under TDD mode, LTE_DL_TDD_TxEVM.dsn measures the EVM of LTE
downlink signal which passes through ITU fading channel, and constellation of
the signal is also provided. The parameter Subframe_Bitmap and
Guard_Period take effect only when Frame_Mode is set to TDD. The elements
of Subframe_Bitmap is used to indicate the assignment of each subframe: 1
means the subframe is for downlink, and 0 means the subframe is for uplink.
GuardPeriod indicate the number of guard symbols preceding DL to UL switch
The schematic for this design is shown in Figure 7-17.

7-18 3GPP LTE Downlink TDD Design Examples

Figure 7-17. LTE_DL_TDD_TxEVM.dsn Schematic
LTE_DL_Src_RF is LTE RF downlink signal source, and the signal generated by the
source passes through ITU fading channel LTE_Channel_ITU. Then, the EVM of the
signal is measured by EVM measurement model LTE_DL_EVM, and the
constellation of the signal is also provided by this measurement model.
Simulation Results
The measurement results are shown as follows:
Figure 7-18 shows the EVM measurement results of PDCCH, P-BCH, P-SCH and
S-SCH respectively, which include the EVM of each frame and the averaged EVM
over FramesToAverage frames for each channel.

3GPP LTE Downlink TDD Design Examples 7-19

3GPP LTE Design Examples

Figure 7-18. EVM versus Physical Channel

Figure 7-19 and Figure 7-20 show the EVM measurement results of UE1 to UE6,
which include the EVM of each frame and the averaged EVM over FramesToAverage
frames for each UE.

7-20 3GPP LTE Downlink TDD Design Examples

Figure 7-19. EVM versus Physical Channel

3GPP LTE Downlink TDD Design Examples 7-21

3GPP LTE Design Examples

Figure 7-20. EVM versus Physical Channel

Figure 7-21 shows the EVM measurement results obtained on different resource
blocks, which are occupied by different UEs.

Figure 7-21. EVM versus Resource Block

7-22 3GPP LTE Downlink TDD Design Examples

Figure 7-22 shows the constellation of the signal to be measured of each UE.

Figure 7-22. Constellation

• Hardware Platform: Centrino Duo 2.0GHz, 2 GB memory
• Software Platform: Windows XP, ADS 2006U
• Simulation Time: approximately 8 minutes

Downlink TDD Transmitter EVM Versus Subcarrier Measurement

• LTE downlink TDD transmitter EVM versus subcarrier measurement
LTE_DL_TDD_TxEVM_vs_SC.dsn measures the EVM versus subcarrier of LTE
downlink TDD signal.

3GPP LTE Downlink TDD Design Examples 7-23

3GPP LTE Design Examples

The schematic for this design is shown in Figure 7-23.

Figure 7-23. LTE_DL_TDD_TxEVM_vs_SC.dsn Schematic

LTE_DL_Src_RF is LTE RF downlink signal source, which can support 6 UEs at
maximum. The TxConstellation used to save the UE data to be modulated as the
reference signal and RxConstellation is used to save the demodulated UE data as the
signal to be measured. The EVM versus Subcarrier is defined as the error vector
between the UE data to be modulated and the demodulated UE data versus
Simulation Results
Figure 7-24 shows EVM versus subcarrier.

7-24 3GPP LTE Downlink TDD Design Examples

Figure 7-24. EVM versus Subcarrier
• Hardware Platform: Centrino Duo 2.0GHz, 2 GB memory
• Software Platform: Windows XP, ADS 2006U2
• Simulation Time: approximately 4.5 seconds

Downlink TDD Raw BER Measurement Under AWGN

LTE_DL_TDD_RawBER.dsn Design
• BER measurement under AWGN
• Multiple Eb/N0 measurement points
LTE_DL_TDD_RawBER.dsn performs downlink BER measurements under AWGN
for TDD mode. The schematic is shown in Figure 7-25.

3GPP LTE Downlink TDD Design Examples 7-25

3GPP LTE Design Examples

Figure 7-25. LTE_DL_TDD_RawBER.dsn Schematic

In DL receiver, an advanced linear interpolator based channel estimator are
Users can change MappingType from 0 to 2 in Signal_Generation_VARs and get BER
results for different modulations. In EbN0_Computation, the Eb/N0 and
corresponding SNR is calculated. In Measurement_Vars, the number of frames for
simulating BER is defined.
Simulation Results
In this example, The performances of downlink PDSCH under AWGN without
channel coding are given. Table 7-4 shows the simulation conditions.

7-26 3GPP LTE Downlink TDD Design Examples

Table 7-4. Parameter Settings
Parameter Value

FCarrier 2500 MHz

Bandwidth 5 MHz

Oversampling Option Ratio 2

Cyclic Prefix Normal

The curves have been generated averaging over 500 frames under AWGN.
Figure 7-26 shows the simulation results.

Figure 7-26. Downlink TDD Raw BER Simulation Curve

• Hardware Platform: Centrino Duo 2.0GHz, 2 GB memory

3GPP LTE Downlink TDD Design Examples 7-27

3GPP LTE Design Examples

• Software Platform: Windows XP, ADS 2006U

• Simulation Time: about 10 minutes for QPSK

3GPP LTE Uplink Transmitter Design Examples

The LTE_UL_Tx_prj project provides transmitter design examples for the 3GPP LTE
downlink system. The transmitter measurements include constellation, spectrum,
and CCDF as well as other measurements.
• LTE_UL_1UE_to_ESG.dsn: Demo how to download UE waveform to ESG
• LTE_UL_1UE_Tx.dsn: 1 UE Tx spectrum, constellation and CCDF
• LTE_UL_2UE_Tx.dsn: 2 UEs Tx spectrum, constellation and power
• LTE_UL_TxEVM.dsn: BS EVM vs physical channel and resource block
• LTE_UL_TxEVM_vs_SC.dsn: BS EVM vs subcarrier measurement

Download UE Waveform to ESG Instrument

LTE_UL_1UE_to_ESG.dsn Design
• Demo how to download UE waveform to ESG instrument.
LTE_UL_1UE_to_ESG.dsn downloads UE FDD waveform to ESG instrument. The
schematic is shown in Figure 7-27.

7-28 3GPP LTE Uplink Transmitter Design Examples

Figure 7-27. LTE_UL_1UE_to_ESG.dsn Schematic
Users can change Bandwidth setting (see Table 7-5) and get results for different
system bandwidth configuration.

Table 7-5. Bandwidth Settings

Bandwidth Value

1.4/1.6MHz 0

3.0/3.2MHz 1

5MHz 2

10MHz 3

15MHz 4

20MHz 5

Simulation Results
• Hardware Platform: Centrino Duo 2.0GHz, 2 GB memory

3GPP LTE Uplink Transmitter Design Examples 7-29

3GPP LTE Design Examples

• Software Platform: Windows XP, ADS 2006U2

Uplink 1 User Equipment Transmitter Measurement

LTE_UL_1UE_Tx.dsn Design
• Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function (CCDF) measurements
• Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) measurements
• Spectrum analysis
• Configurable signal source
• Adjustable sample rate by setting OversamplingOption
• Integrated RF section
This example can be used to measure LTE UE FDD transmitter signal power
spectrum density, CCDF and PAPR. The schematic is shown in Figure 7-28.

7-30 3GPP LTE Uplink Transmitter Design Examples

Figure 7-28. LTE_UL_1UE_Tx.dsn Schematic
Users can change Bandwidth setting (see Table 7-6) and get results for different
system bandwidth configuration.

Table 7-6. Bandwidth Settings

Bandwidth Value

1.4/1.6MHz 0

3.0/3.2MHz 1

5MHz 2

10MHz 3

15MHz 4

20MHz 5

Simulation Results
In this example, the default configuration is set as Table 7-7.

3GPP LTE Uplink Transmitter Design Examples 7-31

3GPP LTE Design Examples

Table 7-7. Parameter Settings

Parameter Value

FCarrier 2500 MHz

Power 10 dBm

Bandwidth 3.0 MHz

NumOfRBs 15

Oversampling Option Ratio 4

Cyclic Prefix Mode Normal

Spectrum Shaping type FIR filter

FilterType Square-Root Raised Cosine


HalfCarrierShift_Enable YES

Figure 7-29, Figure 7-30, Figure 7-31 and Figure 7-32 show the simulation results.

Figure 7-29. Uplink CCDF Measurement

7-32 3GPP LTE Uplink Transmitter Design Examples

Figure 7-30. Uplink Spectrum Measurement

Figure 7-31. Uplink Constellation Measurement

3GPP LTE Uplink Transmitter Design Examples 7-33

3GPP LTE Design Examples

Figure 7-32. Power Measurement

• Hardware Platform: Centrino 2.0GHz, 2048M memory
• Software Platform: Window XP, ADS 2006U2
• Simulation Time: about 8 seconds

Uplink 2 User Equipment Transmitter Measurement

LTE_UL_2UE_Tx.dsn Design
• Spectrum analysis
• Configurable signal source
• Adjustable sample rate by setting OversamplingOption
• Integrated RF section
This example can be used to measure LTE UE FDD transmitters signal power
spectrum density and power. The schematic is shown in Figure 7-33.

7-34 3GPP LTE Uplink Transmitter Design Examples

Figure 7-33. LTE_UL_2UE_Tx.dsn Schematic
Users can change Bandwidth setting (see Table 7-8) and get results for different
system bandwidth configuration.

Table 7-8. Bandwidth Settings

Bandwidth Value

1.4/1.6MHz 0

3.0/3.2MHz 1

5MHz 2

10MHz 3

15MHz 4

20MHz 5

Simulation Results
In this example, the default configuration is set as Table 7-9.

3GPP LTE Uplink Transmitter Design Examples 7-35

3GPP LTE Design Examples

Table 7-9. Parameter Settings

Parameter Value

FCarrier 2500 MHz

UE1Power 10 dBm

UE2Power 5 dBm

Bandwidth 5 MHz

NumOfRBs 25

Oversampling Option Ratio 2

Cyclic Prefix Mode Normal

Spectrum Shaping type FIR filter

FilterType Square-Root Raised Cosine


HalfCarrierShift_Enable YES

Figure 7-34 and Figure 7-35 show the simulation results.

7-36 3GPP LTE Uplink Transmitter Design Examples

Figure 7-34. Spectrum and Constellation Measurement

Figure 7-35. Power Measurement

3GPP LTE Uplink Transmitter Design Examples 7-37

3GPP LTE Design Examples

• Hardware Platform: Centrino 2.0GHz, 2048M memory
• Software Platform: Window XP, ADS 2006U2
• Simulation Time: about 8 seconds

Uplink Transmitter EVM Measurement

• LTE uplink FDD transmitter EVM and constellation measurement
• The signal to be measured passes through ITU fading channel
LTE_UL_TxEVM.dsn measures the EVM of LTE uplink FDD signal which passes
through ITU fading channel, and constellation of the signal is also provided.
The schematic for this design is shown in Figure 7-36.

Figure 7-36. LTE_UL_TxEVM_vs_SC.dsn Schematic

7-38 3GPP LTE Uplink Transmitter Design Examples

LTE_UL_Src_RF is LTE RF uplink signal source, and the signal generated by the
source passes through ITU fading channel LTE_Channel_ITU. Then, the EVM of the
signal is measured by EVM measurement model LTE_UL_EVM, and the
constellation of the signal is also provided by this measurement model.
Simulation Results
The measurement results are shown as follows:
Figure 7-37 shows EVM measurement results for each subframe of frames from 0 to
FramesToAverage-1, and the averaged EVM over the FramesToAverage frames is
also provided.

Figure 7-37. EVM versus SubFrame and Averaged EVM

Figure 7-38 shows the constellation of the first frame of UE data.

3GPP LTE Uplink Transmitter Design Examples 7-39

3GPP LTE Design Examples

Figure 7-38. Constellation

• Hardware Platform: Centrino Duo 2.0GHz, 2 GB memory
• Software Platform: Windows XP, ADS 2006U2
Simulation Time: approximately 9 minutes

Uplink Transmitter EVM Versus Subcarrier Measurement

• LTE FDD uplink transmitter EVM versus subcarrier measurement
LTE_UL_TxEVM_vs_SC.dsn measures the EVM versus subcarrier of LTE uplink
FDD signal.

7-40 3GPP LTE Uplink Transmitter Design Examples

The schematic for this design is shown in Figure 7-39.

Figure 7-39. LTE_UL_TxEVM_vs_SC.dsn Schematic

LTE_UL_Src_RF is LTE RF uplink signal source. The TxConstellation used to save
the UE data to be modulated as the reference signal and RxConstellation is used to
save the demodulated UE data as the signal to be measured. The EVM versus
Subcarrier is defined as the error vector between the UE data to be modulated and
the demodulated UE data versus subcarrier.
Simulation Results
Figure 7-40 shows EVM versus subcarrier.

3GPP LTE Uplink Transmitter Design Examples 7-41

3GPP LTE Design Examples

Figure 7-40. EVM versus Subcarrier

• Hardware Platform: Centrino Duo 2.0GHz, 2 GB memory
• Software Platform: Windows XP, ADS 2006U2
• Simulation Time: approximately 4.5 seconds

3GPP LTE Uplink Receiver Design Examples

The LTE_UL_Rx_prj project provides receiver design examples for the 3GPP LTE
uplink system.
• LTE_UL_RawBER.dsn: Uplink Raw BER and PER Measurement on AWGN
• LTE_UL_AWGN_BER.dsn: Uplink BER measurements with channel coding
under AWGN
• WMAN_UL_Fading_BER.dsn: Uplink BER measurements under VA30 fading

7-42 3GPP LTE Uplink Receiver Design Examples

Uplink Raw BER Measurement Under AWGN
LTE_UL_RawBER.dsn Design
• BER measurement under AWGN
• Multiple Eb/N0 measurement points
WMAN_UL_RawBER.dsn performs uplink BER measurements under AWGN. The
schematic is shown in Figure 7-41.

Figure 7-41. LTE_UL_RawBER.dsn Schematic

In UL receiver a linear interpolator based channel estimator are employed.
Users can change MappingType from 0 to 2 in Signal_Generation_VARs and get BER
results for different modulations. In EbNo_Computation, the Eb/N0 corresponding

3GPP LTE Uplink Receiver Design Examples 7-43

3GPP LTE Design Examples

SNR is calculated. In Measurement_Vars, the number of frames for simulating BER

is defined which may be varied for different Eb/N0.
Simulation Results
In this example, The performances of uplink PUSCH under AWGN for QPSK,
16QAM and 64QAM are given. Table 7-10 shows the simulation conditions.

Table 7-10. Parameter Settings

Parameter Value

FCarrier 2500 MHz

Bandwidth 10 MHz

Oversampling Option Ratio 2

Cyclic Prefix 1/14

The curves have been generated averaging over 500 frames under AWGN.
Figure 7-42 shows the simulation results.

7-44 3GPP LTE Uplink Receiver Design Examples

Figure 7-42. Uplink Raw BER Simulation Curve
• Hardware Platform: Centrino Duo 2.0GHz, 2 GB memory
• Software Platform: Windows XP, ADS 2006U
• Simulation Time: about 10 minutes for QPSK

Uplink BER Measurement under AWGN

LTE_UL_AWGN_BER.dsn Design
• BER measurement under AWGN

3GPP LTE Uplink Receiver Design Examples 7-45

3GPP LTE Design Examples

• BER measurement with channel coding

• Multiple Eb/N0 measurement points
LTE_UL_AWGN_BER.dsn performs uplink BER measurements with channel coding
under AWGN. The schematic is shown in Figure 7-43.

Figure 7-43. LTE_UL_AWGN_BER.dsn Schematic

In UL receiver a linear interpolator based channel estimator are employed .
Users can change MappingType from 0 to 2 in Signal_Generation_VARs and get BER
results for different modulations. In EbNo_Computation, the Eb/N0 and
corresponding SNR is calculated. In Measurement_Vars, the number of frames for
simulating BER is defined which may be varied for different Eb/N0.

7-46 3GPP LTE Uplink Receiver Design Examples

Simulation Results
In this example, The performances of uplink PUSCH under AWGN for QPSK,
16QAM and 64QAM are given. Table 7-11 shows the simulation conditions.
Table 7-11. Parameter Settings
Parameter Value

FCarrier 2500 MHz

Bandwidth 1.25 MHz

Oversampling Option Ratio 2

Cyclic Prefix 1/14

NumOfRB 6

PRB_Bitmap {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}

TransBlockSize 356(QPSK), 740(16QAM), 1124(64QAM)

CRC Length 24

CodewordLength 576(QPSAK), 1152(16QAM), 1728(64QAM)

Number of Measured Frames 1000

3GPP LTE Uplink Receiver Design Examples 7-47

3GPP LTE Design Examples

The curves have been generated averaging over 1000 frames under AWGN.
Figure 7-44 shows the simulation results.

Figure 7-44. Uplink Raw BER Simulation Curve

• Hardware Platform: Centrino Duo 2.0GHz, 2 GB memory
• Software Platform: Windows XP, ADS 2006U
• Simulation Time: about 10 minutes for QPSK

Uplink BER Measurement under Fading Channel

WMAN_UL_Fading_BER.dsn Design

7-48 3GPP LTE Uplink Receiver Design Examples

• BER measurement under VA30 fading channel
• Multiple Eb/N0 measurement points
WMAN_UL_Fading_BER.dsn performs uplink BER measurements under VA30
fading channel. The schematic is shown in Figure 7-45.

Figure 7-45. LTE_UL_Fading_BER.dsn Schematic

In UL receiver a linear interpolator based channel estimator and MAP Turbo decoder
are employed .
Users can change MappingType from 0 to 2 in Signal_Generation_VARs and get BER
results for different modulations. In EbNo_Computation, the Eb/N0 and
corresponding SNR is calculated. In Measurement_Vars, the number of frames for
simulating BER is defined which may be varied for different Eb/N0.

3GPP LTE Uplink Receiver Design Examples 7-49

3GPP LTE Design Examples

Simulation Results
In this example, The performances of uplink PUSCH under VA30 fading channel for
QPSK, 16QAM and 64QAM are given. Table 7-12 shows the simulation conditions.
Table 7-12. Parameter Settings
Parameter Value

FCarrier 2500 MHz

Bandwidth 5 MHz

Oversampling Option Ratio 2

Cyclic Prefix 1/14

CRC Type CRC 24

TransBlock Size 1500

Codeword Length 3312

Rate Matching Method CBRM2(sigma=2,delta=1)

RV 0

7-50 3GPP LTE Uplink Receiver Design Examples

The curves have been generated averaging over 1000 frames under VA3 fading
channel. Figure 7-46 shows the simulation results.

Figure 7-46. Uplink Fading BER Simulation Curve

• Hardware Platform: Centrino Duo 2.0GHz, 2 GB memory

3GPP LTE Uplink Receiver Design Examples 7-51

3GPP LTE Design Examples

• Software Platform: Windows XP, ADS 2006U

• Simulation Time: about 20 hours for QPSK

3GPP LTE Uplink TDD Design Examples

The LTE_UL_TDD_prj project provides transceiver design examples for the 3GPP
LTE uplink TDD system. The measurements include EVM, constellation and BER as
well as other measurements.
• LTE_UL_TDD_TxEVM.dsn: Uplink TDD transmitter EVM vs physical channel
and resource block measurements
• LTE_UL_TDD_TxEVM_vs_SC.dsn: Uplink TDD transmitter EVM vs subframe
• LTE_UL_TDD_RawBER.dsn: Uplink TDD Raw BER and PER Measurement on
AWGN Channel

Uplink TDD Transmitter EVM Measurement

• LTE uplink transmitter EVM and constellation measurement
• The signal to be measured passes through ITU fading channel
1. Under TDD mode, LTE_UL_TxEVM.dsn measures the EVM of LTE uplink
signal which passes through ITU fading channel, and constellation of the signal
is also provided. The parameter Subframe_Bitmap and Guard_Period take
effect only when Frame_Mode is set to TDD. The elements of Subframe_Bitmap
is used to indicate the assignment of each subframe: 0 means the subframe is
for downlink, and 1 means the subframe is for uplink. GuardPeriod indicate the
number of guard symbols preceding DL to UL switch point.
The schematic for this design is shown in Figure 7-47.

7-52 3GPP LTE Uplink TDD Design Examples

Figure 7-47. LTE_UL_TxEVM_vs_SC.dsn Schematic
LTE_UL_Src_RF is LTE RF uplink signal source, and the signal generated by the
source passes through ITU fading channel LTE_Channel_ITU. Then, the EVM of the
signal is measured by EVM measurement model LTE_UL_EVM, and the
constellation of the signal is also provided by this measurement model.
Simulation Results
The measurement results are shown as follows:
Figure 7-48 shows EVM measurement results for each subframe of frames from 0 to
FramesToAverage-1, and the averaged EVM over the FramesToAverage frames is
also provided.

3GPP LTE Uplink TDD Design Examples 7-53

3GPP LTE Design Examples

Figure 7-48. EVM versus SubFrame and Averaged EVM

Figure 7-49 shows the constellation of the first frame of UE data.

Figure 7-49. Constellation

• Hardware Platform: Centrino Duo 2.0GHz, 2 GB memory
• Software Platform: Windows XP, ADS 2006U
• Simulation Time: approximately 9 minutes

Uplink TDD Transmitter EVM Versus Subcarrier Measurement

• LTE uplink TDD transmitter EVM versus subcarrier measurement
LTE_UL_TDD_TxEVM_vs_SC.dsn measures the EVM versus subcarrier of LTE
uplink TDD signal.

7-54 3GPP LTE Uplink TDD Design Examples

The schematic for this design is shown in Figure 7-50.

Figure 7-50. LTE_UL_TDD_TxEVM_vs_SC.dsn Schematic

LTE_UL_Src_RF is LTE RF uplink signal source. The TxConstellation used to save
the UE data to be modulated as the reference signal and RxConstellation is used to
save the demodulated UE data as the signal to be measured. The EVM versus
Subcarrier is defined as the error vector between the UE data to be modulated and
the demodulated UE data versus subcarrier.
Simulation Results
Figure 7-51 shows EVM versus subcarrier.

3GPP LTE Uplink TDD Design Examples 7-55

3GPP LTE Design Examples

Figure 7-51. EVM versus Subcarrier

• Hardware Platform: Centrino Duo 2.0GHz, 2 GB memory
• Software Platform: Windows XP, ADS 2006U2
• Simulation Time: approximately 4 seconds

Uplink TDD Raw BER Measurement Under AWGN

LTE_UL_TDD_RawBER.dsn Design
• BER measurement under AWGN for uplink TDD mode
• Multiple Eb/N0 measurement points
LTE_UL_TDD_RawBER.dsn performs uplink BER measurements under AWGN. The
schematic is shown in Figure 7-52.

7-56 3GPP LTE Uplink TDD Design Examples

Figure 7-52. LTE_UL_TDD_RawBER.dsn Schematic
In UL TDD receiver, a linear interpolator based channel estimator are employed.
Users can change MappingType from 0 to 2 in Signal_Generation_VARs and get BER
results for different modulations. In EbN0_Computation, the Eb/N0 and
corresponding SNR is calculated. In Measurement_Vars, the number of frames for
simulating BER is defined.
Simulation Results
In this example, The performances of uplink PUSCH under AWGN for QPSK,
16QAM and 64QAM are given. Table 7-13 shows the simulation conditions.

Table 7-13. Parameter Settings

Parameter Value

FCarrier 2500 MHz

Bandwidth 5.0 MHz

3GPP LTE Uplink TDD Design Examples 7-57

3GPP LTE Design Examples

Table 7-13. Parameter Settings

Parameter Value

Oversampling Option Ratio 2

Cyclic Prefix Normal

The curves have been generated averaging over 500 frames under AWGN.
Figure 7-53 shows the simulation results.

Figure 7-53. Uplink TDD Raw BER Simulation Curve

• Hardware Platform: Centrino Duo 2.0GHz, 2 GB memory
• Software Platform: Windows XP, ADS 2006U

7-58 3GPP LTE Uplink TDD Design Examples

• Simulation Time: about 10 minutes for QPSK

3GPP LTE Uplink TDD Design Examples 7-59

3GPP LTE Design Examples

7-60 3GPP LTE Uplink TDD Design Examples

Numerics LTE_PSCH, 6-54
3GPP LTE Wireless Design Library, 1-1 LTE_RACH, 6-57
LTE_RACH_PrmGen, 6-60
CAZAC, 6-103 LTE_RF_CM, 4-19
CCDF, 1-11 LTE_SCFDMA_Demapper, 5-39
CM, 1-11 LTE_SCFDMA_Demodulator, 5-41
CP, 1-11 LTE_SCFDMA_Mapper, 6-62
LTE_SCFDMA_Modulator, 6-65
D LTE_SpectrumShaping, 6-69
design examples, 7-1 LTE_SymWindow, 6-75
DL, 1-11 LTE_TurboCoder, 2-10
LTE_TurboDecoder, 2-14
EVM, 1-11 LTE_UL_ChannelCoder, 2-16
LTE_UL_ChannelDecoder, 2-18
I LTE_UL_ChEstimator, 5-45
IFFT, 1-11 LTE_UL_DemuxFrame, 5-48
LTE_UL_DemuxSCFDMASym, 5-51
L LTE_UL_DemuxSlot, 5-55
LTE, 1-11 LTE_UL_DFT, 6-81
LTE_Channel_ITU, 3-2 LTE_UL_EVM, 4-23
LTE_CodeBlkDeseg, 2-2 LTE_UL_EVM_Sink, 4-28
LTE_CodeBlkSeg, 2-4 LTE_UL_HalfCarrier_Shift, 6-83
LTE_CRCDecoder, 2-6 LTE_UL_MuxFrame, 6-86
LTE_CRCEncoder, 2-8 LTE_UL_MuxSlot, 6-89
LTE_Demapper, 5-37 LTE_UL_RateDematch, 2-20
LTE_DL_ChEstimator, 5-2 LTE_UL_RateMatch, 2-25
LTE_DL_DemuxFrame, 5-5 LTE_UL_Receiver, 5-58
LTE_DL_DemuxOFDMSym, 5-8 LTE_UL_Receiver_RF, 5-64
LTE_DL_DemuxSlot, 5-13 LTE_UL_RS_Modulator, 6-93
LTE_DL_EVM, 4-2 LTE_UL_Src, 6-97
LTE_DL_EVM_Sink, 4-10 LTE_UL_Src_RF, 6-107
LTE_DL_MuxFrame, 6-3 LTE_UL_TimeFreqSync, 5-71
LTE_DL_MuxOFDMSym, 6-5
LTE_DL_MuxSlot, 6-11 O
LTE_DL_OFDM_Demodulator, 5-15 OFDM, 1-11
LTE_DL_OFDM_Modulator, 6-13
LTE_DL_Pilot, 6-16 P
LTE_DL_Receiver, 5-18 PBCH, 1-11
LTE_DL_Receiver_RF, 5-25 PDCCH, 1-12
LTE_DL_Src, 6-19 PHY, 1-12
LTE_DL_Src_RF, 6-32 P-SCH, 1-12
LTE_DL_TimeFreqSync, 5-34
LTE_FFT, 6-47 Q
LTE_Mapper, 6-49 QPSK, 1-12

RB, 1-12
RF, 1-12
RX, 1-12

S-SCH, 1-12

TX, 1-12

UL, 1-12


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