Practical Research 2: The Research Title and Its Background
Practical Research 2: The Research Title and Its Background
Practical Research 2: The Research Title and Its Background
Name: __________________________________ Grade Level: ______________
Date: ___________________________________ Score: __________________
Have you ever speculated how a research title or a research problem was
formulated? How to established the background of the study in a scholarly manner?
How do you determine the limitations of the study? And a lot more to enumerate about
how to develop of a study (preliminaries). Do you have sufficient and accurate
information regarding the development of a research problem and its background?
How do you start making a research manuscript, to be specific?
All of these queries will be enlightened, as you pursue with your learning journey
on the concept: ‘The Research Problem and Its Background.’ You are given two (2)
weeks to undergo with this learning activity sheet, and you are tasked to complete
eleven (11) interesting performance tasks that may surely enhance your skills in
writing research title and its appropriate research problems.
At the end of your learning venture, you should be able to enthrall and
comprehend the following:
1. Design a research useful in daily life;
2. Writes a research title;
3. Describe background of research;
4. State the research questions;
5. Indicate the scope and delimitation of the study; and
6. Present written statement of the problem.
(CS_RS12-Id-e-1-7, Quarter 1, Week 4-5)
1. Identify research topic/s relevant to the learner’s chosen strand/trach;
2. Develop an appropriate research title;
3. Craft the main problem statement and enumerate specific research questions;
4. Determine the coverage and limitation of the study;
5. Identify some related concepts to substantiate the background of the study; and
6. Put into practice the lessons acquired from this learning module.
Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research)
“Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing”
-Wernher von Braun-
Oops…Before you continue, please finish this exercise,
which shall serve as the pre-assessment for this learning
module. Good luck!
“Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing”
-Wernher von Braun-
B. Directions (Multiple Choice):
Select the best letter of your choice in each of the following items. Write the letter of
your choice in space provided in each item.
_______11. Marvin is studying on the perceived cookery practices among Grade 10
students. Which statement best describe the factors affecting their perceived
cookery practices?
A. The lack of the laboratory room and place to conduct cookery class is not
B. The respondents believe that their problems and issues is limited knowledge
on measurement and interpretation of data.
C. The lack of book and teacher guide in Cookery.
D. All of the above
_______12. Which of the following research titles best describe the study on
“Problems and Issues of Grade 11 Students in UCSC”?
A. Problems and Issues of Grade 11 Students in UCSC
B. Problems and Issues as Perceived by Grade 11 Students in UCSC
C. Perceived Factors of Grade 11 Students in UCSC
D. All of the above
_______13. Which of the following statements best describe statement of the problem
in question #2?
A. What is perceived problems and issues of Grade 11 Students in UCSC?
B. What are the factors and issues of Grade 11 Students in UCSC?
C. What is the problems in UCSC?
D. What are the issues in UCSC?
_______14. Which of the following is TRUE about research title and its usefulness in
the daily life?
A. An existing problem in the classroom can be considered as research study.
B. The research title must summarize the main idea of the study.
C. The research title must contain the main idea and supported by its sub idea.
D. The research title must cite relevant past researchers.
_______15. Online selling is a broad topic, which of the following statement best
describe specific title?
A. The nature of online selling in the Philippines
B. The Ups and downs of selling online by SME entrepreneurs.
C. Letter A only
D. None of the above
_______16. Bien was assigned on Theater Arts and how it may influence the country’s
economic status. He wanted to know your opinion on what specific title he may
A. Assessment of the Theater Arts of the Philippines: Its Economic Effect in
the Country.
B. The Relationship of Stage Actors and the Film Actors in Performing Theater
C. The Theater Arts of the Philippines: Assessment and Impact Towards the
Lives of Marginalize of the Community.
D. None of the above
“Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing”
-Wernher von Braun-
_______17. Kenji wanted to determine the ideas of his students about Teleseryes
and its impact to our present values, what title best relates in his study?
A. Teleseryes: Mirrors of Positive and Negative Filipino Values?
B. Teleseryes: Social effects on the lives of the viewers
C. Teleseryes of the Past, Present and the Future: Mirror of Filipino Values
D. None of the above
For items #18-20. Carefully read the condition below.
Poverty has been considered a major problem of society since time
immemorial. Poverty exists when a person lacks the basic necessities for living such
as food, shelter, and other survival needs.
Traditional social protection programs have been implemented for years and
each government is still searching for a better approach of eradicating poverty. Part of
this continuing search, a poverty reduction strategy similar to that of Latin America,
which aims at breaking intergenerational transmission through the 4Ps of DSWD.
This study is to assess the outcome of the conditional cash transfer, 4P’s being
administered by the government under the DSWD, through human capital investment,
towards greater aim of poverty alleviation that reduces intergenerational transmission
of poverty.
_______19. Which of the following best describe the main objective of the study?
A. Assess the outcome of the conditional cash transfer program being
administered by the government under the DSWD.
B. Assess the intervention of the government about the conditional cash
transfer program
C. Assess the beneficiaries of the cash transfer program towards their lives.
D. None of the above
_______20. Which of the following best describe the background of the study?
A. Poverty as considered major problem of the society.
B. Poverty experiences of individual such as food, shelter and other survival
C. Poverty reduction introducing 4Ps program of the DSWD
D. None of the above
“Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing”
-Wernher von Braun-
You were already provided with some information on
the purpose of conducting a research. I hope by this time; you
already have something in mind for your own research
manuscript. Please continue with your learning tasks.
Put a check under the column of the right descriptive word for each item and write your
brief description (justification) about this topic on the last column (labeled as Remarks).
Controversial Vague Narrow Technical Broad Hard Remarks
Research Topics -to-
Example: Cases of Interesting
Covid19 in Nueva / - / / - - topic but,
it’s a
Vizcaya delicate
1. Common Health
Problems of the
Gaddang Farmers
2. Analysis of
Selected Isinay
Words and their
Cultural Implications
3. The Rise and Fall
of All Kings and
4. Advantages and
Disadvantages of
Social Media
5. Learning
Modalities to be Used
during the Covid19
6. Mathematics and
Language Anxieties
of SHS Students
7. The Extent of
Filipinos’ Faith in God
8. Ethical
Considerations of
Genetically Mutated
9. Acceptability of
‘Dippeg” as
Substitute Ingredient
for Leche Flan
10. Common
Household Needs
being Considered by
Mothers in Grocery
“Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing”
-Wernher von Braun-
Figure 1. Why do we
conduct research?
(Waymire, 2013)
Research must serve and function as one or more of the subsequent tenacities as
presented by Waymire (2013).:
1. To advance some area of scientific knowledge; to dent some other area of scientific
2. Because the researchers are really concerned and interested in that area of
knowledge, think it’s interesting, cool, or even valuable and practical for humanity.
3. Because the researcher enjoys the people in that community of researchers and
wants to be all over the place for them.
4. Because doing research is a good cause to do other things the researcher likes,
such as wayfaring to bizarre locations, trekking around in the forest observing for
snails, or digging up ceramic and artifacts in the desert.
5. To obtain consciousness and experience essential to be a better professional
academic teacher.
6. To get knowledge indispensable to develop a merchandise, to sell it, to make money,
or whatsoever that’s in turn good for…
7. To make a name/reputation for the distinctive and special concepts and approaches
used in your own professional community. To lead the world to think your approach
is genuine and authentic, worth public notice.
8. To accrue “evidence” that a certain product is effective and operational or on the
other hand, possibly injurious.
“Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing”
-Wernher von Braun-
A. Directions (Ranking):
Check the title that appears to be the best in terms of narrowing down a broad topic.
Rank them according to the most narrowed topic as 1 and 5 as the broadest topic.
Write your answers on the spaces provided in each item.
1. Topic: Covid19
_______A. The Covid19 Pandemic
_______B. History of Covid19
_______C. Origin of Covid19
_______D. Cases of Covid19 in the Philippines
_______E. Health-Seeking Behavior of Covid19 Patients
2. Topic: Personality
_______A. Man’s Personality
_______B. The Right Lobe of the Brain
_______C. The Five Aspects of Personality
_______D. The Intellectual Aspect of a Person
_______ E. Brain Components
3. Topic: Literature
_______A. Prose and Poetry
_______B. Fiction
_______C. The Legend of Mayon Volcano
_______D. Philippine Literature
_______E. Legends
4. Topic: Marriage
_______A. Advantages and Disadvantages of Teenage Marriage
_______B. Teenage marriage
_______C. The Advantages of Early Marriage
_______D. Marriage
_______E. Human Relationships
“Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing”
-Wernher von Braun-
B. Directions (Narrowing):
Narrow down each of the following general subjects to make it a good research topic.
Write your answers on the spaces provided in each item. Pick the specific topic
appropriate for your strand/track.
NARROWED: _______________________________________________
Narrowed further: _______________________________________________
Narrowed further: _______________________________________________
Narrowed further: _______________________________________________
NARROWED: _______________________________________________
Narrowed further: _______________________________________________
Narrowed further: _______________________________________________
Narrowed further: _______________________________________________
NARROWED: _______________________________________________
Narrowed further: _______________________________________________
Narrowed further: _______________________________________________
Narrowed further: _______________________________________________
“Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing”
-Wernher von Braun-
For you to develop your research title, you should be
familiar with the different kinds of research variables. You
were introduced to this concept in the learning activity sheet
for “Nature of Inquiry and Quantitative Research”. Hence,
evaluate the steps on how to craft your research title as you
continue with your learning journey.
“Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing”
-Wernher von Braun-
SHIELA (2015)
Benchmarking on the presented five (5) key elements of Bustos (2016), the
following examples would help you craft your title (if not, your working title).
Satisfying the said elements:
“Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing”
-Wernher von Braun-
Get your pen and start practicing writing the research
title. I am so glad you can follow the steps in developing a
title. Complete the given exercise below and proceed with
your learning journey. Stay inspired!
Identify the KEY elements of the following research titles. Write your answers on the
spaces provided in each item. In case, there are no specified answer for a particular
element, write N/A to the corresponding element.
3. Impact of the EL Nino to the Lives and Farming Practices the Kalanguya Farmers
in Nueva Vizcaya for the last 10 years
Aim: ______________________________________________________
Topic: _____________________________________________________
Place: _____________________________________________________
Period: ____________________________________________________
Population: ________________________________________________
“Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing”
-Wernher von Braun-
5. Covid19 Prevention Practices among Mothers in the National Capital Region,
Philippines for the Last Three Months of the Current Year
Aim: ______________________________________________________
Topic: _____________________________________________________
Place: _____________________________________________________
Period: ____________________________________________________
Population: ________________________________________________
6. Health Benefits of Organically Grown Vegetables to IP Elders in the Province of
Nueva Vizcaya for the past Five Years
Aim: ______________________________________________________
Topic: _____________________________________________________
Place: _____________________________________________________
Period: ____________________________________________________
Population: ________________________________________________
7. Struggles of Healthcare Practitioners during the Covid19 Pandemic in Metro Manila
Aim: ______________________________________________________
Topic: _____________________________________________________
Place: _____________________________________________________
Period: ____________________________________________________
Population: ________________________________________________
8. Bicolano Fishermen’s Adjustment Mechanisms to the El Nino Phenomenon for the
Last Decade
Aim: ______________________________________________________
Topic: _____________________________________________________
Place: _____________________________________________________
Period: ____________________________________________________
Population: ________________________________________________
9. Characterization of the Different Behaviors of Pre-School LSEN Children Listening
to a Particular Music Genre: The Case in Bayombong Central School (SPED
Center) for the School Year 2017-2018
Aim: ______________________________________________________
Topic: _____________________________________________________
Place: _____________________________________________________
Period: ____________________________________________________
Population: ________________________________________________
10. Behavioral Traits and Business Skills of Balot Vendors in Nueva Vizcaya
Aim: ______________________________________________________
Topic: _____________________________________________________
Place: _____________________________________________________
Period: ____________________________________________________
Population: ________________________________________________
Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research)
“Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing”
-Wernher von Braun-
Crafting the research title may come in varied
techniques, depending on the discretion and writing skills of
the proponent. You may also consider the kinds of variables
to draft the title. The succeeding readings will discuss you
some steps in writing the research title. Keep your spirit of fire!
b. Avoid: Treatment ABC shows effect on the growth along number and
color of leaves in ‘pechay’ production.
Better: Treatment ABC is an effective growth inducer for ‘pechay’
4. c. Use suitable descriptive words.
5. A good research paper title must contain vital words used in the manuscript
and should define the nature of the study. Think about terms and variables people
would use to search and explore for your study and include them in your title.
“Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing”
-Wernher von Braun-
Let’s reverse the process, the next learning activity will
enable you to look on another details in writing the research title.
Please complete the next activity.
Construct titles based on the given elements. Write your answers on the spaces
provided in each item.
1. Topic 1: Teenage Pregnancy
Aim: To determine the causes and effects of teenage
Topic: Teenage Pregnancy
Place: Malabing Valley National High School
Period: In the last 5 years
Population: High School Students
2. Topic 2: Cyberbullying
Aim: To determine the causes of cyberbullying
Topic: Cyberbullying
Place: Nansiakan National High School
Period: S.Y. 2019-2020
Population: Grade VII High School students
3. Topic 3: Computer Literacy
Aim: To determine the level of awareness and practice on
Topic: Computer Awareness and Literacy
Place: Secondary Schools in Bayombong
Period: S.Y. 2019-2020
Population: Senior High School Students
Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research)
“Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing”
-Wernher von Braun-
In developing a research, you should consider an
evidence-based background to establish the need to
conduct the study. Are there underlying theories and
concepts to support your problem? Here’s another learning
task to help you understand the next topic in this module.
There are ten (10) general topics enlisted in the table below. Your task is to give at
least two (2) similar terms; and two (2) opposite words for each topic. Write you
answers in the corresponding cells before each item. Note, the terms asked of you are
not necessarily the synonyms and antonyms of the given topics.
E.g. Virus a. Covid19 a. Healthy
b. Infection b. Vaccine
1. a. a.
Inclusive Education
b. b.
2. a. a.
Online Selling
b. b.
3. a. a.
Physical Fitness
b. b.
4. a. a.
Language Anxiety
b. b.
5. Academic a. a.
b. b.
6. a. a.
b. b.
7. a. a.
Family Problems
b. b.
8. a. a.
Social Distancing
b. b.
9. a. a.
Critical Thinking
b. b.
10. a. a.
Physical Literacy
b. b.
Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research)
“Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing”
-Wernher von Braun-
How are you doing buddies? I hope you are still on
the track for your learning journey. Let’s now begin the
concept on how you will establish the background of your
study. Hats off!
“Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing”
-Wernher von Braun-
Designing your research requires you to determine the
sources and/or types of your data. I believe you were already
taught with this concept. Let’s refresh your knowledge on this
by completing the first learning activity. Be enthused always!
Determine whether each of the following items convey factual concepts or opinionated
only. Write the word FACT for true statements, otherwise write the term OPINION.
Write your answers in the spaces provided in each item. Provide a short explanation
to support your answer.
Example I am beautiful. Opinion Beauty is relative
1. 3x + 2 = 5, if x is 0.
The center of a cell is the
3. Covid19 is dangerous.
“Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing”
-Wernher von Braun-
“Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing”
-Wernher von Braun-
Context of
the study
. (Rojas, 2018)
“Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing”
-Wernher von Braun-
The next activity will complete your lesson in
constructing the background of your study. I am so very
excited to learn about your learning development, especially
on how you will write your research manuscript.
Complete the needed background information in each of the following items. Give at
least two (2) background literatures/concepts in the corresponding sections
(international, national and local); and one justification for empirical knowledge and
purpose of the study as presented by Rojas (2016). Consider the example given below
and start with the activity. Write your answers in the spaces provided in each item.
Example Topic:
Academic Performance and Language Anxiety of Grade 12 HUMSS Students
1. International Setting
a. Students’ Academic Performance as Mediated by Students’ Academic Ambition
and Effort in the Public Senior High Schools (Ampofo and Osei-Owosu, 2015).
b. The study of Indiantry (2016), entitled “Students’ Anxiety in Speaking English,
revealed two findings. First, two types of anxiety were evidenced, i.e. trait anxiety
and state/situational anxiety. Second, the students’ anxiety in English speaking
class was derived from three main sources of anxiety, i.e. communication
apprehension, test anxiety and fear of negative evaluation.
2. National Background
a. Philippines is a linguistically, culturally, socially and religiously diverse country
which is composed of 7,107 islands. In 2017, the Philippine Ethnologue reported
that the country is the home of 187 individual languages. Of these Philippine
languages, 183 are said to be living while the other 4 are already extinct (Lewis,
Fennig & Simons, 2017).
b. The Philippines has already 41 languages, which are institutionalized, 72 are
developing, 45 are vigorous, and 14 are sadly in trouble while 11 are already dying.
From all these Philippine languages, the Department of Education (DepEd)
identified 12 major languages to be used as a medium of instruction in the currently
implemented Mother-Tongue Based Multilingual Education (MTBMLE) policy in the
educational system of the country particularly in public schools.
3. Local Concepts
a. Language apprehension was evident among the Grade 11 and 12 HUMSS
students in NVGCHS, as shown in the results of the study by Tallungan, Mark
Lander (2020).
b. Language apprehension was also examined by Rojas et al. (2016) among the
Grade 5 and 6 pupils in selected upland elementary schools in Bayombong and
Quezon districts of Nueva Vizcaya. They found out that language anxiety was also
be related to the pupils’ math-word problem skills.
4. Empirical Knowledge
“Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing”
-Wernher von Braun-
As observed by the research proponent, most of the students are getting
nervous if they are in their English subjects and/or they are to recite and discuss in
specific subjects that use the English language as main Language in the teaching
process. Hence, the more anxious they might have toward language learning, the
more that they get low performance.
1. International Setting:
2. National Background:
3. Local Concepts:
4. Empirical Knowledge:
5. Purpose of the Study:
“Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing”
-Wernher von Braun-
After you have learned about the characteristics of
Quantitative Research, the next concepts will give you some
information on the commonly used kinds/types of quantitative
research, which you may adapt later, when you start to make
and complete your study.
There are various situations in which you might have to write a problem
statement. The following steps were given by McCombes (2019).
Step 1. Contextualize the Problem: The problem statement should mount your
research problem in its specific and precise context and give some circumstantial
information on what is previously known about it.
Step 2: Show Why It Matters: The problem statement should also ought to
address the significance of the study; why is it imperative that the problem is solved and
This doesn’t mean you have to do somewhat groundbreaking or revolutionary or
world-changing or to invent a technology. It’s more essential that the problem is
researchable, feasible, and clearly addresses some pertinent concerns in your learning
Step 3: Set Your Aims and Objectives: Lastly, the problem statement must
frame how you anticipate to address or resolve the problem. Your objective should not be
to discover a categorical solution, but to pursue with the motives and details behind the
problem and recommend more operative methods to undertaking or understanding it.
(Daube, 2019)
“Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing”
-Wernher von Braun-
Great day! The next learning activity will enable you to
decide or evaluate the possible problems in given conditions.
Keep on with your motivated spirit to learn!
Evaluate the following research conditions/situations. From these, you have to identify
the most appropriate problem in each of the following topics. Write your answers in
the spaces given before each item. Refer to the given example below.
Example: Neil and Kade would like to solicit and analyze the perception of mothers in
riverside communities in Bayombong Nueva Vizcaya about the use of herbal plants
versus synthetic drugs as a homecare remedy to address minor health conditions. The
research tandem would also like to determine if their knowledge on these two types of
home medications, is linked with their socio-economic and academic background.
Problem Statement:
The study aims to evaluate the knowledge level of selected mothers in the
riverside communities of Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya about the use of herbal plants
and synthetic drugs as a homecare remedy for minor health conditions during the
academic year 2020-2021. Hence, the study also targets to assess if the mothers’
knowledge on the said two sets of medications, is significantly linked with their socio-
economic and academic background.
1. Case 1: Rupert and Justin wanted to learn about the effects of synthetic fertilizers
on the propagation of ‘Baguio Beans’ as compared with the effects of using organic
fertilizer. Give a specific problem statement that shall embody the intent of the
researchers. The project shall be for their Capstone class for the school year 2020.
Problem Statement:
“Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing”
-Wernher von Braun-
2. Case 2: A group of student-researchers has scheduled an ocular survey/visit to
their target research setting (selected upland communities of Northern Nueva Vizcaya)
for the school year 2020-2021. Part of this survey, is to solicit some point-of-view of
50 selected out-of-school youth about the impact of online learning; and their
knowledge on several technologies (like the use of social media, learning apps for
both online and offline modes, and the likes). Develop a logical problem statement
based on the stated condition.
Problem Statement:
3. Case 3: Hannah and Yvanna are having difficulties on deciding which topic would
they consider in developing their research problem. Hannah wanted to explore on the
reading comprehension skills of Grade 12 HUMSS students of Bambang National HS
for the present school year, while, Yvanna wanted to investigate the Mathematics
performance of the same group of students. If they wish to converge their concepts,
both may have good topics for their research. As such, construct a problem statement
that shall combine the ideas of Hannah and Yvanna.
Problem Statement:
Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research)
“Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing”
-Wernher von Braun-
There are two specific types of research problem, which can help
the researcher as well in determining what type of research design and
statistical tools to be employed. These are descriptive problems and
inferential problems.
“Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing”
-Wernher von Braun-
“Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing”
-Wernher von Braun-
You are so lucky for reaching this so far. I am now
assuming you are now ready to write research problems out
of research title/s. This shall be the purpose of the next
learning activity. Good luck!
From the given research titles, you will now write 3 specific research problems out of
each topic. You have to write a descriptive problem, and difference and relational
problems. Write your answers on the spaces provided in each item.
“Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing”
-Wernher von Braun-
Additional activity is given below to develop your writing
skills toward statement of the problem and enumerating your
specific research questions. Stay motivated guys!
Based from the conditions given in Activity 8 (DETERMINE MY PROBLEM), your task
now is to state one (1) descriptive problem and another one (1) inferential question –
depending on the stated conditions. Write your answers on the provided spaces in
each item. Refer to example below.
Example: Neil and Kade would like to solicit and analyze the perception of mothers in
riverside communities in Bayombong Nueva Vizcaya about the use of herbal plants
versus synthetic drugs as a homecare remedy to address minor health conditions. The
research tandem would also like to determine if their knowledge on these two types of
home medications, is linked with their socio-economic and academic background.
This shall be conducted for the academic year 2020-2021.
Specific Research Problems:
a. Descriptive Problem: What is perception of selected mothers in riverside
communities of Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya about the use of herbal plants and
synthetic drugs as a homecare remedy to address minor health conditions
during the academic year 2020-2021?
b. Inferential Problem: Is there a significant relationship between the mothers’
perception about the use of herbal plants and synthetic drugs as a homecare
remedy to address minor health conditions; and their profiles along socio-
economic and academic background?
1. Case 1: Rupert and Justin wanted to learn about the effects of synthetic fertilizers
on the propagation of ‘Baguio Beans’ as compared with the effects of using organic
fertilizer. Give a specific problem statement that shall embody the intent of the
researchers. The project shall be for their Capstone class for the school year 2020.
(a) Descriptive Problem
“Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing”
-Wernher von Braun-
2. Case 2: A group of student-researchers has scheduled an ocular survey/visit to
their target research setting (selected upland communities of Northern Nueva Vizcaya)
for the school year 2020-2021. Part of this survey, is to solicit some point-of-view of
50 selected out-of-school youth about the impact of online learning; and their
knowledge on several technologies (like the use of social media, learning apps for
both online and offline modes, and the likes). Develop a logical problem statement
based on the stated condition.
3. Case 3: Hannah and Yvanna are having difficulties on deciding which topic would
they consider in developing their research problem. Hannah wanted to explore on the
reading comprehension skills of Grade 12 HUMSS students in Bambang National HS
for the present school year, while, Yvanna wanted to investigate the Mathematics
performance of the same group of students. If they wish to converge their concepts,
both may have good topics for their research. As such, construct a problem statement
that shall combine the ideas of Hannah and Yvanna.
Problem Statement
“Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing”
-Wernher von Braun-
You are now ready to determine the specific coverage of
your study. The process of limiting the scope of your study is
indeed important for you to determine the boundaries or your
research work, thus, giving you specific guides in the completion
of your research.
Figure 7. Scope and Delimitation Model
(Romero, 2017)
“Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing”
-Wernher von Braun-
During the division ‘writeshop’ for senior high school research teachers in the
division of Nueva Vizcaya in 2016, Rojas and Velasco agreed, together with other
teacher-writers that the following guidelines should be observed in developing the
scope and delimitation of the study.
Hence, the following strategies of delimitation was also offered by the said poor
of research writers.
(Give specific answers/information to the following KEY COMPONENTS):
1. What? Define and describe your research variables.
2. Why? Discuss briefly-but-concisely the main purpose of you study.
3. Who? Who will be you target population? How will you going to select your
samples? Discuss some qualifiers on the selection of your participants/subjects.
4. Where? Discuss the setting of your study. Why did you choose the said
5. When? The timeframe given to you in the completion of the study. You can
be more specific by determining the specific dates of completion.
6. How? These are now the technical research processes you needed in order
to complete your study. These included but are not limited to the following: the
research design; research tools (including process of validation); data collection
procedures; asking permission in the conduct of the study; statistical analyses of
data; and ethical considerations.
“Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing”
-Wernher von Braun-
You are so lucky for having reached this far! The next
learning activity will hone your writing skills on delimiting the
coverage of your study. Keep it up!
Based from the conditions given in Activity 1 (DETERMINE MY PROBLEM), your task
now is to discuss the key components of the scope and delimitation of your study.
Choose ONLY ONE (1) from the said topics/cases. Write your answers on the
provided spaces in each item. Refer to the given example below.
Example: Neil and Kade would like to solicit and analyze the perception of mothers
in riverside communities in Bayombong Nueva Vizcaya about the use of herbal
plants versus synthetic drugs as a homecare remedy to address minor health
conditions. The research tandem would also like to determine if their knowledge
on these two types of home medications, is linked with their socio-economic and
academic background. This shall be conducted during the academic year 2020-
1. What: (a) Perception of Mothers on the Use of Herbal Plants and Synthetic
Drugs as a Homecare Remedy towards Minor Health Conditions (b) Relationship
of the mothers’ perception with their socio-economic and academic background.
2. Why: The study aims to determine the perception of the mothers in the riverside
communities of Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya about the use of herbal plants and
synthetic drugs as a homecare remedy to some minor health conditions. Hence,
the study also wanted to determine if the mothers’ perception is significantly related
to their socio-economic and academic background.
3. Who? The participants of the study shall be among the mothers of the riverside
communities in Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya. The total population of the mothers
shall be collected from barangays: Vista Alegre, Salvacion, San Nicolas, and Don
Tomas Madella (Barangays within the Magat river). If the population is above 500,
10% of the said number shall accounted as the participants of the study, hence, if
its equals to 500 and below, 20% of the total shall be taken as the samples (Gay
(1997) as cited by Rojas, 2019). The sampling selection technique shall be fishbowl
technique from the list of all mothers per barangay to generate objectivity in the
4. Where? The study shall be conducted among the riverside communities of
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya, to include the following barangays: Vista Alegre,
Salvacion, San Nicolas, and Don Tomas Madella. These barangays are located
adjacent or near the Magat river, hence, may be part of the ‘poblacion’ barangays
of the town, where both technology and cultural practices are some of the opposing
views among its residents, especially among the mothers – who are considered as
the family’s first line of defense for maintaining healthy members of the family.
Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research)
“Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing”
-Wernher von Braun-
Thus, the use of both traditional way of healing (use of herbal plants) may still
interfere with the use of updated over-the-counter synthetic drugs – which both
bear the same purpose.
5. When? The study shall be conducted during the academic year 2020-2021.
Specifically, the researcher shall consider the months of August 2020 to June
6. How? The study will employ descriptive-correlational type of research approach.
The descriptive part shall be eliciting discussions on the perception of mothers
about the use of herbal plants versus synthetic drugs. The herbal plants shall only
include the approved 10 herbal plants by the Department of Health. On the other
hand, the selection of OTC drugs shall be based on the corresponding indications
of the specified 10 DOH-approved herbal plants. The description on the mothers’
socio-economic and academic performance shall also be made through frequency
and percentage distribution, and computations of mean. Computations of
Correlation Coefficient – Pearson r shall also be employed to elicit the relationship
between and among the selected research variables. Letters of permission shall
be made accordingly for ethical considerations.
It’s your turn!
Concept: Relationship between Selling Skills and Customer Service Services of
School Canteen Workers as Perceived by SHS Students of Lamo National High
1. What?
2. Why?
“Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing”
-Wernher von Braun-
3. Who?
4. Where?
5. When?
6. How?
“Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing”
-Wernher von Braun-
“Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing”
-Wernher von Braun-
Let’s now check your learning retention on this learning
activity sheet for the lesson “The Research Title and Its
Background”. I do hope you have enjoyed your learning journey.
Good luck!
Directions: Complete the given table below by writing the specific research
concept/process being discussed in the column marked as “DESCRIPTIONS”. Write
your answers the provided cells in each item.
“Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing”
-Wernher von Braun-
____________11. A good research title includes the aim, topic, locale, population, and
____________12. A lengthy title captures the reader’s interest.
____________13. Specific abbreviations can be used in the title
____________14. The aim answers the question, “why do I want to conduct this
research study?”
____________15. A good research title should differentiate the paper from other
papers of the same subject area
____________16. A good title for a research paper is typically around 15-20 words
____________17. The period implies the time allotted for the researcher to finish
his/her study.
____________18. Using active verbs instead of complex noun-based phrases should
be noted in writing a research title.
____________19. Any abbreviations cannot be used in the title.
____________20. A good research title should contain key words used in the
manuscript and define the nature of the study.
____________21. The introduction of a research, which is usually found in Chapter I
includes the rationale and results of the present study.
____________22. There are 2 specific types of research question, descriptive and
correlational questions.
____________23. Sometimes a content note or an acknowledgment of permission
granted may be called for in paper using parenthetical references.
____________24. A parenthetical reference should be placed just after a mark of
____________25. In the citation, if the author’s name is part of the sentence, only the
date is enclosed in parentheses.
“Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing”
-Wernher von Braun-
C. Directions (MULTIPLE CHOICE):
Directions: Each statement/question is followed by four options lettered A, B, C,
and D. Choose the best letter that corresponds to the correct/best answer, write
your answer (CAPITAL LETTER) on the line provided just before each item. Avoid
_____26. Which of the following focusses on what the study is all about, usually
in a paragraph of 300 words or less?
A. Abstract C. Statement of the Problem
B. Introduction D. Statistical Treatment of Data
_____27. Which of the following is NOT included in Chapter I of a Research
A. Conceptual Framework C. Significance of the Study
B. Statement of the Problem D. Summary of Findings
_____28. Which of the following reviews and states in capsule from the
objectives, respondents and methods or methodologies used in the study?
A. Conclusions C. Recommendations
B. Introduction D. Summary of the Findings
_____29. The who, what, why, and how of your research study are determined by
your research _________________.
A. data C. question
B. design D. title
_____30. Designing a research is thinking __________.
A. critically C. literally
B. imaginatively D. skillfully
_____31. These are aspects of your research: research objectives, topic,
questions, hypotheses, and methodology. You come to think of quantitative
research design __________________.
A. before finalizing your mind on these aspects of your research
B. after thinking of these aspects of your research
C. as you formulate hypotheses about these parts
D. as you ponder on your research problem
_____32. Your sister plans to remodel her closet. She hired a carpenter to do the
task. What should your sister do so that the carpenter can accomplish the task
according to what she wants?
A. Show a replica of a closet.
B. Download a picture from the internet.
C. Leave everything to the carpenter.
D. Provide the layout drawn to scale.
_____33. Which of the following standards would best apply in checking the
carpenter’s work in item number 7?
A. accuracy of measurements and wise utilization of materials
B. accuracy of measurements and workmanship
Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research)
“Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing”
-Wernher von Braun-
C. workmanship and artistic design
D. workmanship and wise utilization of materials
_____34. Suppose there is a harvest shortage in your farm because of
malnourished soil. What will you do to ensure a bountiful harvest in your farmland?
A. Hire number of workers to spread fertilizers in the farmland.
B. Buy several sacks of fertilizers and use them in your farmland.
C. Find the area of the farmland and buy proportionate number of sacks
of fertilizers.
D. Solve for the number of sacks of fertilizers proportionate to the
number of workers.
_____35. The Punong Barangay in your place noticed that garbage is not properly
disposed because the garbage bins available are too small. As the chairman of the
health committee, you were tasked to prepare garbage bins which can hold 24 ft3
of garbage. However, the location where the garbage bins will be placed is limited.
How will you maximize the area?
A. Find the dimensions of the planned bin according to the capacity
B. Make trial and error bins until the desired volume is achieved.
C. Solve for the volume and use it in creating bins.
D. Find the area of the location of the bins.
“Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing”
-Wernher von Braun-
Prepared by:
“Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing”
-Wernher von Braun-