Empoyability Skills-Taxi
Empoyability Skills-Taxi
Empoyability Skills-Taxi
0 Know yourself
1.1 Overview
Recently I have been involved in a project during college, and I was part of a 6 persons
group. After completing a test, it resulted that my top skills are team leader and
coordinator. As a team leader, one of my duties was to assign each member suitable
tasks and to create targets. During this project I had to make sure that activities are
going according to our plan and to solve any issue that might arise. The delivery of the
project was a success, with a positive feedback from other colleagues and our tutor.
One of my key strengths is achiever and I demonstrate this during the project and at the
end of it, where I did a wide research and looked for as much information as I could to
deliver a top presentation, with clear and concise information and also to be prepared
for any question it might arise during or after the presentation.
Clifton Strengths Finder is a vital tool to the business users and through a large
extension individual as well identify their talents and abilities, understand and thus chat
a way forward on how to maximize them (Louis, 2012). For that reason, the Clifton
Strengths Finder is very important since it helps individuals to increase their
productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness. People are always talented yet are not aware
of how they can exploit such talents. Some employees are also battling the dilemma of
personal and professional needs and career obligations. As such, the strength finder
helps in harnessing strengths like an achiever, activator, adaptability skills, analytical,
communication, believer, and ability to take constructive criticism for personal growth.
Accordingly, the Johari Window Model is critical since it assists individuals to have
personal awareness and perception of individuals on other people (Saxena, 2015). The
model intended to enhance the relationship of an individual and the others with whom
they work or interact with. Clifton Strength Finder and Johari`s Window Model are
critical in the aspect of the position of manager. First, a person would discover
themselves more, and relate well with other stakeholders to deliver desired
results. They motivate a person`s inner strengths and translate it to deliver results and
give satisfaction at work and in personal life.
1.3 Personal Key Strengths
Based on the Clifton Strength Finder, some of the personal strengths and
abilities have gained overtime are developer, achiever, ideation, maximiser and
empathy. As a developer, every person is a work in progress and needs various
methods to challenge them. I look for methods to make them realise their full potential
through establishing and assigning tasks which match their potential. Accordingly, my
empathy as an ability is critical since it has helped me be in the position of other
employees and related to the problems and challenges, they are facing, to help the
organisation deliver on key objectives. The achiever ability is critical since it helps me to
always want to deliver results and see every challenge as an opportunity to get a
positive outcome. The ideation strengths would help me as a manager to enhance
innovation and creativity at the workplace. Innovative ideas and occurrence assist in
thinking outside the box as well as setting off innovativeness. As a maximiser, excellent
and perfection is the ideal measurement of success and progress. Therefore, whenever
a task is being assigned, evaluation is being conducted with the aim of having the best
result. The strength puts me at an added advantage in a management position.
Louis, M.C., 2012. The Clifton StrengthsFinder and Student Strengths Development. Omaha
Noe, R.A., Hollenbeck, J.R., Gerhart, B. and Wright, P.M., 2017. Human resource management:
Saxena, P., 2015. Johari Window: An effective model for improving interpersonal
Smith, G. (2017). How Uber’s Tumultuous History in London Resulted in It Being Banned.
Via Van (2019).Via Van launches revolutionary shared ride service in London.