Reflections On Language Acquisition and Bilingualism - A Study
Reflections On Language Acquisition and Bilingualism - A Study
Reflections On Language Acquisition and Bilingualism - A Study
Abstract - In teaching –learning process, a famous writer has said that; mind grows by what it feeds, be it in an infant,
student or an adult. This could be in cognitive or biological learning. This might be even in L1 or L2 learning.The proposed
paper is based on the sub- theme - Language acquisition and bilingual Innovations. The main intention is to reflect on
aspects of language acquiescing, two language learning (curriculum and communication) purposes, and new researches.
Discussions on First Language Acquisition & Second Language Acquisition (in brief), facts of Acquisition as a mental and
behavioural process will be done.Furthermore, the focus is on importance of learning- is it critical or not. Theoretically
understanding bilingualism as multi-faced and multi- thinking process. Man’s thinking is determined by the language he
knows, and he has to explore various means to study other languages, too. The proposed paper is to find out the result of
bilingualism especially Arabic and English where the former is right branched and the latter is left branched. In countries
where there is two or three curriculum, what is the impact on learners? The whole intention is to encourage students to have
command over two languages with ease.
International Journal of Management and Applied Science, ISSN: 2394-7926 Volume-3, Issue-8, Aug.-2017
(1933): the mastery of two or more languages at the students in monolingual education system. To
native-like level.Andersson and Boyer (1978): the use reflect on these, some examples are mentioned here.
of two languages for curricular instruction in non- When the learner has a problem using the L2 while
language subjects.In recent years, many researchers thinking L1 (Arabic and English)
are carrying out their research in Bilingualism Example 1: Should we study Foreign Securities?
Innovations which is on the basis of bilingual Example 2: “I want to know what a doctor is the test
education from primary school level to the field of method means you answer an external piece and I
international finance. The focus is on duly on........ Agheraha true..”When the students start to learn to or
1. Simultaneous bilingualism Occurs when a young languages at the same time, language skill and
child has had significant and meaningful cognitive skill, both go hand in hand. If not, there
exposure to two languages from birth. Ideally, would pathetic situation in the process of learning.
the child will have equal, quality experiences More observations and innovations have to be carried
with both languages. out. To develop the L1 & L2 , rich language
2. Sequential bilingualism occurs when an academic, social, and personal situations must be
individual has had significant and meaningful provided in a relevant and meaningful way..
exposure to a second language, usually after the
age of 3 and after the first language is well CONCLUSION
established. These second language learners are
referred to as "English language learners" in U.S. Acquiring bilingualism is highly desired yet quite
schools. challenging. An effort to help comprehend aspects of
3. Balanced bilingualism: when two languages are language acquiescing (FLA & SLA), two languages
used at more or less the same level. learning purposes, and understanding of new
4. BICS (basic interpersonal communicative skills): researches can help immensely and create a win - win
the ability to maintain a simple conversation, for situation for teachers and students alike.
example in a shop or in the street. It is developed
with contextual cues (including gestures) and REFERENCES
often occurs in face-to-face situations (Cummins,
1980). American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.
(2004). Knowledge and Skills Needed by Speech-Language
5. CALP (Cognitive/academic language Pathologists and Audiologists to Provide Culturally and
proficiency): the ability to cope with study Linguistically Appropriate Services [Knowledge and Skills].
programmes in academic contexts. It is Available from
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classroom, conferences, seminars, etc.) _02033.php
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