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CV380: Mini Project I: Department of Civil Engineering

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A Mini Project Report on



As a part of the course

CV380: Mini Project I

undergone at
Department of Civil Engineering

under the guidance of

Dr.Eng, M.E, B.E

Submitted by
Shrivathsa B J_191CV246

V Sem B.Tech

Department of Civil Engineering

National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal.
Nov 2021

I Shrivathsa B J 3rd year Civil Engineering Student hereby declare that the
Mini project report(CV380) entitled “SEISMIC CODES AND DESIGN AND
submitted to the National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal in
partial fulfilment of the requirement of the award of the degree of Bachelor of
Technology in Department of Civil Engineering is a bonafide report of the work
carried out by me. The material contained in this report has not been submitted
to any university or institute for the award of any degree.

Place: NITK Surathkal

Date: 15-11-2021

(Signature of the Student)



This is to certify that the U.G Mini project work report(CV380) entitled
RESISTANT BUILDING”, submitted by Mr Shrivathsa B J(Reg.no:
191CV246) is accepted as the record of the work carried out by them, in
particular fulfilment of the requirements of the award of the degree of the
Bachelor of Technology in Civil Engineering at National Institute of
Technology Karnataka, Surathkal.


Department of Civil Engineering
Project Guide

(Signature with Date)


I take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude and profound thanks to

my guide Prof Dr KATTA VENKATARAMANA(Dr. Eng, M.E, B.E),
Department of Civil Engineering for his advice, guidance and reference material
provided during the course of the preparation of the report.

I extend my heartfelt thanks to the faculty of the Department of Civil

Engineering and friends who helped me directly or indirectly in the preparation
of this mini project report.

Shrivathsa B J_191CV246
List of Contents

1. Introduction to Structural Design

1.1 Stages in Structural Design
2. Importance of Seismic Design Codes
3. Indian Seismic Codes
3.1 What are the Indian Seismic Codes?
4. IS 1893 (Part 1):2016
5. Design and Analysis
5.1 Project Statement
5.2 Proposed Solution
5.3 Technologies Used
5.4 Approach
5.5 Calculations
5.6 Results
5.7 Limitations
5.8 Conclusions and Key Learnings
5.9 References
1. Introduction to Structural design
Structural design is the science of analysing and designing any structure with ultimate
strength, safety, serviceability and economy. It not only requires conceptual thinking and
imagination but also the discipline to maintain design standards specified by the respective
country design code, for example, IS Code. Any building project initiates from the planning
stage to meet the specified requirement of the client. Although the client may be unaware of
the impracticable conditions existing within the site and have unprecedented expectations, it
is the sole responsibility of the structural engineer to undertake.
The challenge and meet the design requirements for strength, durability, economy and safety.
The existing shortage of land due to the human population out-burst is constantly demanding
the construction of high-rise structures. As the floor count of these multi-story buildings
increases, the structure gets vulnerable to external lateral forces subjected by earthquake
excitation and wind pressure, thus leading to structural instability and subsequently complete
failure of the structure. To enable tall structures resistant to such lateral forces, analysis of the
forces due to earthquake and wind must be undertaken and included in the ultimate design of
the building.

1.1 Stages in Structural Design

Every structure follows a specific path from its initiation to ultimate design as
 Structural planning of the building
 Calculation of applied loads.
 Structural analysis of the building
 Design of the building as per the analysis.
 Drawing and detailing of the structural members.
 Preparation of schedule.
It is the sole responsibility of the design engineer to construct the building structurally sound,
considering all the loads acting on the building. There are multiple methods of conducting
these design procedures, one of which is the use of STADD. Pro software.

2. Importance of Seismic Design Codes

Ground vibrations during earthquakes cause forces and deformations in structures. Structures
need to be designed to withstand such forces and deformations. Seismic codes help to
improve the behaviour of structures so that they may withstand the earthquake effects without
significant loss of life and property. Countries around the world have procedures outlined in
seismic codes to help design engineers in the planning, designing, detailing and constructing
of structures. An earthquake-resistant building has four virtues in it, namely:
(a) Good Structural Configuration: Its size, shape and structural system carrying loads are
such that they ensure a direct and smooth flow of inertia forces to the ground.
(b) Lateral Strength: The maximum lateral (horizontal) force that it can resist is such that the
damage induced in it does not result in collapse.
(c) Adequate Stiffness: Its lateral load resisting system is such that the earthquake-induced
deformations in it do not damage its contents under low-to-moderate shaking.
(d) Good Ductility: It’s capacity to undergo large deformations under severe earthquake
shaking even after yielding, is improved by favourable design and detailing strategies.
Seismic codes cover all these aspects.

3. Indian Seismic Codes

Seismic codes are unique to a particular region or country. They take into account the local
seismology, accepted level of seismic risk, building typologies, and materials and methods
used in construction. Further, they are indicative of the level of progress a country has made
in the field of earthquake engineering.
The first formal seismic code in India, namely IS 1893, was published in 1962. Today, the
Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has the following seismic codes:
 IS 1893 (Part I), 2016, Indian Standard Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of
Structures (6th Revision)
 IS 4326, 1993, Indian Standard Code of Practice for Earthquake Resistant Design and
Construction of Buildings (2nd Revision)
 IS 13827, 1993, Indian Standard Guidelines for Improving Earthquake Resistance of
Earthen Buildings
 IS 13828, 1993, Indian Standard Guidelines for Improving Earthquake Resistance of
Low Strength Masonry Buildings
 IS 13920, 1993, Indian Standard Code of Practice for Ductile Detailing of Reinforced
Concrete Structures Subjected to Seismic Forces
 IS 13935, 1993, Indian Standard Guidelines for Repair and Seismic Strengthening of
The regulations in these standards do not ensure that structures suffer no damage during
earthquakes of all magnitudes. But, to the extent possible, they ensure that structures are able
to respond to earthquake shakings of moderate intensities without structural damage and of
heavy intensities without total collapse.

3.1 What are the Indian Seismic Codes?

The revised 2016 edition, Part 1 of IS1893, contains provisions that are general in nature and
those applicable for buildings. The other four parts of IS 1893 will cover Liquid-Retaining
Tanks, both elevated and ground supported (Part 2); Bridges and Retaining Walls (Part 3);
Industrial Structures including Stack Like Structures (Part 4); and Dams and Embankments
(Part 5). These four documents are under preparation. In contrast, the 1984 edition of IS1893
had provisions for all the above structures in a single document.
Provisions for Bridges
Seismic design of bridges in India is covered in three codes, namely IS 1893 (1984) from the
BIS, IRC 6 (2000) from the Indian Roads Congress, and Bridge Rules (1964) from the
Ministry of Railways. All highway bridges are required to comply with IRC 6, and all
railway bridges with Bridge Rules. These three codes are conceptually the same, even though
there are some differences in their implementation. After the 2001 Bhuj earthquake, in 2002,
the IRC released interim provisions that make significant improvements to the IRC6 (2000)
seismic provisions.
IS 4326, 1993
This code covers general principles for earthquake-resistant buildings. Selection of materials
and special features of design and construction are dealt with for the following types of
buildings: timber constructions, masonry constructions using rectangular masonry units, and
buildings with prefabricated reinforced concrete roofing/flooring elements.
IS 13827, 1993 and IS 13828, 1993
Guidelines in IS 13827 deal with empirical design and construction aspects for improving
earthquake resistance of earthen houses, and those in IS 13828 with general principles of
design and special construction features for improving earthquake resistance of buildings of
low-strength masonry. This masonry includes burnt clay brick or stone masonry in weak
mortars, like clay mud. These standards are applicable in seismic zones III, IV and V.
Constructions based on them are termed non-engineered, and are not totally free from
collapse under seismic shaking intensities VIII (MMI) and higher. The inclusion of features
mentioned in these guidelines may only enhance the seismic resistance and reduce the
chances of collapse.
IS 13920, 1993
In India, reinforced concrete structures are designed and detailed as per the Indian Code IS
456 (2002). However, structures located in high seismic regions require ductile design and
detailing. Provisions for the ductile detailing of monolithic reinforced concrete frame and
shear wall structures are specified in IS 13920 (1993). After the 2001 Bhuj earthquake, this
code has been made mandatory for all structures in zones III, IV and V. Similar provisions
for seismic design and ductile detailing of steel structures are not yet available in the Indian
IS 13935, 1993
These guidelines cover general principles of seismic strengthening, selection of materials,
and techniques for repair/seismic strengthening of masonry and wooden buildings. The code
provides a brief coverage for individual reinforced concrete members in such buildings but
does not cover reinforced concrete frame or shear wall buildings as a whole. Some guidelines
are also laid down for non-structural and architectural components of buildings.
In Closure
Countries with a history of earthquakes have well developed earthquake codes. Thus,
countries like Japan, New Zealand and the United States of America, have detailed seismic
code provisions. The development of building codes in India started rather early. Today,
India has a fairly good range of seismic codes covering a variety of structures, ranging from
mud or low strength masonry houses to modern buildings. However, the key to ensuring
earthquake safety lies in having a robust mechanism that enforces and implements these
design code provisions in actual constructions.
4. IS 1893 (Part 1):2016
IS 1893 is the main code that provides the seismic zone map (Figure 1) and specifies seismic
design force. This force depends on the mass and seismic coefficient of the structure; the
latter in turn depends on properties like the seismic zone in which structure lies, the
importance of the structure, its stiffness, the soil on which it rests, and its ductility. For
example, a building in Bhuj will have 2.25 times the seismic design force of an identical
building in Bombay. Similarly, the seismic coefficient for a single-storey building may have
2.5 times that of a 15-storey building.

Fig 1: Seismic zones of India

Response Spectrum
The response spectrum coefficient considered as per Indian Standards for design is shown in
the figure for different soil types based on suitable natural periods and damping ratio of the
structure. The spectral acceleration coefficient (Sa/g) considered as per IS 1893 (Part 1): 2016
is as follows
The building is designed as an ordinary moment-resisting frame (OMRC) for the considered
residential structure without ductile detailing and hence a response reduction factor of 3 is
5. Design and Analysis
5.1 Project Statement
The building is designed for the following parameters:

 Site location: Kutch, Gujarat – Zone V

Zone factor : Z = 0.36
 Type of soil: Sandy soil – Medium soil
 Allowable bearing pressure: 100 KN/m2
 Response Reduction factor (R): 5 for SMRC (Special moment-resisting
 Number of floors: G+7
 Floor height : 3 m
 External wall thickness: 230 mm
 Internal wall thickness: 150 mm
 Beam size: 700 * 450 mm
 Column size : 600 * 400 mm
 Slab thickness: 120 mm
 Grade of concrete: M30
 Grade of steel: Fe 415
 Designed in a Category IV and Exposure B

The STAAD. Pro plan and model for the considered G+7 building is shown

Fig 3: STAAD. Pro model Fig 4: STAAD. Pro-Line Plan

5.2 Proposed solution
With the advent of advanced technology, civil structures such as high-rise
buildings and long-span bridges are designed with increased flexibility,
increasing their susceptibility to external excitation. Therefore, these structures
are vulnerable to excessive modes of vibration under the effect of strong wind
and earthquakes. To protect such civil structures from significant structural
damage, the seismic response of these structures is analyzed along with wind
force calculation and forces such as support reactions and joint displacement are
calculated and included in the structural design for a vibration-resistant
structure. The primary objective of this paper is to create an earthquake-resistant
structure by undertaking a seismic study of the structure by a static equivalent
method of analysis and carry out the analysis and design of the building using
STADD. Pro software. For this purpose, a G+7 residential building plan in
Kutch is considered. Seismic calculations are conducted for earthquake zone 5,
Response reduction factor 5, for special moment resistant frame and importance
factor 1. The structural safety of the building is ensured by calculating all acting
loads on the structure, including the lateral loads caused due to wind and
seismic excitation.

5.3 Technologies used

We have used the STAAD PRO V8i software. STAAD Pro provides the design
engineer with an excellent user interface and tools required to impose dead load
and imposed load along with external acting loads on the structure. It has a
powerful engine to undergo advanced dynamic analysis considering multiple
loading combinations and generate an appropriate design of the structure. The
software gives easy access to view reaction forces, joint displacement, shear
force and bending moment acting on different beams and columns in the post-
processing mode due to the applied loading condition on the structure.
STAAD Pro provides a vast interface to carry out timber, aluminium and
concrete design of buildings, bridges and water tanks. From model generation to
ultimate design, the software provides accurate results and submits the final
output which contains the structural design of every individual beam and
column within the building.

5.4 Approach
The equivalent static coefficient method of analysis is chosen for the following
structure. This approach defines a series of forces acting on the building to
represent the effect of earthquake ground motion, typically defined by a seismic
design response spectrum. It considers that the building vibrates in its
fundamental mode. For this to be true, the building must be low-rise and must
not twist significantly when the ground moves.
Step-1: Nodal point generation.
With respect to the positioning of the column on the building plan we,
respective nodal points have been entered on the STAAD model.
Step-2: Beam and column representation.
Based on the nodal points, with the help of add beam command on STAAD.
Pro, beam and columns have been generated.
Step-3: Assign support and member property.
After column generation, supports have been provided below every column as
fixed supports. Subsequently, based on load calculations, the beam and column
cross-sections have been assigned.
Step-4: 3D View.
After assigning the member property, the 3D view of the structure can be
Step-5: Dead Load assignment.
According to IS: 875 (Part 1) – 1987, the dead loads have been assigned based
on member load, floor load and self-weight of the beams.
Step-6: Live Load assignment.
According to IS: 875 (Part 2) – 1987, live load of 2KN/m2 and 4KN/m2 has
been assigned to the members.
Step-7: Seismic load assignment.
After creating a suitable seismic definition as per the requirement of IS 1893
(Part 1): 2016, the seismic load has been assigned with respect to +X, -X, +Z
and -Z directions with appropriate seismic factor.
Step-8: Wind load assignment.
After entering the wind intensity and creating the wind definition as per IS: 875
(Part 3) – 1987, the wind loads have been assigned with respect to +X, -X, +Z
and -Z directions.
Step-9: Load combination assignment.
Different load combination cases have been assigned to the model based on
specified loading combinations provided in the IS CODES that are also
available in STAAD. Pro.
Step-10: Analysis of the structure on STAAD Pro.
With the help of the Run Analysis Command, the structure is analyzed and a
detailed study of forces and bending moment is undertaken through the
Postprocessing mode.
Step-11: Structural Design on STAAD. Pro and Output Generation.
The design is undertaken as per IS 456:2000. M30 concrete and FE415 is used
as design parameters. After the final design of the structure, the output file is
generated containing the structural design of every individual beam and column

5.5 Calculations
The dead load, live load, seismic load, and wind loads are considered here. With
the help of IS 1893:2016, some of the calculated input values are entered in the
STAAD PRO for the design.
Type 1: Floor load.
Reinforced concrete unit weight – 25KN/m3
Slab thickness -120mm
Deal load due to Slab = 25 x B X D
= 25 x 1 x 0.12
= 3.0 KN/m
Floor finish = 1 KN/m2 x 1m = 1KN/m
Total Floor Load = 4 KN/m
Factored Floor Load = 4x1.5 = 6KN/m

Type 2: Member load.

1. External wall load:
Unit weight of brick masonry – 20KN/m3
The thickness of wall – 230 mm
Height of wall – 3 m
Load of wall on the beam = 20 x 3 x 0.23 x 1.5 = 20.7 KN/m
2. Internal wall load:
Unit weight of brick masonry – 20 KN/m3
The thickness of wall – 150 mm
Height of wall – 3 m
Load of wall on the beam = 20 x 3 x 0.15 x 1.5 = 13.5 KN/m
Type 3: Self-weight of beam.
S = 1.5
Reinforced concrete unit weight – 25KN/m3
Depth of the beam – 700mm
Width of the beam – 450mm
Slab depth – 120mm
Self-weight of beam = 25 x 0.7 x 0.45 = 7.875KN/m
Factored beam weight = 7.875 x 1.5 = KN/m

Fig 5: Dead Load on STADD. Pro Fig 6: Live Load on STADD. Pro

The load produced by the occupancy of the building, movable partition load,
concentrated and distributed load, load due to vibration and impact, people
occupying the floor but excluding all external loads caused by snow, wind and
earthquake or temperature changes such as shrinkage, differential settlement,
creep etc. is termed as imposed load.
Imposed load/Live load is considered for the design according to IS
875:1987, the live load on all the rooms could be 2 KN/m2, Here we considered
Live load of floor :- 4KN/m2
Live load of roof :- 2 KN/m2
For seismic load analysis of earthquake-resistant buildings, the fundamental
translation natural period (Ta) of the building while vibration should be
calculated and provided as input to STAAD. Pro for seismic analysis.
The considered building is in Kutch, Gujrat:
Seismic parameters as per (IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016) are stated below:
Seismic Zone – V (IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016)
Zone Factor (Z) – 0.36 (Table 2, IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016)
Importance factor – 1 (Table 6, IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016)
Response Reduction Factor – 5 (Table 7, IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016)
Fundamental Period (Ta):
The formula for calculating the fundamental natural period of vibration for
moment resisting framed building provided with brick infill panel is given in
IS:1893 Part 1 as follows,
Fundamental period
= 0.09h/(d)1/2 (Clause 7.6.2, IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016).
The building plan is of size 24 x 10 m.
Height of the building = 24 m
Width of the building = 10 m (On both direction x and z)
Ta = 0.09x24/ (10)1/2
= 0.68 sec
All those values highlighted above are provided as input to the seismic
definition in STAAD. Pro and seismic forces are calculated. The earthquake
force acting on the structure is displayed below.

Fig 7: Seismic Force in X-direction on STAAD model

Fig 8: Seismic Force in Z-direction on STADD model

For wind load analysis we can generate the intensity of the wind at different
heights as per ASCE – 7, with giving input of certain particulars,
For the kutch region,
 Wind category: IV
 Wind speed: 44 m/s
 Exposure category B
 Exposure intensity 1
The lateral forces acting on the structure due to wind have been calculated as
per (IS: 875 (Part 3) – 1987).
Design Wind Speed VZ = VB K1 K2 K3 K4 (Section 5.3, IS: 875 (Part 3) –
Design Wind Pressure PZ = 0.6 x VZ 2 (Section 5.4, IS: 875 (Part 3) – 1987).
Where, PZ – Wind speed pressure (KN/m2).
VZ - Wind speed design (m/s).
VB – Basic Wind Speed at any height in m/s.
K1 - Probability factor.
K2 - Terrain roughness.
K3 - Topography Factor.
K4 – Importance factor in cyclonic region.
Exposure factor - 1.0 (As per IS Code).
For Kutch,
Wind category - 4,
Wind Speed (VB) = 44m/s
K1 = 1 (Table 1, IS: 875 (Part 3) – 1987).
K2 = 1.03 (Table 2, IS: 875 (Part 3) – 1987).
K3 = 1 (Clause, IS: 875 (Part 3) – 1987).
K4 = 1 (Clause 5.3.4, IS: 875 (Part 3) – 1987).
With respect to the values of K1, K2, K3 and K4 listed above, the wind speed
design VZ is calculated by the formula listed above. The square of the design
wind speed is multiplied by a factor of 0.6 and the value of design wind
pressure is calculated.
Fig 9: Wind load in X-direction Fig 10: Wind load in Z-direction

With these as an input the wind load analysis is done on STAAD pro.

5.6 Results
The G+7 residential building has been analyzed and designed using STAAD.
Pro. Seismic and wind forces have been considered and the structure is designed
as an earthquake-resistant structure. Earthquake and wind oriented deflections
must be limited for multiple reasons and hence abundant structural stiffness is
important. As a result, the inter-story drift must be obtained within the specified
limits. For minimum specified lateral force with a partial load factor of 1.0, the
inter-story drift should be under 0.004 x Hs, where (Hs) is the story height
(Clause 7.11.1, IS 1893 (Part 1): 2016). For 3000 mm floor height, inter-story
drift = 0.004 x 3000 = 12 mm. The actual relative displacement between every
story in the structure is below the inter-story drift limit and hence safe.
Fig 11: STADD. Pro 3D Rendered Model

Fig 12: Beam Output

Fig 13: Column Output

Fig 14: Bending Moment acting on the structure

Fig 15: Shear Forces acting on the structure

Foundation Design
Input Values
Footing Geometry
Footing Thickness (Ft) : 305.000 mm
Footing Length - X (Fl) : 1000.000 mm
Footing Width - Z (Fw) : 1000.000 mm
Eccentricity along X (Oxd) : 0.000 mm
Eccentricity along Z (Ozd) : 0.000 mm
Column Dimensions
Column Shape : Rectangular
Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.600 m
Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.400
Design Parameters
Concrete and Rebar Properties
Unit Weight of Concrete : 25.000 kN/m3
Strength of Concrete : 25.000 N/mm2
Yield Strength of Steel : 415.000 N/mm2
Minimum Bar Size : Ø6
Maximum Bar Size : Ø32
Minimum Bar Spacing : 50.000 mm
Maximum Bar Spacing : 500.000 mm
Pedestal Clear Cover (P, CL) : 50.000 mm
Footing Clear Cover (F, CL) : 50.000 mm
Soil Properties
Soil Type : Drained
Unit Weight : 22.000 kN/m3
Soil Bearing Capacity : 100.000 kN/m2
Soil Surcharge : 0.000 kN/m2
Depth of Soil above Footing : 0.000 mm
Cohesion : 0.000 kN/m2
Min Percentage of Slab : 0.000
Sliding and Overturning
Coefficient of Friction : 0.500
Factor of Safety Against Sliding : 1.500
Factor of Safety Against Overturning : 1.500

Fig 16: Isolated Footing

5.8 Limitations of the Project
 Depending on the site area the number of floors is limited
 Designing is completely based on IRC codes.
 If once the structure is designed for one purpose it cannot be used for
another purpose if the load acting on it is increased then the designed.

5.9 Conclusion and Key Learnings

To conclude, STAAD. Pro is a user-friendly versatile software having the
capacity to determine the reinforcement required for any concrete section based
on its loading and determine the nodal deflections against lateral forces. It
undergoes static as well as dynamic analysis of the structure and gives accurate
results. The following points have been derived at the end of the design.
 The values of bending moment and shear force for every individual
member has been studied.
 The short-term deflection for all horizontal members is within safe
 With the consideration of wind and seismic forces, the steel percentage
has increased to 2% but is still below the permissible limits.
 The proposed structural size of the members can be used for practical
design consideration.
 The final output for beams and columns has been generated and
reinforcement details have been studied.

1. IS 1893 (Part 1): 2016“Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures”.
2. IS 875 (Part 2): 1987 “Imposed Loads”.
3. IS 875 (Part 3): 1987 “Wind Loads”
4. Akshay R. Kohli1, Prof. N. G. Gore2International Research Journal of Engineering
and Technology (IRJET)
5. IITK-bmtpc learning earthquake design and construction
6. Gireesh Babu, B., (2017). “Seismic Analysis and Design of G+7 Residential Building
Using STAAD. Pro”. (IJARIT), ISSN: 2454-132X, Vol 3, Issue 3
7. IS 456, (2000), Indian Standard Code of Practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete,
Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
8. http://www.iitk.ac.in/nicee/EQTips/EQTip11.pdf
9. https://dailycivil.com/what-is-floating-column-its-advantages-and-disadvantages/
10. https://en.m.wikisource.org/wiki/1911_Encyclop%C3%A6dia_Britannica/Earthquake

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