CP 4 Oup Safety at Work

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Oxford English for

Electrical and Mechanical

Eric H. Glendinning
Norman Glendinning,
C Eng, MIMechE

Oxford University Press

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Safety at work

Task 1 What do these warning labels on chemicals mean?Match each label to the
correct warning.
a Highly flammable
b Harmful
c Explosive
d Corrosive
e Oxidizing
f Toxic


Task 2 List some of the potential dangers in your laboratory, workshop, or place of
work. How is the risk of these hazards reduced?

Task 3 Study the safety instructions from a workshop below, and then answer these
a Who are the instructions for?
b Who wrote them?
c What was the writer's purpose?

I 1
Wear protective clothing at all times.
Always wear eye protection whenoperating
lathes, cutters, and grinders and ensure the guard
is in place.

1 3 Keep your workplace tidy.

I1 4 The areas between benches and around machines

must be kept clear.
Tools should be put away when not in use and
I any breakages and losses reported

1 6 Machines should be cleaned after use,

Reading Understanding the writer'spurpose

Knowing what the writer's purpose is, who the writer is, and who the intended
readers are can help us to understand a text. The safety instructions in Task 3
are clearly intended to encourage employees to be safety conscious and reduce
the risk of accidents. The writer is perhaps a supervisor or the company safety
officer, and the intended readers are machine operatives. Knowing these things
can help us to work out the meaning of any part of the text we may not

Task 4 Study the company document on safety on the next page, and then answer
these questions.
1 Who is this document for?
a machine operatives
b managers
c all employees
d injured employees
2 Who wrote this document?
a trade union representative
b technician
c manager
d medical staff
3 What is the writer's intention?
a to prevent accidents
b to ensure speedy help for injured employees
c tn protect the company
d to warn about dangers
Accident investigation
Whenever an accident occurs that results in an injury (medicalcase),
damage of equipment and material, or both, prompt accident
investigation by the immediate manager is required. A written
preliminary investigation will be completed by the end of the particular
shift or business day on which the accident occurred.
In no event should there be a delay of more than 24 hours. Failure to
comply with this requirement may subject the immediate manager to
disciplinary action up to and including discharge.
Without adequate accident investigation data the Company may be
subjected to costs, claims, and legal action for which it has no defence.
As a minimum, the preliminary accident investigation report will
include the following:
1 Name, occupation, and sex of injured worker.
2 Place and date/ time of accident.
3 Description of how the accident happened.
4 Immediate causes of the accident -unsafe acts and unsafe
5 Contributingcauses- manager safety performance, level of worker
baking, inadequate job procedure, poor protective maintenance, etc.
6 Witness(es)- name and department.
7 Corrective action taken- when.
The employee who was injured and any employee(s)who witnessed the
incident should be separately interviewed as soon as possible. A copy of
the report must be submitted to the Manager - Human Resources for
review. Another copy of the report is to be retained for a period of not
less than the injured employee's length of employment plus five (5)

Task 5 Study this brief report of an accident. In which points does it not meet
company policy on reporting accidents?
Language study Making safety rules
What are the differences in meaning, if any, between these statements?
1 Wear protective clothing.
2 Always wear protective clothing.
3 Protective clothing must be worn.
We can make safety rules in these ways:
1 Using an imperative.
Wear protective clothing.
Do not wear loose-fitting clothing.
2 Alwags/never are used to emphasize that the rule holds in all cases.
A l w a ~ wear
s protective clothing.
Never wear loose-fitting clothing.
3 We can use a modal verb-
Protective clothing must be worn.
Protective clothing should be worn.

Task 6 Study this list of unsafe environmental conditions (hazards). Write safety rules
to limit these hazards using the methods given above. For example:
inadequate lighting
Lighting must be adequate. or
Lighting should be adequate.
1 uneven floors
2 unguarded machinery
3 untidy workbenches
4 untidy workplaces
5 badly maintained machinery
6 carelessly stored dangerous materials
7 inadequate ventilation
8 damaged tools and equipment
9 machinery in poor condition
10 equipment used improperly
11 equipment operated by untrained personnel
12 apprentices working without supervision

Writing Ways of linking ideas, 2

In Unit 4 we learnt that to make our writing effective, we have to make sure
our readers can follow our ideas. We learnt how to mark reasons, results, and
contrasts in our writing.
What are the links between these ideas? What words can we use to mark the
1 The accident happened.
2 The operator's carelessness.
3 The supervisor was not present.
Sentence 2 is a reason for sentence 1. Sentence 3 is an additional reason. We can
mark the links between them like this:
The accident happened because of the operator's carelessness. In
addition/moreover,the supervisor was not present.
We use because of to introduce a reason which is a noun or noun phrase. We
use in addition and moreover to introduce an additional reason.
What are the links between these ideas?What words can we use to mark the
4 Suitable protection should be worn.
5 Safety helmets should be used where there is a danger of falling
Sentence 5 is an example to illustrate sentence 4. We can mark this in this way:
Suitableprotection should be worn. For example/For instance, sakty
helmets should be used where there is a danger offalling objects.

Task 7 Show the links between these sets of ideas using appropriate linking woru.
from this unit and from Unit 4.
1 Many accidents happen.
Workers' carelessness.
2 Education can reduce accidents.
It is important that all workers receive training in basic safety.
3 Eye injuries can be serious.
Goggles must be worn for grinding and cutting.
4 Safety gloves provide protection for the hands.
They prevent burns.
They reduce the danger of cuts.
5 Safety shoes protect the feet against falling objects.
They prevent the feet getting caught in machinery.
6 Respirators should be worn in dusty conditions.
Dust can damage the lungs.
7 Safety gear exists for every danger.
Each year people are injured.
They refuse or forget to wear the right gear.

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