Energies: Design of Microgrid Protection Schemes Using Pscad

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Design of Microgrid Protection Schemes Using
Hyun Shin 1 , Sang Heon Chae 2 and Eel-Hwan Kim 3, *
1 Faculty of Applied Energy System, Jeju National University, Jeju 63243, Korea; gaegu1210@jejunu.ac.kr
2 Electric Energy Research Center, Jeju National University, Jeju 63243, Korea; chae@jejunu.ac.kr
3 Department of Electrical Engineering, Jeju National University, Jeju 63243, Korea
* Correspondence: ehkim@jejunu.ac.kr; Tel.: +82-64-756-3678

Received: 6 October 2020; Accepted: 2 November 2020; Published: 4 November 2020 

Abstract: Steady-state, harmonics, and transient analysis of a power system by using a detailed
simulation model is essential to microgrid operation before the installation of new power facilities,
because the microgrid, which is a small-scale independent power grid consisting of distributed
resources and an energy storage system, has no choice but to include many inverters consisting of
switching devices. Accordingly, in the case of an accident in a microgrid system, various power
system simulation tools must be used to calculate the fault current for grid protection components.
Specifically, Modelling using Power System Computer Aided Design (PSCAD)/Electro-Magnetic
Transient Design and Control (EMTDC) can perform detailed modeling of switching devices into each
inverter, and Electrical Transient Analyzer Program (ETAP) can design protection relays. From this
perspective, this study designed whole protection components in a microgrid system, including the
capacity of switching devices for fault ride through a protective relay and the capacity of the circuit
breaker. The parameters of an actual microgrid on the San Cristobal Island, Galapagos, were used to
make a detailed simulation model in both PSCAD/EMTDC and ETAP. The capacities of the switching
devices were estimated by using PSCAD/EMTDC. Additionally, the rated breaking capacities and the
setting values of the protective relay were also calculated from the result of an ETAP simulation.

Keywords: ETAP; fault current analysis; microgrid; protection system; PSCAD/EMTDC

1. Introduction
According to advanced research, computer modeling and power system analysis are very important
for the stable operation and management of power systems [1]. Specifically, before connecting a new
power facility to a sensitive power system such as a microgrid, detailed analysis using computer
simulation must be performed to check normal operation, transient state, harmonics, and dynamic
characteristics. As the microgrid is a small-scale independent power grid, which consists of renewable
energy sources, such as solar or wind power, with an energy storage system (ESS), a detailed power
system analysis should be completed [2,3]. Several inspiring papers, such as ”Fault analysis of
380V DC-microgrid” and ”An inverter-only supplied microgrid analysis,” have analyzed various
results on microgrids using power system simulation tools [4–9]. However, there are no papers
that design whole protection components of the microgrid using the Power System Computer
Aided Design (PSCAD)/Electro-Magnetic Transient Design and Control (EMTDC) and Electrical
Transient Analyzer Program (ETAP) programs. In addition, in the event of an accident on the
microgrid, the calculation of the fault current requires the use of various simulation tools to improve
accuracy. Currently, PSCAD/EMTDC is specialized in various types of AC and DC power facilities,
namely PCS simulation studies, including power electronics, subsynchronous resonance, and lightning
overvoltage [10–13]. Thus, detailed modeling of the inverter switching device and the conventional

Energies 2020, 13, 5784; doi:10.3390/en13215784 www.mdpi.com/journal/energies

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power system can be performed. ETAP is useful to calculate the fault current, design a protection
system, and analyze power system stability [14–17]. With ETAP, unlike PSCAD/EMTDC, it is not
possible to model the inverter’s switching device in detail, but the advantages of simple modeling of
the power system, the result of the accident current calculation, and setting the protective relay in the
event of a system accident can be derived within a short time.
This study proposed to design a method of whole protection components in a microgrid system by
using various power system simulation programs. First, the simulation models of the microgrid were
made using the PSCAD/EMTDC and ETAP programs. In this study, the PSCAD/EMTDC simulation
model was focused on inverter facilities, including the topology, filter, and even the controller. The ETAP
model was created by using its well-made libraries. Second, the ground and short-circuit fault current
values were calculated. Then, the calculation results were compared with each program to improve the
accuracy and reliability of the simulation models. Third, the circuit breaker capacities were decided by
the worst fault current flowing into the bus at each distributed resources-side, calculated through the
ETAP program. Fourth, the capacities of the switching devices in the inverter system were estimated
to consider the self-protection sequence and the capable low voltage ride through (LVRT) operation
through the PSCAD/EMTDC simulation result in which the maximum fault current flows to the
insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) [18–22]. Finally, the setting values of the protective relays
were corrected in consequence of the ETAP simulation results. To verify the effectiveness of the
proposed method, the parameters for San Cristobal Island, Galapagos, where the actual average load
is about 1.8 MW, were applied to each simulation tool. The example microgrid was installed with
distributed resources, including 6.39 MW diesel generators, a 2.095 MWh ESS, 1 MW photovoltaics
(PVs), and three 0.8 MW wind turbines. The simulation analysis scenarios assumed that the fault
occurred at the zero-crossing point of phase A in normal conditions. This is shown as a single line
diagram in Figure 1. The power system of this study operates only two 1.67 MW diesel generators
according to the load size, PV generates 1 MW output, and ESS controls PV output fluctuations [23].
In addition, the wind turbine (WT) was operated at only two 800 kW to prevent light-load operation of
diesel generators.

Figure 1. Overview of San Cristobal Island power system.

2. Protection Theory
There are many studies on how to protect microgrids [24,25]. In this paper, we focused on two
items necessary for microgrid protection. The first is the LVRT control of the inverter. It is a method to
prevent drop from the power system by supplying reactive power in consideration of the accident
time and voltage reduction rate when low voltage of the system occurs. Therefore, the capacity of the
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inverter’s IGBT must be designed in accordance with the LVRT condition. Second, the short-circuit
current calculation needs to be considered. In the event of an accident in the power system, not only
the inverter, but also the circuit breaker and protection relay must be managed. Accordingly, it is
possible to quickly prevent the spread of an accident by the proper breaker capacity and the set value
of the protection relay through accurate short-circuit current calculation.

2.1. LVRT Control Method

Figure 2 shows the detailed controller of a two-level power conversion system (PCS) model for
the PVs, ESS, and WTs. From inverter control theory, the terminal voltage of the two-level inverter in
the dq-axis using Park’s transformation can be expressed as

vtd = −Li + ωLi iq + vsd (1)
vtq = −Li − ωLi id + vsq (2)

Figure 2. Two-level inverter simulation model.

By using decisions of filter capacity, the gains and bandwidth of the proportional integral (PI)
controller were calculated. Then, these values were tuned considering the response of the PCS, such as
overshoot, rising time, and so on [26,27]. If the PI controller is used, it can be expressed as

ki ∗
v∗td = −(kp + )(i − i ) + ωLi iq + vd (3)
s d d
ki ∗
v∗tq = −(kp + )(i − iq ) − ωLi id + vq (4)
s q
In the above equation, i∗d and i∗q are set to perform current control by using Equations (5) and (6):

0 (0.8Vrated < ∆V ≤ 0)

∆V (0.5Vrated < ∆V ≤ 0.8Vrated )

Qre f = × k (5)

max (0.3Vrated < ∆V ≤ 0.5Vrated )

 Q
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i∗d = Qre f / vq (6)
i∗q = Pre f / vq (7)
where i∗d means that the PCS operates as the unity power factor in a steady state and supports the
grid stability by using a LVRT operation in a transient state, as shown in Figure 3. In addition, ∆V
in Equation (5) refers to the error between the line voltage root mean square (RMS) value and the
reference line voltage RMS value flowing into each system. If the grid voltage drops below 30% of the
rated voltage because of a severe fault, the PCS will be disconnected from the grid by its self-protection.
The Pre f of i∗q represents the active power of the connected sources.

Figure 3. Low-voltage ride-through requirement.

2.2. Fault Current Calculation

When an accident occurs in the power system, an asymmetric current flows about the horizontal
axis as shown in Figure 4. The fault current expressed in red in Figure 4 includes the symmetrical
AC current that occurred by the rotating machine connected to the power system and the DC current
indicated in blue, which is determined according to the X/R ratio. In ETAP, according to the International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standard, the short-circuit current is calculated as above [28]. Ik is
the RMS value of the AC symmetrical component of an available short-circuit current applicable at the
instant of the short-circuit if the impedance remains at zero time value, which is shown in Equation (8).
Voltage factor c is used to adjust the value of the equivalent voltage source for minimum and maximum
current calculations according to the nominal voltage and voltage regulation. In Equation (9), ip is the
maximum possible instantaneous value of the available short-circuit current; m is a function of the
power system X/R ratio at the fault location. Therefore, the initial symmetric short-circuit current and
peak short-circuit current can be calculated using the ETAP program.

Ik = cUn / 3Zeq (8)

ip = 2mIk (9)
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Figure 4. The form of fault current.

3. Power System Modeling of a Microgrid

The example power system model of Galapagos’ San Cristobal Island was made by using the
PSCAD/EMTDC and ETAP programs. The distributed resources of the island consist of a 6.39 MW
diesel power plant, 1 MW PV, a 2.095 MWh ESS, and a 2.4 MW wind power plant. In addition, the input
parameters in each program were set to match the actual values.

3.1. Power System Modeling Using PSCAD/EMTDC

Figure 5 represents the overall PSCAD/EMTDC model of the island. All of the distributed
resources, including the diesel generators, PV, ESS, and wind farm, are connected to the same bus in
the substation. In addition, there are three load buses, which are linked to the urban area with two
lines and the rural area with one line. The real line parameters of the overhead lines and underground
cables are used for the simulation model. The 1.8 MW averaged power loads are modeled as a variable
load with the actual load data applied.

Figure 5. Overall simulation model in PSCAD/EMTDC.

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Figure 6 is an enlarged view of a diesel power plant simulation model. It consists of six generators,
each with a different capacity. However, in this study, two 1.67 MW diesel generators were operated,
considering the grid conditions. Figure 7 is a detailed model of the 1.67 MW generator in Figure 6.
This figure shows the detailed parameters of the engine and synchronous generator, such as the
subtransient reactance, transient reactance, and the rated speed of the engine.

Figure 6. Structure of a diesel power plant model in PSCAD/EMTDC.

Figure 7. Detailed model of the diesel generator and its parameters.

Figure 8 is a simulation model of a 1 MW PV plant and a 2.095 MWh ESS. Ten 100 kW PVs are
linked separately to ten 100 kW PCSs. The 2.095 MWh ESS is composed of three 500 kW PCSs with
parallel connections, which are shown enlarged in Figure 9. The battery model of ESS uses the library
provided by PSCAD/EMTDC, as indicated by the blue box. The ESS plays a role as the PV output
power controller as it does with the actual operation. The simulation model of the 2.4 MW wind farm
is shown in Figure 10. It is composed of three 800 kW PCSs. The actual wind power generator is
of PMSG (permanent magnet synchronous generator) type, and it is equivalent to a voltage source
inverter, as shown in Figure 2. In this study, the wind farm is operated as a curtailed output power to
prevent the light operation of diesel generators.
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Figure 8. Photovoltaic (PV) plant and energy storage system (ESS) simulation models in

Figure 9. ESS model and battery model parameters in PSCAD/EMTDC.

Figure 10. Wind farm simulation model in PSCAD/EMTDC.

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In this paper, we assume the worst situation considering the light load operation of the diesel
generator. Therefore, for the situation of 2.7 MW of power load, the output of the 1.6 MW diesel generator
is operated at the output of 30%, which is the limit of light load operation. Accordingly, the diesel
generator is operated at 0.7 MW, output power of the PV inverter is 1 MW, and output power of the
WT inverter is 1 MW. In the case of ESS, because the PV maintains its rating, it already regulates the
output fluctuation of PV. Table 1 represents the detailed parameters for the PCS controllers.

Table 1. Detailed parameters for the power conversion systems (PCSs).

Items Values
Grid frequency 60 Hz
Common parameters
Primary side transformer voltage 13.8 kV
Secondary side transformer voltage 0.38 kV
Rated converter capacity 100 kW
Filter inductance 0.89 mH
PV Filter capacitance 90 uF
Switching frequency 5000 Hz
Controller bandwidth 2000 rad/s
DC link voltage 0.8 kV
Secondary side transformer voltage 0.38 kV
Rated converter capacity 500 kW
Filter inductance 0.36 mH
ESS Filter capacitance 459 uF
Switching frequency 2500 Hz
Controller bandwidth 1000 rad/s
DC link voltage 0.8 kV
Secondary side transformer voltage 0.44 kV
Rated converter capacity 800 kW
Filter inductance 0.22 mH
Wind turbine Filter capacitance 734 uF
Switching frequency 2500 Hz
Controller bandwidth 1000 rad/s
DC link voltage 1 kV

3.2. Power System Modeling Using ETAP

Figure 11 shows the modeling results using the ETAP program. The capacity of the distributed
power source is modeled in the same way as with PSCAD/EMTDC. Unlike PSCAD/EMTDC,
the equivalent line is set to a calculated line parameter that is based on the actual line length.
In addition, it is modeled using breakers and relays provided by ETAP, as shown in the blue box,
to derive the set values of the breakers and protective relays.
In ETAP, detailed generator parameters can be set, as shown in Figure 12. The generator’s rated
value, impedance, and dynamic model are set to match the actual parameters.
Figure 13 is a simulation model of the ESS. Three 500 kW PCSs are connected in parallel, and the
detailed parameters are shown on the right side of the figure. In addition, 34 batteries in one rack,
each with a capacity of 68.476 kWh, are connected, resulting in a total capacity of 2.095 MWh.
The detailed parameters and structure of the 100 kW PCSs are the same as the setting values on
the right side of Figure 14.
Figure 15 shows the result of modeling a wind farm composed of three 800 kW units. The rated
value of the wind power generator can be set through the parameters on the left side of Figure 16,
and the cut-in speed, cut-out speed, power coefficient, etc., of the wind power generator were designed
according to the characteristics of the actual wind power generator.
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Figure 11. Overall simulation model in ETAP.

Figure 12. The 1.67 MW diesel generator parameters in ETAP.

Figure 13. ESS simulation model.

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Figure 14. PV simulation model.

Figure 15. Wind farm simulation model.

Figure 16. The 800 kW wind turbine generator parameters.

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4. Simulation Results

4.1. Scenario 1—Ground Fault Accident of Main Power Plant Bus (13.8 kV)

4.1.1. Using PSCAD/EMTDC

In order to confirm the result of the system accident through PSCAD/EMTDC, it is assumed that a
single line ground fault occurred in about 5 s. Figure 17a shows the three-phase instantaneous voltage
of the main bus and Figure 17b represents the three-phase instantaneous current of the main bus. It can
be seen that the voltage of phase A becomes 0 V through the instantaneous three-phase voltage in
Figure 17a. The maximum value of the ground fault current is about 2.5 kA.

Figure 17. Simulation results of scenario 1: (a) instantaneous three-phase voltage of main bus and (b)
instantaneous three-phase current of main bus.

Figure 18a shows the active and reactive power values of a 1 MW PV plant. In the case of an
accident, the active power value at the top of the figure is controlled to 0 MW and the reactive power
value is about 0.2 MVAr, depending on the LVRT. In addition, Figure 18b shows the current values of
the upper IGBT and the lower IGBT of the inverter, and it can be confirmed that a maximum current of
0.65 kA occurs. The ESS PCS and wind farm’s PCS shown in Figures 19 and 20 also perform active and
reactive power control in the same way as the PV PCS, and a current of up to about 0.7 kA flows into
the IGBT devices of the 500 kW PCS for the ESS. Figure 20b shows that up to about 2.5 kA flows into the
IGBT devices of the 800 kW PCS for the wind turbines. The effective power shown in Figures 18a, 19a
and 20a is designed to be controlled by 0 MW in the event of an accident, but not controlled by 0 MW
in a short period of time due to a transient state, and this energy is consumed by DC choppers [29,30].

Figure 18. Simulation results of scenario 1: (a) 1 MW PV plant (top: active power; bottom: reactive
power) and (b) 100 kW PCS (top: current of upper insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT); bottom:
current of lower IGBT).
Energies 2020, 13, 5784 12 of 19

Figure 19. Simulation results of scenario 1: (a) 1.5 MW PCS of ESS (top: active power; bottom: reactive
power) and (b) 500 kW PCS (top: upper current of IGBT; bottom: lower current of IGBT).

Figure 20. Simulation results of scenario 1: (a) 2.4 MW PCS of wind farm (top: active power; bottom:
reactive power) and (b) 800 kW PCS (top: upper current of IGBT; bottom: lower current of IGBT).

4.1.2. Using ETAP

Figure 21 shows the result of the analysis of the magnitude of the accident current in the event of
a ground fault in the power system through ETAP. The magnitude of the accident current flowing into
the distributed power and load can be known, but only the magnitude of the accident current of the
main bus of the power plant is enlarged, compared with the result value of PSCAD/EMTDC. In ETAP,
it can be confirmed that the accident current is 2.27 kA, which indicates that there is an error of about
0.23 kA with PSCAD/EMTDC.

4.2. Scenario 2—Three-Phase Fault Accident of Main Power Plant Bus (13.8 kV)

4.2.1. Using PSCAD/EMTDC

In scenario 2, a three-phase short-circuit accident is assumed at about 5 s. Figure 22a shows the
three-phase instantaneous voltage of the main bus, and Figure 22b shows the three-phase instantaneous
current on the side of the main bus. It can be seen that a three-phase short-circuit accident occurs
because the voltage on the abc-phase when the accident occurs is 0 V. At this time, the maximum value
of the short-circuit current is about 1.8 kA.
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Figure 21. Simulation results of scenario 1: single line ground fault current calculation using ETAP.

Figure 22. Simulation results of scenario 2: (a) instantaneous three-phase voltage of main bus and (b)
instantaneous three-phase current of main bus.

Figure 23a shows the active and reactive power values of the 100 kW PCS of PV, and Figure 23b
shows the amount of current flowing into the upper and lower IGBTs of the PCS. In contrary to the
single line ground fault, when a three-phase short-circuit occurs, the rated voltage drops below 30%
and the PCS is cut off from the grid by its self-protection. Therefore, it can be seen from Figure 23a that
the reactive power is continuously 0 MW and 0 MVAr, and Figure 23b shows that the IGBT switching
operation also stops.

Figure 23. Simulation results of scenario 2: (a) 1 MW PV plant (top: active power; bottom: reactive
power) and (b) 100 kW PCS (top: current of upper IGBT; bottom: current of lower IGBT).
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It can be seen from Figures 24 and 25 that the ESS’s PCS and the wind farm’s PCS also stop the
active and reactive power control and stop the IGBT switching operation in the same way as the PV’s
PCS results above.

Figure 24. Simulation results of scenario 2: (a) 1.5 MW PCS of ESS (top: active power; bottom: reactive
power) and (b) 500 kW PCS (top: upper current of IGBT; bottom: lower current of IGBT).

Figure 25. Simulation results of scenario 2: (a) 2.4 MW PCS of wind farm (top: active power; bottom:
reactive power) and (b) 800 kW PCS (top: upper current of IGBT; bottom: lower current of IGBT).

4.2.2. Using ETAP

Figure 26 shows the analysis result indicating the magnitude of the accident current when a
three-phase short-circuit accident occurs in the power system through ETAP. The magnitude of the
accident current of the main bus of the power plant is 1.7 kA, and it can be seen that there is an error of
about 0.1 kA with PSCAD/EMTDC.
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Figure 26. Simulation results of scenario 2: three-phase fault current calculation using ETAP.

5. Discussion
In the 13.8 kV main bus for each scenario derived from the PSCAD/EMTDC and ETAP simulations,
the error between both simulation results was about 0.23 kA in the case of ground fault and about
0.1 kA in the case of a three-phase fault. The negligible errors were caused by the different input
parameters for each simulation’s characteristics. From the simulation results under fault conditions,
the validity of the simulation modeling was verified.
In scenario 2, since the switching of the PCS stopped, the required current capacities of the IGBTs
were estimated from scenario 1. Therefore, the capacities of each IGBT should be designed above the
maximum current value shown in Table 2 to prevent the failure of a LVRT operation. In addition,
the reason that the fault current was smaller in a three-phase fault than in the single ground fault,
shown in Table 2, was because the voltage drop became more than −70%, as shown in Figure 3, so
switching of the IGBT was dropped out.

Table 2. Maximum current flowing into the IGBTs.

PCS Single Ground Fault Current (kA) Three-Phase Fault Current (kA)
100 kW (PV) 0.6 0.5
500 kW (ESS) 0.7 0.6
800 kW (Wind turbine) 2.5 2.2

As a result of using ETAP, the set values of the breaker and protective relay connected to each
bus were derived. Firstly, the circuit breaker should be designed based on the value of the larger
current among the single line ground fault and the three-phase short-circuit fault. Table 3 shows the
values of the accident current flowing into the PV plant, ESS, and wind farm. From these results,
the rated breaking capacities of circuit breakers should be selected as values above the maximum
accident current.

Table 3. Selection of the rated current of the breaker.

Items Single Ground Fault Current (kA) Three-Phase Fault Current (kA)
PV plant side bus 0.58 0.50
ESS side bus 1.28 1.07
Wind farm side bus 0.68 0.98
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Figure 27 shows the correction of the overcurrent relay number 15 connected to the ESS from the
ETAP simulation results. It means that the relay operates with an inverse time limit, the time delay
operation is set at 150% of the rated current, and the pick-up current is 1.18 kA. In addition, the delay
time is 0.4 s based on the three-phase short-circuit fault current. If the fault current is up to 1.60 kA,
it will operate within 50 ms with a definite time operation.

Figure 27. Protective relay correction time current curve.

6. Conclusions
In this study, we proposed a complete protection system of a microgrid using the PSCAD/EMTDC
and ETAP programs to ensure a more stable microgrid operation. In the design example of the
microgrid, the reliability of the simulation models was improved by cross-checking the accident current
results between two simulation tools. PSCAD/EMTDC calculated the IGBT minimum withstand
current value for each inverter for LVRT operation, which is essential for a microgrid. Through the
ETAP analysis result, the fault current result value of the bus at the sensitive renewable facility side
was derived from the overcurrent, and the minimum rated breaking capacity of each facility was
suggested. Accordingly, the rated capacity of the circuit breaker should be designed to exceed the
value of the fault current flowing into each bus. In addition, through ETAP, the characteristic curve of
the protection relay connected to each bus can be derived. Through this, it was possible to derive the
protective relay correction value according to the characteristics of each relay.
In this paper, through the PSCAD/EMTDC and ETAP system analysis programs, a method to
simultaneously consider PCS LVRT operation, protection relay, and circuit breaker design methods
was proposed. If the protection system of the microgrid is designed through various system analysis
programs as shown above, stable operation of the power system will be possible in the future.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization: E.-H.K.; methodology: H.S. and S.H.C.; resources: H.S., S.H.C.,
and E.-H.K.; writing—original draft preparation: H.S. and S.H.C.; writing—review and editing: H.S. and E.-H.K.;
supervision: E.-H.K. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
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Funding: This research was funded by Jeju National University and the Korea Institute of Energy Technology
Evaluation and Planning (KETEP).
Acknowledgments: This research was supported by the 2019 scientific promotion program funded by Jeju
National University and the Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning (Project number:
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Vtd d-axis terminal voltage
Vtq q-axis terminal voltage
Vsd d-axis grid voltage
Vsq q-axis grid voltage
id d-axis current
iq q-axis current
Sux Upper arm IGBT ( x = Phase a, b, c)
Slx Lower arm IGBT ( x = Phase a, b, c)
iux Upper arm current ( x = Phase a, b, c)
ilx Lower arm current ( x = Phase a, b, c)
Li Filter inductance
kp Proportional gain
ki Integral gain
ω Grid’s angular frequency
∆V Voltage error
Pre f Reference of active power
Qre f Reference of reactive power
Ik Initial symmetrical short-circuit current
Un Nominal voltage
Zeq Equivalent impedance
ip Peak short-circuit current
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
RMS Root mean square
AC Alternating current
DC Direct current
ESS Energy storage system
PCS Power conversion system
LVRT Low voltage ride through
IGBT Insulated gate bipolar transistor
PV Photovoltaic
WT Wind turbine

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