Toddler Assessment Chart
Toddler Assessment Chart
Toddler Assessment Chart
Months From 12 Month to 36 Month
Years From 1 year to 3 year
Physical Growth “Wt, Ht, HC & CC”
Triple birth weight by one year
Increases 1.8 – 2.7 kg/year.
Weight “Wt” At 2 years it is 12 kg
At 2½ years it is 4 times (Quadrupled) the birth weight.
Weight calculation formula: - (Age x 2 + 8)
Increases 7.5 cm/year
Height Adult height is twice two years height
“Ht” * بمعني اني طوله لما يبقي شخص بالغ هيبقي ضعف طوله وهوا عنده سنتين
Height calculation formula: - (Age x 5+ 80).
Equals the chest circumference at 1 years.
Head Circumference Increases 2.5 cm during second years
“HC” Decreased until 5yrs (less than 1.25cm/yrs.)
Chest Circumference Exceeds head circumference by two years.
Physiological Assessment
= 80 – 130 / min (110 averages)
HR N.B. Heart rate decreased than previous
= 80/50 mm Hg
BP N.B. Blood pressure increased
= 20- 30 breaths\min.
RR N.B. Respiratory rate decreased than previous
Deciduous Teeth = 20 teeth, completed by 2.5 -3yrs (30 months)
Upper Teeth Lower Teeth
1. Central Incisor= 8-12 months 1. Central Incisor= 6-10 months
2. Lateral Incisor= 9-13 months 2. Lateral Incisor= 10-16 months
Tooth Eruption 3. Canine= 16-22 months 3. Canine= 17-23 months
4. First Moral= 13-19 month 4. First Moral= 14-18 month
5. Second Moral= 23-31 months 5. Second Moral= 25-33 months
System Maturation
Renal Structure Complete maturation during the latter half of the second years
Bowel control At 12- 18 month
Brain growth 75% completed by end of 2 years
Anterior fontanel Closes at 12 and 18 months
* In daytime at 2 – 3 years
Bladder control * In nighttime at 3 – 4 years
Defense Mechanism Efficient, IgA and IgM production are mature by 2 years
Motor Development
Fine Motor Gross Motor
12 Able to grasp a very small object Able to walk alone by using a wide stance
months for extra balance
1. Builds tower of two cubes 1. Walks without help
15 2. Holds two cubes in one hand 2. Creeps up stairs
months 3. Uses cup well but rotate spoon 3. Assumes standing position without
1. Builds tower from 3-4 cubes 1. Runs, falls often
2. Uses spoon well 2. Walks upstairs with one hand
18 3. Turns pages in a book 3. Jumps with both feet
4. Pulls and push toys
5. Throws ball overhand without falling
6. Seat self in a chair
1. Builds tower of 6-7 cubes 1. Goes up and down stairs alone using two
feet on one step
24 2. Imitates vertical and circular 2. Runs well
months lines
3. Picks up objects without falling
1. Builds tower of 8 cubes 1. Jumps with both feet
30-36 2. Good-hand-finger coordination 2. Jumps from stairs
months 3. Imitates horizontal lines 3. Stands on one foot momentarily
Vocalization “Language”
12 Has one or two more words
1. Uses expressive jargon
2. Says four to six words including names
15 3. Asks for objects by pointing
months 4. Understand simple commands
5. Uses “No”
18 1. Says 10 or more words
months 2. Points to common objects
1. Has about 300 words
2. Uses 2-3 words in a sentence
24 3. Uses “I”, “Me”, and “You”
months 4. Refers to self by name
5. Talks incessantly
30-36 Has about 900 words
Red Flags
Walking Unable to walk alone at 18 months
Speaking Failure to speak at 2 years.
Bowel Control Delay bowel control after 2 years
Pincer Grasp Abnormal pincer grasp at 15 months