E FSR TC Elec Works2022
E FSR TC Elec Works2022
E FSR TC Elec Works2022
1 Provide maintenance service for the following areas in accordance with the
Requirements Specifications and Technical Specifications
1.1 Former Herbs & Scented Garden / Imbiah Terrace Linkway Sum 4,800
1.3 Gateway Avenue Street Lighting including Flag Poles at Sum 12,000
Gantry / Main Gantry / Gantry Office / Ranger Post / Guest
1.6 Imbiah Lookout, Walkways & Imbiah Lookout Toilets / Sum 20,000
Cable Car Plaza areas / Imbiah Forecourt / Former Sky
Tower areas / Imbiah Jungle Trail / Siloso Jungle Trail /
Imbiah Carpark / Sentosa Nature Discovery Service Road
1.7 Siloso Beach including all 5 toilets along the beach / Sum 40,000
Emerald Pavilion & Toilets / Sapphire Pavilion & Toilets
1.8 Palawan Beach including all Linkway Lightings / Palawan Sum 23,600
East & West Toilets
1.9 Tanjong Beach including all Linkway Lightings / Tanjong Sum 12,000
1.10 Bus Stops (Island wide) including Beach Station Bus Bay, Sum 10,500
Palawan Green, Palawan Carpark, Tanjong Carpark and all
1.15 Facility Complex including Street Lightings & Perimeter Sum 7,000
1.16 2nd Roundabout & Corporate Office Walkway & Carpark Sum 2,500
1.23 Palawan Kidz City / Coach Park including Outdoor & Sum 38,000
Landscape Lightings
1.25 North Cove Residential Common Areas including Signages’ Sum 17,000
Lights & Show Bungalow, Coral Island, Paradise Island,
Treasure Island, Open Spaces, 14 nos Marina Lights at
North Lock Gate, Lakeshore View, etc.
1.26 North Cove Foreshore Common Areas including 8nos OG Sum 13,600
Boxes & 17 nos DBs, etc.
1.27 South Cove Residential Common Areas including Signages’ Sum 20,200
Lights, Sandy Island, Pearl Island & 9 nos OG Boxes at
Open Spaces, OG Irrigation & Pavilion, etc.
1.28 South Foreshore Common Areas including 17nos New OG Sum 6,000
Boxes (comprises of 2 nos 200A OG Boxes), etc.
1.29 Central Cove including Marina Promenade Lightings, etc. Sum 10,300
1.30 Sentosa Cove Village (SCV) including Signages’ Lights, Sum 34,100
DBs at SCRM Office at Level 2 & Level 3, Cisco Offices &
Ranger Offices, etc.
Total amount for Maintenance Services for One (1) Year $443,400
(Subject to Tender Rate to be inserted by Tenderer in GEBIZ )
1. Payment (subject to Tender Rate) for the Maintenance Services shall be paid on monthly
basis (see Note 2) upon satisfactory service rendered. The amount for Maintenance
Services shall include lorry crane services for maintenance of lamp poles and island-wide
signages twice per month.
2. The amount payable for the Maintenance Services shall be computed as illustrated below:
Blanket Release’s value computed based on unit rate per annum is as follows:
The Fixed Schedule of Rates are inclusive of all manpower necessary for the provision of the
required Maintenance Services on site. The Tender Rate shall be deemed to have taken into
consideration the provision of labour, materials, supervision, transportation, plant, tools,
equipment, profit, overheads, establishment charges and everything necessary for the proper
execution and completion of the Maintenance Services. For avoidance of doubt, the
Contractor shall not be entitled to any other claims whatsoever except the relevant Fixed
Schedule of Rates subject to Tender Rate.
1. All rates shown against every item in the following schedule are fixed basic rates
subject to Tender Rate and no amendments whatsoever shall be made to such rates.
2. The rates so set against each and every item shall be held to include the supply,
delivery and installation as specified, all labour and materials, establishment charges,
profit, preliminaries and generally all other consequential requirements unless
otherwise stated.
3. The rates shall be used as the basis for progress payments and for calculating the cost
of any variation which may be ordered in accordance with the terms of this Contract.
4. The Contractor shall be deemed to have made a close study of this Fixed Schedule of
Rates II, and duly understood their implication in this Contract.
5. The term "as specified" shall mean all that is written in the Requirement
Specifications and Technical Specifications.
Where any item of material or equipment required is not listed in the Fixed Schedule of
Rates, the same shall be supplied and installed by the Contractor as directed by
Superintending Officer at cost plus 15% (Star Rate). The Contractor shall submit invoices of
cost price obtained from agents / suppliers at the time of billing.
1. For the purpose of this Section, the rate for PVC SURFACE installation of wiring
points shall be taken as the BASE RATE.
3. Star rates shall not be considered for RED TOGGLES or SWITCHES instead of
conventional WHITE TOGGLES or switches or for neon indicators.
4. For PVC and GI conduits, no increase over the Fixed Schedule of Rates shall be
allowed for the cost of primer coat and enamel painting to any colour by the
Superintending Officer.
6. All wiring points shall be considered not to exceed 20 metre-run from the source of
supply to the first immediate wiring point. For subsequent points, wiring distance
shall be considered as distance between wiring points on the same circuit.
7. For multiple wiring points on 2-way switch circuits, only one 2-way switch rate shall
be payable. Any additional points shall be treated as that of unswitched circuits.
8. All socket outlets shall be ivory white for base rate c/w spring shutters on both Live
and Neutral openings.
9. For wiring point with corresponding metal clad switch or socket plate c/w the
necessary metal-clad box as appropriate, no increase over the Fixed Schedule of Rates
shall be allowed.
1. "Full concealed" means that the trunking or conduit protecting the cables are
considered within walls / floor throughout the whole length of the wiring point.
Normally it would have been necessary to chase and make good (at least rough
patching) of walls, floors, etc. New cast-in-situ conduit wiring will be treated as "full-
2. "Part concealed" means that only part of the trunking or conduit protecting the cables
are encased within walls / floor within the whole wiring point. This applies to the
following cases:
i. Concealed installations below false ceiling but surface installations above false
3. "Surface" means that the entire length of the trunking or conduit is mounted on the
surface, including the case of entire wiring length within false ceiling.
All Sketches stated herein shall be provided to the awarded Contractor upon successful award
of the Contract.
NOTE: All wiring points (pt) shall be considered not to exceed 20 metres run. For
additional length of cables installed, additional cost shall be paid in accordance
with the rates II set out in Section B.
Item Rate
Description Unit
No. (S$)
1 Ceiling / Pendant / Bracket / Wall light pt c/w 5 amp SP Each 70.00
moulded switch plate and moulded box.
2 As item 1 – but without switch. Each 60.00
3 As item 1 – but with weatherproof switch. Each 80.00
4 Spotlight pt c/w 5 amp SP moulded switch and moulded Each 70.00
5 As item 4 - but without switch. Each 60.00
6 Bracket/Exhaust/Wall fan pt c/w 5 amp moulded switch Each 70.00
plate and moulded box.
7 As item 6 - but without switch. Each 60.00
8 Ceiling fan pt c/w 5 amp SP moulded switch and Each 70.00
moulded box, regulator.
9 As item 8 - but without switch. Each 60.00
10 Power socket outlet pt c/w 5 amp single gang switch Each 70.00
socket outlet and moulded box.
11 Power socket outlet pt c/w 13 amp single gang switch Each 70.00
socket outlet and moulded box.
12 As item 11- but c/w 13 amp twin gang. Each 75.00
13 Weatherproof socket outlet pt c/w 13 amp single gang Each 90.00
switch socket outlet complete set.
14 As item 11 - but c/w 15 amp round pin single gang for
higher capacity equipment for air-conditioner.
i. without DOL starter Each 60.00
ii. with DOL starter Each 85.00
NOTE: For items 10 and 11 ring circuits, additional cost is allowed for return cabling from
maximum distance of the last socket to source of supply.
Item Rate
Description Unit
No. (S$)
15 Water heater/equipment point c/w 20A DP switch with Each 90.00
neon indicator light, fused connection unit or 3-plate
ceiling rose 20A.
16 Power socket outlet point c/w 20A DP switch and neon Each 90.00
indicator, 15A switched socket outlet adjacent to air-
17 Power socket outlet pt c/w 20A DP with neon indicator, Each 95.00
15A switched socket outlet and 3-way connector on teak
block (180 mm x 200mm x 32 mm) block without starter.
18 Fire alarm point with 2 lengths 2.5mm² PVC cables in GI Each 120.00
conduit up to 20 metres.
19 Additional neon light for any moulded socket outlet plate Each 15.00
or switch plate.
20 Red toggle or switch instead of white toggle or switch Each 4.00
(Additional cost).
21 Hand-dryer, Hair-dryer point c/w moulded fused Each 70.00
connection unit.
22 Sensor point for urinal and WC but without switch, c/w Each 60.00
recessed junction box / inspection box.
NOTE: Additional rates payable for deviation from standard accessories or fittings
(Adjustments shall not be applicable for items 14, 15, 16 and 17).
Supply and install in conduit or metal / PVC trunking or cable trays or underground if required
for the following (excluding conduit or trunking or cable trays):
Item Rate
Description Unit
No. (S$)
I PVC insulated cable to SS 50:1981, 450/750V grade.
1 1 x 1.0 mm² PVC Per m run 0.50
2 1 x 1.5 mm² PVC Per m run 0.80
3 1 x 2.5 mm² PVC Per m run 1.00
4 1 x 4.0 mm² PVC Per m run 1.30
5 1 x 6.0 mm² PVC Per m run 2.60
6 1 x 10.0 mm² PVC Per m run 3.60
7 1 x 16.0 mm² PVC Per m run 5.30
8 1 x 25.0 mm² PVC Per m run 7.00
9 1 x 35.0 mm² PVC Per m run 8.70
10 1 x 50.0 mm² PVC Per m run 10.60
11 1 x 70.0 mm² PVC Per m run 13.20
12 1 x 95.0 mm² PVC Per m run 17.20
13 1 x 120.0 mm² PVC Per m run 20.00
14 1 x 150.0 mm² PVC Per m run 25.40
15 1 x 185.0 mm² PVC Per m run 33.00
16 1 x 240.0 mm² PVC Per m run 40.90
II PVC / PVC insulated cable to SS 50:1981, 450/750V grade.
1 1 x 1.0 mm² PVC / PVC Per m run 1.00
2 1 x 1.5 mm² PVC / PVC Per m run 1.30
3 1 x 2.5 mm² PVC / PVC Per m run 1.90
4 1 x 4.0 mm² PVC / PVC Per m run 2.20
5 1 x 6.0 mm² PVC / PVC Per m run 2.80
6 1 x 10.0 mm² PVC / PVC Per m run 4.50
7 1 x 16.0 mm² PVC / PVC Per m run 5.90
8 1 x 25.0 mm² PVC / PVC Per m run 7.90
Item Rate
Description Unit
No. (S$)
II PVC / PVC insulated cable to SS 50:1981, 450/750V grade.
9 1 x 35.0 mm² PVC / PVC Per m run 9.70
10 1 x 50.0 mm² PVC / PVC Per m run 11.90
11 1 x 70.0 mm² PVC / PVC Per m run 14.90
12 1 x 95.0 mm² PVC / PVC Per m run 19.60
13 1 x 120.0 mm² PVC / PVC Per m run 22.40
14 1 x 150.0 mm² PVC / PVC Per m run 28.60
15 1 x 185.0 mm² PVC / PVC Per m run 37.00
16 1 x 240.0 mm² PVC / PVC Per m run 46.00
III Fire Resistant and Flame Retardant Cable to IEC 331/332 of 600/1000V Grade.
1 1 x 1.0 mm² Per m run 4.50
2 1 x 1.5 mm² Per m run 5.80
3 1 x 2.5 mm² Per m run 7.00
4 1 x 4.0 mm² Per m run 7.80
5 1 x 6.0 mm² Per m run 8.80
6 1 x 10.0 mm² Per m run 11.80
7 1 x 16.0 mm² Per m run 15.00
8 1 x 25.0 mm² Per m run 22.00
9 1 x 35.0 mm² Per m run 28.30
10 1 x 50.0 mm² Per m run 36.90
11 1 x 70.0 mm² Per m run 48.00
12 1 x 95.0 mm² Per m run 52.00
Item Rate
Description Unit
No. (S$)
IV Flexible Cords to SS638:2018
1 2C 23/0076 (Red & Black) Per m run 0.60
2 2C x 7/029 (Flat Cable) (~2.5mm²) Per m run 0.80
3 3C x 23/0076 (~1.0mm²) Per m run 1.10
4 3C x 40/0076 (~1.5mm²) Per m run 1.40
5 3C x 70/0076 (~2.5mm²) Per m run 1.80
6 3C x 110/0076 (~4.0mm²) Per m run 2.10
7 3C x 162/0076 (~6.0mm²) Per m run 3.20
8 4C x 110/0076 (~4.0mm²) Per m run 3.70
9 4C x 162/0076 (~6.0 mm²) Per m run 4.20
V Neoprene Cable to SS638:2018
1 3C x 2.5mm² Per m run 3.20
2 3C x 4.0mm² Per m run 8.00
3 3C x 6.0mm² Per m run 9.70
4 3C x 10.0mm² Per m run 18.00
5 3C x 16.0mm² Per m run 22.00
6 5C x 6.0mm² Per m run 11.30
7 5C x 10.0mm² Per m run 22.00
8 5C x 16.0mm² Per m run 28.00
Supply labour and material to install the followings including fixing, making of the concrete
work, painting of steel trunking, and metal conduit (to any colour) per metre run.
1. Steel Trunking c/w removable cover and bracket (not exceeding 1 metre spacing)
including copper link and screws per metre run
3. Galvanised Iron Conduit c/w saddles / clamps (not exceeding 2 metres’ spacing) conduit
boxes per metre run
On Surface
Item No. Rate ($)
20mm (3/4") 3.1 6.10
25mm (1") 3.2 6.80
32mm(1 1/2") 3.3 8.70
40mm(1 3/4") 3.4 12.60
5. Flexible Conduit (PVC high impact weatherproof type) per metre run
6. Cable Tray
Item Rate
Description Unit
No. ($)
6.1 Supply and install 1.2mm thick 50mm hot-dipped Per m 11.70
galvanised cable tray fixed onto walls or ceiling
including all factory fabricated bends, junctions,
joints and brackets, etc.
6.2 - do - 1.2 thick 75mm - do - Per m 12.10
6.3 - do - 1.2 thick 100mm - do - Per m 13.40
6.4 - do - 1.2 thick 150mm - do - Per m 16.30
6.5 - do - 1.6mm thick 200mm - do - Per m 20.20
6.6 - do - 1.6mm thick 300mm - do - Per m 29.00
7. PVC Conduit complete with Saddles, Elbows, Sockets, Inspection Boxes, per metre
On Surface
Item No. Rate ($)
20mm (3/4") 7.1 3.00
25mm (1") 7.2 3.60
32mm(1 1/4") 7.3 4.70
Supply all material, labour and install in surface or concealed in wall / column including
mounted PVC box or metal box.
Rate ($)
Description Unit For Surface For Concealed
Only Only
1 5 amp, 1 way, 1 gang, single pole, plate Each 6.00 8.00
switch complete with moulded PVC box or
metal box.
2 As item 1 - but 2 way Each 7.70 9.70
3 As item 1 - but 2 gang Each 9.70 11.70
4 As item 1 - but 3 gang Each 11.30 13.30
5 As item 1 - but 4 gang Each 13.00 15.00
6 As item 1 - but 5 gang Each 14.00 16.00
7 5 amp, 3-pin lighting / fan switch socket Each 4.00 6.00
(shuttered type).
8 13 amp, 3-pin switch socket-outlet c/w Each 7.50 9.50
moulded PVC box or metal box.
9 As item 8 - but 2 gang. Each 16.00 20.00
10 15 amp, 3-pin round switch socket-outlet Each 18.00 20.00
c/w moulded PVC box or metal box.
11 5 amp metalclad switch SP c/w metal box. Each 10.00 15.00
12 As item 11 - but 2 gang. Each 13.00 18.00
13 As item 11 - but 3 gang. Each 16.00 21.00
14 As item 11 - but 4 gang. Each 17.00 24.00
15 5 amp weatherproof SP c/w box for surface Each 22.00 -
16 As item 15- but 2 gang. Each 30.00 -
17 13 amp, 3-pin metal clad switch socket Each 14.00 16.00
outlet c/w metal box.
18 As item 17 - but 2 gang. Each 20.50 22.50
Rate ($)
Description Unit For Surface For Concealed
Only Only
19 15 amp 3-pin metal clad switch socket Each 22.00 24.00
outlet c/w box.
20 13 amp, 3-pin weatherproof switch socket Each 50.00 -
outlet c/w box.
21 15 amp, 3-pin weatherproof switch socket Each 60.00 -
outlet c/w box.
22 Light control dimmer plate c/w box. Each
i. 500W Each 30.00 -
ii. 1000W Each 60.00 -
23 Ceiling / wall fan speed control plate c/w Each 20.00 22.00
box & 5 amp SP switch.
24 Exhaust/Supply fan speed control plate c/w Each 20.00 22.00
box & 5 amp switch.
25 5 amp plug top 3-pin type. Each 3.20 -
26 13 amp Plug top 3-pin type. Each 4.00 -
27 15 amp Plug top 3-pin type. Each 6.80 -
28 Push button switch plate c/w box. Each 30.00 -
29 Heater Switch. Each 35.00
Notes: T or square clamps are payable only where there is a need for the lightning conductor
tape to change direction. Mere straight through joints are not allowed to be claimed by
the Contractor.
Item Rate
Description Unit
No. ($)
6 Supply and install brass test clamp bolt or ramset onto Each 25.00
7 Supply and install lightning earth electrode 3.6m x Each 160.00
16mm diameter solid copper made clamps and
galvanised inspection pit fitted with heavy duty hinged
cover and fibre glass PVC base with riveted traffolyte
labeling "Lightning Earth Electrode Do Not Remove".
8 Supply and install additional solid copper rod 1.8m x Each 25.00
9 Supply and install Bi-metallic connector for jointing Each 38.00
aluminium to copper tape including connecting up
copper / aluminum tapes and saddles.
10 Supply and install lightning finial 25cm x 35cm Per m run 6.00
diameter each fabricated from galvanised sheet steel,
including connecting up to interconnecting GI.
11 Supply and install 7/14 GI wire testes or finials. Each 3.00
12 Supply and install of A clamp. Each 40.00
13 Supply and install of copper rod coupling / skim. Each 19.50
14 To take down of existing GI wires, tape or finials & etc. Per m 4.00
15 Construct concrete base for the earth chamber/box etc. Each 43.00
16 Supply earth tester and labour for testing of earth Each 40.00
electrodes resistance value (first rod).
17 As item 16, for subsequent rod test. Each 20.00
Supply and install the following lightning / high voltage surge protective devices list enclosures
Item Rate
Description Unit
No. ($)
18 Highly non-linear single phase surge protection of Per Set 208.00
characteristic {a>30}, as OBO V20C or equivalent, 0.8 (2nos)
KV impulse breakdown voltage, 20/75 KA current
capacity (8/20 characteristic) for DIN-rail mounting.
19 As item 18 but with audio & visual monitoring. Per Set 416.00
20 Highly non-linear 3 phase surge protection of Per Set 416.00
characteristic {a>30}, as OBO V20C or equivalent, 0.8 (4nos)
KV impulse breakdown voltage, 75 KA current capacity
(8/20 characteristic). Modular design with one base and
4 modules.
21 As item 20 but with audio & visual monitoring. Per Set 726.00
22 13A surge protective plug top, impulse breakdown Nos. 53.80
voltage 0.6 KV, 2.5 KA current capacity (8/20
23 As item 22 but for 15A. Nos. 88.00
24 Surge protection modules for modem lines, PZ-024-HA Pair 88.00
or equivalent, impulse breakdown voltage <58.5 V DC,
current capacity 10 KA (8/20 characteristics).
25 Single phase surge protection module for DB board DIN Per set 135.00
rail mounting as SP-200-2D or equivalent, impulse (2nos)
breakdown voltage < 1KV, current capacity 20 KA
(8/20 characteristics) with thermal fault indications as an
integral unit with Live, Neutral and Earth connections.
26 Supply and install surface moulded box c/w 4-6 way Each 39.00
DIN rail and teak block for connection of surge arrestors
or MCBs/RCCBs & etc.
Item Rate
Description Unit
No. ($)
1 Supply and install alternative mains "earth" electrode Each 154.00
16mm dia. x 3.6m solid copper rod c/w brass or copper
made clamps and galvanized inspection pit fitted with
heavy duty hinged cover and fibre glass PVC base with
riveted traffolyte labeling:
Item Rate
Description Unit
No. ($)
6 i. Supply and install galvanised pit fitted with heavy Each 48.00
duty hinged cover and fibre glass base.
ii. As item 6(i), but with riveted traffolyte labeling: Each 70.00
Supply labour, materials and install the following RCCB / ELR to SS 97:2016, less enclosure
Item Rate
No. Type Unit
1 40/0.03A or 0.1, 2-pole, 230V Each 70.00
2 40/0.03A or 0.1, 4-pole, 400V Each 100.00
3 63A/0.03A or 0.1, 2-pole, 230V Each 80.00
4 63/0.03A or 0.1, 4-pole, 400V Each 135.00
5 100A/0.1A, 4-pole, 400V Each 186.30
6 63A/0.2A to 0.5, 2-pole, 230V Each 80.00
7 63A/0.2A to 0.5A, 4-pole, 400V Each 150.00
8 100A/0.2A to 0.5A, 4-pole, 400V Each 186.30
9 Combined RCCB/MCB in-one as follows: Each 143.00
RCCB - 10mA 0.1 sec trip 30A
MCB - 5-30A (Type 2-4) M6 duty
10 Combined RCCB/13A socket in-one installed into Each 100.00
2 gang box as follows:
RCCB - 10mA 0.1 sec. trip 30A Socket outlet:
13A rectangular pin on ivory plate.
11 Supply and install earth leakage relay of current Each 400.00
ratings sensitivity 0.2A to 3A and time setting of
0.2 sec to 0.5sec 240v/415v c/w zero current
transformer of cable entry size from 40 to 80mm²
including all short cable terminations.
12 Supply and install earth leakage relay of current Each 630.00
ratings sensitivity above 3A to 10A and time
setting of 0.2 sec to 0.5sec 240v/415v c/w zero
current transformer of cable entry size from 40 to
80mm² including all short cable terminations.
1. Supply and install in conduit, surface on PVC trunking wiring system, including all
necessary accessories, bolts and nuts, cutting of holes, mounting short length of cables,
etc. and ready to operate the following:
Item Rate
Description Unit
No. ($)
I Supply and install 500V moulded case type distribution MCB board only c/w
moulded cover and neutral earth connectors with the facilities for mounting
the following no. of way of circuit breaker including short lengths of
appropriately sized cables to adjacent existing distribution board not
exceeding 2m in length.
1.1 8, 12 & 14ways single pole Each 85.00
1.2 16, 20 & 24 ways single pole Each 120.00
1.3 28, 32, & 36 ways single pole Each 150.00
1.4 4 ways triple pole Each 80.00
1.5 8 ways triple pole Each 120.00
1.6 12 ways triple pole Each 190.00
1.7 16 ways triple pole Each 255.00
1.8 18 ways triple pole Each 283.50
II As item I but for metal-clad distribution type distribution MCB board.
1.9 8, 12 & 14 ways single pole Each 120.00
1.10 16, 20 & 24 ways single pole Each 190.00
1.11 28, 32, & 36 ways single pole Each 280.00
1.12 8 ways triple pole Each 154.00
1.13 12 ways triple pole Each 225.00
1.14 16 ways triple pole Each 319.00
1.15 18 ways triple pole Each 350.00
III Supply and install the following MCB for mounting at distribution MCB
1.16 6A to 32A SP Each 12.00
1.17 40A to 60A SP M9 Type B, C & D Each 22.30
1.18 10A to 63A DP M9 Type B, C & D Each 48.00
Item Rate
Description Unit
No. ($)
III Supply and install the following MCB for mounting at distribution MCB
boards (cont’d)
1.19 10A to 63A TP M9 Type B, C & D Each 87.00
1.20 100A TP M9 Type B, C & D Each 141.40
1.21 32A to 63 4P M9 Type B, C & D Each 103.00
1.22 100A 4P M9 Type B, C & D Each 125.00
IV Supply and install the following isolators for mounting at distribution MCB
1.23 6-32A SP isolator Each 13.00
1.24 60A SP isolator Each 17.00
1.25 100A single pole isolator Each 25.00
1.26 30A double pole isolator Each 14.90
1.27 60A double pole isolator Each 32.20
1.28 100A double pole isolator Each 43.40
1.29 30A triple pole isolator Each 35.40
1.30 60A triple pole isolator Each 54.00
1.31 100A triple pole isolator Each 91.00
1.32 160A triple pole isolator Each 130.00
V Supply and install the following isolator c/w HRC switch fuse
1.33 15A TPN metal-clad isolator Each 37.80
1.34 30A TPN metal-clad isolator Each 90.00
1.35 60A TPN metal-clad isolator Each 180.00
1.36 100A TPN metal-clad isolator Each 360.00
1.37 160A TPN metal-clad isolator Each 405.00
1.38 200 A TPN metal-clad isolator Each 600.00
1.39 15A metalclad cut-out c/w re-wireable fuse Each 9.40
1.40 30A metalclad cut-out c/w re-wireable fuse Each 10.80
1.41 60A metalclad cut-out c/w re-wireable fuse Each 20.00
Item Rate
Description Unit
No. ($)
V Supply and install the following isolator c/w HRC switch fuse (cont’d)
1.42 15A multi-way connector (BI) Each 6.90
1.43 30A multi-way connector (BI) Each 8.90
1.44 60A multi-way connector (BI) Each 10.90
1.45 100A multi-way connector (BI) Each 21.00
1.46 150A - 300A multi-way connector (BI) Each 34.00
1.47 Earth / Neutral Brass connector multi-way up Each 6.00
to 10 ways
1.48 Earth / Neutral Brass connector multi-way from Each 10.00
11 up to 20 ways
1.49 IDC 12-20 way multi-way connector Each 30.00
1.50 Clip-on bakelite connectors 6-32A Each 4.50
1.51 Connector, 600V 80A Legrand or equivalent Each 7.00
1.52 Single way contactor, Kasuga or equivalent Each 12.00
1.53 4-ways connector, 600v, TC30 Kasuga or Each 17.00
1.54 4-ways connector, 600v, TC60 Kasuga or Each 22.00
1.55 4-ways connector, 600v, TC100 Kasuga or Each 33.00
1.56 230V Contactor
i. 20A, 2-pole Each 45.00
ii. 20A, 4 pole Each 60.00
iii. 40A, 4 pole Each 100.00
iv. 63A, 4 pole Each 130.00
1.57 Analog / Mechanical Time Switch motor Each 80.00
operated 230V, 50 Hz, 1350w, Grasslin V86/1
QRTU or equivalent.
1.58 Digital Time Switch motor operated 230V, 50 Each 150.00
Hz, 1,350w, HAGER EG170 or equivalent.
Item Rate
Description Unit
No. ($)
V Supply and install the following isolator c/w HRC switch fuse (cont’d)
1.59 Digital Time Switch, motor operated 230V, Each 230.00
50HZ, 1,350W HAGER EG 270 or equivalent.
1.60 Timer Relay c/w Terminal Block, 230V AC; Each 120.00
Time : 0.6s to 24 hr
1.61 OMRON ZEN V2 24hrs/weekly Timer Switch Each 260.00
230V,50 Hz
1.62 MCB Link Bus-bar for all types up to 200mm Each 16.00
in length
Supply and installation of moulded case circuit breaker with or w/o shunt trip Coil to
IEC 439 Pt2 c/w metal / heavy duty insulated enclosures c/w traffolyte labeling.
(a) (b)
Description Unit 22/36KA 43/50KA
Rate ($) Rate ($)
2.1 30A to 32A DP Each 140 206
2.2 45A to 60A DP Each 180 206
2.3 100A to 150A DP Each 220 290
2.4 30A to 32A TPN Each 240 300
2.5 45A to 60A TPN Each 290 348
2.6 100A to 125A TPN Each 400 455
2.7 150A to 160A TPN Each 560 650
2.8 200A to 225A TPN Each 670 884
2.9 250A to 300A TPN Each 884 975
2.10 400A TPN Each 975 1140
Supply & install of the following 30KA Mechanical Linkage Manual Transfer Switch
Item Rate
Description Unit
No. ($)
3.1 4 pole 60A 1 pair 250.00
3.2 4 Pole 160A 1 pair 800.00
3.3 4 Pole 250 A 1 pair 950.00
3.4 4 Pole 400 A 1 pair 1150.00
4. Tap-Offs
NOTE: Cost of metal enclosures and teak block inclusive for set of 4 or of 4 or more
line taps (Sketch I6)
Supply and install line tap c/w teak block and mounting box for the following cable
Item Rate
Description Unit
No. ($)
4.1 10 mm² – 16 mm² Each 33.00
4.2 25 mm² – 50 mm² Each 44.00
4.3 70 mm² – 120 mm² Each 55.00
4. Tap-Offs (Cont’d)
Supply and install riser 5-bar appropriate sized bus-bar tap-off 16 SWG metal box c/w
bus-bar support, bolts and nuts and termination & etc. as per Sketch I6. (Actual size of
box to SO’s details)
Item Rate
Description Unit
No. ($)
4.4 For 60A Each 180.00
4.5 For 100A Each 240.00
4.6 For 160A Each 300.00
4.7 For 200A Each 360.00
4.8 For 300A Each 480.00
4.9 For 400A Each 660.00
Item Rate
No. Description Unit
5.1 Kasuga or equivalent DTL Earth Fault set 580.00
relay c/w 105 deg Celsius small wiring.
5.2 Kasuga or equivalent DTL Over Current set 780.00
relay for 3 phase c/w 105 deg Celsius small
5.3 GEC or equivalent IDMTL Earth Fault set 1,050.00
relay c/w 105 deg Celsius small wiring.
5.4 GEC or equivalent IDMTL Over Current set 2,277.00
relay for 3 phase c/w 105 deg Celsius small
5.5 IDMTL combine Over Current & Earth set 2,400.00
Fault Relay including minor modifications.
5.6 Indicator lights c/w low voltage set of 3 90.00
transformer & cover, holder.
Item Rate
No. Description Unit
5.7 Fuse holders c/w 2A HRC cartridge fuses set of 3 85.00
and wiring.
5.8 Supply and install Class 1 Ammeter, size Nos. 72.00
96mm x 96mm flush mounted,
instantaneous type
5.9 Supply and install Class 1 Ammeter, size Nos. 172.00
96mm x 96mm flush mounted (8 min),
maximum demand type
5.10 Supply and install Class 1 Ammeter, size Nos. 286.00
96mm x 96mm flush mounted combined
(8 min) Maximum demand and
instantaneous type (2 dial)
5.11 Supply and install Class 1, 500V Voltmeter Each 90.00
size 96mm x 96mm flush mounted c/w 7
way selector switch and wiring
5.12 Castell keys Each 110.00
5.13 Ronis key c/w lock for MCCB Each 34.00
Item Rate
No. Description Unit
6.1 5P10 up To 400A/5A Protection Nos. 138.00
6.2 5P10 500A - 1000A/5A Protection Nos. 205.00
6.3 5P10 1200A - 2500A/5A Protection Nos. 261.00
6.4 5P5 up To 400A/5A Protection Nos. 120.00
6.5 5P5 500A - 1000A/5A Protection Nos. 176.00
6.6 5P5 1200A - 2500A/5A Protection Nos. 220.00
6.7 Class 1 Up to 400A/5A Metering Nos. 116.00
6.8 Class 1 500A - 1000A/5A Metering Nos. 172.00
6.9 Class 1 1200A - 2500A/5A Metering Nos. 228.00
Item Rate
No. Description Unit
1 Supply and install including supplying necessary lengths of flexible cords, down-
rods (up to 2 x 1m length), conduits, boxes, expansion bolts, screws or ramset of
sizes to suit plugs & etc. and connecting up ready to function the following:
1.1a Pole top fitting 400mm diameter spherical opal / clear Each 297.00
diffuser c/w 70w sodium lamp or LED equivalent
Wattage, integral control gear and mounting arm. (see
Sketch J1)
1.1b Pole top fitting 450mm diameter spherical opal / clear Each 351.00
diffuser c/w 70W sodium lamp or LED equivalent
Wattage, integral control gear and mounting arm. (see
Sketch J1)
1.1c Pole top fitting 500mm diameter spherical opal / clear Each 429.00
diffuser c/w 70W sodium lamp or LED equivalent
Wattage, integral control gear and mounting arm. (see
Sketch J1)
1.2a GS spotlight fitting c/w 20 to 50 watt PAR 38 LED Each 187.00
reflector lamp, mounting base or spike. (see Sketch
1.2b As item 1.2a but with 51 to 100watt Par 38 LED lamp Each 250.00
1.3 High bay fitting with rugged, heavy duty die cast
aluminum housing and either upright or direct high
purity heavy gauge aluminum reflector c/w control
gear and mounting arm and chain and etc accessories.
i. For 50W - 90W LED lamp Each 490.00
ii. For 100W - 150W LED lamp Each 720.00
1.4 Street light fitting with reinforced polyester housing in
blue-grey and high purity anodized aluminium
mirrors. (The bowl hinges automatically on the
housing when the clip has been unfastened) c/w
control gear and mounting arm.
i. For 70W sodium lamp (see Sketch J4) Each 275.00
ii. For 150W sodium lamp (see Sketch J5) Each 347.00
iii. For 250W Sodium lamp (see Sketch J5) Each 420.00
Item Rate
No. Description Unit
1.5 Wall mount fitting with removable one piece injection Each 330.00
molded polycarbonate door and prismatic lens hinges
for full front access. (Lens is UV stabilized and interior
door surface finished in bronze). One piece, heavy
duty, die cast aluminum housing c/w 80/125W mercury
/ sodium / metal halide lamp and control gear. (See
Sketch J6)
1.6 Wall mount fitting with prism glass reflector mounted Each 393.00
on hinged frame with weatherproof gasket (IP 55
protection) c/w 2 X 20W LED lamp and driver housed
in aluminium beige finished base. (See Sketch J7)
1.7 Heavy duty dust-tight jet proof bulkhead fitting Each 393.00
complies with BS 4533-102.1 IP65 c/w 2 X 12W LED
lamp and driver. (See Sketch J8)
1.8 Pole top fitting black c/w 13W E27 lamp full set with Each 221.00
aluminum reflector, gasket. (See Sketch J9)
1.9 Metal-Halide Floodlights Fitting c/w Control Gears
Lamps, Brackets & etc.
i. 70w Each 358.00
ii. 150w Each 374.00
iii. 250w Each 394.00
iv. 400w Each 429.00
1.10 i. 2 channels & 3 wire rope light 13mm diameter, Per m 11.70
2.78cm bulb spacing, 2m cutting unit,
33.12W/unit, 230V.
ii. Controller WL - 3C Each 115.00
iii. Controller WL - 5C Each 130.00
1.11 Accessories for item 1.10
i. Power cord c/w male & female connector (C1 & Each 8.00
ii. Pin connector (C9) Each 3.30
iii. End cap (C4) Each 0.70
1.12 SBP MYRA 21 Pole Top Fitting c/w E27 20/25W Each 325.00
lamp (see Sketch J6)
Item Rate
No. Description Unit
2 LED Light Fittings Type: Batten LED Luminaire
2.1 1 x 20W, 625mm in length c/w tubes Each 54.00
2.2 2 x 20W, 625mm in length c/w tubes Each 63.00
2.3 1 x 36W,1235mm in length c/w tubes Each 72.00
2.4 2 x 36W, 1235mm in length c/w tubes Each 82.00
2.5 1 x 58W, 1540mm in length c/w tubes Each 95.00
3 Batten LED Luminaire with Metal Reflector
3.1 1 x 36W, 1235mm in length c/w tubes Each 100.00
3.2 2 x 36W,1235mm in length c/w tubes Each 140.00
4 Batten LED Luminaire with Plastic Reflector
4.1 1 x 36W, 1235mm in length c/w tubes Each 84.00
4.2 2 x 36W,1235mm in length c/w tubes Each 100.00
4.3 1 x 58W, 1540mm in length c/w tubes Each 130.00
5 Batten LED Luminaire with Wall or surface mounting with Angle Reflector, Open
End Backboard Type
5.1 1 x 36W, 1235mm in length c/w tubes Each 88.20
5.2 1 x 58W, 1540mm in length c/w tubes Each 102.00
6 Batten LED Luminaire with Wire-Guard and Hinge Lockable type
6.1 1 x 20W, 625mm in length c/w tubes lock & master Each 100.00
6.2 1 x 36W, 1235mm in length c/w tubes lock & master Each 140.00
7 Weatherproof LED Luminaire with Minimum IP55 Protection
7.1 1 x 20W, 677mm in length c/w tube Each 75.00
7.2 2 x 20W ,677mm in length c/w tube Each 90.00
7.3 1 x 36W, 1267mm in length c/w tube Each 110.00
7.4 2 x 36W, 1267mm in length c/w tubes Each 125.00
Item Rate
No. Description Unit
8 Recessed Mounting for Suspended Ceiling Board. Type with Hinge aluminium
frame and prismatic acrylic diffuser for batwing light distribution
8.1 2 x 20W, 625mm in length c/w tubes Each 84.00
8.2 3 x 20W, 625mm in length c/w tubes Each 114.00
8.3 2 x 36W, 1245mm in length c/w tubes Each 140.00
8.4 3 x 36W, 1245mm in length c/w tubes Each 156.00
8.5 4 x 36W, 1245mm in length c/w tubes Each 190.00
8.6 Down rods not exceeding 2 lengths x 1 m Each 13.00
8.7 Additional length of down rods (for LED fitting) Each 7.00
9 Surface Mounting LED Luminaire with Prismatic acrylic diffuser and 2 end caps
9.1 1 x 20W, 625mm in length c/w tubes Each 84.00
9.2 2 x 20W, 625mm in length c/w tubes Each 100.00
9.3 1 x 36W, 1235mm in length c/w tubes Each 130.00
9.4 2 x 36W, 1235mm in length c/w tubes Each 140.00
10 Reed prismatic diffuser fitting with 2 metal end cap
10.1 1 x 20W, c/w tubes Each 70.00
10.2 2 x 20W, c/w tubes Each 85.00
10.3 1 x 36W, c/w tubes Each 100.00
10.4 2 x 36W, c/w tubes Each 115.00
11 Recessed mounting for suspended ceiling board type, M2 mirror optic diffuser, LED
11.1 2 x 20W, (300mm x 600mm) c/w tubes Each 133.00
11.2 3 x 20W, (600mm x 600mm) c/w tubes Each 170.00
11.3 2 x 36W, (300mm x 1200mm) c/w tubes Each 142.50
11.4 3 x 36W, (600mm x 1200mm) c/w tubes Each 192.00
12 Surface or pendant mounting type, M2 mirror optic diffuser, LED
12.1 2 x 20W, (300mm x 600mm) c/w tubes Each 102.00
12.2 3 x 20W, (600mm x 600mm) c/w tubes Each 142.00
12.3 2 x 36W, (300mm x 1200mm) c/w tubes Each 133.00
12.4 3 x 36W, (600mm x 1200mm) c/w tubes Each 182.00
Rate ($)
Item mounted
Description Unit (Bracket and Surface
control gear Mounted
above false
13 EXIT LIGHT with self contained unit c/w LED indicating light and test button
(slimline design) to FSB requirement
13.1 1 x 8-10W exit light Each 150.00 132.00
(single face) with fluorescent lamp
or LED Type Fittings & nickel
cadmium battery pack
13.2 1 x 8-10W exit light Each 162.00 143.00
(double face) with fluorescent lamp
or LED Type Fittings & nickel
cadmium battery pack
13.3 1 x 8-10W exit light Each 162.00 143.00
(single face with arrow) with
fluorescent lamp or LED & nickel
cadmium battery pack
13.4 1 x 8-10W exit light Each 174.00 156.00
(double face with arrow) with
fluorescent lamp or LED & nickel
cadmium battery pack
14 Non-maintained and maintained emergency lighting LED luminaires c/w minimum
2 hours duration nickel cadmium batteries, LED indicating light and test button
14.1 1 x 8-10W (opal diffuser) Each - 146.00
14.2 1 x 18W (acrylic prismatic diffuser) Each - 207.00
14.3 1 x 36W (acrylic prismatic diffuser) Each - 247.00
14.4 2 x 10W LED PAR 36 c/w Each - 143.00
antiglare glass
14.5 1 x 10W, 6V LED recessed fitting Each - 128.00
Item Rate
No. Description Unit
15 Supply and install including wiring and connecting up ready to function the
15.1 Power pack suitable for fluorescent tube / LED tube
c/w minimum 2 hours duration nickel cadmium
i. 1 x 8W Each 60.00
ii. 1 x 18/20W Each 80.00
iii. 1 x 36W Each 103.00
15.2 High Abuse Flour fitting c/w 1 x 18W LED lamp Each 260.00
surface mounted (kenall or approved equivalent)
15.3 High Abuse Flour fitting c/w 1 x 36W LED lamp Each 370.00
surface mounted (kenall or approved equivalent)
15.4 High Abuse Flour fitting c/w 2 x 36W LED lamp Each 400.00
surface mounted (kenall or approved equivalent)
16 Supply, fabricate and install standard make-to
measure brackets for floodlights including painting.
i. 10W - 150W Each 26.00
ii. 250W - 400W Each 39.00
17 Supply, fabricate and install standard make-to Each 13.00
measure wire mesh housing for floodlights
including painting.
250 - 400W
18 Supply, fabricate and install 6” PVC pipe, 400mm Each 32.50
length c/w painting for spotlight.
10 - 150W
19 Supply, fabricate and install anti-glare louvres for
floodlights including painting:
i. 10-150W Sodium/Metal-Halide/LED fitting Each 40.00
ii. 250/400W Sodium/Metal-Halide/LED fitting Each 54.00
Item Rate
No. Description Unit
20 LED Floodlights Fittings c/w all necessary
accessories & brackets
i. 10 - 50W Each 150.00
ii. 60 - 100W Each 276.00
21 LED Light Fittings with Double Parabolic / Mirror Optic Louver / recessed etc.
21.1 2 X 20W, 625mm in length c/w tubes,T8/T5 Each 180.00
21.2 2 X 20W, 1235mm in length c/w tubes, T8/T5 Each 241.00
Supply labour, tools, materials and accessories for the removal of the following:
NOTE: Contractors are not allowed to claim for cost where the removal of a particular
fitting / accessory / wiring is for the purpose of shifting, adjustment or replacement
(not applicable to / for re-wiring works).
Item Rate
Description Unit
No. (S$)
1 To remove one lighting point including wiring Each 8.10
conduits etc. and make good wall or ceiling surface.
2 To remove one power point, etc as item (1), Each 8.10
including socket outlet
3 To remove bracket, supply, exhaust or ceiling Each 7.00
oscillating fan pt including wiring, conduits,
mounting block and make good wall surface, ceiling
surface & etc.
4 To remove ceiling fan pt including wiring, conduit, Each 7.00
fan/hook and regulator and make good as item (1)
5 To take down ceiling fan, wall bracket fan, Each 3.30
oscillating fan, supply fan, exhaust fan & etc.
6 To take down fluorescent SL lamp, PL lamp, LED Each 3.30
light fitting or any other type (ceiling, wall, pendant
or recessed)
7 To take down one tungsten, mercury sodium Each 3.30
halogen light fitting or any other type (ceiling, wall,
pendant or recessed)
8 To touch up one light point or power point
including plastering and painting, etc. to match Each 3.30
existing wall surface
9 To take down Perimeter / roof / flag pole and pole
Each 8.90
top fitting c/w arm or bracket (any type)
10 To remove consumer unit of any type Each 9.10
11 To remove Distribution Board (DB/OG), complete
Each 26.00
with accessories and concrete plinth if any.
12 To remove MCB (single, double, triple poles & 4
poles), ELCB (double-pole, 4-pole) MCCB Each 2.60
(double-pole, 4-pole) & timer.
Item Rate
Description Unit
No. (S$)
13 To remove underground PVC / SWA / PVC cables of Per m 2.60
any size.
14 To remove conduit pipes of any size. Per m 2.60
15 To remove flexible cable, PVC, PVC / PVC, fire per m 0.70
resistant & flame retardant, neoprene cables of any
16 To remove weatherproof junction box of any sizes Each 3.30
and terminate existing underground / surface cabling.
Supply labour, tools and materials to install only, including connecting up to existing wiring or
supply point (excluding supply of fittings).
Item Rate
Description Unit
No. (S$)
1 Light fitting of any type (ceiling, wall pendant or Each 6.60
recessed or tree).
2 1.5m or 1.2m sweep ceiling fan c/w speed regulator. Each 8.70
3 Wall bracket, supply or exhaust fan (All sizes). Each 6.60
4 Ceiling oscillating fan (All sizes) complete with Each 6.60
mounting brackets.
5 Perimeter and pole top light fitting c/w bracket and/or Each 10.80
6 Light fitting of any type (on roof/flag pole) Each 10.80
7 Down light fitting of any type (recessed including Each 12.40
opening of ceiling board, brackets etc.).
8 Tape light and Rope light up to 10 metres including Per length 6.50
9 Christmas Light (in accordance with Singapore Per length 13.00
Standard Specifications) (100 bulbs per length)
10 Bulbs / lamp holders / starters / ballasts. Per set 6.00
11 Lamp-pole c/w pole top fitting, control gear & Per set 40.00
mounting arm (up to 4 metres)
12 Lamp-pole c/w pole top fitting, control gear & Per set 65.00
mounting arm (above 4 to 8 metres)
13 Lamp-pole c/w pole top fitting, control gear & Per set 95.00
Mounting arm (above 8 to 12 metres)
Item Rate
Description Unit
No. (S$)
14 Construct concrete footing for lamp pole
i. for lamp pole < 2 metres / earth or lightning pit Per no 50.00
ii. for lamp pole up to 4 metres Per no 140.00
iii. for lamp pole up to 10 metres Per no 220.00
iv. for lamp pole up to 12 metres Per no 350.00
1. For item 14 – incur additional charge of $100.00 subject to tender rate for using Hot-
dipped Galvanised J-bolts and nuts including end caps, silicon & all necessary
2. For item 14 – incur additional charge of $130.00 subject to tender rate for using
Stainless Steel 316 J-bolts and nuts including end caps, silicon & all necessary
Shift the following to not exceeding 5 metres including wiring, junction box conduits and other
materials all ready to operate.
Item Rate
Description Unit
No. (S$)
1 Any Floodlight pt complete with simple shade fitting Each 12.00
(Globe, Triangular, Rectangular or any type)
2 Any Floodlight pt complete with enclosed glass Each 10.50
fitting (Globe, Triangular, Rectangular or any type)
3 Fluorescent, LED, Spotlight pt with fitting of any Each 10.00
4 i. Ceiling fan pt and fan c/w fan hook, regulator Each 25.50
and teak block
ii. Ceiling fan pt and fan c/w regulator and teak Each 24.00
5 Bracket/wall/supply/exhaust fan pt c/w fan mounting Each 13.80
block and fan (all sizes)
6 Switch points c/w switch and teak block/metal block Each 8.90
7 13A or 15A switch socket outlet pt including socket Each 11.00
8 Switch point complete with switch Each 10.00
9 Weatherproof or indoor termination junction box and Each 10.00
bracket of any type
10 Supply labour and material to excavate, backfill and
shifting of lamp pole c/w pole top fitting & concrete
foundation to new position (excluding lorry crane)
i. up to 4 metres Each 90.00
ii. above 4 to 12 metres Each 140.00
Remove faulty accessories as fitted and disposal including necessary transport. These rates are
ONLY applicable to the installations that can be accessed by normal means such as use of
‘Fireman’, ‘A’ ladder, scaffold, lorry crane & etc. Supply and replace / install including
connecting up the following:
Item Rate
Description Unit
No. (S$)
1 5 amp SP tumbler switch c/w teak block or moulded
Each 3.70
switch c/w box
2 5 amp 2-gang switch as item 1 Each 4.50
3 15 amp SP tumbler switch c/w teak block or moulded
Each 7.90
switch c/w box
4 5A combined switch-socket outlet c/w moulded
Each 6.80
box/teak block
5 13 amp -do- Each 15.00
6 15 amp -do- Each 17.00
7 13 amp twin combined switch-socket outlet c/w teak
Each 20.00
block / moulded box
8 5 amp metalclad switch outlet c/w box Each 12.00
9 13 amp -do- Each 17.00
10 15 amp -do- Each 20.00
11 15 to 40 watt LED lamp / bulb Each 8.00
12 60 to 75 watt -do- Each 12.00
13 100 watt -do- Each 16.00
14 150 watt -do- Each 20.00
15 15 to 25 watt PAR 38 LED lamp Each 94.00
16 18 watt 600mm energy saving fluorescent tube / LED
Each 12.00
tube (T5 or T8)
17 36 watt 1200mm energy saving fluorescent tube /
Each 12.00
LED tube (T5 or T8)
18 58 watt 600 / 1540mm energy saving fluorescent tube
Each 12.00
/ LED tube (T5 or T8)
19 Fluorescent starter any sizes Each 3.00
Item Rate
Description Unit
No. (S$)
20 Fluorescent lamp capacitor 20 to 80 watts Each 5.40
21 6.5W loss ballast for 18watt fluorescent lamp Each 8.20
22 6.5W loss ballast for 36 watt fluorescent lamp Each 10.00
23 11.0W loss ballast for 58 watt fluorescent lamp Each 18.00
24 Cartridge fuse 10-20 amp to suit make of gear Each 5.00
25 Cartridge fuse 30 amp to suit make of gear Each 7.00
26 Cartridge fuse 60 amp to suit make of gear Each 9.50
27 Cartridge fuse 100 amp to suit make of gear Each 23.00
28 Cartridge fuse 160 amp to suit make of gear Each 26.00
29 Cartridge fuse 200 amp to suit make of gear Each 45.00
30 Ceiling rose with 3-plate Each 8.00
31 i. Batten holder / lamp holder Each 5.00
ii. Porcelain lamp holder Each 7.00
32 Capacitor for 1.2 metres or 1.5 metres ceiling fan Each 11.00
33 Ceiling fan regulator of any type and make Each 26.00
34 5 amp SP waterproof switched / unswitched socket Each 22.30
35 As item 34, but twin gang Each 30.00
36 i. 13 amp SP weatherproof switched or Each 33.50
unswitched socket Outlet
ii. As item 36(a), but 2-gang Each 39.00
37 15 amp SP waterproof switched / unswitched socket Each 72.00
38 8-10W fluorescent / LED lamp (for exit lights, etc) Each 6.50
39 70/250W metal Halide lamp Each 114.00
40 400W metal Halide lamp Each 125.00
41 70/250W ballast for metal Halide lamp Each 84.00
Item Rate
Description Unit
No. (S$)
42 400W ballast for metal Halide lamp Each 103.00
43 Ignitor for 70 to 150 watt metal Halide lamp Each 36.00
44 Ignitor for 250 to 400 watt metal Halide lamp Each 38.40
45 18 to 56W fluorescent / LED lamp / tube Each 10.00
46 18W High Frequency (HF) fluorescent lamp Each 9.00
47 36W High Frequency (HF) fluorescent lamp Each 11.00
48 58W High Frequency (HF) fluorescent lamp Each 14.00
49 18W electronic ballast for HF tubes Each 60.00
50 36W electronic ballast for HF tubes Each 108.00
51 58W electronic ballast for HF tubes Each 130.00
52 9W SL lamp (bayonet / screw type or approved Each 14.00
53 18 or 25W SL lamp (bayonet / screw type or Each 18.00
approved make)
54 65 – 105W SL Lamp (bayonet / screw type or Each 36.00
approved make)
55 7 to 9 Watt PL lamp (Approved make) Each 7.00
56 11 Watt PL lamp Each 9.00
57 13 Watt PL lamp Each 10.80
58 18 Watt PL lamp Each 21.60
59 10/13 Watt PLC lamp Each 12.00
60 18 Watt PLC lamp Each 12.50
61 26 Watt PLC lamp Each 18.00
62 9 Watt PLCE lamp Each 12.00
63 11 /15 Watt PLCE lamp Each 15.00
64 20 /23 Watt PLCE lamp Each 18.00
65 500 Watt PAR 64 MFL Each 48.00
66 300 Watt PAR 56 MFL Each 42.00
Item Rate
Description Unit
No. (S$)
67 200 Watt PAR 46 MFL Each 42.00
68 75 Watt PAR 16 NFL Each 9.00
69 50 Watt PAR 20 NFL Each 15.00
70 Arc stream 3000k 150 watts lamp Each 140.00
71 Arc stream 4000k 150 watts lamp Each 140.00
72 Christmas light 100 lights any Colour Per length 35.00
(100 lights per length) (weatherproof)
73 2 Channel and 3 Wires Rope light Per m 11.00
74 LED 18W-130W A67 E27 230V GLS (2000K- Each 26.00
75 Transformer 230V / 12V as for lightings
i. 50VA Each 25.00
ii. 100VA Each 49.00
iii. 150/200VA Each 72.00
iv. 250VA Each 98.00
76 Supply labour to replace of blown bulbs, holders, Each 3.00
ballasts & any other components & etc. (any type)
77 Prismatic Acrylic diffuser 600 x 600 mm Each 14.00
78 Prismatic Acrylic diffuser 600 x 1200 mm Each 25.00
79 Male & female connector for lighting point Per set 6.50
Excavate backfill and reinstate trench for power cable complete with protective slab as follows:
Underground cable must be laid at least 750mm below the finished ground level unless
specified. After the cable is laid, the first earth filling shall be soft earth/sand free from stones
and other sharp objects. The filling shall be compacted around the cables and finished off level
150mm above the longest cables. Cable protection / Warning cable slabs (Yellow Colour) shall
be laid end to end on top of the first earth filling. The second earth filling shall extend to
300mm above the cable slab and shall not contain stones of dimension 75mm. The filling shall
be compacted by means of hand hammer. After the second earth filling, the trench shall be
filled soil in layer of not exceeding 300mm in depth. Each layer being rammed by means of
mechanical rammer before the next layer is placed over.
Item Rate
Description Unit
No. (S$)
1 Excavate cable pit for fault location on ground
including backfilling, compacting, make good and
i. 1.0m x 1.0m x 1.0m Each 120.00
ii. 1.5m x 1.5m x 1.5m Each 150.00
2 Excavate trench 300mm width on turf include
backfilling, compacting, make good and returfing
i. 750mm depth Per m run 20.00
ii. 450mm depth Per m run 15.00
iii. 300mm depth Per m run 12.00
3 As item 2 but on beach / sandy area
i. 750mm depth Per m run 12.00
ii. 350mm depth Per m run 8.00
iii. 200mm depth Per m run 6.00
4 i. Excavate trench 750mm depth x 300mm width Per m run 125.00
on Asphalt road including re-instatement
works c/w identification cable slabs.
ii. As item 4(i), but 350mm depth Per m run 85.00
iii. As item 4(i), but on concrete by using diamond Per m run 135.00
iv. As item 4(iii), but 350mm depth Per m run 95.00
Item Rate
Description Unit
No. (S$)
5 Cutting of concrete groove to chase in PVC conduits, Per m run
U-channel and others etc, including making good. 22.00
6 Supply and lay in prepared trench 100mm dia. UPVC Per m run 28.50
pipe with 300mm x 300mm concrete hunching.
7 As for item 6, but for 150mm dia. UPVC pipe with Per m run 39.80
450mm x 450mm concrete haunching.
8 Supply and lay cable protection/warning slabs Per m run 7.50
(yellow colour)
9 Supply and lay cast iron cable markers (with Per m run 57.00
engraving and painting (150mm x 100mm x 5mm)
Supply and lay heavy duty PVC pipe in prepared trench c/w fittings
10 50.0mm diameter Per m run 10.00
11 75.0mm diameter Per m run 14.00
12 100.0mm diameter Per m run 18.00
13 150.0mm diameter Per m run 22.00
Supply and lay galvanised iron pipe in prepared trench c/w fittings
14 50.0 mm diameter Per m run 15.00
15 75.0mm diameter Per m run 18.00
16 100.0mm diameter Per m run 20.00
17 150.0mm diameter Per m run 23.00
Supply and lay 2 core PVC/SWA/PVC cable to BS 6346 600/1000V grade
18 1.5mm2 Per m run 5.70
19 2.5mm2 Per m run 7.00
20 4.0mm2 Per m run 8.50
21 6.0mm Per m run 12.00
22 10.0mm2 Per m run 15.40
23 16.0mm2 Per m run 21.50
24 25.0mm2 Per m run 25.00
25 35.0mm2 Per m run 33.00
Item Rate
Description Unit
No. (S$)
Supply and lay 2 core PVC / SWA / PVC cable to BS 6346 600/1000V grade (cont’d)
26 50.0mm2 Per m run 45.00
27 70.0mm2 Per m run 57.60
28 95.0mm2 Per m run 76.90
29 120.0mm2 Per m run 89.20
30 150.0mm Per m run 100.80
31 185.0mm2 Per m run 119.55
32 240.0mm2 Per m run 149.80
Supply and lay 3 core PVC / SWA / PVC cable to BS 6346 600/1000V Grade
33 1.5mm2 Per m run 7.50
34 2.5mm2 Per m run 10.50
35 4.0mm2 Per m run 13.00
36 6.0mm2 Per m run 19.00
37 10.0mm2 Per m run 24.00
38 16.0mm Per m run 33.50
39 25.0mm2 Per m run 43.00
40 35.0mm2 Per m run 64.30
41 50.0mm2 Per m run 83.70
42 70.0mm2 Per m run 115.20
43 95.0mm2 Per m run 138.70
44 120.0mm2 Per m run 157.50
45 150.0mm2 per m run 190.00
46 185.0mm2 Per m run 227.50
Supply and lay 4 core PVC / SWA / PVC cable to BS 6346 600/1000V Grade
47 2.5mm2 Per m run 11.90
48 4.0mm2 Per m run 16.00
49 6.0mm2 Per m run 20.70
50 10.0mm2 Per m run 35.00
Item Rate
Description Unit
No. (S$)
Supply and lay 4 core PVC / SWA / PVC cable to BS 6346 600/1000V Grade (cont’d)
51 16.0mm2 Per m run 51.40
52 25.0mm2 Per m run 70.30
53 35.0mm2 Per m run 94.00
54 50.0mm2 Per m run 124.40
55 70.0mm Per m run 149.60
56 95.0mm2 Per m run 165.00
57 120.0mm2 Per m run 184.00
58 150.0mm2 Per m run 218.30
59 185.0mm2 per m run 262.90
60 240.0mm2 Per m run 308.80
61 300.0mm2 Per m run 360.40
Supply and lay 5 core PVC / SWA / PVC cable to BS 6346 600/1000V Grade
62 4.0mm2 Per m run 21.50
63 6.0mm Per m run 26.00
64 10.0mm2 Per m run 37.70
65 16.0mm2 Per m run 53.90
66 25.0mm2 Per m run 75.40
Supply all labour and jointing materials to make up the following including supply of boxes
c/w mounting accessories and connection to circuits:
67 10.0mm2, 2 or 4-core end joints for PLYST & S Each 130.00
68 16.0mm2, 2 or 4-core end joints for PLYST & S Each 132.00
69 25.0mm2 - do - Each 190.00
70 35.0mm2 to 70.0mm2 4 core end joints Each 218.00
71 120.0mm2 to 185.0mm2 4 core end joints Each 265.00
72 16.0mm2, 2 core or 4-core straight through joints c/w Each 110.00
lead inner sleeves for PLYST & S cable
Item Rate
Description Unit
No. (S$)
Supply all labour and jointing materials to make up the following including supply of boxes
c/w mounting accessories and connection to circuits (cont’d):
73 25/35mm2 - do - Each 240.00
74 50/70mm2 - do - Each 300.00
75 90/120mm2 - do - Each 360.00
76 150/185mm2 - do - Each 430.00
77 240/300mm2 - do - Each 490.00
78 Pot end c/w lead inner sleeves any sizes of cable Each 50.00
79 Supply all labour, remove and break up cable and Each 73.00
box and connections
80 Supply and install brass glands termination for:
i. up to 4mm2 2C / 3C / 4C / PVC / SWA / PVC Each 9.10
or XLPE cable
ii. for 6mm2 to 16mm2 2C / 3C / 4C / PVC / Each 19.50
SWA / PVC or XLPE cable
81 - do - 25mm2 to 70mm2 3C / 4C / 5C / PVC / SWA / Each 30.00
PVC or XLPE cable
82 - do - 95mm2 to 240mm2 3C / 4C / 5C / PVC / SWA Each 80.00
/ PVC or XLPE cable
83 Supply & fix the following cables socket / lug
including jointing up to the cables for the following:
i. For 1.0mm2 to 1.5mm2 conductor Each 3.00
2 2
ii. For 2.5mm to 4mm conductor Each 5.00
2 2
iii. For 6mm to 10mm conductor Each 7.00
iv. For 16mm conductor Each 10.00
84 “25/50”mm² conductor Each 12.00
85 “70/150”mm² conductor Each 18.00
86 “185/240”mm² conductor Each 22.00
Item Rate
Description Unit
No. (S$)
Supply all labour and joining materials to make up the following sizes of underground cables,
using cold-pour dry cast resin including cost of attendance by jointer.
87 i. Up to 4mm2, 2C / 3C / 4C / straight through joint Each 80.00
ii. 6mm² to 10mm² - do - Each 120.00
88 16 mm² - do - Each 160.00
89 25mm² to 35 mm² - do - Each 190.00
90 50 mm² to 95mm² - do - Each 280.00
91 120mm² to 185mm² - do - Each 650.00
92 240mm² to 300mm² - do - Each 900.00
93 Supply and lay 25mm² / 4C XLPE / SWA / PVC cable Per m 74.00
to 600/1000V grade
94 Supply and lay 35mm² / 4C XLPE / SWA / PVC Per m 95.00
cable to 600/1000V grade
95 Supply and lay 50mm² / 4C XLPE / SWA / PVC Per m 130.00
cable to 600/1000V grade
96 Supply and lay 70mm² / 4C XLPE / SWA / PVC Per m 154.00
cable to 600/1000V grade
97 Supply and lay 95mm² / 4C XLPE / SWA / PVC Per m 169.00
cable to 600/1000V grade
98 Supply and lay 120mm² / 4C XLPE / SWA / PVC Per m 193.00
cable to 600/1000V grade
99 Supply and lay 150 mm² / 4C XLPE / SWA / PVC Per m 227.00
cable to 600/1000V grade
100 Supply and lay 185mm² / 4C XLPE / SWA / PVC Per m 276.00
cable to 600/1000V grade
101 Supply and lay 240mm² / 4C XLPE / SWA / PVC Per m 324.40
cable to 600/1000V grade
102 Supply and lay 300mm² / 4C XLPE / SWA / PVC Per m 378.90
cable to 600/1000V grade
Supply all materials and labour and install including connection up to fan point and ready to
operate the following:
NOTE: $30.00 will be deducted from this schedule rate in case of failure of contractor to
supply necessary certification for the safety of the fans as specified.
Item Rate
Description Unit
No. (S$)
1 Ceiling fan 1.5 metres sweep c/w up to 1.5 metres down Each 220.00
rod, safety wire and speed regulator c/w certification (see
notes bellow and Sketch S1)
2 Bracket wall fan 300mm oscillating Each 189.00
3 Bracket wall fan 400mm oscillating Each 280.00
4 Bracket wall fan 500mm oscillating Each 494.00
5 Industrial wall/stand fan 600mm oscillating Each 550.00
6 Ceiling oscillating fan 400mm c/w bracket Each 323.00
7 Additional length of down rod for ceiling fan Per m 8.70
8 Box fan 300 m diameter c/w mounting bracket Each 130.00
9 Supply and install safety wire, bolts and nuts assembly c/w Each 17.00
safety pins and washers (spring and non-spring type) to
specifications. This rate shall also be applicable to existing
ceiling fans.
10 Rental of 300/400mm pedestal stand fan per day. Each 19.00
11 Wall / Window / Ceiling Mount Ventilating Fan.
i. 15cm/ 6” Each 112.00
ii. 20cm/ 8” Each 160.00
iii. 25cm/10” Each 190.00
iv. 30cm/ 12” Each 220.00
12 Fan hook welded on galvanised plate c/w expansion bolt Each 72.50
mounting and safety anchor point (see Sketch S3)
13 Fan hook above beam c/w through bolt and safety anchor Each 28.00
point (see Sketch S2)
14 Wall / Window / Ceiling Mount Extract Fan
i. 203mm dia 182.00
ii. 242mm dia 250.00
iii. 270mm dia 320.00
Item Rate
Description Unit
No. (S$)
1 Paint ceiling fan 1.5 metres or 1.2 metres sweep c/w Each 15.00
downrod (sand down and clean before painting)
2 Paint fluorescent fitting c/w downrods if any (sand Each 10.00
down and clean before painting)
3 Paint 300mm oscillating fan or any other type (sand Each 11.00
down and clean before painting)
4 Paint 400mm oscillating fan or any other type (sand Each 12.80
down and clean before painting)
5 Paint 500mm oscillating fan or any other type (sand Each 14.30
down and clean before painting)
6 Paint 600mm oscillating fan or any other type (sand Each 16.50
down and clean before painting)
7 Paint Wall / Flood / Spot / Roof / Ceiling Light Each 10.00
Fittings (or any other type) including brackets, bolts
and nuts & junction boxes & etc.
8 Scrapping & Repainting of distribution board, (one Each 50.00
undercoat of anti-rust paint and two coats of approved
finishing paint).
9 Scrapping and Repainting of OG box or feeder pillar Each 60.00
(one undercoat of anti-rust paint and two (2) coats of
approved finishing paint).
10 Scrapping and repainting street lighting, perimeter / Each 65.00
roof / flag lighting pole (one undercoat of anti-rust
paint and two coats of approved finishing paint)
including numbered accordingly.
11 As item 10, but for outdoor park / garden / footpath Each 55.00
lighting pole.
Item Rate
Description Unit
No. (S$)
1 Supply and install ramset bolt and nut (this item does Each 3.90
not apply to new installation)
2 Arrange for Power Grid / SP Services testing and Each 100.00
installation of lighting / power KWH meter for first
consumer unit.
3 - do - for subsequent consumer unit within the same Each 13.00
4 i. Supply all labour and materials to break concrete
foundation, excavate, backfill, remove of lighting
pole c/w pole top fitting and return to SDC /
disposal as instructed.
a. Lamp post 4 metres & below Each 65.00
b. Lamp post above 4 metres Each 95.00
ii. As item 4(i)/a but without breaking concrete Each 32.50
iii. As item 4 (i)/b but without breaking concrete Each 58.50
5 Supply all labour and materials to break the concrete Each 210.00
foundation, excavate, backfill, remove of lamp post &
re-instate to new position including provision of
6 Break up concrete foundation, excavate, backfill & Each 140.00
straighten street light pole, remake concrete
7 Supply and install 20-80A 1 phase kwh meter Each 145.60
(Analog) c/w teak block
8 Supply and install 20-80A 1 phase kwh meter (Digital) Each 240.00
c/w teak block
9 Supply and install 30-60A 3 phase kwh meter Each 196.00
(Analog) c/w teak block
10 Supply and install 3Ph 100A Kwhr meter (Analog) Each 300.20
c/w teak block
11 Supply and install 30-100A 3 phase kwhr meter Each 330.00
(Digital) c/w teak block
NOTE: For items 15 to 16, Contractor can only claim for multiple erections due to need to
remove and reinstall metal scaffoldings / stagings provided there exists in the work
site a necessity to do so. No multiple claims can be made for merely shifting erected
scaffolding or staging on Site.
Item Rate
Description Unit
No. (S$)
12 Supply and installation of AC 3phase 4 Wire 100- Per set 1200.00
800A kwh Meter c/w MCTs Class 1, 5VA& 3x32A
fuse holder c/w 2Afuse cartridge with metal enclosure
teak wood, all the internal cabling / wiring including
modification work.
13 Read kwh meter Each 5.60
14 Check electrical loading at the incoming/Sub mains of Job 7800.00
electrical switchboard using current recorder, hooking
up and recording the 24 hours ampere reading and
removal of recorder, energy trending for minimum 7
days including endorsement by P.E.
15 Supply and install and subsequent removal of metal
scaffolding / staging work for the following height
i. 5-8m (indoors / outdoors) 1 lot 190.00
ii. more than 8m (indoors / outdoors) Per m 30.00
16 Dismantling & reinstallation of scaffolding as in item 1 lot 100.00
15 (Shifting within 100 meters)
17 Rental of elevated platform (minimum 4 hrs) for Per hr 100.00
access to high places including all necessary e.g. fuel,
operator / driver, parking, ALS & etc.
18 As item 17, on per day basis Per day 700.00
Item Rate
Description Unit
No. (S$)
19 Supply and install the following at the switchroom:
i. Danger / Safety signboard (Aluminum, yellow Each 34.00
background black lettering)
ii. Fire Extinguisher signboard Each 19.50
iii. Danger sticker in 4 languages (A4 size single or Each 16.50
iv. Single Line Diagram Each 39.00
v. Rubber Mat (up to 2m²) Each 160.00
20 Installation of ripple control receiver Each 104.00
21 Arranging with Power Grid/SP Services or LEW Each 1,200.00
(approved by EMA) for primary or secondary injection
testing of switchboard including of circuit breaker &
protection relays (this shall include all materials,
transport, labour charges & etc. necessary for the test).
22 Rental of mobile generator (min 10 KVA) for testing Each 325.00
of item 21.
23 Supply and riverting or traffolyte labels (Engraved Each 8.00
with black/white letterings on background)
24 Supply and install of 5/8” Aluminum U channel Per m 5.00
(for rope light) run
25 Supply and install of earth tag for brass gland
i. < 35mm² Each 4.50
ii. ≥ 35 mm² Each 6.50
26 Rental of Lorry Crane service
i. 3 ton Per day 500.00
ii. 5 ton Per day 800.00
iii. 10 to 12 ton Per day 1150.00
iv. 17 ton Per day 1500.00
v. 20 ton Per day 1800.00
NOTE: The size of paper prints to be used is dependent on the extent of the diagram to be
traced. The size of the letterings and diagrams shall be reasonably big to be legible
but not too big so as to occupy more space. When in doubt contractors are advised
to consult the SO / SO Representatives.
Item Rate
Description Unit
No. (S$)
1 Service charge for drawing (tracing, drafting etc.) on Each 152.00
AO size (1189mm x 841mm ) negative / paper
2 Service charge for drawing (tracing, drafting etc.) on Each 110.50
AO/A1 size (841mm x 594mm) negative / paper
3 Service charge for drawing (tracing, drafting etc.) on Each 84.50
A2 size (594mm x 420mm) negative / paper
4 Service charge for drawing (tracing, drafting etc.) on Per work 2 67.00
A3 size (420mm x 297mm) paper copies
5 Service charge for drawing (tracing, drafting etc.) on Per work 2 43.00
A4 size (297mm x 210mm) paper copies
6 Provide AO size paper print of drawing Each 4.50
7 Provide A1 size paper print of drawing Each 3.30
Supply and install the following lamp-poles including end caps & all necessary accessories
NOTE: For all items – Additional charge of $50.00 for Flange Mounted Type.
For items 1 & 5 – Additional charge of $160.00 for Double Bracket Arm
All lamp poles (Flange Mounted or Planted) supplied have to apply with a layer
of Bitumen Coating for the section to be buried in the ground and 100mm above
of ground level. The thickness is minimum 2mm.
Item Rate
Description Unit
No. (S$)
1 Hot-dipped Galvanised Planted Type Octagonal Tapered Street Lighting Column for
the following, Nominal Mounting Height c/w Single Bracket Arm (see Sketches J27
or J28)
1.1 6 metres Each 705.00
1.2 7 metres Each 769.00
1.3 8 metres Each 867.00
1.4 9 metres Each 970.00
1.5 10 metres Each 1065.00
1.6 11 metres Each 1170.00
1.7 12 metres Each 1300.00
2 Hot-dipped Galvanised Planted Type Octagonal Tapered Column for Floodlight for
the following, Nominal Mounting Height.
2.1 6 metres Each 570.00
2.2 7 metres Each 720.00
2.3 8 metres Each 832.00
2.4 9 metres Each 960.00
2.5 10 metres Each 1110.00
2.6 12 metres Each 1237.00
Item Rate
Description Unit
No. (S$)
3 Hot-dipped Galvanised Planted Type Octagonal Tapered Column for Floodlight for
Garden / Footpath Lighting for the following, Nominal Mounting Height.
3.1 3.0 metres Each 360.00
3.2 3.5 metres Each 397.00
3.3 4.0 metres Each 450.00
3.4 4.5 metres Each 495.00
3.5 5.0 metres Each 570.00
3.6 5.5 metres Each 630.00
4 Hot-dipped Galvanised Planted Type Octagonal Tapered Mid-Hinged Column c/w
Single Bracket Arm for mounting 4 nos. of floodlights (see Sketch J29) for the
following, Nominal Mounting Height
4.1 8.0 metres Each 3,750.00
4.2 10.0 metres Each 4,125.00
5 Hot-dipped Galvanised Planted Type Tubular Swaged Pole for the following,
Nominal Mounting height c/w Single Bracket Arm (see Sketch J30)
5.1 6.0 metres Each 690.00
5.2 8.0 metres Each 870.00
6 Hanover Wirt Park V3173-BP Decorative Lamp Post
6.1 5.5 metres (complete set) Each 6,875.00
6.2 4.0 metres (complete set) Each 6,500.00
6.3 5.5 metres Lamp pole with base Each 5,000.00
6.3 4.0 metres Lamp pole with base Each 4,375.00
6.4 Arm Brackets Pair 750.00
6.5 Moulded ripple texture, frosted, UV-stabilised Pair 688.00
polycarbonate lantern
Item Rate
Description Unit
No. (S$)
7 D W Windsor Norwich Lamp Post
7.1 4.0 metres (complete set) Each 5,000.00
7.2 4.0 metres pole with base Each 3,750.00
7.3 Arm Brackets Pair 625.00
7.4 UV-stabilised white polycarbonate lantern Pair 563.00
8 Sternberg Decorative Lamp Post
8.1 4.0 metres (complete set) Each 5,000.00
8.2 Pole with base Each 3,750.00
8.3 Arm Brackets Pair 625.00
8.4 UV-stabilised frosted polycarbonate lantern Pair 563.00
9 720 mm height, 160mm diameter Granite molded Each 1,000.00
10 850 mm height, 200mm diameter Granite molded Each 1,500.00
11 800mm Height Solar Bollard light Each 311.00
12 Solar Wall Light (210mm x 130mm) Each 123.00
Item Rate
Description Unit
No. (S$)
1 75mm x 25mm round block Each 2.80
2 75mm x 25mm x 32mm teak block Each 2.80
3 75mm x 100mm x 32mm " " Each 3.80
4 75mm x 150mm x 32mm " " Each 5.70
5 75mm x 225mm x 32mm " " Each 7.90
6 100mm x 150mm x 32mm " " Each 10.80
7 150mm x 150mm x 32mm " " Each 15.00
8 150mm x 225mm x 32mm " " Each 21.60
9 150mm x 300mm x 32mm " " Each 24.00
10 225mm x 225mm x 32mm " " Each 30.00
11 225mm x 300mm x 32mm " " Each 45.00
12 Teak block up to 0.1m², 38mm thick Each 60.00
13 Teak block in access of 0.1m² up to 0.3m² 38mm Each 70.00
14 Teak block in access of 0.3m² up to 0.4m² 38mm Each 82.00
15 Teak block in access of 0.4m² up to 0.5m² 38mm Each 94.00
16 Teak block in access of 0.5m² up to 0.6m² 38mm Each 105.00
17 Teak block in access of 0.6m² up to 0.7m² 38mm Each 120.00
18 Teak block in access of 0.7m² up to 0.8m² 38mm Each 132.00
19 Teak block in access of 0.8m² up to 0.9m² 38mm Each 144.00
20 Teak block in access of 0.9m² up to 1.0m² 38mm Each 156.00
Rate ($)
Rate ($)
Rate ($)
NOTE: For Sundays and Public Holidays, the rates payable shall be 2 times the stated rates.
These rates are payable when urgent or emergency works (without Fixed Schedule
of Rates) are executed. These rates shall not be applicable for items where
installation costs have been included.
Item Rate
Description Unit
No. (S$)
I Labour charges for attending electrical work during normal working day.
1 Electrician
i. Between 0800 hrs to 1800 hrs Per hr 33.00
ii. Between 1800 hrs to 2400 hrs Per hr 38.00
iii. Between 0000 hrs to 0800 hrs Per hr 44.00
2 General Worker
i. Between 0800 hrs to 1800 hrs Per hr 26.00
ii. Between 1800 hrs to 2400 hrs Per hr 29.00
iii. Between 0000 hrs to 0800 hrs Per hr 32.00
II Labour charges for providing standby service to attend to functions at designated
locations, including attendance to breakdown and emergency calls
1 Electrician
i. Between 0800 hrs to 1800 hrs Per hr 33.00
ii. Between 1800 hrs to 2400 hrs Per hr 38.00
iii. Between 0000 hrs to 0800 hrs Per hr 44.00
The rates for the LEW services cover for the duration of the project / work and 1 year defects
liability period (including the submission of all applications, drawings & etc to EMA / SP
Services / PowerGrid & etc and all necessary license fees. These rates shall also include
attendance to all SP Services/PowerGrid/regulation requirements such as turn on/turn off of
installations & etc).
NOTE: These rates are only payable for projects / works which require submission of
drawings, etc. to EMA / SP Services / PowerGrid for approval, and subsequent
licensing of the installation as required by EMA.
These rates are not applicable for the purpose of submission of Form C after repair
or re-wiring works have been completed.
Item No. Size of Installation
1 Not exceeding 45 KVA 440.00
2 Not exceeding 150 KVA 880.00
3 Not exceeding 300 KVA 1,100.00
4 Not exceeding 500 KVA 1,320.00
5 Not exceeding 800 KVA 1.760.00
6 Not exceeding 1 MVA 2,200.00
7 Exceeding 1 MVA 3,300.00
Supply labour and all consumable items such as anti-rust cleaner for bus-bars, greaser for bolts
and nuts, sand papers, bolts and nuts, cloths & all necessary tools & accessories to carry out the
servicing of main low tension (LT) switchboards including submission of test reports to SDC
for the retention for the following electrical installations’ capacity:
Item Rate
Description Unit
No. (S$)
1 The scope of servicing of main LT switchboard
shall be in conjunction of the yearly servicing as
specified in Clause 2.1b of the Technical
Specifications as follows:
a 3-phase, 60A, 400V, switchboard Lump Sum 88.00
b 3-phase, 100A to 150A, 400V, switchboard Lump Sum 132.00
c 3-phase, 200A, 400V, switchboard Lump Sum 165.00
d 3-phase, 250A, 400V, switchboard Lump Sum 175.00
e 3-phase, 300A, 400V, switchboard Lump Sum 220.00
f 3-phase, 400A, 400V, switchboard Lump Sum 230.00
g 3-phase, 500A, 400V, switchboard Lump Sum 275.00
h 3-phase, 600A, 400V, switchboard Lump Sum 330.00
i 3-phase, 800A, 400V, switchboard Lump Sum 385.00
j 3-phase, 1000A to 1100A, 400V, switchboard Lump Sum 440.00
k 3-phase, 1200A to 1800A 400V, switchboard Lump Sum 495.00
l 3-phase, 2000A, 400V, switchboard Lump Sum 550.00
1 BALLAST 70W CDMT Ballast Philips / Osram 20 Pcs 55.00
2 BALLAST 80W Ballast Philips / Osram / Vossloh 20 Pcs 39.60
Philips / Acto / Schawbe /
3 BALLAST Ballast 125W for HPL-N Lamp 10 Pcs 55.00
Philips / Acto / Schawbe /
4 BALLAST Ballast 150W for Sodium Lamp 30 Pcs 108.20
Helvar / Acto / Schawbe /
5 BALLAST Ballast 20W for Fluorescent Lamp 30 Pcs 13.90
Philips / Acto / Schawbe /
6 BALLAST Ballast 250W for HPI 10 Pcs 74.80
Philips / Acto / Schawbe /
7 BALLAST Ballast 250W for HPL-N Lamp 10 Pcs 74.80
Philips / Acto / Schawbe /
8 BALLAST Ballast 250W for Sodium Lamp 10 Pcs 133.80
Philips / Acto / Schawbe /
9 BALLAST Ballast 35W (BMH) for CDM Lamp 10 Pcs 43.00
Philips / Acto / Schawbe /
10 BALLAST Ballast 400W for HPI 10 Pcs 110.00
Philips / Acto / Schawbe /
11 BALLAST Ballast 400W for HPL-N Lamp 10 Pcs 110.00
Philips / Acto / Schawbe /
12 BALLAST Ballast 400W for Sodium Lamp 10 Pcs 154.00
Helvar / Acto / Schawbe /
13 BALLAST Ballast 40W for Fluorescent Lamp 30 Pcs 13.90
Philips / Acto / Schawbe /
14 BALLAST Ballast 70W for Sodium Lamp 20 Pcs 72.40
Vossloh Schwabe or
15 BALLAST 50 Pcs 28.00
Ballast Electronic Type ELXS 121.901 - 188663.02 equivalent
Helvar / Acto / Schawbe /
16 BALLAST Ballast for PLC 13W 40 Pcs 9.80
Helvar / Acto / Schawbe /
17 BALLAST Ballast for PLC 18W 40 Pcs 9.80
Helvar / Acto / Schawbe /
18 BALLAST Ballast for PLC 26W 40 Pcs 12.10
19 BALLAST Electronic Ballast BLS/E/35WCMH 220-240V GE / Philips 50 Pcs 116.00
20 BALLAST Philips / Osram 50 Pcs 14.00
Electronic Ballast EBC 114 TL5 (14W x 1 tube / 14W x 2 tube)
21 BALLAST Electronic Ballast EBC TL5 (28W x 1 tube) Philips / Osram 50 Pcs 18.00
22 BALLAST HF-M 1*14 Blue SH TL/PLS/PLC 14W Electronic Ballast Philips / Osram / Vossloh 100 Pcs 21.00
23 BALLAST / DRIVER APC 35-700 35W 700MA LED Driver Meanwell or equivalent 10 Pcs 48.00
CLG150-12A 12VDC 150W 12 A IP65 LED Driver (SCV
24 BALLAST / DRIVER Meanwell or equivalent 10 Pcs 201.00
25 BALLAST / DRIVER Driver LSVC3AP 100-240V/12V 0.35A 3W HEP Group or equivalent 20 Pcs 37.80
26 BALLAST / DRIVER ET-E 10 240V/12V 10VA Dimmable Electronic Transformer Philips / Osram 100 Pcs 5.00
27 BALLAST / DRIVER ET-E 60 240V/12V 10VA Dimmable Electronic Transformer Philips / Osram 70 Pcs 5.30
LPC-35-1050 IP67 Input:100-240V 1.1A Output: +30V 1050mA
28 BALLAST / DRIVER Meanwell or equivalent 30 Pcs 45.00
29 BALLAST / DRIVER LPV 35-24 Meanwell or equivalent 30 Pcs 42.00
30 BALLAST / DRIVER LPV 60/12 230V12/VDC 60VA 5A IP67 Driver Meanwell or equivalent 10 Pcs 90.00
31 BALLAST / DRIVER LPV-20-24 IP67 Meanwell or equivalent 30 Pcs 30.00
32 BALLAST / DRIVER Optotronic OT 6/200-240/10 CE Stabilized LED Power Supply 04 Osram 50 Pcs 40.00
33 BALLAST / DRIVER Optotronic OTe 18/220-240/24 Stabilized LED Power Supply 1.0 - Osram 50 Pcs 47.50
Optotronic OTe 9/220-240/350 350mA Constant Current LED
34 BALLAST / DRIVER Osram 50 Pcs 39.60
Power Supply
35 BALLAST / DRIVER OT120/220-240/12 12V 120W LED Driver Philips / Osram 20 Pcs 195.00
36 BALLAST / DRIVER OT30/220-240/12 12V 30W LED Driver Philips / Osram 50 Pcs 95.00
37 BALLAST / DRIVER OT60/220-240V12 12V 60W LED Driver Philips / Osram 100 Pcs 172.00
38 CABLE 2C*1.5mm Neoprene Cable AEG or equivalent 2 Roll 271.00
39 CABLE 2C*2.5mm Neoprene Cable AEG or equivalent 2 Roll 280.00
40 CABLE 3C*1.5mm Neoprene Cable AEG or equivalent 2 Roll 250.00
41 CABLE 3C*2.5mm Neoprene Cable AEG or equivalent 2 Roll 290.00
42 CAPACITOR Capacitor 12UF 250V CP12BP28 Philips / Osram / Thorn 30 Pcs 10.80
43 CAPACITOR Capacitor 20UF 250V CP20CU28 Philips / Osram / Thorn 50 Pcs 20.00
44 CAPACITOR Capacitor 32UF 250V CP32ET28 Philips / Osram / Thorn 30 Pcs 20.00
45 CAPACITOR Capacitor 8UF 250V CP08BO28 Philips / Osram / Thorn 30 Pcs 10.80
46 CDM CDMR 35 PAR 20 FL 35W E27 Flood Philips / Osram 50 Pcs 90.00
47 CDM CDMR 35 PAR 20 SP 35W E27 Spot Philips / Osram 50 Pcs 90.00
48 CDM CDMR 35 PAR 30 FL 35W E27 Flood Philips / Osram 50 Pcs 90.00
49 CDM CDMR 35 PAR 30 SP 35W E27 Spot Philips / Osram 50 Pcs 90.00
50 CDM CDMR 70 PAR 30 FL 70W E27 Flood Philips / Osram 100 Pcs 90.00
51 CDM CDMR 70 PAR 30 SP 70W E27 Spot Philips / Osram 50 Pcs 90.00
52 CDM CDM-T 150W/830 Metal Halide Lamp Philips / Osram 20 Pcs 80.00
53 CDM CDM-T 150W/942 Metal Halide Lamp Philips / Osram 20 Pcs 82.00
54 CDM CDM-T 35W/830 Metal Halide Lamp Philips / Osram 48 Pcs 46.00
55 CDM CDM-T 70W/830 Metal Halide Lamp Philips / Osram 48 Pcs 46.00
56 CDM CDM-TC 35W/830 Metal Halide Lamp Philips / Osram 50 Pcs 77.00
57 DULUX 125W HQL (MBF-U) Super Dulux Lamp E27 Philips / Osram 50 Pcs 46.50
58 DULUX Dulux T 18W/830Lamp Philips/Osram 50 Pcs 21.00
59 DULUX Dulux T/E 42W/830 Fluo Lamp Philips/Osram 100 Pcs 36.00
12W Dulux Mini Twist E27 827 (Warmwhite / Coolwhite /
60 E27 Philips / Osram 50 Pcs 8.60
61 E27 18W Duluxstar E27 827 (Warmwhite / Coolwhite / Daylight) Philips / Osram 50 Pcs 9.60
62 E27 64841 Par 30 75W Lamp E27 Flood Philips / Osram 50 Pcs 14.30
63 E27 80W PAR 38 Reflector Lamp Flood E27 Philips / Osram 500 Pcs 10.20
64 E27 Dulux Star 23W/827 E27 Fluo Lamp Philips/Osram 50 Pcs 18.70
GENIE 11W ES Fluo Lamp 71DR4 (Warmwhite / Coolwhite /
65 E27 Philips / Osram 100 Pcs 8.00
Daylight) 600 lumen
Tornado 24w Spiral shape energy saving bulb 3600 Lm Cool
66 E27 Philips / Osram 30 Pcs 11.10
White 4000K (Warmwhite / Coolwhite / Daylight) 3600 lumen
67 EXIT EXIT Light WP TBJ 301 - Weatherproof Denko / Maxspid / PNE 10 Pcs 102.00
68 FAN Ceiling Fan 60" Rod 9" to 18" KDK / Panasonic 10 Pcs 218.00
69 FAN Exhaust Fan 10" (Square) Model 25 AQT2 KDK / Panasonic 5 Pcs 186.00
70 FAN Exhaust Fan 12" (Square) Model 30 AUF KDK / Panasonic 5 Pcs 268.00
71 FAN Exhaust Fan 6" (Round) Model 15 WUD KDK / Panasonic 5 Pcs 154.00
72 FAN Exhaust Fan 6" (Square) Model 15 AAQ KDK / Panasonic 5 Pcs 216.00
73 FAN Exhaust Fan 8" (Round) Model 20 WUD KDK / Panasonic 5 Pcs 205.00
74 FAN Exhaust Fan 8" (Square) Model 20 AUH KDK / Panasonic 5 Pcs 180.00
75 FAN Wall Fan 16" KDK / Panasonic 10 Pcs 386.00
2197 recessed wall and stairs luminaire IP64. Lamp holder: G23
compact Fluorescent 11W Finished in Graphite c/w 10426
76 FITTING BEGA or equivalent 5 Set 741.00
installation housing. Size(mm): W320 x H70 x D60 PL-S 11W/827
(2700K) 2pin G23 compact FLUORESCENT lamp.
4832 In-ground IP65 Drive Over Light with Single Window (11W
77 FITTING Simes or equivalent 5 Set 644.00
E27 Light Bulb)
78 FITTING 88997 Cylinder Diffuser 150319.6 BEGA or equivalent 10 Pcs 869.00
8997 4METRE Pole (Pole Luminaire in Diecast Aluminum and
79 FITTING BEGA or equivalent 2 Set 6018.00
Stainless Steel c/w 3x36W T26 Fluorescent Lamps and Gears)
FL4 IP65 Die Cast Aluminum Alloy Housing Luminaires With
Non Degradable Corrosive Resistant Spike & High Temp.
80 FITTING DMS or equivalent 10 Set 147.00
Tampered Front Glass & Anti Glare Shrouded Hood. (PAR38
Light Bulb)
81 FITTING Model 1220 Outdoor Spotlight Fitting For PAR 38 Lamp Disano / Mruro 100 Pcs 51.00
82 FITTING S.4829 PLC 18W IP67 Drive Over Fitting 2 Windows Simes or equivalent 5 Set 892.00
18W T8 Fluorescent Light 865 (Warmwhite / Coolwhite /
83 FLUORESCENT Philips / Osram 30 Pcs 3.20
Daylight) 1300 lumen
36W T8 Fluorescent Light 865 (Warmwhite / Coolwhite /
84 FLUORESCENT Philips / Osram 30 Pcs 3.20
Daylight) 3250 lumen
85 FLUORESCENT Fluorescent Light Fitting 2' c/w Tube (T5/T8) B.S Lite / SJ Lite 20 Pcs 17.70
86 FLUORESCENT Fluorescent Light Fitting 4' c/w Tube (T5/T8) B.S Lite / SJ Lite 30 Pcs 20.40
87 FLUORESCENT Fluorescent Tube 10W /Colour 827/865 Philips / Hitachi / Osram 100 Pcs 2.30
88 FLUORESCENT Fluorescent Tube 15W 1 1/2" (Daylight) Philips / Hitachi / Osram 50 Pcs 2.30
89 FLUORESCENT Fluorescent Tube 8W Colour 827/865 Philips / Hitachi / Osram 50 Pcs 4.10
90 FLUORESCENT T5 Fluorescent Tube 14W/827/830/840/865 Philips / Osram 50 Pcs 7.00
91 FLUORESCENT T5 Fluorescent Tube 21W/827/830/840/865 Philips / Osram 50 Pcs 7.00
92 FLUORESCENT T5 Fluorescent Tube 28W/827/830/840/865 Philips / Osram 100 Pcs 7.00
TL5 Retrosave 14W/840 Fluo Lamp (H) (Warmwhite / Coolwhite
93 FLUORESCENT Philips / Osram 100 Pcs 13.50
/ Daylight) 1350 Lumen
94 FLUORESCENT Weatherproof Fluorescent Light Fitting 1 x 2' c/w Tube Disano / Philips 5 Set 147.50
95 FLUORESCENT Weatherproof Fluorescent Light Fitting 1 x 4' c/w Tube Disano / Philips 5 Set 110.00
Lamp Halogen 12V 20W 44860 GU5.3 WFL 36D c/w Cover 210
96 HALOGEN Philips / Osram 100 Pcs 1.50
97 HALOSTAR 1.2W G4 LED Bulb (Halostar) Megaman 100 Pcs 17.40
98 HALOSTAR 20W 12V Halostar Standard G4 BASE(64425) 320 lumen Philips / Osram 200 Pcs 2.70
99 HALOSTAR Lamp Halogen Capsule 12V 10W 64415 G4 110 lumen Philips / Osram 300 Pcs 2.70
Switchroom Electrical Door Panel 207-0107.50-07031 PA
100 HANDLE Schneider or equivalent 20 Pcs 9.50
101 HOLDER 402/L G23 PL Batten Lamp Holder (Any Brand) 100 Pcs 3.20
102 HOLDER 423/VD2 G24D-2 PLC 18W Lamp Holder (Any Brand) 100 Pcs 2.40
103 HOLDER PLC 2PIN Universal Barrel Lamp Holder (Any Brand) 100 Pcs 2.40
104 HOLDER Porcelian Lamp Holder E27 Vossloh Schwabe 100 Pcs 2.30
VV Holder Halogen 7" K502 Brown Cable - Round (MR16 Light
105 HOLDER Philips / Osram 1000 Pcs 1.50
106 HPI Lamp 400W HPI/T Philips / Osram 10 Pcs 93.00
107 HPL 80W HPL-N 542 E27 Bulb Philips / Osram 30 Pcs 8.00
HQI/R 150W/NDL 150W Plug Metal Halide Reflector Lamp
108 HQI Philips / Osram 10 Pcs 500.00
92N/OR1 5200 lm; 1850 lm
109 HQI HQI-E 150W/WW or DL/CL or Coated M/Halide Lamp E27 Philips / Osram 10 Pcs 110.00
110 IGNITOR Ignitor 70-400W Z400M Vossloh Schwabe 100 Pcs 30.80
111 INDICATOR 240V E10 Blue LED Indicator Light Bulb Demex / Idec 50 Pcs 3.75
112 INDICATOR 240V E10 Red LED Indicator Light Bulb Demex / Idec 50 Pcs 3.75
113 INDICATOR 240V E10 White LED Indicator Bulb Demex / Idec 100 Pcs 3.75
114 INDICATOR 240V E10 Yellow LED Indicator Light Bulb Demex / Idec 50 Pcs 3.75
115 INDICATOR Silver G12 6.3V 1W BA9S Indicator Lamp Hager / Demex / Idec 100 Pcs 1.40
116 INDICATOR SVN 122 Red Indicator Hager / Demex / Idec 100 Pcs 12.80
117 INDICATOR SVN 123 Amber Indicator Hager / Demex / Idec 100 Pcs 12.80
118 INDICATOR SVN 124 Blue Indicator Hager / Demex / Idec 100 Pcs 12.80
119 LED 10W LED Stick 2700K E27 Frosted 1050lm AC08545 Osram 100 Pcs 6.40
33404.000 Panorama Bollard Luminaire 24W LED 3000K
120 LED ERCO or equivalent 10 Set 6232.00
Dimmable (Warmwhite / Coolwhite / Daylight) 2400 lumen
121 LED 36W 3000K LED E27 Base Cone Lamp (Warmwhite) CLI-CK 50 Pcs 87.10
122 LED AquaLED 4 10V DC 0.5W Osram 50 Pcs 30.00
Galaxias LED Fairy lights (Outdoor), Warmwhite 2700K, Black
123 LED wires 1 end comes with 2 pin plug, per set of 10 meters, 100 (Any Brand) 300 Each 40.00
Galaxias LED Meteor Light, tube length approx 80cm, one set of
10tubes, Warmwhite 2700-3000K - Extension cable of 5m -
124 LED (Any Brand) 30 Set 309.00
Cable in between each tube light to be 2.5m Outdoor IP68 with
AC220V input, 12V output
Galaxias LED Rope Light, Warmwhite, 36LEDs/m (1roll -
125 LED 100metre) c/w 2 pin connector (For inter joining strips), heat (Any Brand) 30 Roll 3000.00
sleeve (per unit, approx 5cm) & 2 pin core cable connector
LED 1.2W Dragoneye DE1-W3F-830 350mA 12V (827 / 830 /
126 LED Osram or equivalent 70 Pcs 32.70
840 / 865)
Philips / Osram / Megaman
127 LED LED 16W T5 Tube 3000K (4000K / 6000K) 2100 lumen 50 Pcs 40.50
/ Powerpac
128 LED LED 2.5W 24V CP01S-W4F-830 Osram 100 Pcs 30.00
129 LED LED 3.5W-20W 12V 2700K 24 Deg (4000K / 6000K) 200 lumen Philips / Osram 50 Pcs 20.30
130 LED LED 30W E27 IDO Lamp (3000K) Citymatic 50 Pcs 68.00
131 LED LED 36W E27 IDO Lamp (3000K) Citymatic 50 Pcs 97.00
LED 36WATTS E27 Socket Cone Lamp (Warmwhite / Coolwhite Philips / Osram / Megaman
132 LED 200 Pcs 82.50
/ Daylight) / Powerpac
133 LED LED A67 14.5W=120W 230V E27 2700K 1800LM Philips / Osram 100 Pcs 39.00
134 LED LED A67 14.5W=120W 230V E27 6500K 1800LM Philips / Osram 300 Pcs 39.00
LED DN024 LED9/WW D125 RD 5inch Recessed Luminaire Philips / Osram / Megaman
135 LED 30 Pcs 150.00
(SET OF 6PCS) (4000K / 6000K) 900 lumen / Powerpac
LED DN024 LED9/WW D125 SQR 5inch Recessed Luminaire Philips / Osram / Megaman
136 LED 30 Pcs 132.00
(SET OF 6PCS) (4000K / 6000K) 900 lumen / Powerpac
LED Lamp 3U 5W WW E27 - PP6515 (Warmwhite / Coolwhite / Philips / Osram / Megaman
137 LED 200 Pcs 19.00
Daylight) 430 lumen / Powerpac
LED Lamp 5.5W-50W 12V MR16 2700K 24DEGREES
138 LED Philips / Osram 200 Pcs 13.20
(MASTER) (4000K / 6000K) 400 lumen
LED Lamp 5W-50W 12V MR16 2700K 24DEGREES Philips / Osram / Megaman
139 LED 200 Pcs 6.80
(ESSENTIAL) (4000K / 6000K) 400 lumen / Powerpac
Philips / Osram / Megaman
140 LED LED Lamp EU0301 1.2W G4 2800K (4000K / 6000K) 100 lumen 100 Pcs 11.30
/ Powerpac
LED Lamp PAR 38 10W-80W E27 2700K 25DEG (ESSENTIAL) Philips / Osram / Megaman
141 LED 100 Pcs 33.80
(4000K / 6000K) 900 lumen / Powerpac
LED Lamp PAR20 5.5W=50W 2700K 25DEGS E27 Dimmable Philips / Osram / Megaman
142 LED 80 Pcs 13.50
Lamp (ESSENTIAL) (4000K / 6000K) 480 lumen / Powerpac
LED Lamp PAR20 5.5W=50W 2700K 25DEGS E27 Dimmable Philips / Osram / Megaman
143 LED 80 Pcs 27.00
Lamp (MASTER) (4000K / 6000K) 480 lumen / Powerpac
LED Lamp PAR30 9W-75W E27 827 25DEG (ESSENTIAL) Philips / Osram / Megaman
144 LED 80 Pcs 43.50
(4000K / 6000K) 740 lumen / Powerpac
LED Lamp PAR30 9W-75W E27 827 25DEG (MASTER) (4000K Philips / Osram / Megaman
145 LED 80 Pcs 43.50
/ 6000K) 740 / Powerpac
LED Lamp PLC 10W WW 2 PIN - PP6610 (Warmwhite / Philips / Osram / Megaman
146 LED 100 Pcs 20.30
Coolwhite / Daylight) 1000 lumen / Powerpac
LED MAS LED tube 1200mm HO 14W 830 T8 (827 / 830 / 840 / Philips / Osram / Megaman
147 LED 50 Pcs 43.50
865) 2000 lumen / Powerpac
148 LED LED MR16 5W=50W GU10 927K 36Deg 230V Dim Philips / Osram 200 Pcs 10.50
149 LED LED P48 6W=40W E27 230V 2700K CL DT 470LM Philips / Osram 200 Pcs 18.00
150 LED LED PLC 8.5W 830 2P G24D-3 Core-Pro 900LM 30KHRS Philips 100 Pcs 13.90
LED T8 ESSENTIAL 8W/840 4000K G13 Lamp 600MM (827 / Philips / Osram / Megaman
151 LED 50 Pcs 22.50
830 / 840 / 865) 800 lumen / Powerpac
152 LED MEM/M/LED 2HRS Emergency Power Pack Denko / Maxspid 30 Set 90.00
153 LED MR16 LED Light Fitting Set ILMAS or equivalent 50 Pcs 65.00
154 LED PAR20 LED Light Fitting Set ILMAS or equivalent 50 Pcs 106.00
155 LED PAR30 LED Light Fitting Set ILMAS or equivalent 50 Pcs 106.00
156 LED PAR38 LED Light Fitting Set ILMAS or equivalent 50 Pcs 112.00
157 LED UFO 1W LED-11NM (Big Disc) Denko / Maxspid 100 Pcs 78.00
158 LED UFO 1W LED-11NM (Small Disc) Denko / Maxspid 100 Pcs 78.00
LED BA-L-PL830 G15 12VDC 1.6W 32 Module X 3 SMD Back
159 LED MODULAR Light Prewired 9.6m to IP65 (Warmwhite / Coolwhite / Daylight) Philips / Osram 20 Box 380.00
125 Lumen
160 MCB MCB 10 Amp 1 Pole ABB / Hager 20 Pcs 8.00
161 MCB MCB 10Amp 2Pole ABB / Hager 10 Pcs 23.00
162 MCB MCB 16 Amp 1 Pole ABB / Hager 20 Pcs 8.00
163 MCB MCB 16 Amp 3 Pole ABB / Hager 10 Pcs 45.00
164 MCB MCB 16Amp 2 Pole ABB / Hager 20 Pcs 27.00
165 MCB MCB 20 Amp 1 Pole ABB / Hager 20 Pcs 8.00
166 MCB MCB 20 Amp 2 Pole ABB / Hager 10 Pcs 32.00
167 MCB MCB 20 Amp 3 Pole ABB / Hager 10 Pcs 45.00
168 MCB MCB 32 Amp 1 Pole ABB / Hager 20 Pcs 8.00
169 MCB MCB 32 Amp 2 Pole ABB / Hager 10 Pcs 32.00
170 MCB MCB 32 Amp 3 Pole ABB / Hager 10 Pcs 45.00
171 MCB MCB 6 Amp 1 Pole ABB / Hager 20 Pcs 8.00
172 MCB MCB 63 Amp 3 Pole ABB / Hager 10 Pcs 94.00
173 METAL HALIDE Metal Halide Lamp HQ1-TS 150W/NDL Philips / Osram 20 Pcs 90.00
174 METAL HALIDE Metal Halide Lamp HQ-E 70W/WDL (Power Star) Philips / Osram 20 Pcs 105.00
175 METAL HALIDE Metal Halide Lamp HQI-TS/150W/WDL Philips / Osram 20 Pcs 90.00
176 METAL HALIDE Metal Halide Lamp HQI-TS/70W/NDL OR WDL Philips / Osram 20 Pcs 90.00
177 PL PL/PLC/PLS, 2PIN/4PIN - 11W Lamp Colour 827/830/840/865 Philips/Osram 50 Pcs 6.50
178 PL PL/PLC/PLS, 2PIN/4PIN - 9W Lamp Colour 827/830/840/865 Philips/Osram 40 Pcs 6.50
179 PLC PL/PLC/PLS, 2PIN/4PIN - 10W Lamp Colour 827/830/840/865 Philips/Osram 30 Pcs 8.40
180 PLC PL/PLC/PLS, 2PIN/4PIN - 13W (Warmwhite) Philips/Osram 20 Pcs 16.00
181 PLC PL/PLC/PLS, 2PIN/4PIN - 13W Lamp Colour 827/830/840/865 Philips/Osram 50 Pcs 8.40
182 PLC PL/PLC/PLS, 2PIN/4PIN - 18W Lamp Colour 827/830/840/865 Philips/Osram 50 Pcs 8.40
PL/PLC/PLS, 2PIN/4PIN - 18W/865 (Warmwhite / Coolwhite /
183 PLC Philips / Osram 20 Pcs 5.00
Daylight) 1200 lumen
184 PLC PL/PLC/PLS, 2PIN/4PIN - 26W Lamp Colour 827/830/840/865 Philips/Osram 30 Pcs 10.80
185 PLUG 13 Amp Plug Top MK 646WHI MK / Jasmart 10 Pcs 15.30
186 PVC 110 x 110 x 60 mm IP 66 EB442 Weatherproof Junction Box Kripal / PVC-Link 100 Pcs 3.75
187 PVC 155 x 115 x 110 mm IP 66 EB644 Weatherproof Junction Box Kripal / PVC-Link 100 Pcs 6.75
188 PVC 155 x 115 x 80 mm IP 66 EB643 Weatherproof Junction Box Kripal / PVC-Link 100 Pcs 5.25
189 PVC 155 x 155 x 60 mm IP 55 Weatherproof Box Kripal / PVC-Link 100 Pcs 5.25
190 PVC 215 x 150 x 110 mm IP 55 Weatherproof Box Kripal / PVC-Link 100 Pcs 8.25
191 PVC Kripal / PVC-Link 50 Pcs 20.00
250 x 200 x 110 mm IP 66 KP1084 Weatherproof Junction Box
192 PVC PG13 PVC Cable Gland with Locknut Legrand or equivalent 10 Pcs 3.10
193 PVC PVC Connector 15 Amp 12 Ways Legrand or German Brand 300 Pcs 3.00
194 PVC PVC Connector 30 Amp 12 Ways Legrand or German Brand 200 Pcs 7.40
195 PVC PVC Connector 5 Amp 12 Ways Legrand or German Brand 200 Pcs 1.90
196 PVC PVC Insulating Tape Vini or equivalent 300 Pcs 1.40
197 RCCB RCCB 40A/0.03 2 Pole 230V ABB / Hager 10 Pcs 41.10
198 RCCB RCCB 40A/0.03 4 Pole 415V ABB / Hager 10 Pcs 64.30
199 RCCB RCCB 40A/0.1 2 Pole 230V ABB / Hager 10 Pcs 46.50
200 RCCB RCCB 40A/0.1 4 Pole 415V ABB / Hager 10 Pcs 71.50
201 RCCB RCCB 63A/0.03 2 Pole 230V ABB / Hager 10 Pcs 64.30
202 RCCB RCCB 63A/0.03 4 Pole 415V ABB / Hager 10 Pcs 89.30
203 RCCB RCCB 63A/0.1 2 Pole 230V ABB / Hager 10 Pcs 89.30
204 RCCB RCCB 63A/0.1 4 Pole 415V ABB / Hager 10 Pcs 90.00
205 SON Lamp 100W SON/T Philips / Osram 10 Pcs 60.00
206 SON Lamp 150W SON/T Philips / Osram 10 Pcs 50.00
207 SON Lamp 250W SON/T Philips / Osram 10 Pcs 52.00
208 SON Lamp 400W SON/T Philips / Osram 10 Pcs 55.00
209 SON Lamp 70W SON/T Philips / Osram 40 Pcs 37.40
210 SON Lamp 70W/I SON Philips / Osram 40 Pcs 35.00
211 SSO 1 Gang Moulded Box ABC / MK / LEGRAND 10 Pcs 0.75
212 SSO 13 Amp Switch Socket Outlet c/w Box 1 Gang MK G2757WHI MK / Jasmart 10 Pcs 4.70
213 SSO 13 Amp Switch Socket Outlet c/w Box 2 Gang MK G2747WHI MK / Jasmart 10 Pcs 10.50
214 SSO 15 Amp Switch Socket Outlet c/w Box MK G2893WHI MK / Jasmart 10 Pcs 12.90
215 SSO 2 Gang Moulded Box ABC / MK / LEGRAND 10 Pcs 0.90
216 SSO 6 Amp 1 Gang Switch c/w Box MK G8870WHI MK / Jasmart 10 Pcs 2.70
217 SSO 6 Amp 2 Gang Switch c/w Box MK G8872 W1WHI MK / Jasmart 10 Pcs 6.00
218 SSO Abox 025 (76mm x 76mm) 2.5mm2 IP 65 Hensel / PVC-Link / Kripal 50 Pcs 8.40
219 SSO S2747 White 2X13A Switch Socket 91CR6 MK / Legrand 50 Pcs 8.40
220 SSO S2757 White 1X13A Switch Socket 91 CR6 MK / Legrand 50 Pcs 5.40
Weatherproof 13A Switch Socket Outlet C313 Complete 56 SO
221 SSO Clipsal / Nikken 10 Pcs 41.00
222 SSO Weatherproof 13A Switch Socket Outlet C313 Complete 56C313 Clipsal / Nikken 10 Pcs 41.00
223 SSO Weatherproof 13A Switch Socket Outlet Only 56SW 120 Clipsal / Nikken 10 Pcs 41.00
224 STARTER Fluorescent Starter S-10 Philips / Osram 200 Pcs 1.00
225 STARTER Fluorescent Starter S-2 Philips / Osram 50 Pcs 1.00
226 STARTER LED EMP050 Starter Philips / Osram 30 Pcs 0.98
227 SWITCH 3G 1W Switch Clipsal / MK 5 Pcs 7.80
228 SWITCH 4G 1W Switch Clipsal / MK 5 Pcs 10.30
229 TAPE No. 23 Rubber Splicing Tape 3M / Cell Pack 20 Roll 40.00
230 TIME Digital Time Switch 1 Channel EG 103 Hager / Theben 15 Pcs 118.00
231 TIME Digital Time Switch 2 Channel TR612 top2 Hager / Theben 5 Pcs 140.00