European Journal of Operational Research
European Journal of Operational Research
European Journal of Operational Research
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: We propose and apply a novel approach for modeling special-day effects to predict electricity demand in
Received 9 January 2013 Korea. Notably, we model special-day effects on an hourly rather than a daily basis. Hourly specified pre-
Accepted 26 March 2013 dictor variables are implemented in the regression model with a seasonal autoregressive moving average
Available online xxxx
(SARMA) type error structure in order to efficiently reflect the special-day effects. The interaction terms
between the hour-of-day effects and the hourly based special-day effects are also included to capture the
Keywords: unique intraday patterns of special days more accurately. The multiplicative SARMA mechanism is
employed in order to identify the double seasonal cycles, namely, the intraday effect and the intraweek
Double SARMA model
Intraday electricity demand
effect. The forecast results of the suggested model are evaluated by comparing them with those of various
Special-day effect benchmark models for the following year. The empirical results indicate that the suggested model out-
performs the benchmark models for both special- and non-special day predictions.
Ó 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction fore holidays. Cottet and Smith (2003) applied 5 day-type dummy
variables to the days of the week and also coded public holidays as
Consumers typically demand electricity throughout the year, Sundays. Gould et al. (2008) suggested a state space model ap-
including special days/holidays. However, electricity demand pat- proach with multiple seasonal patterns. They coded holidays using
terns on holidays are often idiosyncratic and cause significant fore- the same indicator as the one for the Saturday or Sunday sub-cycle.
casting errors. Such effects are known as special-day effects and Soares and Medeiros (2008) employed 15 different codes for the
are recognized as an important issue in determining electricity de- days of the week, common holidays, special holidays, working days
mand data. before and after a holiday, etc. Cancelo et al. (2008) implemented
Typically, while observations related to special-day effects have various dummy variables to define different classes of special days.
been included in prediction models, they have been eliminated Religious and national holidays were modeled using dummy vari-
from the testing periods (Nowicka-Zagrajek and Weron, 2002). ables by De Livera et al. (2011). More recently, more complicated
Darbellay and Slam (2000) suggested splitting the data into work- nonlinear type models using fuzzy neural network techniques have
ing days and holidays, so that researchers could predict the two been proposed and applied by some authors (Srinivasan et al.,
data series separately. Smith (2000) treated holidays as Sundays. 1995; Kim et al., 2000). These models use dummy variables or seg-
Hippert et al. (2005) simply switched the holiday data with similar mentation rules and apply to special days with abnormally low
values from a day of the preceding week. Taylor et al. (2006) tried demand.
to smooth out the special days by averaging the corresponding Each of the abovementioned forecasting models for special-day
periods from two adjacent weeks prior to fitting and evaluation. effects have been applied to intraday high frequency electricity
Special-day effects have been explicitly included in forecasting data. Numerous studies have suggested employing the intraday
models using dummy variables. In particular, many researchers high frequency data forecasting approach in order to determine
have applied regression models with regression coefficients and the electricity demand or load, since it is best suited given the
an autoregressive-moving-average (ARMA) type error, because it availability of relevant data and the increasing interest in short-
is convenient to include important deterministic components, such term prediction. In fact, the intraday modeling scheme is known
as the trend, seasonality, and special-day effects. For example, to be more effective than its inter-day counterpart in the presence
Ramanathan et al. (1997) suggested employing a dummy variable of significant intraday dependence. On the contrary, the special-
to reflect the effect of the day after a holiday. Pardo et al. (2002) day effects in most of the above mentioned models have been
used dummy variables to indicate holidays and working days be- coded on a daily basis, instead of an intraday basis, via dummy
variables. Therefore, the intraday patterns of special days are trea-
ted as being similar to those of ordinary days, with the exception of
⇑ Tel.: +82 2 705 8532; fax: +82 2 705 8519. the relatively reduced amounts. However, the intraday patterns of
E-mail address: special days tend to differ significantly from those of average days.
0377-2217/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article in press as: Kim, M.S. Modeling special-day effects for forecasting intraday electricity demand. European Journal of Operational Re-
search (2013),
2 M.S. Kim / European Journal of Operational Research xxx (2013) xxx–xxx
We propose a novel approach that efficiently captures special- Korean holidays, such as Seollal and the Mid-Autumn festival
day effects. Unlike previous models, using two variables, this study (which are composed of three consecutive days), drops in electric-
considers the special-day effects on an intraday basis in order to ity demand can be explicitly detected, the more significant of them
reflect their unique intraday patterns. The first variable distin- marked by the six circles in Fig. 1.
guishes the abnormal intraday pattern of a special day from that Fig. 2 illustrates the average hourly demand on several kinds of
of an ordinary intraday. The second variable reflects the level of special days and compares them with the average hourly demand
abnormality of the specific intraday period on a special day. On on ordinary days. Due to the lower number of holidays between
most special days, there are few observations; thus, it is difficult January 1, 2002 and July 31, 2007, we employ the hourly electricity
to capture the exact abnormal intraday period as well as its demand data for more than five and a half years. Using this plot, we
strength. In this study, we seek to record more detailed intraday can easily observe that the intraday patterns of special days differ
special-day patterns; thus, we also explore the interaction between from those of ordinary days. On holidays, the hourly electricity de-
the intraday period and special-day effects. We program the sto- mand tends to be explicitly lower than that of an ordinary day dur-
chastic term of the regression model using a double seasonal ing business hours. Here, the term ‘‘holiday’’ refers to ordinary
ARMA (SARMA) mechanism, which allows me to capture various holidays, including New Year’s Day, Independence Movement
seasonal components, such as the intraday and intraweek effects. Day, Labor Day, Buddha’s Day, Children’s Day, Memorial Day, Con-
We also apply hourly electricity demands to evaluate the sug- stitution Day (2006 and 2007 only), Liberation Day, National Foun-
gested model. This data set contains multiple seasonal cycles and dation Day, and Christmas Day. The intraday patterns of most
various special-day effects. Finally, the suggested model is com- ordinary holidays tend to be similar to each other in the pilot anal-
pared with various benchmark models, and its superiority is ysis; therefore, we treat each of the ordinary holidays identically.
proved empirically. In contrast, the pattern of the hourly demand curves for traditional
The remainder of this article is organized in the following man- holidays, such as the Mid-Autumn festival and Seollal, appear to be
ner. Section 2 describes the patterns of hourly electricity demand significantly different from those of ordinary holidays. Meanwhile,
in Korea and explains the motivation for this study. In Section 3, the patterns on the days before the Mid-Autumn festival and after
we describe the suggested model, introduce the benchmark mod- Seollal seem to be similar to those of the ordinary holidays. Elec-
els, and discuss the model evaluation criteria. Section 4 reviews tricity demand on the day before Seollal tends to decrease after
the empirical comparison results among the models. Some con- around 15:00 hours; on the other hand, electricity demand on
cluding remarks are provided in Section 5. the day after the Mid-Autumn festival tends to remain low
throughout the day. This graph proves that special days contain
unique intraday or hourly patterns. The modeling of intraday-
2. Data description based special-day effects seems to represent the effects of special
days more precisely.
In Korea, the hourly amount of electricity demand is measured Fig. 1 also seems to include multiple seasonal cycles in its
in megawatts. For the purposes of this study, a daily sample was dynamics; however, it does not reflect the detailed patterns of
composed of 24 observations taken between 01:00 and the cycles. Due to these limitations, we create Fig. 3a, which uses
24:00 hours. The time period under study ranged from January 1, the entire data set to depict the average hourly demand dynamics
2006 to December 31, 2008. Hence, the total number of observa- over seven days of the week. The implemented data are the initial
tions is 26,304. The data set was obtained from the Korean Power in-sample data set (from January 1, 2006 to July 31, 2007). Accord-
Exchange (KPX). The time series are illustrated in Fig. 1. ing to Fig. 3a, the demand for electricity appears to decrease from
According to Fig. 1, the electricity demand series denotes signif- 13:00 to 16:00 hours for all days of the week. The minimum de-
icant holiday effects. Occasional drops in dynamics are docu- mand is recorded at 04:00 hours from Mondays to Saturdays. After
mented and point to reduced electricity consumption on 05:00 hours, electricity demand increases until 12:00 hours from
holidays. One possible reason could be that many businesses do Mondays to Saturdays. In particular, we observe the maximum
not function on holidays, and the overall electricity demand in Kor- electricity demand at 12:00 hours on Wednesdays, Fridays, and
ea is significantly lower on these days. In particular, on traditional Saturdays. A sharp fall is documented during lunch time. After
Fig. 1. The Korean hourly electricity demand time series from January 1, 2006 to December 31, 2008.
Please cite this article in press as: Kim, M.S. Modeling special-day effects for forecasting intraday electricity demand. European Journal of Operational Re-
search (2013),
M.S. Kim / European Journal of Operational Research xxx (2013) xxx–xxx 3
Fig. 2. Average of hourly demand for normal days (normal), ordinary holidays (holiday), Seollal holidays (Seol), Mid-Autumn festival holidays (Mid-Aut), the day before and
after the Seollal holidays (B-Seol and A-Seol respectively), the day before and after the Mid-Autumn festival holidays (B-Mid and A-Mid respectively).
Fig. 3. (a) Average of hourly demand for seven days of the week and (b) Periodogram plot for electricity demand in Korea.
lunch, the demand increases and remains high until 20:00 or According to this figure, the dominant peak of the periodogram al-
21:00 hours on weekdays. When comparing the demand over the most corresponds to the period of a day. The second-largest peak is
days of the week, we note that the patterns observed from Mon- observed at the period of a week. These results provide evidence of
days to Fridays are very similar, with one exception: significantly the existence of intraday and intraweek cycles.
lower values are noted from 01:00 to 10:00 hours on Mondays. Besides the intraday and intraweek effects, Taylor (2010) sug-
On the other hand, the demand pattern on Sundays is completely gested the consideration of the intrayear effect, consisting of data
different from that of the other days of the week. over six complete years, for modeling and forecasting intraday
In summary, Fig. 3a depicts the different intraday patterns over electricity demand. While this effect seems plausible, we do not
the seven days of the week. These effects are summarized into two consider it, since we do not find conclusive evidence of this period-
seasonal cycles: the hour-of-day (intraday) effect and the day-of- icity in the data set.
week (intraweek) effect. Evidence of these effects appears in
numerous studies analyzing short-term electricity data (Darbellay
and Slam, 2000; Soares and Medeiros, 2008; Taylor, 2003, 2010). 3. Models and evaluation
To provide rigorous statistical evidence of the existence of these
two effects, Fig. 3b presents the periodogram plot for the electricity Recently, two types of methods have been primarily applied to
demand. The frequency on the x-axis indicates the angular fre- high frequency electricity data prediction: multi-equation model-
quency, which is equal to 2p/period. For example, an angular fre- ing for each intraday period (Ramanathan et al., 1997; Cottet and
quency of 0.2618 corresponds to the period 24. This period Smith, 2003; Cancelo et al., 2008; Soares and Medeiros, 2008)
translates to a day since we consider hourly data in this study. and univariate time series modeling (Darbellay and Slam, 2000;
Please cite this article in press as: Kim, M.S. Modeling special-day effects for forecasting intraday electricity demand. European Journal of Operational Re-
search (2013),
4 M.S. Kim / European Journal of Operational Research xxx (2013) xxx–xxx
Smith, 2000; Taylor, 2003, 2010, 2012). The first method treats MA errors and few regression coefficients are often referred to as
each intraday period as a different series, while the second treats ‘‘SARMA with the exogeneous variable’’ (SARMAX) model.
the entire time series as one series. According to Cancelo et al. In this study, the suggested model includes the following pre-
(2008), most authors prefer the first method. However, there is dictor variables: IntAh,t, IntBh,t, and Bt. IntAh,t represents the interac-
some debate as to which method is better. In particular, the mul- tion effect between the hour-of-the-day effect and the hour-of-
ti-equation approach involves too many parameters for estimation. special-day effect At. The hour-of-day effects are coded using k-
Moreover, some studies that used the multi-equation approach dummy variables. The corresponding current hour of day at t is
disregarded intraday dependence characteristics (Cancelo et al., coded as 1 if it is the same as the kth hour of the day (where
2008; Soares and Medeiros, 2008). As mentioned before, if the k = 1, 2, . . . , 23) and 0 otherwise. At indicates whether a specific
intraday dependence pattern is significant, it is important to in- hour of a special day deviates from the normal pattern. In particu-
clude it in the model. In this paper, we apply the univariate mod- lar, At = 1 if t corresponds to some specific time on some special
eling approach as it has been widely employed in forecasting other days with their patterns differing from the ordinary. Otherwise,
high frequency data, including call arrivals (Shen and Huang, 2008; At = 0. On the other hand, IntBh,t represents the interaction effect
Taylor, 2008). between the hour of the day and Bt. We implement Bt so as to dis-
To reduce the heteroscedasticity problem, a variety of transfor- cern the difference between the strength of the idiosyncrasy of the
mation schemes have been suggested in the literature. Logarithmic intraday pattern on a special day. Bt = 2 indicates a pattern that is
and square root transforms have been extensively implemented. even more extraordinary than the regular abnormality, which is
Recently, the traditional Box–Cox transformation was employed coded as Bt = 1. For a normal case, Bt = 0.
as a component of a seasonal exponential smoothing model, and We suggest the following SARMAX model:
its parameter was estimated along with other parameters (De Live-
ra et al., 2011). We apply a square root transformation in this X
23 X23
hq ðBÞHQ 1 ðBS1 ÞHQ 2 ðBS2 Þ
pffiffiffiffiffi yt ¼ c þ b0 Bt þ ah IntAh;t þ bh IntBh;t þ et : ð2Þ
study. A transformed variable yt ¼ N t is utilized for prediction, h¼1 h¼1 /p ðBÞUp1 ðBS1 ÞUp2 ðBS2 Þ
where Nt is the electricity demand in hour t. According to Makrida-
kis et al. (1998) and Taylor (2008), a square root transformation is Henceforth, we refer to this model as the SARMAX (AB) model. Ini-
useful to reduce the heteroscedasticity when it is proportional to tially, we consider including the variable At in the model; however,
the level of the original series. In the previous section, we observed we decide against this since it turned out to be insignificant with
that the levels of electricity demand differ between ordinary and the existence of Bt. Furthermore, models with Bt tend to provide
special days. Indeed, these patterns may lead us to assume that better fits than ones with At.
the variance of the distribution on ordinary days is different than Detailed values of At and Bt corresponding to some specific
that on special days, which indicates the existence of heteroscedas- hours of some special days are summarized in Table 1. At and Bt
ticity. Furthermore, if there is strong heteroscedasticity, forecast- are coded as 0 during all the other times of the year not included
ing electricity demand on working days and special days would in Table 1. The implemented rules are as follows: If the average
be problematic using the proposed model. Therefore, the square hourly electricity demand on special days is lower than that on
root transformation will help to alleviate the problem. Particularly, normal days by amounts bigger than or equal to 10% of the demand
predictions with this transformation have typically provided supe- on normal days, then At = 1. Otherwise, At = 0. On the other hand, if
rior forecasting results than predictions without it in several pilot the average hourly electricity demand on special days is lower than
studies. that on normal days by amounts equal to or exceeding 10% and less
than 20% of the demand on normal days, then Bt = 1. Bt = 2 if the
3.1. The regression model with special-day effects and SARMA errors average hourly electricity demand on special days is lower than
that on normal days by amounts equal to or exceeding 20% of
If yt depends on an exogeneous variable xt in some way, then we the demand on normal days. Otherwise, Bt = 0.
can write a regression model as As mentioned earlier, we employ hourly electricity demand
data for more than five and a half years (from January 1, 2002 to
yt ¼ c þ f ðxt Þ þ et ; July 31, 2007) to construct the coding system in Table 1. Note that
where c is a constant. f() is a function of the predictor variables, the forecasting period starts from August 1, 2007. Since the num-
while et is an autocorrelated stochastic error term, which is inde- ber of observations on special days is quite limited, it is not easy
pendent of xt. For example, et is assumed to be to build explicit distributions of the variables specifying intraday
special-day effects. Thus, this coding system is constructed with
hq ðBÞHQ 1 ðBS1 ÞHQ 2 ðBS2 Þ the help of the graphical comparison seen in Fig. 2. While this ap-
et ¼ et ; ð1Þ
proach is ad hoc and may appear to be subjective, when taken to-
/p ðBÞUp1 ðBS1 ÞUp2 ðBS2 Þ
gether, the two variables (At and Bt) effectively help improve the
where et is white noise. If we assume that et follows a normal dis- forecasting accuracy with the interaction effects.
tribution, then the maximum likelihood (ML) method for parameter A discussion of the weather variables is also pertinent.
estimation is applicable. Eq. (1) indicates that the error term et is Researchers have included weather variables in models predicting
modeled via a double SARMA mechanism. short-term electricity demand in various ways (Srinivasan et al.,
B is the backshift operator with Blyt = ytl. /p (B) and hq(B) des- 1995; Ramanathan et al., 1997; Cottet and Smith, 2003; Cancelo
ignate the autoregressive (AR) and moving average (MA) parts, et al., 2008). While forecast models with weather variables appear
respectively. These are usually polynomial functions of orders p to be competitive, it is typically difficult to obtain accurate intraday
and q, respectively. Up1 ðBS1 Þ and Up2 ðBS2 Þ indicate two seasonal fac- weather forecasts. There are about 570 weather stations in Korea.
tors related to the AR part. HQ 1 ðBS1 Þ and HQ 2 ðBS2 Þ indicate two sea- Constructing weather variables reflecting each of these 570 cli-
sonal factors related to the MA part. P1, P2, Q1, and Q2 indicate the matic regions is certainly very difficult and time consuming. Note
order of the corresponding polynomial functions, and s1 and s2 that the electricity demand data reflects the electricity demand
indicate the length of the two seasonal cycles. In this study, intra- of South Korea as a whole. Predicting the variables on an hourly ba-
day and intraweek effects are modeled via this double SARMA sis is likely to be even more difficult. Additionally, according to
mechanism. This stochastic disturbance is often represented as Cottet and Smith (2003), general meteorological conditions vary
ARMAðp; qÞ ðP 1 ; Q 1 Þs1 ðP2 ; Q 2 Þs2 . Regression models with SAR- by a higher degree during the summer, leading to weather forecast
Please cite this article in press as: Kim, M.S. Modeling special-day effects for forecasting intraday electricity demand. European Journal of Operational Re-
search (2013),
M.S. Kim / European Journal of Operational Research xxx (2013) xxx–xxx 5
Table 1
Special-day effects represented by variables At and Bt and their values for specific times on special days.
failures. Recent trends show that the summer season in Korea is hq ðBÞHQ 1 ðBS1 ÞHQ 2 ðBS2 Þ
getting longer, spanning more than three months per year. Fur- yt ¼ c þ c0 dt þ et ;
/p ðBÞUp1 ðBS1 ÞUp2 ðBS2 Þ
thermore, the weather-based methods were empirically shown
to be inferior to many types of univariate models for very short- where dt is an exogeneous variable that represents the special-day
term predictions (less than six hours in advance) (Taylor, 2012). effects on a daily basis in the SARMAX model. dt = 1 if time t belongs
Due to these concerns, we exclude weather variables from the pro- to a special day; in this case, special days include all holidays and
posed model. the working days before/after Seollal and the Mid-Autumn festival.
Here, all hours of special days are coded as 1, because the special-
3.2. The benchmark models day effects are coded on a daily basis. During all other times, dt is
coded as 0. Additionally, we attempt to include a linear time trend
Hahn et al. (2009) conducted a comprehensive literature review term in the function of predictor variables in order to check the
to summarize various types of electric load forecasting models. existence of a significant time trend pattern. However, it was not
Major forecasting models include SARMA type models, seasonal detected.
exponential smoothing, artificial neural networks (ANN), support
vector machines, and hybrids of several models. Among these, 3.2.3. SARMAX models with only one type of hourly-based special-day
the SARMA type models have been prevalently implemented as effect
benchmark models in numerous studies. Empirical evidence shows For comparison purposes, we consider the restricted SARMAX
that these models outperform many rival models. In particular, the (AB) models with only one type of special-day effect. Therefore,
double SARMA models surpassed the ANN type models for rela- we delete either the Type A or the Type B related variable from
tively short-term forecasting (Taylor et al., 2006; Taylor, 2010; Eq. (2). The SARMAX model with a Type A special-day effect only
Taylor, 2012). A triple SARMA model with intraday, intraweek, is written as
and intrayear effects was superior to an extension of standard
Holt–Winters exponential smoothing with triple seasonal compo- X
hq ðBÞHQ 1 ðBS1 ÞHQ 2 ðBS2 Þ
nents (Taylor, 2010). To evaluate the prediction performance of yt ¼ c þ a0 At þ ah IntAh;t þ et :
h¼1 /p ðBÞUp1 ðBS1 ÞUp2 ðBS2 Þ
the SARMAX (AB) model, we conduct comparisons with the follow-
ing SARMA or SARMAX type benchmark models. For a comparison The SARMAX model with a Type B special-day effect only is ex-
with other classes of models, we additionally consider an exponen- pressed as
tial smoothing method.
hq ðBÞHQ 1 ðBS1 ÞHQ 2 ðBS2 Þ
yt ¼ c þ b0 Bt þ bh IntBh;t þ et :
3.2.1. SARMA model h¼1 /p ðBÞUp1 ðBS1 ÞUp2 ðBS2 Þ
The double SARMA model can be written as
As shown in the next section, under certain evaluation criteria, a
/p ðBÞUp1 ðBS1 ÞUp2 ðBS2 Þð1 BÞd ð1 BS1 ÞD1 ð1 BS2 ÞD2 ðyt cÞ SARMAX model with both types of special-day effects is superior to
a SARMAX model with only one type of special-day effect.
¼ hq ðBÞHQ 1 ðBS1 ÞHQ 2 ðBS2 Þet ;
where d, D1, and D2 are orders of differencing, and ð1 BÞ; ð1 BS1 Þ, 3.2.4. SARMAX model with lagged dependent variables
and ð1 BS2 Þ are difference operators. This model is written as In their regression model for daily electricity spot price fore-
ARIMAðp; d; qÞ ðP 1 ; D1 ; Q 1 Þs1 ðP 2 ; D2 ; Q 2 Þs2 . Note that the ARIMA casting, Koopman et al. (2007) suggested the idea of plugging
model is reduced to the ARMA model if d = 0 (i.e., if there is no dif- lagged dependent variables in the function of the predictor vari-
ferencing). A model fitted with differencing (d = 1) is useful if there able. This allowed them to capture seasonal cycles, such as day-
is any evidence of existence of significant unit roots. In this study, of-week effects. Regarding the stochastic term, they applied the
we consider a model fitted with no differencing since we did not de- generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH)
tect any significant existence of unit roots via several unit root tests. process, which allowed them to reflect the volatility clustering
characteristics of spot prices. In the main model (SARMAX (AB)),
3.2.2. SARMAX model with daily-based special-day effects the seasonal periodicities are already captured through the sto-
Soares and Medeiros (2008) considered the SARMA model with chastic disturbance part in the SARMA mechanism; nevertheless,
special-day effects as a benchmark model. However, they em- we also consider including the lagged dependent variables. If there
ployed dummy variables in order to identify special days. They also is any significance in the newly added variables, then we might ex-
applied the special-day effects on a daily basis. In this study, we pect an additional periodic pattern that was not detected through
implement a similar approach. We apply daily-based special-day the SARMA mechanism in the stochastic term of the SARMAX (AB)
effects to the regression model with the SARMA error term. Thus, model. Including these variables in the model might allow for
Please cite this article in press as: Kim, M.S. Modeling special-day effects for forecasting intraday electricity demand. European Journal of Operational Re-
search (2013),
6 M.S. Kim / European Journal of Operational Research xxx (2013) xxx–xxx
better forecasting results. We call this benchmark model the SAR- rors (RMSEs) and the mean absolute percentage errors (MAPEs).
MAX model with lagged dependent variables and express it as Thus, we obtain the daily RMSEs and MAPEs. The averages are
computed using the distributions of the daily RMSEs and MAPEs
k X
23 X
yt ¼ c þ ci yti þ b0 Bt þ ah IntAh;t þ bh IntBh;t over the prediction period, which are then applied to the predic-
i¼1 h¼1 h¼1 tion evaluation. These model evaluation criteria have also been
employed in forecasts using short-term time series data (Weinberg
hq ðBÞHQ 1 ðBS1 ÞHQ 2 ðBS2 Þ
þ et : et al., 2007; Shen and Huang, 2008).
/p ðBÞUp1 ðBS1 ÞUp2 ðBS2 Þ On a daily basis, the formulae for the RMSE and the MAPE are
P written as
This model adds the lagged dependent variables ki¼1 ci yti to Eq.
(2). Assuming the normality of et, we obtain the ML estimators for !1=2
100 X jNij N
J b ij j
the parameters. RMSEi ¼ b ij Þ2
ðNij N and MAPEi ¼ ;
J j¼1 J j¼1 N ij
3.2.5. Seasonal exponential smoothing
As stated earlier, we also implement a seasonal exponential b ij is the forecasted value of Nij using the information available at
smoothing method. This approach is appropriate when the time the end of day i 1, where Nij indicates the electricity demanded
series does not include a trend but does include seasonality. Intra- on day i and hour j, where j = 1, 2, . . . , 24. Nij corresponds to Nt,
day and intraweek cycles corresponding to 24 and 168 hours where t = j + 24 (i 1). One might use N b tþjjt to represent the de-
respectively, are attempted. The smoothing equations are built in mand prediction in period t + j from period t.
an additive way. In this study, the initial in-sample data set ranges from
01:00 hour on January 1, 2006 to 24:00 hours on July 31, 2007.
3.3. Summary of models The total forecasting period covers the following year, from August
1, 2007 to December 31, 2008. Using the initial in-sample data, we
In this study, we implement a total of seven models. The nota- obtain the 24-hourly predictions (from 01:00 to 24:00 hours) for
tions of each model are summarized in the following manner: August 1, 2007. We calculate the RMSEs and MAPEs on August 1,
2007, using the 24-hourly forecasts. For the forecasts of August
SARMA: This is a double SARMA model without differencing, 2, 2007, we switch the window of the in-sample data, which ran-
where the SARMA mechanism is employed to catch multiple ged from January 2, 2006 to August 1, 2007. These steps are re-
seasonal cycles, namely the intraday effect and the intraweek peated until the end of the forecasting period on July 31, 2008.
effect. This procedure provides a total of 366 observations for the daily
SARMAX (d): This is a double SARMAX model with daily spe- RMSEs and the same number of observations for the daily MAPEs.
cial-day effects. These observations were used to report the averages of the RMSEs
SARMAX (A): This is a double SARMAX model with only Type A and MAPEs.
special-day effects in its function of predictor variables. Sto-
chastic disturbance is built using the double SARMA mecha-
nism. The Type A variable identifies the abnormality of 4. Empirical results
specific hours of some special days from the other hours of
those days. In this section, we present the empirical results for forecasting
SARMAX (B): This is a double SARMAX model with only Type B hourly electricity demand in Korea. The parameter estimation re-
special-day effects in its function of predictor variables. The sto- sults and the prediction performances of the main proposed model
chastic term is constructed via the double SARMA mechanism. are reported in comparison with the six benchmark models.
The Type B variable measures the strength of the abnormality
of specific hours of some special days. 4.1. Estimation results
SARMAX (AB): This is a double SARMAX model with special-day
effects of both types A and B in its function of predictor vari- The ML method is applied to the parameter estimation of the six
ables. The stochastic term is built using the double SARMA SARMA or SARMAX type models assuming the normality of the er-
mechanism. This is the main model in this study. The other ror term. All ML estimates are requested to be significant at the 1%
six models serve as benchmark models. level. Insignificant variables are deleted from the model. Further-
SARMAX-Lag: This is a double SARMAX model with lagged more, the Akaike information criterion (AIC) and Schwarz’s Bayes-
dependent variables in the function of predictor variables as ian criterion (SBC) are implemented for model selection. Table 2
well as special-day effects for both Types A and B. The stochas- summarizes the parameter estimation results over all six models
tic term is constructed using the double SARMA mechanism. for the data from January 1, 2006 to July 31, 2007. To provide the
Lagged dependent variables are provided to catch additional overall model comparisons, the AIC and SBC are summarized at
seasonal cycles. the bottom of the table. The SARMAX-Lag model provides the
SES: This is a seasonal exponential smoothing technique with smallest values among the six competing models. The SARMAX
no trend. However, seasonal cycles, namely the intraday effect (AB) model is followed by the SARMAX (B) model, the SARMAX
and the intraweek effect, are included. (A) model follows the SARMAX (B) model, and the SARMAX (d)
and the SARMA models provide larger AIC and SBC values com-
3.4. Model evaluation criteria pared to the other models.
The SARMA model is composed of only lag orders of the AR and
The prediction accuracies between models are evaluated using MA parts, where no exogeneous variable is involved. The sets of
the forecasting results of the following day. For example, forecast- significant lags of the AR and MA parts are p = (1, 2, 5, 12),
ing for the next day (i.e., ‘‘tomorrow’’/day i) is undertaken hourly, q = (1, 5), P1 = (12, 24, 72, 96, 144), Q1 = (48, 144), P2 = (168, 672),
up to 24 hours in advance, using the information available at the and Q2 = (168, 672). The lengths of the intraday and intraweek cy-
end of ‘‘today/day i 1’’. By using the 24-hourly prediction out- cles are denoted by s1 and s2, which correspond to 24 and 168,
comes of the following day, we compute the root mean square er- respectively (see Taylor (2010) p. 141) for more details).
Please cite this article in press as: Kim, M.S. Modeling special-day effects for forecasting intraday electricity demand. European Journal of Operational Re-
search (2013),
M.S. Kim / European Journal of Operational Research xxx (2013) xxx–xxx 7
Table 2
Maximum likelihood estimates of the models for data from January 1, 2006 to July 31, 2007.
1 1.495 0.091 1.496 0.092 1.402 1.389 1.389 1.412
2 0.542 0.543 0.433 0.419 0.419 0.444
5 0.016 0.066 0.016 0.065 0.043 0.026 0.032 0.048
12 0.012 0.012 0.013 0.012 0.012 0.011
24 0.325 0.325 0.281 0.278 0.277 0.070
48 0.144 0.145 0.151 0.142 0.145 0.182
72 0.111 0.111 0.121 0.123 0.125 0.077
96 0.113 0.114 0.130 0.132 0.133 0.225
144 0.396 0.329 0.395 0.328 0.417 0.335 0.417 0.332 0.414 0.330 0.044
168 1.245 1.167 1.251 1.174 1.059 0.938 1.062 0.938 1.061 0.936 1.086 0.948
672 0.245 0.175 0.251 0.182 0.061 0.063 0.063 0.087
Reg d A – – B A B A B
d/A/B 0.330 0.345 0.263 0.301 0.362
int1 0.760 0.417 0.420
int6 0.572 0.274 0.280
int7 0.659
int8 0.986 0.973 0.581
int9 2.850 2.806 2.780 1.797
int10 5.092 4.777 4.753 2.959
int11 4.559 4.597 4.575 2.631
int12 3.806 4.086 4.062 0.860 1.481
int13 1.168 1.139
int14 1.339 2.106 0.797 1.513 1.251
int15 1.941 2.536 2.500 1.763
int16 1.921 2.375 2.320 1.597
int17 2.383 2.466 1.831 1.079 1.884
int18 1.891 1.915 2.551 1.467
int19 0.801 1.192 0.768 0.553 0.414
int20 0.498 0.455
int21 0.347 0.352
lag24 0.254
lag72 0.235
lag96 0.340
lag672 0.064
32,472 32,600 32,465 32,601 30,777 30,988 30,631 30,865 30,565 30,822 30,183 30,408
Rank 6 5 5 6 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1
Table 3
Averages of daily RMSEs and daily MAPEs during the month, total period, special days, and non-special days.
August 2007 1379 2.29 1375 2.28 1321 2.21 1319 2.21 1313 2.20 1321 2.20 1622 2.98
September 2007 1775 3.85 1756 3.81 1737 3.76 1680 3.60 1680 3.60 1749 3.77 2320 5.40
October 2007 765 1.50 753 1.48 740 1.46 731 1.44 729 1.43 809 1.58 1261 2.49
November 2007 609 1.10 604 1.09 590 1.06 578 1.04 577 1.04 612 1.10 980 1.86
December 2007 1295 2.23 1279 2.20 1240 2.14 1227 2.12 1224 2.11 1271 2.20 1448 2.63
January 2008 1389 2.32 1376 2.30 1349 2.27 1356 2.28 1350 2.27 1474 2.47 1918 3.35
February 2008 2199 4.24 2187 4.22 2139 4.17 2056 4.00 2051 3.99 2086 4.07 2847 5.58
March 2008 683 1.22 686 1.22 649 1.17 646 1.16 645 1.16 711 1.27 1412 2.67
April 2008 615 1.15 617 1.15 619 1.16 620 1.16 622 1.16 599 1.11 1074 2.13
May 2008 1313 2.62 1306 2.60 1236 2.49 1253 2.53 1244 2.51 1268 2.53 1920 3.95
June 2008 812 1.51 791 1.46 789 1.46 774 1.44 765 1.42 830 1.54 1466 2.93
July 2008 1007 1.69 1014 1.70 1000 1.68 1001 1.68 995 1.67 1020 1.72 1488 2.71
August 2008 1054 1.85 1047 1.84 1034 1.83 1039 1.83 1038 1.83 1003 1.77 1346 2.61
September 2008 1616 3.19 1601 3.16 1588 3.15 1565 3.09 1556 3.07 1562 3.07 1867 3.80
October 2008 647 1.25 643 1.24 627 1.23 645 1.27 630 1.24 655 1.27 1183 2.33
November 2008 659 1.18 680 1.22 683 1.23 690 1.25 687 1.24 715 1.29 1112 2.11
December 2008 1237 2.16 1232 2.14 1190 2.09 1190 2.09 1186 2.08 1186 2.09 1301 2.36
Total 1118 2.07 1112 2.06 1087 2.02 1078 2.00 1073 2.00 1108 2.05 1559 3.04
R.P. 1.041 1.038 1.036 1.031 1.013 1.015 1.004 1.004 1.000 1.000 1.032 1.030 1.452 1.525
Special 4824 10.62 4770 10.50 4474 10.03 4376 9.74 4342 9.68 4551 10.09 4898 11.27
R.P. 1.111 1.097 1.099 1.084 1.030 1.035 1.008 1.006 1.000 1.000 1.048 1.042 1.128 1.164
No-spec. 930 1.64 926 1.63 916 1.62 911 1.61 908 1.61 933 1.65 1390 2.63
R.P. 1.025 1.020 1.020 1.015 1.008 1.008 1.003 1.003 1.000 1.000 1.028 1.026 1.531 1.635
Please cite this article in press as: Kim, M.S. Modeling special-day effects for forecasting intraday electricity demand. European Journal of Operational Re-
search (2013),
search (2013),
Please cite this article in press as: Kim, M.S. Modeling special-day effects for forecasting intraday electricity demand. European Journal of Operational Re-
Table 4
RMSEs across 24 hours of a day during the total period, special days, and non-special days.
Forecasting horizons
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Avg.
SARMA 218 290 324 328 372 486 723 1174 1927 2379 2427 2428 2065 2327 2448 2420 2448 2309 2057 1844 1651 1440 1237 1225 1523
SARMA (d) 219 290 323 325 366 477 711 1160 1913 2364 2413 2415 2052 2314 2435 2406 2433 2293 2043 1830 1638 1428 1227 1216 1512
SARMAX (A) 215 291 331 344 395 525 768 1193 1711 2049 2143 2201 2078 2258 2351 2335 2324 2207 2032 1865 1675 1462 1255 1238 1469
SARMAX (B) 215 293 333 345 394 520 750 1159 1650 1978 2074 2148 2057 2224 2306 2294 2292 2186 2000 1838 1665 1463 1256 1237 1445
Table 5
MAPEs across 24 hours of a day during the total period, special days, and non-special days.
Forecasting horizons
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Avg.
SARMA 0.40 0.57 0.65 0.66 0.72 0.88 1.18 1.68 2.50 3.02 3.09 3.12 2.87 3.14 3.28 3.26 3.28 3.04 2.66 2.34 2.13 1.91 1.64 1.70 2.072
SARMA (d) 0.40 0.57 0.64 0.66 0.71 0.87 1.16 1.67 2.48 3.01 3.07 3.10 2.86 3.12 3.26 3.25 3.26 3.02 2.64 2.33 2.12 1.89 1.63 1.69 2.058
SARMAX (A) 0.39 0.57 0.66 0.69 0.75 0.94 1.25 1.73 2.30 2.71 2.80 2.89 2.89 3.07 3.18 3.18 3.15 2.95 2.64 2.38 2.17 1.94 1.66 1.72 2.025
SARMAX (B) 0.39 0.57 0.66 0.69 0.75 0.93 1.22 1.69 2.23 2.63 2.74 2.84 2.88 3.04 3.14 3.14 3.12 2.93 2.61 2.36 2.17 1.95 1.66 1.72 2.003
10 M.S. Kim / European Journal of Operational Research xxx (2013) xxx–xxx
Fig. 4. MAPEs across different forecast horizons during (a) special days and (b) non-special days.
In SARMAX-type models, significant lag orders in the SARMA er- models; however, its prediction accuracy is not very good (see Ta-
ror play roles similar to those of the lags in the SARMA model. Un- ble 3). We suspect overfitting in the SARMAX-Lag model.
like the SARMA model, however, SARMAX-type models hold Prediction performances over the total period, in terms of lower
exogeneous variables, which explain the special-day effects. SAR- RMSEs and MAPEs, are ranked in the following order: SARMAX
MAX-type models have a significant negative special-day effect, (AB), SARMAX (B), SARMAX (A), SARMAX-Lag, SARMAX (d), SARMA
which reflects the fact that a designated period of special-days models, and SES. The SARMAX (AB) model with both types of spe-
has relatively lower demand than the rest of the period. In partic- cial-day effects performs the best, followed by the SARMAX (B)
ular, we use ‘‘d’’ in Table 2 in order to denote the coefficient of the model, as evidenced by the slight difference in both the RMSE
daily-based special-day effect for SARMAX (d). In this study, we de- and MAPE. The SARMAX (A) and the SARMAX-Lag models follow
tect the significant interaction effects between the hour-of-special- the SARMAX (B) model. The traditional seasonal time series mod-
day effect and the hour-of-day effect. These results imply that the els, SARMA and SARMAX (d), perform relatively poorly, while the
interaction effect may improve the models’ prediction accuracies. SES ranks last. With respect to the SARMAX (AB) model, the RPs
The notation ‘‘int k’’ indicates the existence of an interaction term of the averages of the RMSEs and MAPEs are around 104% in the
corresponding to the kth hour of a day in Table 2. SARMA and SARMA (d) models. In the case of SES, the RPs are
The SARMAX-Lag model additionally includes the dependent around 145–153%.
lag variables in its function of predictor variables. For example, Additionally, we consider comparing model performances on
‘‘lag24’’ indicates yt24, which represents significant autocorrela- special and non-special days (summarized at the bottom of Ta-
tion for a day. We find periodic autocorrelations on 1 day, 3 days, ble 3). Reviewing the case over the total period, we find that the
4 days, and 28 days. SARMAX (AB) model performs the best for both special and non-
Regarding the SES, various combinations of smoothing weights special days. The order of model performances is almost the same
are attempted and selected in order to obtain the minimum RMSE as that during the total period, except that the SARMAX-Lag model
for the total period. The SES with a single intraweek seasonal cycle provides poor performance on non-special days. The RPs of the
provided better forecasting fits than that with an intraday seasonal RMSEs and MAPEs in the SARMA, SARMA (d), and SES models are
cycle or that with both cycles combined. Therefore, the SES with an around 108–116% on special days; this implies that the suggested
intraweek cycle is applied and reported. We use the software SAS method significantly helps reduce forecasting errors on special
9.1 to obtain the forecasting outcomes. days. On the other hand, the RPs in the SARMA, SARMA (d), and
SES models on non-special days are around 101–164%. In sum-
mary, the analysis results indicate that the proposed approach al-
4.2. Prediction results lows us to capture the special-days effect more effectively and
also help improve the prediction accuracy over the non-special
The averages of the RMSEs and MAPEs are calculated to com- day period.
pare the prediction performances between the main model and In order to obtain a more detailed and informative comparison
the six benchmark models. Table 3 summarizes the results of the of the forecasting results among models, additional RMSEs and
RMSEs and MAPEs on a monthly basis as well as over the entire MAPEs are calculated for different lead times. The RMSEs and
period. The results show that the SARMAX (AB) model tends to MAPEs for each model for a given lead time are reported across dif-
outperform the other models over several months; it also records ferent hours of a day during the total period, special days, and non-
lower RMSEs and MAPEs. For a more detailed comparison, we re- special days in Tables 4 and 5, respectively. The overall model
port the relative percentages (RPs) of the averages of the models’ ranks for the considered periods appear unchanged for the daily
RMSEs and MAPEs over the total period. This value is obtained RMSEs and MAPEs.
by dividing the averages of the RMSEs and MAPEs of each model Fig. 4 shows a graphical comparison that provides conclusive
by those of the SARMAX (AB) model. The RPs of all the other mod- evidence of the superiority of the proposed main model; the
els exceed 1; thus, the SARMAX (AB) model is superior to its com- MAPEs for each model are illustrated for special and non-special
petitors over the entire time horizon. In Table 2, the SARMAX-Lag days in Fig. 4a and b, respectively. We omit depicting the RMSEs
model reports the best AIC and SBC values among the candidate graphically as their presentation is similar to that of the MAPEs.
Please cite this article in press as: Kim, M.S. Modeling special-day effects for forecasting intraday electricity demand. European Journal of Operational Re-
search (2013),
M.S. Kim / European Journal of Operational Research xxx (2013) xxx–xxx 11
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Snyder, and two anonymous referees for their helpful comments of the American Statistical Association 102, 1185–1198.
and suggestions. This work has been supported by a research grant
Please cite this article in press as: Kim, M.S. Modeling special-day effects for forecasting intraday electricity demand. European Journal of Operational Re-
search (2013),