Sap SD Tcodes

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Customer Tcodes

 XD01 : Create Customer (Centrally)

 XD02 : Change Customer (Centrally)
 XD03 : Display Customer (Centrally)
 XD04 : Customer Changes (Centrally)
 XD05 : Block customer (centrally)
 XD06 : Mark customer for deletion (centr.)
 XD07 : Change Customer Account Group
 XD99 : Customer master mass maintenance
 XDN1 : Maintain Number Ranges (Customer)

Vendor tcodes
 XEIP : Number range maintenance: EXPIMP
 XK01 : Create vendor (centrally)
 XK02 : Change vendor (centrally)
 XK03 : Display vendor (centrally)
 XK04 : Vendor Changes (Centrally)
 XK05 : Block Vendor (Centrally)
 XK06 : Mark vendor for deletion (centrally)
 XK07 : Change vendor account group

Sales Order tcodes

 VA00 : Initial Sales Menu
 VA01 : Create Sales Order
 VA02 : Change Sales Order
 VA03 : Display Sales Order
 VA05 : List of Sales Orders
 VA07 : Compare Sales – Purchasing (Order)
 VA08 : Compare Sales – Purchasing (Org.Dt.)

Inquiry tcodes
 VA11 : Create Inquiry
 VA12 : Change Inquiry
 VA13 : Display Inquiry
 VA14L   Sales Documents Blocked for Delivery
 VA15 : Inquiries List

Quotation tcodes
 VA21 : Create Quotation
 VA22 : Change Quotation
 VA23 : Display Quotation
 VA25 : Quotations List
 VA26 : Collective Processing for Quotations

Contract tcodes
 VA41 : Create Contract
 VA42 : Change Contract
 VA42W   Workflow for master contract
 VA43 : Display Contract
 VA44 : Actual Overhead: Sales Order
 VA45 : List of Contracts
 VA46 : Coll.Subseq.Processing f.Contracts

Item Proposal tcodes

 VA51 : Create Item Proposal
 VA52 : Change Item Proposal
 VA53 : Display Item Proposal
 VA55 : List of Item Proposals
 VA88 : Actual Settlement: Sales Orders

Delivery (Outbound) transactions

 VL00 : Shipping
 VL01 : Create Delivery
 VL01N   Create Outbound Dlv. with Order Ref.
 VL01NO  Create Outbound Dlv. w/o Order Ref.
 VL02 : Change Outbound Delivery
 VL02N   Change Outbound Delivery
 VL03 : Display Outbound Delivery
 VL03N   Display Outbound Delivery
 VL04 : Process Delivery Due List
 VL06 : Delivery Monitor
 VL06C   List Outbound Dlvs for Confirmation
 VL06D   Outbound Deliveries for Distribution
 VL06F   General delivery list – Outb.deliv.
 VL06G   List of Oubound Dlvs for Goods Issue
 VL06I   Inbound Delivery Monitor
 VL06IC  Confirmation of putaway inb. deliv.
 VL06ID  Inbound Deliveries for Distribution
 VL06IF  Selection inbound deliveries
 VL06IG  Inbound deliveries for goods receipt
 VL06IP  Inbound deliveries for putaway
 VL06L   Outbound Deliveries to be Loaded
 VL06O   Outbound Delivery Monitor
 VL06P   List of Outbound Dlvs for Picking
 VL06T   List Outbound Dlvs (Trans. Planning)
 VL06U   List of Uncheckd Outbound Deliveries
 VL08 : Confirmation of Picking Request
 VL09 : Cancel Goods Issue for Delivery Note
 VL10 : Edit User-specific Delivery List
 VL10A   Sales Orders Due for Delivery
 VL10B   Purchase Orders Due for Delivery

Customer management transaction codes

 FD01 : Create Customer (Accounting)
 FD02 : Change Customer (Accounting)
 FD02CORE     : Maintain customer
 FD03 : Display Customer (Accounting)
 FD04 : Customer Changes (Accounting)
 FD05 : Block Customer (Accounting)
 FD06 : Mark Customer for Deletion (Acctng)
 FD08 : Confirm Customer Individually(Actng)
 FD09 : Confirm Customer List (Accounting)
 FD10 : Customer Account Balance
 FD10N   Customer Balance Display
 FD10NA  Customer Bal. Display with Worklist
 FD10NET Customer Balance Display
 FD11 : Customer Account Analysis
 FD15 : Transfer customer changes: send
 FD16 : Transfer customer changes: receive
 FD24 : Credit Limit Changes
 FD32 : Change Customer Credit Management
 FD33 : Display Customer Credit Management
 FD37 : Credit Management Mass Change

Pricing tcodes
 V/03 : Create Condition Table (SD Price)
 V/04 : Change Condition Table (Sales pr.)
 V/05 : Display Condition Table: (Sales Pr.)
 V/06 : Condition Categories: SD Pricing
 V/07 : Maintain Access (Sales Price)
 V/08 : Conditions: Procedure for A V
 V/09 : Condition Types: Account Determin.
 V/10 : Account Determination: Access Seqnc
 V/11 : Conditions: Account Determin.Proced.
 V/12 : Account Determination: Create Table
 V/13 : Account Determination: Change Table
 V/14 : Account Determination: Display Table

BOM transactions
 CS00 : BOM Menu
 CS01 : Create Material BOM
 CS02 : Change Material BOM
 CS03 : Display Material BOM
 CS05 : Change Material BOM Group
 CS06 : Display Material BOM Group
 CS07 : Allocate Material BOM to Plant
 CS08 : Change Material BOM – Plant Alloc.
 CS09 : Display Allocations to Plant
 CS11 : Display BOM Level by Level
 CS12 : Multilevel BOM
 CS13 : Summarized BOM
 CS14 : BOM Comparison
 CS15 : Single-Level Where-Used List
 CS20 : Mass Change: Initial Screen
 CS21 : Mass Material Change: Initial Screen
 CS22 : Mass Document Change: Initial Screen
 CS23 : Mass Class Change: Initial Screen
 CS25 : Archiving for BOMs
 CS26 : BOM deletion
 CS27 : Retrieval of BOMs
 CS28 : Archiving for BOMs
 CS31 : Create class BOM
 CS32 : Change class BOM
 CS33 : Display class BOM
 CS40 : Create Link to Configurable Material
 CS41 : Change Material Config. Allocation
 CS42 : Display Material Config. Assignment
 CS51 : Create standard BOM
 CS52 : Change standard BOM
 CS53 : Display standard BOM
 CS61 : Create Order BOM
 CS62 : Change Order BOM
 CS63 : Display Order BOM
 CS71 : Create WBS BOM
 CS72 : Change WBS BOM
 CS73 : Display WBS BOM
 CS74 : Create multi-level WBS BOM
 CS75 : Change multi-level WBS BOM
 CS76 : Display multi-level WBS BOM
 CS80 : Change Documents for Material BOM
 CS81 : Change Documents for Standard BOM
 CS82 : Change documents for sales order BOM
 CS83 : Change documents for WBS BOM
 CS84 : Change documents for class BOM
 CS90 : Material BOM Number Ranges
 CS91 : Number Ranges for Standard BOMs
 CS92 : Number Ranges for Sales Order BOMs

Here is some more SD tcodes with more details available from the
corresponding page (click on the tcode name).
Data Selection: Dispatch

Data Selection: Receipt


FT: Enjoy: Period-end Closings


Intrastat – Create form


Create Credit Memo Request


Create Debit Memo Request


Create Invoice Correction


Create Returns

Retail Execution: Initial Download


Create Knowledge Base Object

Menu Path : Logistics → Production → Master Data → Bills of Material →
Environment → Variant Configuration → Knowledge Base → Knowledge-
Base Object → Create


Change Knowledge Base Object

Menu Path : Logistics → Production → Master Data → Bills of Material →
Environment → Variant Configuration → Knowledge Base → Knowledge-
Base Object → Change


Display Knowledge Base Object

Menu Path : Logistics → Production → Master Data → Bills of Material →
Environment → Variant Configuration → Knowledge Base → Knowledge-
Base Object → Display


Create Runtime Version for SCE

Menu Path : Logistics → Production → Master Data → Bills of Material →
Environment → Variant Configuration → Knowledge Base →
Runtime Version → Create

Change Runtime Version for SCE

Menu Path : Logistics → Production → Master Data → Bills of Material →
Environment → Variant Configuration → Knowledge Base →
Runtime Version → Change


Display Runtime Version for SCE

Menu Path : Logistics → Production → Master Data → Bills of Material →
Environment → Variant Configuration → Knowledge Base →
Runtime Version → Display/Export


Create SCE Database Schema

Menu Path : Logistics → Production → Master Data → Bills of Material →
Environment → Variant Configuration → Knowledge Base →
SCE Database Schema → Create on PC


Distribution of SCE Knowledge Bases

Menu Path : Logistics → Logistics Execution → Transportation →
Transportation Planning → External Planning System → ALE Monitoring →
Goto → Master Data Distribution → Logistics → Variant Configuration →
Knowledge Base (SCE) → Send


Maintain Books

Printout on Prenumbered Forms


Used Prenumbered Forms Report


Maintain Document Lots and Books


Void Unused Prenumbered Forms


Create OR Data Collector


Reset OR Data Collector


Maintain Number Range: KB_NRRANGE








Maintain DEA Schedules


Maintain DEA Business Activity Types


Maintain DEA Schedules for Material


DEA: Define Quantities


Maintain DEA License Master

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