Manufacture of Concrete Poles
Manufacture of Concrete Poles
Manufacture of Concrete Poles
This material is made available on the basis that it may be necessary for a Registered Professional Engineer
of Queensland (RPEQ) to undertake or oversee the engineering services to meet statutory obligations.
The recipient agrees to indemnify Ergon Energy and keep it indemnified against any liability for any losses
(including liabilities of the recipient to third parties), costs and expenses arising out of the use or reliance on
the documents by the recipient.
The documents provided are to be used as a guide only. Subject to any other statutory obligation, to the
extent practical, the recipient agrees to use reasonable endeavours to notify Ergon Energy of any errors or
omissions it becomes aware of in the documents to enable correction/updating.
1. Purpose and Scope...................................................................................................... 1
2. References.................................................................................................................... 1
2.1 Ergon Energy controlled documents ................................................................... 1
2.2 Other sources ..................................................................................................... 1
3. Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations ................................................................ 1
3.1 Acronyms and Abbreviations .............................................................................. 1
4. Security ......................................................................................................................... 1
5. Safety, Environmental and Ergonomic Considerations ........................................... 1
6. General Requirements ................................................................................................. 1
7. Materials ....................................................................................................................... 2
7.1 Cement ............................................................................................................... 2
7.2 Aggregates.......................................................................................................... 2
7.3 Water .................................................................................................................. 2
7.4 Fly Ash and Admixtures ...................................................................................... 2
7.5 Reinforcement..................................................................................................... 2
7.6 Prestressing Steel ............................................................................................... 2
8. Storage of Materials ..................................................................................................... 3
9. Concrete Mixes ............................................................................................................ 3
10. Formwork...................................................................................................................... 5
11. Placing of Reinforcement ............................................................................................ 5
12. Stressing of Tendons .................................................................................................. 6
12.1 General Requirements ........................................................................................ 6
12.2 Stressing Records............................................................................................... 6
12.3 Stressing Procedure ........................................................................................... 7
12.4 Finishing Off ........................................................................................................ 7
13. Handling and Placing Concrete .................................................................................. 7
13.1 Cast or Prestressed Poles .................................................................................. 8
13.2 Centrifugally Spun Poles ..................................................................................... 8
14. Built in Fixings ............................................................................................................. 8
14.1 Reinforced Poles................................................................................................. 8
Check this is the latest version before use. i Specification Ver 1.1
Check this is the latest version before use. i Specification Ver 1.1
2. References
AS Australian Standard
AS/NZS Australian/New Zealand Standard
4. Security
6. General Requirements
This section shall be read in conjunction with Australian Standard 3600 - SAA Concrete Structures
Code where applicable.
The Contractor shall carry out the design of concrete mixes, setting out quality control of the
workmanship and materials for all specified precast concrete manufacture subject to the approval
of the Superintendent.
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The Contractor shall appoint a representative to co-ordinate and control this part of the quality
assurance program. He shall maintain all required inspection and test checklists and records and
have authority to resolve quality matters should a need arise.
The Contractor shall supply all formwork, concrete, prestressing and reinforcing steel and
manufactured items to the design and method of manufacture approved by the Superintendent.
7. Materials
7.1 Cement
The cement used shall be Type ‘GP’ or ‘GB’ Cement for normal use, or, Type ‘SR’ Sulphate
Resisting Cement where the Superintendent so specifies, and shall comply with AS 3972.
7.2 Aggregates
Aggregates shall comply with AS 2758.1 and AS 1141 - “Concrete Aggregates” (Excluding
Lightweight Aggregates). Six weeks in advance of the date when concreting operations are due to
commence, the Contractor shall advise the Superintendent, the names of the pits, quarries or
manufacturing plants from which he proposes to obtain aggregates, and submit evidence showing
that the material complies with the requirements of AS 2758.1 and AS 1141.
7.3 Water
Water shall be clean, free from oil and injurious amounts of acid, alkali and organic matter and
other deleterious substances and shall be fit for human consumption.
Calcium chloride or any admixture containing calcium chloride shall not be used.
7.5 Reinforcement
Reinforcement shall comply with the following specifications where applicable.
Other higher strength reinforcement may be used in concrete poles if the manufacturer proves by
extensive test evidence the satisfactory ductility and anchorage performance of the reinforcement.
Hard-drawn high-tensile steel wire which has not been stress-relieved shall be permitted only for
wire winding, unless its percentage elongation is 2% or greater.
8. Storage of Materials
All cement shall be stored in silos or suitable weatherproof buildings so as to protect the cement
from dampness and other causes of injury. Cement in bags shall be arranged in orderly stacks so
that it can be easily inspected and shall be used in order of delivery.
All cement used must be thoroughly dry and free from lumps, caking and watermarks.
The handling and storage of concrete aggregates shall be such as to prevent segregation and the
admixture of foreign materials. The aggregates shall be stored sufficiently far apart to prevent
materials becoming intermixed or aggregates shall be contained by adequate divisional walls.
Aggregates shall be stored on site for at least 24 hours before use, to permit the draining away of
any excess moisture in the aggregates.
Proprietary grouts and mortars shall be stored so as to ensure that the grouts, mortars or resins
are kept dry and free from contamination and such that they do not deteriorate due to excessive
The Contractor shall ensure that grouts and mortars are stored in accordance with manufacturer’s
recommendations and if requested to do so by the Superintendent, the Contractor shall at his cost,
provide evidence of the date of manufacture and the date of expiry of the useful life of any
proprietary grouts, mortars or resins proposed for use.
Prestressing steel and reinforcing steel shall be kept free from loose mill scale and rust and
contamination from oil, grease, dirt and other deleterious materials, saltwater or spray.
A slight film of rust shall not be regarded as harmful, if the steel is not visibly pitted.
All prestressing steel and reinforcing steel shall be stored clear of the ground.
9. Concrete Mixes
Concrete mixes shall be proportioned to produce the strength, durability and workability required
by the approved mix design. The Contractor shall submit his proposed mix designs to the
Superintendent for approval at least six weeks before manufacture is due to commence. The
Superintendent may direct the Contractor to undertake trial mixes and strength, durability and
workability tests to prove that the proposed mixes are acceptable. Such trial mixes and tests shall
be carried out prior to placement of concrete in the works and their costs shall be borne by the
Unless otherwise specified or approved by the Superintendent, concrete shall have the following
Property Required
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(ii) Minimum Cement Content (kg per cubic metre of concrete) 280
The Contractor shall keep, at the mixing site, records showing for each batch of concrete
produced, the time and date of water addition, the weight of cement, weight of each grade of
aggregate, weight of added water, results of tests made to determine the water contained in the
aggregate, the results of any strength tests and the location of concrete in the works. These
records shall be made available to the Superintendent.
The proportions of aggregate and cement for any concrete shall be such as to produce a mix which
will work readily into corners and angles of the forms and around tendons and reinforcement with
the method of placing employed on the work, but without permitting the materials to segregate or
water to collect on the surface.
The concrete materials, excluding water, shall be measured by weighing separately. However, a
complete standard bag of cement may be assumed to weigh 20 kg.
Mixing shall be by an efficient type of power driven batch mixer operated at the speeds
recommended by the manufacturer with particular regard to the use of low slump concrete. All
concrete shall be mixed for a period of not less than 2 minutes after all materials including water
are placed in the mixer.
No concrete that has reached its initial set (partially hardened) or that has left the mixer or agitator
for more than 30 minutes shall be placed in the structure. Remixing shall not be permitted. All
concrete shall be placed within the following elapsed times from the introduction of water or
Up to 27oC 2 hours
27oC to 30oC 1.5 hours
30oC to 32oC 1 hour
Over 32oC Only as approved by the Superintendent
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Ready-mixed concrete complying with AS 1379 - Ready Mixed Concrete and the requirements of
this Specification, whether manufactured in a plant operated by the Contractor or approved
Subcontractors, may be used.
10. Formwork
All forms shall be built mortar-tight, of sufficient rigidity and adequately supported to prevent
distortion or displacement due to the pressure of the concrete and other loads incidental to the
construction operations. Forms shall be constructed and maintained so as to prevent warping and
the opening of joints due to shrinkage of the timber.
Forms shall be built with provision for easy inspection and cleaning out immediately before
concrete is placed.
A high standard of finish is required, and all surfaces of precast, spun and prestressed concrete
members shall be true, hard, smooth, and free from any defects due to leakage of mortar from the
Every care shall be taken to ensure that no marks or fins appear on the finished surface.
The inside of forms shall be thoroughly wetted or coated with non-staining form release oil or other
approved material. Where oil or surfacing material is used, it shall be applied before the
reinforcement is placed.
The Superintendent may call for drawings of forms to be submitted for approval before their
construction is undertaken.
When forms have become warped, damaged, or burred so that in the opinion of the
Superintendent the surface or dimensional tolerances of the concrete will not be satisfactory, the
Contractor shall, when so directed by the Superintendent, remove such forms and replace them
with forms or form panels satisfactory in all respects.
The fabricated cage shall be accurately positioned in the mould by the use of stainless steel studs
welded to the reinforcing cage. Care shall be taken to ensure that the cage is correctly aligned and
positioned in relation to the through-bolt holes, ferrules and the pole axis, and that the cage
reinforcement is not spirally deformed or displaced.
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Reinforcing steel may be secured by welding. Welding shall be in accordance with AS 1554 Part 3
Welding of Reinforcing Steel and welding procedure shall be subject to approval by the
All prestressing tendons shall be accurately located and restrained in position. No welding will be
permitted in close proximity to any prestressing tendon without suitable shielding.
Prestressing tendons where supplied in coils shall be of large enough diameter to be self
straightening. Kinked or damaged tendons will not be permitted.
Prestressing steel shall not be welded and shall be flame cut only with the approval of the
All jacks used for prestressing shall be of the type applicable to the system adopted.
Before being used on the works all jacks and gauges shall be calibrated at an approved testing
laboratory and the Superintendent shall be furnished with copies of the test certificates.
During the course of the prestressing operations the Superintendent may require that further
calibration tests are carried out. These tests shall be carried out at a testing laboratory approved
by the Superintendent and the cost of such testing will be borne by the Principal. In general, such
further calibration will not be required unless jacking equipment has been roughly handled or
damaged or tensioning operations show some anomalies.
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Before starting the stressing operation, the Contractor shall calculate the amount of extension that
should take place from the take-up load to the final load. Take-up load shall be sufficiently large so
that no slack remains in pre-tensioned strands or wires and that the load in the cable in post-
tensioned members has been transmitted to the dead-end anchorage.
All tensioning work shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of AS 3600.
The prestress shall be transferred to the units in such a manner that the tendons are released
gradually and preferably simultaneously.
After trimming, the ends of the tendon and the area immediately adjacent to the tendons shall be
painted with two coats of an approved epoxy compound to provide a film thickness of at least 0.3
mm dry or 0.6 mm wet.
No painting shall be carried out until the concrete is dry, clean and brushed free of all loose dirt,
and is in a satisfactory condition to receive the paint.
No concrete shall be placed when the shade temperature is less than 5oC or more than 35oC.
Where the temperature of the surrounding air is higher than 32oC, the following provisions shall
(i) The formwork shall be continuously sprayed with cold water in advance of the concreting.
Excess water shall be removed from the inside of the forms immediately prior to the concrete
placement. The reinforcement and the formwork shall be protected from the effects of hot winds
and direct sunlight.
(ii) The concrete shall have a temperature not higher than 30oC when placed, either following
the use of chilled mixing water, or by water spraying of the coarse aggregate, or both, and if
necessary, by covering the container in which the concrete is transported to the forms.
(iii) The concrete shall be mixed, transported, placed and compacted as rapidly as possible,
and the element or structure shall then be covered with an impervious membrane or with wet sand
or wet hessian, kept wet until curing begins.
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Concrete shall be thoroughly compacted by means of approved high speed mechanical vibrators.
Vibrators shall be manipulated so as to thoroughly work the concrete around the reinforcement
and/or embedded fixtures and into the corners and angles of the forms. Vibration shall be supplied
at the point of deposit and the area freshly deposited for sufficient duration to thoroughly compact
the concrete without causing segregation. Vibration shall not be used on concrete no longer
plastic under vibration. Alternatively vibrators attached externally to steel forms may be used.
The Superintendent may stop the placing of concrete, or he may order that concrete operations
shall not commence on account of wet weather or other causes which in his opinion would prevent
the satisfactory placing of concrete.
Placement shall be such as to ensure segregation dropouts and other defects do not occur. The
Contractor shall establish and implement methods for the detection of dropouts, bony concrete,
mould bleed and lack of internal cover during his routine Quality inspection.
All earth ferrules shall be cleaned and tapped after curing and then sealed with plastic plugs prior
to transport to site.
Where pole sections are joined by field splices all embedded metal work shall be electrically
connected to longitudinal reinforcement or internal earthing by a minimum of 40 mm of weld metal
for each joint bolt anchorage.
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15. Curing
Curing shall be carried out in accordance with AS 3600 unless otherwise determined by the
Curing shall be effected by using water sprays or damp hessian for at least seven days or by using
an approved curing membrane in the form of a paraffin wax emulsion in water which shall be
applied using a spray.
Prestressed and post tensioned unit may be cured as described above. Alternatively, low pressure
steam curing may be used during the initial curing phase.
16. Tolerances
Precast elements shall be manufactured to the following tolerances:
(g) Pole tip (with top mounted earthwire riser) Perpendicular to pole axis to within 1o
18. Marking
All precast pole elements shall be fitted with a stainless steel identification plate as shown on the
drawings, these shall be located 2.5 metres above the nominated foundation depth indication mark
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In addition, temporary markings shall be made on the butt and tip of each pole element for end
viewing giving the date of manufacture and the unique element number.
The Contractor shall supply full details of pole splices for the Superintendent’s approval prior to
commencement of production of joints. Type tests will be required to prove the capacity of pole
splices. However, this requirement may be waived by the Superintendent if detailed reports of
previous joint tests satisfactory to the Superintendent are submitted.
Jointed poles may be nominated for type tests of complete structures to be supplied under this
Contract. The cost of any additional type testing of joints shall be deemed to be included in the
supply cost of jointed poles and no additional payment shall be made for these tests.
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