TDI Diver Standards - 08 - Decompression - Procedures - Diver

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TDI Standards and Procedures

Part 2: TDI Diver Standards

8. Decompression Procedures Diver

8.1 Introduction
This course examines the theory, methods and procedures of planned stage
decompression diving. This program is designed as a stand-alone course or it
may be taught in conjunction with TDI Advanced Nitrox, Advanced Wreck,
or Full Cave Course. The objective of this course is to train divers how to
plan and conduct a standard staged decompression dive not exceeding a
maximum depth of 45 metres / 150 feet. The most common equipment
requirements, equipment set-up and decompression techniques are
presented. Students are permitted to utilize enriched air nitrox (EAN) mixes
or oxygen for decompression provided the gas mix is within their current
certification level.

8.2 Qualifications of Graduates

Upon successful completion of this course, graduates may engage in
decompression diving activities without direct supervision provided:
1. The diving activities approximate those of training
2. The areas of activities approximate those of training
3. Environmental conditions approximate those of training
Upon successful completion of this course, graduates are qualified to enroll
1. TDI Advanced Nitrox Course
2. TDI Extended Range Course
3. TDI Advanced Wreck Course
4. TDI Trimix Course

8.3 Who May Teach

Any active TDI Decompression Procedures Instructor may teach this course

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Part 2: TDI Diver Standards

8.4 Student to Instructor Ratio

1. Unlimited, so long as adequate facility, supplies and time are provided to
ensure comprehensive and complete training of subject matter
Confined Water (swimming pool-like conditions)
1. N/A
Open Water (ocean, lake, quarry, spring, river or estuary)
1. A maximum of 4 students per instructor; it is the instructor’s discretion
to reduce this number as conditions dictate

8.5 Student Prerequisites

1. Minimum age 18
2. Minimum certification of SDI Advanced Adventure Diver , Advanced
Diver, or equivalent
3. Provide proof of 25 logged open water dives

8.6 Course Structure and Duration

Open Water Execution
1. Four dives are required, 2 of those dives must be deeper than 30 metres /
100 feet
2. If advanced nitrox is taught in conjunction with decompression
procedures* only a total of 6 dives are required
3. Only 2 dives from advanced wreck course may be credited towards the
total dives required
Course Structure
1. TDI allows instructors to structure courses according to the number of
students participating and their skill level
1. The minimum number of classroom and briefing hours is 6
*A 3-way combination of TDI Intro to Tech or TDI Sidemount, Advanced
Nitrox and Decompression Procedures is permitted with a minimum of 8
dives required. The prerequisites for advanced nitrox and decompression
procedures diver must be met for this combination before starting the

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TDI Standards and Procedures
Part 2: TDI Diver Standards

8.7 Administrative Requirements

The following are the administrative tasks:
1. Collect the course fees from all the students
2. Ensure that the students have the required equipment
3. Communicate the training schedule to the students
4. Have the students complete the:
a. TDI Liability Release and Express Assumption of Risk Form
b. TDI Medical Statement Form
Upon successful completion of the course the instructor must:
1. Issue the appropriate TDI certification by submitting the TDI Diver
Registration Form to TDI Headquarters or registering the students
online through member’s area of the TDI website

8.8 Training Material

Required material
1. TDI Decompression Procedures Student Manual or eLearning course
Optional Material
1. TDI Decompression Procedures PowerPoint Presentation
2. TDI Deco Procedures Cue Cards
3. TDI Deco Procedures Evaluation Slate

8.9 Required Equipment

The following equipment is required for each student:
1. Primary cylinder(s), cylinder volume appropriate for planned dive and
student gas consumption
Note: Independent and isolated back-mounted doubles, are allowed to be
2. Decompression mix cylinder(s)
a. Cylinder volume appropriate for the planned dive and student gas
consumption with submersible pressure gauge
b. Labeled in accordance with local practices and/or regulations
3. Depth gauge and automatic bottom timer and / or dive computer
4. Each cylinder shall be equipped with a first and second stage regulator
5. Submersible pressure gauges are required on all primary cylinders

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Part 2: TDI Diver Standards

6. Buoyancy compensator device(s) (BCD) adequate for equipment

7. Line cutting device
8. Jon-line and other rigging lines as dictated by site conditions
9. Ascent reel with lift bag /surface marker buoy
a. Adequate for maximum planned depth
b. Adequate lift and size for the dive environment
10. Oxygen (O₂) analyzer; may be supplied by the instructor
11. Exposure suit adequate for the open water environment
12. Underwater slate

8.10 Required Subject Areas

The TDI Decompression Procedures Manual or eLearning is mandatory
for use during this course but instructors may use any additional text or
materials that they feel help present these topics. The following topics
must be covered during this course:
1. Overview of Decompression Safety Stops Compared to Required Stops
2. Physics
a. Pressure review
3. Physiology
a. Mechanics of bubble formation
b. Advantages of hyperoxic mixes for decompression
c. Nitrogen absorption and elimination
d. Carbon dioxide toxicity
e. Ascent / Descent rates
f. Hyperthermia
g. Hypothermia
h. Psychological aspects
i. Task loading
ii. Stress
iii. Panic
iv. Time management
v. Equipment
4. Decompression Options
a. Air
b. Nitrox
c. Oxygen

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TDI Standards and Procedures
Part 2: TDI Diver Standards

5. Equipment Considerations
a. Twin cylinder or single cylinder option, valve options
b. Stage cylinder options
c. Regulator options
d. Harness / BCD options
e. Computer, depth gauge, bottom timer options
f. Ascent and navigation reels
g. Lift bags/surface marker buoys for drifting or free decompression
h. Jon-line or Garvin clips
i. Proper weighting and buoyancy control during dive phase and
6. Dive Tables vs. Computers
a. Introduction and review of different models (Bühlmann, DCIEM,
US Navy, etc)
b. Proper use of electronic multi-level dive computers for dive
planning and decompression
i. Mix adjustable
ii. Oxygen (O₂) integrated
7. Dive Planning
a. Standard operation
i. Gas requirements
ii. Oxygen limitations
iii. Nitrogen limitations
b. Emergency planning
i. Omitted decompression
ii. Decompression sickness
iii. Equipment failure
8. Procedures
a. Primary and decompression gas
i. Normal operations
ii. Failure, loss or inadequate emergency procedures
iii. Analysis and logging
iv. Safeguards on decompression supply regulators
v. Rigging and deployment of decompression equipment
b. Descent
i. Methods of entry, down lines or free decent
ii. Organization of equipment carried on diver

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c. Ascent
i. Variable rates
ii. Trim and compensation
d. Fixed or Drifting Decompression Methods
i. Up-lines fixed to bottom
ii. Reels and lift bags/surface marker buoys
iii. Free drifting stages or boat supplied
iv. Self-contained versus surface supply / rendezvous gas
e. Support
i. From shore
ii. From descent line or fixed platform
iii. From live-aboard boat

8.11 Required Skill Performance and Graduation

The following open water skills must be completed by the student
during open water dives:
1. Skills review from previous TDI skills requirements
Land Drills
1. Selection and preparation of equipment suitable for soft overhead
2. Conduct team oriented drills, buddy checks, for lift bag deployment
3. Conduct team oriented drills, buddy checks, for gas switching
4. Gas matching among buddy team
5. Demonstrate familiarity with basic hand signals
6. Demonstrate adequate pre-dive planning
a. Limits based on personal and team gas consumption
b. Exact dive and decompression profile
Pre-dive Drills
1. Use START* before every dive
2. Stress analysis and mitigation
*START is S-drill (OOA drill and Bubble Check), Team (buddy equipment
checks), Air (gas matching), Route (entry/exit and planned path
underwater), Tables (depth, duration, waypoints and schedule).

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Part 2: TDI Diver Standards

In-water Drills
1. Demonstrate buoyancy control; ability to hover at fixed position in water column
without moving hands or feet
2. Show good awareness of buddy and other team members through
communications, proximity and team oriented dive practices
3. Demonstrate comfort swimming on surface and at depth carrying single
decompression stage cylinder
4. Demonstrate ability to drop and retrieve single decompression cylinder while
maintaining position in the water column
5. Demonstrate ability to deploy a lift bag solo and as member of team
6. Demonstrate controlled / staged ascent on lift bag / emergency ascent line (lost
ascent line)
7. Remove and replace mask (deploy backup mask)
8. Demonstrate appropriate reaction to gas hemorrhage from manifold or first stage,
SPG and primary regulator
9. React to BCD inflator malfunction; disconnect LP hose, dump gas and orally
inflate BCD/Wing to neutral buoyancy
10. Demonstrate ability to confirm gas switch(es) at depth with buddy/team members
11. Buddy breathing decompression gas for at least 1 minute
12. Demonstrate appropriate reaction to simulated free-flowing decompression
13. Demonstrate appropriate modifications to deco schedule in decompression
emergency (over time, over depth) (to be simulated)
14. Demonstrate tired diver tow at depth and on surface, 30 metres / 100 feet lateral
15. Complete a horizontal breath hold swim at depth for 15 metres / 45 feet
16. Properly execute the planned dive within all pre-determined limits
a. Assembly of diver carried equipment
b. Proper descent / ascent rates
c. Proper staged stop procedures
d. Monitoring of decompression status equipment; tables, computers,
17. Contingency situations and problem solving, as appropriate by instructor
i. Omitted decompression.
ii. Extended bottom time profiles with increased decompression and
recalculated schedules
iii. Failure to deploy lift bag and reel
iv. Missed up-line or missed boat anchor
v. Loss of decompression gas

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Part 2: TDI Diver Standards

18. A safety stop of at least 3 minutes shall be conducted on all no-

decompression dives and proper staged decompression stops whenever
and wherever mandated.
19. Demonstrate (simulated) emergency gas sharing at a stationary depth
not to exceed 30 metres / 100 feet
20. Demonstrate emergency deployment of a backup regulator or bail-out
scuba system containing bottom mix at a depth not exceeding 30 metres
/ 100 feet
21. Demonstrate the proper deployment, management and use of the
bottom mix, decompression mix and travel mix, if used, including but
not limited to:
a. Conservative gas management
b. Depth control to avoid descending too deep for mix
c. Show appropriate and timely responses to instruction / signals
from the instructor and demonstrate buoyancy control and
awareness throughout the dive
In order to complete this course, students must:
1. Satisfactorily complete the TDI Decompression Procedures Course
written examination
2. Complete all open water requirements safely and efficiently
3. Demonstrate mature, sound judgment concerning dive planning and

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