Candle Lighting Ceremony

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Senior Alumni Lights the Candles of us hold our torches of virtues up high.

Candle Lighting Ceremony Graduands May we become their source of hope

and enlightenment to others.
This should bring us to the full
Everybody is requested to stand, form realization of our mission of spreading May our light spread to all the people
lines at the sides and aisles. the spark of light which was started and of the world. With it is a wish that all
nurtured by the senior alumni. To be a of us keep the fire burning despite the
What could life be without light? source of light is not an easy task. It is harsh realities of life. With it too is the
(Light is turned off here). Could you a challenge that has befallen on each of sincere prayer that everyone of us will
imagine yourself groping in the dark - us here that of continuing and keeping continue to live a life of love, truth and
without a sense of direction, a sense of up the good works and excellence that enlightenment.
mission? Wouldn’t you long for light the alumni before us started and shown.
even just a flicker of it? For our light to serve its purpose, no Excerpt from the text prepared by
matter how little it might be, we have Jose Eric C. Ruiz, WRE `92
Senior Alumni Light Their Candle to hold it up high, uncover it for
everyone to see. As a community we
You became a part of this Institute as a can become into a very intense source
student with just a spark of light but of light and share this warmth into all Pledge of the New Alumni
then seeing all that you have those around us. That’s the beauty of
accomplished to this day one can tell of being in this kind of community where
your transformation into a very radiant each tries to lighten the burden of a Conscious of the benefits and
light. Yes, dear senior alumni, you friend, brighten someone else’s day and responsibilities which my AIT
have made yourself a visible part of encouraging others to preserve their education has endowed me, I promise
AIT … guiding and molding yourself glow no matter what. to be loyal to the ideals of AIT and to
… contributing much to the be helpful and useful to the society.
development of the Institute … making Outside AIT, we can also become a
all Alumni proud … giving us a sense light to others in our little ways. Let
of dignity. Indeed, a light to us in more this light we are holding in our hands
ways than one. be a symbol of our ever-burning zeal of
making a difference in this world. Let

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