Empires D6 Edition
Empires D6 Edition
Empires D6 Edition
D6 Edition
20-28mm Scale Battles
Ancients to Napoleonic's
Equipment required 2
Setting up 2
Army lists 3
Deployment 3
Winning conditions 4
Game sequence 5
Manoeuvring step 6
Shooting step 8
Melee step 11
Unit types 16
Honour cards 31
Roads maps 32
Empires Expansions 38
Empires is a fast paced wargame that focuses on the time before the World Wars:
Medieval era’s and more
Empires was were tested using 28mm and 1:72 scale models, but smaller or larger scales will not impact
on the game as long as all players use the same scale models.
Empires is suitable for beginners or veterans of tabletop wargaming as the rules can be basic or
advanced depending on the number of upgrades taken for each unit.
Empires uses blocks of infantry or cavalry instead of loose formation models, i.e. each unit moves as
one, base touching base on movement trays. Movement trays can be bought from any good hobby
store, or can be made using premeasured balsa wood. A movement tray should be able to allow a set
number of troops to fit onto it without any soldiers falling off the base. A movement tray will allow ease
of movement around a gaming table and will save time when moving a large number of models.
This game uses D6 dice (a dice with six sides) to determine outcomes. In the unit profiles and unique
rules there will be modifiers which affect a dice result e.g. Light Armour, increases the difficulty for an
enemy projectile unit to injure a troop by increasing the roll required to kill from 5+ to 6+ on the D6; in
Empires this is shown as: +1 Shooting Skill. Whereas, if the unit of archers were crossbowman instead,
the crossbow negates armour modifiers by -1, therefore a unit with Light Armour would not gain the
benefit from that armour, so the D6 result would remain as 5+. Please note, regardless of modifiers, no
D6 result can be reduced further than 2+ as a result of '1' is always a fail and a D6 requirement of over a
6+ will always ‘hit’ on a ‘6’.
What is a unit?
This rulebook will use the word ‘unit’ to define a number of soldiers from the same squad.
A unit of soldiers is the collective for one type of infantry, cavalry or war machine choice that ‘work’
together. Therefore, one group of soldiers working together would be one unit; whereas one group of
infantry and one group of cavalry would be two separate units.
David San-Briones (order #20777770)
Equipment required
Rule book, Empires hopes that all arguments can be settled without the rule book,
but sometimes the rule book may be needed for clarification
Setting up
To set up the table, place scenery such as trees, rocks, hills, rivers or bridges over the board. There
should be an equal supply of scenery on each half of the gaming table.
Then the players decide who will deploy first, this can be decided by a coin, dice throw, or playing the
Rock/Paper/Scissors game.
The player who wins can choose: who deploy firsts, what side of the table to deploy on, and starts their
turn first.
An army list should be written before the game has started and should match the allocated points
allowed for the game.
The number of points to be played should be decided between the players, the typical game is between
2000 to 4000 points per army.
To begin deployment, players place units within 12” of their table edge.
To deploy infantry, the front row (or rank) must be between five to ten models wide.
To deploy cavalry, the front row (or rank) must be between three to ten models wide.
A Standard Bearer, Battle Signal/Musician and/or Leader must be placed in the front rank of their
attached unit.
David San-Briones (order #20777770)
Winning conditions
To win at Empires is to destroy the enemy completely, or cause the most damage to the enemy
quantified by the number of units left on the board.
Once the game has finished, players total up the number of victory points they have gained:
If all of a player's units have been killed, routed or are fleeing from the battlefield, they have lost the
game regardless of the number of victory points they had been awarded.
Empires is controlled by turns, this is the process where a player completes a sequence of steps.
Once the last of the steps has finished, a turn has been completed. When both/all players have
finished their sequence of steps, a whole turn has finished.
The number of turns in an Empires game should be agreed by the players before play, but a minimum
of five turns is recommended.
The game sequence which decides a turn for Empires, has three main steps:
1. Manoeuvring Step
Units move or pivot ready to charge an enemy, align themselves to receive an impending charge, or
get into range to loosen arrows!
2. Shooting Step
Units able to shoot, can shoot their arrows, fire their muskets or light the artillery.
3. Melee Step
Units can now charge into the enemy and attack in close combat.
David San-Briones (order #20777770)
Manoeuvring Step
In this step, units are able to move for strategic advantage or to bring them into range of the enemy.
The maximum distance a unit can move is detailed in the unit's profile (see the Unit profiles later in this ruleset).
A unit that does not move, can face any direction by turning on the spot.
Basic movement:
Warmachine 0”
A warmachine is unable to move but can pivot in any direction in the Manoeuvring Step
A unit can ‘pivot’ on the spot
up to 90°, without a
movement penalty. A unit can
pivot 45°, move and then pivot
another 45° for example.
Pivoting is where a unit can
turn from a fixed point.
David San-Briones (order #20777770)
Terrain and Formations
Terrain will often impact upon a unit’s
ability to move, Empires replicates this by
determining whether terrain will be
difficult to scale in real life; if yes, then a
unit’s movement is halved (rounded up).
A unit which cannot shoot, or does not wish to shoot, can
March; this allows a unit to move double its normal
movement speed. A unit that Marches cannot pivot or
charge in the same turn.
David San-Briones (order #20777770)
A unit can shoot if: it did not March, is in range of an enemy unit and can see the enemy unit.
Line of Sight
Being able to see the enemy unit is
confirmed by 'line of sight'. To
determine line of sight, look behind
the unit shooting, if the majority of
the unit can see the enemy unit,
then the enemy is in line of sight.
Guns and bows follow the same
rules for shooting to account for
the different eras that can be used
within the Empires gaming system.
To shoot/fire with a unit, check the
distance between the unit and the
enemy unit, confirm how many
archers/musketeers are in range
(shooting distance) and whether
they are in line of sight.
Shoot \ Fire
Once unit shooting numbers has
been established, take the unit’s
Shooting skill, subtract any
modifiers and roll the score needed
to hit on the D6. For every D6
result which is equal or higher than
the required Shooting skill, an
enemy model is removed.
A unit’s shooting skill can never be increased further than 6+, as 6+ is the maximum shooting difficulty.
Not every shooting unit will use a bow, some may use a crossbow, or a rifle, always check what a unit’s
weapon is before shooting, e.g. Crossbows have a shorter range than bows. Some projectile weapons can
shoot more than once, but a unit wielding one of these weapons can only target one enemy unit per turn.
Shooting Example
Four Elite Archers, equipped with
Bows, are within 16" of the enemy
Pikeman. Bows have a 20" range
(shooting distance) so the enemy
Pikeman are all in range.
Shooting Example
with Modifiers
Four Elite Archers, equipped with
Bows, are within 16" of the enemy
Pikeman. Bows have a 20" range
(shooting distance) so the enemy
Pikeman are all in range.
David San-Briones (order #20777770)
Bravery and Removing casualties
To remove casualties, take away all models from the rear rank/s first, then the models from the front
rank, centre last. Battle Signal/Musician, Standard Bearer/Company Bearer and Leader are removed
last from the ‘normal’ troops.
If an enemy unit is reduced to 25% of its original unit size, i.e. Twenty Troops down to five troops, that
unit automatically pivots away from the shooter, and Marches. The unit can only regroup in its next
Regrouping, will allow the player to pivot the now ‘Brave’ unit and face them in any direction; but the
unit is unable to perform any other action that turn.
Any unit which Marches off the board is no longer able to regroup onto the board and is therefore
unable to be used for the rest of the game.
Once a unit has regrouped it can never be made to take a Bravery test again as it is assumed that they
no longer worry about their own safety.
Leader’s Lives
A Leader is seen as a figure which cannot fall, either due to their superior training, flawless armour or
weaponry. Empires represents this by allocating a leader with three lives. Each life represents one
troop. i.e. an enemy unit kill three troops, killing a remaining Bodyguard and two Lives off the Leader.
Every time the leader loses a life, add one token next of the model to represent this. When a leader has
lost all their Lives the leader is removed from play.
To shoot into melee, first roll the appropriate amount of dice for the number of troops able to shoot,
then all successful hits are collected and rolled again; any result from 4-6 hits the enemy troops, any
result from 1-3 hit your own troops.
e.g. Twenty veteran archers shoot into a melee between eight friendly Troops, and ten enemy Troops.
There are five successful hits; five dice are thrown to decide what unit gets hits and how many times.
Three results of 4-6 are thrown, killing three enemy troops, but two results are from 1-3, killing two of
your own troops.
To charge, the unit must be facing the
targeted unit i.e. the enemy is directly in
front of the charging unit; this should have
been completed in the Manoeuvring Step.
The unit must also be in charging distance,
measured from the unit’s centre front
rank, to any side on the enemy unit.
David San-Briones (order #20777770)
Charge Bonuses
There are five types of charge bonuses, but the most commonly
used are:
Cavalry Charge
Once all units have charged, the Melee Step begins.
First complete all existing melee attacks that were initiated in the previous turns. Any allied or enemy units
that would have run away must do so now before any new charges can be placed upon them. If an enemy
unit has run away before the charging unit struck any blows, that unit may reposition and face any direction,
as can the unit which caused the enemy unit to flee.
In Empires all attacks are made simultaneously, this means that no player’s units hit before one another.
Therefore, all attacks are made at the unit’s full strength before blows are struck in the Melee Step. e.g. Ten
Troops kill four enemy Troops out of ten; but the enemy can still attack with their ten Troops.
Please note that when units are in melee, all soldiers in those units are in melee, not just the soldiers in the
front rank.
If there are two enemy units in combat with the same unit, the controlling player can choose which of the
enemy units to strike; attacks cannot be split between the two enemy units.
David San-Briones (order #20777770)
Calculating the Damage Caused
Similar to shooting, melee is completed using skill to determine outcomes, in this instance the melee
skill of the unit.
To calculate the melee skill result required, first check your unit’s melee skill found on the unit’s profile,
add or take away any modifiers applicable, roll the required number of D6’s and remove any models
which are hit; remembering to remove models from the rear first.
If a unit charged in that turn, a bonus, if applicable, is determined by where the charge was placed on
the enemy unit:
To determine where the charge was placed to, if the front, centre model can be placed facing any side
of the enemy unit (front, side or rear) then the unit charges and is then placed facing the enemy unit.
Move to Position
David San-Briones (order #20777770)
Red First...
Blue Last...
David San-Briones (order #20777770)
A unit cannot gain a charge bonus next turn against the same unit.
After the initial combat and before the next melee step, both units should face each other:
Assessing Bravery
Once all blows have been struck, assess each units Bravery. If any are under 25% original unit strength,
then they turn and run using the same rules for Bravery unless a unit won combat by wiping out the
opponents unit, in which case the unit may reposition facing any direction for free. If no unit runs, units
stay in melee for another turn.
A unit cannot chose to break from melee, unless the player chooses to let the unit fail their Bravery test,
in which case, the unit runs as per normal rules for Bravery. The enemy player then gets to reposition
their units for free in any direction they wish to face and any other allied units that were also in the
David San-Briones (order #20777770)
Unit Types
Empires has three categories of unit types:
War machines
Infantry will form the bulk of an army, low cost to field and therefore, more numerous than cavalry
Cavalry units have high mobility and excellent charging capabilities. Cavalry are often used as shock
troops to form a counter attack or killing blow to an enemy’s flank.
War machines have no mobility but are able to deliver good levels damage against the enemy and very
effective at reducing enemy charge potential.
1. Trained, these units have been trained in fighting through drills or practice fights with their
2. Veteran, these units have been trained and had battle experience; learned new skills or qualities
that make then stand out amongst the rest.
3. Elite, these units are the best the army has to offer, superior training and veterans of many
Each unit has limitations on what equipment it can take; the Leader and his bodyguard are the
exception as they are able to take any upgrades they need (unless specified otherwise).
A unit can upgrade: One armour type, labelled as a ‘1’ on the upgrade chart;
One melee weapon, labelled as a ‘2’ on the upgrade chart;
One ranged weapon, labelled as a ‘3’ on the upgrade chart;
Two Misc modifier upgrades, labelled as a ‘4’ on the upgrade chart;
A unit may take all upgrades labelled as a ‘5’ on the upgrade chart
The ‘Special Rules’ equipment for a unit does not count to the limit a unit may take i.e. a Heavy Troop
unit with Good Shoes in its special rules, may two other Misc modifiers.
Armour is the exception to this rule, as a unit can only wear one type of armour.
David San-Briones (order #20777770)
Units Playable
There are several types of units which can be used in Empires, over the following pages you will find
details and special rules and upgrades available for each unit.
Unique Rules
These rules are available to several of the units as listed in their section
Troops can combine with other squads as long as they are in 6” range of each other, neither are in
melee and that they have the same experience i.e. Both Veterans. This is completed in the charging
phase. Fleeing units can join and instantly regroup. A unit cannot exceed 40 soldiers after
Throwing Spear
Used in the Shooting Step, 12” range, hits on 6+, regardless of modifiers. The unit can charge after
throwing the spears but must charge the same unit it ballasted
Black Sky
Creates a chosen area of terrain of 2” by 6” dangerous to cross. Any model attempting to pass through
gets hit on a 5+. Black Sky lasts for one turn only.
Used in the Shooting Step, 8" range, hits on 5+. The unit can charge after throwing but must charge the
same unit it shot at.
Pick a Target
Once the shooting skill is passed, the controlling player can choose what enemy models are removed
from that unit.
Skirmish models may be unable to charge, the enemy gain a -1 bonus to their melee skill for one turn
but Skirmishers do gain a -1 increase to their shooting skill, and every time they shoot, they can fall back
2" for free. A skirmish unit can only have a maximum of ten troops. Players should space their
Skirmishers apart on the base to represent that the models have this rule with five models on the front
rank and five in the second rank.
David San-Briones (order #20777770)
Understanding the Unit Sheets
How a unit reacts on a battlefield, whether they are moving, shooting or stabbing is governed by their
unit sheet. See the example below for a breakdown of a unit sheet.
.7. .8.
Standard Troop upgrades Modifier
1 Light Armour +2pts per model +1 to enemy shooting and melee skill
2 Long Sword +2pts per model -1 to melee skill when flank charging
.1. The name of the unit and the minimum number of models that must be purchased to use this unit.
.3. The D6 shooting skill required to hit the enemy before modifiers.
.4. The D6 melee skill required to hit the enemy before modifiers.
.5. How far the unit can move in the Manoeuvring Step.
.6. Any special rules associated with this unit. See page 30 for an explanation on any unit's special rules
seen in this ruleset.
.7. The name of the unit and the upgrades that they are eligible to take. The number in bold highlights
the category of upgrade be it an armour of weapon type.
David San-Briones (order #20777770)
Troops form a sturdy mainstay for an army, they are cheap to field and have good mobility.
Standard Troops (10+) Cost each Shooting skill Melee skill Movement Special Rules
1 Light Armour +2pts per model +1 to enemy shooting and melee skill
1 Heavy Armour (Pikeman only) +4pts per model +2 to enemy shooting and melee skill
2 Long Sword +2pts per model -1 to melee skill when flank charging
4 Spiked Shield +3pts per model Enemy must reroll all successful melee hits
4 Large Shield +1pt per model +1 to enemy shooting and melee skill
5 Battle Signals/Musician +5pts Can face any direction with no movement penalty
5 Upgrade Troops to Pikeman* +2pts per model Deny charge bonus from Cavalry Charge on front arc only
*Pikeman cannot be given any other weapon upgrade shown here. Pikeman gain the Pike special rule
but will not be able to use the Large Shield/Spiked Shield upgrade.
David San-Briones (order #20777770)
Heavy Troops
Heavy Troops are good defensive troops with their heavy armour and also a good offensive troop with
their higher melee skill.
2 Long Sword +2pts per model -1 to melee skill when flank charging
2 Axe +1pt per model Enemy receives no protection from Light Armour
4 Spiked Shield +3pts per model Enemy must reroll all successful melee hits
4 Hidden Weapon +2pts per model Reroll up to five unsuccessful melee hits
5 Battle Signals/Musician +5pts Can face any direction with no movement penalty
*Heavy Troops lose their shields when the Claymore or Halberd upgrade is taken.
David San-Briones (order #20777770)
What archers lack in defence and melee, they make up for in shooting and range.
Armed with bows, they pick off dwindling or routing units off the board
Archers Shooting
Cost each Melee skill Movement Special Rules
(Min 10+) skill/ range
1 Light Armour +2pts per model +1 to enemy shooting and melee skill
3 Rifle (Skirmishers only)* 1pt per model 14" range, negates armour bonus by 2
3 Holmegaard Bow Free 14" range bow, shoots twice in one turn
4 Hidden Weapon +2pts per model Reroll up to five unsuccessful melee hits
5 Poisoned Arrows/Bolts +1pt per model Reroll up to 3 failed shooting hits per turn
The Black Sky rule is lost when the unit takes a Musket or Rifle upgrade
David San-Briones (order #20777770)
Light Cavalry / Cavalry Archers
Light cavalry have great mobility and good offensive skill, but be aware of their
light armour so keep them away from the larger enemy units.
Trained 20 5+ 5+ 12 Lance
3 Holmegaard Bow +1pt per model 14" range bow, shoots twice in one turn
4 Hidden Weapon +2pts per model Reroll up to five unsuccessful melee hits
4 Spiked Shield +3pts per model Enemy must reroll all successful melee hits
5 Thorough Bred Horse* +3pts per model +2" Manoeuvring and +2" charge range
Any failed melee hits may be rerolled, as do other
5 Company Banner +50pts
allied units within 12" from the banner
5 Standard Bearer +30pts Any failed melee hits may be rerolled
5 Poisoned Weapon +1pt per model Reroll up to 3 failed melee hits per turn
5 +1pt per model Reroll up to 3 failed shooting hits per turn
Light Cavalry are able to carry one melee weapon and one ranged weapon, but are only able to use one
per turn.
*Thorough Bred Horse cannot be used with New Shoes or Determination upgrades.
David San-Briones (order #20777770)
Heavy Cavalry
Heavy cavalry are the elite troops: high defence, high melee skill and good mobility,
but cost will limit the number of units players can field.
4 Large Shield +1pt per model +1 to enemy shooting and melee skill
4 Spiked Shield +3pts per model Enemy must reroll all successful melee hits
5 Thorough Bred Horse +3pts per model +2" manoeuvring and +2" charge range
5 Poisoned Weapon +1pt per model Reroll up to 3 failed melee hits per turn
Any failed melee hits may be rerolled, as do other allied
5 Company Banner +50pts
units within 12" from the banner
Heavy cavalry are able to carry one melee weapon and one ranged weapon, but are only able to use
one per turn.
David San-Briones (order #20777770)
Light Chariot
Cost each Shooting skill Melee skill Movement Special Rules
(Min and Max 3)
Heavy Chariot
Cost each Shooting skill Melee skill Movement Special Rules
(Min and Max 3)
1 Light Armour +1pt per model +1 to enemy shooting and melee skill
1 Heavy Armour +2pts per model +2 to enemy shooting and melee skill
2 Axe +1pt per model Enemy receives no protection from Light Armour
2 Lance Free No enemy armour bonus
4 New Shoes +1pt per model +1" manoeuvring
4 Determination +1pt per model +1" charge
4 Castle Forged Steel +1pt per model -1 to melee skill
4 Brace for Impact +2pts per model Negate charge bonus by +1
4 Hidden Weapon +2pts per model Reroll up to five unsuccessful melee hits
4 Bladed Wheels +3pts Enemy must reroll all successful melee hits
5 Thorough Bred Horse +3pt per model +2" manoeuvring and +2" charge range
5 Poisoned Weapon +1pt per model Reroll up to 3 failed melee hits per turn
5 Musician +5pts Can face any direction with no movement penalty
5 Standard Bearer +30pts Any failed melee hits may be rerolled
Any failed melee hits may be rerolled, as do other allied
5 Company Banner +50pts
units within 12" from the banner
David San-Briones (order #20777770)
War Elephant
War Elephant Cost each Shooting skill Movement Special Rules
melee skill
3 Holmgaard Bow Free 14" range bow, shoots twice in one turn
David San-Briones (order #20777770)
Leaders inspire troops to hold the line and provide strong support where needed. With an elite band of
bodyguards and their high defence, Leaders can withstand damage long enough to destroy an enemy
Cost for
Leader and each extra
Shooting Leader/Bodyguard
Bodyguard Bodyguard Movement Special Rules
skill melee skill
(Min 5) (max 9
Leader and Bodyguards lose their shields when either the Claymore or Two Handed Axe upgrade is
Only one Leader and Bodyguard unit can be bought per army unless the Supreme Commander is
purchased, which allows multiple Leaders to be purchased to a maximum of three.
Leaders and Bodyguard are able to carry one melee weapon and one ranged weapon, but are only able
to use one per turn.
David San-Briones (order #20777770)
Leader and Bodyguard upgrades continued
2 Two Handed Axe +1pt per model -2 to melee skill (lose any shield upgrade)
2 Axe +1pt per model Enemy receives no protection from Light Armour
Unique Sword
2 +5pts -2 to melee skill
(Leaders only)
War Hammer
2 +2pts -1 to melee skill, enemy gain no armour bonus
(Leaders only)
4 Spiked Shield +3pts per model Enemy must reroll all successful melee hits
4 Large Shield +1pt per model + to enemy shooting and melee skill
4 Hidden Weapon +2pts per model Reroll up to five unsuccessful melee hits
5 Thorough Bred Horse +3pts per model +2" manoeuvring and +2" charge range
5 Poisoned Weapon +1pt per model Reroll up to 3 failed melee hits per turn
David San-Briones (order #20777770)
Warmachines do not follow the same rules for movement, shooting and assault compared to infantry
or cavalry units. Warmachines include catapults, ballista’s, cannon’s etc.
Warmachine Ammunition
Warmachines are supplied with enough ammunition to last for the whole of the battle.
Manoeuvring Step
A warmachine is unable to move in the Manoeuvring Step.
Shooting Step
A warmachine has a firing arc of 90° from where the front of the warmachine is facing.
To fire the warmachine, similar to shooting with any other unit; check the distance between the
warmachine and target, then declare the shot; rolling the required result to kill.
Some ammo types such as Grape Shot, have a shorter range but roll two D6 (2D6) to see how many
‘shots’ are in the warmachine. Roll two D6 together and the total number is how many D6’s should be
rolled to hit the enemy. e.g. A cannon prepares to fire Grape Shot. The player rolls two D6 and the
result is 10. Ten D6’s are then rolled at the cannon’s shooting skill.
If a warmachine does not have clear line of sight to the targeted enemy, +1 to their shooting skill for
every ‘obstacle’ in the firing line to a maximum of 6+.
A warmachine cannot charge under any circumstances. If a warmachine is charged, the enemy always
counts the charge as a rear charge.
The warmachine crew's melee skill follows the Trained Standard Troops profile of 6+.
Taking Casualties
A warmachine has three crew wearing Heavy Armour. The warmachine is destroyed when all crewmen
are killed.
The number of warmachine crew who have been killed does not affect the warmachines reloading time.
David San-Briones (order #20777770)
Chariots differ from infantry and cavalry models in these
War Elephants
War elephants differ from infantry and cavalry in these ways:
Warmachine Upgrades
Warmachine upgrades Modifiers
Moving units never gain the +1
Veteran Spotter (Ballista exempt) +5pts
modifier from warmachines
Artillery Officer +10pts Reroll all failed shooting rolls
Catapult Ammo Shooting Skill Range (")
Stone 3 x 4+* 30
Small Stones 2D6 4+* 10
Greek Fire 4+ 24
Enemy Heads 4+ 12
Where Greek fire has landed, the spot should be marked by a 4” by 2” marker, this is now impassable
terrain for all types of units for one turn, friend or foe. Greek Fire cannot be placed on an enemy unit.
*If the targeted enemy moved in the previous manoeuvring step, shooting skill required is 5+
Ballista Ammo Shooting Skill Range (")
Bolt 3+* 28
*If the shooting skill is passed, the 'bolt' then travels through to the next rank and hits on a 4+, this
continues until the end of the ranks, or if the shooting skill fails.
Cannon Shooting Skill Range (")
Grape Shot 2D6 4+* 8
Cannon Ball 3 x 4+* 32
*If the targeted enemy moved in the previous manoeuvring step, shooting skill required is 5+.
Honour Cards are bought and written in the army list for reference; they are shown to the opponent at
the beginning of the Manoeuvring Step when the controlling player wishes to use them.
Each card applies for one unit and for one turn; once played, the card cannot be used again.
Unless agreed otherwise, only two cards can be used per game
David San-Briones (order #20777770)
Road Maps
The table top sometimes does not always interpret the whole of the battle that could be raging on.
Therefore Empires incorporates this by allowing units to arrive from the edge of the board once the
game has begun.
Any units which arrive after the game has begun can arrive on Turn 2, and must arrive from the edge of
the board, and cannot pivot until the beginning of their turn.
Where the unit is placed on the board depends on what is paid for in the army list. A unit that arrives on
the flanks must pay an additional 25% of the total unit cost; arriving at the rear of the board will cost an
additional 50% of the total unit cost. A unit that arrives on the controlling player’s deployment zone
may do so for free.
Where the unit arrives will be written in the player’s army list and must be deployed on the turn
decided by the controlling player; even if doing so would not be a sound tactical plan i.e. Heavy Troops
will arrive on the left flank on Turn 3; therefore, the Heavy Troops must deploy on the left flank on Turn
A maximum of 50% of a player’s total units can arrive from the edges of the board; all others must be
deployed at the start of the game.
Once arriving units have been deployed, they may be used as normal i.e. can still move, shoot, or charge
into melee.
A Napoleonic's ruleset will be released in the future to take into account the range of units available in
this period.
David San-Briones (order #20777770)
Game Modifiers - Non Unique
Movement Bonuses
Charge Bonuses
Forest Charge (Infantry Only) -3 to melee skill against cavalry in a forested area
Armour Bonuses
David San-Briones (order #20777770)
Melee Bonuses
Pikes Deny charge bonus from Cavalry Charge on front arc only
Spiked Shield/Bladed Wheels Enemy must reroll all successful melee hits
David San-Briones (order #20777770)
Shooting Bonuses
Sure Shot +1 to shooting skill, increases range of all bow type weapons by 4"
David San-Briones (order #20777770)
The Living Rulebook concept:
Want to help?
From all the team here at War of Life Gaming, we like to think that all our rulebooks answer all
possibilities and any questions that could be asked. However, we know, even the best sometimes get
this wrong, which is why we at War of Life, feel that this rulebook will be a living rulebook, meaning that
any question, additions, problems, complaints; are solved and changed to the rulebook as soon as we
can. No external errata’s, or FAQs, all questions will be answered, and all changes will be added.
This rulebook hopes to create a style of play that has not yet been seen before in table-top wargaming;
and we hope that wargamers will take these rules and play them at their local clubs and tournaments,
adding new rules and specific army forces. If wargamers wish to share these additional rules to us, we
can add them to the core rulebook and allow others to share in the fun!
Wendy Woodhouse
Co-creator of Empires
Paul Woodhouse
Problem solver
Alexander Basta
Additional game tester
The Empires’ core rule set is registered copyright to Dominic Basta, who has given permission to the
War of Life Gaming System Organisation to use the rule set.
Registered copyright given in the UK by the UK Copyright Service. Registered copyright is international.
All Rights Reserved
David San-Briones (order #20777770)
Empires Expansions
To remove casualties, take away all models from the rear rank/s first, then the models from the front
rank, centre last. Battle Signal/Musician, Standard Bearer/Company Bearer and Leader are removed
last from the ‘normal’ troops.
Any unit which Marches off the board is no longer able to regroup onto the board and is therefore
From Campaign Scenarios,
unable to be used for the rest of the game.
Army Expansions and Fantasy
Once a unit has regrouped it can never be made to take a Bravery test again as it is assumed that they
no longer worry about their ownupdates,
safety. check them all out on
our publisher page:
David San-Briones (order #20777770)
Simple Models Medieval
War from a Bird's-Eye View
Red vs Blue
Teams : Red vs. Blue
Red Team Units Page No Blue Team Units Page No
Infantry Infantry
Standard Troops 41 Standard Troops 54
Pikeman 42 Pikeman 55
Archers 43 Archers 56
Crossbowman 44 Crossbowman 57
Musketeer 45 Musketeer 58
Heavy Troop 46 Heavy Troop 59
Cavalry Cavalry
Light Cavalry Sword 47 Light Cavalry Sword 60
Light Cavalry Lance 48 Light Cavalry Lance 61
Cavalry Archer 49 Cavalry Archer 62
Heavy Cavalry Sword 50 Heavy Cavalry Sword 63
Heavy Cavalry Lance 51 Heavy Cavalry Lance 64
Leader Leader
On Foot 52 On Foot 65
On Horseback 52 On Horseback 65
Warmachines Warmachine
Catapult 52 Catapult 65
Ballista 52 Ballista 65
Cannon 52 Cannon 65
War Elephant 52 War Elephant 65
Light Chariot 53 Light Chariot 66
Heavy Chariot 53 Heavy Chariot 66
Thank you for purchasing this paper model download. We hope to add more to this series over the next couple of months to
buildings, natural scenery and walling.
Here you will find a multiple number of units ready to battle. Unlike most paper models however, the unit's are seen from
above which we think puts an interesting twist into the game, you do stand over them after all.
The majority of infantry and cavalry units will have a musician, standard bearer and unit leader model to accompany them.
These models are compatible with the Empires Series, a range of rulesets available in D6, D10, D20 and Diceless editions; For
more information Visit our Publisher's page or Like us on Facebook
Although the Unit Leader model is not a model type in the ruleset, they provide a useful marker for determining unit line-of-
sight, charge ranges etc.
Standard /Company
Unit Leader
David San-Briones (order #20777770)
Standard /Company
Unit Leader
David San-Briones (order #20777770)
Unit Leader
Standard /Company
Unit Leader
Unit Leader Musician Light Cavalry - Lance
Light Cavalry - Lance
Unit Leader Musician
Unit Leader Musician Heavy Cavalry - Sword
Unit Leader Musician Heavy Cavalry - Lance
Leader on Foot and on Horseback
War Elephant
Light Chariot
Heavy Chariot
David San-Briones (order #20777770)
Standard Troops
Blue Team Unit Selection
Standard /Company
Unit Leader
David San-Briones (order #20777770)
Standard /Company
Unit Leader
David San-Briones (order #20777770)
Unit Leader
David San-Briones (order #20777770)
Unit Leader
David San-Briones (order #20777770)
Unit Leader
David San-Briones (order #20777770)
Heavy Troops
Standard /Company
Unit Leader
David San-Briones (order #20777770)
Unit Leader Musician Light Cavalry - Sword
Standard /Company
Unit Leader Musician Light Cavalry - Lance
Standard /Company
Cavalry Archers
Standard /Company
Unit Leader
Standard /Company
Unit Leader Musician Heavy Cavalry - Lance
David San-Briones (order #20777770)
Example Movement Trays
David San-Briones (order #20777770)
David San-Briones (order #20777770)
The Empires’ core rule set, expansions,
model and images are registered
copyright to Dominic Basta, who has
given permission to the War of Life
Gaming System Organisation to use the
rule set.
Registered copyright given in the UK by
the UK Copyright Service. Registered
copyright is international.
All Rights Reserved
David San-Briones (order #20777770)