Erica B. Rufo
Erica B. Rufo
Erica B. Rufo
According to Logan (n.d.) any time personal problem could occupy some of the
cognitive capacity and interfere academic pursuits. Occasionally, the best solution to a
problem depends on what causesit, in which case, one has to discover why the problem
arises. But in most cases, the best approach is simply to deal with the problem.
Most of the time research work is found to be a tedious and very tiring work to do;
however, teachers and students can not get away from this work because most often
this is an academic requirment.
Reports from the university of Cincinnati (2001) declares some common reason why
students experienced academic problems. It was said that some students do not have
the clear vision regarding their reason being in college. It could be pointed out that
students are in college since parents insist while not feeling goodon what they are
Statement of the Problem
1. What are the Profiles of the Grade 11 SHS of Malandag Institute, Inc. as to:
1.1 Age
1.2 Gender
2. What will you do if the student has negative outlook in the subject?
3. What are the difficulties being encountered by the student researcher?
the Grade 11 Students of Malandag Institute S.Y. 2018-2019. The study also consists of
some ideas in order to satisfy the aim of this research. This study may also benefit the
To the School Administration. They will come up with essential ideas that will lead to
understand more about this timely problem. They will identify the causes and effects of
grade 11 students in practical research that will lead them to have more understanding
To the Students. This study may have better understanding the difficult encounters of
To the Future Researcher. The result of the study will provide profound and
1. Studying
2. Self-motivation
3. Financial support
The scope of this research will focus on the attitude of students. The
sample of study we’re given to 15 randomly students
Definition of terms
Research – the systematic investigation into and study of material and sources in order
to stablish facts and reach new conclusion.
Writing skill is difficult skill for most Arab learners who learn english as 12 because
forming a good piece of writing requires not only high proficiency of the second
language linguistic rules but also demands good cognitive skills in organizing and
presenting ideas. In this part we present some studies exist in the literature. Which
explore the challenges the Arabic-speaking student face while writing in ESL. Arabic-
speaking learners usually have difficulty in writing as a producting skills which requires
highly good connective and linguistic abilities. Rass (2015) investigated the challenges
that face palestinian arab student, specialized in teaching english as a foreign language
(EFL) in developing their writing in english as L2. The study exclude that stylistic
features from their L1. Not only learners are influenced by L1 but it is found that learners
write long sentences and they keep repeating the same ideas around the topic and
reprecate phrases without targeting the main idea ( A1- Khatib, 2001),
(Almehmadi,2013). Writing a passes as if requires good command of the language and
the ability of put forth the ideas coherently and logical manner. Many studies conducted
and writing anxiety which we would like to high light the challenges of ESL learners and
how they receive anxiety. It is found that the productive skills, writing and speaking
show high anxiety among learners more than other language skills, (for more details in
this regard see, Aydin, 2008; Tsui, 1996 Aydin, 2008; Atay & Kurt, 2006: Mat Daud, &
Abu Kassim 2005).
Many genuine steps and propose studies have been done towards developing
student”s skills in formulatinf their proposal and research projects in effective way in
their early stage in writing research proposals/projects in Saudi Arabia. Alfakhi (2017)
investigated the impact of a training program in enhancing post graduated students
improving skills of writing research proposals, after designing a training program for
improviing skills of writing research proposal, questionnair was use to given for the
participant. Pre-test tool were use to get clear result for examining student skills. The
result showed improvement and effectiveness of a training program in enhancing the
student”s skills and this was clear from the participant pre-test and post-test. The study
recommended that students showed acquire specific knowledge to prepare research
proposal. The courses designers and supervisors should have practical insight and
clear identification of students skills and attempt to develop student”s research proposal
throught courses content and activities in research methodology. Many interesting
works are available in the literature which show clearly the good steps of writing
reseach proposal/projects and can useful for supervisors and researcher in the early
stage of wiring research, Walsh, & Wigens (2003) Kothari (2004) Tayie, S. (2005),
Barroon,(2008) , Ramsey, S. (2008), Hinkel, (2011) , and Bell (2014).
Conceptual Framework
support on the research. The content of the study is about the people and students
discussed the research design, locale of the study, respondents and sampling method,
the date gathering process and the statistical tools employed for data analysis. This
study focuses on the students who can easily understand what they read on fiction book
Research Design
This study is all about the students who can easily understand what they read on
fiction than educational book. Therefore, the researcher will focus on knowing the
perspective of other students. The researcher will use survey research design for the
Research Instrument
Weighted mean was used in the study and below is the legend to determine how
often the Difficulties Encountered by The Grade 11 Students of M.I SY:2019-2020
Table 1
Legend / Code Description
4.50 – 4.49 Strongly Agree
3.00 – 3.99 Agree
2.50 - 3.99 Disagree
0 – 1.99 Strongly Disagree
The respondents of the study were the Senior High School of Malandag Institute
Incorporated and invited to participate the interview. The research used random
Data Collection
The researcher collected the data for this research using questionnaire. The
Statistical Treatment
The data gathered were treated statistically using the following tools:
To determine the reasons why some students are easy to understand fiction book
than educational book as a leisure activity among Senior High School of Malandag
Institute Incorporated
Chapter IV
This chapter presents the presentation, analysis and the interpretation of
data gathered for the study.
15-16 6 40%
17-18 9 60%
Total 15 100%
The table above shows the ages of the respondents of this study. Out of 15
respondents, 6 or 40% are 15 - 16 years old, and 9 or 60% are 17-18 years old of the
entire number of the population.
This implies that there are more respondents aging 15 - 18 who were involved in
this study.
Table 3
MALE 5 33.3%
FEMALE 10 66.6%
TOTAL 15 100%
The table above shows the gender profile of the respondents comprises 5 male
or 33.3% and 15 female or 66.6% a total of 100%.
A. Studying
Agree 3 6 40%
Disagree 2 2 13.3%
Strongly 1 3 20%
The table wanted to elucidate that there are 4 or 26.6% have answer
"strongly agree", 6 or 40% answered "agree", 2 or 13.3% for "disagree" and the rest got
3 or 20% for “strongly disagree”. The mean of table is 2.73, median of 3.5 and mode of
Agree 3 3 20%
Disagree 2 10 66.6%
Strongly 1 1 6.6%
The table wanted to elucidate that there are 1 or 6.6% have answer
"strongly agree", 3 or 20% answered "agree", 10 or 66.6%% for "disagree" and the rest
got 1 or 6.6% for “strongly disagree”. The mean of table is 2.26%, median of 2 and
mode of 10.
3. Does your absence in your school affects you to cope up with the lessons
of practical research 1?
Agree 3 9 60%
Disagree 2 3 20%
Strongly 1 2 13.3%
The table wanted to elucidate that there are 1 or 6.6% have answer
"strongly agree", 9 or 60% answered "agree", 3 or 20% for "disagree" and the rest got 2
or 13.3% for “strongly disagree”. The mean of table is 2.6, median of 2.5 and mode of 9.
4. Do you find it hard to choose a research title\ topic?
The table wanted to elucidate that there are 1 or 6.6% have answer
"strongly agree", 13 or 86.6% answered "agree", 2 or 13.3% for "disagree" and the rest
got 0 for “strongly disagree”. The mean of table is 3.13, median of 1.5 and mode of 13.
5. Are you listening when your teacher is discussing?
Scale Distribution
Strongly Agree 4 4 26.7%
Agree 3 9 60%
Disagree 2 2 13.3%
Strongly 1 0 0%
The table wanted to elucidate that there are 4 or 26.7% have answer
and the rest got 0 for “strongly disagree”. The mean of table is 3.13,
Scale Distribution
Strongly Agree 4 1 6.7%
Agree 3 10 66.7
Disagree 2 4 26.7%
Strongly 1 0 0%
The table wanted to elucidate that there are 1 or 6.7% have answer
and the rest got 0 for “strongly disagree”. The mean of table is 2.8, median
Scale Distribution
Strongly Agree 4 4 26.7%
Agree 3 11 73.3
Disagree 2 0 0%
Strongly 1 0 0%
The table wanted to elucidate that there are 4 or 26.7% have answer
"strongly agree", 11 or 73.3% answered "agree", and the rest got 0. The
4. Were you lack in motivating to yourself why sometimes you lose hope?
Scale Distribution
Strongly Agree 4 1 6.7%
Agree 3 12 80%
Disagree 2 2 13.3%
Strongly Disagree 1 0 0%
The table wanted to elucidate that there are 1 or 6.7% have answer
and the rest got 0 for “strongly disagree”. The mean of table is 2.93,
5. Does your teacher your teacher guide\ help you with your works?
Scale Distribution
Strongly Agree 4 9 60%
Agree 3 4 26.7%
Disagree 2 1 6.7%
Strongly 1 1 6.7%
The table wanted to elucidate that there are 9 or 60% have answer
“strongly disagree”. The mean of table is 2.8, median of 2.5 and mode of
C. Financial Problem
1. Does your parent support you financially when it comes in your study?
Scale Distribution
Strongly Agree 4 8 53.3%
Agree 3 4 26.7%
Disagree 2 3 20%
Strongly 1 0 0%
The table wanted to elucidate that there are 8 or 53.3% have answer
and the rest got 0 for “strongly disagree”. The mean of table is 3.5, median
of and mode of 8.
Scale Distribution
Strongly Agree 4 5 33.3%
Agree 3 6 40%
Disagree 2 4 26.7%
Strongly 1 0 0%
The table wanted to elucidate that there are 4 or 26.7% have answer
and the rest got 0 for “strongly disagree”. The mean of table is 3.06,
Scale Distribution
Strongly Agree 4 3 20%
Agree 3 6 40%
Disagree 2 4 26.7%
Strongly 1 2 13.3%
The table wanted to elucidate that there are 3 or 20% have answer
and 2 or 13.3% for “strongly disagree”. The mean of table is 2.66, median
4. Is there a time that u didn’t go to school because you don’t have money?
Measurement Code Frequency Percentage
Scale Distribution
Strongly Agree 4 6 40%
Agree 3 7
Disagree 2 2 13.3%
Strongly 1 0 0%
The table wanted to elucidate that there are 6 or 40% have answer
and the rest got 0 for “strongly disagree”. The mean of table is 3.26,
Scale Distribution
Strongly Agree 4 9 60%
Agree 3 6 40%
Disagree 2 0 0%
Strongly 1 0 0%
The table wanted to elucidate that there are 9 or 60% have answer
"strongly agree", 6 or 40% answered "agree", and the rest got 0 for
mode of 9.
Chapter V
This chapter presents the summary of the study, findings, conclusions and
recommendations and some suggestions.
1.) What are the Profiles of the Grade 11 SHS of Malandag Institute, Inc. as:
1.1 Age
1.2 Gender
2.) What will you do if the student has negative outlook in the subject?
3.) What are the difficulties being encountered by the student researcher?
The researcher came up with the following findings based on the data gathered:
1. 40% of Grade 11 SHS of Malandag Institute, Inc. are 15-16 years old; 60% are
17-18 years old.
2. The finding concluded that if the students has negative outlook in the subject
they motivate their self by the help of people around who are involve in this
subject like teachers, friends, family and ourselves.
3. The finding concluded that the difficulties that encountered of Grade 11 SHS of
Malandag Institute, Inc. agreeing with the they don’t have go to school because
an student don’t have enough money for his\her needs.
Based on the findings of this study, the following are the conclusions:
1. The intent of this study was to show that students were strumiprivous studying on
this subject.
2. The research also proposed that students have their confident to do their task or
work it because the people who around them are motivating them also.
3. The results indicated that it was not easy to go in school and study without
The following recommendations were made based on the findings of the study:
1. The researcher recommends that the students should study hard and listen
2. The researcher recommends that teachers and parents should check their
students\ son\daughter about the subject that they’re studying of and motivate
3. Parents should sustain the needs of their children to improve their learning and