Varietal Screening of Cabbage in Coastal Area
Varietal Screening of Cabbage in Coastal Area
Varietal Screening of Cabbage in Coastal Area
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3 authors, including:
Belayet Hossain
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
Optimization of Growth,Yield and Quality of Strawberry through Verticulture under Poly-tynnel View project
All content following this page was uploaded by Belayet Hossain on 29 August 2020.
Article history An experiment was carried out at Nabagram Farm house, Mannannagar, Noakhali, Bangladesh
during the period from September 2018 to January 2019 to screen out of different cabbage
Accepted 10 August 2020 varieties in coastal area of Bangladesh. The experiment was laid out Randomized Complete
Online release 17 August 2020 Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. Three varieties viz., V1= Atlas-70, V2=Summer
warrior and one is red cabbage, V3= Ruby king were selected for screening out. Data were
Keyword collected on seedlings height at transplanting stage, plant height, number of leaves/seedlings,
number of leaves/plant, leaf length and diameter, days to head formation, days to head
Screening, Varietal, harvesting, head diameter, average weight of head, yield/plot and yield (ton/ha). Maximum
Cabbage, Coastal area, parameters were significantly differed among the varieties except seedlings height, leaf length
Bangladesh and leaf diameter. Highest seedlings height (13.15 cm) were found from V 2 (Summer warrior)
whereas highest plant height (30.51 cm) notified from V3 (Ruby king).Summer warrior (V2)
*Corresponding Author gave maximum number of leaves/seedlings (4.8), leaves/plant (15.97), leaf diameter (19.67 cm),
early head formation (46.10 days), head diameter (21.29 cm) average weight of head (1.14 kg),
Belayet Hossain yield/plot (28.97 kg) and yield/ha (54.63 ton). On the other hand highest leaf length (21.41 cm)
were recorded from V3 (Ruby king) and minimum head harvesting days as well as duration were
recorded from Atlas-70 (V1). Lowest seedlings height (10.98 cm) was found from V3 (Ruby
king) as well as lowest plant height (24.57 cm) obtained from Atlas-70 (V1). Lowest number of
leaves/seedlings (2.67), number of loose leaves/plant (13.74), average head weight (0.64 kg),
yield/plot (15.93 kg) and yield/ha (30.67 ton) as well as highest days required to head formation
(56.78 days) and harvesting (141.38 days ) were noted from V3 (Ruby king) Considering the
results it can be concluded that Summer warrior cabbage variety was found to be statistically
superior to the rest of the varieties in terms of maximum growth and yield contributing
How to cite this article: Eva IJ, Hossain B and Mohsin GM (2020). Varietal screening of cabbage (Brassica oleracea var.capitata L.) in coastal
area of Bangladesh. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 7(2): 70-76. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4007472
Eva et al., International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 2020, 7(2):70-76 71
attributed to a great extent on the method of low The present research was conducted atatNabagram
production management practices adopted by the Farm house, Mannannagar, Noakhali, Bangladesh
farmers. Farmers specially use of poor quality of during the period from September 2018 to January
seeds, maintenance of lower soil fertility, 2019 to screen out of different cabbage varieties in
inadequate irrigation and time of sowing, proper coastal area of Bangladesh. The experiment was
spacing and diseases control is an important laid out under the AEZ 18 i.e. Young Meghna
inputs for realizing higher cabbage growth, yield Estuarine Floodplain. This region occupies young
and quality contributing characters as well as alluvial land adjoining the Meghna estuary. The
nutrient content. soil of experimental site was slightly alkaline pH
8.3 and EC 1.32dS/m. The soil was tested by Soil
It is fairly easy to grow a successful crop of Resource Development Institute, Noakhali (Table
cabbages, as long as varieties suitable to the 1). The experiment is carried out Randomized
growing environment are selected and the proper Complete Block Design with three replications.
cultural and pest management practices are Three varieties viz., V1= Atlas-70, V2= Summer
followed. Cultivar selection is one of the critical warrior and purple once V3=Ruby king were used.
decisions that the commercial grower must make Total number of plot was 9. Seed sowing was done
each season. Variety selection is a dynamic on 22th September 2018 in the seedbed. Before
process. Some varieties may remain favorable for seed sowing, seed treatment with Carbandazim 50
many years while others might be supplanted by WP. The land was ploughed to fine tilth properly.
newer cultivars after a few seasons (Avoy and Seedlings were uprooted carefully from the seed
Ozores-Hampton, 2010). Besides cultivar it plays bed. The unit plot size was 5.28 meter square. The
a great role for higher yield of the crop. Cabbage distance between the blocks was 1 m and that
varieties have been bred to produce good yielding between plots was 50 cm. 30 days old healthy
mature heads very early in the season (Cervenski seedlings are transplanted on 30 October
et al., 2011). For farmers growing cabbage in both maintaining spacing 45 cm × 60 cm (plant to plant
tropical and temperate climates, varieties with a and row to row) at the rate of one seedlings per
short growing season, or less number of days to hill. 24 plants are planting in the each plot.
maturity, are more advantageous for meeting early Immediately after transplanting, light watering to
market demands (Adeniji et al., 2010). Tanaka the individual seedlings was provided to overcome
and Niikura (2006) have concluded the same, in water deficit. After establishment of the seedlings,
their analysis of the development characteristics watering was done as and when necessary.
related to the earliness of head formation in
cabbage. They reasoned that, in order to address Ten tones of cow dung, 250 kg of urea, 150 kg of
market demands, head shape, size and density TSP and 250 kg of MP per hectare were applied in
must correlate with earliness of head formation the experimental plot. Entire amount of cow dung
(Ricardson, 2012). There is a wide scope of and TSP and half of MP was applied during final
increasing cabbage production with the land preparation. The entire urea and rest of MP
introduction of new suitable cultivars from abroad. were applied in three equal installments at 15, 30
There are many cabbage varieties available in the and 50 days after transplanting in the field by ring
market, which have been imported by different method. Weeding and mulching were done to keep
seed companies. Prior to recommendation for the plots free from weeds, easy aeration of soil and
farmers, varietal evaluation needs to be to conserve soil moisture, which ultimately
determined. Otherwise farmers will be deprived of ensured better growth and development.
getting benefit from cabbage cultivation. The Continuous observation was done to ensure better
object of this study was to evaluate the yield and growth of plants for good yield. Insect attack was
growth characteristics of three commercial not severe. Diseases infestation was not too severe
cabbage varieties in order to determine the best to cause damage to the crop. The data were
suited to growing conditions within the Noakhali collected from the 8 plants except yield/plot from
(slightly alkaline condition). each plot in different stages of crop growth for
obtaining various growth and yield parameters
MATERIALS AND METHODS were discussed. The recorded data of different
parameters in this study were analyzed statistically data (10.98 cm) recorded from Ruby king (V3).
by using MSTAT-C and Microsoft office Excel Highest plant height (30.51 cm) were noted from
2013 to find out the significant or non-significant V3 (Ruby king) followed by Summer warrior
within treatments and means were compared at 5% (25.91 cm) as well as lowest plant height obtained
probability level (Gomez and Gomez, 1984). from Atlas-70 (24.57 cm. Similar results was
found from Moniruzzaman, (2011). Plant height
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION differed among the varieties of cabbage due to the
variation of varieties. Sajib et al., 2015 reported
Seedlings and plant height (cm) that plant height can be increased by mixture
application of 50% Tricoderma compost along
Statistically non significant variation were with 50% recommended doses of fertilizers. Abey
obtained among the varieties in terms of seedlings et al., (2002), that vegetable crop performance
height at transplanting stage whereas significant could be linked to both genetic and environmental
variation were noted from plant height at 50 days influences amongst which is nutrient source,
after transplanting (Table 2). Highest seedlings climactic condition, soil fertility status etc.
height (13.15 cm) was found from summer warrior
(V2) followed by Atlas-70 (12.69 cm) and lowest
Table 1: Physical and chemical characteristics of soil of the experimental plots (Soil Resource and
Development Institute, Noakhali)
Agro-ecological zone Young Meghna Estuarine Floodplain (AEZ -18). This reason
occupies young alluvial land in doining the Meghna Estuary.
Soil texture and particle Sandy loamSand:52%,Silt: 30%,Clay:18%
pH, EC 8.3, 1.32 dS/m
Nitrogen 0.04%
Phosphprous, Boron, Sulphur, Copper, Iron, 27.79 µg/g soil, 0.15 µg/g soil, 12.43 µg/g soil, 3.45 µg/g soil,
Zinc 256.6 µg/g soil, 0.55 µg/g soil
Magnesium, potassium 3.87 meq /100g soil, 0.18 meq /100g soil,
Organic matter 0.64%
AEZ= Agro Ecological Zone, EC= Electrical Conductivity.
Variety Seedlings Plant height Number of Number of Leaf length Leaf diameter
height at at 50 leaves/ loose (cm) (cm)
transplanting DAT(cm) seedlings leaves/plant at
stage (cm) 50 DAT
V1 (Atlas 70) 12.69 24.57b 2.97b 14.48b 19.77 18.39
V2(Summer 13.15 25.91b 4.8a 15.97a 20.97 19.67
V3 (Ruby 10.98 30.51a 2.67b 13.74b 21.41 18.74
CV (%) 12.26 5.95 12.12 3.70 3.58 5.52
Level of NS * ** * NS NS
CV=coefficient of variation, NS= not significant, *= significant at 5% level of probability, **= significant at 1% level of
probability. Means separation at 5% level of probability
Variety Days to head Days to head Diameter Average Yield/plot Yield Duration
formation harvesting of head weight of (kg) (ton/ha) (days)
(DAT) (DAT) (cm) head
V1 (Atlas-70) 48.08b 83.05b 18.65ab 0.91ab 22.34b 42.39b 121.37b
V2(Summer 46.10b 86.67b 21.29a 1.14a 28.97a 54.63a 125.63b
V3 (Ruby 56.78a 102.67a 14.26 0.64b 15.93c 30.67c 141.38a
CV (%) 7.26 4.25 11.84 14.26 9.03 6.85 2.32
Level of * * * * ** ** **
CV=coefficient of variation, NS= not significant, *= significant at 5% level of probability, **= significant at 1%
level of probability. Means separation at 5% level of probability
Number of leaves/seedlings and number of obtained from Ruby king (V3) in compared with
loose leaves/plant Summer warrior (20.97 cm) whereas lowest data
(19.77 cm) were taken from Atlas-70 (V1). Highest
Significant variation were recorded among the leaf diameter (19.67 cm) noted from Summer
varieties in terms of number of leaves/seedlings as warrior (V2) in compare with Ruby king (18.74
well as number of leaves/plant at 50 days after cm) and lowest data (18.39 cm) obtained from
transplanting (Table 2). Highest number of Atlas-70 (V1). Teshome, (2019) stated that suggest
leaves/seedlings (4.8) was obtained from Summer large genetic difference among the variety and that
warrior (V2) in compared with Atlas-70 (2.97) and environmental differences among varieties
lowest data (2.67) was showed from red cabbage influence the expression of crop growth characters.
variety (V3). In case of number of leaves/ plant at
50 days after transplanting highest data (15.97) Days to head formation
were stated from Summer warrior (V2) and lowest
data(13.74) were noted from Ruby king Significant variation were noted in terms of days
(V3)whereas Atlas-70 (V1) gave (14.48) to head formation among the cabbage varieties
leaves/plant at 50 days after transplanting. (Table 3). Highest days (56.78 days) required at
Similarly results were found from Sajib et al., head formation after transplanting of seedlings
(2015).Variation of leaves among the varieties was found from Ruby king variety (V3) whereas
might be due to varietal characteristics, which are lowest days (46.10 days) required for initiating
controlled and expressed by certain genes. The curds from Summer warrior variety (V2) in
number of leaves per plant differed significantly compared with Atlas-70 (48.08 days). This
among the varieties as well as fertilizer rates agreements similar to Moniruzzaman, 2011; Sajib
(Hope et al., 2016). Different crop varieties et al., 2015. Variation among the varieties in terms
possess varying genotypic and phenotypic traits of head formation due to varietal characteristics.
and these probably led to the differences in leaf Islam, 2011 reported that combination of organic
number since the varieties were grown under the and inorganic fertilizers probably supplied
same environmental conditions (Adeniji et al., adequate plant nutrients due to higher microbial
2011). activities in the soil resulting in the early head
Leaf length and diameter
Days to head harvesting
Number of loose leaf length and diameter were not
statistically significant differed among the Highest days (102.67 days) required to head
varieties (Table 2). Highest leaf length (21.41 cm) harvesting was found from red cabbage variety,
Ruby king (V3) in compare with Summer warrior Yield/plot and Yield (ton/ha)
(V2; 86.67 days) and lowest days (83.05 days)
required to head harvesting noted from Atlas-70 Yield/plot and yield (ton/ha) were statistically
(V1). Statistically 5% significant were recorded differed among the varieties (Table 3). Highest
among the varieties in terms of days to head yield per plot (28.97 kg) were noted from Summer
harvesting after transplanting of the warrior in compared with Atlas-70 (22.34 kg) and
seedlings.Isenberg et al., (1975) considered lowest data were recorded from Ruby king (V3;
cabbage maturity was recorded by observing 15.94 kg). Highest yield (54.63 ton/ha) were
compactness and maximum size of the head. secured from Summer warrior (V2) in compared
Subhan, (1988) reported that application of with Atlas-70 (42.39 ton/ha) whereas lowest yield
manurereduced the number of days for head (30.67 ton/ha) were recorded from Ruby king (V3).
maturity. This result indicates that days required to It is observed that different yield potentialities
head harvesting are not the same among the were observed in different studies. This might be
varieties and this character might be genetically due to varation in varieties, seasons and
controlled. experimental setup. Sajib et al.,(2015) reported
that organic manures mainly vermicompost goes
Diameter of head mineralization and return available nutrient for
purpose plant growth and attributed to
Statistically significant variations were found physiological changes within the plant and helps to
among the varieties in terms of diameter of head increasing number healthy head formation of
(Table 3). Highest head diameter (21.29 cm) was cabbage plants plot and finally the total yield per
noted from Summer warrior (V2) in compared with hectare increased. Greenland et al., (2000) stated
Atlas-70 (18.65 cm). Lowest head diameter was that cabbage contains high head densities, small to
found from red cabbage Ruby king (V3). It could medium-sized heads, and good appearance are
be concluded that red cabbage gave lowest head referred to good quality for fresh market
diameter in compared with green cabbage
varieties. Similar findings were obtained from Duration
Ricardson, (2012). Cabbage variety showed
difference in the diameter of cabbage head Significantly differed was obtained among the
(Olaniyi and Ojetayo, 2011). Meena et al., (2010) varieties in terms of duration (seed sowing in the
yield and its component characters are polygenic seedbed to harvesting of the head) (Table 3).
in nature, hence influenced by the environmental Highest days (141.38 days) required to seed sow to
factors. Sundstorm and Story (1984) also found head harvesting noted from Ruby king (V3) and
that cultivar and growing season influenced head lowest days (121.37 days) obtained from Atlas-70
development as well as temperature had a whereas summer warrior required (125.63 days)
significant effect on cabbage head shape as days to seed sow to head harvesting. Similarly
average head length/width ratios were greater in Albert stated that cabbage comes to harvest in 80
fall (August) vs. spring (January) planted crops. to 180 days from seed and 60 to 105 days from
transplanting depending upon the variety.
Average weight of head
Average weight of head was significantly
influenced among the varieties (Table 3). Highest Results stated that, performance of Summer
head weight were obtained from Summer warrior warrior variety was better than other varieties in
(V2) whereas lowest weight of head (0.64 kg) was terms of seedlings height, number of
found from Ruby king (V3) whereas Atlas-70 gave leaves/seedlings, number of loose leaves/plant,
0.91kg of head weight. Wide variation among the leaf diameter, early head formation, diameter of
varieties in respect of average weight of head was head, head weight, yield/plot and yield/ha in
due to the varietal characteristics. Varietal compared with others varieties whereas Ruby king
influence on average weight of head was also gave highest plant height at 50 days after
reported Elaverasan et al., (2013). transplanting and early harvesting as well as
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