Asme b56 - 10
Asme b56 - 10
Asme b56 - 10
(Revision of ANSI/ITSDF B56.10-2005)
ITSDF issues written replies to inquiries concerning interpretations of technical aspects of this Standard.
Interpretations are published on the ITSDF Web site at as they are issued, and will also be
published within the next edition of the Standard.
This code or standard was developed under procedures accredited as meeting the criteria for American
National Standards. The Standards Committee that approved the code or standard was balanced to assure that
individuals from competent and concerned interests have had an opportunity to participate. The proposed code
or standard was made available for public review and comment that provides an opportunity for additional public
input from industry, academia, regulatory agencies, and the public-at-large.
ITSDF does not “approve,” “rate,” or “endorse” any item, construction, proprietary device, or activity.
ITSDF does not take any position with respect to the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with
any items mentioned in this document, and does not undertake to insure anyone utilizing a standard against
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standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of
infringement of such rights, is entirely their own responsibility.
Participation by federal agency representative(s) or person(s) affiliated with industry is not to be interpreted as
government or industry endorsement of this code or standard.
ITSDF accepts responsibility for only those interpretations of this document issued in accordance with the
established ITSDF procedures and policies, which precludes the issuance of interpretations by individuals.
Copyright © 2006 by
All rights reserved
Printed in the U.S.A.
Foreword........................................................................................................................................................ iii
Committee Roster .......................................................................................................................................... iv
Summary of Changes...................................................................................................................................... v
B56 Series Introduction ................................................................................................................................. vi
Part 1 Introduction................................................................................................................................... 1
1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................ 1
2 Purpose ............................................................................................................................................. 1
3 Interpretation .................................................................................................................................... 1
Appendix A References.......................................................................................................................... 15
1 Typical Fork ................................................................................................................................... 13
1 Manually Propelled High Lift Trucks............................................................................................. 12
(This foreword is not part of ANSI/ITSDF B56.10-2006)
At the January 1988 meeting of the B56.11 Subcommittee, a suggestion was made that a safety
standard for manually propelled high lift industrial trucks be developed. An agreement was made to
contact the known manufacturers of this type of equipment to determine if there was sufficient interest
in such a standard. After determining that there was sufficient interest, the B56.11 Subcommittee, at its
June 1988 meeting, voted to establish a task group to develop such a standard.
The first meeting of the task group was held November 1988. A number of assignments were made
to draft portions of the proposed standard. After several meetings of the task group, the B56.11
Subcommittee voted to recommend to the B56 Main Committee that this task group become a
permanent subcommittee of the B56 Committee. At its November 1989 meeting, the B56 Committee
voted to elevate the status of the task group to a Subcommittee (B56.10) of the B56 Committee.
After several meetings of the Subcommittee and, following subcommittee letter ballot approval, the
proposed B56.10 Standard was submitted for the approval of the B56 Main Committee.
Following approval by the B56 Committee and ASME, and after public review, ASME B56.10-1992
was approved by the American National Standards Institute on April 29, 1992.
After transferring the management of the B56 Committee from ASME to ITSDF, ASME B56.10-
1992 was reaffirmed and redesignated as ANSI/ITSDF B56.10-2005. After approval by the B56
Committee and after public review, a revision of ANSI/ITSDF B56.10 was approved by ANSI and
designated an American National Standard on August 23, 2006.
This Standard shall become effective 1 year after its respective Date of Issuance. Part III applies
only to trucks manufactured after the effective date.
Safety codes and standards are intended to enhance public health and safety. Revisions result from
committee consideration of factors such as technological advances, new data, and changing
environmental and industry needs. Revisions do not imply that previous editions were inadequate.
Powered and Nonpowered Industrial Trucks
(The following is the roster of the Committee at the time of approval of this Standard.)
Robert Rogers, Rogers Engineering Patrick Kapust, U.S. Department of Labor - OSHA
Stan Simpson, Kalmar RT Donald Labelle, Maine Industrial Tires Limited
Jimmy Eavenson, Commercial Turf Prod., Ltd. James Lyle, NACCO Material Handling Group, Inc.
Dennis Graham, Ford Motor Company Eric Ramsey, Sweepster
Ron Graunstadt, U.A.W. Rolland Riley, U.S. Army TACOM
Don Greer, Regional Reporting, Inc. Kenneth Sanders, East Penn Mfg. Co., Inc.
Mats Herrstromer, AGV Products, Inc. Frank Steinberger, General Motors Corporation
Dale Hupp, Alcoa, Inc. Richard Ward, Material Handling Ind. America
John Johnson, Johnson Engineering Services, Inc.
ANSI/ITSDF B56.10-2006
Following approval by the ITSDF B56 Committee and after public review, ANSI/ITSDF B56.10-2006
was approved as a revision of ANSI/ITSDF B56.10-2005 by ANSI on August 23, 2006. The revision
consists of updating the wording in Parts I and II to be consistent with the wording used in ANSI/ITSDF
B56.1-2005. Additionally, imperial values were changed to metric values.
Adding the weight accuracy to within +/- 5% in 7.4.2 (b) and 7.4.5 (d);
Metric values in 7.16 being slightly different than the 1992 version because of changing to metric
The structural safety factor changed from 2 to 1 to 3 to 1 in 7.16.1 (f);
Several terms added and revised in the glossary.
3.3 Requests for Interpretation 4.1.2 Part II contains broad safety standards
applicable to truck operations. Only operators trained to
The B56 Committee will render an interpretation of adhere strictly to the operating instructions stated in
any requirement of this Standard. Interpretations will be section 5 shall be permitted to operate manually propelled
rendered only in response to a written request sent to the high lift industrial trucks. Unusual operating conditions
Secretary of the B56 Committee, ITSDF. The request for may require additional safety precautions and special
interpretation shall be in the following format. instructions.
Subject: Cite the applicable paragraph number(s) 4.2 Modifications, Nameplates, Markings, and
and provide a concise description. Capacity
Edition: Cite the applicable edition of the
pertinent standard for which the 4.2.1 Except as provided in paragraph 4.2.2, no 06
interpretation is being requested. modification or alterations to a manually propelled high
lift industrial truck, which may affect the capacity, 4.4 Stability
stability, or safe operation of the truck, shall be made
without the prior written approval of the original truck 4.4.1 Experience has shown that manually propelled
manufacturer or its successor thereof. When the truck high lift industrial trucks that comply with the stability
manufacturer or its successor approve a modification or requirements stated in para. 7.5 are stable when properly
alteration, appropriate changes shall be made to capacity operated. However, improper operation, faulty
plates, decals, tags, and operation and maintenance maintenance, or poor housekeeping may contribute to a
manuals. condition of instability and defeat the purpose of the
06 4.2.2 If the truck manufacturer is no longer in
business and there is no successor to the business, the user 4.4.2 Some of the conditions that may affect stability
may arrange for a modification or alteration to a manually are: surface and floor conditions, grade, speed, load
propelled high lift industrial truck, provided however the position, attachments (trucks equipped with attachments
user behave as partially loaded trucks even when operated
(a) arranges for a modification or alteration to be without a load on the attachment), battery weight,
designed, tested and implemented by an engineer(s) dynamic and static forces, and the judgment exercised by
expert in manually propelled high lift industrial truck and the operator.
their safety;
(b) maintains a permanent record of the design, 4.4.3 On battery-electric trucks, use only a battery(s) 06
test(s), and implementation of the modification or within the minimum/maximum weight range as specified
alteration; on truck nameplate. See para. 7.4.2 for information on
(c) makes appropriate changes to the capacity battery weight
plate(s), decals, tags and operation and maintenance
manual; 4.4.4 Users shall give consideration to special
(d) affixes a permanent and readily visible label on operating conditions. The use of a truck in an area shall
the truck stating the manner in which the truck has been be governed by the confinements and floor conditions in
modified or altered together with the date of the which the truck will operate. The stability of a truck as
modification or alteration, and the name of the determined by the tests outlined in para. 7.5 does not
organization that accomplished the tasks. encompass consideration for the operation of trucks with
any off-center loads or on grades.
06 4.2.3 If the truck is equipped with a front-end
attachment(s), including fork extensions, the user shall 4.4.5 Some users may decide to establish, for their
see that the truck is marked to identify the attachment(s), own use, more stringent stability requirements that will
show the approximate weight of the truck and attachment vary from those in para. 7.5. However, the requirement in
combination, and show the capacity of the truck with para. 7.5 should serve as a guide for the user, working
attachment(s) at maximum elevation with load laterally with the manufacturer.
centered. 1
4.5 Safety Guards
4.2.4 The user shall see that all nameplates and
caution and instruction markings are in place and legible. 4.5.1 Guards are intended to offer protection to the
operator from moving parts but cannot protect against
4.2.5 The user shall consider that changes in load every possible condition. Therefore, they should not be
dimension may affect truck capacity. considered a substitute for good judgment and care in use,
loading, handling, storage, etc.
4.2.6 Batteries used in manually propelled high lift
industrial trucks shall comply with the 4.5.2 Under certain unusual conditions, a stronger
minimum/maximum battery weight shown on the truck guard, or one having openings of smaller size, may be
nameplate. specified by the user, working with the truck
4.3 Floor or Wheel Locks
4.5.3 Good judgment and care shall be exercised in
Floor or wheel locks are intended only to hold the truck in handling of loads extending above the mast (see para.
a desired position on a level surface. 4.5.4).
a vertical load backrest extension manufactured in 4.9.1 Controlled lighting of adequate intensity should
accordance with para. 7.11. be provided in operating areas in conformance with
4.6 Changing and Charging Storage Batteries
for Electric Trucks 4.9.2 Where operating conditions indicate, the user
shall be responsible for having the truck equipped with
06 4.6.1 Battery changing and charging facilities and lights.
procedures shall be in accordance with ANSI/NFPA 505.
4.10 Sound
4.6.2 A charger connector (when furnished) shall be
plugged into the battery connector, not the truck 4.10.1 Electric-operated manually propelled high lift
connector under any circumstances. industrial trucks can contribute to the ambient sound in
the work area. Consideration should be given to sound
4.6.3 Failure to comply with specified nameplate exposure of personnel in the work area.
battery weight range could result in truck instability.
4.11 Dockboards (Bridge Plates)2 06
06 4.6.4 Care shall be exercised at all times when
charging battery powered trucks due to the explosive 4.11.1 Portable and powered dockboards shall be
gases given off by the batteries. Any kind of spark or marked conspicuously with their carrying capacity. The
flame near a battery can cause it to explode. carrying capacity indicated shall not be exceeded.
4.6.5 Batteries which remain in manually propelled 4.11.2 Portable dockboards shall be secured in
high lift industrial trucks during charging shall be well- position, either by being anchored or by being equipped
ventilated during the charging period. with devices that will prevent their slipping.
06 4.8.1 Permanent aisles, roadways or passageways, 4.12 Trucks and Railroad Cars
floors, and ramps shall be defined in some fashion or
marked to conform with ANSI Z535.2. 4.12.1 When manually propelled high lift industrial 06
trucks are used on and off highway trucks or trailers
4.8.2 Permanent or temporary protrusions of loads, during the loading and unloading operation, the brakes on
equipment, material, and construction facilities into the the highway trucks and trailers shall be applied and wheel
usual operating area shall be guarded, clearly and chocks, or positive mechanical means shall be used to
distinctively marked, or clearly visible. prevent unintentional movement of highway trucks and
4.9 Lighting for Operating Area
Dockboard recommendations also apply to bridge plates.
4.12.2 Provision shall be made to prevent railroad (b) Provide protection for personnel in their normal
cars from being moved during loading and unloading. working position on the platform from moving parts of
Wheel stops, hand brakes, or other recognized positive the truck that represent a hazard.
means shall be used to prevent movement during loading (c) Provide the required restraining means such as 06
and unloading. railings, chain, cable, bodybelt(s) with lanyard(s), or
deceleration devices, etc., are in place and properly used;
4.12.3 Whenever manually propelled high lift (d) Provide overhead protection as indicated to be
industrial trucks are used on and off semitrailers or necessary by the operating conditions.
railroad cars, a smooth, level transition shall be provided. (e) Be certain that the lifting mechanism is operating 06
smoothly throughout its entire lift height, both empty and
4.12.4 Maintain a safe distance from the edge of loaded, and that all lift limiting devices and latches, if
ramps, platforms, or other similar working surfaces. provided, are functional.
(f) When the lifting carriage and/or forks are
4.13 Floors and Floor Conditions supporting the platform used to elevate personnel, the
lifting carriage and/or forks are secured to prevent them
4.13.1 Areas of use for manually propelled high lift from pivoting upward.
industrial trucks shall be smooth and level: free of gaps, (g) Have a trained operator in position to control the
floor drains, etc. truck or available to operate controls.
(f) The combined weight of the platform, load, and
4.13.2 The floors shall be maintained to keep them personnel not to exceed one-half of the capacity at the
free of debris and liquids which hinder safe operation of rated load center as indicated on the truck nameplate of
the truck. the truck on which the platform is used.
(i) Personnel and equipment on the platform not to
4.13.3 Ramps and inclines shall be avoided in the exceed the available space. Adequate room for personnel
areas of use. shall be provided so that personnel and/or equipment do
not extend over the edge of the platform or require that
4.14 Warning Devices personnel sit or stand on equipment being lifted.
(j) Replace any body belt, lanyard, or deceleration 06
4.14.1 The user shall determine if operating device that has sustained permanent deformation or is
conditions require the truck to be equipped with sound- otherwise damaged.
producing (such as horns or bells) or visual (such as lights
or blinkers) devices, and be responsible for providing and 4.17 Operator Qualifications
maintaining such devices.
4.17.1 Only trained and authorized personnel shall be
4.15 Relocating Manually Propelled High Lift permitted to operate a manually propelled high lift
Industrial Trucks industrial truck. Operators of manually propelled high lift
industrial trucks shall be qualified as to visual, auditory,
4.15.1 When utilizing lifting equipment such as physical, and mental ability to operate the equipment
elevators, cranes, ship hoisting gear, etc., to relocate a safely according to para. 4.18 and all other applicable
manually propelled high lift industrial truck, the user shall parts of Section 4.
ensure that the capacity of the hoisting equipment being
used is not exceeded. 4.18 Operator Training
4.16 Elevating Personnel 4.18.1 Personnel who have not been trained to 06
operate manually propelled high lift industrial trucks may
4.16.1 Manually propelled high lift industrial trucks operate a truck for the purposes of training only, and only
are not intended to be used for the elevation of personnel. under the direct supervision of the trainer. This training
However, if the user elects to use trucks for elevating should be conducted in an area away from other trucks,
personnel, the following precautions for the protection of obstacles, and pedestrians.
personnel shall be taken.
4.18.2 The operator training program should include 06
(a) Provide a platform which complies with the the user’s policies for the site where the trainee will
design requirements in para. 7.16.2 of this Standard. operate the truck, the operating conditions for that
Only permit its use on a truck which complies with the location, and the specific truck the trainee will operate.
requirements as specified in para. 7.16.1 of this Standard. The training program shall be presented to all new
operators regardless of previous experience.
06 4.18.5 Testing, Retraining, and Enforcement (b) for electric trucks, turn control switch on ON
(a) During training, performance and oral and/or (c) raise carriage or forks a minimum distance above
written tests shall be given by the employer to measure the floor;
the skill and knowledge of the operator in meeting the (d) release floor or wheel lock(s).
requirements of the Standard. Employers shall establish a
pass/fail requirement for such tests. Employers may 5.2.2 Do not operate the truck, or any of its functions
delegate such testing to others but shall remain or attachments, from any place other than the operator’s
responsible for the testing. Appropriate records shall be position.
(b) Operators shall be retrained when new equipment 5.2.3 Keep feet clear of truck. Foot protection is
is introduced, existing equipment is modified, operating recommended.
conditions are changed, or an operator’s performance is
unsatisfactory. 5.2.4 Never put any part of the body into the mast
(c) The user shall be responsible for enforcing the structure, lifting mechanism, or carriage.
safe use of the manually propelled high lift industrial
truck according to the provisions of this Standard. 5.2.5 Understand truck limitations and operate the
truck in a safe manner so as not to cause injury to
NOTE: Information on operator training is available from such personnel. Safeguard pedestrians at all times.
sources as manually propelled high lift industrial truck (a) Do not maneuver a truck up to anyone standing in
manufacturers, government agencies dealing with employee front of an object.
safety, trade organizations of users of manually propelled high
(b) Exercise particular care at cross-aisles, doorways,
lift industrial trucks, public and private organizations and safety
and other locations where pedestrians may step into the
path of travel of the truck.
5.2.6 Do not allow anyone to stand or pass under the
5.1 Operator Responsibility elevated portion of any truck, whether empty or loaded.
5.1.1 Safe operation is the responsibility of the 5.2.7 Do not permit passengers to ride on the carriage
operator. or forks.
5.1.2 The operator shall develop safe working habits 5.2.8 When parking the truck:
and also be aware of hazardous conditions in order to (a) bring the truck to a complete stop;
protect himself, other personnel, the truck, and other (b) lower the carriage or forks fully;
material. (c) on electric trucks, turn off the controls (when
5.1.3 The operator shall be familiar with the operation (d) apply the floor or wheel lock(s);
and function of all controls and instruments before (e) never park the truck on an incline.
undertaking to operate the truck.
5.2.9 Maintain a safe distance from ramps, edge of
06 5.1.4 Before operating any truck, truck operators shall platforms, and other similar working surfaces.
have read and be familiar with the manufacturer’s
operator’s manual for the particular truck being operated, 5.2.10 When manually propelled high lift industrial 06
and they shall also abide by the safety rules and practices trucks are used on and off highway trucks and trailers, the
in paras. 5.2 through 5.5. brakes on the highway truck or trailers shall be applied
and wheel chock(s) or positive mechanical restraints that
06 5.1.5 Before operating any truck, the operator shall be provide the equivalent protection of wheel chocks shall be
familiar with unusual operating conditions that may engaged.
require additional safety precautions or special operating
instructions. 5.2.11 Provision shall be made to prevent railroad
cars from being moved during loading and unloading.
5.2 General Wheel stops, hand brakes, or other recognized positive
means shall be used to prevent movement of the railroad
5.2.1 Before starting to operate the truck: cars during loading and unloading.
(a) be in operating position;
5.2.12 Care shall be taken not to contact overhead (o) lower platform completely for personnel to enter
installations such as lights, wiring, pipes, sprinkler and exit. Do not climb on any part of the truck in
systems, etc. attempting to enter and exit.
5.2.15 In areas classified as hazardous, use only 5.3.2 Keep hands and feet directly behind the
trucks approved for use in those areas. operators’ designated area with both hands on the push
5.2.16 Report all accidents involving personnel,
building structures, and equipment to the supervisor or as 5.3.3 Yield the right of way to pedestrians,
directed. emergency vehicles, and powered industrial trucks.
5.2.17 Do not add to, or modify, the truck. 5.3.4 Do not pass another truck traveling in the same
direction at intersections, blind spots, or other dangerous
5.2.18 Do not block access to fire aisles, stairways, or locations.
fire equipment.
5.3.5 Slow down or stop at cross-aisles and other
5.2.19 Whenever a truck is used to elevate personnel: locations where vision is obstructed.
(a) check to see if it is rated for this service in
accordance with para. 7.16; 5.3.6 Do not travel on ramps or inclines.
(b) all position holding and stabilizing devices
specified by the manufacturer shall be in place and 5.3.7 Keep a clear view of the path of travel and
engaged; observe for other traffic, personnel, and safe clearances.
(c) be certain that required restraining means such as
the guardrail system specified in para. 7.16.2(c) are in 5.3.8 Under all travel conditions, operate the truck in
place and properly used; a manner that will permit full control at all times and will
(d) be certain that the lifting mechanism is operating permit stopping in a safe manner.
smoothly throughout its entire lift height, both empty and
loaded, and that all lift-limiting devices and latches, if 5.3.9 Travel with the carriage or forks in the lowest
provided, are functional; position possible.
(e) the platform attachment means are applied and the
platform is securely attached to the lifting carriage or 5.3.10 Make starts, stops, turns, and direction
forks; reversals in a smooth manner so as not to shift load and/or
(f) the mast is vertical – do not operate on a slope; overturn the truck.
(g) the platform is horizontal and centered;
(h) the truck has a firm and level footing; 5.3.11 Do not indulge in stunt handling or horseplay.
(i) before elevating personnel, mark area with
cautionary devices to warn of work by elevated personnel; 5.3.12 Be cautious on wet and slippery floors.
(j) lift and lower personnel smoothly and only at their
request; 5.3.13 Avoid traveling over debris on floors.
(k) watch for overhead obstructions and electric
wires; 5.3.14 Before traveling over a dockboard be sure that
(l) keep hands and feet clear of controls other than it is properly secured and level. Travel carefully and
those in use; slowly across the dockboard or bridge plate, and never
(m) do not move truck and/or platform horizontally exceed its rated capacity.
when personnel are on the platform;
(n) personnel are to remain on the platform floor, use 5.3.15 Do not place trucks onto any elevator unless
of railings, planks, ladders, etc., on the platform for specifically authorized to do so. Approach elevators
purpose of achieving additional reach or height is slowly, and then enter squarely after the elevator car is
prohibited; properly leveled. Once on the elevator, shut off power, if
equipped, and set the floor or wheel lock(s). It is 5.5 Operator Care of the Truck
advisable that all other personnel leave the elevator before
the truck is allowed to enter or leave. 5.5.1 At the beginning of each shift and before
operating the truck, check its condition, giving special
5.3.16 Avoid traveling over openings in the floor. attention of the following:
(a) wheels and casters;
5.4 Loading (b) warning devices, if equipped;
(c) guards;
06 5.4.1 Handle only stable or safely arranged loads. (d) battery(s), if battery-electric;
(a) When handling off-center loads that cannot be (e) controls;
centered, operate with extra caution. (f) lift systems, load-engaging means, chains, cables,
(b) Handle only loads within the capacity of the truck. and limit switches;
(c) Handle loads exceeding the dimensions used to (g) floor or wheel lock(s);
establish truck capacity with extra caution. Stability and (h) steering mechanism, if equipped.
maneuverability may be adversely affected.
(d) Handle loads only with the load engaging means 5.5.2 If the truck is found to be in need of repair or in
and do not transport loads or miscellaneous items in other any way unsafe, or contributes to an unsafe condition, the
areas of the truck, unless a secure area has been provided matter shall be reported immediately to the user’s
and designated by the user. designated authority, and the truck shall not be operated
until it has been restored to safe operating condition.
5.4.2 When attachments are used, extra care shall be
taken in securing, manipulating, positioning, and 5.5.3 If during operation the truck becomes unsafe in
transporting the load. Operate trucks equipped with any way, the matter shall be reported immediately to the
attachments as partially loaded trucks when not handling user’s designated authority, and the truck shall not be
a load. Consult the truck nameplate for the truck and operated until it has been restored to safe operating
attachment capacity. condition.
5.4.3 Completely engage the load with the load-engaging 5.5.4 Do not make repairs or adjustments unless
means. Fork length(s) should be at least two-thirds of the specifically authorized to do so.
load length.
5.5.5 If authorized to charge the truck’s battery(s)
5.4.4 Use extreme care when lifting mechanism is (when equipped), check the electrolyte level for proper
elevated. Always keep forward, backing, and turning level and the battery compartment vents for clear passage
movement to a minimum when tiering. of air prior to plugging the charging unit into its power
5.4.5 The handling of suspended loads by means of a
boom or other device can introduce forces affecting the 5.5.6 Spillage of oil shall be carefully and completely 06
stability of a truck that are not considered in the stability absorbed before using the truck.
criteria of para. 7.5. Sudden starts, stops, and turns can
cause a load to swing and create a hazard. 5.5.7 Do not use open flames when checking
electrolyte level in storage batteries.
When handling suspended loads:
(a) do not exceed the truck manufacturer’s capacity 6 MAINTENANCE AND REBUILD PRACTICES
of the truck as equipped for handling suspended loads;
(b) only lift the load vertically and never drag it 6.1 Manually propelled high lift industrial trucks may 06
horizontally; become hazardous if maintenance is neglected or repairs,
(c) transport the load with the bottom of the load and rebuilds, or adjustments are not performed in accordance
the mast as low as possible; with the manufacturer’s design criteria. Therefore,
(d) with the load elevated, maneuver the truck slowly maintenance facilities (on or off premises), trained
and cautiously, and only to the extent necessary to permit personnel, and explicit procedures shall be utilized.
lowering to the transport position;
(e) use guy lines to restrain load swing whenever 6.1.1 Parts manuals and maintenance manuals shall
possible. be obtained from the truck manufacturer.
6.2 Maintenance and Inspection be carefully and regularly inspected and maintained in
safe operating condition.
Maintenance and inspection of all manually propelled
high lift industrial trucks shall be performed in 6.2.9 Forks (when provided) shall be inspected
conformance with the following practices. In addition, regularly for cracks, damage, or permanent deformation
maintenance and inspection should be performed in that would impair safe use. Any fork displaying such
accordance with the manufacturers’ and users’ defects shall be replaced or withdrawn from service until
recommendations. satisfactorily repaired by the fork manufacturer or expert
(a) A scheduled planned maintenance, lubrication, of equal competence. A fork that has been repaired shall
and inspection system shall be followed; not be returned to service until it complies with the
(b) Only trained and authorized personnel shall be requirements of para. 7.10.2, Fork Strength.
permitted to maintain, repair, adjust, and inspect manually
propelled high lift industrial trucks and in accordance 6.2.10 Lift chains (when provided) shall be inspected
with manufacturer’s specifications. regularly. Chain found to have cracked, broken, or
missing link plates; to have protruding, turned or seized
6.2.1 When lifting trucks for repair or inspection, pins; or, to be significantly corroded, shall be replaced, in
trucks shall be lifted in a safe, secure, stable manner. pairs if so provided. New chain anchor pins shall be
Removal of components such as counterweights or installed when chain(s) are replaced.
uprights will change the center of gravity and may create
an unstable condition. 6.2.11 Wire rope (when provided) shall be inspected
regularly. Any rope found to have a marked reduction in
6.2.2 Before starting inspection and repair of a truck: diameter, excessive abrasion of outside wires, broken
(a) disconnect battery (if provided) and use chocks or wires, damage, or, to be significantly corroded, shall be
other positive truck holding devices; replaced.
(b) block load-engaging means, inner mast(s), or
chassis before working on them; 6.2.12 All hydraulic systems shall be regularly
(c) disconnect power before working on the electrical inspected and maintained in conformance with good
system (if provided). practice. Hydraulic cylinders, valves, hoses, fittings, and
other hydraulic components shall be checked to ensure
6.2.3 Operation of the truck to check performance that drift or leakage has not developed to the extent that it
shall be conducted in an authorized area where safe would create a hazard.
clearance exists.
6.2.13 Batteries, motors, limit switches, protective
6.2.4 Avoid fire hazards and have fire protection devices, electrical conductors, and connections shall be
equipment present in the work area. Do not use an open inspected and maintained in conformance with good
flame to check the level or to check for leakage of any practice. Special attention shall be paid to the condition
fluid, especially battery electrolyte. Do not use open pans of electrical insulation.
of fuel or flammable cleaning fluids for cleaning parts.
6.2.14 When changing batteries on battery-electric
6.2.5 Properly ventilate work are and keep it clean trucks, replacement batteries shall be within the
and dry. minimum/maximum weight range specified on the truck
nameplate by the truck manufacturer.
6.2.6 Special trucks or devices designed and
approved for hazardous area operation shall receive 6.2.15 Trucks shall be kept in a clean condition to
special attention to ensure that maintenance preserves the minimize fire hazards and facilitate detection of loose or
original, approved safe operating features. defective parts.
6.2.7 Care shall be taken to ensure that all 6.2.16 The truck manufacturer’s capacity, operation,
replacement parts are interchangeable with the original and maintenance instruction plates, tags, or decals shall be
parts and equal to that provided in the original equipment. maintained in legible condition.
6.2.8 Wheels, casters, floor or wheel locks, steering 6.2.17 Modifications and additions that affect
mechanisms, control mechanisms, fastening and warning capacity and safe truck operation shall not be performed
devices, lights, lift overload devices, guards and safety without manufacturer’s prior written approval. Capacity,
devices, lift/lower mechanisms, and frame members shall operation, and maintenance instruction plates, tags, or
decals shall be changed accordingly.
PART III – For the Manufacturer capacity and load center at maximum elevation of the
truck load-engaging means. In addition, capacities at
7 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS other load centers and load elevations may be shown.
(f) If the truck is originally equipped with front end
7.1 Introduction attachment(s), the truck nameplate shall also be marked to
identify the attachment(s) and show the weight of the
Part III sets forth safety standards for the design and truck and attachment combination and capacity of the
construction of manually propelled high lift industrial truck and attachment combination and capacity of the
trucks at the time of manufacture. truck and attachment combination at maximum elevation
of the load-engaging means with load laterally centered3.
7.2 Operation and Maintenance Instructions If the load can be offset more than a substantial
predetermined amount and is to be used in that mode [ see
The manufacturer shall provide instructions covering para.7.5.4 (j)] then the capacity of the truck and
the operation and maintenance of the specific type of attachment combination at maximum elevation of the load
truck. engaging means shall be given with the load in the
maximum offset condition.
7.3 Capacity
7.4.3 On manually propelled high lift industrial trucks
7.3.1 Capacity shall be established with a load with batteries, the nameplate shall also show the
equivalent to an unrestrained homogeneous cube, with following:
overall dimensions twice the specified load center (a) truck weight with battery;
distance. (b) minimum/maximum service weight of the battery
to be used;
7.3.2 Capacity shall be based on the strength of the (c) nominal voltage for which truck is arranged;
various components of the truck and on stability tests
specified in para. 7.5, and shall be expressed in kilograms, 7.4.4 For trucks designated type EX, the class and
at a specified load center distance in millimeters, that a group of hazardous locations in which they are intended
truck can transport and stack to a specified elevation of to be used shall be shown on the truck.
the load-engaging means.
7.4.5 On every removable attachment (excluding fork
7.3.3 If trucks are equipped with attachments, the extensions), the attachment manufacturer shall install a
capacity shall be established by the truck manufacturer durable, corrosion resistant nameplate, with the following
and expressed in kilograms at specified load center and information legibly and permanently inscribed:
for a specified load elevation. (a) model designation
(b) serial number
7.4 Nameplates and Markings (See Para. 7.3) (c) maximum hydraulic pressure (on hydraulically
actuated attachments)
7.4.1 The manufacturer shall stamp or otherwise (d) weight3 06
permanently affix the serial number to the frame of the (e) capacity
truck. (f) the following instruction (or equivalent): Capacity
of Truck and Attachment Combination May Be Less Than
7.4.2 On every truck, the manufacturer shall install a Capacity Shown on Attachment. Consult Truck
durable, corrosion resistant nameplates(s), legibly Nameplate.
inscribed with the following information:
(a) truck model and truck serial number; 7.5 General Stability Criteria
06 (b) weight of truck with upper and lesser limit of
accuracy shown as a percentage 3; 7.5.1 Manually propelled high lift industrial trucks
(c) designation of compliance with the mandatory shall meet the design stability requirements set forth.
requirements of this Standard, applicable to the
manufacturer; 7.5.2 Design stability is the measure of a truck’s
(d) type designation to show conformance with the resistance to overturning under rigidly controlled static
requirements, such as those prescribed by Underwriters conditions that include consideration for dynamic factors
Laboratories, Inc., and Factory Mutual Research Corp. encountered in normal application and operation. Factors
(e) If the truck is equipped with a platform or load that may influence stability include weight, weight
carriage and forks, the nameplate shall also show the
Weight value to be accurate within +/- 5%
distribution, wheelbase, wheel tread, method of measurable restriction on the truck until the overturning
suspension, and tire and mast deflection under load. moment occurs.
(b) Be certain of maintaining an accurate load center
7.5.3 Stability shall be determined by one of the when the platform is tilted.
following methods. (c) Although the test load shall not be restrained in
(a) Tilting Platform Tests. The tests described verify any manner that will affect the deflection of the forks or
truck stability. They may be used for confirming lift mast or free movement of the truck as the platform is
truck design and are intended to be applied to prototype tilted, the test load shall be secured against possible
trucks, but may also be applied to production trucks on a sliding on the forks in order to sustain an accurate load
selective basis as required by the user or manufacturer. center and for safety reason, in case the truck tips past the
(b) Calculated Stability Values. Calculations based balance point.
on empirical data for similar trucks that include allowance (d) For tests requiring an elevated load, it is
for manufacturing variations and tire, mast, carriage, permissible to simulate a load by hanging the test load
attachment, and other deflections, may be used to predict from a framework supported by the forks in the manner
stability with reasonable accuracy. described in (c) above. This point of suspension shall be
(c) When comparing calculated and test values, the on the center line of the truck and at a height above the
test values are considered the true measure of stability. forks and at a distance from the front face of the forks
equal to the rated load center dimension before the weight
7.5.4 Guidelines for Conducting Tilting of the test load has caused the forks to deflect. The point
Platform Tests of suspension shall be free to pivot in any direction, such
as by use of chain or cable.
(a) The test shall be conducted on a completely (e) It is also permissible to use two test loads of equal
operational truck. weight suspended from the ends of a transverse beam
(b) The test platform shall have a rigid, flat surface; fastened to framework supported by the forks as described
otherwise, measurements or effect of slope may be erratic. in (c) above, provided the loads are suspended from
(c) The truck being tested shall be placed on a points equidistant from the center dimension before the
platform that is initially in a horizontal plane and in the weight of the test load has caused the forks to deflect.
position specified for each of the required tests. The points of suspension shall be free to pivot in any
(d) The platform shall be tilted to the slope specified direction, such as by use of chain or cable. The transverse
for each of the required tests. beam shall be strong enough to prevent deflection that
(e) The truck is considered stable if it does not would shift the load center.
overturn when the test platform is tilted to the specified (f) If the test load is to be supported on top of the
platform slope values. Overturn is defined as the point at forks, care shall be taken to see that it contacts the front
which the truck completely tips over, not the point at face of the forks adjacent to the heel. For this purpose,
which a wheel(s) leaves the platform or the truck frame the edge of the test load shall be chamfered to clear the
contacts the platform. radius at the heel of the fork.
(f) When placed on the forks, the center of mass of (g) Upon completion of the tests, checks shall be
the test weight shall be located on the longitudinal center made to make sure the center of gravity of the load has
line of the truck. not changed form the original position.
(g) The coefficient of friction of the platform surface (h) On pneumatic tire trucks, inflation of all tires
may be increased, if necessary, by an appropriate friction- shall be checked to make sure they are in accordance with
increasing material. the truck manufacturer’s recommendations. This is
06 (h) The truck may be immobilized by the use of 12 essential to provide accurate and repeatable results.
mm high chocks to maintain truck position on the test
platform. 7.5.6 Test Load. The test load shall be such that its
(i) When attachments are supplied as original action corresponds to that of a homogeneous cube, the
equipment, the truck shall be equipped with the dimensions of which are twice the designated load center
attachment, and the test load shall be representative of the distance D [see Table 1, sketch (1), and para. 7.3].
capacity of the truck with attachment.
assembly, the system shall include a means to prevent (d) 100 mm minimum height toeboards on all sides.
unintended descent in excess of 0.6 m/s in the event of Toeboards may be omitted at the access openings.
failure of a hydraulic or pneumatic line. (e) The floor of the platform located not more than
(b) Where the elevation of the platform is 200 mm above the upper face of the supporting truck
accomplished by a single hoist cable, the system shall be fork;
protected by a broken-cable safety device to prevent (f) Means to securely attach the platform to the lifting
unintended descent in excess of 0.6 m/s. carriage or forks, and to prevent the lifting carriage or
(c) Where the elevation of the platform is forks from pivoting upward;
accomplished by a manual-mechanical or manual- (g) Means to correctly locate the platform, centered
hydraulic assembly, the considerations established by (a) laterally on the truck;
and (b) above shall apply. (h) Floor dimensions that do not exceed 2 times the
(d) The control system shall be designed so that a load center distance listed on the truck nameplate,
single malfunction in the control system will not result in measured parallel to the longitudinal center plane of the
unintended machine motion or the truck shall be equipped truck, nor have a width greater than the overall width of
with a means readily accessible to the operator in the the truck (measured across the load bearing tires) plus
normal operating position to shut off all power to the 250 mm on either side;
truck. (i) When controls are supplied for use on the
(e) Stability elevating platform, they shall be readily accessible to the
06 (1) Truck and platform, when raised to its operator, protected from damage and inadvertent
maximum working height, on a level surface shall be actuation, and have provision to shut off power to the
capable of sustaining, without reaching instability, a truck. A manual lowering means operable from the
minimum horizontal test force of 223 N or 15% of the ground shall be provided.
rated capacity of the platform , whichever is greater, (j) An overhead guard manufactured in accordance
applied to any point on the upper rail of the platform with the requirements of ANSI/ITSDF B56.1, when
while the platform is supporting the rated capacity load. requested by the user.
(2) The truck and platform at any point in its full (k) A combined weight of platform, load, and
working range, on level surface, shall be capable of personnel not to exceed one-half of the capacity at the
sustaining, without reaching instability, a vertical test specified load center as indicated on the truck nameplate
force one-and-one-half times the rated work load. The on which the platform is used;
center of gravity of the test force shall be placed (l) In addition to the information required in para.
anywhere 300 mm inside the perimeter of the platform. 7.4.5, the following information shall be prominently
(3) If outriggers or stabilizers must be employed indicated on the platform:
to meet the above tests, the truck operating instructions (1) maximum load including personnel and
shall require their use. equipment;
(f) A structural safety factor of not less than 3 to 1 (2) weight of empty platform.
based on the minimum yield strength of the materials
shall be used for all load-supporting structural elements
and platform attachment means.
(This Appendix is an integral part of ANSI B56.10-2006 and is placed after the main text for convenience.)
The following are safety standards and codes (unless otherwise noted) referenced within this Standard. It is the intent of the
Standard to refer to the standards and codes listed below when they are referenced with the Standard.
ANSI/ITSDF B56.1-2005 Safety Standard For Low Lift and High Lift Trucks
ANSI/NFPA 505- -2002 Powered Industrial Trucks, Including Type Designations, Areas of Use, Maintenance, and
ANSI/IES RP7-2001 Practice For Industrial Lighting (not a safety standard)
ANSI/Z535.2-1999 Environmental and Facility Safety Signs
(This Appendix is not an integral part of ANSI/ITSDF B56.10-2006 and is included for information purposes only.)
06 attachment – a device other than conventional forks or load backrest – that portion of the carriage and forks
load backrest extension, mounted permanently or serving to restrain the load
removably on the elevating mechanism of a truck for
handling the load. Popular types are fork extensions, load backrest extension – a removable device that 06
clamps, rotating devices, work platforms, load stabilizers, increase the load restraining area beyond that provided by
rams, and booms. the load backrest
06 authorized personnel – persons designated by the user to load center – the horizontal longitudinal distance from the
operate or maintain the equipment intersection of the horizontal load carrying surfaces and
vertical load-engaging faces of the forks (or equivalent
battery-electric truck – see truck, battery-electric load-positioning structure) to the center of gravity of the
boom – a cantilevered member attached to the lift carriage
at the one end with a load-engaging means at the other maintenance platform – see platform, work. 06
bridge plate – a portable device for spanning the gap manually propelled high lift industrial truck – see truck,
between two rail cars manually propelled high lift industrial
carriage – a support structure for forks or attachments, mast – the support member providing the guideways
generally roller mounted, traveling vertically within the permitting vertical movement of the carriage. It is usually
mast constructed in the form of channels or similar sections
providing the supporting pathway for the carriage rollers.
center of gravity (of load) – that point at which the load
mass in concentrated. It is located horizontally by its operator – a trained and authorized person who controls
distance from the vertical fork face and vertically by its any function(s) of a manually propelled high lift industrial
distance above the load-bearing surface of the forks, or truck
equivalents for other load-engaging means. Except where
otherwise indicated, this point is located in the vertical overhead guard – a framework fitted to a platform, over
plane of the truck’s longitudinal center line. the head of personnel on the platform
dockboard – a portable or fixed device for spanning the platform, work – a platform intended to provide safe 06
gap between loading platforms and transport vehicles working conditions and designed to be mounted on a high
lift fork truck or other elevating device, providing an area
electric truck – see truck, electric for person(s) elevated by and working from the platform
safety work surface.
fifth wheel – a device which may be part of or added to a
manually propelled truck to provide ease of horizontal rated capacity – for a truck equipped with load carriage 06
movement and steering, and improved maneuverability and forks or attachments it is the weight established by
the manufacturer at a required load center that a given
fork extension – a lift truck attachment that is added to the truck can transport and stack to a height established by the
truck fork to increase the fork’s effective length for manufacturer.
handling oversized, uniformly distributed loads
stabilizers – mechanical support used to improve stability
forks – horizontal tine-like projections, normally of a stationary truck
suspended from the carriage, for engaging and supporting
loads stacking – the process of elevating and placing a load
guy – a rope used to steady or secure a swinging or toeboard – a vertical barrier along the exposed sides of a
moving load in the desired position platform
transport vehicle – a cargo-carrying vehicle (e.g., truck, truck, manually propelled high lift industrial – a manually
semitrailer, trailer, or railcar) which may be entered by a propelled truck equipped with an elevating mechanism
powered or nonpowered industrial truck to load or unload designed to permit stacking, excluding elevating-type
material hand trucks whose design intent is to be tipped toward the
operator for horizontal travel on the two rear wheels.
truck, battery-electric – an electric truck in which the Types of manually propelled high lift industrial trucks are
power source is a storage battery high lift fork truck, high lift ram truck, high lift boom
truck, high lift clamp truck, and high lift platform truck
truck, electric – a truck in which the principal energy is
transmitted from power sources to motor(s) in the form of user - the person(s) or organization(s) responsible for the 06
electricity operation and maintenance of a manually propelled high
lift industrial truck. This would normally be the user,
lessee, employer, or operator.