Book The Kingdom Has Come
Book The Kingdom Has Come
Book The Kingdom Has Come
HAS come
RC: IBZO26391
Unless otherwise stated, all scriptural quotations are taken from the New
International Version of the Holy Bible
All references to God, the Lord Jesus Christ and His Kingdom are in title case.
Heaven, when used in reference to God's Kingdom & government is also rendered in
title case.
ISBN: 978-978-50012-7-3
HIS book is not something I conceived on my own
neither is it the result of much personal study on the
subject of the Kingdom of God. The thoughts that
crystallised into this book came to me by inspiration; it was as
though the Holy Spirit was instructing me on what to write
and to make known.
I must admit that some of these thoughts surprised even
myself, as I had never seen things in that light before now.
These insights however brought clarity to certain areas of
scripture that I had previously not understood and had not
been able to fit together.
I suddenly realised so strongly that when thinking of our
glorious future as believers, we should do away with the
mindset of leaving this earth and going to heaven; rather we are
to think in terms of the Kingdom of Heaven coming to take
residence on earth. We are to work towards that and prepare
ourselves for our position in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.
Foreword - The Kingdom Has Come
Ruth Elton
August 2012
HIS scripture forms part of what we know as “The
Lord's Prayer” and it has been prayed by Believers and
church-goers of many churches all over the world, for
about two thousand years, right up to this day.
This part of the Lord's Prayer is the first request in the prayer
taught by the Lord Jesus Christ, the Saviour who had come to
do the great work of redeeming man and creation back to what
God had originally intended. He, Jesus, is the One who will be
the great King of kings in that Kingdom.
Chapter 1: Your Kingdom Come
for things to be conducted on earth the way they are being done
in heaven.
R. ELTON | The Kingdom Has Come!
Teaching them about the Kingdom, the Lord gave them other
commandments, concerning how to do the work for the
coming of the Kingdom. He told them to “go and make disciples
of all nations,” teaching them to obey everything that He had
commanded them — commandments of the Kingdom (Matt.
We also read His commission in Mark 16:15 — “Go and
preach the good news to all creation” — because all creation is
part of the Kingdom.
After teaching and instructing them about the work to be done,
He ascended up to heaven right from among them; they saw
Him go up (Acts 1:9). While they were still looking upwards,
obviously in a state of bewilderment, two men stood beside
them on earth and told them, “This same Jesus … will come back
in the same way you have seen Him go” (Acts 1:11).
The Lord Jesus had also told them that He would send them
the Holy Spirit and power, promised by His Father, to do the
work; and they are to wait and receive that power to do the
work for the Kingdom that was coming and for His return as
the King of kings.
So, having seen Jesus go, they returned to Jerusalem, to wait for
the promise of the Holy Spirit and the power for preaching the
Good News — not only in Judea and Samaria, but even to the
ends of the earth (Acts 1:8).
Chapter 1: Your Kingdom Come
R. ELTON | The Kingdom Has Come!
Chapter 1: Your Kingdom Come
The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud
voices in heaven, which said: the kingdom of the world has
become the Kingdom of our Lord, and of His Christ; and He
will reign for ever and ever. (Rev. 11:15)
N the scripture passage above, the disciples were told by
the angels that this Jesus will come back “as you have seen
him go.” But a more vivid and majestic description of the
coming of the King is given in the nineteenth chapter of
Revelation where it tells of the coming of the King of kings and
Lord of lords:
I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a
white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With
justice He judges and makes war. His eyes are like blazing
fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name
Chapter 2: The Great Majestic Appearing
R. ELTON | The Kingdom Has Come!
Then this earth and all its inhabitants will witness the greatest
happenings that have ever taken place on earth since Gen. 1:1.
The King of kings and His armies will face the enemy of Gen.
3:1 — the devil and all his armies. In this historic battle, things
will take place that have never been seen in any “man-made”
war on earth. We read of this in Rev. 19:17-21.
Of course, the King of kings and His armies are the conquerors
— Hallelujah! The enemy, Satan and all his armies will be
Chapter 2: The Great Majestic Appearing
R. ELTON | The Kingdom Has Come!
Chapter 2: The Great Majestic Appearing
All mankind will then come and see; they will pay homage to
the King enthroned, then will return to their home lands all
around the world to live a new life — a life of the Kingdom of
Heaven on earth.
When the Kingdom fully comes, oh what a wonderful place
this earth will be! It will again become what God meant it to be
in Eden — and much more, for the glory of the latter house is
always greater than the former!
And this time around, there is no devil lurking around to spoil
things. There will be peace on earth — peace will be
established. And all peoples on earth will recognize the King,
whether they are Christians in this present world or otherwise.
Very interestingly, I discovered that the Muslim Quran also
states that Jesus — Anabi Isa, as they know Him — will come
back again. So when He comes, I believe that many Muslims
will joyfully accept Him as King and will become His subjects
in His Kingdom.
Similarly, I believe some adherents of other religions such as
Hindus, Buddhists and so on will also accept Him. What of
Atheists who do not believe in any god? When they see the
King Jesus in His awesome glory and majestic splendour, (for
those of them who have not been captured by the devil and who
survived the various plagues of divine judgment) will they not
accept Him?
R. ELTON | The Kingdom Has Come!
S we have discussed earlier, the King, the sovereign
Ruler of the whole earth, will be enthroned in
Jerusalem; and from there, He will superintend over
the Kingdom government which will cover every country and
every tribe in the entire world.
How will He do this? I can imagine that in every tribe, there
will be a special place, a special “capital city,” where there is a
throne for the King. It is likely that from time to time, Jesus the
King will visit every country and every tribe. What great times
of celebration that will be, when the King comes to sit on the
throne prepared for Him in that tribe!
But when the King is not visiting, His throne may be a special
place used to accommodate the person who has qualified and
been appointed by the King in Jerusalem, to reign as king of
that tribe under the King of kings.
The throne will be the throne of His majesty, Jesus Christ the
R. ELTON | The Kingdom Has Come!
King, but there will be those who have qualified to sit on the
King's throne, so they will be seated on thrones in different
tribes all around the world and so take their part in governance
under the King of kings.
In their lives on earth, they had learnt Kingdom laws, and lived
by them; they had faced all the temptations of sin and attacks of
the devil and did not fall — so they are the overcomer company
that we read about in the second and third chapters of the book
of Revelation.
Chapter 3: The Government under the King
They will sit on the throne of Jesus the King in their various
countries or tribes, thereby taking part in the government of
the Kingdom, under the King of kings.
They will be “dressed in white” (Rev. 3:5,18; 19:8,14). This
seems to be some significant “uniform” of governmental
authority and position, earned by their living the Kingdom life,
obeying the Kingdom laws and rules while on earth, before the
Kingdom materialised on earth.
Now they will take up the positions they have qualified for in
the government, under the King. They will be in touch with
Him in Jerusalem at all times, administering His rule all
around the world in every nation and tribe.
R. ELTON | The Kingdom Has Come!
Chapter 3: The Government under the King
The same for those who have left their homes and families and
have gone to another tribe in their own countries to preach the
gospel of the Kingdom.
In this, some missionaries have given their whole lives to live
and work far away from their homes and some have died
without seeing the result they expected; but they have been
trained and qualified. Such will take up this position in the
Kingdom government over the nation for which they gave
their lives.
The Holy Spirit spoke through King David concerning this in
Psa. 2:8. David was king of Israel, but the Spirit spoke through
him to believers yet to be born. God said, “Ask of me and I will
make the nations (the heathen) your inheritance, and the ends of
the earth, (the faraway places) your possessions.”
Remember those who have qualified down through the ages
and have passed on to rest; remember Noah and the great
things he did for creation under God's command; there was
Abraham, the friend of God; Isaac, Jacob, and that great man
— Moses — who spoke with God face to face (Exo. 33:11) and
led a whole nation across the wilderness using a single rod.
Think of Joshua and the judges; and then we come to the
mighty kings of Israel — David, Solomon, Hezekiah and so on.
What about the great prophets like Elijah, Elisha and many
more — all looking to the future.
R. ELTON | The Kingdom Has Come!
Chapter 3: The Government under the King
R. ELTON | The Kingdom Has Come!
ET us again consider those who will be in this
Kingdom government under the King; is it not His
Body - the Ekklesia? The members of the Body of
Christ will take their places under the Head, to rule the world
with Him, the world He redeemed by the blood of His
sacrifice. The fulfilment, the purpose for which the King was
born, for which He lived on this earth, then went through all
the sufferings of the cross and death, then rose again
triumphant, now His body takes part with Him in the great
What a glorious culmination! What a great privilege for those
who have been elected and have qualified to be part of the Body
of Christ the King.
R. ELTON | The Kingdom Has Come!
You are saved, so you are not going to hell — that is the most
important, essential and basic fact of your life. But what are you
experiencing on earth now to prepare you for a position in the
Kingdom? Will you be just one of the mass population in the
Kingdom of Heaven on earth? Or are you going through
experiences, sometimes troubles and difficulties, thus passing
or failing tests to qualify you as an official in the Kingdom that
is coming?
The King of kings went through unspeakable trials. The writer
of Hebrews noted that He learned obedience by the things He
suffered (Heb. 5:8). The kings under Him, the officials, the
members of the government under Him, must equally go
through trials and tests to qualify for their positions.
Probably, this is what the apostle Paul was preparing for in Phil.
3:7-21. The Kingdom did not come literally in Paul's lifetime,
but he was a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven (Phil. 3:20). So
in his lifetime, Paul strove to pass the tests that would qualify
him to take part in the first resurrection. To Paul, nothing on
earth mattered, all was worthless. He considered earthly things
as rubbish compared with the position he could qualify for in
Christ, the coming King of kings.
Let us look at basic and important facts of life. The most
important, basic fact is to be sure that you are actually, without
Chapter 4: Qualifying for the Throne
R. ELTON | The Kingdom Has Come!
realize that how you live your life on earth now, as a Kingdom
citizen, will determine your position in the Kingdom of
Heaven when it comes to earth. If you do not pass the
qualifications needed to take part in the Kingdom government,
you may just end up to be one of the kingdom population.
(The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand
years were ended.) This is the first resurrection. Blessed and
holy are those who have part in the first resurrection. The
second death has no power over them, but they will be priests
of God and of Christ and will reign with him for a thousand
years. (Rev. 20:5-6)
In this passage, we read of two resurrections. The first
resurrection is to take part in that wonderful time of the
Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Those taking part in this first
resurrection would have passed all their tests in their lives on
earth and so they will sit on thrones, with authority to judge.
They will reign with Christ for 1,000 years. “Blessed and holy
are those who two part in the f irst resurrection” (vs. 6a).
The second resurrection is for all mankind to stand before the
final judgment of the great white throne, which we will look at
later. Not all church goers who have died will qualify to return
to earth with the King in the first resurrection, to take part in
the government of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.
Chapter 4: Qualifying for the Throne
Jesus told the Apostle Peter, “I will build my Assembly”, but He
gave Peter and the disciples the keys of the Kingdom, to put to
use on earth with the authority of Heaven (Matt. 16:18-19).
Sad to say, it seems like the devil has taken those words of Jesus,
“I will build my Assembly”, and put them into the mouths of
many men and some women, because, today, we see so many
people “building churches” but they themselves may not be
given entrance into the Kingdom. Consider the statement
made by the Lord Jesus below:
Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the
kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my
Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day,
'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your
R. ELTON | The Kingdom Has Come!
HEN He was on earth, our Lord, Jesus the King,
spoke much about the Kingdom. He spoke in
plain language and in parables. He told us how to
enter the Kingdom, how to live in the Kingdom and how to
work for the Kingdom which would be manifest in the future.
Let us consider a few of those parables.
R. ELTON | The Kingdom Has Come!
they had been careless with their lives, doing whatever they
liked, though “believing” and going to church to “get blessed”,
but they were not serious about working and preparing for the
So when the announcement was made that the Bridegroom
was around, the ten virgins all rose up and trimmed their lamps.
It was then that the unprepared five discovered the folly of their
ways. They then rushed off to do what they should have done
But before they returned, the Bridegroom had appeared and
the prepared five had gone in with Him to enjoy the
celebrations. When the five foolish virgins got back and
knocked the door for entrance, they were told those fearful
words: “I do not know you!” Though “virgins,” the door was shut
against them because they were unprepared.
Chapter 5: Parables told by the King
R. ELTON | The Kingdom Has Come!
Chapter 5: Parables told by the King
These parables that the Lord Jesus took time to tell concern us
as believers — not unbelievers. They show how important our
work is now for the Kingdom that is coming. They are parables
to show and instruct us from the King's teaching, that when He
returns, the true citizens of the Kingdom will be put in
positions of authority in the coming Kingdom, according to
what they have qualified for. If they have no qualification, they
will lose a lot.
Those who have the qualifications required will be put in
positions of authority, to be “in charge” of things in the
government of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. They will be
mandated to reign and govern.
The Kingdom is coming! The important thing for believers on
earth now is to prepare for the coming of the Kingdom. Prepare
the way, prepare the world, and take part in this work of
preparing the people by going or by sending (with financial
help) the gospel of the Kingdom to every nation and every
tribe. And prepare yourself in order to qualify for a glorious
position in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.
As great as the 1,000 years of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth
is, it is by no means the end but only the beginning of the
R. ELTON | The Kingdom Has Come!
Chapter 5: Parables told by the King
And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake
of burning sulphur, where the beast and the false prophet
had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for
ever and ever. (Rev. 20:10)
multitude of persons, will be thrown into the Lake of fire and
sulphur to join the devil therein. This is called the second
Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire.
The lake of fire is the second death. If anyone's name was not
found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake
of fire. (Rev. 20:14-15)
Even death and the place of the devil's hell will be thrown into
that Lake of fire, to burn forever and ever — this is the
permanent end of all evil. All those people whose names have
been found in the Book of Life will remain standing before
God; and other books will be opened. Every one of those saved
for eternal life will still be judged for eternity, according to their
works on earth as recorded in God's books.
Then God, who created the heavens and the earth in the
beginning (Gen. 1:1) and who after man's fall did the work of
redemption so that man and earth could once again be what He
meant them to be, will create again a new heaven and a new
earth! He will not create a new man or new woman but those
who were in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, those whose
names have been found in the Book of Life will be the ones to
live in these new heavens and new earth with God.
Chapter 5: Parables told by the King
And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Now the
dwelling of God is with men, and He will live with them.
They will be His people, and God Himself will be with them
and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes.
There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain,
for the old order of things has passed away." He who was
seated on the throne said, "I am making everything new!"
Then He said, "Write this down, for these words are
trustworthy and true." (Rev. 21:3-5)
This will be beyond our imagination! God will dwell with men
and they will be His people. No more separation; no crying; no
pain; no sorrow; death and all its subsidiaries have all gone. The
old order has passed away and the Creator has created all things
But meanwhile, we must face this present time. The wonderful
eternity for God and man is for the future; it is over 1,000 years
ahead. Let us look at some little details of what we are facing on
R. ELTON | The Kingdom Has Come!
HE King and His government will come and take
over the whole world and establish the Kingdom of
Heaven on earth. At this time, there is no devil to
roam about; he is totally bound for those 1,000 years. But the
colossal mess the devil has made of man and the earth in all the
years that has passed since the first creation will have to be
“cleared up”. So many things will have to be changed and put
John the Baptist said, “Change … because the Kingdom of heaven
is coming!” (Matt. 3:2) Now it has come with power and
authority; so there must be change.
When Jesus the King raised the daughter of Jarius from death
which had taken her, she stood up and walked but Jesus told her
parents to feed her (Matt. 5:22-43).
After healing the man by the pool of Bethesda, who had been
there for 38 years, Jesus told the man to get up and walk; but He
R. ELTON | The Kingdom Has Come!
also instructed him to pick up his mat and clear it away ( John
In John chapter 11, we read of how Jesus called the dead man,
Lazarus, back to life after four days in the tomb — how
wonderful! But Lazarus was still bound up with burial clothes.
Jesus did not miraculously loose those clothes; He told the
family and friends to do that job.
Will it not be so, when miraculously the Kingdom of Heaven
has come to earth which has been so messed up by man and the
devil? What a mess there will be to clear up all around the
It will be the qualified officials of the Kingdom of Heaven who
will take up this task. The wrong must go; the right will stand;
and Kingdom officials will see things put right — it is a big
work to be done.
Chapter 6: The Kingdom has Come: Change!
R. ELTON | The Kingdom Has Come!
Chapter 6: The Kingdom has Come: Change!
Food is an important thing in life; food will change. In the
Garden of Eden, there was plenty of food and Adam was to
care for it. Now it will be back to the way things were in Eden.
That will make farming to become a very important vocation
and many will go into farming, but what and how they “farm”
will change.
R. ELTON | The Kingdom Has Come!
The King, while on earth some two thousand years ago, cursed
a fig tree because it did not produce for Him the food He
looked for. When the Kingdom comes, man will still look to
vegetation to produce food, but will have authority over them.
Farmers will be important for food needed by man; they will
plant and harvest like Adam and will have dominion like
Adam. The trees and all plants must produce as they should
under man's supervision, otherwise, they will be judged as Jesus
judged that fig tree. If there is no rain, the farmers will have the
authority to call the clouds to bring rain; there will be no
drought. Farms will flourish; food will be plentiful; famine will
be a thing of the past.
Every man will sit under his own vine and under his own
fig tree, and no one will make them afraid, for the Lord
Almighty has spoken. (Micah 4:4)
From this scripture, we can see that every man will have his
own house and every house will have a garden, most likely a
small farm that can provide food for that household and can
Chapter 6: The Kingdom has Come: Change!
R. ELTON | The Kingdom Has Come!
Chapter 6: The Kingdom has Come: Change!
R. ELTON | The Kingdom Has Come!
He will judge between many peoples and will settle disputes
for strong nations far and wide. They will beat their swords
into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation
will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train
for war anymore. (Micah 4:3)
This will be an era of global peace. There will be no more need
for nuclear bombs and all modern weapons. Implements of war
will then be recycled to produce agricultural machinery, to
enhance cultivation and care of fruitful trees. Mankind on
earth will live in peace, for —
The Kingdom of Heaven has come!
The Prince of peace has become the King of kings. The
Chapter 6: The Kingdom has Come: Change!
INALLY, in looking at the events that will ensue when
the Kingdom comes, we cannot but consider what is
surely going to be a great annual celebration. There will
be special times, a special occasion, a great celebration of
worship, worshipping the King, now enthroned and reigning
over the whole world.
Every day and in every house, everybody will worship the King.
Probably every week, there will still be the Sabbath that God
ordained at man's beginning in Gen. 2:2-3. It is referred to
throughout the bible; it is for rest, relaxation and worship.
Probably every month (every “moon”), there will be some
gathering of people together for Kingdom activities and to
worship the King.
But once a year there will be the great annual event — a
celebration looked forward to, prepared for, and even enjoyed
so much more than any festival we have on earth now; it is the
Great Feast of Fulfilment. At that time, when the Kingdom has
Chapter 7: The Great Celebration
Long ago in the days of Moses, God ordained certain feasts for
Israel. These feasts had their significance. They reminded the
nation of Israel of something and they looked forward to that.
There was the Feast of the Passover when all Israel
remembered the sacrifice of the lamb, the power of its blood,
and their coming out of the bondage of Egypt.
This Passover feast looked forward to the future, the time when
Jesus, the Lamb of God, would be the final sacrifice, shedding
His blood to redeem creation.
The Feast of the Passover included the Feast of unleavened
bread, which Jesus celebrated before His sacrifice, giving us, till
now, our feast of communion with bread and wine, to
remember what He had done for us (Matt. 26:17-19; 26-29).
The great Passover feast has been fulfilled, though we still
remember it.
There was the Feast of Weeks, or first fruits, which became
known as Pentecost, when there were great gatherings that we
read of in the book of Acts. It was then God sent the Holy
Spirit to fill His people, the Ekklesia, the Body of Christ — to
R. ELTON | The Kingdom Has Come!
Chapter 7: The Great Celebration
R. ELTON | The Kingdom Has Come!
Chapter 7: The Great Celebration
But this great celebration, when all creation will worship the
King enthroned on earth, will be a heavenly event and the
trained authorities of the Kingdom of heaven will have
everything under control, executing the plan of the great
celebration with order and peace and joy.
R. ELTON | The Kingdom Has Come!
All mankind around the whole world will look forward to this
great “feast.” People will come from every country, every city,
every town, every village, every hamlet, and maybe from every
Not all people can attend though; only representatives. I can
imagine the “competition” that will ensue every year within
families, tribes and ethnic nationalities in order to choose the
representatives to go to the Feast!
Those chosen will prepare — oh what preparation! How they
will travel, we can't say now; but it is certain there will be a
means of transport in the Kingdom superior to all we know
Scientists are now discovering many new things never known
in the past. All these new things are not man's inventions as
they may seem; they are God allowing man to discover what
He has created. These are just the beginning of what is coming
when the Kingdom of Heaven is established on earth.
So the delegations will prepare themselves and travel by
superior Kingdom means of transport to the great celebration
of worshipping the King.
Chapter 7: The Great Celebration
HEN the Day will dawn! Imagine it! Far in the east,
the first rays of the rising sun, sweeping along at the
speed of light. People will be awakened with thrills in
their hearts, with songs of joy: “This is the day the Lord has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it.” (Psa. 118:24)
People will rise with songs of praise and the sound will move,
rising from country to country; maybe it will be heard coming
nearer and nearer till we all wake up and join in!
The time will come when light has dawned everywhere and
maybe for the hours of the Feast, no darkness can return!
Chapter 8: The Dawn of Worship
Let the sea resound, and everything in it, the world, and all
who live in it. Let the rivers clap their hands, let the
mountains sing together for joy; (Ps. 98:7-8)
Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands (Psa.
Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let the sea
resound, and all that is in it; let the fields be jubilant, and
everything in them. Then all the trees of the forest will sing
for joy; (Psa. 96:11-12)
These scriptures talk of creation literally worshipping the
Creator. The flowers will shine with some glory we have not
seen yet; the birds will sing and animals will somehow lift up
their heads with strange new sounds. Indeed, creation will
literally join in worshipping the King in His glory and majesty.
All creation will celebrate that the Kingdom has come, the
King is enthroned. Psa. 97:1 says, “The Lord reigns, let the earth
rejoice...” (NKJV). Every man, every woman, every child of
every language — every living soul will take part in singing,
dancing and giving the King worship. A great swirl of worship
will go round the whole world.
R. ELTON | The Kingdom Has Come!
Chapter 8: The Dawn of Worship
R. ELTON | The Kingdom Has Come!
The Coming Kingdom Outreach (Inc.)
P.O. Box 113, Ilesha, Osun State, Nigeria
The Coming Kingdom Outreach (Inc.), formerly World Christian
Crusade, started in 1953 by Late Pa S.G. Elton is chaired by Mama
Ruth Elton and exists to: “Disciple the Nations for the coming
Kingdom” through the various initiatives:
- Embark on Christian evangelistic missions, crusades, revivals,
retreats, conventions, conferences and meetings throughout
Nigeria and in any part of the world.
- Recruit, train and send out individuals as missionaries to villages,
towns and cities in and outside Nigeria.
- Establish, operate and run Christian churches in and outside
Nigeria for the effective spiritual growth and discipleship of
Christian converts
- Establish operate and run bible schools to train individuals as
evangelists, pastors, church workers etc.
- Serve as training centre for health workers, agriculture workers,
artisans in various fields
- Publish and distribute Christian literature and other media
- Your Citizenship
- The Gospel of the Kingdom
For enquiries on The Coming Kingdom Outreach (Inc.), any of Mama
Ruth's books and/or late Pa. Elton's books and messages, contact:
- Mama Ruth Elton: 0803 575 2062
- Pastor John Ladega: 0805 353 7769