Vocab For First Unit

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2021-22 Y10 Science Unit 1- Cells

• What functions must a cell be able to

perform in order to sustain itself?

• Respond to stimuli
• Coordinator
• Intake nutrients
• Breakdown nutrients
• Change molecules into useful forms
• Process and expel waste
• Ensure there is a stable environment inside the cell
Organelles are small structures within the cell that carry
out those specific functions in order to sustain it

Animal Cell

Cytoplasm: The gel-like substance inside the cell where the

organelles are.

Ribosome: receive information from the cell nucleus and

construction materials from the cytoplasm. Ribosomes
translate information encoded in messenger ribonucleic
acid (mRNA). They link together specific amino acids to form
polypeptides and they export these to the cytoplasm.

Nucleus: Where the DNA is stored in the cell.

Cell Membrane: Allows things in and out of the cell.

Mitochondria: generate most of the chemical energy
needed to power the cell's biochemical reactions. Chemical
energy produced by the mitochondria is stored in a small
molecule called adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

Vesicle: help move materials, such as proteins and other

molecules, from one part of a cell to another. When a cell
makes proteins, transporter vesicles help move these proteins
to the Golgi apparatus for further sorting and refining

Plant Cell

Vacuole: Stores water. Dissolves waste. It is responsible for

holding the cell’s space.

Cell wall: It helps to keep the shape of the cell. It gives the
cell strength.

Chloroplast: It is where photosynthesis happens. Where

glucose is made. It’s where the chlorophyll is stored.

Prokaryotic Cells

Nucleoid: A region of the cell that holds the DNA. It has no


Plasmid; Multiple functions. Additional piece of DNA. Allows

cells to evolve very quickly. Can destroy enemies. Use
plasmid to add or delete genetic material.

Slime Capsule: Additional layer that covers the bacteria

and offers protection. Defensive layer. This helps the
bacteria cell not to be engulfed and destroyed. The extra
layer also can keep other organisms from detecting it.

Pili: To attach the bacteria cell to specific surfaces. They

can be used to attach to other cells.

Flagella: Only one human cell has a Flagellum (sperm cell).

It is for movement.
● Prokaryotes are organisms made up of cells that lack
a cell nucleus Ex Bacteria
● Eukaryotes are organisms made up of cells that have
a membrane-bound nucleus and holds genetic
material as well as membrane-bound organelles Ex
Animal, Plant

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