Billet 22 1. Alternating Syndromes. General Notions
Billet 22 1. Alternating Syndromes. General Notions
Billet 22 1. Alternating Syndromes. General Notions
2.Disturbances of the nervous system in
influenza. Influenza Encephalitis: clinical
manifestations, diagnosis, treatment.
Ans.Influenza ENCEPHALITIS: is inflammation
of brain parenchyma. *
Caused by influenza viruses “A” and “b” and
Asiatic. And is Seasonal disease. That attack
more children 6months-5years, but Can affect
adults. *
*Morphopathology: present hemorrhagic
Component, we find acute lesions of the
nervous cells of the Cerebral cortex and basal
nuclei, hyperemia and extrainvasion With
lymphocyte infiltration and edema on the white
Laboratory diagnosis consists of
demonstration of influenza virus RNA in brain
tissue, CSF or respiratory samples, and
demonstration of intrathecal antibody
production against influenza virus. The
presence of brain lesions in MRI and influenza
virus in CSF appear to be of prognostic value.
**Neurological symptoms: cephaloraachiadian
fluid (CSF) may Show pleocytosis 200-300
elements/1u. Serologic and virusologic
(PCR) examination show identification of the
virus in the fluid, Increase specific antibodies in
the serum, and its importance is in the atypical
**Treatment: interferon: for neurons protection.
Mannitol in case of cerebral edema.(SOME
SUGGGESTS: Dexamethazone). In rregional
localized edema: glycerol. Furosemid, diacarb.
Gama-globulin, desensibilators, dicenon,
Ascorbic acid may be helpful in the course of
treatment. To treat Other accompanied
conditions. (as anticonvulsants in case of
Epilepsy development. OTHER BOOKS:
and secondary headaches.Specificity of
patient with headache.
A painful sensation in any part of the head,
ranging from sharp to dull, that may occur with
other symptoms.Sometimes the muscles or
blood vessels swell, tighten, or go through other
changes that stimulate the surrounding nerves
or put pressure on them. These nerves send a
rush of pain messages to the brain, and this
brings on a headache