Theories in Agricultural Development
Theories in Agricultural Development
Theories in Agricultural Development
improving the quality of life in rural areas, ensuring enough food for present and future generations and generating sufficient income for farmers. Supporting sustainable agricultural d
Agricultural Development
Agriculture plays a key role in food security and economic
Agricultural development can also address gender
development. However, most of the world’s population in
disparities. In Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, women are
rural areas depends directly or indirectly on agriculture for
vital contributors to farm work, but because they have less
their livelihoods. Yet as the world’s population increases and
access to improved seeds, better techniques and technologies,
migration to towns and cities intensifies, so the proportion of
and markets, yields on their plots are typically 20 to 40 percent
people not producing food will grow [1].
lower than on plots farmed by men. Addressing this gap can help
Agricultural development according to Nwachukwu [2], households become more productive and reduce malnutrition
is a multi-sectional activity that support and promote positive within poor families.Economic growth is seen as a long term
change in the rural and urban areas. However, the main rises in the capacity to supply increasingly diverse economic
objectives of agricultural development are the improvement of goods to its population. It also entails a sustainable rise in
material and social welfare of the people. Therefore, agricultural national output with a manifestation of economic growth [4].
development is seen as synonymous with rural development, Therefore, the role of agriculture in transforming both the social
the two terms are different but intrinsically related. Agricultural and economic framework of an economy cannot be over-
development is a part of rural development; rural areas cannot emphasized. It has been the source of gainful employment
develop without its agriculture being developed because about from which the nation can feed its teaming population,
90% of the rural dwellers are engaged in agricultural practices providing the nation’s industries with local raw materials and as
as their major source of income. a reliable source of government revenue.
Nigeria as a country seeks to become a leading economy in According to Adegoye & Dittah in Research Clue [4], a full
Africa and a major player in the world’s economic and political developed economy, especially in agricultural sector, means an
affairs of which their 20-20-20 plan is their guideline. To become increase in the production of export crops with an improvement
a developed nation, Nigeria needs to speed up its economic in the quantity and grades of such export crops. However, for a
growth by focusing on vital economic sectors like education, country to industrialize, agricultural output will be said to have
energy, agriculture and manufacturing. At this point in Nigeria’s acquired growth if agriculture can supply enough materials to
development, the best approach is to focus on the agricultural agro-allied industries. In the light of this, Reynulds in Research
sector. By focusing on agricultural development, Nigeria can [4] opined that agricultural development can promote
speed up its economic growth in the coming decade [3]. economic development of underdeveloped countries in four
different ways:
c) By increasing the supply of domestic saving and c) The urban-industrial impact model
00135 How to cite this article: Udemezue JC, Osegbue EG. Theories and Models of Agricultural Development. Ann Rev Resear. 2018; 1(5): 555574.
Annals of Reviews and Research
00136 How to cite this article: Udemezue JC, Osegbue EG. Theories and Models of Agricultural Development. Ann Rev Resear. 2018; 1(5): 555574.
Annals of Reviews and Research
As regard to the effects and the emergence of agricultural 5. European Commission (2018) Sustainable agriculture and rural
development policy-agricultural development. International
growth is critical for industrialization and economic growth in cooperation and development. https//ageconsearch.umn-
the 1960s, however, the process of agricultural growth itself has edu/bitstream/135054/ Fris-1972-11-02-245pdf.
remained outside the concern of the most developing economics. 6. Ruttan VW (1977) Induced innovation and agricultural development.
Both technical change and institutional evolution have been Food policy 2(3): 196-202.
treated as exogenous to the systems. In this paper, analytical
approach was used to review agricultural development theories
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00137 How to cite this article: Udemezue JC, Osegbue EG. Theories and Models of Agricultural Development. Ann Rev Resear. 2018; 1(5): 555574.