Maps of JICA Major Projects Myanmar
Maps of JICA Major Projects Myanmar
Maps of JICA Major Projects Myanmar
<Sagaing> (P) P
roject for Eradication of Opium Poppy Cultivation and Rural Development
in Northern part of Shan State/2014.5-2019.4
(L) A
griculture Income Improvement
Project/2018.3 (G) T
he Project for Improving Lashio General Hospital in Shan State/2014.5
(G) T
he Project for Improvement of Water
Supply System in Mandalay City/2015.6 <Kayah, Mandalay>
(L) H
ydropower Plants Rehabilitation Project/2017.4
<Yangon and it's environs (Thilawa Area)> (L) P ower Distribution Improvement Project in Yangon (Phase1)/2015.6
(P) P roject of Capacity Development for National Single Window and Customs Modernization (L) Infrastructure Development Project in Thilawa Area Phase I (II)/2015.6
by Introducing Automated Cargo Clearance System in Myanmar /2014.2-2020.6 (L) Y angon Circular Railway Line Upgrading Project/2015.10
(P*) T
he Project for Improvement of Water Supply Management of YCDC/2015.7-2020.7 (L) T he Project for Construction of Bago River Bridge/2016.9
(P*) Y
angon Mapping Project/2017.10-2019.5 (L) G reater Yangon Water Supply Improvement Project (Phase II) (I)/2017.3
(P*) P
roject for improving the public bus service in yangon/2018.1-2021.1 (G) T he Project for Improvement of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Control/2016.6
(P*) P
roject for Urban Development Management in Yangon/2018.8-2021.8 (G) T he Project for Improvement of Magway General Hospital/2017.4
(L) U rgent Rehabilitation and Upgrade Project Phase1/2013.6 (G) T he Project for Expansion of Broadcasting Equipment of Myanma Radio and Television
(L) Infrastructure Development Project in Thilawa Area Phase1/2013.6 /2017.3
(L) G reater Yangon Water Supply Improvement Project/2014.9 (G) The Project for the Construction of New Yangon Specialist Hospital/2018.3
(L) Infrastructure Development Project in Thilawa Area PhaseII/2014.9
Technical Cooperation : Ongoing and planned (R/D signed) projects, *Technical Assistance Project related to ODA Loan
Development Study/Technical Cooperation for Development Planning : Ongoing projects
Loan : Ongoing and planned (L/A signed) projects
Grant Aid : Ongoing projects (G/A or E/N signed)