(Eng) MASTERS POSTGRADUATES Scholarships and Grants 22.23

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Scholarships & grants

masters and
― 2022/2023
Table of contents

Introduction 3

Scholarships and benefits terms and conditions 3

Scholarships 4


Benefits 5

A) Supporting the ESDi Community 5

Table of scholarships and benefits 2022-23 6

Foundation of Textile Design (FUNDIT) is the foundation of ESDi Higher School of Design, EFPA School of Advanced Vocational Training,
and EATM School of Fashion Arts and Techniques, which promotes training and research in the design and humanities sectors. FUNDIT
embraces and supports creativity in all its facets and promotes collaboration with creative companies, organizations, and institutions,
bearing in mind the shifts in society, the environment, sustainability, and the economy. We are committed to curricular innovation,
the internationalization of programs, pioneering experimentation, and an avant-garde vision of the collaboration between design
and technology. FUNDIT supports academic activities, joint R+D+i projects, the internship program in companies, contributions to the
scholarship and grant fund, and activities to disseminate the culture of design, among others. Within the framework of these relations,
several types of scholarships and grants are awarded to facilitate access to studies.

Successful applicants are adjudicated in compliance with the established requirements. Scholarships and benefits are limited in number
and subject to availability. FUNDIT reserves the right to withdraw, amend or discontinue any scholarship, benefit, or award from time to
time. Even if an applicant meets scholarship criteria, a scholarship may not be awarded due to quantitative limitations. Applicants will be
assessed according to the assessment criteria set out for each program and scholarship category. The decisions made by the University
are final and there are no provisions or processes for appeal.

Scholarships and benefits terms and conditions

� Scholarships are limited in number, and subject to availability. Even if an applicant meets scholarship criteria, a scholarship may not be
� Additional forms and supporting documents may be required to decide on a scholarship / benefit request and must be in English (certified
translated documents must be provided if the documents are not in English).
� All scholarships and benefits must be applied for and awarded before the start of the program the applicant has been accepted for.
� The discount for full payment of tuition fees in advance can be combined with scholarships / benefits.
� Scholarships are not awarded in conjunction with other scholarships – in the event of you being eligible for more than one scholarship
the greater award will be given.
� Scholarships are only available with other benefits if:
• The student pays full tuition fees in advance.
• The discount on the total price may not exceed 25% of the original price.
� All scholarships are to be offered once.
� Benefits cannot be combined except with the early bird payment discount.
� The discount on the total price cannot exceed 25% of the original price.
� International students: Students who are awarded an International Student Scholarship are expected to voluntarily contribute to the
University’s marketing efforts in their respective countries. This may include, but not be limited to writing blogs about their University
experience, managing a country-specific social media page, providing support at international recruitment events, etc.
� The assignment of scholarships will be evaluated by an academic committee.
� Our grants are intended as a contribution to the costs of the course. We do not contemplate transportation coverage or international
debts. We do not contribute to the expenses of dependent family members (spouses, partners, children), academic course or living
� The amount of the scholarship/benefit is calculated according to the catalogue price of the course. Any variation in the final price will
imply a recalculation of the amount.

I. Description
FUNDIT offers a Professional Recognition Scholarship for each Master and Postgraduate programme, with the purpose of rewarding the
best sector professionals or potential professionals. The Professional Recognition Scholarship provides an economic discount on the total
course to candidates with a professional experience with a positive impact on the sector.

II. Number of scholarships

2 per master and edition.

III. Economic discount

Masters and Postgraduates % Economic Discount

Master’s Degree in Management of the Fashion and Design Industries 15%

Master’s Degree in Interface Design and User Experience (UX/UI Design) 15%

Postgraduate Degree in Interface Design and User Experience (UX/UI Design) 15%

IV. Eligibility
• Foreign National Passport.
• ESDi acceptance letter.
• Have a minimum of two years professional experience.
• Curriculum Vitae.
• A Portfolio.
• 2 Recommendation letters from the current work and previous works.
• A statement from the credit institution to certify the availability of funds (an amount in a foreign bank account of which it has been
established that the balance is available to the student during the course of his studies).

V. How to Apply
Email admissions@esdi.edu.es with the following:
a. Your first, last name and name of the scholarship in the subject line.
b. Letter of introduction describing your history, why you are seeking a Master’s Degree at ESDi and why you feel you would be a good
candidate for this scholarship award.
c. Attach the required documents.

VI. Deadline
Masters and Postgraduates April edition: 1st of March.
Masters and Postgraduates October edition: 15th of July.

VII. Selection Criteria

The selectors will look for candidates who have a remarkable professional experience and a positive impact on the sector. Applicants’
portfolio will be evaluated by a scholarship committee on the following criteria: creativity, motivation and willingness to study a Master or
Postgraduate programme at ESDi.

VIII. Scholarship winners notified

Masters and Postgraduates April edition: 15th of March.
Masters and Postgraduates October edition: 31st of July.

A) Supporting the ESDi community

↘ ESDi students and alumni

• Continue your studies with up to 15% discount for postgraduate courses – even if you’re switching subject.

Table of scholarships and benefits ESDi 2022-2023

Scholarships Professional Recognition Scholarship 15%

Benefits Supporting the ESDi Community 15%


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