Combatflite: User'S Manual
Combatflite: User'S Manual
Combatflite: User'S Manual
User’s Manual
How To: Create a sample strike mission
How To: Create a sample CAS mission
Flight Planning Features
UI, Key shortcuts, Mouse
Creating a flight
Flight, unit and waypoint properties
Navigation objects
User-defined objects, layers
Units of measure
Mission overview
DMPI allocation
Import & Export Features
Import .cf flights
Import .cf layers
Import .miz
Import .kmz
Import AJS37 ELINT
Export .miz
Export .lua
Export .kmz
Export .xml
Export .json
Export NS430 .dat
AJS-37 Viggen Specific Features
Data cartridge
ELINT import, library
Ka-50 Specific Features
Mission rehearsal
Intervisibility plot
Terrain visualization (selected area / along a route)
Slope visualization
Vertical profile of a route
ISA & unit conversion
Map Options
Google Earth Link-Up
System Requirements
How To: CF
Create a sample strike mission
Place user-defined objects
• Place “Push Pt”, “Exit Pt”, “Target”, “IP”, “DMPI” reference points
(Key shortcuts “R, 1”; “R, 2”; “R, 5”; “R,4”; “D”)
Set coalitions and weather
• Set Blue and Red side countries
• Set weather
Create flights (“F” key)
• It is good to start with “AI (Air Interdiction)” flights
• Select the Target waypoint, assign ETA (TOT), allocate DMPIs CF
Create your custom kneeboard
• You can use the Kneeboard to tool to create a custom
kneeboard package for a given aircraft
• It can comprise of the following pages
• Mission data card (incl. navigation data, comm frequencies, package
composition and timing, free text area / imagery)
• Route map
• Individual route leg views
• Extra pages (raster images)
• You have three options how to output the kneeboard
• Print a hard copy or a pdf file
• Generate .png files and put them into your DCS Kneeboard folder
• Insert the kneeboard directly into a .miz file
Export the mission as a .miz file
• The mission can be exported as a .miz file
• All the flights are exported, together with the mission briefings
and briefing pictures, as well as navigation points, reference
points and other objects
• After having it exported, you can open the .miz file in the DCS
Mission Editor and tweak the mission further (e.g. ground units,
ships, scripting, flags, liveries for air units etc)
• Because of the way artificial intelligence is currently done in the
DCS environment, some tweaking of the mission in terms of
reference point / waypoint placing, timing, speeds or altitudes,
followed by exporting the .miz file again, will probably have to
be done to finetune the mission flow
• Alternatively, the mission can be exported as a .lua file, which
can be run as a script inside a DCS mission (done by the ‘DO FILE’
script in the DCS Mission Editor). However, DCS does not
currently support adding ‘Client’ air units via these scripts. Only
‘Player’ or artificially-intelligent units can be added
How To: CF
Create a sample CAS mission
In general…
• The procedure is the same as in the “How To: Create a sample
strike mission”, but is tailored towards a CAS tasking
• In the following text, only the differences are listed
Create custom kneeboard pages with MGRS CF
• Use the map tile overlay (e.g. Bing Aerial) and the Snapshot
(Portrait) tool to create a close-in snapshot of the CAS target
area overlaid with MGRS gridlines
• Use the Kneeboard tool to create a custom kneeboard
package for a given aircraft
• Click the “Manage…” button below the “Extra pages” option
Flight Planning CF
UI, Key shortcuts, Mouse
Data panel
Map area
Tree views
Show / hide
Flights tab
Contains a tree with all flights and
their waypoints.
• You can show/hide the flight’s
route by checking/unchecking
the box next to its name.
• The waypoints in bold have an
activity of a certain duration.
• The waypoints with the clock
icon have a locked ETA.
• The flights with a “CL” icon
have all units’ skill set to
• The flights with a “P” icon
Right-click menu
contain a “Player” unit.
Packages tab
Contains a tree with packages
into which flights can be grouped.
• You can show/hide routes of
an entire package by checking
Right-click menu or unchecking the box next to
its name.
see next page…
Layers tab
Contains a tree with all layers and
their objects.
• You can show/hide an entire
layer and its objects on the
map by checking/unchecking
Right-click menu the box next to its name.
Key shortcuts CF
• New mission Ctrl+N
• Open mission Ctrl+O
• Save mission Ctrl+S
• Save mission as… Ctrl+A
• Show/hide map M
• Map opacity decrease/increase -/=
• Map opacity 10-100% 1,2,3,…,9,0
• Toggle grayscale map Ctrl+G
• Toggle doghouses on/off/selected route Ctrl+D
• Toggle waypoint labels on/off/selected route Ctrl+W
• Toggle all minute marks on/off Ctrl+M
• Show/hide nav data N
• Cyclic toggle bullseye’s B
• Snapping to objects on/off S
• User’s manual F1
• Mission rehearsal F5
• Portrait snapshot F6
• Landscape snapshot F7
• Vertical route profile V
Mouse CF
Left button
Selects objects. Drags objects.
Double-click zooms map to 100%.
Right button
Moves the map around. Unselects objects.
Wheel scroll
Map zoom in/out.
Wheel click
Activates the ruler function.
(The default ground speed for ruler time calculation can
be set in the Settings)
Flight Planning CF
Creating a flight
Insert a new flight of planes or helicopters
• To add air units (no matter if planes or helicopters)
click on the “Flight” button in the OBJECTS tab
• A “Create a flight…” dialog will pop-up
Pick waypoints
• This can be done by clicking anywhere on the map
• Or by snapping to the already existing user-defined objects
(reference points, orbits, …) or navigation objects (nav points,
airfields, …)
• A tooltip with the name of the object will appear, so you know to which
object the waypoint will be snapped to
• Important waypoint parameters will then be set automatically for you
Flight Planning CF
Flight, unit and waypoint properties
Bogus – If checked, flight will not be exported
QFE – Check if you want to use QFE instead of QNH/QNE
Callsign – the flight’s callsign is a combination of the drop-
down selection and the number (e.g. Raider1). Leader is
Raider11, wingmen are Raider12,13,… You can choose either
a DCS callsign or a Custom callsign.
Package – Name of the package the flight belongs to
MC – Mission Commander, Package Leader
MSN# - Automatically generated mission number
Unit – flight member
Configure – Opens a “Configure…” dialog where you can
modify the payload, fuel, datalink settings etc. You can also
create/save/delete standard payloads for the given aircraft
Waypoint lock – When enabled, the waypoint is locked in
place and cannot be dragged unless unlocked again. When
locked, all DMPIs assigned to the waypoint are locked as well.
WP Label – shows/hides the label for the given waypoint. By
clicking the arrows, the size of the label can be adjusted.
Doghouse – shows/hides the doghouse for the given
waypoint. By clicking the arrows, the size of the doghouse can
be adjusted.
Name – waypoint’s name
Type – type of waypoint. A way to automate some things. It
affects certain options and actions when exported to a .miz
DMPI / Escort – For a “Target” or “Stand-off Attack” type
waypoints, you can assign DMPIs. For “Escort” type
waypoints, you can assign flight to be escorted.
Altitude – altitude AMSL or height AGL (if AGL checked)
Altitude – Copy to all waypoints – copies the altitude value
and the AGL checkbox value to all flight’s waypoints (except
Take Off, Landing and Alternate waypoints)
Speed type drop down – choose between CAS, TAS, GS and
Mach speed types
Speed – Copy to all waypoints – copies the speed value and
speed type to all flight’s waypoints
ETA locked – will set the time over the given waypoint to the
value in the time entry drop down (required airspeed prior to
the waypoint will be automatically adjusted accordingly)
Activity – duration of the activity over the waypoint
A/A TCN – switch to a given A/A TACAN
A/A TCN – Set also for subsequent waypoints – will overwrite
the A/A TCN setting for all subsequent waypoints
Freq – switch to a given comm frequency
Freq – Set also for subsequent waypoints – will overwrite the
Freq setting for all subsequent waypoints
QFE checkbox
• Checking the QFE box will affect the information displayed in
route leg maps in your kneeboard
Flight tasks
• Sweep
• Escort
• Intercept
• AI (Air Interdiction)
• Swing-role
• FAC(A)
• Recce
• Tanker
• Transport
• Nothing
Flight Planning CF
What they are
• Flights can be grouped into packages.
• You can create, delete and modify packages via the “Packages” tab in the
• Each package has a name, which is automatically generated at creation
(can be changed by user), and a side (Blue / Red).
• The label of a package also contains its prevailing task and the number of
flights assigned to it.
• You can move flights from one package to another either by right-clicking
it in the Package tab of the tree-view and choosing “Move flight to
package…” or by selecting a package from the “Package” drop-down
menu in the data panel on the left side of the screen (when a flight is
• Each package has a Package Leader.
You can assign the Package Leader
role in the data panel on the left side
Flight Planning CF
How to use them
• You can place an aircraft carrier (or an LHA) by clicking
the “Carrier” button in the OBJECT tab.
• You can choose its side, country, class, base recovery course (BRC),
speed, TACAN channel and ID, and ICLS channel and ID.
• These parameters can be adjusted at any time via the data panel on the
left side of the screen.
• The carrier is depicted in the map by its
silhouette, together with a line visualizing
its BRC, several circles and a label.
• The circles depict the following:
• Carrier Control Area (CCA) at 50 NM
• Carrier Control Zone (CCZ) at 5 NM
• 10 NM arc (used for departures)
• 7 NM arc (also used for departures)
• You can use the carriers in a similar fashion as an airfield. That means you
can snap waypoints to it, which will automatically become a Take Off or a
Landing type waypoint.
• If you export your mission as a .miz file, the carriers will have the
parameters you have set for them. Their routing will be a straight line to a
point 100 NM ahead in the BRC and at the speed you have set.
Flight Planning CF
Navigation objects
What they are
• Navigation objects come from a built-in navigation database. Their
purpose is to ease flight planning. Flight route waypoints (and other
objects) can be snapped to them.
Flight Planning CF
User-defined objects, layers
Reference point (key shortcut “R”)
• Their purpose is to make the planning quicker and easier.
• You can snap waypoints to them.
• The name and type of the waypoint will then be the same as the name
and type of the reference point.
• For some waypoint types, the waypoint’s activity duration will be
automatically set to a default value (e.g. 5 min for a LZ type waypoint).
• Some export actions are tied to waypoint type (such as formation or
engagement behavior).
• There are several types of Reference points: Push Pt, Exit Pt, CP,
IP, Target, DMPI, CAS, FAC(A), LZ, Other
• It is a tool that allows you to overlay raster imagery over the
• User-defined objects can be organized into layers
• At least one layer has to exist at any time. The “User-created”
layer is already in place by default when creating a new mission.
• Individual objects of the layer can be shown/hidden by
checking/unchecking the box next to their name
• You can create a new layer by clicking the “New layer” button
• You can delete any layer by clicking the “Delete layer” button.
Doing so will delete all of the layer’s objects
• When you import a .kmz or .kml file, a new layer is
automatically created and all imported objects are placed in it
• When you import a .miz file, several layers are created into
which import objects are categorized
• You can move objects from one layer to another by right-clicking
the object in the tree view and choosing “Move object to
Flight Planning CF
Units of measure
Change units of measure to suit your aircraft
• Distance, speed, altitude and pressure units of measure can be
selected from a drop-down in the lower right part of the screen.
Different units of measure might better suit your aircraft type
• Data displayed into navigation info panel, as well as in the
doghouses, and in your kneeboard mission data card, will be
• However, some items will still use the commonly used units of
measure (NM, ft, kt etc.), e.g. the position from Bullseye
Mission CF
Custom kneeboard tool, mission data card
• Open the kneeboard tool by clicking on the “Kneeboard”
button in the MISSION tab
• Choose which aircraft you want the kneeboard have
generated for
Saving your custom kneeboard
• You have three options how to output the kneeboard
• Print a hard copy or a pdf file
• Generate .png files and put them (for example) into your DCS
Kneeboard folder
• Insert the kneeboard directly into a .miz file
Mission CF
Weather setting
Weather tool
• The weather setting tool can be opened by clicking on
the “Weather” button in the MISSION tab
• The right portion of the window can be saved as a .png file (which can
be further used for example as a briefing picture) by clicking the “Save
as PNG” button
Dynamic weather
• Weather can be set to either Static or Dynamic
• If you choose Dynamic, you will have to manually place the
Cyclones and Anticyclones by clicking the “Add (anti)cyclone”
button in the OBJECTS tab
• After placing the anticyclone / cyclone, you can adjust its radius,
ellipticity, rotation and pressure excess
Mission CF
Briefing tool
• The briefing tool can be opened by clicking
on the “Briefing” button in the MISSION tab
• You can use the briefing tool to create a Situation overview,
Blue tasking and Red tasking
• RAMROD is randomly chosen (can be changed)
• Each text part can be auto-generated by clicking the “Auto-generate” button
• Blue/Red briefing pictures can be added
• The first briefing picture is auto-generated and includes the name of the
• You can export the Blue/Red briefing as a Rich Text Format (.rtf)
• Situation/Blue/Red briefing automatically becomes a part of .miz file when
Mission CF
Coalitions, Routes overview,
DMPI allocation
• Open by clicking on the
“Coalitions” button
in the MISSION tab
Mission overview
• Open by clicking on the “Mission overview” button
in the MISSION tab
• You can choose from a selection of tabular overviews, as well as
visual depictions of the mission flow. Both can be saved as a .png
file for further use
DMPI allocation
• Open by clicking on the “DMPI allocation” button in the
• You can see which DMPI-type
reference points are allocated
to which aircraft
Import CF
.cf flights
Importing flights from another CombatFlite
mission (.cf)
• To facilitate a faster workflow and to allow for collaborative
mission planning, you can import flights from one or more
existing CombatFlite missions (.cf files)
• This way you can combine several CF missions into one
• Just click on the “Import .cf flights” button in the FILE tab
Import CF
.cf layers
Importing layers with objects from another
CombatFlite mission (.cf)
• To facilitate a faster workflow and to allow for a collaborative
mission planning, you can import layers with objects (polygons,
circles, reference points etc.) from one or more existing
CombatFlite missions (.cf files)
• Just click on the “Import .cf layers” button in the FILE tab
Import CF
Import flights and other data from a DCS
mission file (.miz)
• Click on the “Import .miz” button in the FILE tab
• A dialog will pop up. Choose what items you want
to have imported
• Flights – plane and helicopter units and flight routes will be imported
• Engagement areas – engagement zones connected to waypoint actions
(e.g. Engage – SAM, Engage – Air, …) will be imported as Circles
• Vehicles, ships, static objects –positions and routes of ground units will
be imported. Currently, the routes cannot be further changed [WIP]
• Bullseyes – bullseye position imported
• Nav points – nav/initial points created in DCS Mission Editor will be
• Briefings – briefing for the particular side imported (together with
briefing pictures)
• Weather – weather setting imported
How it works…
• Blue (and/or red) flights will be imported
• Flights which have a ‘Player’ or a ‘Client’ unit skill will be marked
with a slightly different color and will have their box in the left
panel checked – their route will be shown in the map.
• All other flights will be unchecked – their route will be hidden in
order to declutter the map a bit. You can obviously check any
flight and its route will be shown.
• Waypoint types will be automatically selected based on a built-in
• Orbits will be automatically created based on waypoint actions
• DMPI reference points will also be created
• All imported objects (such as circles, orbits, ground unit symbols
etc.) will be placed into new layers
Import CF
Import a Google Earth file (.kmz / .kml)
• Click on the “Import .kmz” button in the FILE tab
• Select the .kmz/.kml file you want to import
• Choose the color of the objects that will be created from the
imported .kmz/.kml file
• The imported objects will be created into a new layer named
after the .kmz/.kml file (e.g. ‘Airspace.kmz’)
• Note: If the .kmz/.kml file contains a great number of objects, it
is better to split it into several files (using Google Earth, click on
a folder, Save Place As…) and import each file separately. That
way you will have each file as a separate layer and with a
separate color
Import CF
Import ELINT data gathered during an AJS-37
• Click on the “AJS37 ELINT” button in the FILE tab
• Select the file you want to import
(usually Saved Games\DCS_AJS37\
• The file is imported and confronted against an ELINT library
(which is based on DCS-derived data)
• The ELINT data is shown on the map as rectangles with signal
• If the threat signal is found in the library, it will be automatically
• You can adjust the look-up criteria and sensitivity in the Settings…
• The ELINT data can be toggled on/off using the “Show AJS-37
ELINT” button in the OPTIONS tab
Export CF
Export the mission to a DCS .miz file
• Click on the “Export .miz” button in the FILE tab
• All the flights are exported, together with the mission briefings
and briefing pictures, as well as navigation points, reference
points and other objects
• After having it exported, you can open the .miz file in the DCS
Mission Editor and tweak the mission further (e.g. ground units,
ships, scripting, flags, liveries for air units etc)
• Because of the way artificial intelligence is currently done in the
DCS environment, some tweaking of the mission in terms of
reference point / waypoint placing, timing, speeds or altitudes,
followed by exporting the .miz file again, will probably have to
be done to finetune the mission flow
Export CF
Export the flights to a .lua file
• The mission’s flights (planes and helicopters) can be exported as
a .lua file, which can be run as a script inside a DCS mission
• Click on the “Export .lua” button in the FILE tab
• Add a ‘DO SCRIPT FILE’ action at mission start in the DCS Mission
• Click ‘OPEN’ and locate the .lua file you have exported
• Note: DCS does not currently support adding ‘Client’ air units
via a ‘DO SCRIPT FILE’ action. Only ‘Player’ or AI (Artificial
Intelligence) units can be added. If you export ‘Client’ units to a
.lua and run the lua script in DCS, it might cause an error.
Export CF
Export flights and objects to a Google Earth
.kmz file
• Flight routes, user-defined objects and navigation objects can be
exported as a .kmz file to the Google Earth
• Click on the “Export .kmz” button in the FILE tab
• Open the .kmz file in Google Earth
Export CF
Export the flights and objects to a Tacview
.xml file
• Click on the “Export .xml” button in the FILE tab
• Choose which items you want to export
• You need to place the .xml file into the proper folder so Tacview
can process it:
• Usually it is ‘Program Files (x86)\Tacview\Data\Static Objects\’
Export CF
Export objects to a LotAtc 4 DCS .json file
• Click on the “Export .json” button in the FILE tab
• Choose which layers you want to export
• Now just load the .json file in LotAtc 4 DCS (if you have exported
a lot of objects, it might take a while…)
Export CF
NS430 .dat
Export nav fixes to a NS430 .dat file
• Click on the “Export .dat” button in the FILE tab
• Choose what you want to export as nav fixes and click “Export”
AJS37 Viggen CF
Data cartridge
Create a custom data cartridge
• Click on the “AJS-37” button in the MISSION tab
AJS37 Viggen CF
Import ELINT data recorded during a mission
• Please refer to the “Import AJS37 ELINT” section
Tools CF
Mission rehearsal
Playback the mission flow
• You can use the Rehearsal tool to check the timings and mutual
position of various flights
• Open the Rehearsal window by clicking the “Rehearsal” button
in the TOOLS tab or by pressing the F5 key
• You can see a timeline and a mission line up
• Important events/points such as Target points, push times, exit
times are depicted
• You can jump to significant events using the controls in the
• Activities duration (CAP, AAR, Hold etc.) are depicted by a gray
• Each flights vul time (time between passing Push Pt and Exit Pt)
is depicted by a diagonal pattern
• The overall vul time (time from the first aircraft passing Push Pt
till the last aircraft passing Exit Pt) is depicted by dotted vertical
• Aircraft symbols with a name label and an altitude/height label
will be shown in the main flight planning window
Tools CF
Intervisibility plot
Visualize line-of-sight coverage
• Draws line of sight visibility plot from an observer placed at a
chosen point and height AGL to an aircraft flying at a given
height AGL. The visibility plot is limited to a maximum chosen
• Click on the “LOS” button in the TOOLS tab
• Set the parameters
• radius of the plot area
• observer’s height above ground level
• aircraft’s height above ground level
• resolution (LOW by default)
• Pick a point by clicking on the “Pick point” button and choosing o
point on the map
• Click “Calculate”
• A plot will be shown on the map
• Note: Earth curvature and RF refraction are accounted for
• You can switch the plot on/off by clicking on the “LOS” button in
the TOOLS tab
Tools CF
Terrain visualization
Visualize terrain elevation
• Click on the “Terrain” button in the TOOLS tab
• Choose an area
• The terrain elevation within the chosen area will be visualized;
the highest peak and its elevation (according to the elevation
data used and the sampling resolution) will be depicted
• To hide the elevation raster or to start over, click the “Terrain”
• Note: SRTM data (corrected for blind spots) are used. Due to
their size, only the relevant part of the map is covered. The
depicted elevation might (and will) be slightly inaccurate due to
the sampling resolution of the terrain elevation data reading
Tools CF
Slope visualization
Visualize terrain slope
• Click on the “Slope” button in the TOOLS tab
• Choose an area
• The terrain slope within the chosen area will be visualized
• Slope of 15° or less is colored in shades of green, slope of more
than 15° is colored in shades of red
• To hide the slope raster or to start over, click the “Slope” button
• Note: SRTM data (corrected for blind spots) are used. Due to
their size, only the relevant part of the map is covered.
Tools CF
Create snapshots for your kneeboard or
briefing package
• You can generate Portrait/Landscape snapshot of the map using
a dedicated tool (key shortcuts “F6” for Portrait snapshot, “F7” for
Landscape snapshot)
• Use a key shortcut or click on the “Snapshot” button
in the TOOLS tab
• Frame your snapshot
Tools CF
Vertical route profile
See vertical route profile, terrain, clouds,
MSA and tail/head wind
• You can view the vertical profile of any route
• Use the “V” key shortcut or click on the “Vertical profile”
button in the TOOLS tab
• You can see the terrain within a corridor along the route, a 1000
ft terrain clearance buffer, Minimum Safe Altitudes for each
route leg, an overall MSA, cloud layer (for Static weather), and
head/tail wind components for each route leg
• You can zoom out/in the vertical axis by scrolling the mouse
• You can save the vertical profile as a .png image by clicking the
“Save as PNG” button
Tools CF
ISA & unit conversion
International Standard Atmosphere,
KCAS/KTAS/Mach, radius of turn,
unit conversion
• You can make some handy conversions and quick calculations
using the International Standard Atmosphere and Unit
conversion tool
• Click on the “ISA / Unit conversion” button in the TOOLS tab
Map Options CF
Controlling the flight planning map area
• You can adjust quite a lot of properties related to the map area
and to the flight planning process
• Use either the key shortcuts, the controls in the OPTIONS tab,
the drop-down lists in the status bar, or the show/hide option
buttons on the right side of the screen
• The first section of the OPTIONS tab allows you to turn the
raster map on/off, adjust its opacity, switch between white and
black background, and toggle the grayscale mode
• The last section allows you to toggle the Snap-to mode, which
during dragging a waypoint (or other object) will snap it to
another object (e.g. a reference point, airfield etc.)
• You can also switch on/off the Autoname waypoints function,
which will automatically name a waypoint after an object it was
snapped to
• You can show/hide various map objects, or make some of them
visible only for the selected route. You can also use the
show/hide toggle buttons on the right side of the screen.
Alternative theme examples…
• WWII theme
Google Earth CF
What it is
• Flight routes, user-defined objects and navigation objects can be
automatically updated and exported as a .kmz file to the Google
Earth in near-real time during flight planning
• If you open Google Earth, add the .kmz file into ‘My Places’ and
set its refresh rate to (e.g.) 1 sec, the exported data will
automatically update itself
• The exported file is named ‘CombatFlite.kmz’ and is located in
your ‘Documents’ folder, ‘CombatFlite’ subfolder
• You can turn on/off the link-up by clicking on the
“Google Earth link-up” button in the OPTIONS tab
Settings CF
CombatFlite settings
• The settings form can be accessed via the “Settings”
button in the OPTIONS tab
• The settings are spread among four areas:
Navigation, Visuals, AJS37 ELINT, Custom and Other – access
them by clicking the appropriate tab in the Settings form
System requirements CF
• i5 or equivalent CPU
• 8 GB RAM
• Win 8+
• i5 or equivalent CPU
• 16 GB RAM
• Win 10
• 1920x1080 screen resolution or higher
Disclaimer CF
•CombatFlite is intended for flight simulation
purposes, especially as a tool for DCS (Digital
Combat Simulator) computer game players.