MDP - Food and Nutrition - Class Vii

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1. SCIENCE 1. To encourage 1. Make a healthy eating 3D food pyramid. 1. Know what

healthy eating amount of
habit in the different nutrients
student. should be in their
2. To know the
different 2. Able to arrange
organs and parts of human
their functions digestive system
in Human in right order.
System. 3. Understand the
process of
3. To encourage digestion.
among the 4. Understand that
students. there are two sets
of teeth.
4. To tell them
about the two
sets of teeth. 5. Learn that milk
teeth are replaced
Draw/ paste picture of following food items on correct level on your food pyramid.
5. To make by permanent
them Bananas, butter, carrots, cheese, dried beans, eggs, grapes, potatoes, rice, cake, oranges,
understand bread, oil and milk
that the Also write components of food present in these food items. 6. Know the number
teeth they of teeth in kids
lose are 2. Draw diagrams of different organs of human digestive system on a thick pastel and the adults
temporary sheet. Colour them and cut them out. You can also use clay to make model of these
milk teeth. organs. Now arrange cutouts/ clay models to make Human Digestive System. 7. They will learn
Also write down the functions of all these parts. and understand
about different
ways of taking
3. Collect data from your friends, neighbors, brothers and sisters about their teeth and
fill in the following table: 8. Understand that
6. Understand some plants show
that Total teeth=Teeth present + spaces dual mode of
permanent nutrition.
teeth replace
the milk teeth.
Relation Total Total Total
number number teeth
7. To make them Name of Age
know about of teeth of spaces
some plants
are having
special way of
taking nutrient

4. Collect pictures of five insectivorous plants. Paste them. For each write:
a. Name of the plant
b. Place where they are found
c. Mode of nutrition
5. Grow following seed take care of them and observe them. Try to find out which
component of food is present in them and what will be end product of digestion of
that component of food.

Component of food present End product of digestion of

in it component of food present in it
Green Gram
(mung bean)

Gram (Chana)


2. MATHS 1. Computational 1. Investigate the Growth of Plants (Green gram, Mustard, Gram Chana, Wheat sown as in point 1. To Observe
skills drawing no 5 of science) and tabulated the records and observations done by you every fortnight, and on Compute, read
reading and the basis of your investigations and observations write conclusions: and interpret the
interpretation of data.
Length (cm) of Growing plants
2. Understanding
Name of the plants October 1st (15 October 2nd (15 Calculate ratio of length of
2. Concept of and use of Ratio,
days) days) 1st 15 days to 2nd 15 days
division of Equivalent ratios
fractions, Ratios, Green Gram (mung
equivalent ratios dal) 3. Understanding
Computational and use of
Skill Mustard Percentage
3. Percentage:
Increase or
Gram Chana
Decrease 4. To find Increase
percent or Decrease
4. Conversion of percent.
fraction to Wheat
percentage and 5. To Convert
vice versa. fraction to
Number of leaves in growing plants percentage and
5. Conversion of vice versa.
decimals to Name of the plants October 1st (15 days) October 2nd (15 Percentage increase
percentage and days) in no. Of leaves.
vice versa. 6. To Convert
decimals to
6. Practical percentage and
problems on Green Gram (mung vice versa.
percentage. dal)
7. Practical problems
7.Ratios to
Mustard on percentage.
Gram Chana
8.Computational 8. To Convert Ratios
skills drawing Wheat to percent.
reading and
interpretation of 9. To Observe
data. Compute, read
(*Approximate if no of leaves are too many) and interpret the
9.Faces edges Note: Above observation table is to be continued for the month of November, December and
and Vertices of January also (term – 2). 10. To Faces edges
3-D Shapes. and Vertices of 3-
Conclusions: D Shapes.
10.Draw 3-D 1.Which tree grows in length the most (end of the month record).
shapes using NET 11. To Draw 3-D
diagram. 2.Which tree grows in length the least. (end of the month record). shapes using NET
11. Identifying
3.Which plant will have more leaves green gram or gram chana (end of the month record).
sections, views
4.Which plant will have less leaves Mustard or Wheat (end of the month record). 12. Identifying
(front, top, side)
of solids different sections,
5.Draw Bar Graph to compare the data at a glance. views (front, top,
side) of solids
2. Examine on the basis of following Balance Diet Chapati chart:

1) Fraction of fat intake.

2) Fraction of Fruit and vegetable intake.
3) What fraction of Protein and Fiber-rich carbohydrates is needed for our body.
4) Which nutrients is required the most by our body and which nutrient is required the least.
Tabulate your observation-

Nutrients In Percent In Fraction In Decimals



Fruits and
3. Let’s play:

4. used to find common denominators
5. 5. fractions with value less than one
6. 1/5th of 50
7. a number that divides another number fully
8. fractions that give same value when reduced to lowest form
10. fractions with different denominators
1. fractions with numerator greater than denominator
2. 1/4th of 16
3. method to list fractions from least to greatest or greatest to least
9. fractions with same denominator
4. From the hints of net make 3-D shapes, construct the net of given food items: Juice cane,
ice-cream cone, cube dhokla butter.

Shapes Edges Vertices Faces






3. SOCIAL 1.To understand 1. Observe the picture- 1. Students will be
SCIENCE the purpose of able to understand
mid-day meal the purpose of mid-
scheme. day meal scheme.

2. To know about 2. Students will be able

the different to know the different
schemes run by food schemes of the
the government government.
for under
section of 3.Students will be able
society. to understand the
need to run these
3. To familiarize schemes.
them with the
concept of 4.Students will be able
malnutrition. to understand the role
of government in
providing these
4.To know the Read this news headline and collect following information 5.Students will be able
role of -What is mid-day meal scheme? to know the
government in -first state to start mid-day meal. functioning of ration
providing these -Classes in which mid-day meal is implemented. shops.
facilities. -Main purpose of this scheme.
6.Students will be able
5.familiarize Also paste five newspaper cuttings related to this topic. to understand the
them with the
concept of
concept of ration

6.To sensitize 7.Students will be

them toward aware of the
under-privileged importance of good
section. eating habits.

7.To inculcate
good eating
habits among

2. Explore other such schemes which are being run to empower the under privileged during
the corona pandemic.

3. Discuss with your parents/friends/teachers about the concept of Ration Shops & prepare
a list of things which are being provided to the poor section of the society through these
4. Make a poster on ‘eat healthy stay healthy’.

4. ENGLISH 1.Developing 1. You might have seen nutritional value given in packaging of everyday food items at your 1. Students will
their creative home. Examine 6 food packages and write their nutritional value. Take help of the picture given develop good writing
side. below. skills. They will know
how to interview.
2.Knowing about
the value of 2.Students will be able
nutritious food. to know the value of
healthy eating habits.
3.Students will
be able to avoid 3.Students will avoid
junk food and junk food.
eat healthy food.
4.They will eat healthy
4.Inculcating the and will know the
habit of eating nutritional value of
fruits and everyday food items.
2. Complete the following crossword puzzle with the help of cues given.
3. Make a comic strip highlight the importance of nutritious food in day-to-day life.

4. Interview a nutritionist on harmful effects of junk food and the value of healthy and
nutritious food. Keep the record in writing.
5. Eat a rainbow i.e., a variety of fruits and vegetables. Make your own plate and click its
picture. Write the nutritional value of all the items in your plate.

2. HINDI 1. विद्यार्थी ये जान 1. खानपान और उससे भमलने िाले पौष्टिक तत्िों जैसे प्रोिीन, वििाभमनों को चािट विधि द्िारा स्पटि करना। 1. हमारे शरीर के ननमाटण में
सकेंगें कक ककन खाद्य खानपान एिं उससे भमलने
पदार्थों में कौन कौनसे िाले पौष्टिक तत्िों की
पौष्टिक तत्िों होते है । िभू मका की समझ होना।

2.विद्यार्थी ये जान 2.पौष्टिक आहारों की कमी से

सकेंगें कक कौन-कौनसे शरीर पर होने िाले प्रिािों की
पौष्टिक आहारों से समझ होना।
शरीर के कौन-कौनसे
अंगों का विकास होता है 3.विद्याधर्थटयों में विभिन्न
राज्यों के खानपान की

जानकारी होना। विद्याधर्थटयों
3.विद्यार्थी विभिन्न
में अपने आसपास के लोगों के
राज्यों के खानपान को
खानपान की जानकारी होना।
जान सकेंगे।
4.विद्याधर्थटयों में 2. विद्याधर्थटयों से एकल नािक अभिनय कराना कक कौनसे पौष्टिक आहार शरीर के ककन अंगों के विकास में सहायक होते है । 4.विद्याधर्थटयों में अपने
पौष्टिक आहारों से आसपास के लोगों के खानपान
शरीर को स्िस््य रखने की जानकारी होना।
की समझ विकभसत हो

3. विद्याधर्थटयों के द्िारा अपनी कक्षा में विभिन्न राज्यों से अध्ययनरत विद्याधर्थटयों से फोन या एस.एम.एस. द्िारा
विभिन्न राज्यों के खानपान की जानकारी हाभसल कर िारत के नक्शे में दशाटना ।
4. विद्याधर्थटयों को समह
ू में वििाष्जत करके एिं उनको आसपास के क्षेत्रों से फोन या एस.एम.एस. द्िारा यह ज्ञात करिाना
कक लोगों का खान-पान क्या है और उनसे ककस प्रकार की पौष्टिकता की पनू तट को सारणी द्िारा दशाटइए। अगर नहीं तो
कारणों की खोज करें गे।
क्रम ांक नम भोजन के प्रक र पौष्टिक तत्त्व पौष्टिकत की पूर्ति

(ह ाँ /नही)

3. SANSKRIT 1.विद्यार्थी अनाजों के 1. विद्यार्थी 10 अनाजों के,10 फलों के तर्था 10 सष्जजयों के धचत्र धचपकायेंगे और धचत्रों के नीचे उनके नाम संस्कृत में 1. विद्याधर्थटयों को संस्कृत
नाम, फलों के नाम और भलखेंगे। िाषा में अनाजों के, फलों के
सष्जजयों के नाम और सष्जजयों के नामों का
संस्कृत िाषा में जानने ज्ञान हो जाएगा।
में समर्थट होंगे।
2.िे इन शजदों की शुद्ि ितटनी
2.िे इन शजदों की शुद्ि भलखने में समर्थट होंगे।
ितटनी भलख सकेंगे।
3.छात्र आहार के पोषक तत्त्िों
3.विद्यार्थी आहार के के विषय में बताते हुए संस्कृत
पोषक तत्त्िों के विषय में िाक्य-रचना कर सकेंगे।
में संस्कृत में सरल
िाक्यों की रचना कर 4.छात्र (अन्न के महत्त्ि से

सकेंगे। सम्बष्न्ित) श्लोक का शुद्ि

उच्चारण करने में समर्थट होंगे।

4.जीिन में अन्न का

क्या महत्त्ि है –
विद्यार्थी श्लोक के
माध्यम से इसकी 2.वीडिओ र्नम िण - छात्र अपनी पाठ्यपस्
ु तक से जीिन में अन्न के महत्त्ि से सम्बष्न्ित एक श्लोक को (A – 4 Size) पेपर पर बडे
जानकारी प्राप्त कर अक्षरों में भलखेंगे उस श्लोक को कण्ठस्र्थ करके सस्िर गायन करते हुए तर्था उसका िािार्थट बताते हुए िीडडओ बनाएंगे।
3. छात्र आहार के विभिन्न पोषक तत्त्िों का महत्त्ि बताते हुए संस्कृत में िाक्य रचना करें गे। (10 िाक्य)


• Content
• Originality
• Creativity
• Presentation

RESOURCES पाठ्यपस्
ु तक
अभििािक एिं पररिेश
a) Back to Basics
b) Maths Lab Activity
c) Subject wise source book on assessment
d) Art Integrated Project
a) Back to Basics
b) Maths Lab Activity
c) Subject wise source book on assessment
d) Art Integrated Project

Note – The project should cover-

• Introduction
• Acknowledgement
• Content
• Conclusion
• Bibliography
Mentor: Mrs. Prachi Dixit, Principal, KV AGCR Colony
Mrs. Shweta Kestwal, TGT(English)
Mr. R.P. Meena, TGT(Hindi)
Mr. U.S. Mishra, TGT(Sanskrit)
Mrs. Indu Yadav, TGT(Maths)
Mrs. Shalini Saxena, TGT(Science)
Mrs. Rakhi, TGT(Social-Science)

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