Chapter 4 Results and Discussion

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Table 4.1: Duration of playing online games.

Time Duration Respondents Percentage

2-3 hours 26 52%

4-5 hours 12 24%

1 hour 7 14%

6-10 hours 5 10%

Total 50 100%

According to table 4.1 on How many hours do you play online games in one day, Most of the
Respondents voted for the 2-3 hours which constitutes to 26 votes, while some voted for 4-5 hours
which constitutes to 12 votes, also, some respondents choose 1 hour which constitutes to 7 votes and
the least votes are 6-5 hours which constitutes to 5 votes. Most of the Respondents spends 2-3 hours in
playing online games.

Table 4.2: p

Types of Online Games Respondents Percentage

Multiplayer Online battle arena 33 66%

Action 12 24%

Adventure 4 8%

Sport 1 2%
According to table 4.2 on Type of Online Games that has been playing, Most of the Respondents voted
for the Multiplayer Online Battle Arena which constitutes to 33 votes, while some voted for Action
which constitutes to 12 votes, also, some respondents choose Adventure which constitutes to 4 votes
and the least votes are Sport which constitutes to 1 vote. Most of the Respondents Choose and play the
Multiple Online Battle Arena.

Table 4.3 Benefits of Online Games to the Respondents

Benefits of Online Games Respondents Percentage

It gives me rest from stressful 32 64%

It enhances my critical thinking 14 28%

It widens my social circle 2 4%

It does not benefit me at all 2 4%

According to table 4.3 on Benefits of Online Games , Most of the Respondents voted for that it give rest
from stressful environment which constitutes to 32 votes, while some voted for It enhances the Critical
thinking skills which constitutes to 14 votes, also, some respondents choose It widens my social circle
which constitutes to 2 votes and the least votes are It does not give benefit at all which constitutes to 1
vote. Most of the Respondents Choose that it gives them rest from stressful environment.

Table 4.4 Reason of Playing online games most applies to the Respondents.

Reasons for playing online Respondents Percentage

I play to relieve stress 22 44%

I play socially (with friends or 16 32%

with strangers)

I play because of boredom 11 22%

Total: 50 100%
According to table 4.4 in Reasons of playing online games. Most of the Respondents voted for they play
online games to relieve stress in which constitutes to 22 votes, while some voted for It They play online
games socially in which constitutes to 16 votes, and the least votes are They play online games because
of boredom in which constitutes to 11 vote. Most of the Respondents Choose that they play to relieve

Table 4.5. Value of time spending on playing online games.

Value of time spending on Respondents Percentage

playing online games
3 25 50%

4 15 30%

5 6 12%

1 4 8%

Total: 50 100%

According to table 4.5 in Value of time spending on playing online games. Most of the Respondents
voted for the 3 some how Important to 25 votes, while some voted for 4 moderately important which
constitutes to 15 votes , Also some respondents for 5 highly important in which constitutes to 6 votes
and the least votes are 1 not important in which constitutes to 4 votes. Most of the Respondents voted
for they play 3 some how Important.

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