The Stone Age Readings

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The Earliest Humans and the Stone Age

1. Name the three phases of the Stone Age in chronological order. Provide one fact about
each phase
a. Mesolithic Paleolithic : Paleolithic
2. What type of lifestyle did hominins in the Neolithic Period practice, and why?
a. the nomadic, hunter-gatherer lifestyle
3. Name three types of early humans developed during the Paleolithic Period and what
each one means.
a. tools of stone, bone , and wood.

Tools and Artifacts of the Stone Age

1. How was fire important for hominins in the Stone Age?
a. Fire provided a source of warmth and lighting
2. What types of tools did early humans use in the Stone Age and how were they utilized?
a. Hammerstones are stone tools. Hammerstones were used chip other
stones into sharp-edged flakes. They also used hammerstones to break
apart nuts, seeds and bones and to grind clay into pigment.
3. How did early humans use sewing needles? What were they made of?
a. Sewing needles were made of animal bones, antlers and tusks tying
together animal skins.

Hunters, Gatherers, and Early Societies

1. What were hunter-gatherers?
a. Searched for food
2. What types of tools were used by hunter gatherers?
a. bow and arrow
3. Why did early Stone Age humans choose to migrate?
a. More food was available

Climate Change, Domestication of Animals, and Agriculture

1. How did climate change affect early humans?
a. cooling, drying, and wider climate fluctuations over time.
2. How did the domestication of animals enhance hominin life
a. It allowed for more permanent settlement as cattle provided a reliable

food and supply source.

3. What did agriculture do for the advancement of prehistoric humans?
a. allowed humans to create permanent settlements with the hope of a

stable food supply. This supporting question asks how changes and
innovations unfolded, keeping a specific focus on warming temperatures
and creation of hand tools for working with crops.

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