X-Bow & X-Stern Hull Lines: Studies, Documentation and Experiences

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2020- PAGE 2

The IP-protected and patented ULSTEIN X-BOW® is a rounded but Of importance to many cargo owners is also the protection and
pointed bow, normally with no bulb. For ships operating at higher integrity of cargo and equipment carried on deck.
speed, an integrated or conventional bulb can be arranged to
optimise the calm water resistance of vessels at constant draft. A most efficient speed-power relationship of a ship design solution
when at sea is paramount.
The extra space in the fore part of the vessel leads to higher
buoyancy. The vessel cleaves the waves, and slamming and Comfort is crucial, not only to crew’s and passengers’ welfare, but
vibrations are reduced, even eliminated in most cases. also when safety is concerned. Quality sleep before starting to
work is a critical feature before taking on demanding operations.
In bad weather there is normally no need to reduce speed, and time
tables are more easily held. Even with medium engine capacity Also, for a vessel on a mission, it is of high importance to keep
installed, the X-BOW® vessels can keep higher speed than compa- the time schedule. With the X-BOW®, the vessel can retain speed,
rable vessels with a conventional bow when in heavy seas. even in adverse weather, while maintaining comfort. The X-STERN™
feature also improves the infield mission operability.
The vessel will have more capacity in the bow area, space which
can be used for causes such as accommodation or extra storage. If speed and time tables are not the issues, but fuel consumption is,
An X-BOW® vessel will normally free up more hull space for cargo the vessel can slow down speed and save more fuel than com-
and/or equipment, compared to a more conventionally designed parative conventional-hull vessels, and at the same time reduce
vessel. Hence, more revenue making capability and capacity. emissions to air.


The X-BOW® was introduced to the market in 2005, and after ten years the bow has been implemented on a wide variety of vessels for an
even wider variety of ship owners. The first vessels were vessels in the Offshore Oil & Gas segment, such as anchor handling tug supply,
platform supply, rescue, seismic research, subsea construction, heavy lifters, inspection-maintenance-repair. In later years, there has been
a rise in demand for other types of vessels, including ultra-long-distance towing vessels, walk-to-work service operation/construction
sup-port vessels, subsea rock installation, exploration cruise vessels, RoPax ferries and yachts. Designs for fishing trawlers, and short sea
vessels, including smaller general dry cargo carriers, open hatch carriers, container feeders, heavy lifters, car carriers, and chemical and
gas carriers, have also been launched.

The X-STERN™ is inspired by the X-BOW® performances to achieve the same benefits for the aft ship in following seas. The sloping, higher
stern allows for a sharp stern shape in which the traditional flat transom plate is replaced by a tapered stern shape. The X-STERN™ was de-
veloped for vessels that can benefit from operating with their stern pointed towards the forces from the currents, waves and wind. The first
deliveries in 2016 and 2017 were for two Service Operation Vessels for the offshore wind industry and have since received excellent feed-
back for their operability. The X-STERN™ feature can also significantly reduce ship motions of any vessel transiting the high and harsh seas.

‘Windea La Cour’, the first vessel featuring an X-BOW® as well as the novel X-STERN™, was ordered by Bernhard Schulte Ship-
management, and delivered in 2016. The sister vessel, ‘Windea Leibniz’, delivered one year later, is X-BOW® vessel number 100.
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Smarter ships
The wider space in the fore part of the vessel increases the cargo carrying capacity and opens up to more flexible vessel solutions.
The X-BOW® hull leads to a significant reduction in spray, noise, vibrations and slamming. This increases the comfort for people on
board, and leads to uninterrupted rest for crews and passengers. Additionally, it allows the work to continue uninterruptedly even
in rough sea states. From a production perspective, the single curvature of the X-BOW®, in contrast to conventional bulbous bow
shapes, reduces the labour inputs. Reduced resistance leads to reduced fuel consumption. There will be more revenue-making per
cubic metre vessel. If speed is needed to carry out operations, the X-BOW® vessels will not need to slow down even in fairly rough
weather, which makes it easier to complete mission in scheduled time.

Safer ships
There will be less sea spray and green sea on deck due to the X-BOW®, also resulting in reduced risk of ice or slippery decks. The
X-BOW® hull makes it possible to get to the very forward of the vessel, the most attractive viewing spot, and still be well protected.
The deck load, cargo and equipment are sheltered and protected. Reduced accelerations and slamming mean less wear and tear
on people and equipment. Vibration and consequent noise are also reduced.
The X-BOW® with its shell structure and little double-curved hull plates represents a very robust and simplistic forward hull. The
intrinsic strength of a single-curved hull form makes it lighter, consequently requiring less internal stiffening structure and leaving
more space for protected mooring and anchor handling systems. This structure makes it easier for passage through ice-infested
waters without extra ice-strengthening.

Greener ships
With the reduced pitch and heave accelerations and speed loss in waves, power consumption can be substantially reduced.
This improves fuel efficiency and reduces harmful emissions.
The X-BOW® is one of Ulstein’s contributions to cleaner and more sustainable shipping operations.

Heavy lift ERRV Seismic research Rock installation


Long-distance tow Expedition cruise Offshore oil & gas Offshore wind / W2W
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Due to the different distribution of volume, the vessel will not be exposed to the heavy slamming forces observed on vessels
with flared bows in waves. This makes the motions more gentle, increasing crew comfort and their work efficiency whilst also
conserving energy by not decelerating as much as flared, bulbous bow solutions.

An X-BOW® vessel is less sensitive to changes in the vessel’s draught and speed with respect to its power-speed potential than
a conventionally flared, bulbous bow solution. This is an advantage for vessels which have large variations in displacement, trim
and speed over the duration of their operational profile. A conventional flared, bulbous bow is typically optimised for a specific
loading condition and narrow speed range.

The differences in power requirement for an X-BOW® featured vessel Power reduction,
compared to an equivalent conventional, bulbous bow vessel at sea are PSV with and without X-BOW®
significant and in favour of the X-BOW® vessel.

Two large platform supply vessels (PSVs) of identical size were tested.
The graph to the right reflects that at slow steaming speeds, 6 to 10
knots (typically, 12% of vessel’s operational life), an X-BOW® PSV vessel
has a power demand which is 8% lower than the conventional bulbous
bow vessel. At higher speeds, 14 to 16 knots (typically, 1% of vessel’s
operational life), the power difference will be around 7%.

The advantage of the X-BOW® vessel will vary with sea state conditions
and speed. For sea states above 2 metres significant waveheight (Hs),
the X-BOW® vessel outcompetes conventional ones. This situation (Hs
above 2 m) occurs typically, 7% of the time in the Gulf of Mexico,
typically, 77% in the North Atlantic (coast of Ireland), typically, 36% in the
South Atlantic (coast of Brazil), typically, 60% in the Norwegian Sea
(outside Lofoten) and typically, 13% in the Mediterranean Sea (outside


The graphs below present the results of a tank test comparison of two 208 m drillship units with X-BOW® and conventional bow, respectively.
The two graphs represent motions and acceleration of both units in bow quartering seas at zero speed. Because of the nature of its operations,
drillships spend most of their operational time in dynamic position, hence, zero speed.

Motions (left graph) and acceleration (right) in bow quartering seas at zero speed

Motions: Accelerations:
Overall, the motion behaviour of both vessels is comparable. However, The longitudinal acceleration levels are considerably lower for the
the roll of the X-BOW® is considerably less, where heave is slightly X-BOW®. The explanation can only be found in the bow shape, giving
higher. For higher waves, the pitch motions for the conventional bow less wave impact. The transverse accelerations are also lower for bow
become also higher. quartering sea states. The lower acceleration levels in the horizontal
plane lead to a higher comfort level on board. The accelerations in the
vertical direction are equal to a conventionally flared bow solution.
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The X-BOW® vessels have been tested in most weather conditions Ulstein has been a pioneer in the use of the facilities of Møre
by crews world-wide. Ocean Lab in Storfjorden. These facilities include buoys for real
time measurement of wave and current, and wind measure-
Quote from the Master of the AHTS vessel ‘Bourbon Orca’: ‘Less ment towers. These facilities create a natural environment where
shaking, it also means less vibration, less noise and less splash- Ulstein has run full scale tests of their vessels to calibrate initial
ing. There was no slamming and, therefore, no loss of speed. predictions and CFD calculations.
We could easily tow in bad weather conditions without the high So far, Ulstein has carried out four full scale tests on vessels with-
dynamic tension variations. In transit in head seas we kept high in the areas of platform supply, offshore wind service, cruise and
speed, floating on top of the waves, with substantially reduced RoPax. These analyses have been carried out to enhance Ulstein’s
heave movements and stamping.’ design capability and build up knowledge on how internalities and
externalities affect the performance of vessels in operation.

Documented statements from the Zaliv Shipyard:
“The labour inputs for producing parts and sections are reduced by
15% compared to conventional bulb-bows of other projects.
The costs for assembly, welding and bending rigging are halved, since
large numbers of bending templates, checking and marking works
are not necessary.
Opens up to a wide application of advanced methods of assembly
The PSV vessel ‘Bourbon Mistral’ and welding.
in rough conditions in the North Sea.
15% reduction in adjustment and fitting works when aligning in the
dock during forming of the hull owing to simplification of the form of
the outer shell butt joints.”
2004 Comprehensive resistance and seakeeping testing of
first X-BOW®, for AHTS vessel, tested at Marintek.
2006-14 The above has been followed up with several more
tank tests of various offshore vessels (PSVs, AHTS,
seismic research and offshore construction vessels)
2015 Offshore wind (SOV) SX175, tested at HSVA, Germany
2017 Cruise vessels, CX103/CX104, with/without an
integrated bulb, tested at SSPA, Sweden
2017 Yacht, tested at HSVA, Germany
2018 Factory stern trawler FX101, tested at Marintek, Norway

The photo below shows an SX148 design, a vessel for IMR, sur-
vey and light construction, being tested in irregular waves.

Tank tests are a significant investment and availability of model
test slots in the basin do not always match project deadlines. For
many purposes, CFD simulations become a powerful complemen-
tary approach, allowing the designer to understand the hydrody-
namic effects of a design change by analysis.
Ulstein has carried out three model tests comparing the perfor- Comprehensive correlation verifications have been carried out
mance of the X-BOW® with an equivalent conventional bulbous with tank tests as well as CFD analyses.
bow. The tests included calm water and seakeeping analyses.
2007 Short sea container vessel DX541 vs D541, tested at
Centrum Techniki Okretowej SA, Poland
2009 Platform supply vessel PX105 vs P105, tested at Stadt
Towing Tank AS, Norway
2010 Drillship XDS3600 vs DS3600, tested at MARIN, the
2010 General cargo carrier DX127 vs D127, tested at
Istanbul Technical University (ITU), Turkey
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The X-BOW® design allows a larger volume allocation in the forward area of the
vessel which, without penalising the resistance of the vessel (it is mostly above
waterline), increases the revenue making capability of the vessel. This revenue
making capability may be the result of larger cargo carrying capacity for a given
length of the vessel (more container carried, larger cargo holds, or larger
accommodation areas on a cruise vessel).
For a container vessel of 2000 TEU, an X-BOW® design provides a 4 to 10% higher
cargo carrying capacity compared to a vessel of equivalent size (LOA x B x D),
depending on the size of the vessel.


Ulstein has carried out tank tests for two equivalent container vessels of 188 m
length. The tests were carried out for multiple vessel speeds in the range of 11
to 20 knots and at several sea states, from calm water (Hs = 0 m) to fresh-gale
conditions (Hs = 6,5 m).

In nearly all conditions, the X-BOW® vessel outperformed the conventional bul-
bous flared bow vessel in terms of power requirement and little or no green sea
on deck. The difference between the two vessel increases as the speed and or
wave height increases.

Based on the tests performed, the benefits may be estimated as follows:

Speed/Power at various Hs as
i) For a given average transit speed, the X-BOW® yields 6-8% reduced powering Function of Speed (LOA 188 m)
needs; or corresponding to 6-8% reduced fuel consumption

ii) For a given powering, the X-BOW® yields 3-5% higher end revenue capability
per year, or 3-5% higher average transit speed, corresponding to 2-3% increased
transport capacity

The result is that an X-BOW® vessel may be designed with less installed power,
but still achieve the same average speed and annual transport work as a con-
ventionally bowed vessel.


The combination of higher revenue making capability with lower propulsion
resistance and a better seakeeping performance results in a better investment
for the ship owner.

The overall annual revenue capacity of an X-BOW® vessel, a container vessel in

this case, is increased by 6 to 13% (4 to 10% due to larger cargo areas, and 2 to
3% due to higher operational speed at sea in waves.)
In 2018 daily rates, this represents 570 to 1235 USD extra per day (average
dayrate for 2018 = 9500 USD/day).
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Seakeeping performance relates to the ability of a vessel (or floating unit) to respond to the environmental conditions (waves,
wind and current) while performing operations at sea. Vessels are designed to operate for different missions and operational
environments. Seakeeping criteria are therefore different from ship to ship and situation to situation.
A cruise vessel with the X-BOW® gives more space to hotel and cabin functions for a given ship length compared to a
conventional hull formed vessel. The X-BOW® also makes it easier to protected access to the bow of the vessel for excursion
viewing. The seakeeping criteria of a cruise vessel and the one of a construction vessel is different. The former relates to the
comfort and safety of the passengers onboard, while the latter reflects the ability to stay in position, with lower motions, over
long periods of time.

OPERABILITY OF OFFSHORE VESSELS Accelerations in CoG in bow quartering seas

at zero speed
Vessel operability in the design and operation of offshore vessels
relates mostly to the ability of a vessel to retain its position and carry
out operations given a set of limiting criteria.

Ulstein has evaluated the performance of the X-BOW® in a drill ship

vessel. The results shown in the figure represent the finding from a
tank test carried out for a 208 m drillship.

The longitudinal acceleration levels (blue lines) are considerably

lower for the X-BOW® . The explanation for this can only be found in
the bow shape, giving less wave impact.

The transverse accelerations (green lines) are also lower for bow
quartering sea states. The lower acceleration levels in the horizontal
plane lead to a higher comfort level on board. The accelerations in
the vertical direction (red lines) are almost equal.



1. High bow impact forces and slamming, inducing excessive accelerations, vibrations and risk of structural fatigue,
causing frequent voluntary speed reductions
2. Waves reflected forward, absorbing energy and causing speed loss
3. Waves inducing excessive heave motions, absorbing energy and causing speed loss.


4. No spray and green seas, offering better cargo protection and safer deck operations
5. Reduced bow impact forces and slamming.
6. Waves gently deflected around the hull, reducing impact loads, minimising speed loss and enhancing fuel efficiency
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Ulstein has, among other studies, carried out a case study on a 160 m container feeder vessel, and proven that the X-BOW®
allows for reduced powering, or higher transit speed, or a combination of the two.

Considering the sample vessel (Loa 160 m, 9,000 kW, 18 kts) and taking into account the wave probability distribution for the North Atlantic and
World-Wide trade respectively, the commercial benefits may be estimated as such:


For a given average transit speed, the X-BOW® will allow for reduced For a given powering, the X-BOW® would allow for higher average
powering: transit speed:
- North Atlantic: 1,100 kW less (~11%) - North Atlantic: 0.7 knots higher transit speed (~5%)
- World Wide: 600 kW less (~6%) - World Wide: 0.4 knots higher transit speed (~3%)


Reduced powering would provide for reduced fuel consumption: Higher average transit speed will correspond to increased transport
- North Atlantic: 4.4 t less per 24 h (~11%) capacity:
- World Wide: 2.4 t less per 24 h (~6%) - North Atlantic: 12.3 days equivalent per year (~3%)
- World Wide: 6.2 days equivalent per year (~2%)

ULSTEIN X-BOW ® - Commercial Benefits (sample vessel)

The diagram below shows X-BOW® benefits in North Atlantic trade (Loa 160 m, 9,000 kW, 18 kts vessel).

Converting these benefits into monetary figures yield the following results:

The following parameters have been applied:

- Lower – upper fuel oil price: 300 – 600 USD/t.

- Lower – upper TC rate: 10,000 – 20,000 USD/day.
- Vessel value = 30 mUSD, annual off-hire 10 days, port time 40%,
discount rate 7%, calculation period 25 years.
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The X-BOW®, introduced in 2005, has been implemented in more than 100 vessels of various
types. All features related to the X-BOW® are equally relevant to the X-STERN™, a similar solution
for the aft end of the vessel, and introduced in 2015.


Quote from the senior DP operator on the SOV vessel ‘Windea La Cour’:

‘This is the very first vessel with the X-STERN™ aft solution.

If the weather is not too adverse, the ship will stay on the spot at site with two thrusters running, which leads to
substantial reduction in fuel consumption, instead of keeping the vessel in full DP.

With the stern towards the weather, we experience absolutely no slamming and vibrations, not even when we
are in transfer, and people love it. They get complete rest in between their maintenance shifts.’

The X-STERN™ has been successfully introduced into the offshore wind energy market. Offshore wind
service vessels need to operate in a flexible, controlled and comfortable manner for their clients. The
X-STERN™ has also been implemented in other vessel design segments, such as exploration cruise and
cable laying.
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The X-STERN™ shape and its high freeboard design provides less spray and probability of green water on deck, and enables safe operations in
higher waves, increasing operability while stern to weather. Directional stability astern is better and less manoeuvring is needed, hence less fuel
consumption and emissions. The resistance of the vessel when in transit is up to 28% lower at certain relevant loading conditions. Operating
stern to weather requires 60% less power than for a conventional, transom stern arranged vessel. The main reason is the fact that the most
powerful thrusters of the vessel are located here.

The X-STERN™ feature also contributes to the reduction of the rolling motion of the vessel. A CFD analysis indicated a roll motion reduction on
the range of 7%.

Resistance at design draught Resistance at trial draught

Based on the results of a CFD analysis on a service operation vessel (SOV), the resistance in calm water is 28% lower hull resistance in forward
sailings and 60% in astern sailing for an X-STERN™ vessel compared to a conventional, transom stern vessel.


Vessel operability Wave response

Vessel flexibility in heading Fuel oil consumption
Safety and crew comfort Environmental footprint
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• Project making
• Analysis and business case development
• Ship design - Norwegian design & quality - portfolio of designs
• Shipbuilding - Where to build? How to build?
• Design & equipment packages - Pre-qualified and proven technology
• Site support and commissioning services
• Vessel life cycle support


Ulstein Group is a family owned group of companies offering a wide range of ship designs, equipment packages,
shipbuilding and maritime solutions.

We deliver award-winning vessels of Norwegian quality designs and standards. We have a solid, 100-year experience in
shipbuilding, and are renown for punctual deliveries of high-quality vessels to the agreed price.

We offer a portfolio of designs and equipment packages for a wide range of segments. Our thorough marketing and vessel
concept design solution analyses make a solid foundation for developing outstanding adventures and performances in an
ever more competitive market.

Contact us for a consultation and get your specific market review.

TEL. +47 7000 8000
Nothing in this e-book shall be construed as a warranty or representation by the Ulstein Group as to the validity or scope of
the X-BOW® and/or the X-STERN™ Intellectual Property Rights.

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